Our next project is to write a full expose' involving the obtainance of Law degrees and other legal education in the experience of West Indian communities and families as it pertains to trepidatious emotions concerning the usual; the elder obsessiveness about headship, leadership position in the family and authority; the problem being that they have not crossed sufficiently into a corporate family mindset with the law graduate being understood as just a humble, submitted, servile department in the Elder's enterprises as the elder community still walk in an imaginary tribal 'Lord of the Flies' type of mindset that has no place in real human anthropology or animal anthropology but finds its origins in Saul's animalian madness in Israel when he denied God and human family and chose his own bestial proclivities. Much like Cain, he said, "who is God, the Bible and the ten Commandments to tell Cain anything and anyone within 30 miles of him as Cain will have his independence and his authority?' He is full of his Gunya disease after Apple phone since the apple phone is like a community before a church alter. It confirms the resistance that many souls maintain toward the ten commandments. Yet, law is a community assistance like plumbing; not a threat to the anticonstitutional proclivities in the community that have survived many conflicts. You treat the graduate as a threat to your anticonstitutional proclivities. As it is an alter, do you agree? The phone seems to tell you to just be your dirty self or your obedient self. Cain or Saul can go to Crasquey and be a kingidiot and build beautiful resorts for the foreigners with good food and good water while diseasing the locals. and get the f_-k out of Maica with his dirty self or love your son born today in Moscow named Repent. Watch all the movies you can with Moscow in it. A movie is coming out very soon called Saul and Michal's Madness. Michal was a cave girl; it seems and more passionate about watching men fight and struggle. She endeavoured, it seems, to keep the struggle alive. Would you justify your ego driven bestial jealousies by saying the jungle animals do it; fighting all day? This says you are denying the general human right, Habeas corpus right and the Spirit of the Anti-Slavery UNGC. This diminishes also your gains in the effort to end systemic dehumanization if when every time a West Indian(someone who you think is West Indian) graduates, he or she is berated incessantly by your fears of abandonment, exclusion, loss of family authority or loss of social position. But, why? Wouldn't it be that you saw yourself losing social position when and if your child did not attend school? Wouldn't you lose social position as you work so hard to say you are not worthy of a family member who can solve your phone bill inquiry or your legal rights involving a contaminated bottle of Pure™ water pursuant to George v. Skivington? Pure™ is a trademark owned by Angel Ronan Lex Scripta™. This paragraph summarises the entirety of the expose'. Hence, after graduation you cut asunder the social authority and acceptance you wished your children and grandchildren would maintain by attending school, thereby,reducing, diminishing, cutting in two the valiant collective efforts of society in general to overcome negative racialized stigmas when you are the instigator and the perpetrators of this cultural, social and economic suppression, that sends your civil rights movements in a backward trajectory ievery time someone graduates in the blessedness of your chastising that is then thwarted in the expression of your emotional compunction to be the only one; the only elder but it seems he has five elders in the conception and the descendant they may be for many people is not your own. But, he cannot be or he could be as you claim. Evidently, family and the Bible is not indigenous to you. You would kill your grandson if he became a teacher and started to teach in public pursuant to the wisdom of the Egyptian Coptic Church. Well, the animals do not seem to fight all day. Even if they did, would you say your self seeking comprehension of animal behaviour leaves you immune to prosecution that if the lion that is dying is hungry, he can just kill and eat? He can eat most absolutely but he cannot vitiate the sacred codes of the ten Commandments or the Theft Act 1968. He can buy his own food; with his universal unconditional* minimum income support in the UK and it's territories that includes Canada*; and it's provinces. Socioeconomic policies concerning the UK and it's territories are set in the UK; socioeconomic policies involving sales tax, universal unconditional minimum income support and education. The territories can choose design in architecture and how to frame the exciting debate; whether we should bother in any foolish resistant emotion or just be thankful every citizen and native status citizen has no less than $80,000.00 per year in government funded universal unconditional minimum income support. Your cousin begged you to sign up in Norway where you arrived as an assylum seeker and now you get $80,000.00 just as an assylum seeker. You only wanted to know if he respects you. He is not your son but he respects you. Yet, you are determined to say it is not untoward to denigrate your community by treating him and his personal property as your own to use and abuse at your leisure. You call, making complaints to his secretary and to his regulatory body in Europe at the EU. They, animals, have family according to the most recent discussion on animal anthropology. I could mention several schools and authors engaged in this research but we will leave it for our bibliography. Thank you! Call if you need help because we help. Human life matters.

 Our next project is to write a full expose' involving the obtainance of Law degrees and other legal education in the experience of West Indian communities and families as it pertains to trepidatious emotions concerning the usual; the elder obsessiveness about headship, leadership position in the family and authority; the problem being that they have not crossed sufficiently into a corporate family mindset with the law graduate being understood as just a humble, submitted, servile department in the Elder's enterprises as the elder community still walk in an imaginary tribal 'Lord of the Flies' type of mindset that has no place in real human anthropology or animal anthropology but finds its origins in Saul's animalian madness in Israel when he denied God and human family and chose his own bestial proclivities. Much like Cain, he said, "who is God, the Bible and the ten Commandments to tell Cain anything and anyone within 30 miles of him as Cain will have his independence and his authority?' He is full of his Gunya disease after Apple phone since the apple phone is like a community before a church alter. It confirms the resistance that many souls maintain toward the ten commandments. Yet, law is a community assistance like plumbing; not a threat to the anticonstitutional proclivities in the community that have survived many conflicts. You treat the graduate as a threat to your anticonstitutional proclivities. As it is an alter, do you agree? The phone seems to tell you to just be your dirty self or your obedient self. Cain or Saul can go to Crasquey and be a kingidiot and build beautiful resorts for the foreigners with good food and good water while diseasing the locals. and get the f_-k out of Maica with his dirty self or love your son born today in Moscow named Repent. Watch all the movies you can with Moscow in it. A movie is coming out very soon called Saul and Michal's Madness. Michal was a cave girl; it seems and more passionate about watching men fight and struggle. She endeavoured, it seems, to keep the struggle alive. Would you justify your ego driven bestial jealousies by saying the jungle animals do it; fighting all day? This says you are denying the general human right, Habeas corpus right and the Spirit of the Anti-Slavery UNGC. This diminishes also your gains in the effort to end systemic dehumanization if when every time a West Indian(someone who you think is West Indian) graduates, he or she is berated incessantly by your fears of abandonment, exclusion, loss of family authority or loss of social position. But, why? Wouldn't it be that you saw yourself losing social position when and if your child did not attend school? Wouldn't you lose social position as you work so hard to say you are not worthy of a family member who can solve your phone bill inquiry or your legal rights involving a contaminated bottle of Pure™ water pursuant to George v. Skivington? Pure™ is a trademark owned by Angel Ronan Lex Scripta™. This paragraph summarises the entirety of the expose'. Hence, after graduation you cut asunder the social authority and acceptance you wished your children and grandchildren would maintain by attending school, thereby,reducing, diminishing, cutting in two the valiant collective efforts of society in general to overcome negative racialized stigmas when you are the instigator and the perpetrators of this cultural, social and economic suppression, that sends your civil rights movements in a backward trajectory ievery time someone graduates in the blessedness of your chastising that is then thwarted in the expression of your emotional compunction to be the only one; the only elder but it seems he has five elders in the conception and the descendant they may be for many people is not your own. But, he cannot be or he could be as you claim. Evidently, family and the Bible is not indigenous to you. You would kill your grandson if he became a teacher and started to teach in public pursuant to the wisdom of the Egyptian Coptic Church. Well, the animals do not seem to fight all day. Even if they did, would you say your self seeking comprehension of animal behaviour leaves you immune to prosecution that if the lion that is dying is hungry, he can just kill and eat? He can eat most absolutely but he cannot vitiate the sacred codes of the ten Commandments or the Theft Act 1968. He can buy his own food; with his universal unconditional* minimum income support in the UK and it's territories that includes Canada*; and it's provinces. Socioeconomic policies concerning the UK and it's territories are set in the UK; socioeconomic policies involving sales tax, universal unconditional minimum income support and education. The territories can choose design in architecture and how to frame the exciting debate; whether we should bother in any foolish resistant emotion or just be thankful every citizen and native status citizen has no less than $80,000.00 per year in government funded universal unconditional minimum income support. Your cousin begged you to sign up in Norway where you arrived as an assylum seeker and now you get $80,000.00 just as an assylum seeker. You only wanted to know if he respects you. He is not your son but he respects you. Yet, you are determined to say it is not untoward to denigrate your community by treating him and his personal property as your own to use and abuse at your leisure. You call, making complaints to his secretary and to his regulatory body in Europe at the EU. They, animals, have family according to the most recent discussion on animal anthropology. I could mention several schools and authors engaged in this research but we will leave it for our bibliography. Thank you! Call if you need help because we help. Human life matters.


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