You look at your family members and think you are playing Monopoly with being the only one out of 10 siblings to get your mother's spoon collection at the forefront of your mind. She had nothing else. She sold all the condos as part of her pension arrangement. No matter what she sold, you never quit. You want to say you are following the French and the history of a French Revolution. But,what about the French resurrection if you are really following the French. What you imagine about yourself and your sip of aremy is evident. About the economy and the minimum income support, you say you want to understand how it works first. Yes Boss! Who is a law graduate to tell you anything? I dont mind a political science graduate but it is evident that a dog would not argue if you tell him how to succeed, eat and enjoy socioeconomically but the devil will argue; about the authority. Who needs school when you should be able to just see the building and build it. Who needs a certificate from a nautical school in France (circa 1650) before he drives the ship? Hold on. If I am Captain Morgan, son of Columbus, then he is a damn fool if he thinks he needs a document before he can cook, play the piano or be a teacher of the law. But, what is the point of a school system if, by grade 8, you can't understand how to register a vehicle, a business name or understand first and last month's rent or the vehicle lease in one or the other official language before someone rips you off and uses you, making you pay twice? He put an extra $30000.00 on the car purchase contract one year after you bought it and stole the original receipt from your cabinet but you didn't bother to look at your payments made electronically on your bank statement vs. The original purchase agreement that was still available on the internet or did he say this one was special? You wanted Euro people to recognise you were determined to support them with a brand new vehicle and show them how you can do it, how good you are and put one of your properties up for mortgage. You could buy a pair of Levi's brand new next time or a bottle of Lauder for $19.99 to show them your allegiance. The Jesus, with his Rabi certification, cultivates a little cactus and then wrote in the sand. Jamaica and Jamaican culture comes across as a smiling good King Descripti Wenceslaus who smokes a little weed so everybody feels accepted. Do you smoke weed? That personal use exception is genius but how do I know you don't intend to traffic and sell that Dragon Ball real green tea or is it weed? The sale is still an offence and I need a report from the CDSA, Scotland Yard or FBI lab to confirm (if it's free tea) and until then, you are on bail when it seems you intended to traffic a substance; bad day for you eh? It is a rebutable presumption as to trafficking so bring your evidence. I think it's time for you to take a break from your current routine and get a GED and if you dont, then I will take you and your green tea in for trafficking. You can bring your evidence; just trying to help you dundus, fool! The thing about this culture is that there is one thing for certain. You can do it. Granny paid for the airfare so you can get to your exams at Swansea; all the way from Jamaica. Your cousin is running for office as Georgy Porgy on Goat Island so you better work hard to hold him up. Did you know your cousin is the...working very hard to implement the UN Ilo Recommendations R202? Do you think the UN is just an inconvenient kind of Cotillion formality? How can you drop out? Good for you. But, then you forgot about the special ganja tea in your back Pocket or the Morenga tea. Now you are stuck in the airport in Covitch Spain at Gate 19 on the way to Gatwick. Anyway, your cousin's cousin who's a world renowned litigator who reminded Pinochet to read his job description confirming he is clothed in immense power in the defence of civil liberties except there was no rule of law in the alleged atrocities he committed. But, maybe the cousin could help for the price of a humble patty and cocoa bread lunch and a bottle of water; since you are a student and you could email your question. But, then why get help when it involves the Court and you are supposed to to think you will be the first to ever graduate as a Jamaican at this HIGH level? You are doing it to honor your family. But, you don't know where the other Jamaican graduates are and what does it matter if you will imagine you are the very first and only one? The thing about this culture is that everybody is accepted while everybody may want to ask if you think you are the only one who could do it. Maybe you will graduate or maybe not. Maybe you drop out and just use the cash to drink. Maybe you kill your son back home and offer him for some new vision of success. I just want to see if I could make you do it; kill your son and make you my dog. I am a Jamaican who loves you like a fresh June plum. How you do? Everybkdy is accepted if you feel like you ironed a table cloth for three hours. Granddad killed the silver vehicle with drain cleaner in the crank shaft and then pretended white people locked him up illegally because of his education. But, they never really did. If you kill your kid who could really be my kid, then what is the point if I could make you do it? Remember; we have to have authority over him. I have a friend who can interfere with his essays on the hardo drives. Maybe just take a kid; any kid and be happy since you and I know we cant stand to have anyone over us as we fear that we might have to look up to the boy at Swansea who is my son or your son and we just try to get on in this culture of ours that has not seen the value of family as paramount or essential in our confusions about inheritance, authority and acceptance since what authority will you have if the kid who could be mine or yours is dead when you couldnt just celebrate him as a healthy birth who could have dropped out or did ...G....? Isn't the G better for your political aspirations? No matter what, he could hand out menus at your hotel and maybe make quiet suggestions about new cheap hand sanitizers made with free Labor from New York convicts. Then, they put in a new EBT program that always gives $40.00 a day for gasoline or fuel or general transport in addition to the electronic payment for food and housing if you have a car. But, this is it. This is what is emerging from the sands and hot earth full of sugar and rum from sugar cane as you may join my family in a wedding but who says family has any means to you above and beyond your predilection to supplant people who welcomed you as best your a-s minded emotions would allow? You think as individuals; not as family. Maybe Cain did and decided to argue about acceptance with God instead of trying again when he could not wait. There's a parable of four seeds but in the end, the law of averages is 50/50; maybe one kid cannot wait as he is asked to redo the polish on the tires or re fry the fish but, instead, kills you. The other cooks jerk chicken and gets through the tires once. Everybody is still running from the unusually high number of "Jamaica bad word" people who can't just be cool. Instead, they think of inheritance more than family as they try to run bastard strategies as if the old woman is just game all day and who knows what the old lady will do? We would not feel your sweaty intentions if you thought of a 1/3 or 1/4 but you think of seeing someone dead as you only think of taking their place. I told you not to think about such things before. Everybody knows. Your phone told on you. Now, you killed the silver vehicle because I killed the silver vehicle; an Austin Healy when, in Jamaica, we told you that we couldn't take you telling the Reverend what to do. The Reverend pretended that the Austin Healy owner locked him up and then told the people to avenge his suffering against any English and to watch them; any foreign educated or qualified even if they were Jamaican or Black. But, the Austin Healy owner only wanted to help with a few things. Maybe, he did not understand the Reverend had already automated by designing a central locked collection box and people would just give the offering, thereby reducing the risk of loss, theft and the manpower required to collect.
You look at your family members and think you are playing Monopoly with being the only one out of 10 siblings to get your mother's spoon collection at the forefront of your mind. She had nothing else. She sold all the condos as part of her pension arrangement. No matter what she sold, you never quit. You want to say you are following the French and the history of a French Revolution. But,what about the French resurrection if you are really following the French. What you imagine about yourself and your sip of aremy is evident. About the economy and the minimum income support, you say you want to understand how it works first. Yes Boss! Who is a law graduate to tell you anything? I dont mind a political science graduate but it is evident that a dog would not argue if you tell him how to succeed, eat and enjoy socioeconomically but the devil will argue; about the authority. Who needs school when you should be able to just see the building and build it. Who needs a certificate from a nautical school in France (circa 1650) before he drives the ship? Hold on. If I am Captain Morgan, son of Columbus, then he is a damn fool if he thinks he needs a document before he can cook, play the piano or be a teacher of the law. But, what is the point of a school system if, by grade 8, you can't understand how to register a vehicle, a business name or understand first and last month's rent or the vehicle lease in one or the other official language before someone rips you off and uses you, making you pay twice? He put an extra $30000.00 on the car purchase contract one year after you bought it and stole the original receipt from your cabinet but you didn't bother to look at your payments made electronically on your bank statement vs. The original purchase agreement that was still available on the internet or did he say this one was special? You wanted Euro people to recognise you were determined to support them with a brand new vehicle and show them how you can do it, how good you are and put one of your properties up for mortgage. You could buy a pair of Levi's brand new next time or a bottle of Lauder for $19.99 to show them your allegiance. The Jesus, with his Rabi certification, cultivates a little cactus and then wrote in the sand. Jamaica and Jamaican culture comes across as a smiling good King Descripti Wenceslaus who smokes a little weed so everybody feels accepted. Do you smoke weed? That personal use exception is genius but how do I know you don't intend to traffic and sell that Dragon Ball real green tea or is it weed? The sale is still an offence and I need a report from the CDSA, Scotland Yard or FBI lab to confirm (if it's free tea) and until then, you are on bail when it seems you intended to traffic a substance; bad day for you eh? It is a rebutable presumption as to trafficking so bring your evidence. I think it's time for you to take a break from your current routine and get a GED and if you dont, then I will take you and your green tea in for trafficking. You can bring your evidence; just trying to help you dundus, fool! The thing about this culture is that there is one thing for certain. You can do it. Granny paid for the airfare so you can get to your exams at Swansea; all the way from Jamaica. Your cousin is running for office as Georgy Porgy on Goat Island so you better work hard to hold him up. Did you know your cousin is the...working very hard to implement the UN Ilo Recommendations R202? Do you think the UN is just an inconvenient kind of Cotillion formality? How can you drop out? Good for you. But, then you forgot about the special ganja tea in your back Pocket or the Morenga tea. Now you are stuck in the airport in Covitch Spain at Gate 19 on the way to Gatwick. Anyway, your cousin's cousin who's a world renowned litigator who reminded Pinochet to read his job description confirming he is clothed in immense power in the defence of civil liberties except there was no rule of law in the alleged atrocities he committed. But, maybe the cousin could help for the price of a humble patty and cocoa bread lunch and a bottle of water; since you are a student and you could email your question. But, then why get help when it involves the Court and you are supposed to to think you will be the first to ever graduate as a Jamaican at this HIGH level? You are doing it to honor your family. But, you don't know where the other Jamaican graduates are and what does it matter if you will imagine you are the very first and only one? The thing about this culture is that everybody is accepted while everybody may want to ask if you think you are the only one who could do it. Maybe you will graduate or maybe not. Maybe you drop out and just use the cash to drink. Maybe you kill your son back home and offer him for some new vision of success. I just want to see if I could make you do it; kill your son and make you my dog. I am a Jamaican who loves you like a fresh June plum. How you do? Everybkdy is accepted if you feel like you ironed a table cloth for three hours. Granddad killed the silver vehicle with drain cleaner in the crank shaft and then pretended white people locked him up illegally because of his education. But, they never really did. If you kill your kid who could really be my kid, then what is the point if I could make you do it? Remember; we have to have authority over him. I have a friend who can interfere with his essays on the hardo drives. Maybe just take a kid; any kid and be happy since you and I know we cant stand to have anyone over us as we fear that we might have to look up to the boy at Swansea who is my son or your son and we just try to get on in this culture of ours that has not seen the value of family as paramount or essential in our confusions about inheritance, authority and acceptance since what authority will you have if the kid who could be mine or yours is dead when you couldnt just celebrate him as a healthy birth who could have dropped out or did ...G....? Isn't the G better for your political aspirations? No matter what, he could hand out menus at your hotel and maybe make quiet suggestions about new cheap hand sanitizers made with free Labor from New York convicts. Then, they put in a new EBT program that always gives $40.00 a day for gasoline or fuel or general transport in addition to the electronic payment for food and housing if you have a car. But, this is it. This is what is emerging from the sands and hot earth full of sugar and rum from sugar cane as you may join my family in a wedding but who says family has any means to you above and beyond your predilection to supplant people who welcomed you as best your a-s minded emotions would allow? You think as individuals; not as family. Maybe Cain did and decided to argue about acceptance with God instead of trying again when he could not wait. There's a parable of four seeds but in the end, the law of averages is 50/50; maybe one kid cannot wait as he is asked to redo the polish on the tires or re fry the fish but, instead, kills you. The other cooks jerk chicken and gets through the tires once. Everybody is still running from the unusually high number of "Jamaica bad word" people who can't just be cool. Instead, they think of inheritance more than family as they try to run bastard strategies as if the old woman is just game all day and who knows what the old lady will do? We would not feel your sweaty intentions if you thought of a 1/3 or 1/4 but you think of seeing someone dead as you only think of taking their place. I told you not to think about such things before. Everybody knows. Your phone told on you. Now, you killed the silver vehicle because I killed the silver vehicle; an Austin Healy when, in Jamaica, we told you that we couldn't take you telling the Reverend what to do. The Reverend pretended that the Austin Healy owner locked him up and then told the people to avenge his suffering against any English and to watch them; any foreign educated or qualified even if they were Jamaican or Black.
But, the Austin Healy owner only wanted to help with a few things. Maybe, he did not understand the Reverend had already automated by designing a central locked collection box and people would just give the offering, thereby reducing the risk of loss, theft and the manpower required to collect.
But, the Austin Healy owner only wanted to help with a few things. Maybe, he did not understand the Reverend had already automated by designing a central locked collection box and people would just give the offering, thereby reducing the risk of loss, theft and the manpower required to collect.
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