What's all this arguing about for a little mobility for moving around and driving up and around at 100 km/ hr or 100 miles/ hr in four wheels? We have many power sources that includes diesel.. There are only two that keep giving and giving: 1. The hydrogen fuel cell; and 2.; The LPG system. We have the power of a totally rechargeable no-plug in vehicle that is entirely fail safe and free from any challenges posed by the EMPs or overhead electricity towers. So, maybe we make an agreement as a global community to abandon the tremendously costly liquid fuels and adopt an entirely genius non liquid gas system that saves billions in production. You would end up with 30 times the profit with significantly less cost on the sale of fuels for vehicular transportation enjoyed and utilised by consumers. Most manufacturers now offer LPG systems on new vehicles as a special option in the same way you can buy a hybrid Escalade or a hybrid Camry. So hear what happened now. GERMANY HAS AN LPG system. Iran is totally LPG and every citizen has UNIVERSAL UNCONDITIONAL MINIMUM INCOME SUPPORT.

 What's all this arguing about for a little mobility for moving around and driving up and around at 100 km/ hr or 100 miles/ hr in four wheels?   We have many power sources that includes diesel..  There are only two  that keep giving and giving: 1.  The hydrogen fuel cell; and 2.;  The LPG system.  We have the power of a totally rechargeable no-plug in vehicle that is entirely fail safe and free from any challenges posed by the EMPs or overhead electricity towers.   So, maybe we make an agreement as a global community to abandon the tremendously costly liquid fuels and adopt an entirely genius non liquid gas system that saves billions in production.  You would end up with 30 times the profit with significantly less cost on the sale of fuels for vehicular transportation enjoyed and utilised by consumers.     Most manufacturers now offer LPG systems on new vehicles as a special option in the same way you can buy a hybrid Escalade or a hybrid Camry.  So hear what happened now.  GERMANY HAS AN LPG system. Iran is totally LPG and every citizen has UNIVERSAL UNCONDITIONAL MINIMUM INCOME SUPPORT.



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