I am not really impressed by women playing professional sports except for tennis and volleyball or swimming and all track events; winter sports also. Seeing a pregnant woman is more impressive with ASICS Tigers on her feet or Adidas. When it come to winning and cheering, Americans are not racial. They cheer all day for sports teams that demonstrate how black people (Native) and white people (Native) have sat down at the sports fields, the Courts and the tables of brotherhood in a non racialised Culture of winning, sports and entertainment. There is no doubt there is European DNA and African dna swimming through these people who are usually just identified as Native when on reserve and some have been dipped in or washed through the Latin Spanish or the Latin Anglo cultures of the West Indies that tends to obfuscate the essential Native North American Aboriginal ancestry. Marxism, capitalism and communism are meaningless nomenclature when the truth is that the Russian Aboriginals all have income support money, the German aboriginals all have their money and the Anglos with the North Americans do not. Mascara and face painting is evidence of submission to the global Mesopotamian Egyptian culture except the English are hedging on a submission to the culture of income support; A received culture that dates back to the times of the Bible. We see Jacob went to Israel for the income support during the famines where they spoke of seven lean years and seven fat years. Black and white are the native identities used in the main society once the native steps off the reserve, out of the environs of the indigenous culture into the World of the occupying, received culture. On the reserve, they are native. There is a Tecumseh Judge also named Lemuel Shaw and he says the Garryan woman needs to understand her conviction. The fact that you speak a language, any language like Spanish, French or the Italian language, is not an alibi to murders and financial frauds. The Penal Code is a significant part of French culture along with the Canadian Criminal Code and the English common law as the English spoke FRENCH along with early English when the Common Law culture began so....how is it that there are....these things happening in Quebec or in other bastions of French habitation? What we understand is that Napoleon is really a John Adams (Toussaint L'overture) North American aboriginal Native Trojan. He was educated with nothing but pictures from the story books printed with black ink and white shadowy images. The result was to suggest to him that the life is white, the story book is white. He never had the standard European education of the day and was more of a Day one Aboriginal when standing beside a European; more of a day one aboriginal than a European; like Herod with Jesus. Maybe he was an apology on the eve of the Gatling gun and the great colonial move west to settle all of New York, Ohio, Illinois and the lands of Quebec and Ontario. But, maybe money is the best to settle angry people if they could see the worth and purpose of it in your world or their world as it was about to change tremendously. Maybe it would have helped to think of it as domesticating humans as we do with animals as you feed them, shelter them and give them water to drink and comforts to create that dependent domesticated human who is happy to he at home with you. Some humans are red, black or white. Some wolves or dogs are red, black or white. But, they are settled and never too hungry to be wild again. But, we see some may argue and may still wish to kill and steal and are never content. They are indigenous thinking people who still struggle sometimes to settle in the received culture but money will help and it is necessary for the civilising. It is certainly necessary most importantly to ensure consumer demand in the economy. Authority is white in his tiny world view based on the sketchy images in the books printed in the 1700's and 1800's and this is much of the ignorant drag on modern life and experience when he wanted everyone to see the world like he did. NAPOLEON PROBABLY NEVER LIVED VERY LONG AFTER DAMAGING THE SPHINX AND IT IS NOTABLE THAT THIS DAMAGE TO THE SPHINX DID NOT HAPPEN DURING THE CRUSADES OF RICHARD THE LION HEART OR UNDER THE CONTACT WITH THE SICILIANS OR OTHER SOUTHERN EUROPEANS. Black and white( Revlon and Gillette assimilated native IDENTITIES). is therefore a global identity crisis as provoked by a black Haitian; Toussaint L'overture (AKA Samuel Adams) and his heir Napoleon on his way to get his ancestor's head(Saul of Israel) from Russia or Israel if he could find it. He was told on his way to Europe that he must make the world like the story book. He would smash the face of the sphinx as the nose is not white and the Roman (Berber, moor) who built much of early modern Europe would not be served by him at the café because isn't it white and authority to sit at a cafe in public? However, in the year 2022, we see a similar ignorance when black people are being told they cannot have ideas or they should not be graduated by people who carry lost strains of this DNA. They also call themselves snakes and they also say that if anyone sees them with their children in public, they are guilty. This brain is a really a day one aboriginal and it tend to be a bit too malleable in front of the media. When you ask why he will not serve someone black of just give them the bank card upon account opening or as soon as possible at a branch if the card is stolen, he shows you his Shakespeare book and says there are no black people in the pictures you see in the book and he says he is not sure about Othello or Banquo, McDuff and McBain being black; that is why and this is what he is trying to do since the world must match the book as the pictures are the authority. He will show you what he is doing. The issue is that his ancestry is essentially a Western Hemispheric Pangea man that is more anxious about authority than regeneration and would sterilise himself with nickel hydride water to make himself more white if he believes white is authority and he will buy LG phones if he is told LG is the Be Like (a son of) God or Love God phone. This Toussaint/Napoleon/Western Hemispheric Aboriginal died carry a DNA that had a predilection about authority; Saul DNA that ends up in the modern world via a Charles 5th pretender (an adoption in the house of Charles 5th) that Killed Charles 5th. But, the customer is a 12th generation Roman and maybe you call him Black; if you want but he is not an Albany native and nor will be an Albany victim in his homeland; nor did the Albany white design the pyramid or the first Roman uniform and sword that was designed in Egypt. ROME is a constructed culture designed to spread a "received" formal culture of art, religion, construction and numerals to the indigenous cultures and peoples of the world. Marxism, capitalism and communism are meaningless nomenclature when the truth is that the Russian Aboriginals all have income support money, the German aboriginals all have their money and the Anglos with the North Americans do not. The real truth is that the North American Russian dichotomy is fictionalised in movies but also real but in a limited sense. They have never really been at war directly and they were allies during WW2. The real issue involved an angry, starving North America during the early 1900's with too many guns and ton many victims of the desperation after the 1920"s and 1930's automation that caused mass joblessness. The difference between Russia and America is the solution to automation. Russia implemented a mass Income support program for all their Citizens that is not Communist but aggressively capitalist as it ensured there is a consumer market for all of the machine made goods. This is an important connection for the North American Aboriginal who sometimes has a little problem with connections when he does not have the cumulative knowledge from the Mesopotamian, Egyptian world that built stone Pyramids 5000 years before Christ's birth. When Columbus or Verrazano arrived in North America, the North American aboriginal was really 7500 years behind the known technological world. These would be what we call "day one" Aboriginals because on the first day they saw Columbus, they met men who were capable of navigating the seas based on the stars above them, using originally Egyptian technology. A "day one" North American aboriginal had no technology when meeting the European for the first time. Yet, every Aboriginal in the world has made a contribution in furthering the human experience. Americans designed the washing machine and packaged oats. The best way to see North America now is like a territory with starving half Euro Geronimo people with insufficient money per capita to be functional, happy consumers. They are not angry HOSTILES but Gillette and Revlon Natives. Elvis is an example as a native ( Cherokee); and so is Michael Jackson; Wampanoag. But, sometimes feelings outweigh our logic when it is evident that money to satisfy our Maslow needs is the most important of all needs in the Maslow-Lyon hierarchy ( Maslow-Lyon Hierarchy of needs by Warren A. Lyon) as Revlon and Gillette Natives who are subject to hunting restrictions and preventative fishing laws. The best European culture war strategy is to just drown the Aboriginal in copious income support and see who is struggling, expressing his angry feelings, resisting to respect the buying and selling of goods in preference for killing, stealing and destroying. There could be a few here and there; born 25 years ago or 70 years ago or 150 years ago that choose competition among family members and in society instead of cooperation when cooperation would be expected and most appropriate in the various contexts as life is not really a football game and even if it was, there are teams like family where at least 4 or more individuals are intended to cooperate and eat together every day with a mommy and daddy present. America said there will be no mass solution for the whole country. We don't know why. Yet, the first 13 colonies( the first 13 original states) always had an income support to cushion people and their simple little mundane lives in spite of the job losses. They are still needed primarily as consumers. The question is why America did not implement a similar socio economic policy for the all the states,not just the first 13 original states, to ameliorate the problems with the joblessness caused by Automation? Violence in all other states other than the original 13 states was quite high during the depression and lower in terms of gun deaths and robberies in the original (13 colonies)13 States during the depression of the 1930's. It is suggested that countries should have a consistent national policy that should cover all of their Citizens and they should implement one to end the dichotomy with true, aggressive capitalism; as we cannot say hunger and desperation due to a lack of national income support with high violence, robbery and death is culture or Dickensian that must be provoked in some unusual joy to see and celebrate the Dickensian Artful Dodger culture in the modern world. The odds are that you will see it anyway in the same way Pochahontas,Black and White, genetic regens do not want to have husbands and regular families but get pregnant, give birth and hand the babies out to families that cannot have their own children where Pochahontas Hagar being your perfect surrogate. The real truth is that the North American Russian dichotomy is fictionalised but also real. They have never really been at war directly and they were allies during WW2. The real issue involved an angry, starving North America during the early 1900's with too many guns and ton many victims of the desperation after the 1920"s and 1930's automation that caused mass joblessness. The difference between Russia and America is the solution to automation. Russia implemented a mass Income support program for all their Citizens that is not Communist but aggressively capitalist as it ensured there is a consumer market for all of the machine made goods. This is an important connection for the North American Aboriginal who sometimes has a little problem with connections when he does not have the cumulative knowledge from the Mesopotamian, Egyptian world that built stone Pyramids 5000 years before Christ's birth. When Columbus or Verrazano arrived in North America, the North American aboriginal was really 7500 years behind the known technological world. America said there will be no mass solution for the whole country. We dint know why. Yet, the first 13 colonies( the first 13 original states) always had an income support to cushion people and their simple little mundane lives in spite of the job losses. They are still needed primarily as consumers. The question is why America did not implement a similar socio economic policy for the all the states,not just the first 13 original states, to ameliorate the problems with the joblessness caused by Automation? Violence in all other states other than the original 13 states was quite high during the depression and lower in terms of gun deaths and robberies in the original (13 colonies)13 States during the depression of the 1930's. People from all kinds of countries live in various other countries around the world. They arrive with documents and identities and these comply with international standards. For the future, retina scans are suggested for an additional assurance or a tattoo with a number when documents can be lost or stolen and render the international in a kind of limbo. The bar code is preferred and should not be considered evil or a part of bible revelations when some thought passports and other such documents were scary confirmation of biblical revelations. The point is to save and secure the human life. The book of Revelations is an ancient book of many prophecies and we may have already lived through some of these amazing events. We would only hope to understand ourselves as witnesses so to speak as we have already lived in a semblance of world government. We hope that the strategy of some of the Anglo aboriginals to communicate their feelings, communicating angers, their resistance to technological change and to have authority over himself and his world has not led to them resisting what wisdom and practical logic there is from the United Nations in providing an income support for every citizen. It is suggested that countries should have a consistent national policy that should cover all of their Citizens and they should implement one to end the dichotomy of economic self defeat and delusion as contrasted with true, aggressive capitalism as represented by Russian, Spanish, European economics; as we cannot say hunger and desperation due to a lack of national income support with high violence, robbery and death is culture or Dickensian that must be provoked in some unusual joy to see and celebrate the Dickensian Artful Dodger culture in the modern world. The odds are that you will see it anyway because it is thievery and he or she will steal the grapes, the milk, custard, pizza and steal the roaster chickens to express their culture and ancestry even if they have an income support of 30,000 currency per year. This is so in the same way Pochahontas,Black and White, genetic regens do not want to have husbands and regular families but get pregnant, give birth and hand the babies out to families that cannot have their own children with Pochahontas Hagar is your perfect surrogate. The aboriginal may also continue to express angers as a passenger, consumer and citizen in our economies but he will be a less angry and more useful consumer in our existing existing economies. We cannot say what is the point if they will be angry and a thief anyway? The point is they need to LEARN how to buy the vehicle on finance and there is no point in trying to teach them if we do not ensure that everyone has the money. Money and finance are received cultures; not indigenous cultures. So is black and white as received from a nutty, evil aboriginal that created a them and us strategy to keep himself in authority; Toussaint. The into issue is that he did not remember that a house divided cannot stand and nor can the aboriginal tribes; that is to say the Anglo Aboriginal who is defeating himself as the Iroquois, Sioux etc when they would have been aided by a unified identity that accepts complexioned differences. A death of a Sioux is a death of a Sioux due to lack of income support if that is the issue. A death of an Iroquois is a death of an Iroquois. Her hue is not relevant. If its a person with Pochahontas that was a new world birth mother for the early Dutch and English settlers, she may be used to being( conditioned by her being co opted into the Colonial experience to work as a surrogate mother) in a relationship with three people where the Dutch or Anglo mother figure quite often could not carry a child. This is a collateral message or received culture from the Colonial experience but it was not intended to carry on for ever. The point is there are still people who need a surrogate today and Pochahontas can make her choice as to whether she has no other option. A death of an Anglo Aboriginal is the death of an Anglo Aboriginal where the focus on skin tone is just obfuscating the real elements of the problem in the economy or in the global hegemony discussion. As a result, the Anglo( Anglo Aboriginal) is the saddest football fan in the stands at an international game with the Europeans, Russian, some Americans and the Asians being happier, better financed fans as assisted with proper income support by their governments; as this is not the case for the English. This was actually written in January 2022. We need the aboriginal as big consumers if nothing else as they learn to treat others as they wish to be treated in customer service contexts. Some people in bank jobs tend to cause arguments and frustrate bank systems and business that is intended to get the bank cards in the customer's hands as soon as possible. We cannot give people a Reason to steal but it is better to give them incentives not to engage in any thefts. We suggest $80,000.00 per citizen and it's equivalent across the various Economies as it is the year 2022. It is a way to manage peace when there are a lot of angry people who cannot fish on their ancestral hunting grounds due to certain laws. They have to buy their food. They may look like any actor but they may have aboriginal angers. We suggest a VAT/Sales Tax of 15% to 40% to manage the economies and the various beneficiaries of the Commonwealth; including any specially maintained government personnel. We get more new people first since many have died off due to the economic underfunding. We finance the economy to maintain people. The government is like a father and mother carrying their children children on their chest with a harness through the fair grounds as they take the bus and subway home. Then when there are enough people and when it is necessary, we buy machines to defend them. There should be no unnecessary, disastrous sense of tension between the existence of the..... celebrations.....and the people....as if you need to feel the people starving and then you say you don't really care. We obtain guaranteed necessary consumer demand to offset the new guaranteed computerised automated supply of goods achieved with automation. We love the celebrations and the pageantry. The Russians are the key English ally, guaranteeing the English throne and Economy. By Warren A. Lyon.
I am not really impressed by women playing professional sports except for tennis and volleyball or swimming and all track events; winter sports also. Seeing a pregnant woman is more impressive with ASICS Tigers on her feet or Adidas.
When it come to winning and cheering, Americans are not racial. They cheer all day for sports teams that demonstrate how black people (Native) and white people (Native) have sat down at the sports fields, the Courts and the tables of brotherhood in a non racialised Culture of winning, sports and entertainment. There is no doubt there is European DNA and African dna swimming through these people who are usually just identified as Native when on reserve and some have been dipped in or washed through the Latin Spanish or the Latin Anglo cultures of the West Indies that tends to obfuscate the essential Native North American Aboriginal ancestry.
Marxism, capitalism and communism are meaningless nomenclature when the truth is that the Russian Aboriginals all have income support money, the German aboriginals all have their money and the Anglos with the North Americans do not.
Mascara and face painting is evidence of submission to the global Mesopotamian Egyptian culture except the English are hedging on a submission to the culture of income support; A received culture that dates back to the times of the Bible. We see Jacob went to Israel for the income support during the famines where they spoke of seven lean years and seven fat years.
The fact that you speak a language, any language like Spanish, French or the Italian language, is not an alibi to murders and financial frauds.
The Penal Code is a significant part of French culture along with the Canadian Criminal Code and the English common law as the English spoke FRENCH along with early English when the Common Law culture began so....how is it that there are....these things happening in Quebec or in other bastions of French habitation?
What we understand is that Napoleon is really a John Adams (Toussaint L'overture) North American aboriginal Native Trojan. He was educated with nothing but pictures from the story books printed with black ink and white shadowy images. The result was to suggest to him that the life is white, the story book is white. He never had the standard European education of the day and was more of a Day one Aboriginal when standing beside a European; more of a day one aboriginal than a European; like Herod with Jesus. Maybe he was an apology on the eve of the Gatling gun and the great colonial move west to settle all of New York, Ohio, Illinois and the lands of Quebec and Ontario. But, maybe money is the best to settle angry people if they could see the worth and purpose of it in your world or their world as it was about to change tremendously. Maybe it would have helped to think of it as domesticating humans as we do with animals as you feed them, shelter them and give them water to drink and comforts to create that dependent domesticated human who is happy to he at home with you. Some humans are red, black or white. Some wolves or dogs are red, black or white. But, they are settled and never too hungry to be wild again. But, we see some may argue and may still wish to kill and steal and are never content. They are indigenous thinking people who still struggle sometimes to settle in the received culture but money will help and it is necessary for the civilising. It is certainly necessary most importantly to ensure consumer demand in the economy.
Authority is white in his tiny world view based on the sketchy images in the books printed in the 1700's and 1800's and this is much of the ignorant drag on modern life and experience when he wanted everyone to see the world like he did. NAPOLEON PROBABLY NEVER LIVED VERY LONG AFTER DAMAGING THE SPHINX AND IT IS NOTABLE THAT THIS DAMAGE TO THE SPHINX DID NOT HAPPEN DURING THE CRUSADES OF RICHARD THE LION HEART OR UNDER THE CONTACT WITH THE SICILIANS OR OTHER SOUTHERN EUROPEANS. Black and white( Revlon and Gillette assimilated native IDENTITIES). is therefore a global identity crisis as provoked by a black Haitian; Toussaint L'overture (AKA Samuel Adams) and his heir Napoleon on his way to get his ancestor's head(Saul of Israel) from Russia or Israel if he could find it. He was told on his way to Europe that he must make the world like the story book. He would smash the face of the sphinx as the nose is not white and the Roman (Berber, moor) who built much of early modern Europe would not be served by him at the café because isn't it white and authority to sit at a cafe in public? However, in the year 2022, we see a similar ignorance when black people are being told they cannot have ideas or they should not be graduated by people who carry lost strains of this DNA. They also call themselves snakes and they also say that if anyone sees them with their children in public, they are guilty. This brain is a really a day one aboriginal and it tend to be a bit too malleable in front of the media. When you ask why he will not serve someone black of just give them the bank card upon account opening or as soon as possible at a branch if the card is stolen, he shows you his Shakespeare book and says there are no black people in the pictures you see in the book and he says he is not sure about Othello or Banquo, McDuff and McBain being black; that is why and this is what he is trying to do since the world must match the book as the pictures are the authority. He will show you what he is doing. The issue is that his ancestry is essentially a Western Hemispheric Pangea man that is more anxious about authority than regeneration and would sterilise himself with nickel hydride water to make himself more white if he believes white is authority and he will buy LG phones if he is told LG is the Be Like (a son of) God or Love God phone. This Toussaint/Napoleon/Western Hemispheric Aboriginal died carry a DNA that had a predilection about authority; Saul DNA that ends up in the modern world via a Charles 5th pretender (an adoption in the house of Charles 5th) that Killed Charles 5th. But, the customer is a 12th generation Roman and maybe you call him Black; if you want but he is not an Albany native and nor will be an Albany victim in his homeland; nor did the Albany white design the pyramid or the first Roman uniform and sword that was designed in Egypt. ROME is a constructed culture designed to spread a "received" formal culture of art, religion, construction and numerals to the indigenous cultures and peoples of the world. Marxism, capitalism and communism are meaningless nomenclature when the truth is that the Russian Aboriginals all have income support money, the German aboriginals all have their money and the Anglos with the North Americans do not.
The real truth is that the North American Russian dichotomy is fictionalised in movies but also real but in a limited sense. They have never really been at war directly and they were allies during WW2. The real issue involved an angry, starving North America during the early 1900's with too many guns and ton many victims of the desperation after the 1920"s and 1930's automation that caused mass joblessness. The difference between Russia and America is the solution to automation. Russia implemented a mass Income support program for all their Citizens that is not Communist but aggressively capitalist as it ensured there is a consumer market for all of the machine made goods. This is an important connection for the North American Aboriginal who sometimes has a little problem with connections when he does not have the cumulative knowledge from the Mesopotamian, Egyptian world that built stone Pyramids 5000 years before Christ's birth. When Columbus or Verrazano arrived in North America, the North American aboriginal was really 7500 years behind the known technological world. These would be what we call "day one" Aboriginals because on the first day they saw Columbus, they met men who were capable of navigating the seas based on the stars above them, using originally Egyptian technology. A "day one" North American aboriginal had no technology when meeting the European for the first time. Yet, every Aboriginal in the world has made a contribution in furthering the human experience. Americans designed the washing machine and packaged oats. The best way to see North America now is like a territory with starving half Euro Geronimo people with insufficient money per capita to be functional, happy consumers. They are not angry HOSTILES but Gillette and Revlon Natives. Elvis is an example as a native ( Cherokee); and so is Michael Jackson; Wampanoag. But, sometimes feelings outweigh our logic when it is evident that money to satisfy our Maslow needs is the most important of all needs in the Maslow-Lyon hierarchy ( Maslow-Lyon Hierarchy of needs by Warren A. Lyon) as Revlon and Gillette Natives who are subject to hunting restrictions and preventative fishing laws. The best European culture war strategy is to just drown the Aboriginal in copious income support and see who is struggling, expressing his angry feelings, resisting to respect the buying and selling of goods in preference for killing, stealing and destroying. There could be a few here and there; born 25 years ago or 70 years ago or 150 years ago that choose competition among family members and in society instead of cooperation when cooperation would be expected and most appropriate in the various contexts as life is not really a football game and even if it was, there are teams like family where at least 4 or more individuals are intended to cooperate and eat together every day with a mommy and daddy present.
America said there will be no mass solution for the whole country. We don't know why. Yet, the first 13 colonies( the first 13 original states) always had an income support to cushion people and their simple little mundane lives in spite of the job losses. They are still needed primarily as consumers. The question is why America did not implement a similar socio economic policy for the all the states,not just the first 13 original states, to ameliorate the problems with the joblessness caused by Automation? Violence in all other states other than the original 13 states was quite high during the depression and lower in terms of gun deaths and robberies in the original (13 colonies)13 States during the depression of the 1930's.
It is suggested that countries should have a consistent national policy that should cover all of their Citizens and they should implement one to end the dichotomy with true, aggressive capitalism; as we cannot say hunger and desperation due to a lack of national income support with high violence, robbery and death is culture or Dickensian that must be provoked in some unusual joy to see and celebrate the Dickensian Artful Dodger culture in the modern world. The odds are that you will see it anyway in the same way Pochahontas,Black and White, genetic regens do not want to have husbands and regular families but get pregnant, give birth and hand the babies out to families that cannot have their own children where Pochahontas Hagar being your perfect surrogate.
The real truth is that the North American Russian dichotomy is fictionalised but also real. They have never really been at war directly and they were allies during WW2. The real issue involved an angry, starving North America during the early 1900's with too many guns and ton many victims of the desperation after the 1920"s and 1930's automation that caused mass joblessness. The difference between Russia and America is the solution to automation. Russia implemented a mass Income support program for all their Citizens that is not Communist but aggressively capitalist as it ensured there is a consumer market for all of the machine made goods. This is an important connection for the North American Aboriginal who sometimes has a little problem with connections when he does not have the cumulative knowledge from the Mesopotamian, Egyptian world that built stone Pyramids 5000 years before Christ's birth. When Columbus or Verrazano arrived in North America, the North American aboriginal was really 7500 years behind the known technological world.
America said there will be no mass solution for the whole country. We dint know why. Yet, the first 13 colonies( the first 13 original states) always had an income support to cushion people and their simple little mundane lives in spite of the job losses. They are still needed primarily as consumers. The question is why America did not implement a similar socio economic policy for the all the states,not just the first 13 original states, to ameliorate the problems with the joblessness caused by Automation? Violence in all other states other than the original 13 states was quite high during the depression and lower in terms of gun deaths and robberies in the original (13 colonies)13 States during the depression of the 1930's.
People from all kinds of countries live in various other countries around the world. They arrive with documents and identities and these comply with international standards. For the future, retina scans are suggested for an additional assurance or a tattoo with a number when documents can be lost or stolen and render the international in a kind of limbo. The bar code is preferred and should not be considered evil or a part of bible revelations when some thought passports and other such documents were scary confirmation of biblical revelations. The point is to save and secure the human life. The book of Revelations is an ancient book of many prophecies and we may have already lived through some of these amazing events. We would only hope to understand ourselves as witnesses so to speak as we have already lived in a semblance of world government. We hope that the strategy of some of the Anglo aboriginals to communicate their feelings, communicating angers, their resistance to technological change and to have authority over himself and his world has not led to them resisting what wisdom and practical logic there is from the United Nations in providing an income support for every citizen.
It is suggested that countries should have a consistent national policy that should cover all of their Citizens and they should implement one to end the dichotomy of economic self defeat and delusion as contrasted with true, aggressive capitalism as represented by Russian, Spanish, European economics; as we cannot say hunger and desperation due to a lack of national income support with high violence, robbery and death is culture or Dickensian that must be provoked in some unusual joy to see and celebrate the Dickensian Artful Dodger culture in the modern world. The odds are that you will see it anyway because it is thievery and he or she will steal the grapes, the milk, custard, pizza and steal the roaster chickens to express their culture and ancestry even if they have an income support of 30,000 currency per year. This is so in the same way Pochahontas,Black and White, genetic regens do not want to have husbands and regular families but get pregnant, give birth and hand the babies out to families that cannot have their own children with Pochahontas Hagar is your perfect surrogate. The aboriginal may also continue to express angers as a passenger, consumer and citizen in our economies but he will be a less angry and more useful consumer in our existing existing economies. We cannot say what is the point if they will be angry and a thief anyway?
The point is they need to LEARN how to buy the vehicle on finance and there is no point in trying to teach them if we do not ensure that everyone has the money. Money and finance are received cultures; not indigenous cultures. So is black and white as received from a nutty, evil aboriginal that created a them and us strategy to keep himself in authority; Toussaint. The into issue is that he did not remember that a house divided cannot stand and nor can the aboriginal tribes; that is to say the Anglo Aboriginal who is defeating himself as the Iroquois, Sioux etc when they would have been aided by a unified identity that accepts complexioned differences. A death of a Sioux is a death of a Sioux due to lack of income support if that is the issue. A death of an Iroquois is a death of an Iroquois. Her hue is not relevant. If its a person with Pochahontas that was a new world birth mother for the early Dutch and English settlers, she may be used to being( conditioned by her being co opted into the Colonial experience to work as a surrogate mother) in a relationship with three people where the Dutch or Anglo mother figure quite often could not carry a child. This is a collateral message or received culture from the Colonial experience but it was not intended to carry on for ever. The point is there are still people who need a surrogate today and Pochahontas can make her choice as to whether she has no other option.
A death of an Anglo Aboriginal is the death of an Anglo Aboriginal where the focus on skin tone is just obfuscating the real elements of the problem in the economy or in the global hegemony discussion. As a result, the Anglo( Anglo Aboriginal) is the saddest football fan in the stands at an international game with the Europeans, Russian, some Americans and the Asians being happier, better financed fans as assisted with proper income support by their governments; as this is not the case for the English. This was actually written in January 2022. We need the aboriginal as big consumers if nothing else as they learn to treat others as they wish to be treated in customer service contexts. Some people in bank jobs tend to cause arguments and frustrate bank systems and business that is intended to get the bank cards in the customer's hands as soon as possible. We cannot give people a Reason to steal but it is better to give them incentives not to engage in any thefts. We suggest $80,000.00 per citizen and it's equivalent across the various Economies as it is the year 2022. It is a way to manage peace when there are a lot of angry people who cannot fish on their ancestral hunting grounds due to certain laws. They have to buy their food. They may look like any actor but they may have aboriginal angers. We suggest a VAT/Sales Tax of 15% to 40% to manage the economies and the various beneficiaries of the Commonwealth; including any specially maintained government personnel. We get more new people first since many have died off due to the economic underfunding. We finance the economy to maintain people. The government is like a father and mother carrying their children children on their chest with a harness through the fair grounds as they take the bus and subway home. Then when there are enough people and when it is necessary, we buy machines to defend them. There should be no unnecessary, disastrous sense of tension between the existence of the..... celebrations.....and the people....as if you need to feel the people starving and then you say you don't really care. We obtain guaranteed necessary consumer demand to offset the new guaranteed computerised automated supply of goods achieved with automation. We love the celebrations and the pageantry. The Russians are the key English ally, guaranteeing the English throne and Economy.
By Warren A. Lyon.
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