
Showing posts from September, 2021

The making of the Audi e-tron GT | A documentary

The Underground.

Marlboro Country.

Joseph entered Egypt as a slave. It is interesting to note that slavery was not a very old concept in Egypt. It had not existed earlier in the Old Kingdom, the period when the great pyramids were being built. Those structures were not, as is sometimes stated, built by slave labor. They were constructed by drafted peasant labor. The Middle Kingdom is the first major period in Egyptian history where slavery was well known. In the 1950s AD, the American Egyptologist William C. Hayes published a famous papyrus document from the Middle Kingdom which had a list of slaves on one side and a discussion of Egyptian prisons on the other (Hayes 1972). In the next issue of Bible and Spade, we will examine the information this valuable papyrus provides for us regarding the story of Joseph. Click here.

Adam Smith: poverty and famine

Leaders to UN: A warmer world is a more violent one, too By EDITH M. LEDERER and SETH BORENSTEIN yesterday

‘Vaccine apartheid’: Africans tell UN they need vaccines By PIA SARKAR yesterday

The movie Mudbound on Netflix is a; "Must See" and highly recommended for an Academy Award.

Afghan King & Queen 1963 Visit to U.S. Reel America Preview

Abraham as the Father of a multitude. He may not be the farmer he thought he was. He may not be the father of your faith. It could be Issac. Click here.