The ™ Scripta Lex Report on the 2020 Election: The Kingdom of men suffers violence and the violent may try to take it by force but this is why we have a Constitution and the ten Commandments; to serve and protect us from the violent. 1. We honor all who seek Presidential office. There are no votes to recount. There is nothing to recount. Why ask to recount 50 ballots found in Wisconsin? You would be giving credence to the interruption the terrorists who stole the ballots wish to achieve. There is no President-Elect at this time and it is illegal to say so in public pursuant to US Code 595. The votes are being located and eventually they will be counted although several have been lost forever and it will be impossible to say how either candidate faired in the election; faired. The Status quo at the White House remains unchanged. The 2020 election failed to garner an intelligible imprint of the opinions of the U.S. citizenry concerning a chosen party to lead the country over the next four years. The journalists onslaught of projections and suggestions 24 hrs a day is coercion when the vote, if any, has not been determined. It is coercion contrary to US Code 610 and intimidation contrary to US Code 594. There seems to have been a coordinated terrorist attack to destabilise the election. The perpetrators claimed victory. 2. This was due to voting process interruptions in a novel mail-in ballot process, mail interruptions and other problems with finding valid votes from valid living people instead of the legally dead. We cannot say who is responsible for the election interruptions except some terrorist elements are involved and remain somewhat unidentified; 3. A solution to this interrupted election would be a new election to be set for a future date if there are no other irregularities involving prohibited candidates under U.S. Law; 3.1. As the Democrats must take responsibility for their own choice of candidate, the Democrats lost in choosing a legally prohibited candidacy and the country should go on now with its regular business, realising that one person in the executive cannot define the quality of American life. They could have chosen Sanders or Senator Rioreo. The American people must work to guarantee the quality of American life and the minimum standards of life required by any modern nation aflush with robotic automation, necessitating automatic money for their citizens; 4. A new candidate will have to be found for 2024 to represent the Democrats as the Democratic candidate was legally prohibited from participating based on U.S. Code 7323 that has direct relevance on the issue in this scenario involving the participation and involvement of certain individuals in the election process. “Employee” means any individual, other than the President and the Vice President, employed or holding office in— (A) an Executive agency. A Former VP maintains an office in an executive agency. 5. The incumbent's move to exercise emergency powers until a new election is held three or four years from now giving him 8 years in office would be warranted to ensure the safety of all North Americans and restore order to all essential services such as the Post. Also; 5.1. Restore soldier, civil servant, Judge, Court Clerk, EMS workers and Police officer salaries that were cut in half seven years ago by the previous Democrat administration. However, they receive a supplemental Department of Homeland Security salary of $15,000.00. Some salaries, however, were reduced in half by $300,000.00. Other salaries were reduced from $40,000.00 to $20,000.00; 5.2 It takes one bottle cap of semen to provide enough seed to repopulate the whole continent when many children are grown and born. Even if they are grown after all that effort, you have to feed them and educate them so provide them a minimum income and. Restore the population since you need to have a nation before you can be a superpower. How can you have a nation my land of the brave if you don't have any people? How can you have any people after automation and the joblessness that it occasions if you don't give them the automation money? Your people are dying. Your people are dead. Your domestic market has retracted. But, you want to bring more European people but you don't want to feed them. The Christopher Columbus in you and Cabot in you want you and the world to understand what it is like to be abandoned by the greatness of Europe so send more European people but make us feed them. Make us feed our population. Is that a zyclon bomb? That tickled but we will feed everyone this time. We understand now. We will feed everyone this time and provide EBT cards to any assylum seekers who claim assylum at any border crossing. Did you know Mozart is a creole from Christopher Columbus? Implement a universal unconditional minimum income support at half the yearly salary of a U.S. postal worker($35,000.00 per year) for all of North America as a permanent emergency minimum income support programme available by emergency EBT card immediately to all permanent and temporary residents from Canada or Mexico or from any nation if they fill out a naturalization form as beginning with the safety of America and made available also to any citizens that do not live in a region or state that currently provides such "citizen funding" moving toward funding of $200.00 per day as the minimum mandatory for every citizen in North America by EBT card or by direct credit to the citizen's bank account pursuant to the standard of life followed by all other major nations in the world who confirm to the realm of capitalism that they believe in themselves as viable consumer populations for the current globalised world and the certain distant future. North America has not answered this call sufficiently yet but they are in the process of seeing their viability as the human beings they have to be and have decided to realise their viability; 5.3 For space programmes and all other administration, increase the sales tax from 5% to 30% so that there is less moaning and public shame on the last government for under financing itself and the people which has caused economic reversals in North America, in on-going recessions and down turns instead of economic growth. The current administration must take emergency measures, Covid or no Covid, to move the country out of its inexplicable irresponsible economic complacency although it may always report itself as being bankrupt. As such, there is no reason to resume the promises of change and hope of any other administration since they had the formula but decided to run a long shot gamble fuelled by ego on how they would leave the White House and come back when ever they want. It may be ideal, however, to enable with home ownership every genetically qualified individual with the unique Jesse James/Bill the Butcher dna we are trying to heal with an ongoing funeral for the country and for them or a birthday at the House as they appear may also be vying for the White House. If they opt in to the home ownership program as a current or former employee who is still receiving a salary from the treasury, $2500.00 a month will be deducted towards ownership of that palacious home down along the Potomac or up the Potomac; and 5.4. As the Democrats must take responsibility for their own choice of candidate, the Democrats lost in choosing a legally prohibited candidacy unable to participate pursuant to US Code 7323 and the country should go on now with its regular business, realising that one person in the executive cannot define the quality of American life. The American people must work to guarantee the quality of American life. If he is arguably just an individual receiving funds from the treasury as head of a Vice Presidential Library or as a signatory to another government contract that obligates him to remain a servant of the government with benefits he is, legally speaking, an employee, a tremendous honor, then 18 U.S. Code 602 disqualified him and his party of running mates as candidates when it was unlawful for him to seek or knowingly solicit any contribution within the meaning of section 301(8) of the Federal Election Campaign Act of 1971 from any other such officer, employee, or person. Any person who violates this section shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than 3 years, or both. You going down!! Footnotes:. See 5 U.S. Code § 7323. Click here. 18 U.S. Code § 602.Solicitation of political contributions U.S. Code Notes prev | next (a)It shall be unlawful for— (1)a candidate for the Congress; (2)an individual elected to or serving in the office of Senator or Representative in, or Delegate or Resident Commissioner to, the Congress; (3)an officer or employee of the United States or any department or agency thereof; or (4)a person receiving any salary or compensation for services from money derived from the Treasury of the United States; to knowingly solicit any contribution within the meaning of section 301(8) of the Federal Election Campaign Act of 1971 from any other such officer, employee, or person. Any person who violates this section shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than 3 years, or both. (b)The prohibition in subsection (a) shall not apply to any activity of an employee (as defined in section 7322(1) of title 5) or any individual employed in or under the United States Postal Service or the Postal Regulatory Commission, unless that activity is prohibited by section 7323 or 7324 of such title. ////////// 5 U.S. Code § 7322.Definitions U.S. Code Notes prev | next For the purpose of this subchapter— (1)“employee” means any individual, other than the President and the Vice President, employed or holding office in— (A)an Executive agency other than the Government Accountability Office; or (B)a position within the competitive service which is not in an Executive agency; but does not include a member of the uniformed services or an individual employed or holding office in the government of the District of Columbia; (2)“partisan political office” means any office for which any candidate is nominated or elected as representing a party any of whose candidates for Presidential elector received votes in the last preceding election at which Presidential electors were selected, but shall exclude any office or position within a political party or affiliated organization; and (3)“political contribution”— (A)means any gift, subscription, loan, advance, or deposit of money or anything of value, made for any political purpose; (B)includes any contract, promise, or agreement, express or implied, whether or not legally enforceable, to make a contribution for any political purpose; (C)includes any payment by any person, other than a candidate or a political party or affiliated organization, of compensation for the personal services of another person which are rendered to any candidate or political party or affiliated organization without charge for any political purpose; and (D)includes the provision of personal services for any political purpose. (Added Pub. L. 103–94, § 2(a), Oct. 6, 1993, 107 Stat. 1001; amended Pub. L. 108–271, § 8(b), July 7, 2004, 118 Stat. 814; Pub. L. 112–230, § 3(e), Dec. 28, 2012, 126 Stat. 1617.)

 The  ™ Scripta Lex Report on the 2020 Election:

The Kingdom of men suffers violence and the violent may try to take it by force but this is why we have a Constitution and the ten Commandments; to serve and protect us from the violent.  

1. We honor all who seek Presidential office. There are no votes to recount. There is nothing to recount. Why ask to recount 50 ballots found in Wisconsin? You would be giving credence to the interruption the terrorists who stole the ballots wish to achieve.       There is no President-Elect at this time and it is illegal to say so in public pursuant to US Code 595. The votes are being located and eventually they will be counted although several have been lost forever and it will be impossible to say how either candidate faired in the election; faired.    The Status quo at the White House remains unchanged.   The 2020 election failed to garner an intelligible imprint of the opinions of the U.S. citizenry concerning a chosen party to lead the country over the next four years. The journalists onslaught of projections and suggestions 24 hrs a day is coercion when the vote, if any, has not been determined. It is coercion contrary to US Code 610 and intimidation contrary to US Code 594.    There seems to have been a coordinated terrorist attack to destabilise the election.  The perpetrators claimed victory.   

2.  This was due to voting process interruptions in a novel mail-in ballot process, mail interruptions and other problems with finding valid votes from valid living people instead of the legally dead.  We cannot say who is responsible for the election interruptions except some terrorist elements are involved and remain somewhat unidentified;  

3. A solution to this interrupted election would be a new election to be set for a future date if there are no other irregularities involving prohibited candidates under U.S. Law; 

3.1.  As the Democrats must take responsibility for their own choice of candidate, the Democrats lost in choosing a legally prohibited candidacy and the country should go on now with its regular business, realising that one person in the executive cannot define the quality of American life. They could have chosen Sanders or Senator Rioreo.      The American people must work to guarantee the quality of American life and the minimum standards of life required by any modern nation aflush with robotic automation, necessitating automatic money for their citizens;   

4. A new candidate will have to be found for 2024 to represent the Democrats as the Democratic candidate was legally prohibited from participating based on U.S. Code 7323  that has direct relevance on the issue in this scenario involving  the participation and involvement of certain individuals in the election process.   “Employee” means any individual, other than the President and the Vice President, employed or holding office in— (A) an Executive agency.   A Former VP maintains an office in an executive agency.     

5. The incumbent's move to exercise emergency powers until a new election is held three or four years from now giving him 8 years in office  would be warranted to ensure the safety of all North Americans and restore order to all essential services such as the Post.   Also; 

5.1. Restore soldier, civil servant, Judge, Court Clerk, EMS workers and Police officer salaries that were cut in half seven years ago by the previous Democrat administration. However, they receive a supplemental Department of Homeland Security salary of $15,000.00.  Some salaries, however, were reduced in half  by $300,000.00. Other salaries were reduced from $40,000.00 to $20,000.00; 

5.2    It takes one bottle cap  of semen to provide enough seed to repopulate the whole continent when many children are grown and born. Even if they are grown after all that effort, you have to feed them and educate them  so provide them a minimum income and.    Restore the population since you need to have a nation before you can be a superpower.    How can you have a nation my land of the brave if you don't have any people? How can you have any people after automation and the joblessness that it occasions if you don't give them the automation money?   Your people are dying. Your people are dead.   Your domestic market has retracted.   But, you want to bring more European people but you don't want to feed them. The  Christopher Columbus in you  and Cabot in you want you and the world to understand what it is like to be abandoned by the greatness of Europe so send more European people but make us feed them. Make us feed our population.  Is that a zyclon bomb? That tickled but we will feed everyone this time.  We understand now. We will feed everyone this time and provide EBT cards to any assylum seekers who claim assylum at any border crossing.     Did you know Mozart is a creole from Christopher Columbus?     Implement a universal unconditional minimum income support at half the yearly salary of a U.S. postal worker($35,000.00 per year) for all of North America as a permanent emergency minimum income support programme available by emergency EBT card immediately to all permanent and temporary residents from Canada or Mexico or from any nation if they fill out a naturalization form as beginning with the safety of America and made available also  to any citizens that do not live in a region or state that currently provides such "citizen funding" moving toward funding of $200.00 per day as the minimum mandatory for every citizen in North America by EBT card or by direct credit to the citizen's bank account pursuant to the standard of life followed by all other major nations in the world who confirm to the realm of capitalism that they believe in themselves as viable consumer populations for the current globalised world and the certain distant future.  North America has not answered this call sufficiently yet but they are in the process of seeing their viability as the human beings  they have to be and have decided to realise their viability;  

5.3 For space programmes and all other administration, increase the sales tax from 5% to 30% so that there is less moaning and public shame on the last government  for under financing itself and the people which has caused economic reversals in North America, in on-going recessions and down turns instead of economic growth. The current administration must take emergency measures, Covid or no Covid, to move the country out of its inexplicable irresponsible economic complacency although it may always report itself as being bankrupt. As such, there is no reason to resume the promises of change and hope of any other administration since they had the formula but decided to run a long shot gamble fuelled by ego on how they would leave the White House and come back when ever they want.  It may be ideal, however, to enable with home ownership every genetically qualified  individual with  the unique Jesse James/Bill the Butcher  dna we are trying to heal with an ongoing funeral for the country and for them or a birthday at the House as they appear  may also be vying for the White House.  If they opt in to the home ownership program as a current or former employee who is still receiving a salary from the treasury, $2500.00 a month will be deducted towards ownership of that palacious home down along the Potomac or up the Potomac; and  

5.4.  As the Democrats must take responsibility for their own choice of candidate, the Democrats lost in choosing a legally prohibited candidacy unable to participate pursuant to US Code 7323 and the country should go on now with its regular business, realising that one person in the executive cannot define the quality of American life.  The American people must work to guarantee the quality of American life.  If he is arguably just an individual receiving funds from the treasury as head of a Vice Presidential Library or as a signatory to another government contract that obligates him to remain a servant of the government with benefits he is, legally speaking, an employee, a tremendous honor, then 18 U.S. Code 602 disqualified him and his party of running mates  as candidates when it was unlawful for him to seek or knowingly solicit any contribution within the meaning of section 301(8) of the Federal Election Campaign Act of 1971 from any other such officer, employee, or person. Any person who violates this section shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than 3 years, or both. You going down!! 


 See  5 U.S. Code § 7323.     Click here.

18 U.S. Code § 602.Solicitation of political contributions

(a)It shall be unlawful for—
a candidate for the Congress;
an individual elected to or serving in the office of Senator or Representative in, or Delegate or Resident Commissioner to, the Congress;
an officer or employee of the United States or any department or agency thereof; or
a person receiving any salary or compensation for services from money derived from the Treasury of the United States; to knowingly solicit any contribution within the meaning of section 301(8) of the Federal Election Campaign Act of 1971 from any other such officer, employee, or person. Any person who violates this section shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than 3 years, or both.
The prohibition in subsection (a) shall not apply to any activity of an employee (as defined in section 7322(1) of title 5) or any individual employed in or under the United States Postal Service or the Postal Regulatory Commission, unless that activity is prohibited by section 7323 or 7324 of such title.

5 U.S. Code    § 7322.Definitions
For the purpose of this subchapter—
(1)employee” means any individual, other than the President and the Vice President, employed or holding office in—
an Executive agency other than the Government Accountability Office; or
a position within the competitive service which is not in an Executive agency;
but does not include a member of the uniformed services or an individual employed or holding office in the government of the District of Columbia;
partisan political office” means any office for which any candidate is nominated or elected as representing a party any of whose candidates for Presidential elector received votes in the last preceding election at which Presidential electors were selected, but shall exclude any office or position within a political party or affiliated organization; and
(3)political contribution”—
means any gift, subscription, loan, advance, or deposit of money or anything of value, made for any political purpose;
includes any contract, promise, or agreement, express or implied, whether or not legally enforceable, to make a contribution for any political purpose;
includes any payment by any person, other than a candidate or a political party or affiliated organization, of compensation for the personal services of another person which are rendered to any candidate or political party or affiliated organization without charge for any political purpose; and
includes the provision of personal services for any political purpose.




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