1430 dna is Tosca dna. Let's watch Tosca. It is about the impatient son of a hard working farmer in Tuscany. Why would you think you should have the authority to steal intellectual property; as the Vice President of that country or as the former speaker of the house? That would be a criminal offence in Jamaica, America, England or in China; vitiations of the Constitution contrary to the current, good English leadership. How did the Port Royal of Pirate's and King's House co exist in world history? How does a man with part pirate dna, King dna and Sam Sharpe dna get up in the world while working on a West Indian plantation? Maybe he tells people who suggest improvements to a Cotton Gin that they cannot have the authority or be over him? We will see what he does when he gets to AMERICA and starts to go up in American politics with a Constitution that is rather foreign to much of him. He is not the King/ but he has a predilection with a Pirate Ship Captain's absolute authority. The authority and the commitment to legal comprehension required to build a building is tremendous.///// The authority and the commitment to legal comprehension required to maintain human dignity is tremendous. If you had to make a choice between maintaining either, you might say what is the point of having any buildings without people? The buildings are constructed to honor and maintain human dignity. Socioeconomically, you are as awkward as a Model T. You could still give all the money away to some other economy and pretend to be broke whilst doing what is required logically in providing every North American citizen with the requisite guranteed universal unconditional minimum income support monies. It is also legally required. It is just that we cannot suffer any more incursions of Americentric confusion being transmitted into our world by television or any other means. You are not leading socioeconomically in terms of minimum income support policy. You are behind in the same way you are also behind in terms of vehicle engineering. You are a rather ridiculous, confused people. The U.S. government is based on law and legality as seen in the Magna Carta currently expressed in the UN Ilo Recommendations R202 and the UDHR Article 25. This is obfuscated by the desperate celebration of an absolute authority that had committed itself to the Magna Carta in the exercise of authority a long time ago. King George would have understood this and provided for a beautiful Caribbean culture and society with some challenges provided by pirates with piracy; his dna as stolen from his water glasses and toilets merging with that of some of the most infamous pirates so that you now have men who say they cannot stand a disobedient child that does not go to school yet he cannot have any man over him in terms of capability or attainment and if that man designs a new piano or kitchen utensil for opening cans, shouldn't the man with king dna be able to say he has enough authority to pirate it although that would be a civil war, a war on a real King's Renault Megane Carta. We are all creatures and creations of God. The problem in America is an angry creature's desperate celebrations of an authority she does not understand and that America has suffered since 1992 when she became FLOTONUS. She only loves herself with her preoccupations concerning authority. She does not love North America. If she did almost get Donald impeached for nothing instead of one or two legitimate reasons, she could repair North American socio-economics so it closes down the consumption gap between untold production capacity and actual consumption that has created the vacuum in Ohio with reduced numbers of residences and consumer activity where entire shopping malls deemed necessary in previous decades were shut. She essentially challenges law to show her authority; the '93 health policy, Vincent Foster, using personal email addresses for government business, the Gore 2000 election and the White Water scandal are examples while she leads others to do the same. The Donald impeachment is an example although it would have been possible to make him leave for more simple, provable reasons such as the zero sales tax policy in his war against common sense and the buck stop. Also, the failure to implement an unconditional universal minimum income support policy nationally by the end of 2019 and actually build a new desert wall if he really wanted one to be built is another reason since the failure would demonstrate an issue with his role as a fiduciary in his fiduciary duty. The money approved by Congress is collecting interest in Mexico apparently. There is no new wall. Doesn't his hair cut look a little like Anton Chigurh from "No Country For Old Men"? America is a coin toss socioeconomically when there could be something commodiously certain about it for every citizen; like Russia and Mexico so you don't murderously need the money with reasonably good habits and good Maslow prioritization. At minimum, $30000.00 guaranteed per citizen would do so they can afford an apartment, food, clothing and finance some kind of vehicle or a loan for appliances. It is income. We pray the Lord gives us a hunger too imprecisely when we can pray that he gives us the socioeconomic blessing we are entitled and capable of enjoying. A man like Donald has had to put up with a lot of "treading water" while it is evident he is not a politician who wpuld just follow the economic miracle recipe used by France, China and Ireland (30% sales tax and a minimum of $30000.00 in unconditional universal minimum income support) but an entertainer who has done very well in spite of the evil and should take his win while being able to say he has had a lot of fun. It's been great for him and he is now funded and protected for life as a former President. His presidency is enjoyed and we would have allowed him to be impeached except the devil in the file would have meant there would only be an upset in the rule of law as Pelofi's version of the articles provided no evidence to support the impending Banana Republic as a terror to children and families who started building barricades and bunkers in the imminent new world of certain uncertainty, a coin toss, as we need to know that no citizen can be wrongly convicted. Our citizenship did not bargain for this. How can you impeach a President for nothing? Thank God for the good white and black, Latin and Asian people who said we must support the constitution. What if we did agree he should go and maybe J walking with evidence would have been sufficient to impeach him. Do you understand? The next game by this evil incantation of rebellion against law and order is to challenge Article 12 of the constitution with a ghost of Bidden Obalma ticket for 2020 as if no one is paying attention. As such, a third party is necessary when the slave in Pelofi is the same as the slave in Donald, taking down the House master of law and government with a zero percent sales tax, hoping to talk about freedom. How can you be free if there is no government to guarantee it? A 0% sales tax makes it more likely that we have to borrow to pay for Donald's special decorations. But, we don't mind if he stays for 12 years if he fixes the socioeconomics with a 30% sales tax and an unconditional universal minimum income support at a minimum of $30000.00 for every North American as enforced by his Air Force and his New Space Force funded by taxes and an increasing reliance on loans from foreign countries due to a fiscally anaemic tax policy involving a zero (0) % sales tax. But, the '93 Flotonus can't help her herself as the temperament she carries is that of the Marie Antoinette Look a like, an angry creature made to live like a woman and who offered the one child He/She was given to raise and care for who was the son of Louis and the look a like and birthed by one of his maids; a son offered that He/She might get out if prison in France and have authority in America. Louis' seed was second in. This angry creature was the son of Christopher Columbus; born a woman and made to live like a man who was the son of the 1430 Prince who could not wait, who had to be the only one, secure his position and see his authority. She fails to understand this absolute authority respects a safety dance as seen in the Magna Carta and now iterated in the UN Ilo Recommendations R202 and the UDHR. With this evident solution to the problems faced by economies in light of robotic automation, a "money for people" solution that is a synonym to the various other facilities necessary for economic viability such as the roads, power lines, train tracks and water systems. This "money for people" is requisite for the economy going forward. It is evident that you struggle to solve for the missing variable in the equation or any equation such as 2x+3 =11 which is the same as 2x=8. The answer is 4. As such, the white North American is the most despicable student of economics and is laughed at all day; despicable. You struggle to believe China is as big as Montana. What is the point of being big if you have no money, no people, no car companies and no real milk? Whatever this anthropology represents on the scale of human development, it is closer to sadness than the commodious living to be ensured in the guaranteed unconditional universal minimum income support enjoyed by others in Europe, England, Italy, France, Ireland and Asia as well as much of the West Indies, Africa, Latin America and now also Jamaica for every citizen with a TRN and a bank account who is or isnt resident; much like China. It is evident that mathematics as well as humanity are languages in themselves. You could understand both and teach these languages in any patois. By Moreplat Itudean Slogan, FSJ Correspondent.
1430 dna is Tosca dna. Let's watch Tosca. It is about the impatient son of a hard working farmer in Tuscany. Why would you think you should have the authority to steal intellectual property; as the Vice President of that country or as the former speaker of the house? That would be a criminal offence in Jamaica, America, England or in China; vitiations of the Constitution contrary to the current, good English leadership. How did the Port Royal of Pirate's and King's House co exist in world history? How does a man with part pirate dna, King dna and Sam Sharpe dna get up in the world while working on a West Indian plantation? Maybe he tells people who suggest improvements to a Cotton Gin that they cannot have the authority or be over him? We will see what he does when he gets to AMERICA and starts to go up in American politics with a Constitution that is rather foreign to much of him. He is not the King/ but he has a predilection with a Pirate Ship Captain's absolute authority. The authority and the commitment to legal comprehension required to build a building is tremendous.///// The authority and the commitment to legal comprehension required to maintain human dignity is tremendous. If you had to make a choice between maintaining either, you might say what is the point of having any buildings without people? The buildings are constructed to honor and maintain human dignity. Socioeconomically, you are as awkward as a Model T. You could still give all the money away to some other economy and pretend to be broke whilst doing what is required logically in providing every North American citizen with the requisite guranteed universal unconditional minimum income support monies. It is also legally required. It is just that we cannot suffer any more incursions of Americentric confusion being transmitted into our world by television or any other means. You are not leading socioeconomically in terms of minimum income support policy. You are behind in the same way you are also behind in terms of vehicle engineering. You are a rather ridiculous, confused people. The U.S. government is based on law and legality as seen in the Magna Carta currently expressed in the UN Ilo Recommendations R202 and the UDHR Article 25. This is obfuscated by the desperate celebration of an absolute authority that had committed itself to the Magna Carta in the exercise of authority a long time ago. King George would have understood this and provided for a beautiful Caribbean culture and society with some challenges provided by pirates with piracy; his dna as stolen from his water glasses and toilets merging with that of some of the most infamous pirates so that you now have men who say they cannot stand a disobedient child that does not go to school yet he cannot have any man over him in terms of capability or attainment and if that man designs a new piano or kitchen utensil for opening cans, shouldn't the man with king dna be able to say he has enough authority to pirate it although that would be a civil war, a war on a real King's Renault Megane Carta. We are all creatures and creations of God. The problem in America is an angry creature's desperate celebrations of an authority she does not understand and that America has suffered since 1992 when she became FLOTONUS. She only loves herself with her preoccupations concerning authority. She does not love North America. If she did almost get Donald impeached for nothing instead of one or two legitimate reasons, she could repair North American socio-economics so it closes down the consumption gap between untold production capacity and actual consumption that has created the vacuum in Ohio with reduced numbers of residences and consumer activity where entire shopping malls deemed necessary in previous decades were shut. She essentially challenges law to show her authority; the '93 health policy, Vincent Foster, using personal email addresses for government business, the Gore 2000 election and the White Water scandal are examples while she leads others to do the same. The Donald impeachment is an example although it would have been possible to make him leave for more simple, provable reasons such as the zero sales tax policy in his war against common sense and the buck stop. Also, the failure to implement an unconditional universal minimum income support policy nationally by the end of 2019 and actually build a new desert wall if he really wanted one to be built is another reason since the failure would demonstrate an issue with his role as a fiduciary in his fiduciary duty. The money approved by Congress is collecting interest in Mexico apparently. There is no new wall. Doesn't his hair cut look a little like Anton Chigurh from "No Country For Old Men"? America is a coin toss socioeconomically when there could be something commodiously certain about it for every citizen; like Russia and Mexico so you don't murderously need the money with reasonably good habits and good Maslow prioritization. At minimum, $30000.00 guaranteed per citizen would do so they can afford an apartment, food, clothing and finance some kind of vehicle or a loan for appliances. It is income. We pray the Lord gives us a hunger too imprecisely when we can pray that he gives us the socioeconomic blessing we are entitled and capable of enjoying. A man like Donald has had to put up with a lot of "treading water" while it is evident he is not a politician who wpuld just follow the economic miracle recipe used by France, China and Ireland (30% sales tax and a minimum of $30000.00 in unconditional universal minimum income support) but an entertainer who has done very well in spite of the evil and should take his win while being able to say he has had a lot of fun. It's been great for him and he is now funded and protected for life as a former President. His presidency is enjoyed and we would have allowed him to be impeached except the devil in the file would have meant there would only be an upset in the rule of law as Pelofi's version of the articles provided no evidence to support the impending Banana Republic as a terror to children and families who started building barricades and bunkers in the imminent new world of certain uncertainty, a coin toss, as we need to know that no citizen can be wrongly convicted. Our citizenship did not bargain for this. How can you impeach a President for nothing? Thank God for the good white and black, Latin and Asian people who said we must support the constitution. What if we did agree he should go and maybe J walking with evidence would have been sufficient to impeach him. Do you understand? The next game by this evil incantation of rebellion against law and order is to challenge Article 12 of the constitution with a ghost of Bidden Obalma ticket for 2020 as if no one is paying attention. As such, a third party is necessary when the slave in Pelofi is the same as the slave in Donald, taking down the House master of law and government with a zero percent sales tax, hoping to talk about freedom. How can you be free if there is no government to guarantee it? A 0% sales tax makes it more likely that we have to borrow to pay for Donald's special decorations. But, we don't mind if he stays for 12 years if he fixes the socioeconomics with a 30% sales tax and an unconditional universal minimum income support at a minimum of $30000.00 for every North American as enforced by his Air Force and his New Space Force funded by taxes and an increasing reliance on loans from foreign countries due to a fiscally anaemic tax policy involving a zero (0) % sales tax. But, the '93 Flotonus can't help her herself as the temperament she carries is that of the Marie Antoinette Look a like, an angry creature made to live like a woman and who offered the one child He/She was given to raise and care for who was the son of Louis and the look a like and birthed by one of his maids; a son offered that He/She might get out if prison in France and have authority in America. Louis' seed was second in. This angry creature was the son of Christopher Columbus; born a woman and made to live like a man who was the son of the 1430 Prince who could not wait, who had to be the only one, secure his position and see his authority. She fails to understand this absolute authority respects a safety dance as seen in the Magna Carta and now iterated in the UN Ilo Recommendations R202 and the UDHR. With this evident solution to the problems faced by economies in light of robotic automation, a "money for people" solution that is a synonym to the various other facilities necessary for economic viability such as the roads, power lines, train tracks and water systems. This "money for people" is requisite for the economy going forward. It is evident that you struggle to solve for the missing variable in the equation or any equation such as 2x+3 =11 which is the same as 2x=8. The answer is 4. As such, the white North American is the most despicable student of economics and is laughed at all day; despicable. You struggle to believe China is as big as Montana. What is the point of being big if you have no money, no people, no car companies and no real milk? Whatever this anthropology represents on the scale of human development, it is closer to sadness than the commodious living to be ensured in the guaranteed unconditional universal minimum income support enjoyed by others in Europe, England, Italy, France, Ireland and Asia as well as much of the West Indies, Africa, Latin America and now also Jamaica for every citizen with a TRN and a bank account who is or isnt resident; much like China. It is evident that mathematics as well as humanity are languages in themselves. You could understand both and teach these languages in any patois.
By Moreplat Itudean Slogan, FSJ Correspondent.
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