We are not undone by our factory and service job process automation but your reactions to them. Asia and the Asian market grew in spite of all of the automation. America shrunk and shrivled up like a poodle's little dinky. I love white people but where did all the white people go? Asia grew because their reaction to automation was to feed the market, that means feed the people with cash (a bankable sizable Minimum income support) so they could buy the goods produced with robotic automation and the market grew. The community was soo strong that they were able to buy half of Novaronto and can tell any white people to just f-'k off because they are moving in to your five bed home in Websters Grove. They bought it. They gave the bank manager $40,000.00 personally up front in his glove box. Click here.

 We are not undone by our factory and service job process automation  but your reactions to them.  Asia and the Asian market  grew in spite of all of the automation. America shrunk and shrivled up like a poodle's little dinky. I love white people but where did all the white people go?  Asia grew because their reaction to automation was to feed the market, that means feed the people with cash (a bankable sizable Minimum income support) so they could buy the goods produced with robotic automation and the market grew. The community was soo strong that they were able to buy half of Novaronto  and can tell any white people to just f-'k off because they are moving in to your five bed home in Websters Grove.  They bought it. They gave the bank manager $40,000.00 personally  up front in his glove box.   Your family owed $300,000.00 and the mortgage was not paid for the last 17 years.  So go give the bank manager a present and he will sort it out before he gets an offer from a basic income person from Ireland, England or Asia maybe or maybe Africa.  US Code 18 chapter 50 is not an idea.   It's America.  It's North America.  It's the law.   But, how can you give the bank manager a present or make the mortgage payment if you don't have a universal minimum income support/basic income like the basic income people of the earth?     The Americans argued and did not feed the people with cash and threatened the investment made in automation. Hardly anything sells in America as it should.  The people are near dead and the market has contracted with half the population going to a war over and over again that a "twit" thought would fuel the economy....as he hesitates to obey the logic of automation and a universal minimum income support in response to these automation processes over and over again.    If Jesse James was the "ignant" democratically elected President of the United States who thought the rule to real property ownership is that it must be stolen  and not purchased from the rightful American owners, would you let him run the economy and the world?  You would say "no" most probably.  You would say, " probably not."  There is no "wanted" poster for any former or current President. The real truth is that it is an indictable politically disqualifying offence when you are om possession of stolen property.   It could ruin a Clinton campaign.  Remember White Water.      However,  responsible evident fiscal management is not that difficult.  Either the cows are starving or they are well fed, giving their milk for market.   The citizens are warm and well fed or they are starving, dying. The malls are closed or they are open.  Either your market is growing or it is receding.    Either your population is stable and growing or its unstable and you are dependent on other nation's  to provide more and more people.   The problem is that you need to tell your elected official what the solution is and do not imagine that every European nation has a king or that you are spiteing Europe with the idea that your Politicians can ruin the country and evade legal responsibility, using POTUS as a scapegoat. Certainly Presidents can be impeached for high crimes.   Former presidents are not above the law. They can be indicted for an abuse of their influence and the sale of political appointments for a bribe or a fee.  Justices of the Peace who promise court jobs for any remuneration can be arrested also.    The President will have to be the last shoulder of wisdom you run to who can tell you that the answer is written in the Constitution and it is written in the UN ILO Recommendations dating back to the end of WW1 while his key job is celebrating those who fought at home and abroad to ensure you will not be killed for property that you own and that property certainly is obtained  by legal purchase.  The owner might say his price is $1.00.   His job is  therefore celebrating Americana and American history and ensuring the Roff Raff senators and congressmen get it right; the Riff Raff. Maybe they hear. Maybe they don't.  The Former VP who will be the President some day for his resilience and self belief needs to know that a universal unconditional minimum income support is as certain as you being able to buy a coffee somewhere along Route 66 24 hours a day.      But, the President's job,as experienced as he may be in some cases and as uneducated as he may be no matter how much as he pretends to be educated as one candidate or the other, cannot be fiscal policy or the deregulation that runs the nation to the ground in spite of constitutional and legal safeguards.  The real issue is that his education is irrelevant and it would be nice if he understood this and just took some f$+$king advice from more f$($king successful economies every now and again.  You see, you just put your dick for 20 seconds.

Maybe you have to bore a bit with her saliva on your hands and now we have family!!!! Now, we have a nation.  

Seeteem Sicz,  Journalist.   


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