
Showing posts from May, 2020

Leeds Cathedral.

The truth is that our research on the impact of automation demonstrates that the North American population has suffered. They need money to be viable citizens; settled down and raising families; raising a new generation of soldiers. Too many have resorted to the desperation of the illicit drug trade in addition to gun point robbery. The malls have closed. You need to be honest about your Amerindian Aboriginal origin. If there was once a discussion about a union of colonies, aboriginals numbered among the men who voted on the shape and form the union would take. Universal health care and toll highways were not a part of that discussion but a disbursement/UBI may have been a part of the discussion as it was a part of the socioeconomic culture of Europe. It's in the bible. You have a constitution and a country that you are not enjoying as designed. The aborigine dignity of lost loved ones who disappeared in the war-like move to take North America as a territory has left many aborigines from the early 1500's in unmarked graves. But, creating a socioeconomic situation that leaves many in North America as 4th generation Europeans who are experiencing this American assault on its own market and Community makes the notion of bringing more Europeans pointless. Are you a confused settler who is trying to kill the aboriginals in America while you fail to realise you are the aboriginal? The badge of unity you seek is to recognise you are all one aboriginal community and here you find the unity, the Marine- like band of brothers. This is the uniformity your national psyche craves. Did you see that movie about the marines in Iraq? Until the problem is solved, there is no point bringing more people until you stop to help the 4th generation Europeans, Cubans, Jamaicans and Puerto Ricans. there is no point bringing more people. The new people that you hope will come require a universal minimum income support also. You suggest that you will favor them and provide the new arrivals a universal minimum income support over your own existing population. What is wrong with providing the money to 4th generation Europeans, Cubans, Jamaicans, Kittitians, Trinidadians other West Indians and Puerto Ricans who are currently not funded? Jamaicans are, in the majority, afro aboriginals in origin whose first language was a native Amerindian language. This is the evidence. The notion of Afro Arawaks( with afro hair) that died off on Christopher Columbus' arrival is partially accurate. They did not die off but hid and eventually assimilated; mucho you do? The people who ate what they could like lizard were small. The people who lived on lowlands ate large tuna and other fish with coconut water and were larger; also afro hair texture. After that, it was Spanish; then English. Many are dishonest about this fact; a tendency shared by John Adams whose ancestry began in the West Indies. He was born in the West Indies. The earth is the Lord's and all of the people belong to him. The previous statement is an accepted Christian tenet. It is just a wonder why North American Christians do not believe God's North American people should be sustained on a universal minimum income support. The earth also revolves around the soleil. Let the kids go. Capitalism and science have no time for racism. Capitalism detests racism and the tendency the tendency that is overwriting and rewriting historical fact and shared non-racialised historical experience to satisfy personal ignorances that may have entailed doubts and lack of knowledge about free Black peoples in the colonies or about Egypt, Europe and Israel; ignorance that might say you should not enjoy the inheritances in the simple joy of singing an Irish hymn or enjoy a Catholic sermon. We don't know if you have permission. Its usually an aborigine of some kind maybe with a second ancestry from Trinidad trying to understand how Africans had guns before George Washington. That is some deep deep ignorance; as if it's not for you because the single temperament in your smart phone operating system is not sure. The descendants of former slaves tend to maintain these ignorances. They used to say no black people could have been house servants as it was too honourable. But, then who ironed and washed? I suppose she was white back then. But, she is black officially today. We cannot deny Aunt Jemima. She certainly did cook many happy meals with Uncle Ben. I dont know what the ignorance is. But, John Adams was an Amerindian Aboriginal schooled by the Haitians who were spending time in the 13 colonies. He was not fully educated but Creole educated by "1430" French Creoles who did the best they could and he seems to have refused an opportunity to study in Europe. He was terrified of the travel. To cover this, he sent substantial funds to France and to Haiti for association and to feel submitted to the adopted mother culture. At best, he was 1/2 European. The ego in the 1/2 was Christopher Columbus; that needed to be in charge and the captain of the ship as in control and taught how to have and just take position; the half progeny of a master pirate and joker. John Adams halved the education of the aboriginals and made himself King of the aboriginals. The half education secured his sense of authority but he did help as they were his people. He armed them, gave them money, European clothing and made opportunity for them; made them Patriots. The 13 colonies was the map. But the map was not the territory; a territory and continent full of Indians and Afro aborigines speaking native languages at home and English at the markets. John Adams was such an aborigine. As such, we need a Cochise/ John Adams new deal for everyone. Our government gives us money equal to a dignified standard of living capable of paying for rent based on an average consumer index, a right to assemble, a freedom of religion and free speech. I really don't have any education but I have to vote and follow the laws I understand and also the laws I don't understand. We need a governrment. We do. The laws seem to offer us quite a bit as citizens but we don't always knows this things; for real. I dont intend to be anyone but a consumer, community member, worker and family member when and work is available. We know we have free speech and a right to assemble and a right to clean hot and cold running water and a right to money paid to us by the government to maintain our dignity. But, it is as of for 230 years, someone has been determined to say North Americans are not really deserving of it. The answer is a universal minimum income support. The expectation of a cash payment was enjoyed in the original colonies by the colonialists such a Phyllis Wheatly, Thomas Paine and Anthony Johnson for example. It is recorded in the diaries. This is the answer. You already endured scandal ridden 8 years with a half white aboriginal who said race is behind us and he was rather consistent in his good humor, feeling priestly and presidential but it was a socioeconomic miss. You can't endure another socioeconomic miss as department stores close, malls close and towns and schools shut down. But, I guess we can say a white aboriginal President and a black aboriginal President can miss so that we might be equal as we say all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. But, this is what I want; an amendment enshrining the washing of hands and the disbursement/UBI/ universal unconditional minimum income support to also become law for Nafta; the backstop amount as of 2020 being $29,000.00 per citizen across all of North America. Did you know Jesus went to civilization school in Egypt from the age of 1 month old to 12 years old? He learned a few things about wine and wine jelly and carpentry also as well as furniture. The current guy has tread water for four years because the last dynamic duo conspired to make him feel like it. Maybe the current guy will solve the problem before the vote; maybe not. But, if not then all have sinned and we the people clean our own towns and work to make the ubi money obligation work and ensure it is paid to every North American citizen in the same way we could not tolerate bad water or no water; understood? The second time there was a Civil war in the North American colonies, there were two individuals with sufficient 1430 dna extract to ask their ego and temperament who is holding the rudder? Who is leading? Who is deciding anything? The West Indies culture and the American culture represent the mut cultures. We mean composite when we say "mut." All cultures, maybe we can say, are composites involving influences from other countries or neighbouring cultures. For instance, prayer began in Egypt. The belief in laws respecting your neighbour and your neighbour's property and family began in Egypt. The washing of hands as seen in the Gladiator began in Egypt. The disbursement/UBI/ minimum income support is also a part of your essential culture. The disbursement is about dignity. This is your fundamental inheritance, the washing of hands, and your acceptance as defined; it is your essential culture. Did you want to argue about washing your hands before you eat? But, how will you feel accepted as a half Englishman if you never read any Shakespeare or Dickens? It could help if you watch a Dickens movie five times and as many Shakespeare movies you can find. The movies depicting the time and period dated in the play or story are preferred. Now, if you aspire to being a professional in the new 20 year programmes that enable you to apprentice as a junior trainee after you confirm your general interest in your general application with no exam required, you would still need to be able to explain the definition of DNA to someone at a cocktail party or the meaning of the process known as "invasive" or explain the word "topical." As the President of the municipal water treatment company, you have a constitution to abide by; the same national constitution that says we seek a more perfect union and domestic tranquillity. As such, you could not decide as water company president to rebate the general standard of clean, drinkable fluoridated, chlorinated water quality as defined by the general health standards and as expected by the national constitution. To do so, may amount to genocide. America, therefore is a concrete idea; not an amorphous idea. Universal health care and a universal unconditional minimum income support figure into this concrete idea of America. Otherwise, a President who does not respect this concrete idea is a walking band leader running the chorus of subtle genocide. He is a walking civil war. A job is about dignity. But, a guaranteed universal unconditional minimum income support in the world of automation is a guaranteed dignity. It is about dignity when you dont know how long it will take to get that job. Some European cultures guarantee the UBI/ universal unconditional minimum income support. They also guarantee a job if you really want one. You may only work three days a week to earn an additional $30,000.00 a year in Holland; for example. Your UBI/ Universal unconditional minimum income support, however,guarantees your dignity with a $40,000.00 per year. There is too much blood on the floor. Your idea of America is currently hemoraging good people. There is an opportunity to say MAGA. In Jamaican Creole MAGA means meagre; like how the malls feel and look dead today in America in the year 2020; but not in the year 1989. Many of your built spaces and infrastructure like Malls and subways are under-utilised as a result of your population being under funded. You have waged a war on yourselves for too long. If automation was a virus, your population did not have the life support like the Asian population or the European. The Life support is the universal unconditional minimum income support. You never noticed before what was really happening and you did your best with what you failed to underhand, I mean "understand", about a solution. Taking the office of the President will not give you the write to ignore meaningful pertinent requirements. There are a lot of White men who helped another Black man become President, not the first black man, but it does mot mean they must have the right to sit as President presumptively. But, if they did pursue this high calling, maybe they would really communicate what they have learned in hindsight and save and protect the water quality, help stop the population from disappearing; apply the capitalist solution; the universal minimum income support that ensures market demand for robotically made products with services delivered by automation ....because I need to sell more Toyotas and Hondas to you made with 100 percent automation in North America, you "bitch ass bad word" who refuses to agree with the German side of his culture or the Scottish side or the Irish side or the Iroquois side or the Mexican side or the human side. You are just a mut of confusion who says he needs to be accepted but refuses to learn how to see the situation from the point of view of his alleged European ancestry. You would rather live in conflict, pursuing isolation. This is not your market but the market for the products that people buy. I am tired of you arguing with the power of a fuel injector vs. The waste of a Carbeurator. I am tired of you arguing with what has to be done for maximum automated efficiency in industrial production with robotic processes. I don't need you to work very much these days. But, I need you to buy, eat, live, love, have families, buy burgers, buy oats, sushi, pasta, homes, vehicles and some phones as well as lots of vacations. I need you to occupy the country with people who have enough money to enjoy their dignity whether they get a job or not instead of masking the sadness with drugs all day and then running into altercations in public places; half dressed too often on cocaine. Agree with the human side of your emotions that would presumably celebrate a universal minimum income support to ensure human dignity. You are human. To do this great work occupying your towns, you need a population; your people in America will do since you are good people, all kinds of people, and that is what was intended and don't think I would risk half of my friendly populations in this dry socioeconomic desert you have created in your arguing as those other people live and breathe on their universal minimum income support from Asia. How many orders of wonton do you want? Do not poison my fluoridated waters. Do not misunderstood when I say this but " white", if you can't solve this, has to be a white aboriginal synonymous with Bill the Butcher who would probably prefer that the constitution go home back to where laws and constitutions come from. You are not the Irish man you say you are if you can't agree with Irish people in Ireland and the origins of the Constitution in Ireland, England, Scotland and Europe. I am not done with YOU yet but, Plan B and viagra and Cialis are another form of cultural genocide. Where are your people? Maybe you are not eating enough raisins; the seeded type. Now, if Cochise was President would he turn a blind eye to poisoned drinking water in Louisiana? Would he be held accountable for the genocide regardless of how he may feel about the emotionally challenging document that also spells out his job description? Sometimes some politicians find the constitution emotionally challenging. It could be that they do not, as Western hemispheric aboriginals, have enough books, bricks, mortar and constitutional appreciation in their emotional inheritance to be politicians although they look like the daughter and sons of the Kings of a place called Sardines. Maybe you should understand that the idea of the office of the President is not intended to be a celebrated unravelling of the separation of powers, a devolution of market safeguards that are often lost in the notion of deregulation and nor is it intended as a sanctioning of genocidal unconstitutional socioeconomic policies that create conditions of life that threaten the stability and viability of the general American population as you say you Need to be accepted but, from whom? It could not be Spain, Italy, France, England or Europe. Those people are trying to feed you, serve you pizza , sell vehicles to you, cologne and clothing and see you come to visit more often. Maybe you are related on the human side. Otherwise, it would have to be the antithesis, the resentful and the confused from whom you seek acceptance. In other words, you have to be seeking acceptance from the enemy that beleagueres you; the devil. You were told that John Adams was leading you in the wrong direction and that he was stealing the disbursements sent by England; the disbursements that you now call the universal unconditional minimum income support. You did not listen. He gave you 2/5ths of the amount. The 3/5ths was sent to Sans Souci and other destinations. Will you be leaving us? You are a poor student of history if you think you can leave. Who runs America? We are trying to help. Written by Cochise Ist Bin Ein Gut Adams.

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