Communism is really pure aggressive capitalism with ensured market demand as you fund the REDUNDANT workers( made REDUNDANT by automation). to fulfil their ultimate purposes as consumers to buy the goods made by Automation. It is also the most efficient means of population management. What is the point of having an army to defend your borders if you don't defend the people from the ravages of the Automation in economy and the joblessness caused by Automation within those borders?

   Communism is really pure aggressive capitalism with ensured market demand as you fund the REDUNDANT workers( made REDUNDANT by automation).  to fulfil their ultimate purposes as consumers to buy the goods made by Automation.  It is also the most efficient means of population management.  What is the point of having an army to defend your borders if you don't defend the people from the ravages of the Automation in  economy and the joblessness caused by Automation within those borders? 


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