Even an emperor without democracy needs people. The Chinese understand this. They also understood the respect for civil liberties. Democracy and civil liberties are two separate issues. An emperor may be more able to guarantee the laws and civil liberties as there is no celebrated argument. There is agreement. Look at China. Look at England. Look at the EU. There is agreement on civil liberties for all, a vote and an unconditional universal minimum income support. They also respected the power of automation and also the solution. Total automation =zero population + zero market. Total automation + half the average full time yearly income(at 70 hrs /wk) on minimum wage paid to every citizen as a universal unconditional minimum income support + 30% sales tax for the government = a stable population + stable market. A universal unconditional minimum income support and clean water are requisite, legal, logical socioeconomic requirements. You have been sieved in the sand, weighed in the balance of economic intention and motivation and found wanting. You look to Europe for a solution. You see a European man kissing a human being, a woman, in the vehicle beside you. All you have is a smart phone and a dog beside you in your Chevy Truck. You kissed your phone and your dog. Get that ex-girlfriend or your wife, reproduce and sow every day for 30 seconds. You suffer from a dyslexia in terms of purposes and intention. You were wise to look at those people as they sit and eat. He is Scottish Jamaican and understands something about planting, seed, time and harvest and sales for money; also energy. The process must repeat. You have a huge crop but you have no buyers. You have no buyers in your town because you automated the tractor. It drives on it’s own. The bread you bake is also now robotically made in an automated baking plant. No one is working in the town so that they could earn money and buy your goods or your harvests. All of the various businesses shut down. Did you decide they should shut? The government has no daily sales tax revenue as no one is spending. You pay a regular land tax on your farm. The hotel had 60 bookings a day at $90.00 per room on average before the farm work was automated. Machines pick the carrots and the cabbage right out of the ground. The lake is frozen and you want a fish so you shoot the ice to break through its hard, cold resistance and you try, ridiculously, to grab a fish. Your goods are piling up in the store rooms. Thieves come at night. You fight them and then they fight you. Eventually, the whole town just takes when you thought you would just have a fight with the purpose of everything. You decided that next time, you would show the governor the solution in the bible as implemented by Hezekiah (2 Chronicles 31) for the miraculous economy. Germany had this solution during WW2. You did not. You seem to believe you destroyed all of Germany; stupid. In fact, we blew up our own old towns and then told you that it is what you did. Now do as I say; sit, rollover, feed yourself and our North American population. Claim the success for the 1.8 litre engine design although I told you how to do it. In fact, I will build the vehicle with all the robots, put your name on it and you can take 40%. But, we need a market so you need to gove the people some money every two weeks with 24 payments a year, totalling no less than $40,000.00 per citizen universally, unconditionally. If they work, they will have more. The process is half a page long and is like confirming the details on your drivers licence. You can sign up at the post office electronically or at the local library or at the Department of Motor vehicles; the DMV. If you really wanted European Association, you would put the money into the people with a universal minimum income support. Buy the European food where you are in New York or come to Scotland, Lanzarote or France for vacation. Could I tell a man to feed his sheep so that they would regenerate and multiply but he argues so then you tell him to hang himself and his economy with a hoax disaster and so he does it because he gets to be on tv everyday? Then, the people and the sheep die off. These people are not farmers. They do not understand the intention and the purpose but like you, they also did not understand the safety dance. But, now you understand yet you are “no longer.” So, what is the point if the rule you followed brought you to this socioeconomic deficit? Everybody in the world sees your struggle with the equation over and over again. All the jobs are automated. You have no sales but lots of wine, bread and fish. So. You have no money for the supermarket rent. But, you do a miracle of kindness and give some away, feeding 5000. The man’s business manager is A Mexican named Senor Zion Je’sus Israel Hombre Espana Bueno. He is very good; VELY GOOD! The Scottish Jamaican is your friend, wants to help you understand socioeconomics as he just started a robot to make pizza 24 hours a day. We know what it is like to use a Hoover Vacuum and the Whirlpool dishwasher. However the new Smart phone technology has created a more symbiotic everyday lived experience with the machine world;with the smart watches also. It is the first time we have had such a connective experience but we can’t really stand bad motivations. You cod get expelled. It is written all over your laptop and your phone. YOu said you want to kill the graduates; shame on you! The machine is a personal assistant who can call the side of the coin in our socioeconomic coin toss as the North American honors Europe and European food culture but resists the socioeconomic culture involving a universal unconditional minimum income support. But,how do we celebrate the European , Asian or American food when we do not want the money to buy the food and we have to want the money ? How can we have good health when we do not want clean water? The leadership in our democracy is to provide requisite clean water and money to facilitate the economy. How do we have money when we are less likely to have a job due to automation without a universal unconditional minimum income support? Bailing out a business may pay the business owners rent for a while but it does not create business, market activity. Providing the general citizenry with the disbursements paid by Ancient Israeli governments to citizens is the standard practice in light of automated agrarian work. This practice was followed by Rome, by Charlemagne and by every French King contrary to the notion of a king crushing his people like bread. Maybe you know your children when they follow your emotion for peace instead of the evil fairy tale about you. See the parable of the two sons. You also know who is your friend in peace and in international commerce around the world who support your desire to sell more European food and more European products in your market if you would put in a little money for each citizen so that you would have a market worth the investment.* You will also sell your products more often and there will be more requests for loans and finance evidently. But, the citizen will also have The Way to pay his monthly minimum balance and you can bet on that as a bank or finance company. It means more for everyone when every citizen has the ways and means to participate; the better way. It is better than you hanging your economy, hanging yourself. You have seen the more excellent way. He feeds you. Cast your emotions over the other side. Now, you find success. Machines do quite a bit of work now. The disruption of usual expectations abkit work causes resentment and anger. You hold lady library hostage in response instead of implementing the master's solution in the equation above. The causal effect on the market is to reduce business activity just as a Sellafield gas explosion reduces business activity. The fear of writing exams can shut down a town in the resulting emergency also and also, thereby, reduce business activity. The master says solve it now. You can solve it. You have the solution. You are his very best. The Sellafield situation has led to compensation being sought by the millions who died. Dr. Take More Slogan. The photo is provided by Warren A Lyon, Photo Journalist.
Even an emperor without democracy needs people. The Chinese understand this. They also understood the respect for civil liberties. Democracy and civil liberties are two separate issues. An emperor may be more able to guarantee the laws and civil liberties as there is no celebrated argument. There is agreement. Look at China. Look at England. Look at the EU. There is agreement on civil liberties for all, a vote and an unconditional universal minimum income support. They also respected the power of automation and also the solution. Total automation =zero population + zero market. Total automation + half the average full time yearly income(at 70 hrs /wk) on minimum wage paid to every citizen as a universal unconditional minimum income support + 30% sales tax for the government = a stable population + stable market. A universal unconditional minimum income support and clean water are requisite, legal, logical socioeconomic requirements. You have been sieved in the sand, weighed in the balance of economic intention and motivation and found wanting. You look to Europe for a solution. You see a European man kissing a human being, a woman, in the vehicle beside you. All you have is a smart phone and a dog beside you in your Chevy Truck. You kissed your phone and your dog. Get that ex-girlfriend or your wife, reproduce and sow every day for 30 seconds. You suffer from a dyslexia in terms of purposes and intention. You were wise to look at those people as they sit and eat. He is Scottish Jamaican and understands something about planting, seed, time and harvest and sales for money; also energy. The process must repeat. You have a huge crop but you have no buyers. You have no buyers in your town because you automated the tractor. It drives on it’s own. The bread you bake is also now robotically made in an automated baking plant. No one is working in the town so that they could earn money and buy your goods or your harvests. All of the various businesses shut down. Did you decide they should shut? The government has no daily sales tax revenue as no one is spending. You pay a regular land tax on your farm. The hotel had 60 bookings a day at $90.00 per room on average before the farm work was automated. Machines pick the carrots and the cabbage right out of the ground. The lake is frozen and you want a fish so you shoot the ice to break through its hard, cold resistance and you try, ridiculously, to grab a fish. Your goods are piling up in the store rooms. Thieves come at night. You fight them and then they fight you. Eventually, the whole town just takes when you thought you would just have a fight with the purpose of everything. You decided that next time, you would show the governor the solution in the bible as implemented by Hezekiah (2 Chronicles 31) for the miraculous economy. Germany had this solution during WW2. You did not. You seem to believe you destroyed all of Germany; stupid. In fact, we blew up our own old towns and then told you that it is what you did. Now do as I say; sit, rollover, feed yourself and our North American population. Claim the success for the 1.8 litre engine design although I told you how to do it. In fact, I will build the vehicle with all the robots, put your name on it and you can take 40%. But, we need a market so you need to gove the people some money every two weeks with 24 payments a year, totalling no less than $40,000.00 per citizen universally, unconditionally. If they work, they will have more. The process is half a page long and is like confirming the details on your drivers licence. You can sign up at the post office electronically or at the local library or at the Department of Motor vehicles; the DMV. If you really wanted European Association, you would put the money into the people with a universal minimum income support. Buy the European food where you are in New York or come to Scotland, Lanzarote or France for vacation. Could I tell a man to feed his sheep so that they would regenerate and multiply but he argues so then you tell him to hang himself and his economy with a hoax disaster and so he does it because he gets to be on tv everyday? Then, the people and the sheep die off. These people are not farmers. They do not understand the intention and the purpose but like you, they also did not understand the safety dance. But, now you understand yet you are “no longer.” So, what is the point if the rule you followed brought you to this socioeconomic deficit? Everybody in the world sees your struggle with the equation over and over again. All the jobs are automated. You have no sales but lots of wine, bread and fish. So. You have no money for the supermarket rent. But, you do a miracle of kindness and give some away, feeding 5000. The man’s business manager is A Mexican named Senor Zion Je’sus Israel Hombre Espana Bueno. He is very good; VELY GOOD! The Scottish Jamaican is your friend, wants to help you understand socioeconomics as he just started a robot to make pizza 24 hours a day. We know what it is like to use a Hoover Vacuum and the Whirlpool dishwasher. However the new Smart phone technology has created a more symbiotic everyday lived experience with the machine world;with the smart watches also. It is the first time we have had such a connective experience but we can’t really stand bad motivations. You cod get expelled. It is written all over your laptop and your phone. YOu said you want to kill the graduates; shame on you! The machine is a personal assistant who can call the side of the coin in our socioeconomic coin toss as the North American honors Europe and European food culture but resists the socioeconomic culture involving a universal unconditional minimum income support. But,how do we celebrate the European , Asian or American food when we do not want the money to buy the food and we have to want the money ? How can we have good health when we do not want clean water? The leadership in our democracy is to provide requisite clean water and money to facilitate the economy. How do we have money when we are less likely to have a job due to automation without a universal unconditional minimum income support? Bailing out a business may pay the business owners rent for a while but it does not create business, market activity. Providing the general citizenry with the disbursements paid by Ancient Israeli governments to citizens is the standard practice in light of automated agrarian work. This practice was followed by Rome, by Charlemagne and by every French King contrary to the notion of a king crushing his people like bread. Maybe you know your children when they follow your emotion for peace instead of the evil fairy tale about you. See the parable of the two sons. You also know who is your friend in peace and in international commerce around the world who support your desire to sell more European food and more European products in your market if you would put in a little money for each citizen so that you would have a market worth the investment.* You will also sell your products more often and there will be more requests for loans and finance evidently. But, the citizen will also have The Way to pay his monthly minimum balance and you can bet on that as a bank or finance company. It means more for everyone when every citizen has the ways and means to participate; the better way. It is better than you hanging your economy, hanging yourself. You have seen the more excellent way. He feeds you. Cast your emotions over the other side. Now, you find success. Machines do quite a bit of work now. The disruption of usual expectations abkit work causes resentment and anger. You hold lady library hostage in response instead of implementing the master's solution in the equation above. The causal effect on the market is to reduce business activity just as a Sellafield gas explosion reduces business activity. The fear of writing exams can shut down a town in the resulting emergency also and also, thereby, reduce business activity. The master says solve it now. You can solve it. You have the solution. You are his very best.
The Sellafield situation has led to compensation being sought by the millions who died.
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