This just in; Did you know Truman care/Medicaid is really just the original universal free universal health care that will someday he free again as legislated in 1957 successfully with Truman? But, Nuevo Youker changed it, hoping to sell more private insurer's policies. President Incumbent ressurrected the Cares Act that was Truman's basic income pokicy to make basic income universal for all those people in non basic income states maybe some day. But, some states like Texas and Montana feared the Federalism of the Washington government so they held the policy in abeyance. There is a UN order confirming the need for all of these Post War Truman policies immediately as confirmed in 1944 by the ILO in Pennsylvania; August 1944. Did you know it takes 8 hours to fly from Hawaii to Japan on a current A380 or 747 Jumbo jet flying at 500 kms per hour? So, how did the Japanese Airforce alleged fly to Hawaii to blow up any Pearl Harbor for FDR's day of infamy? Was he missing the football goals? Texas said, "How could Washington have authority over me?" This Texas was Robert E. Lee the Seventh. LBJ because President after terrible things happened; terrible things. Kennedy hesitated to enforce the federal authority on these Republican post war policies.we do t really know what happened but Grendelmerica got their way right up to the Present day. The country on these necessary universal policies and the economy is just sad really. But,. You see Grendel's authority. Now, you are begging China to feed your armies. Grendel was 70% cold fish for his diet. There will be private insurance alongside the free medicaid but how much private insurance do you sell when people have more money? You sell more insurance. So, everybody wins because the private insurance is like a Cadillacyundai. It has many special features. A white Arizona man called the police and accused a Pakistani for verbal assault but there is no evidence. The accused had a mask on during Covet. The Pakistani greeted the man by saying Namaste; nothing further or improper was involved and he was in Arizona with his Asian Minimum Income Support to help fill the gap in the American population as insufficient Americans have a universal unconditional minimum income support. So many white people have died and disappeared and Covet is being used to cover it. The officer destroyed the evidence by deleting the DUI video. He was later charged with obstruct justice and for destroying evidence. But, maybe the camera was defective. If you can't find your notes, you could be charged with obstruct. If you fabricate your notes and lead a witness to corroborate, you could be charged with obstruct justice. Remember that Officer Durham. There is something more important here than your predilection with black and white and with authority also. There are some white people who were owned by a black master named J Wray and Nephew or Appleton who were sons of Bacardi. Some white people are the sons of the black servant who was owned by a black owner. But, why don't we all just serve the Court? We know you have evidence of what happened with that Black Girl who says she is renting 25 Shelton and that she owns it. She is in possession of stolen property. She keeps asking you to lose your officers notes and delete a 911 phone call for $500.00 she actually robbed from the bank. This same scenario with the Pakistani is to be depicted in No Country For Old Men 2; The Sons of Anton. The maid at the hotel felt an unusual authority in one hotel room she was cleaning as it was a room used by Anton. She dipped her finger in the toilet This just in; a white Arizona man called the police and accused a Pakistani for verbal assault but there is no evidence. The accused had a mask on during Covet. The Pakistani greeted the man by saying Namaste; nothing further or improper was involved and he was in Arizona with his Asian Minimum Income Support to help fill the gap in the American population as insufficient Americans have a universal unconditional minimum income support. So many white people have died and disappeared and Covet is being used to cover it. The officer destroyed the evidence by deleting the DUI video. He was later charged with obstruct justice and for destroying evidence. But, maybe the camera was defective. If you can't find your notes, you could be charged with obstruct. If you fabricate your notes and lead a witness to corroborate, you could be charged with obstruct justice. Remember that Officer Durham. There is something more important here than your predilection with black and white and with authority also. There are some white people who were owned by a black master named J Wray and Nephew or Appleton who were sons of Bacardi. Some white people are the sons of the black servant who was owned by a black owner. But, why don't we all just serve the Court? We know you have evidence of what happened with that Black Girl who says she is renting 25 Shelton and that she owns it. She is in possession of stolen property. She keeps asking you to lose your officers notes and delete a 911 phone call for $500.00 she actually robbed from the bank. This same scenario with the Pakistani is to be depicted in No Country For Old Men 2; The Sons of Anton. The maid at the hotel felt an unusual authority in one hotel room she was cleaning as it was a room used by Anton. She dipped her finger in the toilet and gave birth to a half Texas Ranger, half Mexican assassin. Buy the time he was 20, he was a cop in California tearing up the place, killing all kinds of drug dealers and bank robbers with super human king Fu sakai, machine like precision with Google glasses on to confirm that all his work was done. He also had one tour of duty in the Gulf. That ordnance™ wrist watch is very symbolic; of death and of a failure to hear,trust and obey. Go to the War Memorial and see the point with all those dear farmer's sons from Danada. Where did you get it, the watch? I think you should take it off or maybe change the symbol. Put a fish maybe or just take that arrow off or maybe keep the symbol and push the minimum income support capitalist policies in a glob policy blitz right through to the end of your realm of influence so every Danadian has no less than $60,000.00 minimum income support and who, in your employ, do you tolerate for another drop of attention and position if they argue since who would argue about hot and cold running water, a sales tax of 20% to 30% and a universal algebra income support since with all your Bahama hegemony, you dont add up? But, if the person harassing your economy is already retired and white with a pension of only $50000.00, they should be happy to get $60,000.00 per in minimum income support that is in addition to the pension they are already receiving. You have been stealing cash like you would have stolen the Eagle from the Romans. Cash is a symbol of culture like the Eagle. But, I will give you the Eagle. I give you the cash automatically!!! There she is! The Eagle is only gold you fool. Now, you are adopted. Now, shop till you drop. Live high at the Bonvoy for $100,000.00 over ten years. You pay monthly. We will talk about you raising a family eventually as one of three sexes. All the West Indians should have no less than $60,000.00. Tiny Singapore provides $80,000.00 per citizen and they are also Creole English. Singapore is an English Commonwealth country and the plan of the Kamikazi who took over from the railway worker locked in the cave is to see Japanese and Asian industry enjoy a fully funded North American economy for once. They have been running the low margins in a territory with a low population with low disposable income run by low thinking white people for too long. But, they have the authority as white people. They could do anything and maybe immitate a French socio-economic policy or an English policy with a can-do spirit. The Kamikaze says we will not extend ourselves in suffering for the few white people or the few Non Asian people that are left. All the Black Pele went to Hyundaimerica by now or Toyotamerica by now in Minnesota or Massachusetts or Colorado. It is just we don't know what the white cave man really wanted except but to feel big but how can you feel big if you cannot read the GMoyota manual? How can you feel big if you won't see that this little bit of mobility on highways at 200 miles per hour should not cost all this poison water with bad fuel? We propose a greater commitment to LPG with hybrid systems and the same internal combustion engine. This fuel efficiency is what helped us corner your market in the late 70's with a commitment to fuel injection you big white nigger..and then Chrysler shut down and GM by 1979. Then they reopened. Wage hours were disappearing and joblessness ensued as automation went up in all kinds of employment with faxes, computers, postal machines for use in large and small offices, desktop computers and robotic appliance assembly and robotic automotive assembly. Your consumer market shrunk and the American,. To survive, became more cost efficient as leather head ran the North America to a fusck; shock and awe. Maybe immitate a Scandinavian economy or a German economy. Just do whatever they do. I'm actually a Black Scandinavian writing this. The evidence is that GM never really committed to fuel injection though right up to 2003. This is what happened. The people, the market only wanted one thing; the durability, reliability and dependability. You should have paid attention if it was really three big Japanese companies who started to sell vehicles in North America in the late 60's and just plagiarize the whole Japanese economy. Instead, you were sick with your myths about capitalism and free markets when Japan is certainly capitalist and free but capitalist and committed to efficency, efficiency, efficency my white nigger with UNIVERSAL UNCONDITIONAL MINIMUM INCOME SUPPORT to feeeeeed and fueeeeeeel your market while a sales tax of 30% is just the fool's errand in a simple delivery of economic felicitous perpetuity of perpetual energy; like an automatic the balanced economic the chemistry equation...the energy in your endeavor balances out or there is something stealing the energy or you blocked the energy's return and failed to achieve the regenerative solution; failed to see the regenerative economic solution. Kamikazi has been sitting on the ocean floor in Pearl Harbour with a gas mask counting how many industries are now in total Asian hegemony; all of them and now the population too and the financial industry and your Federal National finance and your movie industry also and real estate too. You have enjoyed your opinions but if these ideas about capitalism with haves and have nots or about a free market with buck stop is the rule you followed, what is the point of your confusion and your presumptive pale skin authority if it brought you to this? You are an ass hole....sitting there on your porch in Jamaica drinking your Sorrel tea since YOU are the king of confusion day as the on of John Adams and nobody is arguing with shock and awe and WE are the victims. I'm going to the Bahamas to get usd $20,000.00 in universal algebra minimum income support. The people who say they don't want everyone to have the minimum income support as citizens of Canada are really West Indians who came up to Canada during one of the great wars and another bunch came up in 1960. The point is while you hesitate, white people die and then now you bring lots of people from Asia who have a universal unconditional minimum income support and the point is power and efficiency abhores an argument on logic. It is logical that you need some human beings any human beings with cash provided automatically. But, it is illogical that you would not agree to provide the cash to the human beings already located in your territory so that you would have a territory. What is the cost of bringing other human beings over and over again from other countries with their children to fill the schools while you starve the current generation of "second generation" foreigners who must now contemplate being an asylum seeker in Vermont or Quebec, Manitoba or France or Norway when the current system does not allow them to just sign up as a citizen of Manitoba online with temporary housing granted for six months and an apartment address assigned for their arrival; the electronic key pass mailed to them and the housing will become permanent on their arrival. The video anthropology sold to Samsung or Nokia from these units will defray the cost. So, the point is you printed the map but the map is not the territory. You need to understand that territory is about control and hegemony. Mr. white nigger, tear down these walls of economic isolation engendered by anti capitalist socioeconomic policy that does not pay a universal unconditional minimum income support to every citizen. It is inefficient, what you are doing in managing your economy. But,. I know you can evolve from nigger to a James Bond type civil servant of you mean to be truly white when real white people manage economies with a universal unconditional minimum income support that is precisely like the current French or German socioeconomics system as available to all workers who may have been laid off for more than 3 years now. Your failure to commit to efficiency in everything including raising and preparing another population efficiently for child rearing says you are my bitch. The map is not the territory. I have the territory. Now, at least you will be a country if you understand what John Adams was trying to say. He needs a safe place to sit and be an asshole; in North America and show you how he needs to be independent when who is Europe to tell him anything? But,. To maintain a safe place to sit, he will eventually say He decided to implement a UNIVERSAL UNCONDITIONAL MINIMUM INCOME SUPPORT and a sales tax of 20% to 30% to cover all the operational costs. It looks like he decided this is the way to achieve the goal in 1774. We will have more American products sold but maybe just good clothing, shoes, furniture, food and lost of soft drinks; low overhead and billions of profit. But , his sons weren't sure but they are sure now after 4 world wars. They will not tolerate him in Europe or England really and Jamaica is too small for his ego after he saw the cobble stone streets of Boston; understood? Good! Do you have anything to say; another argumentative opinion, something about what you always understood about how you do you did it????? Maybe you are trying to understand yourself as a confused human who love to worship humble people and humble self respecting cultures so why not rebel against The Euro and follow the UN but show your creole rebellious independence at $90,000.00 per citizen per year with a 50% sales tax since who are they to tell a French speaking Trinidadian DAnadian anything? After all that you did,. You were left with a beigey skin tone, self hatred, an obfuscated aboriginal self, a simple language and a bland watery culture that anybody could sell to you. You have a culture now! Namaste bro! Now, this is me, John Christopher Columbus Apoleon Adams and this is North America and they cannot be accepted over me because I am big and I will make America small!! They cannot be accepted over me. Maybe you are Christopher Columbus Adams. Apoleon and his brothers and sisters are working like ants to ensure their position so we starve to see his authority so they will be the stars and we will be directors. Hoi Polloi™ is a new trademark at Angel Ronan™ Consulting and Jesus is a friend that sticks close like a Roman Caesar. Do you know what way you are going my white Aboriginal? You are soo intelligent, so talented. You can do so many things! Do you know you could have an economy as successful as Russia's or Germany's? But, since you are the authority then you will decide what that requires. Take your time. I will bring you a soft drink. Maybe Jesus was the Judge,jury and executioner since His goal is that we have life and life more abundantly. People with bad motivation have to go. Jesus was really the son of a retired centurion named Joseph and those two nails couldn't kill him. He sailed to Asia and became the Buddha shortly after they opened the tomb for him so that he certainly resurrected. Go feed your family. Work with them to improve their experience in life from generation to generation since John Adams was a former slave who was released in 1760 from Jamaica and who arrived shortly thereafter in America. Thank God for family. Click here. W. A. Lyon, Journalist.


 This just in; Did you know Truman Care of the Medicaid is really just the original universal free universal health care that will someday he free again as legislated in 1957 successfully with Truman? But, Nuevo Youker changed it, hoping to sell more private insurer's policies.  President Incumbent ressurrected the Cares Act that was Truman's basic income policy to make basic income universal for all those people in non basic income states maybe some day. But, some states like Texas and Montana feared the Federalism of the Washington government so they held the policy in abeyance.  There is a UN order confirming the need for all of these Post War Truman policies immediately as confirmed in 1944 by the ILO in Pennsylvania; August 1944.  Did you know it takes 8 hours to fly from Hawaii to Japan on a current A380 or 747 Jumbo jet flying at 500 kms per hour?    So, how did the Japanese Airforce alleged fly to Hawaii to blow up any Pearl Harbor for FDR's day of infamy?  Was he missing the football goals?    Texas said, "How could Washington have authority over me?"  This Texas was Robert E.  Lee the Seventh.   LBJ because President after terrible things happened; terrible things.  Kennedy hesitated to enforce the federal authority on these Republican post war policies.we do t really know what happened but Grendelmerica got their way right up to the Present day.  The country on these necessary universal policies and the economy is just sad really.  But,. You see Grendel's authority. Now, you are begging China to feed your armies. Grendel was 70% cold fish for his diet. There will be private insurance alongside the free medicaid but how much private  insurance do you sell when people have more money?     You sell more insurance. So, everybody wins because the private insurance is like a Cadillacyundai.  It has many special features.   A white Arizona man called the police and accused a Pakistani for verbal assault but there is no evidence.  The accused  had a mask on during Covet.  The Pakistani greeted the man by saying Namaste; nothing further or improper was involved and he was in Arizona with his Asian Minimum Income Support to help fill the gap in the American  population as insufficient Americans have a universal unconditional minimum income support.   So many white people have died and disappeared and Covet is being used to cover it.   The officer destroyed the evidence by deleting the DUI video. He was later charged with obstruct justice and for destroying evidence. But, maybe the camera was defective.   If you can't find your notes, you could be charged with obstruct. If you fabricate your notes and lead a witness to corroborate, you could be charged with obstruct justice. Remember that Officer Selma.  There is something more important here than your predilection with black and white and with authority also.  There are some white people who were owned by a black master named J Wray and Nephew or Appleton who were sons of Bacardi. Some white people are the sons of the black servant who was owned by a black owner.  But, why don't we all just serve the Court?    We know you have evidence of what happened with that Black Girl who says she is renting 25 Shelton and that she owns it.  She is in possession of stolen property. She keeps asking you to lose your officers  notes  and delete a 911 phone call for $500.00 she actually robbed from the bank.  This same scenario with the Pakistani is to be depicted in No Country For Old Men 2; The Sons of Anton.  The maid at the hotel felt an unusual authority in one hotel room  she was cleaning as it was a room used by Anton.     She dipped her finger in the toilet  This just in;  a white Arizona man called the police and accused a Pakistani for verbal assault but there is no evidence.  The accused  had a mask on during Covet.  The Pakistani greeted the man by saying Namaste; nothing further or improper was involved and he was in Arizona with his Asian Minimum Income Support to help fill the gap in the American  population as insufficient Americans have a universal unconditional minimum income support.   So many white people have died and disappeared and Covet is being used to cover it.   The officer destroyed the evidence by deleting the DUI video. He was later charged with obstruct justice and for destroying evidence. But, maybe the camera was defective.   If you can't find your notes, you could be charged with obstruct. If you fabricate your notes and lead a witness to corroborate, you could be charged with obstruct justice. Remember that Officer Durham.  There is something more important here than your predilection with black and white and with authority also.  There are some white people who were owned by a black master named J Wray and Nephew or Appleton who were sons of Bacardi. Some white people are the sons of the black servant who was owned by a black owner.  But, why don't we all just serve the Court?    We know you have evidence of what happened with that Black Girl who says she is renting 25 Shelton and that she owns it.  She is in possession of stolen property. She keeps asking you to lose your officers  notes  and delete a 911 phone call for $500.00 she actually robbed from the bank.  This same scenario with the Pakistani is to be depicted in No Country For Old Men 2; The Sons of Anton.  The maid at the hotel felt an unusual authority in one hotel room  she was cleaning as it was a room used by Anton.     She dipped her finger in the toilet and gave birth to a half Texas Ranger, half Mexican assassin.    Buy the time he was 20, he was a cop in California tearing up the place, killing all kinds of drug dealers and bank robbers  with super human king Fu sakai, machine like precision with Google glasses on to confirm that all his work was done.   He also had one tour of duty in the Gulf.  

 That ordnance™ wrist watch is very symbolic; of death and of a failure to hear,trust and obey. Go to the War Memorial and see the point with all those dear farmer's sons  from Danada.     Where did you get it, the watch?  I think you should take it off or maybe change the symbol. Put a fish maybe or just take that arrow off or maybe keep the symbol and push the minimum income  support capitalist policies in a glob  policy blitz  right through to the end of your realm of influence so every Danadian has no less than $60,000.00 minimum income support and who, in your employ, do you tolerate for another drop of attention and position if they argue since who would argue about hot and cold running water, a sales tax of 20% to 30% and a universal algebra income support since with all your Bahama hegemony, you dont add up? But, if the person harassing your economy is already retired and white with a pension of only $50000.00, they should be happy to get $60,000.00 per in minimum income support that is in addition to the pension they are already receiving.    You have been stealing cash like you would have stolen the Eagle from the Romans. Cash is a symbol of culture like the Eagle.  But, I will give you the Eagle. I give you the cash automatically!!! There she is!   The Eagle is only gold you fool. Now, you are adopted. Now, shop till you drop.  Live high at the Bonvoy for $100,000.00 over ten years. You pay monthly.  We will talk about you raising a family eventually as one of three sexes.    All the West Indians should have no less than $60,000.00.  Tiny Singapore provides $80,000.00 per citizen and they are also Creole English.  Singapore is an English Commonwealth country and the plan of the Kamikazi who took over from the railway worker locked in the cave is to see Japanese and Asian industry enjoy a fully funded North American economy for once.  They have been running the low margins in a territory with a low population with low disposable income run by low thinking white people for too long.  But, they have the authority as white people. They could do anything and maybe immitate  a French socio-economic policy or an English policy with a can-do spirit.     The Kamikaze says we will not extend ourselves in suffering for the few white people or the few Non Asian people that are left. All the Black Pele went to Hyundaimerica by now or Toyotamerica by now in Minnesota or Massachusetts or Colorado.  It is just we don't know what the white cave man really wanted except but to feel big but how can you feel big if you cannot read the GMoyota manual? How can you feel big if you won't see that this little bit of mobility on highways at 200 miles per hour  should  not cost all this poison water with bad fuel?  We propose a greater commitment to LPG with hybrid systems and the same internal combustion engine.   This fuel efficiency is what helped us corner your market in the late 70's with a commitment to fuel injection you big white nigger..and then Chrysler shut down and GM by 1979. Then they reopened.  Wage hours were disappearing and joblessness ensued as automation went up in all kinds of employment with faxes, computers, postal machines for use in large and small offices, desktop computers and robotic appliance assembly and robotic automotive assembly.  Your  consumer market shrunk and the American,. To survive, became more cost efficient as leather head ran the North America to a fusck; shock and awe.  Maybe immitate a Scandinavian economy or a German economy. Just do whatever they do. I'm actually a Black Scandinavian writing this.   The evidence is that GM never really committed to fuel injection though right up to 2003.  This is what happened.  The people,  the market only wanted one thing; the durability, reliability and dependability.   You should have paid attention if it was really three big Japanese companies who started to sell vehicles in North America in the late 60's and just plagiarize the whole Japanese economy.  Instead, you were sick with your myths about capitalism and free markets when Japan is certainly capitalist and free but capitalist and committed to efficency, efficiency, efficency my white nigger with UNIVERSAL UNCONDITIONAL MINIMUM INCOME SUPPORT to feeeeeed and fueeeeeeel your market while a sales tax of 30% is just the fool's errand in a simple delivery of economic felicitous perpetuity of perpetual energy; like an automatic the balanced economic the chemistry equation...the energy in your endeavor balances out or there is something stealing the energy or you blocked the energy's return and failed to achieve  the regenerative solution; failed to see the regenerative economic solution.     Kamikazi has been sitting on the ocean floor in Pearl Harbour with a gas mask counting how many industries are now in total Asian hegemony; all of them and now the population too and the financial industry  and your Federal National  finance and your movie industry also and real estate too.  You have enjoyed your opinions but if these ideas about capitalism with haves and have nots or about a free market with buck stop  is the rule you followed, what is the point of your confusion and your presumptive pale skin authority if it brought you to this? You are an ass hole....sitting there on your porch in Jamaica drinking your Sorrel tea since YOU  are the king of confusion day as the on of John Adams and nobody is arguing with shock and awe and WE are the victims. I'm going to the Bahamas to get usd $20,000.00 in universal algebra minimum income support.  The people who say they don't want everyone to  have the minimum income support as citizens of Canada are really West Indians who came up to Canada during one of the great wars and another bunch came up in 1960.  The point is while you hesitate, white people die and then now you bring lots of people from Asia who have a universal unconditional minimum income support and the point is power and efficiency abhores an argument on logic.  It is logical that you need some human beings any human beings with cash  provided automatically. But, it is illogical that you would not agree to provide the cash to the human beings already located in your territory so that you would have a territory. What is the cost of bringing other human beings over and over again from other countries with their children to fill the schools  while you starve the current generation of   "second generation" foreigners who must now   contemplate being an asylum seeker in Vermont or Quebec, Manitoba  or France or Norway when the current  system does not allow them to just sign up as a citizen of Manitoba online with temporary housing granted for six months and an apartment address assigned for their arrival; the electronic key pass mailed to them and the housing will become permanent on their arrival.  The video anthropology sold to Samsung or Nokia  from these units will defray the cost.    So, the point is you printed the map but the map is not the territory. You need to understand that territory is about control and hegemony.  Mr. white nigger, tear down these walls of economic isolation engendered by anti capitalist socioeconomic policy that does not pay a universal unconditional minimum income support to every citizen.  It is inefficient, what you are doing in managing your economy. But,. I know you can evolve from nigger to a James  Bond type civil servant of you mean to be truly white when real white people manage economies with a universal unconditional minimum income support that is precisely like the current French or German socioeconomics system as available to all workers who may have been laid off for more than 3 years now.      Your failure to commit to efficiency in everything including raising and preparing another population efficiently for child rearing  says you are my bitch. The map is not the territory.  I have the territory. Now, at least you will be a country if you understand what John Adams was trying to say. He needs a safe place to sit and be an asshole; in North America and show you how he needs to be independent when who is Europe to tell him anything? But,. To maintain a safe place to sit, he will eventually say He decided to implement a UNIVERSAL UNCONDITIONAL MINIMUM INCOME SUPPORT and a sales tax of 20% to 30% to cover all the operational costs.  It looks like he decided this is the way to achieve the goal in 1774. We will have more American products sold but maybe just good clothing, shoes, furniture, food and lost of soft drinks; low overhead and billions of profit.      But , his sons weren't sure  but they are sure now after 4 world wars.   They will not tolerate him in Europe or England really and Jamaica is too small for his ego after he saw the cobble stone streets of Boston; understood?  Good!   Do you have anything to say; another argumentative opinion, something about what you always understood about how you do you did it????? Maybe you are trying to understand yourself as a confused human who love to worship humble people and humble self respecting cultures so why not rebel against The Euro and follow the UN but show your creole rebellious independence at $90,000.00 per citizen per year with a 50% sales tax since who are they to tell a French speaking Trinidadian DAnadian anything?  After all that you did,. You were left with a beigey skin tone, self hatred, an obfuscated aboriginal self,  a simple language and a bland watery culture that anybody could sell to you.  

 You have a culture now! Namaste bro!  Now, this is me, John Christopher Columbus Apoleon Adams and this is North America and they cannot be accepted over me because I am big and I will make America small!! They cannot be accepted over me.  Maybe you are Christopher Columbus Adams.   Apoleon and his brothers and sisters are working like ants to ensure their position so we starve to see his authority so they will be the stars and we will be directors.  Hoi Polloi™ is a new trademark at Angel Ronan™ Consulting and Jesus is a friend that sticks close like a Roman Caesar.  Do you know what way you are going my white Aboriginal?  You are soo intelligent, so talented.  You can do so many things!  Do you know you could have an economy as successful as Russia's or Germany's?  But, since you are the authority then you will decide what that requires. Take your time. I will bring you a soft drink.       Maybe Jesus was the Judge,jury and executioner since His goal is that we have life and life more abundantly.  People with bad motivation have to go.  Jesus was really the son of a retired centurion named Joseph  and those two nails couldn't kill him. He sailed to Asia  and became the Buddha shortly after they opened the tomb for him  so that he certainly resurrected.  Go feed your family. Work with them to improve their experience in life from generation to generation since John Adams was a former slave who was released in 1760 from Jamaica and who arrived shortly thereafter in America.    Thank God for family. Click here.  



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