"I would have this added: that every man is bound by nature, as much as in him lieth, to protect in war the authority with appropriate socioeconomic policy (an unconditional universal minimum income support for every citizen; every citizen) by which he is himself protected in time of peace. For he that pretendeth a right of nature to preserve his own body, cannot pretend a right of nature to destroy him by whose strength he is preserved: it is a manifest contradiction of himself. And though this law may be drawn by consequence from some of those that are there already mentioned, yet the times require to have it inculcated and remembered." An Excerpt from a Review and Conclusion of the Earth. As written by Abookby Barrack.
"I would have this added: that every man is bound by nature, as much as in him lieth, to protect in war the authority with appropriate socioeconomic policy (an unconditional universal minimum income support for every citizen; every citizen) by which he is himself protected in time of peace. For he that pretendeth a right of nature to preserve his own body, cannot pretend a right of nature to destroy him by whose strength he is preserved: it is a manifest contradiction of himself. And though this law may be drawn by consequence from some of those that are there already mentioned, yet the times require to have it inculcated and remembered."
An Excerpt from a Review and Conclusion of the Earth.
As written by Abookby Barrack.
An Excerpt from a Review and Conclusion of the Earth.
As written by Abookby Barrack.
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