There is only one way with two key facets necessary in running any Advanced capitalist economy to ensure a recession-proof success. It is the bomb; shoo! It is also being resolved in the West Indies. We are very grateful for the good things that are happening in mutual cooperation and economic facility. To ensure this never happens again, let us understand government. The Grendel may have eventually developed networks of affinity with the women he may have impregnated whether or not he cohabited with them and a network of sons, children and other associations. He may have been called upon from his cave to assist them when threatened by others from time to time. He was a giant. The bible refers to these men. Essentially, this loose network of people became a clan. The clan eventually designed systems of appointment to pass the leadership on. Fathers never warred with their sons concerning this leadership. Any who did, were exterminated by the community as antithetical to the community. They would adopt the children accordingly and the wife or wives. The hammers and swords of Europe or Asia were not designed in anticipation of an American white Aboriginal gone crazy over the world about hegemony. These weapons were designed to police, stabilize and fetter out Cain, Ego, evil in their own populations; Hai! The father might seek to aspire to this clan headship along with men in his generation and age group. These families banded together against external and internal threats. This commune of elders is essentially Communism; nothing more. It is not despotic but consensus. Wouldn't an airline running its planes on hydrogen fuel cells powering a generator as connected to the two or four turbo fan engines instead of a kerosene fueled generator make more profit? Lufthansa was running on the hydrogen fuel cell since 1970. This is decided by logical communal consensus. Why would we hesitate when the Egyptian black man says use the hydrogen fuel cell to power the jets and the cruise ships? Is it not logical? God will is it. God wills it. We have peace at $200.00 per day per citizen with the economy running on a 30% sales tax. God wills it! Prions 2 Energy(TM) is a concept designed by Warren A. Lyon, An Egyptian Black man raised in a West Indian family, who went to school in London, UK and at UWO. Prions 2 Energy(TM) will turn human urine waste from airline toilets into methane, hydrogen or propane for fueling a fuel cell. It helps white hegemony. I am white. Warren is not but I have my black friends like him that help my white hegemony. He helped fix my spark plugs once. Someone showed him how to do it. We play tennis and soccer sometimes. This would say there is no council of one even if we do appoint a chancellor or a president. The tank commanders have much to say in preventing the council of the one fool or the one devil if it could ever happen in Communism or Democracy. Just as Communism is running its systems according to the dictates of advanced capitalism as seen in Germany and Norway also, Democracy was not intended to operate as a council of one in any event. There are cabinets and departments, Federal Reserve Departments also full of experts, headed by experts to ensure ISO standards are applied promptly and logically involving water and road management as well as economic management so there is no water shortage or poor road quality or economic recessions, defending us against any coordinated Neanderthal flare ups in the Anglo world. There is a way to manage an economy to end all recessions anywhere in the world; in particular in America. Every citizen will have enough money as guaranteed and ensured to run from a the caveman who "portends" to be King Saul resurrected in his determination to have absolute authority and threaten us all in the final testimony of his dastardly argument with the *God of all.* Click here.
The North American Aboriginal has been glorified in movies and in historic folk lore as the friendly native host to the Pilgrims. We are seeing something else. An essentially Neanderthal man equivalent to the Cheddar man from 10000 BC who was not any being you could reason with. Eventually, land treaties were provided to later generations that evolved and assimilated to our blankets, boots, guns and knives, tea pots, cups and kettles.
Most importantly, then these North American Neanderthals may not have been afforded the same courtesy to share and communicate their culture with the Europeans as the Japanese, Indians and Chinese shared their culture. They had a culture to share whenever they encountered the newly civilized European man. A 10000 BC Cheddar man or 10000 BC North American Aboriginal found in New Brunswick in 1490 or 1541 had no culture to share with the modern Advanced, formerly Neanderthal man from Europe who was updated with the fire, oil and sword of the Romans and Egyptians.
He would have been at a state of war in his mind and emotions at the very site of you and would have run off with any sign of your superior gun powder technology. His emotions have not changed much. He is still angry that you are here. He might have gotten involved in politics as a very good mimic of our Political culture. He is, by choice or by culture, closer to a Neanderthal than a modern, advanced human while he has taken on sophisticated dress, new suits and attire that disguise his more Neanderthal mind and demeanor. What if he is the Iceman whose dna was ressurected from some frozen dna found in some amber in the 1940's, put in the womb of an English woman who lived in North America and worked a school teacher and then killed her at 12 when he was finishing Grade 7, raised in the Northern Klondike and then allowed to go to social etiquette schools to eventually become a politician. He did not any other regular school, he does not want to go and why should he of he can pretend to be a fully qualified Insurance broker or Real Estate Broker with out impunity but with real consequences for the market and the citizens who are victims of the fraud? Eventually, he is a politician but not totally in league with us and modern man's survival with simple solutions for a recession proof economy. The reason is because he was exterminated by us as Europeans where we found him in the Western hemisphere if he showed any resistance to our schemes for shared, happy communal living. He is not the modern native aboriginal who would understand that resolving our pains as North Americans has to be resolved by us as North Americans. 1.; Money is the first solution with enough money to be provided for everyone through a universal income support. 2.: The income support and all other government expenses are provided for and covered by the Advanced capitalist sales tax at 30% sales tax. If given the chance, the Iceman might argue in resentment of his existence in the modern world and having to live with and beside us. He tells us subconsciously but also rather directly in his resistance of our world and the simple policies necessary to enjoy it in mutual happiness with all other people and cultures. In assimilating the Iceman, the Neanderthal man and also all men in keeping all humans properly assimilated and satiated in our culture, the income support at sufficient levels is absolutely critical, essential. We must try and work together. IF any such ICEMAN somehow arrived on our political stage as some comedic, anthropological dna project full of verbal platitudes with only one generation of Golden Rule social awareness, shopping, buying and selling and monied acquisition of Maslow food, clothing, transport and shelter in his dna's expectations, temperament and propensity, we , therefore, cannot allow him to lead us backwards with any control on essential mechanisms of the economy and our mutual existence. He could be much like Mr. In Between(TV Show) in our modern world with a short emotional fuse, little thought of consequences in his actions also while he drives a BMW some where in our world as he reacts to situations, stealing the mail and beating people up in between Neanderthal-ism and humanity, doing and saying what he feels with little provocation or emotional prompting. This being said, we have to recognize that Capitalism and Communism both operate on international standards that aid international commerce. Our lives are standardized and there is no democratic debate on the standard of international airports, bank machines, bank cards, food preparation and the design of standard home appliances such as coffee makers, microwaves and most other major consumer consumer products such as vehicles with seat belts and air bags developed and maintained with international standards. Maybe some people do ask why seatbelts are designed a certain way or the airport terminals are all the same across the globe. Our economies do carry the same international standard in guaranteeing and ensuring the lives of our citizens. But, we rarely see awkward, life threatening seatbelts designed by the Neanderthal Iceman so we should not be seeing awkward, threatening economies designed by him in America either where ever he is, wherever he may be. This problem economically in North America is now being resolved. It is is very simple. the Neanderthal man might starve us if given the chance while he says he does not understand how to resolve the problem yet but its not up to him. Its not up to one poorly motivated Neanderthal man. It is up to a government of well motivated individuals who can implement the requisite minimum standards for the economy and airport management and security to ensure the safety of us all. When the Europeans come, we will have more than glistening airports around dead malls. We will have glistening people, airports and public shopping facilities. There is only one way with two key facets necessary in running any Advanced capitalist economy to ensure a recession-proof success. It is the bomb; shoo! It is also being resolved in the West Indies. We are very grateful for the good things that are happening in mutual cooperation and economic facility.
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