This is how we help. We have to help. We have to think. We have to help. It will help us all in the end. It will help Asia and Europe and North America. This is the only weapon, this basic income or universal unconditional minimum income support in this global socioeconomic guerrilla warfare. We have to help. We have to think. This is rather serious. Human lives are involved. It will help the white people primarily or else we will have problems like Randall, Ohio which is, per capita, a microcosm of the socio economic problems affecting North America that is now suffering from a lack of universal unconditional minimum income support. We have to help them. Money is the best way to enforce Leviticus and keep a dignified critical separation for market maintenance; money for a healthy demarcation. Asians have, on average, $50,000.00 more consumer buying power per citizen every year. This is provided through their universal unconditional minimum income support. Every North American citizen must have the same consumer buying power annually and as soon as possible so we can have an equally powerful consumer market. Is dying now due to the mass joblessness occasioned by automation. This is good for everyone. We have all these brown, black and yellow people here from Asia and Africa helping us with their Asian and African minimum income support buying power. Just choose where you stand in the economy. Are you the customer, consumer or the service provider and business owner? Either way, you need to have enough money in your economy to make your time and energy worthwhile. Did you know that demand side economics explains the power of a universal unconditional minimum income support? You input a little money to keep up demand for goods when robotic automation has reduced jobs and created joblessness that reduces money availability for most citizens that also reduces market demand for the robotically made goods. The jobs disappeared, the money disappeared and then the people disappeared. Shopping malls like the great mall in Randall, Ohio and similar tremendous Consumer epics also disappeared. People want them and there is an emotional demand for these goods but we need cash availability demand that buys the goods; not just car commercial lip smacking and finger licking and car dealership drool. We want to see consumer demand that takes form in deposits for new apartments, cars and other items or demand in terms of new loans to finish the purchase of these items. This is market demand and without it, towns disappear with the people who disappeared then the shops and dealerships disappear. Demand for goods goes up, however, when a little money is provided to each citizen to inocculate them from the technological automation in every aspect of the industrial job and service job processes. New jobs are created by the increase in demand for goods. But, without it the manufactured products stay as just supply that is not connecting with oaying money demand for goods. As such, people are the first priority in all government spending are just as important to the urban landscape as the trees,curbs, benches, pathways and parks. ////////// In Covid pre election 2021, The Democrats were good to Ressurect the old FDR legislation that provides direct minimum income support stimulus to any American citizen that is unemployed. This was good and there is more to do. The incumbent did not veto the bill and approved the $600.00 per week but then reduced it to $400.00per week. The sales tax at 30% covers the cost and it should be given to everyone. It could have been solved in a day usually. The next issue is to ask how long it took to solve the problem and why? So, we have an incumbent from a state where most malls have closed in places like Batavia and that other town like Rochester where there is now no universal unconditional minimum income support and maybe he can see that the contender comes from a minimum income support state like Delaware. The incumbent has time to turn the water on in his home state. Was he hoping to buy all the dead malls in New York State? Was he intending to buy all of Batavia? The issue with the US economy is not activity and maybe 24 activity that apologises for the lack of jobs and the lack of economic participants due to the lack of jobs. The problem is activity that generates captureable revenue for the government in the form of a nondiscriminatory, non impactual sales tax at 30% that covers all the national expenditures as the other sources of government revenue have become less reliable as automation has induced a joblessness. This sales tax can be grabbed right at the till in most cases as the cash registers tabulate it for the retailer and the government. //////////// Did you know the 2020 election is financial management minimum income support contest? I cannot presume what it's like to walk in a white man's shoes when this white man is from Delaware where they had a universal minimum income support since 1930. Black lives matter so long as the killer is not a black member of your family I suppose or is not a socioeconomically unresponsive political candidate. I'm moving to Vermont or Delaware. ////////// Did you ever see the black guy who asked for enough authority by becoming a eunuch to pretend that he was a masters in business and a law school graduate to then harass and kill real black graduates and their families incessantly twenty years in addition to robbing the bank everyday before he would just take his authority and ask to be a member of the town council with a salary of $200,000.00 and just love his fag high school sweatheart chick that had no punanny? That is anthropology. That is not right. That's not right!!! His mother was a light skinned black woman who could just pass for white when she pressed out her afro and wore a wig and was asked to verify before letting them into the school building what black people and their mother could guess the number of jelly beans in a jar or what feminine creature had a womb and eggs or what cop had a shower in the morning or at night or maybe every two days like most real European people. The truth is we could still have fun with this American identity crisis and all this race stupidity when every American has a proper universal unconditional minimum income support that satisfies the conditions of a dignified human life. Let's add some work to that as unarmed public presence safety auxiliary officers all over the country. This is not a free essay for you to claim as your own. It's an on- going entertaining identity crisis in American life, stuffing original gulla Aborigine, Sioux, Cheyenne and Mohican into Black and white using some European, Eskimo, Asian and African genetic admixtures. In Star Wars(1977), you were told you'll be dead; if you don't follow the Massachusetts economy. It's an on going Aborigine/ Amerindian identity crisis in American life. Ain't nobody worried about you boo; it's all good in America. It's all good; shoo! You feel me! But, the rest and break from the identity crisis is when the idiot provoking experiential differences in life experiences and attainment is interrupted by the shock and awe, by the block buster or by terror maybe in movies like JAWS where we are just all the same, purely human when there is no difference in your fear and your response; your reaction so then terror, shock and awe becomes the idiot American's bond of unity; like the good old days when Custer was tearing up the Aborigine /Amerindian American family, wreaking havoc. I would prefer apple pie and ice cream over shock and awe and shaka sauce. But, I don't mind my Cuban curry goat and salsa with Empanada and rice and peas. Sometimes it seems as if the mass victimization would concur subconsciously that a minimum income support will say Julius Caesar is getting away with his murders and papering over the deaths too efficiently so you resists him, trying to holds him back. Watching C&N is not unlike watching a recitation or the mimicking of a man panic in the drivers seat of a new vehicle with just a start button and he has no ability to read the manual, something intrinsically American and post modern in the year 2020. The apologetic excitement of a capable Black Aborigine getting the top job or a trailer park celebrity type, mathematically dunce but verbally astute, manipulative (Jackmaster of all egos) aborigine white guy or gal; as if they are supposed to be the social class bandaid and saviour is just tired now, just as tired as a pop tart you see is no longer really exciting for breakfast and then you are still not getting what you need and you are trodden on by your self and your people; for the people by the people because you dont know what are your rightful legal expectations. Who is the candidate vs the military and the government? The governrment officers and the military took their oaths so you are not supposed to be waiting to find out if the newcomer, the challenger or the incumbent understand that poisoning the drinking water is a criminal offence or that disenfranchising citizens is a criminal offence involving an abuse of power, an abuse of based on race or complexion, I should say, since you are all aborigine living in America by now. I really do love white people who are victims of what is going on. See the Ozark. The Europeans say implement a universal minimum income support to help the demand side of the economy and the economic equation as to balance out the billions spent on the supply side with all the automation and robotification. I really do love white people. The Hadrian dna in you resists if the European says $22,000.00 is a good idea for all of Otario. You put in $20,000.00 but only in the northern regions. You kept the sales tax low when the Europeans said implement a sales tax of 30%. You seem to be claustrophobic as if you have a lot of real citizens or you imagine too many real citizens or something. Your Anglo community is disappearing as you argue while you bring more immigrants. You seem to be fixated on a second generation African boy who graduated at the top of his Law School in Chicago but why? He's not aborigine. He's African. Black lives matter anyway even if he was aborigine or half West Indian and Half African. But, about half your territory is occupied by foreign nationals. Yet, it seems Politicians pray and seek wisdom as they are truly hired or elected to be responsive and listen to the electors about what the country needs, what the people need in this moment as the hour grows late. Maybe the challenger Joe rides to ISAFgard to see the head of his order. There is an order against every North American country for non- compliance with various UN ILO recommendations and they are paying the fines at $100,000.00 every day; for the last four years that amounts to nearly $144,000,000.00 but you could still send money to the UN ILO as a donation if you want when the sales tax revenue is 30% on every dollar(a $1.00 ice cream is a $1.30 with sales tax). It doesn't work any longer when it is evident there is something really wasteful and stupid going on. Would it be that a less negroid aborigine but certainly brown and diverse population is the idiot goal as this secret cheerleader of Anglo white and Anglo Black aborigine Anglo depopulation seeks acceptance from her imaginary, self- created, non-existent yet inhumane God that they believe will only accept her particular vision of what a perfect aborigine will look like? There is something to this. A lot of energy is being spent on this unusual insidious projection of her problems with self acceptance, a projection of her own self rejection upon the entire world and it would all go away if she could have it that she was born really and fully white because as an aboriginal, the only real safe place is a place called authority and for her, the world is whatever she learns as she goes along. There is no truth, imprint or patterning of Egypt or ancient Israel or ancient Japan or the Taj Mahal running through her soul. I would never change my skin or hope to be white because all that says is I am ignorant; maybe an ignorant white that emerged as a black. Authority for me is an Ottoman Emperor, a biblical king in Babylon, Persia, Egypt or Israel or some other kind of King whose non-racialised minimum income support economy is a trophy celebrating his wisdom. The North American politicians demonstrate either a deliberate intention or a lack of comprehension occasioned by a lack of preparation. But, this is how you run the economy to help Europe, help yourselves, help your people and help Asia; you implement a 30% sales tax, a universal minimum income support at no less than $50,000.00 without asset ownership limitations like all Asian countries because it limits economic activity. She is learning all she is told from television and then feeding it back into her surroundings. Her most immediate tool for this learning and adaptation is television and television does not start at the pyramid of Giza. It starts maybe at a news anchor like Bernard Shaw; a black man. Then, you see a black man as a police officer but maybe you see more white news anchor and white police officers that is digested as more white authority; or as AUTHORITY associated with that tribe with the white eyes since the aboriginal will make observations of associative differences and categorize them tribally. White might be AUTHORITY but as the movie the BIG SHORT indicates, it does not mean White isn't self destructively ignorant. The automation took away the ability to continue as a participant in those dreamy, dreary aspects of the North American life like the mortgage and the car payment. But, it's not something that Lex Scripta could not fix. You see, if you plagiarized MLK and Malcolm X to get into Academia, you need to plagiarise an economy like Japan's economy or maybe Quwait's economy if the skin of the people you plagiarise must be brown. Is the problem some residual 1430 Columbus dna who works out to be the cut throat social climber who would kill 10 siblings or demean and sabotage 10 siblings to be the only one; who would intimidate you and threaten you out of your legal career and your home and wear your clothes to say he is the barrister and master and you are but the servant. He would sabotage a family, a church and an economy with subtle subconscious workings. This is what is transpiring in our socioeconomics and in our socio-legal experience as someone with some influence was asked to go and engineer what she thinks the world or North America should look like maybe once so that she might be happy and the more time she spent, she realised she wasn't happy and that she does not speak Arabic, French or Chinese and that what she needed was community and that she has only engaged in devaluing herself, her genome ans her own people; white and black aborigine as she has had her hour at socio-legal engineering and she failed when she did not have enough education just to understand herself above and beyond her more guttural, unchastened emotions as the black West Indian aborigine more insidious Custer from hell with billions of dollars wasted in national reserve dollars, Gulf wars to kill off the white and black Americans, interrupting families and in millions of hours of human resources and human capability. Our world economy and our global politics is spinning centrifugally around her self hatred. But, she has the gift of gab though as she watched all of Perry Mason; smack down baby!!!! But, to maintain her authority she cannot admit that she made a mistake and is likely to watch every grade 12 student's career with great interest in the fear that they might understand something from watching a documentary or from reading a Time magazine or maybe the Atlantic Monthly; maybe see it's just a grade 12 dropout from 1936 who is running the whole world and who robbed the bank for four years around Virginia and Maryland, evading detection and justice by driving over the state line to avoid arrest when he could have moved to Massachusetts where he was offered a wife after he lost his job but didn't feel big enough without a job bit they had a universal minimum income support in Massachusetts; enough to give a family dignity and then her family was going to help him with a patrol man job down by the war maybe 15 hours a week so he does not feel awkward at church. However, running an economy into the ground is the best evidence of this abomination of desolation. Even it is the best evidence, you are not beyond prosecution and maybe changing altitude is better than a plane crash if it's about preserving your identity. Changing course is better than running a ship aground. Maybe the message was to say you needed enough authority to say the bible's message about character and evil is really true and that Herod and Saul certainly existed. Thank you for your ministry. Jesus; it seems you have turned Jesus into a culture that wallpapers over your unchastened emotions of jealousy and your Herodian ancestral proclivity but maybe you will add to this culture a commitment to love your neighbour as you love yourself as only the blood of Jesus covers a multitude of American genocidal ignorances, confusion and levitical faddism. As propagating Leviticus is everything, give all the North Americans enough minimum income support to rent an apartment, buy food, clothing, wash and be clean. This would be impressive. We don't know but the North American economy is evidence of an on going planned recession; the big short. We have all been through quite a lot; three world wars that includes the seven years war of the 18th century. It is all unusual as only an Amerindian would be willing to put up with life in North America possibly due to an innate desire to eat, live and sleep near ancestral fishing grounds in a new less targeted Islamic, Hindu or Asian culture and only an Amerindian would be willing with the current under funding turning North America into the ghetto of the global communities as there is insufficient and inconsistent minimum income support to defend, protect and enable the population regardless of race to participate in the economies. These new rebranded Amerindians in the global centrifuge of needing to be accepted arriving from the Middle East, Africa and Asia certainly have a minimum income support from their new culture (you thought they would thank you but it's too cold to open the door and say hello..Salaam Alekum, Namaste ) to survive the evident and illegal effort at genocide using ineffective socioeconomics to attack and target the North American White and Black population, blaming them as if they did not work hard enough at the GM plant in Ohio. It is not that they did not work hard enough. The human work force cannot compete with the capitalist efficiency made available through automation. We have not called the Japanese lazy and responsible for the automation that our car market called for and nor can we pretend from Washington that North Americans do not understand that Dunkin Donuts, Ford Broncos, Budweiser and pizzas cost money. Be careful out there. However, their governments have funded their population in response to automation just as hard, cold American capitalism and global capitalism called for this funding. Mr. W. Very Nicegood FSJ. WLRE

 This is how we help.  We have to help.  We have to think. We have to help.  It will help us all in the end. It will help Asia and Europe and North America. This is the only weapon, this basic income or universal unconditional minimum income support in this global socioeconomic guerrilla warfare.    We have to help.  We have to think.  This is rather serious.  Human lives are involved.    It will help the white people primarily or else we will have problems like Randall, Ohio which is, per capita,  a microcosm of the socio economic problems affecting North America that is now  suffering from a lack of universal unconditional minimum income support.     We have to help them.    Money is the best way to enforce Leviticus and keep a dignified critical  separation for market maintenance; money for a healthy demarcation.       Asians have, on average,  $50,000.00 more consumer buying power per citizen every year.  This is provided through their universal unconditional minimum income support.   Every North American citizen  must have the same consumer buying power annually and as soon as possible so we can  have an  equally powerful consumer market. Is dying now due to the mass joblessness occasioned by automation.   This is good for everyone.  We have all these brown, black  and yellow people here from Asia and Africa helping us with their Asian and African minimum income support buying power.      Just choose where you stand in the economy.  Are you the customer, consumer  or the service provider and business owner?    Either way, you need to have enough money in your economy to make your time and energy worthwhile.   Did you know that demand side economics explains the power of a universal unconditional minimum income support?  You input a little money to keep up demand for goods when robotic automation has reduced jobs and created joblessness that reduces money availability for most citizens that also reduces market demand for the robotically made goods. The jobs disappeared, the money disappeared and then the people disappeared. Shopping malls like the great  mall in Randall, Ohio  and similar tremendous Consumer epics also disappeared.  

People want them and there is an emotional demand for these goods but we need cash availability demand that buys the goods; not just car commercial lip smacking and finger licking and car dealership drool. We want to see consumer demand that takes form in deposits for new apartments, cars and other items or demand in terms of new loans to finish the purchase of these items.    This is market demand and without it, towns disappear with the people who disappeared then the shops and dealerships disappear.  Demand for goods goes up, however,  when a little money is provided to each citizen to inocculate them from the technological automation  in every aspect of the industrial job and service job processes.    New jobs are created by the increase in demand for goods. But, without it the manufactured products stay as just supply that is not connecting with oaying money demand for goods.   As such, people are the first priority in all government spending are just as important to the urban landscape as the trees,curbs, benches, pathways and parks.   


In Covid pre election 2021,   The Democrats were good to Ressurect the old FDR legislation that provides direct minimum income support stimulus to any American citizen that is unemployed. This was good and there is more to do. The incumbent did not veto the bill and approved the $600.00 per week but then reduced it to $400.00per week.  The sales tax at 30% covers the cost and it should be given to everyone.  It could have been solved in a day usually.  The next issue is to ask how long it took to solve the problem and why?   So, we have an incumbent from a state where most malls have closed in places like Batavia and that other town like Rochester where there is now no universal unconditional minimum income support and maybe he can see that the contender comes from a minimum income support state like Delaware.  The incumbent has time to turn the water on in his home state.  Was he hoping to buy all the dead malls in New York State? Was he intending to buy all of Batavia?    The issue with the US economy is not activity and maybe 24 activity that apologises for the lack of jobs and the lack of economic participants due to the lack of jobs. The problem is activity that generates captureable revenue for the government in the form of a nondiscriminatory, non impactual sales tax at 30% that covers all the national expenditures as the other sources of government revenue have become less reliable as automation has induced a joblessness.     This sales tax can be grabbed right at the till in most cases as the cash registers tabulate it for the retailer and the government.   


Did you know the 2020 election is financial management minimum income support contest?  I cannot presume what it's like to walk in a white man's shoes when this white man is from Delaware where they had a universal minimum income support since 1930.   Black lives matter so long as the killer is not a black member of your family  I suppose or is not a  socioeconomically unresponsive political candidate. I'm moving to Vermont or Delaware.     


Did you ever see the black guy who asked for enough authority by becoming a eunuch to pretend that he was a masters in business and a law school graduate to then harass and kill real black graduates and their families incessantly twenty years in addition to robbing the bank everyday before he would just take his authority and ask to be a member of the town council with a salary of $200,000.00 and just love his fag high school sweatheart chick that had no punanny?     That is anthropology. That is not right. That's not right!!!  His mother was a light skinned black woman who could just pass for white when she pressed out her afro and wore a wig and was asked to verify before letting them into the school building what black people and their mother could guess the number of jelly beans in a jar or what feminine creature had a womb and eggs or what cop had a shower in the morning or at night or maybe every two days like most real European people. The truth is we could still have fun with this American identity crisis and all this race stupidity when every American has a proper universal unconditional minimum income support that satisfies the conditions of a dignified human life.  Let's add some work to that as unarmed public presence  safety auxiliary officers all over the country. 

 This is not a free essay for you to claim as your own.  It's an on- going entertaining identity crisis in American life, stuffing original gulla Aborigine,  Sioux, Cheyenne and Mohican into Black and white using some European, Eskimo, Asian and African genetic admixtures.   In Star Wars(1977), you were told you'll be dead; if you don't follow the Massachusetts economy.   It's an on going  Aborigine/ Amerindian identity crisis in American life.  Ain't nobody worried about you boo; it's all good in America. It's all good; shoo!  You feel me! But, the rest and break  from the identity crisis is when the idiot provoking experiential differences in life experiences and attainment is interrupted by the shock and awe, by the block buster or by terror maybe in movies like JAWS where we are just all the same, purely human when there is no difference in your fear and your response; your reaction so then terror, shock and awe becomes the idiot American's bond of unity; like the good old  days when Custer was tearing up the Aborigine /Amerindian American family, wreaking havoc.    I would prefer apple pie and ice cream over shock and awe and shaka sauce. But, I don't mind my Cuban curry goat and salsa with Empanada and rice and peas.   Sometimes it seems as if  the mass victimization would concur subconsciously that a minimum income support will say Julius Caesar is getting away with his murders and papering over the deaths too efficiently so you resists him, trying to holds him back.    Watching C&N is not unlike watching a recitation or the mimicking of a man panic in the drivers seat of a new vehicle with just a start button and he has no ability to read the manual, something intrinsically American and post modern in the year 2020.    The apologetic excitement of a capable  Black Aborigine getting the top job or a trailer park celebrity type, mathematically dunce but verbally astute, manipulative (Jackmaster of all egos) aborigine white  guy or gal;  as if  they are supposed to be the social class bandaid and saviour is just tired now, just as tired as a  pop tart  you see is  no longer really exciting for breakfast and then you are still not getting what you need and you are trodden on by your self and your people; for the people by the people because you dont know what are your rightful legal expectations.  Who is the candidate vs the military and the government?  The governrment officers and the military took their oaths so you are not supposed to be waiting to find out if the newcomer, the challenger or the incumbent understand that poisoning the drinking water is a criminal offence or that disenfranchising citizens  is a  criminal offence involving an abuse of power, an abuse of  based on race or complexion, I should say,  since you are all aborigine living in America by now. I really do love white people who are victims of what is going on.  See the Ozark.   The Europeans say implement a universal minimum income support to help the demand side of the economy and the economic equation as to balance out the billions spent on the supply side with all the automation and robotification.   I really do love white people.  The Hadrian dna in you resists if the European says $22,000.00 is a good idea for all of Otario.  You put in $20,000.00 but only in the northern regions.  You kept the sales tax low when the Europeans said implement a sales tax of 30%.   You seem to be claustrophobic as if you have a lot of real citizens  or you imagine  too many real citizens or something.   Your Anglo community is disappearing as you argue while  you bring more immigrants.   You seem to be fixated on a second generation African boy who graduated at the top of his Law School in Chicago but why?  He's not aborigine. He's African.  Black lives matter anyway even if he was aborigine or half West Indian and Half African.   But, about half your territory is occupied by foreign nationals.      Yet,  it seems  Politicians pray and seek wisdom as they are truly hired or elected to be responsive and listen to the electors about what the country needs, what the people need in this moment as the hour grows late. Maybe the challenger Joe  rides to ISAFgard  to see the head of his order.  There is an order against every North American country for non- compliance with various  UN ILO recommendations and they are paying the fines at $100,000.00 every day; for the last four years that amounts to nearly $144,000,000.00 but you could still send money to the UN ILO as a donation if you want when the sales tax revenue is 30% on every dollar(a $1.00 ice cream is a $1.30 with sales tax).  It doesn't work any longer when it is evident there is something really wasteful and stupid going on.   Would it be that  a less negroid aborigine but certainly brown and diverse  population is the idiot goal as this secret cheerleader of  Anglo white and Anglo Black  aborigine Anglo depopulation seeks acceptance from her  imaginary, self- created,  non-existent yet inhumane God that they believe will only accept her particular vision of what a perfect aborigine will look like?    There is something to this.  A lot of energy is being spent on this unusual insidious projection of her problems with self acceptance, a projection of her own self rejection upon the entire world and it would all go away if she could have it that she was born really and fully white because as an aboriginal, the only real safe place is a place called authority and for her, the world is whatever she learns as she goes along.  There is no truth, imprint or patterning of Egypt or ancient Israel or ancient Japan or the Taj Mahal  running through her soul.  I would never change my skin or hope to be white because all that says is I am ignorant; maybe an ignorant white that emerged as a black.   Authority for me is an Ottoman Emperor, a biblical king in Babylon, Persia,  Egypt  or Israel or some other kind of King whose non-racialised minimum income support economy is a trophy celebrating his wisdom.   The North American politicians demonstrate either a deliberate intention or a lack of comprehension occasioned by a lack of preparation.   But, this is how you run the economy to help Europe, help yourselves, help your people  and help Asia; you implement a 30% sales tax, a universal minimum income support at no less than $50,000.00 without asset ownership limitations like all Asian countries because it limits economic activity.    She is learning all she is told from television  and then feeding it back into her surroundings. Her most immediate tool for this learning and adaptation is television and television does not start at the pyramid of Giza. It starts maybe at a news anchor   like Bernard Shaw; a black man.  Then, you see a black man as a police officer but maybe you see more white news anchor and white police officers that is digested as more white authority; or as AUTHORITY associated with that tribe with the white eyes since the aboriginal will make observations of associative differences and categorize them tribally. White might be AUTHORITY but as the movie the BIG SHORT indicates, it does not mean White isn't self destructively ignorant. The automation took away the ability to continue as a participant in those dreamy, dreary aspects of the North American life like the mortgage and the car payment.   But, it's not something that Lex Scripta could not fix. You see, if you plagiarized MLK and Malcolm X to get into Academia, you need to plagiarise an economy like Japan's economy or maybe Quwait's economy if the skin of the people you plagiarise must be brown.   Is the problem some residual 1430 Columbus dna who works out to be the cut throat social climber who would kill 10 siblings or demean and sabotage 10 siblings to be the only one; who would intimidate you and threaten you out of your legal career and your home and wear your clothes  to say he is the barrister and master and you are but  the servant.  He would sabotage a family, a church and an economy with subtle subconscious workings.     This is what is transpiring in our socioeconomics and in our socio-legal experience as someone with some influence was asked to go and engineer what she thinks the world or North America should look like maybe once so that she might be happy and the more time she spent, she realised she wasn't happy and that she does not speak Arabic, French or Chinese and that what she needed was community and that she has only engaged in devaluing herself, her genome ans her own people; white and black aborigine as she has had her hour at socio-legal engineering and she failed when she did not have enough education just to understand herself above and beyond her more guttural, unchastened emotions as the black West Indian aborigine more insidious Custer  from hell with billions of dollars wasted in national reserve dollars, Gulf wars to kill off the white and black Americans, interrupting families and in millions of hours of human resources and human capability. Our world economy and our global politics is spinning centrifugally around her self hatred. But, she has the gift of gab though as she watched all of Perry Mason; smack down baby!!!!    But, to maintain her authority she cannot admit that she made a mistake and is likely to watch every grade 12 student's career with great interest in the fear that they might understand something from watching a documentary or from reading a Time magazine  or maybe the Atlantic Monthly; maybe see it's just a grade 12 dropout from 1936 who is running the whole world and who robbed the bank for four years around Virginia and Maryland, evading detection and justice by driving over the state line to avoid arrest when he could have moved to Massachusetts where he was offered a wife after he lost his job but didn't feel big enough without a job bit they had a universal minimum income support in Massachusetts; enough to give a family dignity and then her family was going to help him with a patrol man job down by the war maybe 15 hours a week so he does not feel awkward at church.   However, running an economy into the ground is the best evidence of this abomination of desolation. Even it is the best evidence, you are not beyond prosecution and maybe changing altitude is better than a plane crash if it's about preserving your identity.  Changing course is better than running a ship aground.  Maybe the message was to say you needed enough authority to say the bible's message about character and evil is really true and that Herod and Saul certainly existed. Thank you for your ministry. Jesus;  it seems you have turned Jesus into a culture that wallpapers over  your  unchastened emotions of jealousy and your Herodian ancestral proclivity but maybe you will add to this culture a commitment to love your neighbour as you love yourself as only the blood of Jesus covers  a multitude of American genocidal ignorances, confusion and levitical faddism. As propagating Leviticus is everything, give all the North Americans enough minimum income support to rent an apartment, buy food, clothing,  wash and be clean.   This would be impressive.   We don't know but the North American economy is evidence of an on going planned recession; the big short.      We have all been through quite a lot; three world wars that includes the seven years war of the 18th century.  It is all unusual as only an Amerindian would be willing to put up with life in North America possibly due to an innate desire to eat, live and sleep near ancestral fishing grounds in a new less targeted Islamic, Hindu or Asian culture and only an Amerindian would be willing with the current under funding turning North America into the ghetto of the global communities as there is insufficient and inconsistent minimum income support to defend, protect and enable the population regardless of race to participate in the economies.  These new rebranded Amerindians in the global centrifuge of needing to be accepted arriving from the Middle East, Africa and Asia certainly have a minimum income support from their new culture (you thought they would thank you but it's too cold to open the door and say hello..Salaam Alekum, Namaste ) to survive the evident and illegal effort at genocide using ineffective socioeconomics to attack and target the North American White and Black population, blaming  them as if they did not work hard enough at the GM plant in Ohio. It is not that they did not work hard enough.   The human work force cannot compete with the capitalist efficiency made available through automation.  We have not called the Japanese lazy and responsible for the automation that our car market called for and nor can we pretend from Washington that North Americans do not understand that Dunkin Donuts, Ford Broncos, Budweiser and pizzas cost money. Be careful out there.      However, their governments have funded their population in response to automation just as hard, cold American capitalism and global capitalism called for this funding.        

Mr. W.  Very Nicegood





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