How to find out if you have an unclaimed balance; Your financial institution must try to contact you in writing before transferring a product with an unclaimed balance to the Bank of Canada. The institution will try to contact you at the last address it has on file after the following times have gone by: after 2 years of inactivity after 5 years of inactivity after 9 years of inactivity Notices will be sent in January after each period of inactivity mentioned above. For example, if you have a bank account that has been unused for 2 years as of July, then your first notice will be sent in January of the following year. Click here.

This is the Bank of Canada website to contact if you have accounts with unclaimed funds.  Only funds transferred to the Bank of Canada after ten years will appear on this database.

Contact the Unclaimed Balances team at 1-800-303-1282 for guidance.

How to find out if you have an unclaimed balance

Your financial institution must try to contact you in writing before transferring a product with an unclaimed balance to the Bank of Canada. The institution will try to contact you at the last address it has on file after the following times have gone by:

  • after 2 years of inactivity
  • after 5 years of inactivity
  • after 9 years of inactivity

Notices will be sent in January after each period of inactivity mentioned above. For example, if you have a bank account that has been unused for 2 years as of July, then your first notice will be sent in January of the following year.

The notice you receive after 9 years of inactivity will let you know that your balance will be transferred to the Bank of Canada in January of the next year if you don’t contact your financial institution or use the product by the end of the year. This notice will also tell you how to claim the balance once it is transferred.

The Bank of Canada will hold unclaimed balances of less than $1,000 for 30 years. It will hold unclaimed balances of $1,000 or more for 100 years.

Find out at no cost if the Bank of Canada is holding an unclaimed balance to which you may be entitled.


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