
Showing posts from 2022

This essay is free to download and read. It is not the final draft but maybe you see if you like it. Spaceba( thank you in Russian)!! Ukrainian Subway Station. December 1st, 2022. The Experience, the Economy and Economic Policy; An Essay. By Warren Lyon, Joe Poenitentium. and Linda Tannerscissorson. Yes; I love wild life. Warren is a brick layer. His foreman asks him to count how many square bricks that are half a metre long and half a metre high are necessary to cover a wall that is 7 metres high and 10 metres wide? The answer is that, to cover the wall, you need a set of bricks that are 14 bricks high and 20 bricks wide. How many bricks do you have on the wall in total? If you are white and human or black and human, not just cave men, then you can answer this question and implement the income support for all citizens and not try to find ways like a devil to target, attack any group or groups in the population with Genocidal intent. I am sure there is a White, Black or Brown person; Yellow or Red person who can turn the water on; or the money on for all citizens with equal provision at $57,000.00 per year as income support. I just don't understand what is going on. TTTSWBFL. People say they would be happy with a new increased Income support for every citizen and would like this. But, then there is no reason for delay. If the water was off, we could find some one to turn it on. Yes; we cave men can. Jesus said forgive me in His Lord's prayer. He also says let He who is without sin cast the first stone. But, Jesus never threw any stones. Glory!!!!!!!!! He said go and try not to sin any more and I don't know if, you know, massage therapy is a sin when shouldn't all the organists and the uh.. organs...uh get some, you know, attention? Now, why didn't Jesus throw the stone? He is not without sin and what about you? What if a cave man's predilection about power and authority Coalesces as a tribal-ness in the pulpit in religion and in denomination? ClIck here for more.