Bimbo berry Part 1: Love is not control. Control is not love. Did you know that only an idiot poor ass thinks university graduation has something to do with social authority? How could it have anything to do with social authority? Those graduate people look for jobs with a lot of social and community resentment from the majority who eat fast food and get drugged up or who get the Covid in their milk shake or burgers. In what movie does it say, "...You are not a Jedi yet?" Your mother grew up watching a pastor father of hers throw plates and crack them when he saw any on the kitchen counter or the sink. She said she could not understand why they get so angry about everything and wanted to just see them dead; dead. He and some other men in the family checked them as children to see if they were still holy but this is not an criminal offence since its Creole Pastor culture in fear of Bacchanal and you must know sin before you condemn it, they would say. But, she preferred that the old helper lady or grandmother would check but the father tended not to trust them. A pirate lady named MS. Vermina Arthretis provoked him to think that he needed to check. When they saw he had any authority with an AM SW MW radio or they would test him by throwing dirt on his vehicle to see what God would do to them; like an Ewok. Any Ms. Vermina, offered to check and take a look at it...look at it and with out asking, Bibbly and Ms. Vermina searched the pastor's daughter in the church washroom, singing Linstead Market...something about "Every Mango, they come feel up..feel up." Now she has suffered her own confusion of testimony with her daughter stealing her bank statements, damaging her property and wishing her dead sooner than later...Her conscious as a daughter of a pastor is heard but her being murdered by her daughter cannot be tolerated. She should be allowed the freedom and time of life to give air to her own soul. She held a knife to her older relative once and said dont do it again; some nigger uncle or brother. Kill the bastard. He never graduated From any school or how else would he be an heir of John Adams killing every relative who did go to school for social competition so he could be the only one ? It seems like you married him. About children, the ultimate goal is to be a thankful orphan. Maybe the kid is really yours but how do I know if you are family? Family is hard for some murderous dna set on being the only one, who raise children good for social acceptance but after graduation kill them for social competition. BUT,WE ARE TIRED OF THIS POOR MAN'S eXCITEMENT ABOUT INHERITANCE. What about the excitement of the benefactor? But, if your CHILDREN ARE thankful orphans what should your bank statements say? Your ungrateful child or ungrateful orphan is affecting your livelihood. See it and forgive your own family before you suffer your own bitterness at your daughter's hand. Honouring your mother and father is what you are asked to do. You could have been raised by other more angry farmer people. But, your mother and father are who raised you. Honor them. Your biological mother and father could be other persons just on the tip(you are a king...You are a king) and we dont know how they do it. Honor them also. But, how can you be honoring the people who raised you if you intend to see them dead sooner than later; especially when they are turning 70? What if the neighbors are turning 70 and you are told to hope them dead by 70 , pretending they are your parents when they are not your parents or maybe they are? The Bible says treat the old people like your mother and father; the young ones like siblings and progeny and this is good advice when you are over 25. But, this means you should not be wishing anyone dead on your telephone unless..unless there is evidence he is the man, the murderer plotting to kill your mother to be the only one. If you have 1000 sons and daughters, one could be Cain or Judas intending to kill you before you are old. Now get your Bank statements back from Charredupel Ladyboyman who got them as stolen from your daughter, plotting your untimely death. The statements are possession of stolen property. She should not be promising you a Justice of the Peace job. Are you an evil Ewok imitating the last horror movie stupid soap opera you watched? You should be shocked and embarrassed with your behavior. Black lives matter..Ewok lives too! Arf a mo...check it!!!!! Remember that only an Ewok would turn a college degree written on paper into power and authority inspiring intent to kill. Can we endure those citizens portending to be kings with a murderous temperament and intent like this? In High School, everybody is running from other students who suffer with this predilection involving a college degree. /// She spit on them, Vermina and Bibbly, and they promised she would be bald someday and they would take her teeth. They both said, "I'm your mother" and went back to the cave where they stayed from time to time to feed an old pirate who kept as good as he could in Slaigoville, Jamaica. Those lady boys were his children and about 50 years old. Her parents were already over 85 years old when she was 8 years old. She harboured her bitterness and resentments and did not forgive this misunderstood and misperceived consistent inconsistency in the home. She misunderstood the intention. She was well taken care of otherwise. With her bitterness she became a recital recitation of her father and his emotions, becoming what she hates but eventually she forgave what she resented but not until she told people she needed to be the only one in the church, the dress factory and the only one with a food handling licence, killing as many family as she could with subtle, consistent little sabotages and criticisms of her uncle and brothers with deceitfulness to diminish them. But, what is the point of reading the bible everyday, 24 hours a day if you fail the first lesson which is to forgive as you wish to be forgiven ? But, you are not a Jedi yet. Did you hear the one about the Spanish Creoles who humbly submitted to English rule in many West Indian Island's after 1664? They killed them, stole the uniforms, their ID papers, the ships and sailed to locations off the coast of the eastern seaboard, infiltrating the English colonies that included Canada. However, the U.S. was never really independent. George Washington was really an English General and much of the history was written to maintain the control and limit the revolution fervor. But, what does this have to do with my native Assiniboine rights and my family's rights; strong and free in 2020? Quit killing on the old lady. Let her enjoy her Tubman Iroquois Creole Mango Chutney Anglo life; awoh. ///// "God of our salvation, all of our blessings come from You. You are the cause of every believer's measure of wisdom, and You are the cause of greatness of nations whose God you are. We thank you for loving us and delighting in us, to give us Your great salvation and all of its accompanying blessings." Everyone of us is a nation and must Leviticus so that we might multiply. You said right after church that you need to go and see a man about a Sunday meat for your oven for the dog. You wanted to see how your husband would react. There are some black people who work to aid a sick ignorant neanderthal white aborigine man's or white cheddar man's limited imagination where he says according to this Hollywood movie or this Book, if I am a white person and you are black, then you are supposed to know I should be able to maim you and we can still be friends because I am not responsible for your dental hygiene or your hair but let me pay because I am supposed to feel power over you at the pub; can't have any black bloke buy me any drinks. I would be happier if you were bald and teeth hurting because it aids my imagination and my sense of social position and authority but I am not racist or This photo is not for sale. What's the point of being the "only one" when you are just a poor ass first or second generation immigrant living in housing or sweating to pay a mortgage on a 1500 sq ft house? I know that rent and mortgage paying people where I come from. But,if I had an older brother I would let him take me to the titty rum bar and respect him. It's just that I realised for this, it's better to just respect one chick and give her the cash and respect her and she will probably make dinner or you use some of the cash to order kebabs; go to the ballet or something and for teas and coffee. She might make coffee for you and you appreciate her class. There are too many nice peopo looking for her class put her Mass Mutual kit on and change in the morning as you tell her she's really...cute. Ask her if she bought the kit or if you did. Go to your desk or the kitchen and check your emails. Go to your office. Pick up something for the house like some grapes or some water if she made no other request...maybe some banana toffee pie. You see, it is better like the bible says to have MORE with thankfulness...more family also. Those tits are all yours and maybe she will stay but if not, you got a good deal. Try to be on time. Is she real? Look under the hood if you can or maybe she will keep saying she will save some for the wedding. But, does she at least show signs of a menstrual cycle or is she pretending? It should look and smell like a fish's mouth. Maybe you have a wedding...maybe not. But be committed and then why not have a wedding? Lead by example. If you have two burgers, does she have two burgers to be equal? Does she run to the bathroom to fart or is she crude about ba ba ba pop booyahkakaka? But, so long as you are good then you are good and if she does go for the bigger ring offer, so be it. Offering Zirconia is the best idea as if her sh-t does not stink...when it should be about relationship and family and if she says yes, then we have family and 150 years of a family sized strip tease,...booyaka booyaka Bo Bo Bo Bo wheel and turn!!!! Get her the biggest real diamond ring you can afford maube in five years and buy the 5-10 year old late model vehicle and make a down payment on a house. By the time your children finish grade 9, a new vehicle is easy and they will have a universal minimum income support of their own by 15 years old like in Manitoba...and let no one drag you down over a coffee maker...or a regular...clean sort of massage that is like getting a discount striptease in "family size" a 500 g can of coffee worth 5000 cups is $5.00 and one Cup is worth $1.00 and a very worthwhile long life coffee maker is who she is...a wife. Be good. Clean your teeth. Open the door for her because after the titty bar, you are gay walking home with your school friends with no chick in your bed. So keep the chick you do have, leave the titty bar maybe after they settle in and before the mannequin (might be a dude or a creature with prosthetic balloons on him) is on stage really and tell your friends you will catch up with them later while they leak all over themselves in their!! But, you can't control anyone. Tampons could make them go off as laced with dna and LSD so she acts like that evil chick who is a cold case file from Montana 70 years ago who kept bringing the boss over for lunch to have authority over her husband and the whole house. The boss killed her when she tried to extort him and they called it a suicide. Your coffee maker could be an apologetic boo...trying to understand herself on LSD. If you are trying to graduate from a school or run a taxi business or a consulting service, then the family is supporting. This feels like...a different class..although school is free in addition to the movies, church and many meaningful Olive Garden dinners. You broke up and called back the next day, asking to get back to together again. Love is not control. Control is not love. You don't respect a relationship. You are scuffing up a Ken doll when even Barbie needs high school. You dont love anyone and maybe say something Next time. He committed to the family in the very long term, gaining a skill with all his love for Kunta KENTE AND Harriet Tubman with Thelonius, Miles and Dizzy and Earth Wind and Fire to earn a trade or a skill where you can lift 100 boxes at $1000.00 a box or build a hundred fences at $1000.00 per fence to buy a house for his family and show her lazy bones when she took drugs during high school and also left yourself to be an assistant at a golf club, polishing the balls and the clubs. My life is not a disposable monthly tampon that you bleed your self defeating social authority sick anxious emotions on for 30 years from the shadows but you never call to say wazzup as you embarrass yourself denying genuine friendship....maybe take a hug and a laugh through the phone line. But if it's not friendship that you want, why are you living among his people? Why do you want to be divisive, hurtful more than 20 years later? Anyway, Always say thank you to the coffee maker... and never complain and maybe even say "I love you" but more than love, you stay and you intend to stay forever...unless she is smoking the new super dope....and is terribly inconsistent when green tea will do to heal the covid...or the covet 19. Read 1st Corinthians 13 and stay more than than words alone can communicate but if she is ill from an indentured servant back ground and programmed to be a barn girl baby mother expecting to be corrected for something, she will act like she does not believe your comments so tell her what she wants to hear and you say reluctantly after the appreciation that maybe a little less salt is the best..and that really she should change's the best. If you are not careful, maybe she will find her gay liberation and tell you to spite of your annoying persistent health advice from the free health magazine about salt and cigarettes and you don't even ask how her grades are enough.... that's it!!! Maybe massage her feet; I Dont know. But if you don't graduate, she wins...the Eve you feel in her hoping you put her before your family honor. Her mixed tape/mp3 had Killing me softly by Roberta, On My Own by Pattie, Foot Loose by Kenny and On My Own by Pattie and Keep Forgetting by Michael. They can be like children,women, and volcanos all at once and she made breakfast so read her for the volcano and any of her idiocy about dropping out of law school by using your essays. It could be volcano day so go some where and come back and dont let her drag you into any are just doing some cleaning..during those four volcano lady monthly cycle days. Now dont let her iron the golf shirts, she will take it as a fatal criticism and want to break up like a gay maybe but they are probably "non iron" rayon golf shirts of dress shirts with a cotton blend. * The pessimist and an opptomist pull in different directions and the optimist believed for a regenerative Jet engine. She is a high school dropout or a very basic graduate thinking quite a bit about class and authority but isn't graduation good for any genuine concern for your preacher great Grand father Kunta Kente's( YouTube) social authority so that you would understand how to run his Pattie shop...and a law degree to understand pattie shop franchises or Cuban resorts is not a bad idea...moisture is essential bruv..Check it! This should save my brother from the confusion in this world with a little navigation. You cannot control anyone. Maybe she will let your father from Old Harbour dip it for a second to fool her that this is for joining the family after you already, maybe four or five times or after one year, gave her a full quality quality roast bag of coffee. But, he wanted to show them how he can open a can with his teeth...that his son is just a boy. But, he is a 40 year old computer programmer. These Ewoks tend to look at the world and say one thing at church etc but subconsciously in the family they do another...aiming to be the only one....niggah! Love "you". Tell people you love them and hear them say it to you although what you do, when you stay, is important and some people unfortunately leave when they live in the fear of abandonment...anxious about social authority seeing themselves at the bottom. But, you are a citizen with uh...pride. We all have a right to dignity, pride, life, liberty, peace and happiness. The typing scene is the most important scene in "Saving Private Ryan." We dont have any typing room like that for nice women and nice young bank clerk type men any longer. It's all automated. In fact, the 100 year old typist is a machine now..Grammerly....with a word processor and why type it over for multiple copies when you can photocopy it.....or you can speak and dictate and some Android app will do the typing for you. Although you thought she was worth the time and appreciation, she may leave for the guy with the 2015 Mustang with Bluetooth and "WAYS" satellite navigation and the yours is a 1967 classic..and maybe a bit smaller..dinky...and old...but it has thrust and can drive for hours....come on baby!! You get a new vehicle and then they damage it in the fear they will be left because now you have more social authority and worth. Christopher Columbus was half indentured servant and Cabot also...reasoning like an animal or barn girl at an individual and not as family...Always a bridesmaid and a secret wife and anthropology essentially..maybe someone's second wife and never a bride in her own imagination or she was drugged and her man was interrupted out of his quiet medical practice because the scallawag underpinning of the Anglo Western hemisphere wants to know how to run a medical office without a trained practitioner because Christopher Columbus had to live life as a man but with a vagina. Whose the boss...the authority on this ship? Will you let me walk all over you? Will you lead? What about a car builder without any experience with engines or a lawyer without any schooling on some principles? Why not eh? But, why kill the educated? This is the genocide. Everytime the Russian economy turns over daily, it earns 40% and they maintain their people with a reasonable universal minimum income support. Every time the American economy turns over with white shame running it, they earn 7% and they debt know how to solve it...but next time we could maybe build the F35 as an F37 and give it four small engines for hover capability...and two turbo jets at the back if we had a normal economy. It's still a cool jet though worth long range threat interception but short range flight capability. There are some black people...your cheddar and aborigine relatives who have the sick Anglo Creole... argh...Columbus dna who help you cover the white anxiety and shame. Who is the fool but the fool who follows it. Be secure. You understand ginseng and ginger. But, how can you lead if you cant multiply? Maybe you have to control your house like Astlon with LSD....keeping them all dragged down and drugged up threatening us all in what a pimp would do to keep his whores. Go to school since the job of a parent is to be secure and teach. A GED will do. I signed up at my age to do a GED to honor Geronimo...."Glory" and Kunta Kente(YouTube)...and my Japanese ancestors also. The question is how men like him could beg a kid to do his home work and remember Sam Sharpe or Geronimo, Sam's father, and then say the kid and his potential needs to be kept down by the community since if he could understand Central London Property Trust Ltd v High Trees, Partridge v Crittenden and the Dorset Yacht case then maybe his father beat me and owned me a generation ago but it's 2020 and I am willing to read the constitution to you. I think it say you are free but you are also under arrest...since I have freedom too and a right to be free from your nigger lazy hateful ways. Maybe your ancestor beat my ancestor and so I work very hard but you were told not to go to school because you should feel like you inherited and you should not have to do any work and then you lost the farm when you could not show anyone if you could multiply anything and how you own it and, in your shame, you killed people around you when they could see you were a damn fool and then they shot you dead..and threw you in the water at Escovitch Bay after ten dead f--k off!! The mutiny on the bounty on all government professional regulatory bodies in the name of pirate authority is over. Are you still handing out the exam books, stealing exam fees, watching their careers in great interest and then killing the graduates or holding the results ransom to see if they will figure out the game and offer a little booty? You are done. But, you can hire the black guy who really graduated to do the research and take the garbage out at night to keep him in his place...for a humble $67,000.00 per year. What authority can a...pirate really have? He's a criminal bent on kicking, killing stealing and destroying. Oh, I know. He could marry a Dud Chick with no fish socket or a Cleopatra and become a king..but he cannot rape my mother's rights of quiet citizens' ownership. Now, tell your daughters not to wait for anyone to give them away because how can the Holy water be clean if everyone puts their finger in her to see if she is still a..I mean the water..put their finger in the water? The message is that Santo Padre put clean water in the bowl and blessed it. The message is it is holy as blessed and that we should understand water is important, very important to be kept holy and clean for family and community so don't spit in my Costa BRAVA COFFEE OR MY Dunkins. You must keep yourself as clean as possible also for family and community Now, you cannot give your daughter away at the wedding when she is always your family and your daughter in the family of Israel. We don't give our children away and who can save us all from our humanity when we all make mistakes and cuss; right? Now, get the poison out of all the food and put the love back when do you not know the body is the temple of the living God and the spirit of God dwells within you...shoo? Now, be careful how you may entertain family!! Read Romans 7. For the little attention and work it takes to get along and share a space, then get along. He will get along with someone else if you cannot understand how big gas simple FAMILY is. Now, there is no point hoping to be your grandson's wife after he got a job with AIG as you break into every girlfriends life, drug them with your Cosmopolitan whore minded dna and then you are supposed to be the only one getting his attention as the only wife or womb in the cave family, this cave or hive psychology you testify to in the space age. Hot hot, you going church to help me with my hiding my pirate woman ancestry? Sit beside me. Hot hot, can you see you are the only crazy black black family hurting a law lecturer in your association as you embarrass yourself harassing him and his real, real family as you think you have an international right to do so? Are you gaining community favor of losing community favor? Why don't you again be the family that helped him graduate just being a good average family? But, right now you have to know you have chosen to confirm after 20 years of harassment that you are not really related to anyone but the sh-t you smoke. If he graduated from Engineering or Medical School where he is headed, we can see what you would do. But, you could go to medical school if you want. Why would you kill your nephew or son or cousin for social authority competition? The final judge or arbiter to bestow social authority has decided that you were hurtful; some ancestral intent to kill, steal and destroy. You call all the banks and airline companies to say you want him dead or he has to propose first. But, you never did this until after graduation. You are hurtful, embarassing; a shame, a drug addict who can't see themselves, maybe a sober Ewok. He has applied to Gerogetown. If your neighborhood smokes it, then they are family. The Last point is to ask how long it will be that a West Indian with a degree from Oxford could just enjoy his humble Irish universal unconditional minimum income support without interruptions (Carling said frustrate, and wait until he has a law firm eh? But, he has one.) and maybe help some one with their problems at the Covid (Escovit) clinic every now and again? So, here what happened now....the woman has tried to fool we that she loved him. But, how can you be a teacher if you don't have students ? How can you be a mother without the milk? How can you be a carpenter without wood? How can you be an emperor without people? How can you be a football captain without a football goal? How can you be ship captain without deck hands? How can you be a house of prayer or a house of pancakes without.....prayer....without pancakes? How can you honor your family and your mother and father if you don't honor yourself and your life in public. She only wanted to see him dropout....and her ass was worth dropping out but it felt too biblical to abandon your family's good hopes for a beautiful piece of ass...who was too much for just one man. There are many asses in the Cosmopolitan barn. Here comes one right now....not as big though and this one cooked and ironed but was afraid of commitments of more than six months because of common law marriage rules. Come on baby!!!!! This is not what was intended. I don't want an ass. We want a family and there are women who know this is the goal and enjoy their acceptance as a wife in family and yet there are some too busy leaving people so, again and again, they need to be accepted. But, if you left and broke up because he wrote on a piece of paper his grade was a D on his last university project, then you broke up. It looks like we got a 78% on our entire degree. Thank you for being fanmily" Bimbo berry Part 1: Love is not control. Control is not love. Did you know that only an idiot poor ass thinks university graduation has something to do with social authority? How could it have anything to do with social authority? Those graduate people look for jobs with a lot of social and community resentment from the majority who eat fast food and get drugged up or who get the Covid in their milk shake or burgers. In what movie does it say, "...You are not a Jedi yet?" Your mother grew up watching a pastor father of hers throw plates and crack them when he saw any on the kitchen counter or the sink. She said she could not understand why they get so angry about everything and wanted to just see them dead; dead. He and some other men in the family checked them as children to see if they were still holy but this is not an criminal offence since its Creole Pastor culture in fear of Bacchanal and you must know sin before you condemn it, they would say. But, she preferred that the old helper lady or grandmother would check but the father tended not to trust them. A pirate lady named MS. Vermina Arthretis provoked him to think that he needed to check. When they saw he had any authority with an AM SW MW radio or they would test him by throwing dirt on his vehicle to see what God would do to them; like an Ewok. Any Ms. Vermina, offered to check and take a look at it...look at it and with out asking, Bibbly and Ms. Vermina searched the pastor's daughter in the church washroom, singing Linstead Market...something about "Every Mango, they come feel up..feel up." Now she has suffered her own confusion of testimony with her daughter stealing her bank statements, damaging her property and wishing her dead sooner than later...Her conscious as a daughter of a pastor is heard but her being murdered by her daughter cannot be tolerated. She should be allowed the freedom and time of life to give air to her own soul. She held a knife to her older relative once and said dont do it again; some nigger uncle or brother. Kill the bastard. He never graduated From any school or how else would he be an heir of John Adams killing every relative who did go to school for social competition so he could be the only one ? It seems like you married him. About children, the ultimate goal is to be a thankful orphan. Maybe the kid is really yours but how do I know if you are family? Family is hard for some murderous dna set on being the only one, who raise children good for social acceptance but after graduation kill them for social competition. BUT,WE ARE TIRED OF THIS POOR MAN'S eXCITEMENT ABOUT INHERITANCE. What about the excitement of the benefactor? But, if your CHILDREN ARE thankful orphans what should your bank statements say? Your ungrateful child or ungrateful orphan is affecting your livelihood. See it and forgive your own family before you suffer your own bitterness at your daughter's hand. Honouring your mother and father is what you are asked to do. You could have been raised by other more angry farmer people. But, your mother and father are who raised you. Honor them. Your biological mother and father could be other persons just on the tip(you are a king...You are a king) and we dont know how they do it. Honor them also. But, how can you be honoring the people who raised you if you intend to see them dead sooner than later; especially when they are turning 70? What if the neighbors are turning 70 and you are told to hope them dead by 70 , pretending they are your parents when they are not your parents or maybe they are? The Bible says treat the old people like your mother and father; the young ones like siblings and progeny and this is good advice when you are over 25. But, this means you should not be wishing anyone dead on your telephone unless..unless there is evidence he is the man, the murderer plotting to kill your mother to be the only one. If you have 1000 sons and daughters, one could be Cain or Judas intending to kill you before you are old. Now get your Bank statements back from Charredupel Ladyboyman who got them as stolen from your daughter, plotting your untimely death. The statements are possession of stolen property. She should not be promising you a Justice of the Peace job. Are you an evil Ewok imitating the last horror movie stupid soap opera you watched? You should be shocked and embarrassed with your behavior. Black lives matter..Ewok lives too! Arf a mo...check it!!!!! Remember that only an Ewok would turn a college degree written on paper into power and authority inspiring intent to kill. Can we endure those citizens portending to be kings with a murderous temperament and intent like this? In High School, everybody is running from other students who suffer with this predilection involving a college degree. /// She spit on them, Vermina and Bibbly, and they promised she would be bald someday and they would take her teeth. They both said, "I'm your mother" and went back to the cave where they stayed from time to time to feed an old pirate who kept as good as he could in Slaigoville, Jamaica. Those lady boys were his children and about 50 years old. Her parents were already over 85 years old when she was 8 years old. She harboured her bitterness and resentments and did not forgive this misunderstood and misperceived consistent inconsistency in the home. She misunderstood the intention. She was well taken care of otherwise. With her bitterness she became a recital recitation of her father and his emotions, becoming what she hates but eventually she forgave what she resented but not until she told people she needed to be the only one in the church, the dress factory and the only one with a food handling licence, killing as many family as she could with subtle, consistent little sabotages and criticisms of her uncle and brothers with deceitfulness to diminish them. But, what is the point of reading the bible everyday, 24 hours a day if you fail the first lesson which is to forgive as you wish to be forgiven ? But, you are not a Jedi yet. Did you hear the one about the Spanish Creoles who humbly submitted to English rule in many West Indian Island's after 1664? They killed them, stole the uniforms, their ID papers, the ships and sailed to locations off the coast of the eastern seaboard, infiltrating the English colonies that included Canada. However, the U.S. was never really independent. George Washington was really an English General and much of the history was written to maintain the control and limit the revolution fervor. But, what does this have to do with my native Assiniboine rights and my family's rights; strong and free in 2020? Quit killing on the old lady. Let her enjoy her Tubman Iroquois Creole Mango Chutney Anglo life; awoh. ///// "God of our salvation, all of our blessings come from You. You are the cause of every believer's measure of wisdom, and You are the cause of greatness of nations whose God you are. We thank you for loving us and delighting in us, to give us Your great salvation and all of its accompanying blessings." Everyone of us is a nation and must Leviticus so that we might multiply. You said right after church that you need to go and see a man about a Sunday meat for your oven for the dog. You wanted to see how your husband would react. There are some black people who work to aid a sick ignorant neanderthal white aborigine man's or white cheddar man's limited imagination where he says according to this Hollywood movie or this Book, if I am a white person and you are black, then you are supposed to know I should be able to maim you and we can still be friends because I am not responsible for your dental hygiene or your hair but let me pay because I am supposed to feel power over you at the pub; can't have any black bloke buy me any drinks. I would be happier if you were bald and teeth hurting because it aids my imagination and my sense of social position and authority but I am not racist or This photo is not for sale. What's the point of being the "only one" when you are just a poor ass first or second generation immigrant living in housing or sweating to pay a mortgage on a 1500 sq ft house? I know that rent and mortgage paying people where I come from. But,if I had an older brother I would let him take me to the titty rum bar and respect him. It's just that I realised for this, it's better to just respect one chick and give her the cash and respect her and she will probably make dinner or you use some of the cash to order kebabs; go to the ballet or something and for teas and coffee. She might make coffee for you and you appreciate her class. There are too many nice peopo looking for her class put her Mass Mutual kit on and change in the morning as you tell her she's really...cute. Ask her if she bought the kit or if you did. Go to your desk or the kitchen and check your emails. Go to your office. Pick up something for the house like some grapes or some water if she made no other request...maybe some banana toffee pie. You see, it is better like the bible says to have MORE with thankfulness...more family also. Those tits are all yours and maybe she will stay but if not, you got a good deal. Try to be on time. Is she real? Look under the hood if you can or maybe she will keep saying she will save some for the wedding. But, does she at least show signs of a menstrual cycle or is she pretending? It should look and smell like a fish's mouth. Maybe you have a wedding...maybe not. But be committed and then why not have a wedding? Lead by example. If you have two burgers, does she have two burgers to be equal? Does she run to the bathroom to fart or is she crude about ba ba ba pop booyahkakaka? But, so long as you are good then you are good and if she does go for the bigger ring offer, so be it. Offering Zirconia is the best idea as if her sh-t does not stink...when it should be about relationship and family and if she says yes, then we have family and 150 years of a family sized strip tease,...booyaka booyaka Bo Bo Bo Bo wheel and turn!!!! Get her the biggest real diamond ring you can afford maybe in five years and buy the 5-10 year old late model vehicle and make a down payment on a house. By the time your children finish grade 9, a new vehicle is easy and they will have a universal minimum income support of their own by 15 years old like in Manitoba...and let no one drag you down over a coffee maker...or a regular...clean sort of massage that is like getting a discount striptease in "family size" a 500 g can of coffee worth 5000 cups is $5.00 and one Cup is worth $1.00 and a very worthwhile long life coffee maker is who she is...a wife. Be good. Clean your teeth. Open the door for her because after the titty bar, you are gay walking home with your school friends with no chick in your bed. So keep the chick you do have, leave the titty bar maybe after they settle in and before the mannequin (might be a dude or a creature with prosthetic balloons on him) is on stage really and tell your friends you will catch up with them later while they leak all over themselves in their!! But, you can't control anyone. Tampons could make them go off as laced with dna and LSD so she acts like that evil chick who is a cold case file from Montana 70 years ago who kept bringing the boss over for lunch to have authority over her husband and the whole house. The boss killed her when she tried to extort him and they called it a suicide. Your coffee maker could be an apologetic boo...trying to understand herself on LSD. If you are trying to graduate from a school or run a taxi business or a consulting service, then the family is supporting. This feels like...a different class..although school is free in addition to the movies, church and many meaningful Olive Garden dinners. You broke up and called back the next day, asking to get back to together again. Love is not control. Control is not love. You don't respect a relationship. You are scuffing up a Ken doll when even Barbie needs high school. You dont love anyone and maybe say something Next time. He committed to the family in the very long term, gaining a skill with all his love for Kunta KENTE AND Harriet Tubman with Thelonius, Miles and Dizzy and Earth Wind and Fire to earn a trade or a skill where you can lift 100 boxes at $1000.00 a box or build a hundred fences at $1000.00 per fence to buy a house for his family and show her lazy bones when she took drugs during high school and also left yourself to be an assistant at a golf club, polishing the balls and the clubs. My life is not a disposable monthly tampon that you bleed your self defeating social authority sick anxious emotions on for 30 years from the shadows but you never call to say wazzup as you embarrass yourself denying genuine friendship....maybe take a hug and a laugh through the phone line. But if it's not friendship that you want, why are you living among his people? Why do you want to be divisive, hurtful more than 20 years later? Anyway, Always say thank you to the coffee maker... and never complain and maybe even say "I love you" but more than love, you stay and you intend to stay forever...unless she is smoking the new super dope....and is terribly inconsistent when green tea will do to heal the covid...or the covet 19. Read 1st Corinthians 13 and stay more than than words alone can communicate but if she is ill from an indentured servant back ground and programmed to be a barn girl baby mother expecting to be corrected for something, she will act like she does not believe your comments so tell her what she wants to hear and you say reluctantly after the appreciation that maybe a little less salt is the best..and that really she should change's the best. If you are not careful, maybe she will find her gay liberation and tell you to spite of your annoying persistent health advice from the free health magazine about salt and cigarettes and you don't even ask how her grades are enough.... that's it!!! Maybe massage her feet; I Dont know. But if you don't graduate, she wins...the Eve you feel in her hoping you put her before your family honor. Her mixed tape/mp3 had Killing me softly by Roberta, On My Own by Pattie, Foot Loose by Kenny and On My Own by Pattie and Keep Forgetting by Michael. They can be like children,women, and volcanos all at once and she made breakfast so read her for the volcano and any of her idiocy about dropping out of law school by using your essays. It could be volcano day so go some where and come back and dont let her drag you into any are just doing some cleaning..during those four volcano lady monthly cycle days. Now dont let her iron the golf shirts, she will take it as a fatal criticism and want to break up like a gay maybe but they are probably "non iron" rayon golf shirts of dress shirts with a cotton blend. * The pessimist and an opptomist pull in different directions and the optimist believed for a regenerative Jet engine. She is a high school dropout or a very basic graduate thinking quite a bit about class and authority but isn't graduation good for any genuine concern for your preacher great Grand father Kunta Kente's( YouTube) social authority so that you would understand how to run his Pattie shop...and a law degree to understand pattie shop franchises or Cuban resorts is not a bad idea...moisture is essential bruv..Check it! This should save my brother from the confusion in this world with a little navigation. You cannot control anyone. Maybe she will let your father from Old Harbour dip it for a second to fool her that this is for joining the family after you already, maybe four or five times or after one year, gave her a full quality quality roast bag of coffee. But, he wanted to show them how he can open a can with his teeth...that his son is just a boy. But, he is a 40 year old computer programmer. These Ewoks tend to look at the world and say one thing at church etc but subconsciously in the family they do another...aiming to be the only one....niggah! Love "you". Tell people you love them and hear them say it to you although what you do, when you stay, is important and some people unfortunately leave when they live in the fear of abandonment...anxious about social authority seeing themselves at the bottom. But, you are a citizen with uh...pride. We all have a right to dignity, pride, life, liberty, peace and happiness. The typing scene is the most important scene in "Saving Private Ryan." We dont have any typing room like that for nice women and nice young bank clerk type men any longer. It's all automated. In fact, the 100 year old typist is a machine now..Grammerly....with a word processor and why type it over for multiple copies when you can photocopy it.....or you can speak and dictate and some Android app will do the typing for you. Although you thought she was worth the time and appreciation, she may leave for the guy with the 2015 Mustang with Bluetooth and "WAYS" satellite navigation and the yours is a 1967 classic..and maybe a bit smaller..dinky...and old...but it has thrust and can drive for hours....come on baby!! You get a new vehicle and then they damage it in the fear they will be left because now you have more social authority and worth. Christopher Columbus was half indentured servant and Cabot also...reasoning like an animal or barn girl at an individual and not as family...Always a bridesmaid and a secret wife and anthropology essentially..maybe someone's second wife and never a bride in her own imagination or she was drugged and her man was interrupted out of his quiet medical practice because the scallawag underpinning of the Anglo Western hemisphere wants to know how to run a medical office without a trained practitioner because Christopher Columbus had to live life as a man but with a vagina. Whose the boss...the authority on this ship? Will you let me walk all over you? Will you lead? What about a car builder without any experience with engines or a lawyer without any schooling on some principles? Why not eh? But, why kill the educated? This is the genocide. Everytime the Russian economy turns over daily, it earns 40% and they maintain their people with a reasonable universal minimum income support. Every time the American economy turns over with white shame running it, they earn 7% and they debt know how to solve it...but next time we could maybe build the F35 as an F37 and give it four small engines for hover capability...and two turbo jets at the back if we had a normal economy. It's still a cool jet though worth long range threat interception but short range flight capability. There are some black people...your cheddar and aborigine relatives who have the sick Anglo Creole... argh...Columbus dna who help you cover the white anxiety and shame. Who is the fool but the fool who follows it. Be secure. You understand ginseng and ginger. But, how can you lead if you cant multiply? Maybe you have to control your house like Astlon with LSD....keeping them all dragged down and drugged up threatening us all in what a pimp would do to keep his whores. Go to school since the job of a parent is to be secure and teach. A GED will do. I signed up at my age to do a GED to honor Geronimo...."Glory" and Kunta Kente(YouTube)...and my Japanese ancestors also. The question is how men like him could beg a kid to do his home work and remember Sam Sharpe or Geronimo, Sam's father, and then say the kid and his potential needs to be kept down by the community since if he could understand Central London Property Trust Ltd v High Trees, Partridge v Crittenden and the Dorset Yacht case then maybe his father beat me and owned me a generation ago but it's 2020 and I am willing to read the constitution to you. I think it say you are free but you are also under arrest...since I have freedom too and a right to be free from your nigger lazy hateful ways. Maybe your ancestor beat my ancestor and so I work very hard but you were told not to go to school because you should feel like you inherited and you should not have to do any work and then you lost the farm when you could not show anyone if you could multiply anything and how you own it and, in your shame, you killed people around you when they could see you were a damn fool and then they shot you dead..and threw you in the water at Escovitch Bay after ten dead f--k off!! The mutiny on the bounty on all government professional regulatory bodies in the name of pirate authority is over. Are you still handing out the exam books, stealing exam fees, watching their careers in great interest and then killing the graduates or holding the results ransom to see if they will figure out the game and offer a little booty? You are done. But, you can hire the black guy who really graduated to do the research and take the garbage out at night to keep him in his place...for a humble $67,000.00 per year. What authority can a...pirate really have? He's a criminal bent on kicking, killing stealing and destroying. Oh, I know. He could marry a Dud Chick with no fish socket or a Cleopatra and become a king..but he cannot rape my mother's rights of quiet citizens' ownership. Now, tell your daughters not to wait for anyone to give them away because how can the Holy water be clean if everyone puts their finger in her to see if she is still a..I mean the water..put their finger in the water? The message is that Santo Padre put clean water in the bowl and blessed it. The message is it is holy as blessed and that we should understand water is important, very important to be kept holy and clean for family and community so don't spit in my Costa BRAVA COFFEE OR MY Dunkins. You must keep yourself as clean as possible also for family and community Now, you cannot give your daughter away at the wedding when she is always your family and your daughter in the family of Israel. We don't give our children away and who can save us all from our humanity when we all make mistakes and cuss; right? Now, get the poison out of all the food and put the love back when do you not know the body is the temple of the living God and the spirit of God dwells within you...shoo? Now, be careful how you may entertain family!! Read Romans 7. For the little attention and work it takes to get along and share a space, then get along. He will get along with someone else if you cannot understand how big gas simple FAMILY is. Now, there is no point hoping to be your grandson's wife after he got a job with AIG as you break into every girlfriends life, drug them with your Cosmopolitan whore minded dna and then you are supposed to be the only one getting his attention as the only wife or womb in the cave family, this cave or hive psychology you testify to in the space age. Hot hot, you going church to help me with my hiding my pirate woman ancestry? Sit beside me. Hot hot, can you see you are the only crazy black black family hurting a law lecturer in your association as you embarrass yourself harassing him and his real, real family as you think you have an international right to do so? Are you gaining community favor of losing community favor? Why don't you again be the family that helped him graduate just being a good average family? But, right now you have to know you have chosen to confirm after 20 years of harassment that you are not really related to anyone but the sh-t you smoke. If he graduated from Engineering or Medical School where he is headed, we can see what you would do. But, you could go to medical school if you want. Why would you kill your nephew or son or cousin for social authority competition? The final judge or arbiter to bestow social authority has decided that you were hurtful; some ancestral intent to kill, steal and destroy. You call all the banks and airline companies to say you want him dead or he has to propose first. But, you never did this until after graduation. You are hurtful, embarassing; a shame, a drug addict who can't see themselves, maybe a sober Ewok. He has applied to Gerogetown. If your neighborhood smokes it, then they are family. The Last point is to ask how long it will be that a West Indian with a degree from Oxford could just enjoy his humble Irish universal unconditional minimum income support without interruptions (Carling said frustrate, and wait until he has a law firm eh? But, he has one.) and maybe help some one with their problems at the Covid (Escovit) clinic every now and again? So, here what happened now....the woman has tried to fool we that she loved him. But, how can you be a teacher if you don't have students ? How can you be a mother without the milk? How can you be a carpenter without wood? How can you be an emperor without people? How can you be a football captain without a football goal? How can you be ship captain without deck hands? How can you be a house of prayer or a house of pancakes without.....prayer....without pancakes? How can you honor your family and your mother and father if you don't honor yourself and your life in public. She only wanted to see him dropout....and her ass was worth dropping out but it felt too biblical to abandon your family's good hopes for a beautiful piece of ass...who was too much for just one man. There are many asses in the Cosmopolitan barn. Here comes one right now....not as big though and this one cooked and ironed but was afraid of commitments of more than six months because of common law marriage rules. Come on baby!!!!! This is not what was intended. I don't want an ass. We want a family and there are women who know this is the goal and enjoy their acceptance as a wife in family and yet there are some too busy leaving people so, again and again, they need to be accepted. But, if you left and broke up because he wrote on a piece of paper his grade was a D on his last university project, then you broke up. It looks like we got a 78% on our entire degree. Thank you for being "fanmily"; not family. Now, we understand that Eve put the snake in her "whats it not" at its head and conceived Cain in the unnatural. This is her experience in the garden. Don't do anything like this; snake venom. It produced the Maleficent, now coloured as Fuscia. Have a family. Read Romans 7. ////// Part Now, we understand that Eve put the snake in her "whats it not" at its head and conceived Cain in the unnatural. This is her experience in the garden. Don't do anything like this; snake venom. It produced the Maleficent, now coloured as Fuscia. Have a family. Read Romans 7. By Andre Essay. Now, we understand that Eve put the snake in her "whats it not" at its head and conceived Cain in the unnatural. This is her experience in the garden. Don't do anything like this; snake venom. It produced the Maleficent, now coloured as Fuscia. Have a family. Read Romans 7. ////// Part Now, we understand that Eve put the snake in her "whats it not" at its head and conceived Cain in the unnatural. This is her experience in the garden. Don't do anything like this; snake venom. It produced the Maleficent, now coloured as Fuscia. Have a family. Read Romans 7. By Andre Essay.

    Bimbo berry Part 1: Love is not control.  Control is not love.    Did you know that  only an idiot poor ass thinks  university graduation has something to do with social authority? How could it have anything to do with social authority? Those graduate people look for jobs with a lot of social and community resentment from the majority who eat fast food and get drugged up or who get the Covid in their milk shake or burgers.      In what movie does it say, "...You are not a Jedi yet?"  Your mother grew up watching a pastor father of hers throw plates and crack them when he saw any on the kitchen counter or the sink. She said she could not understand why they get so angry about everything  and wanted to just see them dead; dead. He and some other men in the family checked them as children to see if they were still holy but this is not an criminal offence since its Creole Pastor culture in fear of Bacchanal and you must know sin before you condemn it,  they would say.   But, she preferred that the old helper lady or grandmother would check but the father  tended not to trust them.  A pirate lady named MS. Vermina Arthretis provoked him to think that he needed to check.   When they saw he had any authority with an AM SW MW  radio or they would test him by throwing dirt on his vehicle to see what God would do to them; like an Ewok.     Any Ms. Vermina, offered to check and take a look at it...look at it and with out asking,  Bibbly and Ms. Vermina searched the pastor's daughter in the church washroom, singing Linstead Market...something about "Every Mango, they come feel up..feel up."  Now she has suffered her own confusion of testimony with her daughter stealing her bank statements, damaging her property and wishing her dead sooner than later...Her conscious as a daughter of a pastor is heard but her being murdered by her daughter cannot be tolerated. She should be allowed the freedom and time of life to give air to her own soul.     She held a knife to her older relative once and said dont do it again;  some nigger uncle or brother.  Kill the bastard. He never graduated From any school or how else would he be an heir of John Adams killing every relative who did go to school for social competition so he could be the only one ?         It seems like you married him.   About children, the ultimate goal is to be a thankful orphan. Maybe the kid is really yours but how do I know if you are family? Family is hard for some murderous dna set on being the only one, who raise children good for social acceptance but after graduation kill them for social competition.      BUT,WE ARE TIRED OF THIS POOR MAN'S eXCITEMENT ABOUT INHERITANCE.  What about the excitement of the benefactor?   But, if your CHILDREN ARE thankful orphans what should your bank statements say? Your ungrateful child or ungrateful orphan is affecting your livelihood.  See it and forgive your own family before you suffer your own bitterness at your daughter's hand.    Honouring your mother and father is what you are asked to do. You could have been raised by other more angry farmer people.  But, your mother and father are who raised you. Honor them.  Your biological mother and father could be other persons just on the tip(you are a king...You are a king) and we dont know how they do it.   Honor them also.  But, how can you be honoring the people who raised you if you intend to see them dead sooner than later; especially when they are turning 70?  What if the neighbors are turning 70 and you are told to hope them dead by 70 , pretending they are your parents when they are not your parents or maybe they are?  The Bible says treat the old people like your mother and father; the young ones like siblings and progeny and this is good advice when you are over 25.   But, this means you should not be wishing anyone dead on your telephone unless..unless there is evidence he is the man, the murderer plotting  to kill your mother to be the only one.   If you have 1000 sons and daughters, one could be Cain or Judas intending to kill you before you are old.    Now get your Bank statements back from Charredupel  Ladyboyman  who got them as stolen from your daughter, plotting your untimely  death.  The statements are possession of stolen property.  She should not be promising you a Justice of the Peace job.  Are you an evil Ewok imitating the last horror movie  stupid soap opera you watched? You should be shocked and embarrassed with your behavior.  Black lives matter..Ewok lives too!  Arf a mo...check it!!!!!

Remember that only an Ewok would turn a college degree written on paper into  power and authority inspiring intent to kill.   Can we endure those citizens portending to be kings with a murderous temperament and intent like this? In High School, everybody is running from other students who suffer with this  predilection involving a college degree.      



She spit on them, Vermina and Bibbly,  and they promised she would be bald someday and they would take her teeth.  They both said, "I'm your mother" and went back to the cave where they stayed from time to time to feed an old pirate who kept as good as he could in Slaigoville, Jamaica.   Those lady boys  were his children and about 50 years old.         Her parents  were already over 85 years old when she was 8 years old.    She harboured her bitterness and resentments  and did not forgive this misunderstood and misperceived consistent inconsistency in the home.    She misunderstood the intention.      She was well taken care of otherwise. With her bitterness she became a recital recitation of her father and his emotions, becoming what she hates but eventually she forgave what she resented but not until she told people she needed to be the only one in the church,  the dress factory and the only one with a food handling licence, killing as many family  as she could with subtle, consistent  little sabotages and criticisms of her uncle and brothers with deceitfulness to diminish them. But, what is the point of reading the bible everyday, 24 hours a day if you fail the first lesson which is to forgive as you wish to be forgiven ? But, you are not a Jedi yet.   

Did you hear the one about the Spanish Creoles who humbly submitted to English rule in many West Indian Island's after 1664? They killed them, stole the uniforms, their ID papers, the ships and sailed to locations off the coast of the eastern seaboard, infiltrating the English colonies that included Canada.   However, the U.S. was never really independent.  George Washington was really an English General and much of the history was written to maintain the control and limit the revolution fervor.       But, what does this have to do with my native Assiniboine rights and my family's rights; strong and free in 2020?    Quit killing on the old lady. Let her enjoy her Tubman Iroquois Creole Mango Chutney Anglo life; awoh.      


    "God of our salvation, all of our blessings come from You. You are the cause of every believer's measure of wisdom, and You are the cause of greatness of nations whose God you are. We thank you for loving us and delighting in us, to give us Your great salvation and all of its accompanying blessings." Everyone of us  is a nation and must Leviticus so that we might multiply.     You said right after church that you need to go and see a man about a Sunday meat for your oven for the dog.  You wanted to see how your husband would react.   There are some black people who work to aid a sick ignorant neanderthal white aborigine man's or white cheddar man's limited imagination where he says according to this Hollywood movie or this Book, if I am a white person and you are black, then you are supposed to know I should be able to maim  you and we can still be friends because I am not responsible for your dental hygiene or your hair but let me pay because I am supposed to feel power over you at the pub; can't have any black bloke buy me any drinks.  I would be happier if you were bald and teeth hurting because it aids my imagination and my sense of social position and authority but I am not racist or  This photo is not for sale. What's the point of being the "only one" when you are just a poor ass first or second generation immigrant living in housing or sweating to pay a mortgage on a 1500 sq ft house?  I know that  rent and mortgage paying people where I come from. But,if I had an older brother I would let him take me to the titty rum bar and respect him. It's just that I realised for this, it's better to just respect one chick and give her the cash and respect her and she will probably make dinner or you use some of the cash to order kebabs; go to the ballet or something and for teas and coffee. She might make coffee for you and you appreciate her class.  There are too many nice peopo looking for her class put her Mass Mutual kit on and change in the morning as you tell her she's really...cute.    Ask her if she bought the kit or if you did. Go to your desk or the kitchen and check your emails. Go to your office.   Pick up something for the house like some grapes or some water if she made no other request...maybe some banana toffee pie.       You see, it is better like the bible says to have MORE with thankfulness...more family also.   Those tits are all yours and maybe she will stay but if not, you got a good deal.  Try to be on time.  Is she real?  Look under the hood if you can or maybe she will keep saying she will save some for the wedding.  But, does she at least show signs of a menstrual cycle or is she pretending?   It should look and smell like a fish's mouth. Maybe you have a wedding...maybe not. But be committed and then why not have a wedding?  Lead by example.  If you have two burgers, does she have two burgers to be equal?  Does she run to the bathroom to fart or is she crude about ba ba ba pop booyahkakaka?   But, so long as you are good then you are good and if she does go for the bigger ring offer, so be it. Offering Zirconia is the best idea as if her sh-t does not stink...when it should be about relationship and family and if she says yes, then we have family and 150 years of a family sized strip tease,...booyaka booyaka Bo Bo Bo Bo wheel and turn!!!!  Get her the biggest real diamond  ring you can afford maube in five years and buy the 5-10 year old late model vehicle and make a down payment on a house. By the time your children finish grade 9, a new vehicle is easy and they will have a universal minimum income support of their own by 15 years old like in Manitoba...and let no one drag you down over a coffee maker...or a regular...clean sort of massage  that is like getting a discount striptease in "family size" a 500 g can of coffee worth 5000 cups  is $5.00 and one Cup is worth $1.00   and  a very worthwhile long life coffee maker is who she is...a wife.  Be good.  Clean your teeth. Open the door for her because after the titty bar, you are gay walking home with your school friends with no chick in your bed.     So keep the chick you do have, leave  the titty bar maybe after they settle in and before the mannequin (might be a dude or a creature with prosthetic balloons on him) is on stage really and tell your friends you will catch up with them later while they leak all over themselves in their!!   But, you can't control anyone. Tampons could make them go off as laced with dna and LSD so she acts like that evil chick who is a cold case file from Montana 70 years ago who kept bringing the boss over for lunch to have authority over her husband and the whole house.    The boss killed her when she tried to extort him and they called it a suicide.  Your coffee maker could be an apologetic boo...trying to understand herself on LSD.    If you are trying to graduate from a school or run a taxi business or a consulting service, then the family is supporting. This feels like...a different class..although school is free in addition to the  movies, church and many meaningful Olive Garden dinners. You broke up and called back the next day, asking to get back to together again. Love is not control.  Control is not love.   You don't respect a relationship.   You are scuffing up a Ken doll when even Barbie needs high school.   You dont love anyone and maybe say something Next time.  He committed to the family in the very long term, gaining a skill with all his love for Kunta KENTE AND Harriet Tubman with Thelonius, Miles and Dizzy and Earth Wind and Fire to earn a trade or a skill where you can lift 100 boxes at $1000.00 a box or build a hundred fences at $1000.00 per fence to buy a house for his family and show her lazy bones when she took drugs during high school and also left yourself to be an assistant at a golf club, polishing the balls and the clubs.       My life is not a disposable monthly tampon that you bleed your self defeating social authority sick anxious emotions on for 30 years from the shadows but you never call to say wazzup as you embarrass yourself denying genuine  friendship....maybe take a hug and a laugh through the phone line.    But if it's not friendship that  you want, why are you living among his people?     Why do you want to be divisive, hurtful more than 20 years later?      Anyway, Always say thank you to the coffee maker... and never complain and maybe even say "I love you" but more than love, you stay and you intend to stay forever...unless she is smoking the new super dope....and is terribly inconsistent when green tea will do to heal the covid...or the covet 19.     Read 1st Corinthians 13 and stay more than  than words alone can communicate  but if she is ill from an indentured servant back ground and programmed to be a barn girl baby mother expecting to be corrected for something,  she will act like she does not believe  your comments so tell her what she wants to hear and you say reluctantly after the appreciation that maybe a little less salt is the best..and that really she should change's the best.    If you are not careful, maybe she will find her gay liberation and tell you to spite of your annoying persistent health advice from the free health magazine about salt and cigarettes and you don't even ask how her grades are enough.... that's it!!!  Maybe massage her feet; I Dont know.  But if you don't graduate, she wins...the Eve you feel in her hoping you put her before your family honor.         Her mixed tape/mp3 had Killing me softly by Roberta, On My Own by Pattie, Foot Loose by Kenny and On My Own by Pattie and  Keep Forgetting by Michael.    They can be like children,women, and volcanos all at once and she made breakfast so read her for the volcano and any of her  idiocy about dropping out of law school by using your essays.    It could be volcano day so go some where and come back and dont let her drag you into any are just doing some cleaning..during those four volcano lady monthly  cycle  days.  Now  dont let her iron the golf shirts, she will take it as a fatal criticism and want to break up like a gay maybe but they are probably "non iron" rayon golf shirts of dress shirts with a cotton blend.   * The pessimist and an opptomist pull in different directions and the optimist believed for a regenerative Jet engine.      She is a high school dropout or a very basic graduate thinking quite a bit about class and authority but isn't graduation good for any genuine concern for your preacher great Grand father Kunta Kente's( YouTube) social authority so that you would understand how to run his Pattie shop...and a law degree to understand pattie shop franchises or Cuban resorts is not a bad idea...moisture is essential bruv..Check it!   This should save my brother from the confusion in this world with a little navigation.  You cannot control anyone. Maybe she will let your father from Old Harbour dip it for a second to fool her that this is for joining the family after you already, maybe four or five times or after one year, gave her a full quality quality roast bag of  coffee. But, he wanted to show them how he can open a  can with his teeth...that his son is just a boy. But, he is a 40 year old computer programmer.   These Ewoks tend to look at the world and say one thing at church etc but subconsciously in the family they do another...aiming to be the only one....niggah!    Love "you".  Tell people you love them and hear them say it to you although what you do, when you stay, is important and some people unfortunately leave when they live in the fear of abandonment...anxious  about social authority seeing themselves at the bottom. But, you are a citizen with uh...pride. We all have a right to dignity, pride, life, liberty, peace and happiness. The typing  scene is the most important scene in "Saving Private Ryan."  We dont have any typing room like that for nice women and nice young bank clerk type men  any longer.  It's all automated. In fact, the 100 year old typist is a machine now..Grammerly....with a word processor and why type it over for multiple copies when you can photocopy it.....or you can speak  and dictate and some  Android app  will do the typing for you.  Although you thought she was worth the time and appreciation, she may leave for the guy with the 2015 Mustang with Bluetooth and "WAYS" satellite navigation and the yours is a 1967 classic..and maybe a bit smaller..dinky...and old...but it has thrust and can drive for hours....come on baby!!      You get a new vehicle and then they damage it in the fear they will be left because now you have more social authority and worth. Christopher Columbus was half indentured servant and Cabot also...reasoning like an animal or barn girl at an individual and not as family...Always a bridesmaid and a secret wife and anthropology essentially..maybe someone's second wife and never a bride in her own imagination or she was drugged and her man was interrupted out of his quiet medical practice because the scallawag underpinning of the  Anglo Western hemisphere wants to know how to run a medical office without a trained practitioner because Christopher Columbus had to live  life as a man but with   a vagina.  Whose the boss...the authority on this ship? Will you let me walk all over you? Will you lead?   What about a car builder without any experience with engines or a lawyer without any schooling on some principles?  Why not eh?  But, why kill the educated?  This is the genocide. Everytime the Russian economy turns over daily, it earns 40% and they maintain their people with a reasonable universal minimum income support.   Every time the American economy turns over with white shame running it, they earn 7% and they debt know how to solve it...but next time we could maybe build the F35 as an F37 and give it four small engines for hover capability...and two turbo jets at the back if we had a normal economy.  It's still a cool jet though worth long range threat interception but short range flight  capability.  There are some black people...your cheddar  and aborigine relatives who have the sick Anglo Creole...  argh...Columbus dna who help you cover the white anxiety and shame. Who is the fool but the fool who follows it.   Be secure.    You understand ginseng and ginger.  But, how can you lead if you cant multiply? Maybe you have to control your house like Astlon with LSD....keeping them all dragged down and drugged up threatening us all in what a pimp would do to keep his whores.     Go to school since the job of a parent is to be secure and teach. A GED will do. I signed up at my age to do a GED to honor Geronimo...."Glory" and Kunta Kente(YouTube)...and my Japanese ancestors also. The question is how men like him could beg a kid to do his home work and remember Sam Sharpe or Geronimo, Sam's father, and then say the kid and his potential needs to be kept down by the community since if he could understand  Central London Property Trust Ltd v High Trees,    Partridge v Crittenden and the  Dorset Yacht case then maybe his father beat me and owned me a generation ago but it's 2020 and I am willing to read the constitution to you. I think it say you are free but you are also under arrest...since I have freedom too and a right to be free from your nigger lazy hateful ways. Maybe your ancestor beat my ancestor and so I work very hard but you were told not to go to school because you should feel like you inherited and you should not have to do any work and then you lost the farm when you could not show anyone if you could multiply anything and how you own it and, in your shame, you killed people around you when they could see you were a damn fool and then they shot you dead..and threw you in the water at Escovitch Bay after ten dead f--k off!! The mutiny on the bounty on all government professional regulatory bodies in the name of pirate authority is over. Are you still handing out the exam books, stealing exam fees, watching their careers in great interest and then killing the graduates or holding the results ransom to see if they will figure out the game and offer a little booty? You are done. But, you can hire the black guy who really graduated  to do the research and take the garbage out at night to keep him in his place...for a humble $67,000.00 per year.   What authority can a...pirate really have?  He's a criminal bent on kicking, killing stealing and destroying. Oh, I know.  He could marry a Dud Chick with no fish socket or a Cleopatra and become a king..but he cannot rape my mother's rights of quiet citizens'  ownership. Now, tell your daughters not to wait for anyone to give them away because how can the Holy water be clean if everyone puts their finger in her to see if she is still a..I mean the water..put their finger in the water? The message is that Santo Padre put clean water in the bowl and blessed it.  The message is it is holy as blessed and that we should understand water is important, very important to be kept holy and clean for family and community so don't spit in my Costa BRAVA COFFEE OR MY Dunkins.  You must keep yourself as clean as possible also  for family and community

  Now, you  cannot give your daughter away at the wedding when she is always your family and your daughter in the family of Israel. We don't give our children away and who can save us all from our humanity when we all make mistakes and cuss; right? Now, get the poison out of all the food and put the love back when do you not know the body is the temple of the living God and the spirit of God dwells within you...shoo?   Now, be careful how you may entertain family!!     Read Romans 7.   For the little attention and work it takes to get along and share a space, then get along. He will get along with someone else if you cannot understand how big gas  simple FAMILY is.      Now, there is no point hoping to be your grandson's wife after he got a job with AIG as you break into every girlfriends life, drug them with your Cosmopolitan whore minded dna and then  you are supposed to be the only one getting his attention as the only wife or womb in the cave  family, this cave or hive psychology you testify to in the space age.   Hot hot, you going church to help me with my hiding my pirate woman ancestry?  Sit beside me.    Hot hot, can you see you are the only crazy black black family hurting a law lecturer in your association as you embarrass yourself harassing him and his real, real family as you think you have an international right to do so? Are you gaining community favor of losing community favor?   Why don't you again  be the family that helped him graduate just being a good average family? But, right now you have to know you have chosen to confirm after 20 years of harassment that you are not really related to anyone but the sh-t you smoke.  If he graduated from Engineering or Medical School where he is headed, we can see what you would do.    But, you could go to medical school if you want.   Why would you kill your nephew or son or cousin for social authority competition?  The final judge or arbiter to bestow social  authority has decided that you were hurtful; some ancestral intent to kill, steal and destroy.      You call all the banks and airline companies to say you want him dead or he has to propose first. But, you never did this until after graduation.   You are hurtful, embarassing; a shame, a drug addict who can't see themselves, maybe a sober Ewok.       He has applied to Gerogetown.     If your neighborhood smokes it, then they are family.   The Last point is to  ask how long it will be that a West Indian with a degree from Oxford  could just enjoy his humble  Irish universal unconditional minimum income support without interruptions (Carling said frustrate, and wait until he has a law firm eh? But, he has one.) and maybe help some one with their problems at the Covid (Escovit) clinic every now and again?   So, here what happened now....the woman has tried to fool we that she loved him.  But, how can you be a teacher if you don't have students ?  How can you be a mother without the milk?  How can you be a carpenter without wood? How can you be an emperor without people?  How can you be a football captain without a football goal? How can you be  ship captain without deck hands? How can you be a house of prayer or a house of pancakes without.....prayer....without pancakes?   How can you honor your family  and your mother and father if you don't honor yourself and your life in public.   She only wanted to  see him dropout....and her ass was worth dropping out but it felt too biblical to abandon your family's good hopes for a beautiful piece of ass...who was too much for just one man.  There are many asses in the Cosmopolitan barn.  Here comes one right now....not as big though and this one cooked and ironed but was afraid of commitments of more than six months because of common law marriage rules.   Come on baby!!!!! This is not what was intended.  I don't want an ass. We want a family and there are women who know this is the goal and enjoy their  acceptance  as a wife in family and yet there are some too busy  leaving people so, again and again, they need to be accepted. But, if you left and broke up because he wrote on a piece of paper his grade was a D on his last university project, then you  broke up.  It looks like we got a 78% on our entire degree. Thank you for being fanmily"   

    Bimbo berry Part 1: Love is not control.  Control is not love.    Did you know that  only an idiot poor ass thinks  university graduation has something to do with social authority? How could it have anything to do with social authority? Those graduate people look for jobs with a lot of social and community resentment from the majority who eat fast food and get drugged up or who get the Covid in their milk shake or burgers.      In what movie does it say, "...You are not a Jedi yet?"  Your mother grew up watching a pastor father of hers throw plates and crack them when he saw any on the kitchen counter or the sink. She said she could not understand why they get so angry about everything  and wanted to just see them dead; dead. He and some other men in the family checked them as children to see if they were still holy but this is not an criminal offence since its Creole Pastor culture in fear of Bacchanal and you must know sin before you condemn it,  they would say.   But, she preferred that the old helper lady or grandmother would check but the father  tended not to trust them.  A pirate lady named MS. Vermina Arthretis provoked him to think that he needed to check.   When they saw he had any authority with an AM SW MW  radio or they would test him by throwing dirt on his vehicle to see what God would do to them; like an Ewok.     Any Ms. Vermina, offered to check and take a look at it...look at it and with out asking,  Bibbly and Ms. Vermina searched the pastor's daughter in the church washroom, singing Linstead Market...something about "Every Mango, they come feel up..feel up."  Now she has suffered her own confusion of testimony with her daughter stealing her bank statements, damaging her property and wishing her dead sooner than later...Her conscious as a daughter of a pastor is heard but her being murdered by her daughter cannot be tolerated. She should be allowed the freedom and time of life to give air to her own soul.     She held a knife to her older relative once and said dont do it again;  some nigger uncle or brother.  Kill the bastard. He never graduated From any school or how else would he be an heir of John Adams killing every relative who did go to school for social competition so he could be the only one ?         It seems like you married him.   About children, the ultimate goal is to be a thankful orphan. Maybe the kid is really yours but how do I know if you are family? Family is hard for some murderous dna set on being the only one, who raise children good for social acceptance but after graduation kill them for social competition.      BUT,WE ARE TIRED OF THIS POOR MAN'S eXCITEMENT ABOUT INHERITANCE.  What about the excitement of the benefactor?   But, if your CHILDREN ARE thankful orphans what should your bank statements say? Your ungrateful child or ungrateful orphan is affecting your livelihood.  See it and forgive your own family before you suffer your own bitterness at your daughter's hand.    Honouring your mother and father is what you are asked to do. You could have been raised by other more angry farmer people.  But, your mother and father are who raised you. Honor them.  Your biological mother and father could be other persons just on the tip(you are a king...You are a king) and we dont know how they do it.   Honor them also.  But, how can you be honoring the people who raised you if you intend to see them dead sooner than later; especially when they are turning 70?  What if the neighbors are turning 70 and you are told to hope them dead by 70 , pretending they are your parents when they are not your parents or maybe they are?  The Bible says treat the old people like your mother and father; the young ones like siblings and progeny and this is good advice when you are over 25.   But, this means you should not be wishing anyone dead on your telephone unless..unless there is evidence he is the man, the murderer plotting  to kill your mother to be the only one.   If you have 1000 sons and daughters, one could be Cain or Judas intending to kill you before you are old.    Now get your Bank statements back from Charredupel  Ladyboyman  who got them as stolen from your daughter, plotting your untimely  death.  The statements are possession of stolen property.  She should not be promising you a Justice of the Peace job.  Are you an evil Ewok imitating the last horror movie  stupid soap opera you watched? You should be shocked and embarrassed with your behavior.  Black lives matter..Ewok lives too!  Arf a mo...check it!!!!!

Remember that only an Ewok would turn a college degree written on paper into  power and authority inspiring intent to kill.   Can we endure those citizens portending to be kings with a murderous temperament and intent like this? In High School, everybody is running from other students who suffer with this  predilection involving a college degree.      



She spit on them, Vermina and Bibbly,  and they promised she would be bald someday and they would take her teeth.  They both said, "I'm your mother" and went back to the cave where they stayed from time to time to feed an old pirate who kept as good as he could in Slaigoville, Jamaica.   Those lady boys  were his children and about 50 years old.         Her parents  were already over 85 years old when she was 8 years old.    She harboured her bitterness and resentments  and did not forgive this misunderstood and misperceived consistent inconsistency in the home.    She misunderstood the intention.      She was well taken care of otherwise. With her bitterness she became a recital recitation of her father and his emotions, becoming what she hates but eventually she forgave what she resented but not until she told people she needed to be the only one in the church,  the dress factory and the only one with a food handling licence, killing as many family  as she could with subtle, consistent  little sabotages and criticisms of her uncle and brothers with deceitfulness to diminish them. But, what is the point of reading the bible everyday, 24 hours a day if you fail the first lesson which is to forgive as you wish to be forgiven ? But, you are not a Jedi yet.   

Did you hear the one about the Spanish Creoles who humbly submitted to English rule in many West Indian Island's after 1664? They killed them, stole the uniforms, their ID papers, the ships and sailed to locations off the coast of the eastern seaboard, infiltrating the English colonies that included Canada.   However, the U.S. was never really independent.  George Washington was really an English General and much of the history was written to maintain the control and limit the revolution fervor.       But, what does this have to do with my native Assiniboine rights and my family's rights; strong and free in 2020?    Quit killing on the old lady. Let her enjoy her Tubman Iroquois Creole Mango Chutney Anglo life; awoh.      


    "God of our salvation, all of our blessings come from You. You are the cause of every believer's measure of wisdom, and You are the cause of greatness of nations whose God you are. We thank you for loving us and delighting in us, to give us Your great salvation and all of its accompanying blessings." Everyone of us  is a nation and must Leviticus so that we might multiply.     You said right after church that you need to go and see a man about a Sunday meat for your oven for the dog.  You wanted to see how your husband would react.   There are some black people who work to aid a sick ignorant neanderthal white aborigine man's or white cheddar man's limited imagination where he says according to this Hollywood movie or this Book, if I am a white person and you are black, then you are supposed to know I should be able to maim  you and we can still be friends because I am not responsible for your dental hygiene or your hair but let me pay because I am supposed to feel power over you at the pub; can't have any black bloke buy me any drinks.  I would be happier if you were bald and teeth hurting because it aids my imagination and my sense of social position and authority but I am not racist or  This photo is not for sale. What's the point of being the "only one" when you are just a poor ass first or second generation immigrant living in housing or sweating to pay a mortgage on a 1500 sq ft house?  I know that  rent and mortgage paying people where I come from. But,if I had an older brother I would let him take me to the titty rum bar and respect him. It's just that I realised for this, it's better to just respect one chick and give her the cash and respect her and she will probably make dinner or you use some of the cash to order kebabs; go to the ballet or something and for teas and coffee. She might make coffee for you and you appreciate her class.  There are too many nice peopo looking for her class put her Mass Mutual kit on and change in the morning as you tell her she's really...cute.    Ask her if she bought the kit or if you did. Go to your desk or the kitchen and check your emails. Go to your office.   Pick up something for the house like some grapes or some water if she made no other request...maybe some banana toffee pie.       You see, it is better like the bible says to have MORE with thankfulness...more family also.   Those tits are all yours and maybe she will stay but if not, you got a good deal.  Try to be on time.  Is she real?  Look under the hood if you can or maybe she will keep saying she will save some for the wedding.  But, does she at least show signs of a menstrual cycle or is she pretending?   It should look and smell like a fish's mouth. Maybe you have a wedding...maybe not. But be committed and then why not have a wedding?  Lead by example.  If you have two burgers, does she have two burgers to be equal?  Does she run to the bathroom to fart or is she crude about ba ba ba pop booyahkakaka?   But, so long as you are good then you are good and if she does go for the bigger ring offer, so be it. Offering Zirconia is the best idea as if her sh-t does not stink...when it should be about relationship and family and if she says yes, then we have family and 150 years of a family sized strip tease,...booyaka booyaka Bo Bo Bo Bo wheel and turn!!!!  Get her the biggest real diamond  ring you can afford maybe in five years and buy the 5-10 year old late model vehicle and make a down payment on a house. By the time your children finish grade 9, a new vehicle is easy and they will have a universal minimum income support of their own by 15 years old like in Manitoba...and let no one drag you down over a coffee maker...or a regular...clean sort of massage  that is like getting a discount striptease in "family size" a 500 g can of coffee worth 5000 cups  is $5.00 and one Cup is worth $1.00   and  a very worthwhile long life coffee maker is who she is...a wife.  Be good.  Clean your teeth. Open the door for her because after the titty bar, you are gay walking home with your school friends with no chick in your bed.     So keep the chick you do have, leave  the titty bar maybe after they settle in and before the mannequin (might be a dude or a creature with prosthetic balloons on him) is on stage really and tell your friends you will catch up with them later while they leak all over themselves in their!!   But, you can't control anyone. Tampons could make them go off as laced with dna and LSD so she acts like that evil chick who is a cold case file from Montana 70 years ago who kept bringing the boss over for lunch to have authority over her husband and the whole house.    The boss killed her when she tried to extort him and they called it a suicide.  Your coffee maker could be an apologetic boo...trying to understand herself on LSD.    If you are trying to graduate from a school or run a taxi business or a consulting service, then the family is supporting. This feels like...a different class..although school is free in addition to the  movies, church and many meaningful Olive Garden dinners. You broke up and called back the next day, asking to get back to together again. Love is not control.  Control is not love.   You don't respect a relationship.   You are scuffing up a Ken doll when even Barbie needs high school.   You dont love anyone and maybe say something Next time.  He committed to the family in the very long term, gaining a skill with all his love for Kunta KENTE AND Harriet Tubman with Thelonius, Miles and Dizzy and Earth Wind and Fire to earn a trade or a skill where you can lift 100 boxes at $1000.00 a box or build a hundred fences at $1000.00 per fence to buy a house for his family and show her lazy bones when she took drugs during high school and also left yourself to be an assistant at a golf club, polishing the balls and the clubs.       My life is not a disposable monthly tampon that you bleed your self defeating social authority sick anxious emotions on for 30 years from the shadows but you never call to say wazzup as you embarrass yourself denying genuine  friendship....maybe take a hug and a laugh through the phone line.    But if it's not friendship that  you want, why are you living among his people?     Why do you want to be divisive, hurtful more than 20 years later?      Anyway, Always say thank you to the coffee maker... and never complain and maybe even say "I love you" but more than love, you stay and you intend to stay forever...unless she is smoking the new super dope....and is terribly inconsistent when green tea will do to heal the covid...or the covet 19.     Read 1st Corinthians 13 and stay more than  than words alone can communicate  but if she is ill from an indentured servant back ground and programmed to be a barn girl baby mother expecting to be corrected for something,  she will act like she does not believe  your comments so tell her what she wants to hear and you say reluctantly after the appreciation that maybe a little less salt is the best..and that really she should change's the best.    If you are not careful, maybe she will find her gay liberation and tell you to spite of your annoying persistent health advice from the free health magazine about salt and cigarettes and you don't even ask how her grades are enough.... that's it!!!  Maybe massage her feet; I Dont know.  But if you don't graduate, she wins...the Eve you feel in her hoping you put her before your family honor.         Her mixed tape/mp3 had Killing me softly by Roberta, On My Own by Pattie, Foot Loose by Kenny and On My Own by Pattie and  Keep Forgetting by Michael.    They can be like children,women, and volcanos all at once and she made breakfast so read her for the volcano and any of her  idiocy about dropping out of law school by using your essays.    It could be volcano day so go some where and come back and dont let her drag you into any are just doing some cleaning..during those four volcano lady monthly  cycle  days.  Now  dont let her iron the golf shirts, she will take it as a fatal criticism and want to break up like a gay maybe but they are probably "non iron" rayon golf shirts of dress shirts with a cotton blend.   * The pessimist and an opptomist pull in different directions and the optimist believed for a regenerative Jet engine.      She is a high school dropout or a very basic graduate thinking quite a bit about class and authority but isn't graduation good for any genuine concern for your preacher great Grand father Kunta Kente's( YouTube) social authority so that you would understand how to run his Pattie shop...and a law degree to understand pattie shop franchises or Cuban resorts is not a bad idea...moisture is essential bruv..Check it!   This should save my brother from the confusion in this world with a little navigation.  You cannot control anyone. Maybe she will let your father from Old Harbour dip it for a second to fool her that this is for joining the family after you already, maybe four or five times or after one year, gave her a full quality quality roast bag of  coffee. But, he wanted to show them how he can open a  can with his teeth...that his son is just a boy. But, he is a 40 year old computer programmer.   These Ewoks tend to look at the world and say one thing at church etc but subconsciously in the family they do another...aiming to be the only one....niggah!    Love "you".  Tell people you love them and hear them say it to you although what you do, when you stay, is important and some people unfortunately leave when they live in the fear of abandonment...anxious  about social authority seeing themselves at the bottom. But, you are a citizen with uh...pride. We all have a right to dignity, pride, life, liberty, peace and happiness. The typing  scene is the most important scene in "Saving Private Ryan."  We dont have any typing room like that for nice women and nice young bank clerk type men  any longer.  It's all automated. In fact, the 100 year old typist is a machine now..Grammerly....with a word processor and why type it over for multiple copies when you can photocopy it.....or you can speak  and dictate and some  Android app  will do the typing for you.  Although you thought she was worth the time and appreciation, she may leave for the guy with the 2015 Mustang with Bluetooth and "WAYS" satellite navigation and the yours is a 1967 classic..and maybe a bit smaller..dinky...and old...but it has thrust and can drive for hours....come on baby!!      You get a new vehicle and then they damage it in the fear they will be left because now you have more social authority and worth. Christopher Columbus was half indentured servant and Cabot also...reasoning like an animal or barn girl at an individual and not as family...Always a bridesmaid and a secret wife and anthropology essentially..maybe someone's second wife and never a bride in her own imagination or she was drugged and her man was interrupted out of his quiet medical practice because the scallawag underpinning of the  Anglo Western hemisphere wants to know how to run a medical office without a trained practitioner because Christopher Columbus had to live  life as a man but with   a vagina.  Whose the boss...the authority on this ship? Will you let me walk all over you? Will you lead?   What about a car builder without any experience with engines or a lawyer without any schooling on some principles?  Why not eh?  But, why kill the educated?  This is the genocide. Everytime the Russian economy turns over daily, it earns 40% and they maintain their people with a reasonable universal minimum income support.   Every time the American economy turns over with white shame running it, they earn 7% and they debt know how to solve it...but next time we could maybe build the F35 as an F37 and give it four small engines for hover capability...and two turbo jets at the back if we had a normal economy.  It's still a cool jet though worth long range threat interception but short range flight  capability.  There are some black people...your cheddar  and aborigine relatives who have the sick Anglo Creole...  argh...Columbus dna who help you cover the white anxiety and shame. Who is the fool but the fool who follows it.   Be secure.    You understand ginseng and ginger.  But, how can you lead if you cant multiply? Maybe you have to control your house like Astlon with LSD....keeping them all dragged down and drugged up threatening us all in what a pimp would do to keep his whores.     Go to school since the job of a parent is to be secure and teach. A GED will do. I signed up at my age to do a GED to honor Geronimo...."Glory" and Kunta Kente(YouTube)...and my Japanese ancestors also. The question is how men like him could beg a kid to do his home work and remember Sam Sharpe or Geronimo, Sam's father, and then say the kid and his potential needs to be kept down by the community since if he could understand  Central London Property Trust Ltd v High Trees,    Partridge v Crittenden and the  Dorset Yacht case then maybe his father beat me and owned me a generation ago but it's 2020 and I am willing to read the constitution to you. I think it say you are free but you are also under arrest...since I have freedom too and a right to be free from your nigger lazy hateful ways. Maybe your ancestor beat my ancestor and so I work very hard but you were told not to go to school because you should feel like you inherited and you should not have to do any work and then you lost the farm when you could not show anyone if you could multiply anything and how you own it and, in your shame, you killed people around you when they could see you were a damn fool and then they shot you dead..and threw you in the water at Escovitch Bay after ten dead f--k off!! The mutiny on the bounty on all government professional regulatory bodies in the name of pirate authority is over. Are you still handing out the exam books, stealing exam fees, watching their careers in great interest and then killing the graduates or holding the results ransom to see if they will figure out the game and offer a little booty? You are done. But, you can hire the black guy who really graduated  to do the research and take the garbage out at night to keep him in his place...for a humble $67,000.00 per year.   What authority can a...pirate really have?  He's a criminal bent on kicking, killing stealing and destroying. Oh, I know.  He could marry a Dud Chick with no fish socket or a Cleopatra and become a king..but he cannot rape my mother's rights of quiet citizens'  ownership. Now, tell your daughters not to wait for anyone to give them away because how can the Holy water be clean if everyone puts their finger in her to see if she is still a..I mean the water..put their finger in the water? The message is that Santo Padre put clean water in the bowl and blessed it.  The message is it is holy as blessed and that we should understand water is important, very important to be kept holy and clean for family and community so don't spit in my Costa BRAVA COFFEE OR MY Dunkins.  You must keep yourself as clean as possible also  for family and community

  Now, you  cannot give your daughter away at the wedding when she is always your family and your daughter in the family of Israel. We don't give our children away and who can save us all from our humanity when we all make mistakes and cuss; right? Now, get the poison out of all the food and put the love back when do you not know the body is the temple of the living God and the spirit of God dwells within you...shoo?   Now, be careful how you may entertain family!!     Read Romans 7.   For the little attention and work it takes to get along and share a space, then get along. He will get along with someone else if you cannot understand how big gas  simple FAMILY is.      Now, there is no point hoping to be your grandson's wife after he got a job with AIG as you break into every girlfriends life, drug them with your Cosmopolitan whore minded dna and then  you are supposed to be the only one getting his attention as the only wife or womb in the cave  family, this cave or hive psychology you testify to in the space age.   Hot hot, you going church to help me with my hiding my pirate woman ancestry?  Sit beside me.    Hot hot, can you see you are the only crazy black black family hurting a law lecturer in your association as you embarrass yourself harassing him and his real, real family as you think you have an international right to do so? Are you gaining community favor of losing community favor?   Why don't you again  be the family that helped him graduate just being a good average family? But, right now you have to know you have chosen to confirm after 20 years of harassment that you are not really related to anyone but the sh-t you smoke.  If he graduated from Engineering or Medical School where he is headed, we can see what you would do.    But, you could go to medical school if you want.   Why would you kill your nephew or son or cousin for social authority competition?  The final judge or arbiter to bestow social  authority has decided that you were hurtful; some ancestral intent to kill, steal and destroy.      You call all the banks and airline companies to say you want him dead or he has to propose first. But, you never did this until after graduation.   You are hurtful, embarassing; a shame, a drug addict who can't see themselves, maybe a sober Ewok.       He has applied to Gerogetown.     If your neighborhood smokes it, then they are family.   The Last point is to  ask how long it will be that a West Indian with a degree from Oxford  could just enjoy his humble  Irish universal unconditional minimum income support without interruptions (Carling said frustrate, and wait until he has a law firm eh? But, he has one.) and maybe help some one with their problems at the Covid (Escovit) clinic every now and again?   So, here what happened now....the woman has tried to fool we that she loved him.  But, how can you be a teacher if you don't have students ?  How can you be a mother without the milk?  How can you be a carpenter without wood? How can you be an emperor without people?  How can you be a football captain without a football goal? How can you be  ship captain without deck hands? How can you be a house of prayer or a house of pancakes without.....prayer....without pancakes?   How can you honor your family  and your mother and father if you don't honor yourself and your life in public.   She only wanted to  see him dropout....and her ass was worth dropping out but it felt too biblical to abandon your family's good hopes for a beautiful piece of ass...who was too much for just one man.  There are many asses in the Cosmopolitan barn.  Here comes one right now....not as big though and this one cooked and ironed but was afraid of commitments of more than six months because of common law marriage rules.   Come on baby!!!!! This is not what was intended.  I don't want an ass. We want a family and there are women who know this is the goal and enjoy their  acceptance  as a wife in family and yet there are some too busy  leaving people so, again and again, they need to be accepted. But, if you left and broke up because he wrote on a piece of paper his grade was a D on his last university project, then you  broke up.  It looks like we got a 78% on our entire degree. Thank you for being "fanmily"; not family.  

Now, we understand that Eve put the snake in her "whats it not" at its head  and conceived Cain in the unnatural. This is her experience in the garden.  Don't do anything like this; snake venom.  It produced the Maleficent, now coloured as Fuscia.  Have a family.  Read  Romans 7.  



  Now, we understand that Eve put the snake in her "whats it not" at its head  and conceived Cain in the unnatural. This is her experience in the garden.  Don't do anything like this; snake venom.  It produced the Maleficent, now coloured as Fuscia.  Have a family.  Read  Romans 7.  

By Andre Essay. 

Now, we understand that Eve put the snake in her "whats it not" at its head  and conceived Cain in the unnatural. This is her experience in the garden.  Don't do anything like this; snake venom.  It produced the Maleficent, now coloured as Fuscia.  Have a family.  Read  Romans 7.  



  Now, we understand that Eve put the snake in her "whats it not" at its head  and conceived Cain in the unnatural. This is her experience in the garden.  Don't do anything like this; snake venom.  It produced the Maleficent, now coloured as Fuscia.  Have a family.  Read  Romans 7.  

By Andre Essay. 


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