A recent discussion on theft of real property involves the way in which a purchaser for value without notice who intended to buy a certain property could actually buy the said property from a fraudster. Every dollar earned on that stolen condo that is being offered to Chinese and other immigrants over and over again involving the murder of the immigrants is forfeit as proceeds of crime even when it is $50,000.00 or less. This was once a popular cotillion conversation. But all fraudulent contracts are void in law and it certainly is a fraudulent contract to attempt to sell your brother's property or your grandfather's property when you are not the legal owner. You were hoping Lawyer John Graffiti would work out a master piece of fraud and fraudulent documents to cover the dastardly murderous deed affecting another black lady and she has called the police. She is a citizen and her ability to understand a contract for the purchase of a vehicle, land or a chair should not be any threat to you. Fix it so you can at least say, in your defence, you made a mistake. It would be illegal to treat the property as your own without an accounting of the rents and a regular reporting to the beneficiaries if there was some estate involved. Even if you did account for the profits, who appointed you to do it presumptively? Granddad will be back tomorrow. He is not dead. It's not as if there is no authority or law that a God or a half Accompong BlackHawk Amerindian cannot understand with a Will on his small Gordon Town estate in the West Indies when it comes to what he said he really wanted for his children and grandchildren. It's now managed by the National Estate Office. A contract to sell property you do not actually own is an illegal contract and is void. The third party purchaser has no place in the discussion except but as a victim of crime or as an accomplice of the theft being perpetrated by the seller and his recourse is against the fraudster only if he complains since wilful blindness and a failure to search title in the usual course is not protection against the "buyer beware" principle. A third party buyer cannot defeat the equitable and legal rights of the actual owner whose rights are undefeatable. The notion of third party rights for value without notice is an unusual and evident lacuna that cannot affect the law of theft and the fraudsters endeavour cannot be aided and abetted by the Court. What is going on in Englishdom? No property ownership in the alleged sale has transferred to any third party if you are not the legal registered owner and clearly you are just a f-cking thief if you are trying to sell the property even if it's Poo Power ™. It's a unique name; isn't it? It's owner is Warren A. Lyon who owns the fuel system concept behind it. The squatters rights also must fail as the issue is trespass to property and possession of stolen property over $5000,00 by the squatters. The owners have a right to enjoy their unfettered ownership even if they are unaware of the trespass of the squatters even if it is that they cannot be contacted or located. Ownership surely is distinct from occupation of the dwelling. Illegal occupation does not earn the wrong doer a legal equitable right. This lacuna should also be closed as the law should not encourage the disappearances of owners and their families. Warren A lyon, Senior Legal Analyst ARGF Firm.
Warren A lyon, Senior Legal Analyst
ARGF Firm.
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