There may be a certain degree of risk or life threatening work that, to the Aboriginal, is Anthropologically, subconsciously considered necessary in finding the resources necessary to satisfy the Maslow-Lyon hierarchy of needs involving the sustenance. You beat or shoot the deer. Then you beat or shoot the bank manager or maybe the cash could just arrive automatically in a tacit sociopolitical agreement that says you are all healthy as you agree to receive a universal minimum income support. Covid 19 is also some kind of tacit unwritten agreement that says if you try and access your 401k, you seem to end up reported as Covid dead on CNEN like Nixon's barber in New Jersey. The Maslow-Lyon Hierarchy says money is not the top physiological need in the hierarchy of needs discussed by Maslow but money is the top need socioeconomically above all else in satisfying all other needs in the Maslow-Lyon hierarchy of needs. Work used to be how we obtain money. It may not be the way in which most people secure the money they require maintain life due to the causality of joblessness occasioned by automation so we agree by convention that a socioeconomic programme called universal unconditional minimum income support is necessary for all citizens; also known as a basic income or Bolsa Familia in Brazil. Yet, man cannot love by bread alone but every word that comes from the mouth of God and as much as Abel was honored for hunting and barebcueing fresh gazelle meat, Cain is infamous for the murder predicated on the emotion of jealousy for God's approval and acceptance but you too,if you do what is right, you will certainly be accepted. This means you dont have to hunt to eat. You can buy the cow steaks and the vegetables. You are not losing any part of yourself or your culture in having money but if you want to hunt or raise livestock, you are welcome. You are celebrated. You are accepted. The answer now for acceptance above and beyond the notion of men eating by the sweat of their brow is the Godly, Civic 19 wisdom seen in 2nd Chronicles 31 where we agree our society and modern robotic automated labor culture affords us a universal unconditional minimum income support to satisfy all Maslow physiological needs thereby confirming the Maslow-Lyon hierarchy. God's word confirms the socioeconomic importance of the stipend provided to all citizens in the Levitical, Civic wisdom that is the way of kings. The incumbent follows it. Pelofi and Bernie, the candidate, talks about but he uses the phrase Demand Side economics stimulation to be given to every citizen; same thing. It's not just the logic of the mass jobless causality seen in the joblessness that is occasioned by robotic automation. The experience for the majority of the North American population for the last 70 years has been that you would prefer ignorance that your politicians would allow you to rob the bank some how with impunity and immunity, !!!!! a ha ha ha ha (The Joker)..!!!!.., instead of setting up a nationwide Massachusetts, Minnesota or Vermont style universal unconditional minimum income support. It's kind of crazy though. But, if the real motive was a hunter gatherer cultural preservation, if it's all about cultural preservation that would have to necessitate people preservation as people express, celebrate and share cultures. I went to Massachusetts myself 65 years ago when they were giving Aboriginal people and the black and white people $20,000.00 per year 65 years ago whether or not they had a job. I prefer Massachusetts; aye!! But the discussion with the white aboriginal across the country was over after the Cares Act became a universal unconditional programme to help all citizens still in the socioeconomic gap and not just the unemployed since you would be better getting fired during these Covid times at $1200.00 per week of just moving to Vermont to enjoy the real America with the universal unconditional minimum income support of $60,000.00 per year. So, now as we have the answer and there are still Indian reservations and national parks for us all to enjoy as fully Amerindian or partially Amerindian people the notion of money as a systemic symbol, threatening our "aboriginals" way of life is over. I use money to pay for the electricity to keep the wild dandelions cold in my freezer after I go gathering and foraging every so often upstate. I use money to buy fish hooks. I use money to buy a 24 hour hunting license once a year to shoot wild boar. We can all use a little money as aboriginals. I also use my minimum income support money to pay for my Lincoln Aviator through a Wells Narco bank loan and my mortgage is with Banco de Americano. I certainly do have posh style; a different class mate. You are willing to pour a billion dollars in to a business name but ykubdint to excludes the person who owns the trademark to that name and the billions you are working to spend. Just give him $58,000.00 a year for the name and call him a nigger. There will be absolute authority addicts arrested for Covid 19 as rumoured just as such individuals were arrested for Nazism 70 years ago if any abuses of power to steal or abuse or threaten personal property as threatening human life or lives were involved in achieving that misappropriation of property. It seems national police services have a plethora of evidence. Covid 19 was about Leviticus, about getting back on track and hunting down businesses and whores that threatened individuals with diseases. The whore must douche three times before and after each client. Coffee shops must wash their pots at the end of each hour. This is to fight the spread of the Covid. By Shabaka Euphrates, Journalist.
There may be a certain degree of risk or life threatening work that, to the Aboriginal, is Anthropologically, subconsciously considered necessary in finding the resources necessary to satisfy the Maslow-Lyon hierarchy of needs involving the sustenance. You beat or shoot the deer. Then you beat or shoot the bank manager or maybe the cash could just arrive automatically in a tacit sociopolitical agreement that says you are all healthy as you agree to receive a universal minimum income support. Covid 19 is also some kind of tacit unwritten agreement that says if you try and access your 401k, you seem to end up reported as Covid dead on CNEN like Nixon's barber in New Jersey. The Maslow-Lyon Hierarchy says money is not the top physiological need in the hierarchy of needs discussed by Maslow but money is the top need socioeconomically above all else in satisfying all other needs in the Maslow-Lyon hierarchy of needs. Work used to be how we obtain money. It may not be the way in which most people secure the money they require maintain life due to the causality of joblessness occasioned by automation so we agree by convention that a socioeconomic programme called universal unconditional minimum income support is necessary for all citizens; also known as a basic income or Bolsa Familia in Brazil. Yet, man cannot love by bread alone but every word that comes from the mouth of God and as much as Abel was honored for hunting and barebcueing fresh gazelle meat, Cain is infamous for the murder predicated on the emotion of jealousy for God's approval and acceptance but you too,if you do what is right, you will certainly be accepted. This means you dont have to hunt to eat. You can buy the cow steaks and the vegetables. You are not losing any part of yourself or your culture in having money but if you want to hunt or raise livestock, you are welcome. You are celebrated. You are accepted. The answer now for acceptance above and beyond the notion of men eating by the sweat of their brow is the Godly, Civic 19 wisdom seen in 2nd Chronicles 31 where we agree our society and modern robotic automated labor culture affords us a universal unconditional minimum income support to satisfy all Maslow physiological needs thereby confirming the Maslow-Lyon hierarchy. God's word confirms the socioeconomic importance of the stipend provided to all citizens in the Levitical, Civic wisdom that is the way of kings. The incumbent follows it. Pelofi and Bernie, the candidate, talks about but he uses the phrase Demand Side economics stimulation to be given to every citizen; same thing. It's not just the logic of the mass jobless causality seen in the joblessness that is occasioned by robotic automation. The experience for the majority of the North American population for the last 70 years has been that you would prefer ignorance that your politicians would allow you to rob the bank some how with impunity and immunity, !!!!! a ha ha ha ha (The Joker)..!!!!.., instead of setting up a nationwide Massachusetts, Minnesota or Vermont style universal unconditional minimum income support. It's kind of crazy though. But, if the real motive was a hunter gatherer cultural preservation, if it's all about cultural preservation that would have to necessitate people preservation as people express, celebrate and share cultures. I went to Massachusetts myself 65 years ago when they were giving Aboriginal people and the black and white people $20,000.00 per year 65 years ago whether or not they had a job. I prefer Massachusetts; aye!! But the discussion with the white aboriginal across the country was over after the Cares Act became a universal unconditional programme to help all citizens still in the socioeconomic gap and not just the unemployed since you would be better getting fired during these Covid times at $1200.00 per week of just moving to Vermont to enjoy the real America with the universal unconditional minimum income support of $60,000.00 per year. So, now as we have the answer and there are still Indian reservations and national parks for us all to enjoy as fully Amerindian or partially Amerindian people the notion of money as a systemic symbol, threatening our "aboriginals" way of life is over. I use money to pay for the electricity to keep the wild dandelions cold in my freezer after I go gathering and foraging every so often upstate. I use money to buy fish hooks. I use money to buy a 24 hour hunting license once a year to shoot wild boar. We can all use a little money as aboriginals. I also use my minimum income support money to pay for my Lincoln Aviator through a Wells Narco bank loan and my mortgage is with Banco de Americano. I certainly do have posh style; a different class mate. You are willing to pour a billion dollars in to a business name but ykubdint to excludes the person who owns the trademark to that name and the billions you are working to spend. Just give him $58,000.00 a year for the name and call him a nigger.
There will be absolute authority addicts arrested for Covid 19 as rumoured just as such individuals were arrested for Nazism 70 years ago if any abuses of power to steal or abuse or threaten personal property as threatening human life or lives were involved in achieving that misappropriation of property. It seems national police services have a plethora of evidence. Covid 19 was about Leviticus, about getting back on track and hunting down businesses and whores that threatened individuals with diseases. The whore must douche three times before and after each client. Coffee shops must wash their pots at the end of each hour. This is to fight the spread of the Covid.
By Shabaka Euphrates, Journalist.
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