
Showing posts from February, 2024

Angel Ronan Firm™: We take an exam question approach to answering any question and use all of our research resources to give you a very good answer. Email us at Any where in the world. Is it a legal question, we can help. We have been open for nearly 20 years now without interruption.

By Warren A. Lyon; a Legal Contributor to FSJ. We are looking at Muslims who are suffering criminal gender hatred in Canada. If they are living in Ontario Muslims who can have a baby without in vitro support receive no income support as compared to transgenders in that province who receive income support and the Muslims do not; or if the Muslims live in certain neighborhoods and can have a baby without in vitro, they receive less than half of the income support that the transgender receives. This is unusual in a United Nations signatory nation. In fact, this act of bias that is prohibited by the criminal law in Ontario and all of Canada affected not only Muslims who can have a baby without in vitro but Jews, the Orthodox, North African Coptics and Christians. In Canada, the Laws against hatred are found under the CCC. Hate Crime is an act by words or deeds against a person, group of people or property that is motivated by hate, prejudice or bias based on race, colour, nationality or ethnic origin, language, religion, sex, age, mental or physical disability or sexual orientation. It is covered by three sections of the Criminal Code, including: Section 318, which deals with advocating genocide against a group; Section 319 (1), the public incitement of hatred; and Section 319 (2), the wilful promotion of hatred. A hate crime can include harassment, intimidation, violence or the threat of violence and depending on the specific charge is punishable by a prison term of up to five years. Based on sex, deliberately paying one group a full income support over 10,20 or 30 years and deliberately failing to pay another group the same amount is bias and hatred. It is Violence when you need money and the other group does not. Some in the other group are deliberately paid nothing at all. It would be enough to offend Rosa Parks about being made to sit at the back or in the coloured seats.

/////////// SDGCK January 6th, 2024. 1.Send your email to ask your question. 2.Donate what you can below. 3.Get a report and response. 1.Send your email to ask your question. 2.Donate what you can below. 3.Get a report and response. Scan the QR code or click. Book a Court date. Email us the date and location. Pay us online here with $950.00 and we will assist with attendance or a letter for the Courts FSJ Income support for all citizens is a normal capitalist economic custom; with research from Warren A. Lyon from Angel Ronan Toshokan; a graduate of Brierley Price Prior University, SOAS and UWO; with recent work on Economics at Imperial College; U of L. Warren says, " I love Jamaica." Could you run an economy in such a way to achieve some anthropological, ancestral or developmental identity or is it to confirm some motive? By Warren A. Lyon, Toshokan™ Researcher (American graduate). In all normal functioning capitalist economies, it is the custom that all citizens have an income support benefit. We have some programs that pay some people but the programs are not paying all citizens in accordance with the mandate. Shouldn't we have a program that is a harmonized income support just as we have a harmonized sales tax. Those populations are engaged in cooperation; not fighting and conflicting. Click here. ....and By Win Luk Fu, FSJ Legal Analyst.