JAPAN IS unified in Minimum Income Support social policy. Russia is unified. France is unified. The Euro English are unified. China is unified. Isn't it unusual that the alleged leader of the free world is not unified in social policy concerning the universal unconditional minimum income support. His country divided and many citizens are left as fodder. If you were an industrial sheep farmer, would you let some sheep graze on the mountain side and the other sheep enjoy the automatic distillation of the corn in the traugh? Some sheep are not prepared to participate in the market sales. The lack of unified policy on that farm is a waste of time really. Those mountain fed sheep are stuck on the farm and the other sheep have gone back to Africa or the West Indies or Europe but they look and feel good and are worthy participants in your global economy, using their daily corn Minimum Income Support cards every day as issued by the government dispensing about $800.00 per day. If you don't take your corn on that day with your card, then you miss that day's bread. The point of Civic 19 is about cleanliness. It also says you are not in absolute control. It also said that if you don't follow, you would not be accepted when and if you did not participate, if you did not obey. It also says you were told to implement a universal unconditional minimum income support, (put on a shirt and shoes before you come into McDonald's)...to be clean and pay for cleaning supplies so we can all be safe and social in our social connections and wear a tongue condom for your burgers, burrito and big franchise coffee. You need to fall in soldier! We are all soldiers now son and how can you be a king if you don't save your own people from the disruptive technologies or from the Civic 19? It will help if you follow the way of the kings and implement a sales tax of no less than 30% and a universal unconditional minimum income support of no less than $60,000.00 per year per citizen. This is the way of kings in response to the disruptive power of automation that can cause joblessness and it is the way to respond to Civic 19. Yet, you implemented something that disenfranchised people that had been disrupted at no fault of their own in terms of employment maybe two or three years ago who have not worked or earned any sum of money since and were on EI (Employment Insurance) due to automation and robotification although EI was not enough to satisfy the requirements of a UNIVERSAL UNCONDITIONAL MINIMUM INCOME SUPPORT. Is there a reason why you want to imagine being the leader of the free world but have policies that are indicative of genocide?

 JAPAN IS  unified in Minimum Income Support social policy. Russia is unified.  France is unified.  The Euro English are unified.  China is unified.  Isn't it unusual that the alleged leader of the free world is not unified in social policy concerning the universal unconditional minimum income support.   His country divided and many citizens are left as fodder.  If you were an industrial sheep farmer, would you let some sheep graze on the mountain side and the other sheep enjoy the automatic distillation of the corn in the traugh?  Some sheep are not prepared to participate in the market sales.  The lack of unified policy on that farm is a waste of time really.  Those mountain fed sheep are stuck on the farm and the other sheep have gone back to Africa or the West Indies or Europe  but they look and feel good and are worthy participants in your global economy, using their daily corn Minimum Income Support cards every day as issued by the government dispensing about $800.00 per day. If you don't take your corn on that day with your card, then you miss that day's bread. The point of Civic 19 is about cleanliness.  It also says you are not in absolute control.  It also said that if you don't follow, you would not be accepted when  and if you did not participate, if you did not obey.    It also says you were told to implement a universal unconditional minimum income support, (put on a shirt and shoes before you come into McDonald's)...to be clean and  pay for cleaning supplies so we can all be safe and social in our social connections and wear a tongue condom for your burgers, burrito and big franchise coffee.  You need to fall in soldier!  We are all soldiers now son and how can you be a king if you don't save your own people from the disruptive technologies or from the Civic 19?   It will help if you follow the way of the kings and implement a sales tax of no less than 30% and a universal unconditional minimum income support of no less than $60,000.00 per year per citizen.  This is the way of kings in response to the disruptive power of automation that can cause joblessness and it is the way to respond to Civic 19.   Yet, you implemented something that disenfranchised people that had been disrupted at no fault of their own  in terms of employment maybe two or three years ago who have not worked or earned any sum of money  since and were on EI (Employment Insurance)  due to automation and robotification although EI was not enough to satisfy the requirements of a UNIVERSAL UNCONDITIONAL MINIMUM INCOME SUPPORT.   Is there a reason why you want to imagine being the leader of the free world but have policies that are indicative of genocide?   



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