IN THE ATTEMPT TO DEFINE THE ATTRIBUTES OF MAN, HIS NEEDS, AND HIS CAPACITIES, THE CONCEPT OF HUMAN NATURE IS AN INTRINSIC PART OF POLITICAL DISCUSSION. OVER THE CENTURIES, VARIOUS CONCEPTS OF HUMAN NATURE HAVE EVOLVED ALONG WITH THE DEVELOPMENT OF POLITICAL THEORY. IN THIS DISCIPLINE, THE CONCEPT OF HUMAN NATURE PROVIDES THE HUB AROUND WHICH A THEORY REVOLVES. IT PROVIDES THE THEORY WITH ITS BASIS AS WELL AS A PRESUPPOSITION OR PREMISE TO THE POLITICAL THEORY'S CONCLUSION."I MOREOVER, A CONCEPT OF HUMAN NATURE HELPS US TO DEFINE THE WAY ONE SEES ONESELF AND THE WORLD IN WHICH ONE LIVES. AS WELL, THE CONCEPT OF HUMAN NATURE IN POLITICAL THEORY IS AN ESSENTIAL PART OF THE CONSTRUCTION OF THOUGHT REGARDING THE POLITICAL ENVIRONMENT AND THE LIMITS OF ACTION WITHIN THAT ENVIRONMENT. IT IS THROUGH THE USE OF THE CONCEPT OF HUMAN NATURE THAT WE DEVELOP OUR PARADIGMSII. FURTHERMORE, BY ANSWERING THE QUESTION "WHAT IS MAN'S NATURE?", ONE CAN PROCEED TO ANSWER THE QUESTION "WHAT IS REQUIRED TO FULFILL THE NEEDS OF MEN AND TO SECURE A BETTER EXISTENCE?" We also have a diversified human population with some individuals carrying an unusual mixture of dna that might involve two generations in one family adding a 1/2 teaspoon of dog blood to each generation in succession as they thought it would help two siblings or 1st cousins carry a healthy baby and the child would be more "disease resistant" with better teeth. This is not bidden. This is systemic human devolution; not bidden at all. Now, this devolution may take place with social drugs called E or LSD. What would it be like to see Granddad read the bible while on E? Would he care about sin or have a conscience with monkey dna running through his veins? This means that a 1/8 spoon in one generation with two parents carrying a 1/8 spoon in their dna may encounter a child they conceived who also has an additional 1/8 spoon in its own dna as added by the Great Grand parent for a total of 1 whole Rottweiler dog Lean spoon. They have a different energy; almost certainly animalian. What if this dna is mixed with a 10000 year old Neanderthal dna from the Klondike and placed into your family with a fetus swap at the GYOBN? This might mean that the child will struggle with concepts of property, ownership, mother, father and family in general. What if they add a Haitian inheritance anxious dna that was known for killing people in some persistent anxiety about inheritance; a problem endemic in the North America and the West Indies genome? This may have happened in the late 60's. As such, this is problematic when it comes to our concept of human nature in the modern world. Today, we use Salmon blood like the Ancient Israelis who learned from the Ancient Egyptians. Yet with any human, they must still abide by the Queen's laws and the King's laws of our community. We may tolerate some we difficult individuals because we know deep down they are not fully human. But, if we did not know this, he would be considered a nuisance and a menace in how he steals the mail and asks vulnerable Belizeans to help him although everyone in evolved would have to be arrested. Do they have a conscience to guide them or at lease a fear of social and physical consequence or is it that they can only learn through the consequence of pain and pleasure; like Pavlov's dog? As part Animalian, Do they respect the sacredness of human life? Will it be that they consider the more human that carry the burden of conscience as weak? But, without a conscience, you cannot maintain a constitution. How does this introduction of dog, sheep, snake and fish blood impact the concept of human nature and obligations as members of a human community governed by Constitutions? When we discuss the power of one man resisting the power of another, maybe the problem in our discussion is that one party in this test of power is not a man or a human yet and it could be due to lack of socialization. I had this discussion once with a monkey man or a Grendel man and it was not to question his manhood but his lack of evolution; his lack of contentedness and thankfulness. Would we allow a dog to rob the bank or to kill others? What about a Grendel sub human like Leetland or his daughter LeetAne or Shnakeika? Shnakeika is an ancient troubled middle Eastern female dna from 3000 years ago who has chosen Cosmopolitan magazine's anti social promiscuous paradigms as her pathway to some form of modernity in relating to men. Yet, it fails to provide her the timeless basic necessities of family, husband and timeless community. Even the best of us, as fully human yet insecure, uneducated people who might become fools due to drugs in our fast food, may argue with our better selves and just poison our children to keep their minds and tongues humble to maintain a sense of Neanderthal authority over them since how could they answer simple math questions like 40+60=100 in front of a modern Neanderthal man with a Genesis rock band T shirt on; with maybe 7 or 10 sons who are all poisoned on some drug. Many Ojibwe creoles seem to do this after Apple phone suggested they follow their personal determinations. With the various dna projects from the 1940's to the 1960's now getting into politics, we see a new Sasquatch, Grendel esthetic that might involve a "no holds barred" approach to political contests in America; stealing the post and the voter's box and just declaring yourself the winner on a Times Square Billboard as paid for on election night with only $10,000.00 paid to the New Jersey Janitor with his Ricky Martin T shirt on. Those who could tolerate it must be Sasquatch; themselves. Some are white and some are black. Isn't being the first Sasquatch Mayor of Toronowanda equal to being the President of the U.S where you could just start your own army with guns and military vehicles maybe and just hunt down those annoying, well socialized high school graduates who are just too intense for our post smart phone educational expectations? I disagree. The irony is that man certainly is a social animal with education being the means by which we train them to socialize with others in diversity while keeping controversy out of the syllabus; namaste! But, these children are hampered socially as any participant in the human community. These women who poison their children with LSD are not really here on our planet but the planet of the dogs in the Cosmos while living with us in the metropolitans as in Cosmos-politan and they do not seem to want their children to be any where except in another animal population as unable to do anything but crawl and respond only on command; with no plans for these children to have any weddings and any graduation. Click here.