Architecture is designed to appreciate people. But, you also need people to actually exist who can enjoy and celebrate the appreciation. Also, financing a population is necessary as the first step in ensuring domestic national security and national defence. You need to therefore finance the population for the purposes of being appreciated by the architecture, for providing the consumer market buyers of cheaply made robotic goods including vehicles and as a means of defending your territory. On tv channel 39 for CNEN news, we witness an on going criminal offence since someone asks what is an election and what is the law when we own the country in common and the caveman says as we own it in common where we just take it by force? The Kingdom of the man or heaven suffers violence and the caveman takes it by force. In terms of dwellings, the cave man has chosen rent or rent to own but the issue here is that owning property is a logical and logistical rubic's cube for the cave man aboriginal. How do I die and come back to life just by closing my eyes or opening a book to end up buying what I say we own in common? What do I do with elections and presidencies and democracies when I know people would want to help me? It could be a computer error as far as what we see on some infamous news services purporting their erronious projections. Apart from an evident computer error maybe and a news service compliance officer who was thrown in the Atlanta sewer, what if a criminal rented all the billboards and news channels to report his version of the world that is contrary to US legal code and the constitution in an on going criminal offence with intent to interrupt and interfere with the election and purport their own fictitious result in furtherance of the 1430 dna's intent to be coronated? They work like ants to help each other purport the result of the coup and Robert E.Lee is that dna? FDR did this. The actual winner of the 1936 election ran to Alaska and started the Freedom dividend fund and this was his proposal for all of America. There was a Kingdom of Haiti once and his son is the prohibited candidate named Bolden. Could a recipient of the Presidential medal of freedom really head a coup?

Architecture is designed to appreciate people.  But, you also need people to actually exist who can enjoy and celebrate the appreciation. Also, financing a
 population is necessary as the first step in ensuring domestic national security and national defence.  You need to therefore finance the population for the purposes of being appreciated by the architecture, for providing the consumer market buyers of cheaply made robotic goods including vehicles and as a means of defending your territory.       On tv channel 39 for CNEN news, we witness an on going criminal offence since someone asks what is an election and what is the law when we own the country in common and the caveman says as we own it in common where we just take it by force?    The Kingdom of the man or heaven suffers violence and the caveman takes it by force.       In terms of dwellings, the cave man has chosen rent or rent to own but the issue here is that owning property is a logical and logistical rubic's cube for the cave man aboriginal. How do I die and come back to life just by closing my eyes or opening a book to end up buying what I say we own in common? What do I do with elections and presidencies and democracies when I know people would want to help me?   It could be a computer error  as far as what we see on some infamous news services purporting their erronious projections. Apart from an evident computer error maybe and a news service compliance officer who was thrown in the Atlanta sewer,  what if a criminal rented  all the billboards and news channels to report his version of the world that is contrary to US legal code and the constitution in an on going criminal offence with intent to interrupt and interfere with the election and purport their own fictitious result in furtherance of the 1430 dna's intent  to be coronated? They work like ants to help each other purport the result of the coup and Robert E.Lee is that dna? FDR did this.  The actual winner of the 1936 election  ran to Alaska and started the Freedom dividend fund and this was his proposal for all of America.  There was a Kingdom of Haiti once and his son is the  prohibited candidate named Bolden.      Could a recipient of the Presidential medal of freedom really head a coup?  


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