Stan from the New York DEA says you cannot steal his vote. He wants the power to pay provided to every citizen and no more politician hoping to come back and ask since 2012 why we have to do it the European or UN way. The real truth is everyone has to be told what to do in this business when you don't know everything. Yet at least know how you are thankful to enjoy the honor and privilege of being a national politician and do what ever little things you are asked in the furtherance of improving the American experience for the average American. In other words, he says take the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune dog!! What de bumbu....? A man comes up from the Bahammas to Hudson Bay and as cold as it is, he refused to implement the universal unconditional minimum income support at $40,000.00 dollars per year per citizen which is the amount generally that Ireland receives per citizen but in Euros at $40,000.00 euros per year. Instead, he implemented $20,000.00 per year per citizen which is what the people in the Bahammas receive. If you ask this man about his ancestry,. He says he is Scotch Irish and he looks like it I suppose but he is emotionally and psychologically Bahamian and can't remember how cold it is in Hudson Bay and the cost of heat and the need for Scotch Irish warmth. Essentially, I think you are all Tru JG to say you know where you come from. Well, what about a minimum of £17500.00 pounds($ CAD 28000.00) per citizen per year for the majority of citizens when the Latino Anglo Bahammian in the UK runs much of the Anglo world? As Latino Anglo Bahammians, they are actually telling you to input $80,000.00 per year per citizen where you are in Hudson Bay. He gets a job as a bus station attendant with his $20000.00 in Minimum Income Support and his bus job salary of $50000.00 but he steals the fare coin box once a week because he wants to feel like an aboriginal her the system, like a king over the system. Ok; we hear you. Now, what about these police people who have video evidence of it once a month? The coin box has a transponder in it. So maybe we will all be thankful and you can run a pub and take all you want from yourself. Did you know the complexion diversity in Signspore is commensurate to the diversity observed in all of America? Their populations is an assemblage of the best diversity from across the UK Commonwealth world including the West Indies, Belize and Guyana and Canada. Many Singaporean people are really from the UK also. The official language is English. Did you know this? Every Singaporean has $80,000.00 in universal minimum income support. Do they eat better than you or drive better than you because they can't be working anymore than you? They have full robotic automation. They feel so valued. Did you know this? I want to know if you knew this. Did you know this? For your ego security, if the tide rises by 80 feet, all boats rise by 80 feet and this includes the small one seat row boat and the 80 foot yacht. If all citizens, all citizens, receive $80,000.00 in minimum income support like France or Minessota or Virginia, then the wealthiest are up by $80,000 initially but he also sells more food, clothing, wine, vehicles and rents more apartments so he has an exponential increase in wealth. The little guy stays down on the ground at $80,000.00 per year. If it is about buying and selling more European cologne,food, clothing and other European goods, then who would argue about implementing universal unconditional minimum income support? We will have more connectivity. The citizens of North America are not resisting and nor are they arguing about having automation money. They want the money. Covid was not about delaying the minimum income support solution to the AUTOMATION economy. Covid or no Covid,. The idea was that this automation money was essential to the profitability of an robotic automation enabled manufacturing industry and supply chain. It was also necessary for a healthy Covid free viable population. You could he afraid of a population growing at home; domestically as the reason why you do not provide even half the requisite amount to all your citizens. Yet, you welcome refugees and automation monied citizens from all over the world but primarily you are welcoming People from Asia and Africa who have their universal unconditional minimum income support provided by their home Asian nation or African nation. Your sales tax is too low and then you wait for something all day to happen, wondering if it will be a war to really wipe you all out one more time in a field in France and most populations cannot decide whether they will or will not have the minimum Income support money. The motive behind this money is international connectivity much like internet and cable television. You have cable and internet so you must also have the minimum income support money. It is just done with the same Authority, decisiveness and intelligence it takes to run an airport. Kick that idiot off the airplane as he refused to put out his cigarette. People from all over the world are coming to populate anyway. But, YOU seem to be saying that you cannot propagate or grow and that maybe such automation money is too much of an entitlement for the English speaking Latino Anglo ; in North America anyway but you engage in the automation while boasting about the efficiency and success of the co-operative Asian economies. /////// Underlying the Half native North American experience is the temperament and proclivity to keep the hearty pioneer struggle alive; the struggle of those who survived also an Atlantic or Caribbean ship wreck. The temperament and proclivity say, "Why don't we create a crisis, make uniforms and show them how tough we are walking through mid and living off the elements?" The English have several protectorates that pay a universal unconditional minimum income support to its citizens; however. They include Singapore, Australia, New Zealand, the Bahamas, the Gambia, Kenya, Guyana and Belize. There are several US states that pay a universal minimum income support as does Germany. Vermont pays $60,000.00 a year. Singapore pays usd $80000.00 a year. The UK pays the majority of its citizens about USD $28,000.00 a year. France pays usd $70,000.00 a year along with Germany. Ireland pays usd $70000.00 a year to its citizens. Two simple principles enabling the North American economy and their way should only take a few minutes to implement but maybe the entire population still has something to say to honor the struggles of their ancestors who endured the new world experience that is the historic experience of America. The natives call the body the temple of God and so do the Hindus and the Muslims; Christians and Jews also. We spend all day building the temple of men, women and children (The body is the temple- the body is the temple and the spirit of God dwells within you)) and then as it may be in many communities we spend, in the case of young school graduates, a great deal of time destroying the temple that is that being and soul that just graduated. All of a sudden, school is over and now we are putting Drano in the boy's soap, spraying his pillow with Drano water, Drano in the kettle and accusing him all day and calling the police to say where they could pick him up as a young person who is applying to College (You don't know if they know he is applying to College and maybe taking french and they should know with the presumption that they will help you get it over with if he was not humbled by the Drano). You are trying to say something anthropological and it amounts to something about authority and you being the only one in the family with Authority and you don't want this boy of yours to have any authority over you where your community didn't really have to go to school for certain types of social authority for one reason or the other. So, then right after graduation, you wish to say a GED should be enough for social authority but it may not be enough to understand in reasonable time, the scintilla of George v. Skivington and such specialised knowledge may be necessary when dealing with certain product liability scenarios affecting the foods and products supplied to all kinds of people within your Caribbean region or Mediterranean region. ///// JESUS; He lives within your heart but your ego is not dead yet so as you sing and preach, you are intending to knock out another graduate or two to defend your position and see your authority. But , if He, Jesus, really lives and lives in your heart,then what is that feeling as if you really are intending to see someone dead to defend your authority and why would you want him or her dead to defend your authority when they could be your son; right? But if Jesus loves and lives in you, then there is only one ego you are living for; there is no YOU expressing any motives of ego self defence and ego self. It's just Jesus' ego and there is quiet and peace. You did good, really good Johnny my boy; ruff ruff!! Mortgage is a French word that means essentially the contract of death although you buy a home to celebrate in this life. For people with some French ancestry, rent to own or lease to own is more marketable yet the market protection involved in a mortgages standard charge terms must still apply as it is a debt finance contract pertaining to the ownership and acquisition of land and simply put, the rent to own contract will be considered equal to a mortgage for the protection of buyer and lender. So, now what we will do is say you are the authority and you are the leadership who will receive the proposal and you will decide except when you will be happy to see us prepare the cake and you will partake and enjoy the first benefit. You will see us prepare the economy for you and you will partake and enjoy the first benefit. The new homes will be marketed on a rent to own basis with builders mortgages and also bank finance with a small down payment. We need people to take possession. If the builder wants to hold the property and maintain the role and responsibility of collecting the payment toward total purchase, then can. In the alternative, they can also agree to have the deal taken on by a finance company or bank who will, for an extra ten percent on a 100% finance deal with no down payment, actually maintain the role and responsibility of collecting the payment as agent of the builder towards the total purchase price and this is not unlike a mortgage really. The finance company can also pay the full burden of the purchase price and debt owed to the builder; if they wish and then just collect from the purchaser they are working with in the rent to own deal in that cool she she poo poo property in Webster's Grove fully renovated with a new Samsung fridge and an Ikea dishwasher with the Frigidaire gas stove and the Prions ™ Home security. Prions ™ is a home security concept owned by Warren A. Lyon that runs in blue tooth for the cameraed electric plug socket face plates and cellular networks for communication with the security company to protect the home. So, now we understand that the key issue with automation is the loss of mass participation in the buying and selling that was intended for thr economy. This is a loss in mass activity. The loss in activity manifests as a depleted economy. The need for retail locations to sell, market and attract buyers to new products also evaporates, leading to closures if stores and malls when people don't have the money to participate and as such they have no way to pay. They have no way to pay because automation has disenabled the usual legal means by which people obtain money. This is the problem; a loss and block in the way; the Way To Pay(WTP) or the (PTP as in the Power To Pay). I know many of you may struggle to give the government anything but this is it; you are the government and the council of the wise my kemosabi with all the wassabi in your shopping cart! Doko de de wisdom for the North American who cannot see wifi, ntc, Bluetooth and smart phones are all about connectivity but to enjoy this connectivity you have to have money! We cannot be certain of a job and the high number of people who need a job tells us that we have no economy unless we just give people money first and maybe a job also. So, we make a deal to get out of our struggle with the issue being no 'WTP or 'PTP' and achieve a continuance of the non-native economy by giving everyone the ability to pay instead of reverting back to a more muscular and traumatic native economy where food, clothing and shelter will involve the violence, the taking, killing and destroying to obtain the comforts of our lives in this world as it is. The Foreigner who invited us to use money also invited us very often to help him steal it. But, the minimum income support is the power to pay. It may be the government's money but it comes to us all by work or by other means as The old Gangster movies suggest. Here this wise guy, the deal we make by way of convention involves a 50% sales tax to provide $80,000.00 to every citizen annually on a universal and UNCONDITIONAL basis with payments made biweekly so then your bag of $1.00 Lay's potato chips or the Doritos becomes $1.50. The government keeps the .50 cents collected for example 900,000 times every hour 24 hours a day to finance the human market that is served by robotic labor; rather. We can also try a $50,000.00 universal unconditional minimum income support with an optional job core for an additional $32,000.00 with three days work a week in all kinds of government job placements. Everybody is accepted with your cool Toyota Denso Type overalls with National colors and a flag on the shoulder or just a T- shirt with the weather deciding. We can do it amigo!!!!! This universal unconditional minimum income support money is accepted as income for the purposes of bank finance or car finance. $80,000.00 yearly is really paid out at $3000.00 every two weeks or about $200.00 per day. The official UK figure for the average UK asylum seekers is £63.00 a day. Having a population with the power to pay anywhere they go is crucial. Look at the cultures that can participate, move about and take position and hegemony anywhere they go. They have the power to pay. You are not impressing any other culture or nation when your people cannot even participate in their own economy; silly, poor white Latino Anglos starving themselves to communicate an experience of ship wreck and European cultural abandonment. Now, Saul is 1430 dna in France. 1430 dna is actually the King of San Suci in Haiti. His children are Cabot and Columbus and I need to just tell you my Authority. I went to school and I can at least see how angry Saul would be if he was deprived of his pyramidal Egyptian education. But, this is what is most important; the truth and this truth remains whether or not Saul says he won the election and threw the votes out and usually the wrong doer is who claims victory and is the most brash and Bolden in doing so. The thing with Saul is that he says he needs to be the King. A new President could set a new tone and a new theory on the office of the presidency can ensure that we keep hope alive that change will really come. The truth here is we cannot say how many votes were cast for any candidate; shoo!! We cannot say who is entirely responsible for everything but we do know who, in light of this terrify activity is claiming his grab bag and prize. In this situation, the wring doers can say they are winning and that the leader of the show obtained the most votes than any other president in history. But, we dont know how many votes we have for either or any candidate. We dont know and there is no transition. There is no outgoing president in this scenario. We need to also recognise that the leader of the coup show was prohibited from campaigning and is criminally liable with his co accused for trying to influence the result. The point here is the impatience of this dna in seeking to be the only one with authority in the family and seeking a family from whom to inherit. This is not a good combination; impatience and inheritance and even after you have worked and owned a home, the effort to follow the murderous proclivity to inherit is evident in some as if it's a milestone but they cannot wait it seems and then they do alot of bad thing hurt themselves and people. All you need to understand is that it cannot recognise it's own property as an achievement. It has something to say about an ancestral proclivity that killed Abel, tried to kill David in the Bible as well as a sibling or two in the world. This dna was isolated a long time by the family of families called Esau and set up a ministering and monitoring culture by Babylon with Israel to ensure it does not claim to be the King of the world as it seeks to inherit your one little him with a mortgage on it. You have your own family and your children so why is anyone trying to join your family to inherit your property? ///////// The only answer here is to acknowledge the law and enforce the law in the presence of this terrorist activity. There is no reason to change to the status quo. We have a stolen election process by law school dropouts and also the power hungry. We do not have a new President due the evident prohibited status of the wrong doer who claimed victory Kong before the votes, if any are found , were counted. You can keep saying it was a Bank withdrawal but it looks like a robbery and coup to me. The Commander in Chief will decide what is in the best interests of the nation what the criminal indictment indicates for various wrong doers. The vote count is not complete. It seems they may have only found 900 votes for all of Florida. I just found my Father's copy of the Act of Marriage as underlined. I am going to go and review it and all the underlined paragraphs. My cousin put a sketch of his new combat kevlar helmet that has no ear or side head covering. He just got back from Afghanistan on a promotion that included 2 years jail time a Guantanamo for ear crimes and a they cut the back of his leg with a surface scratch maybe so he can't strip for a living but his promotion involved a martial arrangement and three years as a high school gym coach and on call State trooper job with national guardsman duties. He keeps saying, "I don't hear what you say." The real truth is Cochise would probably stage this coup on an election as a half white native and steal back his own country but maybe they are both Cochise and the one in the White House is a bit more socialised on issues of law, legality and property ownership and enforcement. The Challenger says he has 40 years of experience but with a good hand of cards, he showed up late for the flight and is out of the contest now; prohibited. We are all half native; everyone of us my friend. Be safe out there. The incumbent it seems has provided assurances that everyone is safe; including former politicians and the incumbent, therefore, should not be threatened with the suggestion that the election matter is decided for the benefit of the prohibited challenger. We can do it amigos.

 Stan from the New York  DEA says you cannot steal his vote.  He wants the power to pay provided to every citizen and no more politician hoping to come back and ask since 2012 why we have to do it the European or UN way.  The real truth is everyone has to be told what to do in this business when you don't know everything. Yet at least know how you are thankful to enjoy the honor and privilege of being a national politician and do what ever little things you are asked  in the furtherance of improving the American experience for the average American.     In other words, he says take the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune dog!! What de bumbu....?    A man comes up from the Bahammas to Hudson Bay and as cold as it is, he refused to implement the universal unconditional minimum income support at $40,000.00 dollars per year per citizen which is the amount generally that Ireland receives per citizen but in Euros at $40,000.00 euros per year.   Instead, he implemented $20,000.00 per year per citizen which is what the people in the Bahammas receive.  If you ask this man about his ancestry,.   He says he is Scotch Irish and he looks like it I suppose but he is emotionally and psychologically Bahamian and can't remember how cold it is in Hudson Bay and the cost of heat and the need for Scotch Irish warmth. Essentially, I think you are all Tru JG to say you know where you come from.  Well, what about a minimum of  £17500.00 pounds($ CAD 28000.00) per citizen per year for the majority of citizens when the Latino Anglo Bahammian in the UK runs much of the Anglo world? As Latino Anglo Bahammians, they are actually telling you to input $80,000.00 per year per citizen where you are in Hudson Bay.     He gets a job as a bus station attendant with his $20000.00 in Minimum Income Support  and his bus job salary of $50000.00 but he steals the fare coin box once a week because he wants to feel like an aboriginal her the system, like a king over the system. Ok; we hear you. Now, what about these police people who have video evidence of it once a month? The coin box has a transponder in it.  So maybe we will all be thankful and you can run a pub and take all you want from yourself.   Did you know the complexion diversity in Signspore is commensurate to the diversity observed in all of America? Their populations is an assemblage of the best diversity from across the UK Commonwealth world including the West Indies, Belize and Guyana and Canada.  Many Singaporean people are really  from the UK also. The official language is English.      Did you know this? Every Singaporean has $80,000.00 in universal minimum income support. Do they eat better than you or drive better than you because they can't be working anymore than you? They have full robotic automation.   They feel so valued.  Did you know this? I want to know if you knew this.  Did you know this?    For your ego security, if the tide rises by 80 feet, all boats rise by 80 feet and this includes the small one seat row boat and the 80 foot yacht.   If all citizens, all citizens, receive $80,000.00 in minimum income support like France or Minessota or Virginia, then the wealthiest are up by $80,000 initially but he also sells more food, clothing, wine, vehicles and rents more apartments so he has an exponential increase in wealth. The little guy stays down on the ground at $80,000.00 per year.     If it is about buying and selling more European cologne,food, clothing and other European goods, then who would argue about implementing universal unconditional minimum income support?  We will have more connectivity.  The citizens of North America are not resisting and nor are they arguing about having automation money. They want the money.    Covid was not about delaying the minimum income support solution to the  AUTOMATION economy. Covid or no Covid,. The idea was that this automation money was essential to the profitability of an robotic  automation enabled manufacturing industry and supply chain.   It was also necessary for a healthy Covid free viable population. You could he afraid of a population growing at home; domestically as the reason why you do not provide even half the requisite amount to all your citizens.  Yet, you welcome refugees and automation monied citizens from all over the world but primarily you are welcoming People from Asia and Africa who have their universal unconditional minimum income support provided by their home Asian nation or African nation.   Your sales tax is too low and then you wait for something all day to happen, wondering if it will be a war to really wipe you all out one more time in a field in France and most populations cannot decide whether they will or will not have the minimum Income support money.   The motive behind this money is international connectivity much like internet and cable television. You have cable and internet so you must also have the minimum income support money.    It is just done with the same Authority, decisiveness and intelligence it takes to run an airport.    Kick that idiot off the airplane as he refused to put out his cigarette.      People from all over the world are coming to populate anyway.  But, YOU seem to be saying that you cannot propagate or grow and that maybe such automation money is too much of an entitlement for the English speaking Latino Anglo ; in North America anyway but you engage in the automation while boasting about the efficiency and success of the co-operative Asian economies.


    Underlying the Half native North American experience is the temperament and proclivity to keep the hearty pioneer  struggle alive; the struggle of those who survived also an Atlantic or Caribbean ship wreck. The temperament and proclivity say, "Why don't we create a crisis, make uniforms and show them how tough we are walking through mid and living off the elements?"  

The English have several protectorates that pay a universal unconditional minimum income support to its citizens; however. They include Singapore,  Australia, New Zealand, the Bahamas, the Gambia, Kenya, Guyana and Belize.  There are several US states that pay a universal minimum income support as does Germany.  Vermont pays $60,000.00 a year.  Singapore pays usd $80000.00 a year. The UK pays the majority of its citizens about USD $28,000.00 a year.  France pays usd $70,000.00 a year along with Germany.  Ireland pays usd $70000.00 a year to its citizens. 

Two simple principles enabling the North American economy and their way should only take a few minutes to implement but maybe the entire population still has something to say to honor the struggles of their ancestors who endured the new world experience that is the historic experience of America.  The natives call the body the temple of God and so do the Hindus and the Muslims; Christians and Jews also.  We spend all day building the temple of men, women and children  (The body is the temple- the body is the temple and the spirit of God dwells within you)) and then as it may be in many communities we spend, in the case of young school graduates, a great deal of time  destroying the temple that is that being and soul that just graduated. All of a sudden, school is over and now we are putting Drano in the boy's soap, spraying his pillow with Drano water, Drano in the kettle and accusing him all day and calling the  police to say where they could pick him up as a young person who is applying to College (You don't know if they know he is applying to College and maybe taking french  and they should know with the presumption that they will help you get it over with if he was not humbled by the Drano).  You are trying to say something anthropological and it amounts to something about authority and you being the only one in the family with Authority and you don't want this boy of yours to have any authority over you where your community didn't really have to go to school for certain types of social authority for one reason or the other.  So, then right after graduation, you wish to say a  GED should be enough for social authority but it may not be enough to understand in reasonable time, the scintilla of George v. Skivington and such specialised knowledge may be necessary when dealing with certain product liability scenarios affecting the foods and products supplied to all kinds of people within your Caribbean region or Mediterranean region.    /////  JESUS;  He lives within your heart  but your ego is not dead yet so as you sing and preach, you are intending to knock out another graduate or two to defend your position and see your authority.  But , if He, Jesus, really lives and lives in your heart,then what is that feeling as if you really are intending to see someone dead to defend  your authority and why would you want him or her dead to defend your authority when they could be your son; right?  But if Jesus loves and lives in you, then there is only one ego you are living for; there is no YOU expressing any motives of ego self defence and ego self.  It's just Jesus' ego and there is quiet and peace. You did good, really good  Johnny my boy; ruff ruff!! 

Mortgage is a French word that means essentially the contract of death although you buy a home to celebrate in this life.      For people with some French ancestry, rent to own or lease to own is more marketable yet the market protection involved in a mortgages standard charge terms must still apply as it is a debt finance contract pertaining to the ownership and acquisition of land and simply put, the rent to own contract will be considered equal to a mortgage for  the protection  of buyer and lender.   So, now what we will do is say you are the authority and you are the leadership who will receive the proposal and you will decide except when you will be happy to see us prepare the cake and you will partake and enjoy the first benefit.  You will see us prepare the economy for you and you will partake and  enjoy the first benefit.  The new homes will be marketed on a rent to own basis with builders mortgages and also bank finance with a small down payment.  We need people to take possession.  If the builder wants to hold the property and maintain the role and responsibility of collecting the payment toward total purchase, then can.    In the alternative, they can also agree to have the deal taken on by a finance company or bank who will, for an extra ten percent on a 100% finance deal with no down payment,  actually maintain the role and responsibility of collecting the payment as agent of the builder towards the total purchase price and this is not unlike a mortgage really.  The finance company can also pay the full burden of the purchase price  and debt owed to the builder; if they wish and then just collect from the purchaser they are working with in the rent to own deal in that cool she she poo poo property in Webster's Grove fully renovated with a new Samsung fridge and an Ikea dishwasher with the Frigidaire gas stove and the Prions ™ Home security.  Prions ™ is a home security concept owned by Warren A. Lyon that runs in blue tooth for the cameraed electric plug socket face plates and cellular networks for communication with the security company to protect the home. 

So, now we understand that the key issue with automation is the loss of mass participation in the buying and selling that was intended for thr economy.  This is a loss in mass activity.   The loss in activity manifests as a depleted economy.   The need for retail locations to sell, market and attract buyers  to new products also evaporates, leading to closures if stores and malls when people don't have the money to participate and as such they have no way to pay.   They have no way to pay because automation has disenabled the usual legal means by which people obtain money.  This is the problem; a loss and block in the way; the Way To Pay(WTP) or the (PTP as in the Power To Pay).  

I know many of you may struggle to give the government anything but this is it; you are the government and the council of the wise my kemosabi with all the wassabi in your shopping cart! Doko de de wisdom for the North American who cannot see wifi, ntc, Bluetooth and smart phones are all about connectivity but to enjoy this connectivity you have to have money!  We cannot be certain of a job and the high number of people who need a job tells us that we have no economy unless we just give people money first and maybe a job also.       So, we make a deal to get out of our struggle with the issue being no 'WTP or 'PTP' and achieve a continuance of the  non-native economy by giving everyone the ability to pay instead of reverting back to a more muscular and traumatic native economy where food, clothing and shelter will involve the violence, the taking, killing and destroying to obtain the comforts of our lives in this world as it is. The Foreigner who invited us to use money also invited us very often to help him steal it.   But, the minimum income support is the power to pay.     It may be the government's money but it comes to us all by work or by other  means as The old Gangster movies suggest. Here this wise guy,  the deal we make by way of convention involves a 50% sales tax to provide $80,000.00 to every citizen annually on a universal and UNCONDITIONAL basis with payments made biweekly so then your bag of $1.00  Lay's potato chips or the Doritos becomes  $1.50. The government keeps the .50 cents collected for example 900,000  times every hour 24 hours a day to finance the human market that is served by robotic labor; rather.     We can also try a $50,000.00 universal unconditional minimum income support with an optional job core for an additional $32,000.00 with three days work a week in all kinds of government job placements. Everybody is accepted with your cool Toyota Denso Type overalls with National colors and a flag on the shoulder or just a T- shirt with the weather deciding.    We can do it amigo!!!!! This universal unconditional minimum income support money is accepted as income for the purposes of bank finance or car finance. $80,000.00 yearly is really paid out at $3000.00 every two weeks or about $200.00 per day.  The official UK figure for the average UK asylum seekers is £63.00 a day.   Having a population with the power to pay anywhere they go is crucial.  Look at the cultures that can participate, move about and take position and hegemony anywhere they go.  They have the power to pay.   You are not impressing any other culture or nation when your people cannot even participate in their own economy; silly, poor white Latino Anglos starving themselves to communicate an experience of ship wreck and European cultural abandonment.     

Now, Saul is 1430 dna in France. 1430 dna is actually  the King of San Suci in Haiti.  His children are Cabot and Columbus and I need to just tell you my Authority.  I went to school and I can at least see how angry Saul would be if he was deprived of his pyramidal Egyptian education.  But, this is what is most important; the truth and this truth remains whether or not Saul says he won the election and threw the votes out and usually the wrong doer is who claims victory and is the most brash and Bolden in doing so. The thing with Saul is that he says he needs to be the King.  A new President could set a new tone and a new theory on the office of the presidency can ensure that we keep hope alive that change will really come.  The truth here is we cannot say how many votes were cast for any candidate; shoo!! We cannot say who is entirely responsible for everything but we do know who, in light of this terrify activity is claiming his grab bag and prize. In this situation, the wring doers can say they are winning and that the leader of the show obtained the most votes than any other president in history. But, we dont know how many votes we have for either or any candidate. We dont know and there is no transition.  There is no outgoing president  in this scenario.  We need to also recognise that the leader of the coup show was prohibited from campaigning and is criminally liable with his co accused for trying to influence the result.   The point here is the impatience of this dna in seeking to  be the only one with authority in the family and seeking a family from whom to  inherit.  This is not a good combination; impatience and inheritance and even after you have worked and owned a home, the effort to follow the murderous proclivity to inherit is evident in some as if it's a milestone but they cannot wait it seems and then they do alot of bad thing hurt themselves and people. All you need to understand is that it cannot recognise it's own property as an achievement.  It has something to say about an ancestral proclivity that killed Abel, tried to kill David in the Bible as well as a sibling or two in the world.  This dna was isolated a long time by the family of families called Esau and set up  a ministering and monitoring  culture by Babylon with Israel to ensure it does not claim to be the King of the world as it seeks to inherit your one little him with a mortgage on it. You have your own  family and your children so why is anyone trying to join your family to inherit your property?   


The only answer here is to acknowledge the law and enforce the law in the presence of this terrorist activity.  There is no reason to change to the status quo.  We have a stolen election process by law school dropouts and also the power hungry.     We do not have a new President due the evident prohibited status of the wrong doer who claimed victory Kong before the votes, if any are found , were counted.   You can keep saying it was a Bank withdrawal but it looks like a robbery and coup to me.  The Commander in Chief will decide what is in the best interests of the nation what the criminal indictment indicates for various wrong doers.  The vote count is not complete. It seems they may have only found 900 votes for all of Florida.   I just found my Father's copy of the Act of Marriage as underlined.   I am going to go and  review it and all the underlined paragraphs. My cousin put a sketch of his new combat kevlar  helmet that has no ear or side head covering.  He just got back from Afghanistan on a promotion that included 2 years jail time a Guantanamo for ear crimes and a they cut the back of his leg with a surface scratch maybe so he can't strip for a living but his promotion involved a martial arrangement and three years as a high school gym coach and on call State trooper job with national guardsman duties. He keeps saying, "I don't hear what you say."      The real truth is Cochise would probably stage this coup on an election as a half white native and steal back his own country but maybe they are both Cochise and the one in the White House is a bit more socialised on issues of law, legality and property ownership and enforcement.  The Challenger says he has 40 years of experience but with a good hand of cards, he showed up late for the flight and is out of the contest now; prohibited.  We are all half native; everyone of us my friend.  Be safe out there. The incumbent it seems has provided assurances that everyone is safe; including former politicians and the incumbent, therefore, should not be threatened with the suggestion that the election matter is decided for the benefit of the prohibited challenger. We can do it amigos.  






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