
Showing posts from September, 2022

If you were producing movies, could you trust your children as your children if they watched the movies that you produced? I would like to go to bible movie producer school some day. It is written. To answer the question, the answer is yes if it is a good production. Kingdom of Heaven is an example or Beowulf and Grendel ( 2005). The Top Gun series is good. There could be a 3rd and Fourth movie. But, maybe Maverick is an airline pilot called back to the forces for one more special mission and, some how, he is shot down only once or twice per movie. Gladiator is good and so is Shakespeare In Love. The Terminator movies and Matrix movies are good movies. I would say Heat is contextual, demonstrating a collision of Maslow cultures in America when we should have an income support to satisfy our money needs across the entire country and not just in the Eastern sea board states) and this is achievable with cooperation for the people and by the people. It should not be a hunter gathering experience with a fight, civil war or armed battle to get money that you need, from the government, from the bank in what is really terrorism (it is the government's money anywhere in the world, Europe also and you can be apprehended and killed for the theft of €1.00/ $1.00 even if you are a bank teller.) that ends with a standoff with the army and the police. Warren A. Lyon in the Maslow-Lyon hierarchy of needs says money is paramount in the hierarchy of needs as it is necessary to satisfy the other needs in our modern world and economy. Human dignity therefore is understood as resounding and enduring the newness or oldness of your shoes and clothing. The Income support is guaranteed as to ensure human dignity; and what feather are you honouring when you fail to cooperate but instead you ends up plagiarising in two different countries and two different schools or you shoplift in two different countries in two different schools? Maybe your father is Tecumseh and not the one paying your school fees or your grocery bill but it looks like you honor Tecumseh in how you, a Canadian fugitive with only Quebecois Canadian citizenship, are pretending to be an employee in the European Refugee Service and you steal the mail of vulnerable break the rules...or you refuse to follow and maybe if we are cloning people to apologise for what is an occupation of Native lands, maybe we could also clone the first natives who bought a farm or burgers franchise or a breakfast oats company and not just the angry die hard native. What about the first natives that preached the gospel? Did you know that if you store the Nicene Creed on your telephone in the notes function, you will be a secret member of the CIA( Christ In Action)? I'm only kidding. This organisation does not exist. Yet, otherwise Christ is in action; always. Never curse your family, your ancestors or your descendants. What business or organisation would hire anyone that feels like he is killing the ancestral past and the ancestral present? Maybe Apples has stalled your submission to Leviticus and has made you see how latent Aboriginal you really are and that power is more important to the latent Cave man Aboriginal that is more individualistic than we understand. Opportunities for mutual cooperation are never seen in this cave man anthropology. Instead, they would rather attack a Shoe Cobbler or small Firm owner than cooperate in the community with business referrals where anyone making referrals gets 50% and it's not a criticism if you can make referrals to your friend's business. As such, personal power is more important to most cave men than maintaining the family as confirmed in Leviticus. I think this black guy is the average Law graduate and he is no problem to me as a native. Quaker Oats is a Native Wampanoag Creole achievement after 300 years of experience with the European civilization in the Wampanoag territory. Money is not more important than submitting to Leviticus and we cannot allow the sadness of King Saul DNA to draw us into debates about free speech vs. the safe celebration of the global culture that is founded on Leviticus. King Saul argued with God and did not stop arguing as Michal looked good to him. The cave man asks what is marriage or what is adultery and the global culture says the answer; it is written. It is written in Leviticus. Submit to Leviticus. You should never say the wealthy people....and the other people so that is why you...the movie is bad, bad, bad. Turn it off. Change the channel Mr. Bon Rue. It's Mr. Bon Rue; right?

There is a new proposal by ANGEL RONAN LEX SCRIPTA ™ to issue standard Google ™ police phones with built in translation apps. It will take photos and videos like any other phone and assist the officer in the collection of evidence. Future models will offer a built in substance analysis technology and App. It will have standard GPS mapping but it will not be dependent on WiFi. Each phone will cost about $400.00 with a minimum order of 500 units. Do you have those readings? In my opinion, "subjective opinion" is not evidence. ANGEL RONAN LEX SCRIPTA ™ now also proposes a further addition to the Policeman Android phone (built by an undisclosed manufacturer) for police work that can determine the contents of blood intoxication with a drop of saliva on a sensor built into the phone. This concept is copy- written with the intellectual property rights and common law patent rights belonging to Warren Lyon. The machine will also be able to locate a gun in any home or building. We have no prototype yet for this or any other ALUSRA ™ concepts. However, all ideas are protected as owned by Warren A. Lyon under intellectual property laws. These are not royalties but intellectual property rights. European territories or towns that have a low number of Citizens who can perform in the police service roles will see the European State Police fulfill the police service role in all municipal functions as and where needed in that territory where there is a shortage of personnel; maybe not in Paris but in small centres like Rennes or Bord. For European security, it should not be British nationals who speak FRENCH and who are also usually fugitives. The teams of European Super State Police will work in teams of four nationals from each country that will work in conjunction with four nationals from other countries to ensure everyone feels safe and supported while on 3 month tours of duty. There will be European State Police teams stationed in each town for 24 months at a time, managing the emergency responses, room and board for the officers who travel on 3 month rounds and general administration in each town. The Quebecois British nationals( with French language as a matter of coincidence when they landed in Nova Scotia from the West Indies in the hope of getting to Ontario as refugees but were ordered to settle in Québec) are killing Euro French people with some kind of email job offer game to entice French people to leave their jobs and go to Quebec or Martinique for promotion and then the Quebecois send fugitive criminals back to take the jobs and the homes of the French people. If this is about a culture of absolution from public Shame if not conscience, then the Quebecois will now be sent to growing towns and cities in the UK like Manchester and Reading( 30 minutes from London) for their absolution as they are British nationals. It is still a murder even if the body is found in Quebec, Germany or Martinique. This will be helpful with the European State Police that will run all European airports, ports like Calais and Arcachon, toll booths and major train stations. They will also assist regular municipal police from time to time with their duties. This is my contribution ™-Angel Ronan Lex Scripta ™ by Warren Augustine Lyon.

The truth is that the anger perpetuated is the missing link's personal struggle with competitiveness vs. cooperation. They would rather attack and kill, steal and destroy instead of cooperate and send a referral to you where you can share the benefits of the work as family members or family friends.

You can plagiarise this but why would you? We have a good Monarchy and Monarchial system. The British North America Act 1867 demonstrates that we have a written constitution. However, there are people creating a polemic in the economy that challenges the logic of quiet capitalist consistent economic regeneration in the face of on going, consistent Automation. The economy with a Monarch seems to suggest that detractors are challenging the population to accept the Monarch as the priority and the people as a collateral appendage where any old kind of people will do. Yet, usually a people must exist and then the Monarch arises from many years of cultural semination and the growth of heritage; so to speak. A Monarch does not usually just appoint himself a Monarch and then find a population that will tolerate and support his usage of that population and their tax revenue; and economy where they would some how get very little in return to satisfy their daily needs while some people do in a system that pays only the transgender an automatic Income support when they turn 12 years old. Do you think that is normal? THE SUGGESTION or the bet IS THAT In the utmost confidence, the people over another two year period or 50 year period will never find a way to cooperate AMONGST THEMSELVES and implement the expected, needed Income support of £30,000.00 per citizen. YOUR LACKING IN POLITICAL COOPERATION IS NOT THE MONARCH'S IMMEDIATE CONCERN. Cooperation is a matter of the higher Human nature and maybe there were too many Cheddar cave men resurrections raised within the Gattaca system. YET IT IS CONCERNING ALTHOUGH HE HAS ENCOURAGED THE UNIVERSAL INCOME SUPPORT FOR ALL CITIZENS. IT IS THE African Monarch's LAW. ON A RELATED BUT ALTERNATIVE POINT, what if maybe King Saul designed the current popular discussion of the gospel as a matter of revenge on David's DNA and maybe King Saul's DNA is asking to be more important than the people; as a kind of accidental King Saul descendant and also Monarch. Maybe we are all King Saul DNA. Either way, Israel is important and we cannot say that the concept of Monarch takes precedence over the people and that it could be any kind of people will do and the people we have are too slow or "ENG" to ask for what is in necessity to be paid to them as an Income support. The gospel is different from the facts and truth recorded in Mathew, Mark, Luke and John. The gospel is the idea that someone should pay the price for my sins and this is how Saul would find peace; that David's DNA pays in his version and Saul does not feel so bad every day and then he goes up in the world again. Nothing changes in terms of text in the Geneva Bible but it is the way we teach it; about the sin and sin debt and sacrifice. Saul DNA says why would you pay for your sins forever when you can get someone else to take the blame for you at least in the way you communicate the gospel of Rabbi JESUS? Read Romans 7. Read Ephesians 5 and 1st John 1: 9. Psalms 51 ( you can't say David's sin debt was not paid), JOHN 3:16 SAYS BELIEVE IN HIM AS WE SEE HIM AS A SECOND JOSEPH AND A SON OF DAVID AND SOLOMON; "LUMINOUS BEINGS ARE WE"; as the movie says. This is the gospel really; of community and family and so....yes Mr.Big old bad, bad CAVE man; it is written, it is written down not to offend you when we see Jesus was just trying to tell you what you didn't already know instinctually and culturally about marriage or ownership or family structures and family boundaries. Jesus says this is my sister and you need to respect her as his sister. Ask his father for her hand in a betrothal and maybe the mother of Mary could not have a baby or maybe she could have a baby and the gospel remains as the gospel. Jesus was resurrected to teach us about sin all over the world as maybe Emperor Constantine; some say or He just floated up certainly to Heaven to sit by His father at His right side. Either way, I have thanked God, graduated and I thank God that I believe in Him according to John 3:16. What is your argument; maybe? What do you believe? I accept the gospels as they are written. This is the point of the discussion as Jesus taught the Romans and was a good Rabbi and Roman citizen. The sin debt is the debt that remains when sin is unconfessed. My father does not ask me to put my debt on someone else. He asks me to acknowledge Him and his feelings See 1st John 1:9 and acknowledge. This is how the debt is paid. It does not really say in the gospel that JESUS died on the cross as a penalty and sacrifice for all of man"s sins.

The Salem Witch trials are really evidence of a Haitian New England Creole whoring seeking authority over the system, that they will get what they want to kill a Christian with accusations and mock God in the Courts. Maybe they hold the Lawyer's files also in Toronto. All the accusing witches( they could not have a baby) were found and killed after they killed one Dutch Christian man named John Adams and then Toussaint L'Condamne impersonated.

The Merchant of Venice

Is there someone in the Courts as an employee on drugs? Mandatory drug tests every 30 days may be mandatory soon. Would they be able to work at a firm though.

Is there someone in the Courts as an employee on drugs? Mandatory drug tests every 30 days may be mandatory soon. Would they be able to work at a firm though.

He is going to kill everybody. These pills killed your ex husband. He was told they are growth hormone. It's crack cocaine and lsd. They can induce heart attacks and an uncontrollable fanatic anger to argue with people when ever there is an opportunity to start a fight. It is affecting many customer service personnel at banks and supermarkets with an unusual behaviour to insist they have a right to rob the customer; also hold them hostage essentially by stealing the bank card. It's theft. Bank robbery is terrorism. This just in; the Authorities in Canada and the United States are dealing with a new crack cocaine epidemic involving these pills labeled and marked supplements on the bottle with no other information. It is crack cocaine. They are actually crack cocaine. They also damage your teeth enamel with a Drano resin. You are not sure what it is. Why risk your life and your health? Why risk your life with any such unknown pill and you can't say who manufactured it? The authorities have the evidence. If you are in possession of these pills, you can say you believe it is ginseng etc but the authorities have evidence through analysis that it is crack cocaine. You are arrested for possession of a controlled substance if you are found with these pills.

This just in; The EU Refugee system operated under EU law but run by French Canadian HOSTILES although it is supposed to be run by EU citizens has been referred, it is rumoured, to the European Court of Justice for Housing Refugees in buildings with known gas leakages on premises that were built with Illegal toilets designed in the 1600's for use by the refugees only. The building itself violated EU law as it is located next to an Abandoned gas plant that was constructed to close to regular residential premises. Refugees coincidentally live right beside it but the regular Human population is the more important issue.

Giza, Cairo, Egypt.

Tom and Jerry

Happy Days.

Corey and his wife Kenya say that according to Warren, it might not be a feasible Idea. However Could Warren be nominated for a High School Alumni Science Award at his High School; in Markham? Well, why not? He has honoured the school with four or five degrees and two highly popular books, plagiarised by university students. It's just a nomination. He could be nominated if they had an award. We learned about cooperation in School while we accept there is always a sad tendency toward cooperation. Yet, with cooperation we can something that will help us all achieve our ego goals and agendas. What is your idea or concept? This one is mine; all mine and I am willing to sell it to any government for the small yearly sum, amounting to a Librarian salary. Warren A. Lyon is also a Consulting Firm Librarian. ALUSRA is a novel, unique concept and if you would like to cooperate and offer your input, call or write. It is best you write us as we have already contacted major global corporations. We have been contacted by ten people who would like to participate as we have sent our idea to Egypt for further discussion. It's ALUSRA™ (formerly PRIONS ™ ) because we are all human. The reason why we have to do this with the garbage and with the airline fuel is because there is an airplane flying over head at 30,000 feet. Yet, as amazing as this is, we have not solved the world's garbage problem. We have failed to solve the problem but we do have technology that can be built and designed to solve the problem every day. We do not need more electricity from wind power or solar as hydroelectric power is enough free energy to power the world forever with fewer side effects and environmental collateral damage than solar energy. We have the technology and we can do it. We need to do it. We have written the Ministry of Energy in Egypt with our idea. This garbage can will, very soon, incinerate garbage all day. It will never need emptying and will work with a fuel cell to turn the hot gas that is rich in hydrogen from the incinerated Garbage into electric energy. The garbage can could also work as a Portal to an underground system of incineration and then also energy production using the fuel cell. This is the proposal of Warren A. Lyon. ALUSRA 2 ENERGY ™ (formerly PRIONS 2 ENERGY ™) continues with its proposal concerning mandatory electronic Garbage cans/ disposal units/ trash convertors; electronic Garbage cans. We call it an electronic Garbage convertor. ALUSRA ™ (formerly PRIONS™ and PRIONS 2 ENERGY ™) are protected under UN law, EU law and UK law involving concepts and intellectual property designed by Warren A. Lyon. A garburator; A garbage disposal unit (also known as a waste disposal unit, garbage disposer, garburator etc.) is a device, usually electrically powered, installed under a kitchen sink between the sink's drain and the trap. This is not a garburator but a unique machine concept that will incinerate garbage and convert the gas into electricity with a fuel cell. It does not exist and Warren A. Lyon proposes that it will exist and be installed at every bus stop and at train stations or airports. It will be installed at homes also, ending Garbage collection. You do see how we now have electric car rechargers on the side walk. There is a cord that runs from the charging station that is plugged into the vehicle. With the electronic Garbage can, there will be an underground power cable that could he used to power the charging stands for electric vehicles. This whole Idea is intellectual property belonging to Warren A. Lyon. We call it Prions 2 Energy ™ and is the most recent instalment in a trio of ideas involving home power generation. We may not need the power as the hydro electric power generated fro. Rivers is enough. But, the concepts will help us take human waste and food waste out of the water supply. It will so help us resolve the garbage problem around the world. I know there is an Egypt that has provided us with with tremendous human technology; including tables and chairs, mirrors, fire from volcanic ash, knives, cups, curtains and many other human house old items we use today. We also see clothing, cotton and jewelry. This is not black technology but human technology; African Aboriginal technology where the Pyramid is not only the Pharaoh's home for eternity but a museum of technology discovered or developed during his history. We know what technology was developed during Obama's history as President or during the history of Reagan as President. We honor them. We know what technology was developed during Queen Victoria and Prince (King Consort) Albert's reign. We honor them. We know that a black man named Louis Latimer helped design a light bulb but often we only hear of Edison who owned the company he worked for and the patent eventually. We are seeking a technological partner and have contacted Egypt. We admit that a garburator is not novel. But, what about a large electronic municipal sized curbside Garbage can that is, in itself, a garburator that will also take the Garbage and then turn the Garbage into a gas that can be burned in a fuel cell to produce electricity. This is ALUSRA ™ ( Formerly PRIONS™). ANGEL RONAN™ say every garbage can will be a garburator to end Garbage Collection. Prions ™ is prayer in French. We know Warren A. Lyon has conceived of this original technology called the Electronic Prions ™ Garbage can that produces energy capable of powering homes and buildings. It will quickly incinerate all garbage and glass at more than 300 degrees Celsius and the ashes will carry enough methane and hydrogen to be filtered through a molecular convertor to produce hydrogen or methane. The Garbage may Only be a portal to the larger disposal system under ground at the bus stop. The discovery we have with Human behaviour is that there is a Cain who does not cooperate but kills before he would work together and run a Kebab shop, cooking the barbecue Lamb that Cain is known for. Cain wants all the glory and killed Abel for his good, well seasoned barbecue Lamb. Then, there was the problem sometimes of Aboriginal vs. Aboriginal resentment for technological introductions and interruptions. You interrupt the Aboriginal when you tell him to use a fish hook instead of his hands to catch a fish; so complicated. This is one example. There is also the example of money or automatic universal unconditional income support for all citizens. A brewery is technology. It took England up to 1597 to develop its own brewery culture. France had breweries before that with the technology for contracts and agreements well established. Yet, we see that the European Aboriginal still resents the African Aboriginal that came and introduced many technologies to the European Aboriginal. He also founded Rome to obfuscate the identity of the founding Culture. Now, the North American Aboriginal sometimes still resents the European Aboriginal for the way the European Aboriginal introduced the Euro Pop version of Egyptian Aboriginal(African) civilization to the North American Aboriginal. These resentments and hurts defy skin tone. It really hurts sometimes; they say. The Aboriginal also says that if you could kill him and his people and take land, then he says unofficially that he will let you live untill 70 years old or maybe longer but if you own something like real property, he would like to think it shot be permitted to take it from you with continual harassment with poisoning, drugging and damaging of the teeth. He is an exception and a kind of unfortunate Aboriginal anthropological casualty that we have. Already arrested and convicted for the murders of several black women who owned properties as bus drivers, school teachers and real estate agents. While formal ownership of real estate property or ownership of business names may be against your Aboriginal sanctities, killing owners of property and business names is not a legal sport whether they are 43 or 44 or 65 or 79 years of age. We have spent too much time at 30,000 feet on airplanes powered by the wrong fuel, sipping champagne. We can certainly build anything we imagine. We can solve the garbage or waste problem on the earth. We have written the Government of Egypt and its Ministry of ENERGY with our ALUSRA ™ (PRIONS 2 ENERGY ™ proposals. This includes a garburator the size of a large garbage can with little Green shiny and red lights on it like a Coffee maker or paper shredder. It will be installed at will be installed at every home to end Garbage collection and the use of land fill sites for dumps that are environmentally unfriendly. For instance, every garbage can on University of London walkways will be a garburator and the energy produced by the on board fuel cell willbe transferred by cables to an energy transformer. The machines will turn garbage into Hydrogen or a gas that is capable of power a fuel cell that will also power the home. The gas can also power a forced air gas heater. This is ALUSRA ™. This is ALUSRA 2 ENERGY ™. Maybe we are all Cheddar-gyptian or Cheddar-italiagyptian by now. We can all enjoy Human technology and if you are interested in your Hegemony to have some involvement, you should contact Mr. Lyon to rent (licence) the technology concept or buy in as a stakeholders for long term development. Offers are invited at no less than £700.00 per day for 360 months. Thank you. By Warren A. Lyon, Director. Warren A. Lyon. -------- A garburator; A garbage disposal unit (also known as a waste disposal unit, garbage disposer, garburator etc.) is a device, usually electrically powered, installed under a kitchen sink between the sink's drain and the trap. You do see how we now have electric car rechargers on the side walk. There is a cord that runs from the charging station that is plugged into the vehicle. With the electronic Garbage can, there will be an underground power cable that could he used to power the charging stands for electric vehicles. This whole Idea is intellectual property belonging to Warren A. Lyon. We call it Prions 2 Energy ™ and is the most recent instalment in a trio of ideas involving home power generation. We may not need the power as the hydro electric power generated fro. Rivers is enough. But, the concepts will help us take human waste and food waste out of the water supply. It will so help us resolve the garbage problem around the world. I know there is an Egypt that has provided us with with tremendous human technology; including tables and chairs, mirrors, fire from volcanic ash, knives, cups, curtains and many other human house old items we use today. We also see clothing, cotton and jewelry. This is not black technology but human technology; African Aboriginal technology where the Pyramid is not only the Pharaoh's home for eternity but a museum of technology discovered or developed during his history. We know what technology was developed during Obama's history as President or during the history of Reagan as President. We honor them. We know what technology was developed during Queen Victoria and Prince (King Consort) Albert's reign. We honor them. We know that a black man named Louis Latimer helped design a light bulb but often we only hear of Edison who owned the company he worked for and the patent eventually. We are seeking a technological partner and have contacted Egypt. We admit that a garburator is not novel. But, what about a large electronic municipal sized curbside Garbage can that is, in itself, a garburator that will also take the Garbage and then turn the Garbage into a gas that can be burned in a fuel cell to produce electricity. This is PRIONS™. ANGEL RONAN™ say every garbage can will be a garburator to end Garbage Collection. Prions ™ is prayer in French. We know Warren A. Lyon has conceived of this original technology called the Electronic Prions ™ Garbage can that produces energy capable of powering homes and buildings. The discovery we have with Human behaviour is that there is a Cain who does not cooperate but kills before he would work together and run a Kebab shop, cooking the barbecue Lamb that Cain is known for. Cain wants all the glory and killed Abel for his good, well seasoned barbecue Lamb. Then, there was the problem sometimes of Aboriginal vs. Aboriginal resentment for technological introductions and interruptions. You interrupt the Aboriginal when you tell him to use a fish hook instead of his hands to catch a fish; so complicated. This is one example. There is also the example of money or automatic universal unconditional income support for all citizens. A brewery is technology. It took England up to 1597 to develop its own brewery culture. France had breweries before that with the technology for contracts and agreements well established. Yet, we see that the European Aboriginal still resents the African Aboriginal that came and introduced many technologies to the European Aboriginal. He also founded Rome to obfuscate the identity of the founding Culture. Now, the North American Aboriginal sometimes still resents the European Aboriginal for the way the European Aboriginal introduced the Euro Pop version of Egyptian Aboriginal(African) civilization to the North American Aboriginal. These resentments and hurts defy skin tone. It really hurts sometimes; they say. The Aboriginal also says that if you could kill him and his people and take land, then he says unofficially that he will let you live untill 70 years old or maybe longer but if you own something like real property, he would like to think it shot be permitted to take it from you with continual harassment with poisoning, drugging and damaging of the teeth. He is an exception and a kind of unfortunate Aboriginal anthropological casualty that we have. Already arrested and convicted for the murders of several black women who owned properties as bus drivers, school teachers and real estate agents. While formal ownership of real estate property or ownership of business names may be against your Aboriginal sanctities, killing owners of property and business names is not a legal sport whether they are 43 or 44 or 65 or 79 years of age. We have spent too much time at 30,000 feet on airplanes powered by the wrong fuel, sipping champagne. We can certainly build anything we imagine. We can solve the garbage or waste problem on the earth. We have written the Government of Egypt and its Ministry of ENERGY withe our ALUSRA 2 ENERGY ™ proposals. This includes a garburator the size of a large garbage can with little Green shiny and red lights on it like a Coffee maker or paper shredder. It will be installed at will be installed at every home to end Garbage collection and the use of land fill sites for dumps that are environmentally unfriendly. For instance, every garbage can on University of London walkways will be a garburator and the energy produced by the on board fuel cell willbe transferred by cables to an energy transformer. The machines will turn garbage into Hydrogen or a gas that is capable of power a fuel cell that will also power the home. The gas can also power a forced air gas heater. This is ALUSRA ™. This is ALUSRA 2 ENERGY ™. Maybe we are all Cheddar-gyptian or Cheddar-italiagyptian by now. We can all enjoy Human technology and if you are interested in your Hegemony to have some involvement, you should contact Mr. Lyon to rent (licence) the technology concept or buy in as a stakeholders for long term development. Offers are invited at no less than £700.00 per day for 360 months that may include a sale of the intellectual property rights for the entire ALUSRA 2 ENERGY ™ idea and concept. Thank you. By Warren A. Lyon, Director. Warren A. Lyon.

We offer free services. Pay a donation. This includes natives and Aboriginal persons. The founder is part Aboriginal. Angel Ronan Entwerfen ™. We can go to Court with you under the rules for all matters. You are family. Aren't you family? ANGEL RONAN ENTWERFEN ™

It is rumored that all non fuel cell vehicles and vehicles that are not totally Regenerative will be outlawed by 2026.

It may be 10 to 20 years before we see our electronic garbage can from ALUSRA at your bus stop or your front door. We are trying to sell the concept on a yearly payment deal covering about 20 or more and maybe 50 or 60 years that works out to about the regular salary of a Librarian yearly. There is a lot of technology involved. The final details have not been disclosed yet and no final deal has been made.


Leave It To Beaver.

If it was 1980 I would have 4 kids and a husband by now and I am 27 years old. I am a good feminine Creature. I am tired of this Cosmo magazine bull dung paralysing me and my generation. I have been with five men this week and the one I am with now maybe will be my husband....but we will be an informal union because I am a Sioux really. Read about the woman at the well; in the bible.


Jesus and the Sanhedrin

Jesus and Rabbi Nicodemus, a second generation Cheddar man aboriginal and not a hostile one.

LSD; Your Brain On Drugs.

Holy Mass

My little children, these things write I vnto you, that ye sinne not: and if any man sinne, wee haue an Aduocate with the Father, Iesus Christ, the Iust. And he is the reconciliation for our sinnes: and not for ours onely, but also for the sinnes of the whole world. And hereby we are sure that we knowe him, if we keepe his commandements. But hee that keepeth his worde, in him is the loue of God perfect in deede: hereby wee knowe that ye are in him. He that saith he remaineth in him, ought euen so to walke, as he hath walked. 1 John 2:1‭-‬3‭, ‬5‭-‬6 GNV

Old Boston.

Eor with what iudgement ye iudge, ye shall be iudged, and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you againe. And why seest thou the mote, that is in thy brothers eye, and perceiuest not the beame that is in thine owne eye? Or howe sayest thou to thy brother, Suffer me to cast out the mote out of thine eye, and beholde, a beame is in thine owne eye? Hypocrite, first cast out that beame out of thine owne eye, and then shalt thou see clearely to cast out the mote out of thy brothers eye. Giue ye not that which is holy, to dogges, neither cast ye your pearles before swine, lest they treade them vnder their feete, and turning againe, all to rent you. Therefore whatsoeuer ye woulde that men should doe to you, euen so doe ye to them: for this is the Lawe and the Prophets. Matthew 7:2‭-‬6‭, ‬12 GNV

Enter in at the streight gate: for it is the wide gate, and broade way that leadeth to destruction: and many there be which goe in thereat, Because the gate is streight, and the way narowe that leadeth vnto life, and fewe there be that finde it. Matthew 7:13‭-‬14 GNV

I am not really impressed by women playing professional sports except for tennis and volleyball or swimming and all track events; winter sports also. Seeing a pregnant woman is more impressive with ASICS Tigers on her feet or Adidas. When it come to winning and cheering, Americans are not racial. They cheer all day for sports teams that demonstrate how black people (Native) and white people (Native) have sat down at the sports fields, the Courts and the tables of brotherhood in a non racialised Culture of winning, sports and entertainment. There is no doubt there is European DNA and African dna swimming through these people who are usually just identified as Native when on reserve and some have been dipped in or washed through the Latin Spanish or the Latin Anglo cultures of the West Indies that tends to obfuscate the essential Native North American Aboriginal ancestry. Marxism, capitalism and communism are meaningless nomenclature when the truth is that the Russian Aboriginals all have income support money, the German aboriginals all have their money and the Anglos with the North Americans do not. Mascara and face painting is evidence of submission to the global Mesopotamian Egyptian culture except the English are hedging on a submission to the culture of income support; A received culture that dates back to the times of the Bible. We see Jacob went to Israel for the income support during the famines where they spoke of seven lean years and seven fat years. Black and white are the native identities used in the main society once the native steps off the reserve, out of the environs of the indigenous culture into the World of the occupying, received culture. On the reserve, they are native. There is a Tecumseh Judge also named Lemuel Shaw and he says the Garryan woman needs to understand her conviction. The fact that you speak a language, any language like Spanish, French or the Italian language, is not an alibi to murders and financial frauds. The Penal Code is a significant part of French culture along with the Canadian Criminal Code and the English common law as the English spoke FRENCH along with early English when the Common Law culture began is it that there are....these things happening in Quebec or in other bastions of French habitation? What we understand is that Napoleon is really a John Adams (Toussaint L'overture) North American aboriginal Native Trojan. He was educated with nothing but pictures from the story books printed with black ink and white shadowy images. The result was to suggest to him that the life is white, the story book is white. He never had the standard European education of the day and was more of a Day one Aboriginal when standing beside a European; more of a day one aboriginal than a European; like Herod with Jesus. Maybe he was an apology on the eve of the Gatling gun and the great colonial move west to settle all of New York, Ohio, Illinois and the lands of Quebec and Ontario. But, maybe money is the best to settle angry people if they could see the worth and purpose of it in your world or their world as it was about to change tremendously. Maybe it would have helped to think of it as domesticating humans as we do with animals as you feed them, shelter them and give them water to drink and comforts to create that dependent domesticated human who is happy to he at home with you. Some humans are red, black or white. Some wolves or dogs are red, black or white. But, they are settled and never too hungry to be wild again. But, we see some may argue and may still wish to kill and steal and are never content. They are indigenous thinking people who still struggle sometimes to settle in the received culture but money will help and it is necessary for the civilising. It is certainly necessary most importantly to ensure consumer demand in the economy. Authority is white in his tiny world view based on the sketchy images in the books printed in the 1700's and 1800's and this is much of the ignorant drag on modern life and experience when he wanted everyone to see the world like he did. NAPOLEON PROBABLY NEVER LIVED VERY LONG AFTER DAMAGING THE SPHINX AND IT IS NOTABLE THAT THIS DAMAGE TO THE SPHINX DID NOT HAPPEN DURING THE CRUSADES OF RICHARD THE LION HEART OR UNDER THE CONTACT WITH THE SICILIANS OR OTHER SOUTHERN EUROPEANS. Black and white( Revlon and Gillette assimilated native IDENTITIES). is therefore a global identity crisis as provoked by a black Haitian; Toussaint L'overture (AKA Samuel Adams) and his heir Napoleon on his way to get his ancestor's head(Saul of Israel) from Russia or Israel if he could find it. He was told on his way to Europe that he must make the world like the story book. He would smash the face of the sphinx as the nose is not white and the Roman (Berber, moor) who built much of early modern Europe would not be served by him at the café because isn't it white and authority to sit at a cafe in public? However, in the year 2022, we see a similar ignorance when black people are being told they cannot have ideas or they should not be graduated by people who carry lost strains of this DNA. They also call themselves snakes and they also say that if anyone sees them with their children in public, they are guilty. This brain is a really a day one aboriginal and it tend to be a bit too malleable in front of the media. When you ask why he will not serve someone black of just give them the bank card upon account opening or as soon as possible at a branch if the card is stolen, he shows you his Shakespeare book and says there are no black people in the pictures you see in the book and he says he is not sure about Othello or Banquo, McDuff and McBain being black; that is why and this is what he is trying to do since the world must match the book as the pictures are the authority. He will show you what he is doing. The issue is that his ancestry is essentially a Western Hemispheric Pangea man that is more anxious about authority than regeneration and would sterilise himself with nickel hydride water to make himself more white if he believes white is authority and he will buy LG phones if he is told LG is the Be Like (a son of) God or Love God phone. This Toussaint/Napoleon/Western Hemispheric Aboriginal died carry a DNA that had a predilection about authority; Saul DNA that ends up in the modern world via a Charles 5th pretender (an adoption in the house of Charles 5th) that Killed Charles 5th. But, the customer is a 12th generation Roman and maybe you call him Black; if you want but he is not an Albany native and nor will be an Albany victim in his homeland; nor did the Albany white design the pyramid or the first Roman uniform and sword that was designed in Egypt. ROME is a constructed culture designed to spread a "received" formal culture of art, religion, construction and numerals to the indigenous cultures and peoples of the world. Marxism, capitalism and communism are meaningless nomenclature when the truth is that the Russian Aboriginals all have income support money, the German aboriginals all have their money and the Anglos with the North Americans do not. The real truth is that the North American Russian dichotomy is fictionalised in movies but also real but in a limited sense. They have never really been at war directly and they were allies during WW2. The real issue involved an angry, starving North America during the early 1900's with too many guns and ton many victims of the desperation after the 1920"s and 1930's automation that caused mass joblessness. The difference between Russia and America is the solution to automation. Russia implemented a mass Income support program for all their Citizens that is not Communist but aggressively capitalist as it ensured there is a consumer market for all of the machine made goods. This is an important connection for the North American Aboriginal who sometimes has a little problem with connections when he does not have the cumulative knowledge from the Mesopotamian, Egyptian world that built stone Pyramids 5000 years before Christ's birth. When Columbus or Verrazano arrived in North America, the North American aboriginal was really 7500 years behind the known technological world. These would be what we call "day one" Aboriginals because on the first day they saw Columbus, they met men who were capable of navigating the seas based on the stars above them, using originally Egyptian technology. A "day one" North American aboriginal had no technology when meeting the European for the first time. Yet, every Aboriginal in the world has made a contribution in furthering the human experience. Americans designed the washing machine and packaged oats. The best way to see North America now is like a territory with starving half Euro Geronimo people with insufficient money per capita to be functional, happy consumers. They are not angry HOSTILES but Gillette and Revlon Natives. Elvis is an example as a native ( Cherokee); and so is Michael Jackson; Wampanoag. But, sometimes feelings outweigh our logic when it is evident that money to satisfy our Maslow needs is the most important of all needs in the Maslow-Lyon hierarchy ( Maslow-Lyon Hierarchy of needs by Warren A. Lyon) as Revlon and Gillette Natives who are subject to hunting restrictions and preventative fishing laws. The best European culture war strategy is to just drown the Aboriginal in copious income support and see who is struggling, expressing his angry feelings, resisting to respect the buying and selling of goods in preference for killing, stealing and destroying. There could be a few here and there; born 25 years ago or 70 years ago or 150 years ago that choose competition among family members and in society instead of cooperation when cooperation would be expected and most appropriate in the various contexts as life is not really a football game and even if it was, there are teams like family where at least 4 or more individuals are intended to cooperate and eat together every day with a mommy and daddy present. America said there will be no mass solution for the whole country. We don't know why. Yet, the first 13 colonies( the first 13 original states) always had an income support to cushion people and their simple little mundane lives in spite of the job losses. They are still needed primarily as consumers. The question is why America did not implement a similar socio economic policy for the all the states,not just the first 13 original states, to ameliorate the problems with the joblessness caused by Automation? Violence in all other states other than the original 13 states was quite high during the depression and lower in terms of gun deaths and robberies in the original (13 colonies)13 States during the depression of the 1930's. It is suggested that countries should have a consistent national policy that should cover all of their Citizens and they should implement one to end the dichotomy with true, aggressive capitalism; as we cannot say hunger and desperation due to a lack of national income support with high violence, robbery and death is culture or Dickensian that must be provoked in some unusual joy to see and celebrate the Dickensian Artful Dodger culture in the modern world. The odds are that you will see it anyway in the same way Pochahontas,Black and White, genetic regens do not want to have husbands and regular families but get pregnant, give birth and hand the babies out to families that cannot have their own children where Pochahontas Hagar being your perfect surrogate. The real truth is that the North American Russian dichotomy is fictionalised but also real. They have never really been at war directly and they were allies during WW2. The real issue involved an angry, starving North America during the early 1900's with too many guns and ton many victims of the desperation after the 1920"s and 1930's automation that caused mass joblessness. The difference between Russia and America is the solution to automation. Russia implemented a mass Income support program for all their Citizens that is not Communist but aggressively capitalist as it ensured there is a consumer market for all of the machine made goods. This is an important connection for the North American Aboriginal who sometimes has a little problem with connections when he does not have the cumulative knowledge from the Mesopotamian, Egyptian world that built stone Pyramids 5000 years before Christ's birth. When Columbus or Verrazano arrived in North America, the North American aboriginal was really 7500 years behind the known technological world. America said there will be no mass solution for the whole country. We dint know why. Yet, the first 13 colonies( the first 13 original states) always had an income support to cushion people and their simple little mundane lives in spite of the job losses. They are still needed primarily as consumers. The question is why America did not implement a similar socio economic policy for the all the states,not just the first 13 original states, to ameliorate the problems with the joblessness caused by Automation? Violence in all other states other than the original 13 states was quite high during the depression and lower in terms of gun deaths and robberies in the original (13 colonies)13 States during the depression of the 1930's. People from all kinds of countries live in various other countries around the world. They arrive with documents and identities and these comply with international standards. For the future, retina scans are suggested for an additional assurance or a tattoo with a number when documents can be lost or stolen and render the international in a kind of limbo. The bar code is preferred and should not be considered evil or a part of bible revelations when some thought passports and other such documents were scary confirmation of biblical revelations. The point is to save and secure the human life. The book of Revelations is an ancient book of many prophecies and we may have already lived through some of these amazing events. We would only hope to understand ourselves as witnesses so to speak as we have already lived in a semblance of world government. We hope that the strategy of some of the Anglo aboriginals to communicate their feelings, communicating angers, their resistance to technological change and to have authority over himself and his world has not led to them resisting what wisdom and practical logic there is from the United Nations in providing an income support for every citizen. It is suggested that countries should have a consistent national policy that should cover all of their Citizens and they should implement one to end the dichotomy of economic self defeat and delusion as contrasted with true, aggressive capitalism as represented by Russian, Spanish, European economics; as we cannot say hunger and desperation due to a lack of national income support with high violence, robbery and death is culture or Dickensian that must be provoked in some unusual joy to see and celebrate the Dickensian Artful Dodger culture in the modern world. The odds are that you will see it anyway because it is thievery and he or she will steal the grapes, the milk, custard, pizza and steal the roaster chickens to express their culture and ancestry even if they have an income support of 30,000 currency per year. This is so in the same way Pochahontas,Black and White, genetic regens do not want to have husbands and regular families but get pregnant, give birth and hand the babies out to families that cannot have their own children with Pochahontas Hagar is your perfect surrogate. The aboriginal may also continue to express angers as a passenger, consumer and citizen in our economies but he will be a less angry and more useful consumer in our existing existing economies. We cannot say what is the point if they will be angry and a thief anyway? The point is they need to LEARN how to buy the vehicle on finance and there is no point in trying to teach them if we do not ensure that everyone has the money. Money and finance are received cultures; not indigenous cultures. So is black and white as received from a nutty, evil aboriginal that created a them and us strategy to keep himself in authority; Toussaint. The into issue is that he did not remember that a house divided cannot stand and nor can the aboriginal tribes; that is to say the Anglo Aboriginal who is defeating himself as the Iroquois, Sioux etc when they would have been aided by a unified identity that accepts complexioned differences. A death of a Sioux is a death of a Sioux due to lack of income support if that is the issue. A death of an Iroquois is a death of an Iroquois. Her hue is not relevant. If its a person with Pochahontas that was a new world birth mother for the early Dutch and English settlers, she may be used to being( conditioned by her being co opted into the Colonial experience to work as a surrogate mother) in a relationship with three people where the Dutch or Anglo mother figure quite often could not carry a child. This is a collateral message or received culture from the Colonial experience but it was not intended to carry on for ever. The point is there are still people who need a surrogate today and Pochahontas can make her choice as to whether she has no other option. A death of an Anglo Aboriginal is the death of an Anglo Aboriginal where the focus on skin tone is just obfuscating the real elements of the problem in the economy or in the global hegemony discussion. As a result, the Anglo( Anglo Aboriginal) is the saddest football fan in the stands at an international game with the Europeans, Russian, some Americans and the Asians being happier, better financed fans as assisted with proper income support by their governments; as this is not the case for the English. This was actually written in January 2022. We need the aboriginal as big consumers if nothing else as they learn to treat others as they wish to be treated in customer service contexts. Some people in bank jobs tend to cause arguments and frustrate bank systems and business that is intended to get the bank cards in the customer's hands as soon as possible. We cannot give people a Reason to steal but it is better to give them incentives not to engage in any thefts. We suggest $80,000.00 per citizen and it's equivalent across the various Economies as it is the year 2022. It is a way to manage peace when there are a lot of angry people who cannot fish on their ancestral hunting grounds due to certain laws. They have to buy their food. They may look like any actor but they may have aboriginal angers. We suggest a VAT/Sales Tax of 15% to 40% to manage the economies and the various beneficiaries of the Commonwealth; including any specially maintained government personnel. We get more new people first since many have died off due to the economic underfunding. We finance the economy to maintain people. The government is like a father and mother carrying their children children on their chest with a harness through the fair grounds as they take the bus and subway home. Then when there are enough people and when it is necessary, we buy machines to defend them. There should be no unnecessary, disastrous sense of tension between the existence of the..... celebrations.....and the if you need to feel the people starving and then you say you don't really care. We obtain guaranteed necessary consumer demand to offset the new guaranteed computerised automated supply of goods achieved with automation. We love the celebrations and the pageantry. The Russians are the key English ally, guaranteeing the English throne and Economy. By Warren A. Lyon.

Air France

Paris, Sebastopol. This photo was taken in 2012; ten years ago by Warren A. Lyon.

Nike says "hoops is never done" and I thank God but you can't have hoops with out law; law for the ball, shoe and uniform patents and contracts. Yet, there is no doubt that in sports you can have self esteem without law when you played the game naked with a ball YOU made.

We apologize to Grendel for gun powdering you out, blowing you up and gassing you out. Je suis desolai. The victim Pangea man named----- is keeping a tragedy going at refugee centres, gassing them in insidious ways in F-ance until he gets an apology for what was done to his cave people. Maybe free refugee food is less evident and more insidious next time. But, it's illegal though to poison or cause the risk according to the criminal Penal Code of F-ance....maybe you should just see that you are breaching the penal code....your own F-ench laws. The employees can't work in the building passed November as the windows tend to be closed and it's too noxious for them; the gas. The building is just too close to a human population or any such habitation. It's just wrong though to pump hydrogen chloride gas into a building. You can put the chemical in the food; maybe if you need to communicate, express something about the chemical. Now, you want your People to go to Reykjavik. I am not sure why you do it but.... We apologize in particular to Sweet Indies Grendels, big and small.


What if it's a cup of coffee that you bought or a chicken?

In the Future, Your Clothes Will Warn You of Dangerous Gases