We can do it Fraulein. We can do it. If the Joe guy and his people had agreed to implementing the basic income/universal unconditional love Income support pursuant to the 2012 UN ILO Recommendation R202 he would have been president today. But, he had strong opinions about work and dignity,about dignity and I agree. His failure to agree, his failure to act has, however, brought us Civic 19 that is really Obedient 19. He really only has grade 10 education and sometimes we all have to obey the 19 principles in a UN document for our own good. I have grade 10. I don't need any fu++king law graduate to understand how to hear and follow authority in a document like that. I don't need anyone to pretend to be a graduate either who couldn't just hear even if..even if they did not understand all the reasons why and the causality as to occasion the need for this 19 keg point policy on day one. With all those posters around about obey, he failed to obey. He failed to act with his bromide 3 addict dude; shoo!!! The minimum income love support was good for McDonald's and GM too; mkrr market says more sales as the average citizen has more ability to buy. The Holland Basic income programme provides a free $40,000.00 to every citizen and an additional $20,000.00 for work available to every citizen for the dignity, for the involvement in Society on passenger railways or on the public transit. This was Civic 19 ground zero on the campaign trail in fact with the touchy feely 78 year old candidate who wants to come back and do what his team was asked to do in 2012 with a universal basic income although they failed to act. The incumbent solved it collaboratively, not all on his own with his use of the art of the deal and win-win leadership tactics to work successfully with all Democrats across the country to DO Something when the malls were closing due to insufficient market demand; insufficient money in the funds of the consumer as caused by automation. Now with the Cares Act success, the incumbent who cannot contract a fictitious disease is working with ISAF to ensure all North American countries to comply with a programme that does not target and fail to assist workers who have been furloughed or laid off for more than two years due to automation. It involves two simple policy adjustments; A). a universal unconditional minimum income support that covers the reasonable cost of living at no less than $40000.00 a year paid daily or weekly; B). A sales tax of 30% to cover the general costs of administration. They already pay 30% on many items. The programme should assist all citizens regardless of their circumstances pursuant to UN protocol. There was no Civic 19 disease. We are are all fifth cousins and it's time that we get closer. Don't be shy. What we need is more money per citizen and more love in public. We are too distant. We were distant from every other major economy due to a lack of the universal uncondotional minimum love income support in our economy and someone seems to have thought only war was the best way to deal with our hurt angry emotions. Some were told to just do what they want, rob the bank and now many have left since 2012 to resettle in Ireland, France, Russia and Japan; Norway and Scotland where they could enjoy a Civic 19 economy with a universal income support for every citizen. Every human being is your 1/5 cousin. We are tired of the distance and once every North American has a universal unconditional minimum income support, the trepidation in our economy as people covet the average life we call the American dream. Its not an idea. The American dream is not dead. The American people will win with a unified policy on the universal unconditional minimum income support. See a photo of the kissy huggy touchy lovey campaigner here. We will win as the Northmerican people. We can do it. Written by Gretel GutGut, Politics and Social Policy.
We can do it Fraulein. We can do it. If the Joe guy and his people had agreed to implementing the basic income/universal unconditional love Income support pursuant to the 2012 UN ILO Recommendation R202 he would have been president today. But, he had strong opinions about work and dignity,about dignity and I agree. His failure to agree, his failure to act has, however, brought us Civic 19 that is really Obedient 19. He really only has grade 10 education and sometimes we all have to obey the 19 principles in a UN document for our own good. I have grade 10. I don't need any fu++king law graduate to understand how to hear and follow authority in a document like that. I don't need anyone to pretend to be a graduate either who couldn't just hear even if..even if they did not understand all the reasons why and the causality as to occasion the need for this 19 keg point policy on day one. With all those posters around about obey, he failed to obey. He failed to act with his bromide 3 addict dude; shoo!!! The minimum income love support was good for McDonald's and GM too; mkrr market says more sales as the average citizen has more ability to buy. The Holland Basic income programme provides a free $40,000.00 to every citizen and an additional $20,000.00 for work available to every citizen for the dignity, for the involvement in Society on passenger railways or on the public transit. This was Civic 19 ground zero on the campaign trail in fact with the touchy feely 78 year old candidate who wants to come back and do what his team was asked to do in 2012 with a universal basic income although they failed to act. The incumbent solved it collaboratively, not all on his own with his use of the art of the deal and win-win leadership tactics to work successfully with all Democrats across the country to DO Something when the malls were closing due to insufficient market demand; insufficient money in the funds of the consumer as caused by automation. Now with the Cares Act success, the incumbent who cannot contract a fictitious disease is working with ISAF to ensure all North American countries to comply with a programme that does not target and fail to assist workers who have been furloughed or laid off for more than two years due to automation. It involves two simple policy adjustments; A). a universal unconditional minimum income support that covers the reasonable cost of living at no less than $40000.00 a year paid daily or weekly; B). A sales tax of 30% to cover the general costs of administration. They already pay 30% on many items. The programme should assist all citizens regardless of their circumstances pursuant to UN protocol. There was no Civic 19 disease. We are are all fifth cousins and it's time that we get closer. Don't be shy. What we need is more money per citizen and more love in public. We are too distant. We were distant from every other major economy due to a lack of the universal uncondotional minimum love income support in our economy and someone seems to have thought only war was the best way to deal with our hurt angry emotions. Some were told to just do what they want, rob the bank and now many have left since 2012 to resettle in Ireland, France, Russia and Japan; Norway and Scotland where they could enjoy a Civic 19 economy with a universal income support for every citizen. Every human being is your 1/5 cousin. We are tired of the distance and once every North American has a universal unconditional minimum income support, the trepidation in our economy as people covet the average life we call the American dream. Its not an idea. The American dream is not dead. The American people will win with a unified policy on the universal unconditional minimum income support. See a photo of the kissy huggy touchy lovey campaigner here. We will win as the Northmerican people. We can do it.
Written by Gretel GutGut, Politics and Social Policy.
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