The space ships are quiet. Every citizen in space has his own apartment or cubicle. He has his money for space shopping provided automatically. Every citizen in your population is a part of Space force. Every citizen requires a universal unconditional minimum income support. They can buy illegal drugs or alcohol if they want. Maybe when they get the automatic money, they buy more drugs, alcohol, cereal and pasta than they do now when they are not robbing people for the money. He has his money for space food. Maybe the idea was to be really great again. You are going in the right direction but you need to commit to the permanancy and settledness of your population and that is what the space force entails. I think you are immune to Covid after all but your campaign is not. There are many people who Covid the office of the incumbent and it's your game, your hand to play. You could really win at $1300.00 per week under the Cares Act with a universal unconditional program for all citizens who are not currently in receipt of any income support. But, maybe you are saying you should be black enough to starve the people for four years like the black guy with Joe after the UN ILO 202 Recommendation is handed to you spelling out a universal unconditional minimum income support in 2012 just like it was handed to the the black guy until the malls are closing down and the Rochester people became internally displaced people according to UN definition and refugees to Ireland. I thought you promised to make America great again but on Geronimo's last day, he said the same thing but he meant that we kill the railroad and bring all of America back to grasslands with no government. But, Happy the Clown says, "I don't think so." Let us drown in cash and I'll go to the Apache hotels, Cheyanne discos and the Mohican burger restaurants. A sales tax of 20% or higher with a universal unconditional minimum income support of no less than $40,000.00 for every North American confirms our membership in the human family and the global economy. We cannot really leave it up to the wet and wild opinions of any Tom, Joe, Don, Dick and Harry to decide what happens to us in terms of water quality, the universal and free availability of health care or a universal unconditional minimum income support. The incumbent has shown more commitment to this end but there is doubt about the government's commitment in the long term to navigate any confusion in the incumbent's daily soup bowl on these issues just around the corner. An android dedicated to Constitutional and global economic viability that must ensure the nation maintains a universal unconditional minimum income support for all North Americans and a sales tax of at least 20% to maintain all national obligations is essential. These obligations include the incumbent's brilliant Space Force. His non-bipartisan leadership with Nancy Pelofi, Bernie and Chuck have been exemplary. We just don't want the people in the huge slip stream to think they can kill, steal and destroy as part of the apology to the huge ancestor known as Bill The Butcher. Everybody is involved and everybody is responsible for America being a failed state now dependent on the UN and various other countries to maintain a semblance of normalcy. The Senators do not eat unless China says so. This is also true for every employee of the US Postal Service. The 20%+ sales tax will help make the US bond interest payments payable to domestic and foreign investors. Clearly, the strategy with all the knowledge of the world at your fingertips was just to arrest D.C. and make it clear national politics and POTUS is redundant if Massachusetts could not be allowed to run the economy in the simplicity used to run a McDonald's where the debt could be erased in 400 days at 30% sales tax with every citizen in North America receiving $70,000.00 in universal unconditional minimum income support. Then the Bill The Butcher Leadership can still sit as kings and princes as the POTUS for the next 400 years. There will be a United States of America 400 years from now and every candidate pursuant to current trends will be the progeny of Bill the Butcher. We set policy for him according to global systemic economic requisite specifications for normalcy where every human being has enough, we feed him with gourmet meals and polish his shoes. It will be huge even if every POTUS is the biggest celebrated dunce in history who may not have the experience or academic background or the heart or the love for the American people but he has his global apology for Bill the Butcher's death without a trial. Actually, all the presidents except John Adams were rather intelligent, highly educated people. It is obvious but because of religious authority conflicts, the country is going backward in arguments about authority, power and control. It would have been nice if he could have just said "it is written helpfully under UN ILO Recommendation R202 and I don't know what I am doing anyhow, so why don't we follow and plagiarize the recommendation so people will see me as a genius when...we need to make America Great Again...can't be going so good right now and everything ironically will start to feel happily like Vermont. Have you ever seen a white guy, black guy or an Asian kid solve a Rubik's cube? We should not expect this type of fastidious and mental dexterity at the House and nor should we put our lives in the hands of that house of apology. We know what we need as a nation and we should not expect any politician cut from power sick anthropology is actually equipped to just make the nation work. We have to help them. They don't know what they are doing really with all their temporary stat improving,. Attention getting deathly deregulation soutions and he will do as he is told to end the clear and present danger as we help ourselves by setting the policies; to save us and to save America that is the land of aboriginals and immigrants who had to be Amerindian aboriginals themselves bred in other parts of the world and rebranded in other cultures before coming back to America. Would you ask him how to save your pasta sauce, your coco bread or your Volkswagen from criminal damage? I might ask him about my coco bread...and my Volkswagen. He seems like a folksy person who is saved by honesty that asks for help more often than not. We will see what the American people decide. Click here.

 The space ships are quiet.    Every citizen in space has his own apartment or cubicle. He has his money for space shopping provided automatically. Every citizen in your population is a part of Space force.  Every citizen requires a universal unconditional minimum income support. They can buy illegal drugs or alcohol if they want. Maybe when they get the automatic money,  they buy more drugs, alcohol, cereal and pasta than they do now when they are not robbing people for the money.      He has his money for space food.   Maybe the idea was to be really great again.  You are going in the right direction but you need to commit to the permanancy and settledness of your population and that is what the space force entails.  I think you are immune to Covid after all but your campaign is not.  There are many people who Covid the office of the incumbent and it's your game, your hand to play. You could really win at $1300.00 per week under the Cares Act with a universal unconditional program for all citizens  who are not currently in receipt of any income support.        But, maybe you are saying you should be black enough to starve the people for four years like the black guy with Joe  after the UN ILO 202 Recommendation is handed to you spelling out a universal unconditional minimum income support in 2012 just like it was handed to the  the black guy until the malls are closing down and the Rochester people became internally displaced people according to UN definition and refugees to Ireland.    I thought you promised to make America great again but on Geronimo's last day, he said the same thing but he meant that we kill the railroad and bring all of America back to grasslands with no government.  But, Happy the Clown says, "I don't think so." Let us drown in cash and I'll go to the Apache hotels, Cheyanne discos and the Mohican burger restaurants.  A sales tax of 20% or higher with a universal unconditional minimum income support of no less than $40,000.00 for every North American confirms our membership in the human family and the global economy.   We cannot really leave it up to the wet and wild opinions of any Tom, Joe, Don, Dick and Harry to decide what happens to us in terms of water quality, the universal and free availability of health care or a universal unconditional minimum income support.  The incumbent has shown more commitment to  this end but there is doubt about the government's commitment in the long term to navigate any confusion in the incumbent's daily soup bowl on these issues just  around the corner.  An android dedicated to Constitutional and global economic viability that must ensure the nation maintains a universal unconditional minimum income support for all North Americans and a sales tax of at least 20% to maintain all national obligations is essential.  These obligations include the incumbent's brilliant  Space Force.   His non-bipartisan leadership with Nancy Pelofi, Bernie and Chuck have been exemplary.  We just don't want the people in the huge slip stream to think they can kill, steal and destroy as part of the apology to the huge ancestor  known as Bill The Butcher.  Everybody is involved and everybody is responsible for America being a failed state now dependent on the UN and various other countries to maintain a semblance of normalcy. The Senators  do not eat unless China says so.  This is also true for every employee of the US Postal Service.   The 20%+  sales tax will help make the US bond interest payments payable to domestic and foreign investors.  Clearly, the strategy with all the knowledge of the world at your fingertips was just to arrest D.C.  and make it clear national politics and POTUS  is redundant if Massachusetts could not be allowed to run the economy in the simplicity used to run a McDonald's where the debt could be erased in 400 days at 30% sales tax with every citizen in North America receiving $70,000.00 in universal unconditional minimum income support.   Then the Bill The Butcher Leadership can still sit as kings and princes as the  POTUS  for the next 400 years.  There will be a  United States of America 400 years from now and every candidate pursuant to current trends will be the progeny of Bill the Butcher. We set policy for him according to global systemic economic requisite specifications for normalcy where every human being has enough, we feed him with gourmet meals and polish his shoes. It will be huge even if every POTUS is the biggest celebrated dunce in history who may not have the experience or academic  background or the heart or the love for the American people but he has his global apology for Bill the Butcher's death without a trial. Actually, all the presidents except John Adams were rather intelligent, highly educated people.  It is obvious but because of religious authority conflicts, the country is going backward in arguments about authority, power and control.      It would have been nice if he could have just said "it is written helpfully under UN ILO Recommendation R202 and I don't know what I am doing anyhow, so why don't we follow and plagiarize the recommendation so people will see me as a genius when...we need to make America Great Again...can't be going so good right now and everything ironically will start to feel happily like Vermont.   Have you ever seen a white guy, black guy  or an Asian kid solve a Rubik's cube? We should not expect this type of fastidious and mental dexterity at the House and nor should we put our lives in the hands of that house of apology.  We know what we need as a nation and we should not expect any politician cut from  power sick anthropology is actually equipped to just make the nation work. We have to help them. They don't know what they are doing really with all their  temporary stat improving,. Attention getting deathly deregulation soutions and he will do as he is told to end the clear and present danger as we help ourselves by setting the policies; to save us  and to save America that is the land of aboriginals and immigrants who had to be Amerindian aboriginals themselves bred in other parts of the world and rebranded in other cultures before coming back to America.   Would you ask him how to save your pasta sauce, your coco bread or your Volkswagen from criminal damage? I might ask him about my coco bread...and my Volkswagen.  He seems like a folksy person who is saved by honesty that asks for help more often than not.  We will see what the American people decide.           

What is the aboriginal  strategy for families, for the white or the black? Is it Cosmopolitan, oblivion or dinners, thankfulness, appreciation and gratitude.  Help your wife wipe her a-s if she asks and help your husband squeeze his pimples on his back if he asks. But, she will never ask. Buy her a scrub brush if she does and take the family out for Mexican food. Be happy.     

Now, why would I tolerate any Black autistic global  terrorist who is a former Western Hemispheric politician from Puerto Rios who thought his autism was a global allibi, bribing all kinds of officials all over the world to interrupt airlines, national human resources, food production and school administration, police services, civic power and water management to get to people and see his authority? There is so much evidence.  There is an old Jamaican bus driver who worked in Torontowanda for 30 years and who was drugged and abused by phone companies and banks as soon as she turned 68 years old to disenfranchise her of her various homes and properties, sort of like what happened to Harriet Tubman as the ignant shouted that they had a contract on it, yet she was wise to purchase humbly to enjoy her retirement and it seems the black autistic global terrorist had his name on all the shananigans, affecting her properties...bribing people to believe they would get some. But, you cannot treat other people's property as your own and offer it to others that they might help you hasten the owner's death and steal the properties.   Are you trying to say you have a right to do this other black people because this is what black Christopher Columbus did to you ?  He is autistic because he doesn't seem to hear that a former politician does not have the authority to misappropriate property belonging to another contrary to the Queen's peace even if you think fallaciously that you are the real king of...Goat Island.  The Queen of Goat Island never stole any house from a bus driver in Toronto. She is also the Queen of Toronto. In any event, what do you think the law is on property in Tonawanda? It would have to be the same as the law in Ketchup, Ontario.   

 Now, if someone told you all of a sudden that you were the King of England as you sat in the new Cayman province of GOAT Island as a politician, is there more education for your community under your supervision as the .... and guidance or less education?    Is there more minimum income support money for each citizen or less money? Is there more real property theft involving locals and expats or less?  Accompong is not having a civil war over these issues as if they  are niggers.       Are there more people asking why they cannot have a family?   But, you are not the the only former politician in the region  except there is only one autistic black guy like you  whose name is signed to all these international terrorist crimes whose glory is the shame  involving global systemic interruptions and many bus drivers, some former bank managers.  


   How long did  it take to storm the beach at Normandy on D- day?   It seems it took one whole morning. How long does it take to set up a compliant capitalist socioeconomic system with a universal UNCONDITIONAL MINIMUM INCOME SUPPORT and a responsible sales tax) flat tax that is good for genuine space programmes, fighting the Covid and setting the economy on afterburn, lovingly protecting the lives of all North Americans from the joblessness occasioned by automation? It certainly takes 20 seconds if you are truly motivated to do it, impregnating your economy with success; as long as it takes to pump that gas with the big gas huge man.      If America was a movie you could see today as a top Netflix original in the theatres  in 2020, maybe it would be  'Survive The Night' where  the antagonists in that movie represent figuratively certain influential politically motivated sorta kinda people who need our help; maybe two contemporary candidates who need money for their eternal campaigns that toy with absolute authority covetously but who do not accept, as potentially elected officials, that we all need money and that we all agree that we should all have it in the continuation of the American dream to make America happy again after the disruptive joblessness in the socioeconomic  causality  OCCASIONED by automation. Don and Joe are not soo bad maybe. They are really nice people, very good people.    So, we the People are reminding you that we know our rights not only to a phone call but to a universal unconditional minimum income support or I suppose we will let you fuck us as white drugged up niggers until the fast food restaurants start closing with the shopping  malls over the next 70 years until we hope for a compassionate talking black gorilla to come and tell us change has come, that we all need food, shelter and roller skates or a 2020 Ford BRONCO but CHANGE  never really did COME but THE Americans had a the bank windows because they needed cash for our fish hooks.   Maybe an obedient gorilla could solve the economy instead of angry American humans with anthropological resentment against the march of civilization but we will not let AMERICA BE A GLOBAL PROBLEM ANY LONGER.  Gorillas probably have less ego and would just solve the problem to the joy of all the animals.    THE MONEY  via a universal unconditional minimum income support WILL BE SERVED HOT AND READY TO ALL North AMERICANS LIKE THE they can buy more burgers....vehicles and houses too..on debt finance  of course.    Hmm.....we are getting closer to the automatic cash for every citizen in North America at least but maybe not fast enough.....but maybe we should help him since there is improvement. Maybe we should help him because Covid Joe tried to use Covid to impeach Don...that Don is the super spreader; not Joe and you can't let Joe do him like that but maybe the third candidate gorilla will save us without all that anthropological resentment and  hesitation.        Dem belly nah full and they hungry.


    The malls were closing all around them, the political  leaders directly responsible dating back to 1944 but there was some big plan in the celebration of American self hatred to get America to be great again but it was getting Maga (meagre) and how long would it take to pump that gas to get the American economic engine fuelled again?  After all, America is nothing but a black fucking west indian pirate with no education running on King Saul's strategy in his genetic procilcivity for absolute acceptance and authority dressed up in town and country garb and the best shoes a pirate can in down town Manhattan as he tries to make the world more like him as he drinks nickel hydride to be whiteish.     After 2012, with another UN ILO economic  exam book answer telling us how to solve the North American problem, there was the space in between the legs of that hermaphrodite  at the pub or SDA Church but.... you have authority if you commit to her...and he had four more years to fix it.  But, he never really did and all  the Americans pretended it was working  to cover their global shame as they talk about defending their way of life at home and abroad.       But  education or no education, we need politicians and politics that love, love people, the country, the economy and life; love. Love takes 20 seconds.  There is a third candidate; I think.    


 You are  tired of your politics apologising for failures to uphold the Magna Carta  in the Ministry of civilization maybe 200 years ago as we tolerate in the current era the progeny of the asshole whose challenges to the law and the order every day necessitated his secret decapitation without a trial 200 years ago for killing an Irish  priest  and Scottish priest; that he was trying to find his family as a butcher in New York. Our apology for failing to give him a trial 200 years ago brings his progeny into our lives as poorly equipped politicians and I think a free education and $60,000.00 UNIVERSAL UNCONDITIONAL MINIMUM INCOME SUPPORT is a sufficient apology as  provided to all citizens.   Otherwise, four years of "huge" has been more than compensatory but maybe we have reason to help him. Maybe we should help him.   Maybe there is more we can do as some change has come to America to keep hope and the dream alive; $1200.00  stimulus checks on a universal uncondotional minimum income support basis is not bad. It's very good if it is universal and  unconditional.     But, there is something else maybe that Captain Banana Republic is asking you to do or the Germans maybe or some authority; something.   Maybe there is.    Let's try Venice instead of Pompeii or try eternal Rome maybe.    The incumbent wanted to know if there is anything more he could do to be sure of his... celebration for four more years.      Partial obedience is not enough;  is not enough as you abuse people to believe to receive your favor as a former politician......if they would help you harass people who believe any home schooled farm Boy or plumbers son or sin  should be well treated as a politician in the Washington Beltway;  now the Way. Let the Constitution show you a more excellent way.    


      It's time for you to be secure around people  who do have a full reasonable  education although we are all told what to do whether you understand sometimes or not.  See the UN ILO Recommendations R202.     So, brush three times a day; see how it's not soo hard and we apologise for your brother Bidden doing you like that with the press whores, killing you with the suggestion that you tested positive for covet in Spanish Anglo Creole.      Having this Incumbent might have been better than the last one after all so we know how they are all just anthropology at the black house and that is why it took this long to understand what was really wrong with the economy; that it was not all AMAZON TO BLAME FOR THE MALLS CLOSING DOWN IN CAPITALIST free market America....and you think this anthropology should be tolerated for another day....and if we get the cash then why not.     I went to Sweden years ago as a white guy because it seems you only intend to kill your economy as you seek acceptance from the devil of "ignance" that has kept you and your country his prisoner all these years as your free market economy is getting smaller and smaller as your country is financially dependent on the UN and all other nations.    I remember now. You sat down with the Coat of Arms in Ireland but you couldn't read the Latin insignia that said " you are healed in Jesus' name so fix the economy and follow me: awoh!"   Well, it could not have been  a licence to kill your population or  formally educated people simply because they didn't kill Priests like your ancestors...simply because they are not like you.    Instead; they followed the school syllabus for four years and you resent them, creating a  Pompeii hell in a half solved economic equation.  Just solve it.  You have the answer....and  I'm white but I decided to stop being race "ignant" or race sick.


  There was a political leader who was part Amerindian from Sioux  and part Amerindian from Washington D.C. if you understand. He thought the way forward  was to starve the Amerindian in HIS OWN FLESH, IN HIS DNA   and SO HE ATE moth balls all day until he almost set himself on fire with moth balls and whiskey and it turned his Bush orangy blonde; sort of like President  Trout; not as handsome as a man in roofless limousine or as drugged up who kept saying he has nothing to fear but fear itself.  Isn't that ironic?    He looked Icelandic afterwards but he also decided that the best way to deal with the native in all of us was to make us all starve. People resorted to hunting and gathering everything; including Wells of money in places like Fargo and Montana too.  Vermont, New York and Massachusetts had a stipend; a universal unconditional minimum income support from 1787. New York ended their income support when a part native became the governor in 2020.  The current Incumbent used Federal authorities to restore the minimum income support since we don't need any ill creole self rejecting mangoy native people in politics who is going to turn the fucking the water off who kept telling us how he dealt with his servants in private and public but when it comes to public personna in politics, we want Santa Claus for the next four years if it has to be only one viable candidate with the other disqualified but maybe there will be a third candidate.  You can run your McDonald's the way you want contrary to the rules and the laws but  it doesn't mean you will keep your franchise; you blacky anthropology hair dye addict.   It's time to read the  manual you dinky anthropology who never knew why any body listened  to a man who can't read his own bank statements and who stole Kellogg's shipments. We should help you.   But, maybe he does pray about how he wanted a normal life with hopes of promotion at Ford after a full mathematical high school education in the American dream  instead of being an apology for Bill the Butcher's assassination.  But, you have had four years Bill. You are equal to many white President's like Bush Senior or do you need to be equal to the black guy?  Well, then I will send you a video of a dinner   where a white  sick mangoy guy tells jokes to an audience full of journalists who are all  the heirs of Mike  Waltz Crinkit born to whore strippers who will sell all their editorial for any dollar so the truth is prostituted. That's all you need.   We decided to say you should be helped. You were helped but now we need the world to enjoy their American dreams and Vermont  Legal education without being told a 2011 Passat with Sat NAV   is too big for a black guy.  I don't know how to put it but you stink if the world has to feel like this for another hour.  I am pretty sure there is a third candidate....because it still feels like we are on the edge of death.         Mucho Sprezzatura™   is now on sale for $1.00. The poor old nigger thinks it's a Pontiac; a ha ha ha ha!  But, you can't kill him. Give him his dollar for his territory instead of killing him for it.     The key weapon in the spread of civilization  among the hindered North American lands  is policy; financial policy burying the hindrances with  more money; not less until they drown in pasta sauces, salsas, home made Yukon barbecue sauces, soy sauces,  North American Beers and foreign beers from all over the world and all kinds of happy Amerindian dancing celebrations with a Peroni or Guinness or a Quebec beer or Vermont beer in hand.   They will also go to school for technological participation; not assimilation and will run their own reasonable  businesses and reasonable coffee shop franchise locations like a Dunkin Donuts or a Costa Brava maybe n Alaska, Hudson's Bay or the Yukon.    This is key.     No matter how black you are as a creole son of Pochahantsoas or creole daughter of Pochahantsoas,  Egypt is Egypt and Babylon is Babylon.   Those ancient people  are not black.  They are African or Mesopotamian with Afro hair or very very very curly Afro soft hair. With the right olive oil, it gets dry soft.   You are Black because you are really an Aboriginal being blacked out or whited out of your aboriginal identity with Maybe 1/4 African dna or maybe more Afroed Samoan or Afro aboriginal maybe Seminole /Mexican dna.  In all your getting, get understanding.  But, I reserve my personal ignorance as a school teacher for my private life. All the students and their families will have a universal unconditional minimum income support of no less than $50,000.00 per year like Manitoba and if they don't, I will attend with them to ensure they are properly registered to be in receipt.  At home though, no black people can come in my home if you self identify as black..or white but if you say you are African or aboriginal, Apache, Black Hawk or Norwegian although you are from the Appalachians or Wisconsin or South Side or South Central, then that's okay.    You can come in.      Maybe no one really needs any education although it does aid technological participation and an understanding of others and their cultures.  8 hours of videos involving trigonometry and Egypt or Trigonometry Rome and kitchen tile back splashes with 20 home work questions on the trigonometry of triangles and squares is certainly education that is  backsplash useful with a little multiplication as in the back splash needs 30 tiles of a certain design  to cover an area of five metres and each tile costs $2.00 each so how much money do you need to communicate the cost of the material to your spouse; how?  Certainly, there are those in positions of influence that do not have any formal tutelage but they are rugged Goat Island international people or Lumber Jack people maybe with character and we accept this so long as the water is good, citizens are treated appropriately within the confines of the law with every citizen and permanent resident receiving a universal unconditional minimum income support.  These are maybe elected officials, not here to abuse us.    But, often uneducated but publicly involved people  want other people to think they have education.  This is so in some cases; not all cases.  But, if you really want people to believe you have education, then people who do have education would not suffer unusual victimisation by you, the person who purports to have the real education.  If you wanted people to believe you have education, then you would ensure people are well treated regardless of their education or the lack thereof.  You would encourage full and complete formal educational accomplishment since a person with a university degree just like you if you did really have a degree is not intimidating to your sense of worth or ego  or any threat  to you and your sense of your authority. If you treat them like they are effigies to be disposed of, it probably certainly exposes the fact that you do not really have any education.       If the world is or was, was having a discussion with a neanderthal population called America (it is now resolved during the current Potus' administration); an America who insisted there was a reason why every citizen is not fully enfranchised with a universal unconditional minimum income support or with proper appreciation for them as a live body human citizen on a subway train or bus with some kind of language to speak whether or not it's Hindu, Chinese, Nigerian or English, then the war is a war of understanding, a battle of comprehension that boils down to the emotive goals of a malnourished mind and ego that would choose starvation to feel power if you tell him he must eat; his will vs. THE wisdom.  Anthropologically,  the hesitation on the cash by the Aborigine American population says you confirm that you see and perceive  the   automatic money aka basic income aka minimum income support that responds appropriately and satisfyingly in the truth of demand side economics for the whole economy to the jobless causality of mass robotic automation  as a strategic interruption to a more evident aboriginal cultural survival agenda when the fear of getting soft and light in terms of the hunting  and the violence or risk of life  that the Aborigine culture may is part and parcel with the acquisition of food and other necessities in the food experience.  As such, Deer Hunter is synonymous with Neil in the movie Heat, 1995  or the Heat adrenalin rush in the cowboy seen in No Country For Old Men or the two young men looking for wives and hoping to start a family as seen in Hell or High Water; the movie. Hitting or shooting the deer or hitting the bank manager or teller or risking industrial injury or violent vexatious litigiousness as a school teacher or waiter  is anthropologicaly, subconsciously the work  considered necessary in finding the resources necessary to satisfy the Maslow-Lyon hierarchy of needs; the sustenance.  The Maslow-Lyon Hierarchy says money is not the top physiological need in the hierarchy of needs discussed by Maslow but money  is the top need socioeconomically above all else in satisfying all other needs in the Maslow-Lyon hierarchy of needs.    Yet, man cannot love by bread alone but every word that comes from the mouth of God and as much as Abel was honored for hunting and barebcuing fresh gazelle meat, Cain is infamous for the murder predicated on the emotion of jealousy for God's approval and acceptance but you too,if you do what is right, you will certainly be accepted.  This means you dont have to hunt to eat. You can buy the cow steaks and the vegetables.  You are not losing any part of yourself or your culture in having money but if you want to hunt or raise livestock, you are welcome. You are celebrated. You are accepted.  The answer now for acceptance  above and beyond the notion of men eating by the sweat of their brow is the Godly, Civic 19 wisdom seen in 2nd Chronicles 31 where we agree our society and modern robotic automated labor culture affords us  a universal unconditional minimum income support to satisfy all Maslow physiological needs thereby confirming the Maslow-Lyon hierarchy.  God's word confirms the socioeconomic importance of the stipend provided to all citizens in the Levitical,  Civic wisdom that is the way of kings.  The incumbent follows it. Pelofi and Barney the candidate talks about but he uses the phrase demand side economics stimulation to be given to every citizen; same thing.      It's not just the logic of the mass jobless causality seen in the joblessness that is occasioned by robotic automation.       The experience for the majority of the North American population for the last 70 years has been that you would prefer ignorance that your politicians would allow you to rob the bank some how with impunity and immunity, !!!!! a ha ha ha ha (The Joker)..!!!!.., instead of setting up a nationwide Massachusetts, Minnesota or Vermont style universal unconditional minimum income support. It's kind of crazy though.    But, if the real motive was a hunter gatherer cultural  preservation, if it's all about cultural preservation that would have to necessitate people preservation as people express, celebrate and share cultures.   I went to Massachusetts myself 65 years ago when they were giving Aboriginal people and the  black and white people  $20,000.00 per year 65 years ago whether or not they had a job.   I prefer Massachusetts; aye!! But the discussion with the white aboriginal across the country was  over after the Cares Act became a universal unconditional programme to help all citizens still in the socioeconomic gap and not just the unemployed since you would be better getting fired during these Covid times at $1200.00 per week of just moving to Vermont to enjoy the real America with the  universal unconditional minimum income support of $60,000.00 per year.  So, now as we have the answer and there are still Indian reservations and national parks for us all to enjoy as fully Amerindian or partially Amerindian people the notion of money as a systemic symbol, threatening our "aboriginals" way of life is over.    I use money to pay for the electricity to keep the wild dandelions cold in my freezer after I go gathering and foraging every so often upstate. I use money to buy fish hooks.  I use money to buy a 24 hour hunting license once a year to shoot wild boar.      We can all use a little money as aboriginals.  I also use my minimum income support  money to pay for my Lincoln Aviator through a Wells Narco bank loan and my mortgage is with Banco de Americano.     I  certainly do have posh  style; a different class mate.  You are willing to pour a billion dollars in to a business name 

By Seel Temseek,  Journalist. 


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