This Just In; Russian Leader, Putinusky, spoke with President Burra early in preparation for their formal discussion where Burra confessed he does not really know how to spell nation or country or defence or how to run his economy to serve national interests in 1959.
There is nothing to talk about if you don't know how to spell "country." The problem is that Burra wants to think Russia is fighting him but Burra and the USA are fighting themselves in that they failed to implement a national income support policy that has the states pay no less than $136.98 per day to their state citizens. The Russians want to help; show you the way a little. Also, the USA failed to set a sales tax rate between 20% and 30% to ameliorate any risk of national debt that makes the USA an actual vassal dependent nation that is reliant on foreign states for their operating costs. The USA could start a national Great American credit card and repatriate the debt. The new foreign managers will achieve this. But, Burra is content so long as he gets attention and feels presidential. He is concerned with the sales tax being too high when he buys candy and he never really owns anything more than candy. I have a skateboard that goes 20 kms an hour. Its regenerative like the Taycan. So, what is the point of asking him, Burra, to understand anything? He does not care enough to understand. Putinusky offered his help and gave Burra an English dictionary. He also gave him a book on motivation. If you are motivated to save your people and not just think your own pocket designed for small motivations like Candy, then you would understand why the country needs the sales tax from the consumers to pay for your candy, your suits and your Burra logos. He is a talented sales person and as a cave man aboriginal, he could steal America from the Americans and sell it back to Europe. Yet, as a cave man, running his charlatan, shyster, angry cave man game like a Washington/ Harlem Globe Trotter, he fails to understand he has no opponent but his own ignorance, his own ego, the Cain within him. The Russians are hoping you screw in your economic light bulb. How many cave men does it take? The people need the money to help the economy keep going as the joblessness occasioned by automation is not their fault and it is a little money to commit to each citizen every day for their safety and economic security at $200.00 per day. It keeps them healthy and out of trouble so they don't have to parasite on each other like Burra did or does with his minions. all human life matters. We cannot treat the owners of property as targets for Burra's benefit as if they were wrong to celebrate the full gamut of the American idea.= and the American dream. He criticizes Russia as he says they are not capitalist and might frustrate these dreams. But, aren't you frustrating the American dream and American idea in what you are doing? Mr. Burra you must tear down this wall of American mulish stubbornness of yours. Because of you, we are under foreign leadership now and in the end, it might be best to thank you. We are safer now. Thank God. A sales tax of 30% is sufficient to cover all national expenses; including the Congress, the military and the income support at $200.00 per day per citizen so, if nothing else, we can be a nation of shopping cave men; raising our families and if any Aliens come to earth we can suit up to defend our liberties being attacked by alien bastards. How about that? 4% is not enough. We thank you if this was your strategy all along based on your voluminous experience with American hypocrisy, deficits and untold military deaths over and over again. But, Burra wants the American people's help in creating a faux sense of confrontation with Russia or a faux sense of opposition for the media. Putinusky could not really agree to pretend there is any confrontation* as they own the USA( Up Some Air) with Europe and Asia but said we can all pretend you have a country that is capable of something. You don't even have a Federal Bank. Burra concurred and asked for a bag of dog food from some Royal Kitchen in Europe, nothing more, since that is all he really wants and some European people, about 500000, sent to the USA to make up for the population deficit occasioned by the wars and the lack of universal unconditional minimum income support since 1947. Please report this article since it happened with Burra in the year 1959. Burra is a hero leader for humbly acknowledging there are more cavemen Neanderthals in our midst enabling his political arrival but also the country's frustration such that, inevitably, the country is in need of modernization and neighborly assistance. It should have been resolved by now.
Moreover, President Burra seen here in his caveman honesty says he is now prepared to implement a universal income support national minimum standard for the economy in the same way there are national minimum standards for roads, airports and water maintenance. His national income support program standards are resembling the Massachusetts program at no less than $50,000.00 per year/$136.98 per day and no asset ownership limitations that could hinder access to the program. This is for every citizen in the United States. The States will administer the programs and the Fed will back them up if and when necessary while also guaranteeing the minimum standard policies. He is a great man who helped another great man get elected named. Black Hooray O' Barneyman in 2008. They are heroes. This is a great celebration for aboriginal White and Black people in REAL UNIVERSAL HUMAN PRIDE who will be able to roam and explore the world or at least North America with their Marriot Bonvoy accounts that they can all afford now. It was not soo difficult after all. He says he would like to name the country after him as the United States of Burra. God bless the United States of Burra.
Note: This article does not refer to any country in particular. Certainly, it does not apply to the USA. The article was written in 2007.

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