Race is very stupid and wasteful economically, isn’t it? We have an abomination of economic desolation in North America. If Joe was seeking election in 1984, what would have happened? Would he have been able to have a Joe shindig? With sufficient income support money ideally at no less than $80,000.00 per year, the aboriginal can settle into the culture of contracts, buying and selling as they depart from hunting and gathering, piracy, killings stealing and destroying. North American Aboriginals are not pirates. But, a Black Hawk converted, assimilated to piracy as raised in the West Indies, eating the “Soff”( yam with pirate urine) is a pirate. This is John Adams; a Black Hawk raised in Haiti. The Crucible (movie) and the Salem Witch trials are all about moral impeachment of the staunch puritan colonial settlers and then occupation by the more pirate kind who say that what does not kill will fatten. Everyone has a bonnet, a pitch fork and bible but not all agree with the same temperament that you should be able to enjoy your labors and your ownership since how could you have any authority in front of a Haitian Black Hawk with some Charles 5th pretender dna in him during the late 17th/ early 18th century who was sent back from Haiti to re occupy America and hold its potential ransom? Cllick here for more.

 An excerpt from our new book:

Race is very stupid and wasteful economically, isn’t it? We have an abomination of economic desolation in North America. If Joe was seeking election in 1984, what would have happened? Would he have been able to have a Joe shindig? With sufficient income support money ideally at no less than $80,000.00 per year, the aboriginal can settle into the culture of contracts, buying and selling as they depart from hunting and gathering, piracy, killings stealing and destroying. North American Aboriginals are not pirates. But, a Black Hawk converted, assimilated to piracy as raised in the West Indies, eating the “Soff”( yam with pirate urine) is a pirate. This is John Adams; a Black Hawk raised in Haiti. The Crucible (movie) and the Salem Witch trials are all about moral impeachment of the staunch puritan colonial settlers and then occupation by the more pirate kind who say that what does not kill will fatten. Everyone has a bonnet, a pitch fork and bible but not all agree with the same temperament that you should be able to enjoy your labors and your ownership since how could you have any authority in front of a Haitian Black Hawk with some Charles 5th pretender dna in him during the late 17th/ early 18th century who was sent back from Haiti to re occupy America and hold its potential ransom? The Haitian Black Hawk occupiers from Salem who impeached and occupied your ownership as housekeepers, farm hands and the helpers became senators, school teachers and the like(Who don’t seem to want to really own anything but they want to occupy Donald and his ownership) and they do a good job for the most part as senators(saying the right things in the pinch  but then there is a problem with America missing the mark economically as affecting our mutual dream of reasonable happiness and its not impossible just as a road without potholes is not impossible. The dna seeks a family/an Israel with ownership of property to occupy them as Absalom/Saul Charles 5th Pretender but only to take position as the head of the family but they do not seem to want to have their own family(Susan). Ownership is a temperament and it seems Quebec has more cash per citizen but less ownership per capita than Otario. Maybe you should have a fight for that farm you built as an Irish man in Nantucket and the winner takes your wife also since who are you to have a contract of ownership in front of John Adams or Joe? You get shipped to the West Indies to deal with your loss. Watch “Turn” as produced by AMC; all seasons. There is a man named Joe and he is equal. Is he killer Joe or GI Joe? He has been brought to the surface as a foreigner just as John Adams was a foreigner to expose what misfeasance lays out the foundation of the American nation. He has his photos and his pose in the spot light at the pinnacle and no one trusts him. He wanted nothing else while more malls have closed amd the simple economic solutions waning in the balance. This is or was his finest hour. I know Obalaama would have solved it if it wasn’t for Joe, putting a gun in his back to let Joe be the savior. Joe is equal. But, he does not have the right to kill us all. He is on Wikipedia as a President and that is all he needs. I just got my ASPCA animal champion t shirt. God is in control. We know that the first human incarnations of good and evil originated in Africa; the Cain and Abel. How do you clear two blocks full of zombies in a downtown area who you have decided to arrest for loitering? You don’t want to be in contact with them for the fear that they have weapons or needles. So, you invite them to get free food, four seasons old jeans and t shirts, and canvass shoes, water and shelter at an old, old military base and you offer a bus to drive them, then process them accordingly. Some will follow and some will not but it diffuses the problem as you give it some time. This is in some part of America maybe and see how kind you have been to the Afghans to prove your humanity. You need to o this at home also. There is no one too far gone; with no way back. Mel in SnowFall came back as a school teacher. Our current reality is the proof of the error of our trajectory; the error of our calculation, the error of our Lockeian philosophy.  Much of the problem has been the refusal to update our methods of machine propulsion with fuel cells to save fuel, cost  and the environment. We may pay just as much per load at the pump per fill up but all the environmental anxiety is resolved; including the issue with rechargeable vehicle batteries that could poison ground water and cultivation land. Much of the problem has been the refusal to update our economies so that they will evolve out of inhumane and wasteful Anglo Neanderthal( affectionately called big foot or Sasquatch), illiterate economies that defy the humanity of the Shakespeare plays and the King James bible. The Anglo economies produce tremendous debt while refusing to increase sales tax and in the move to take on the full shape of an advanced economy. It could be a machine( a former dead Royal) that was shocked about the French revolution and all that talk about bread and tax in the avoidance of a revolt. The French really wanted the English dependent on them. They focussed on Africa in their colonialism and now every French African dependent French economy is a small jewel of Burgundy with good transit, good airports, housing, schools and new indoor malls and out door markets. There was no revolt or French revolution except but in the story books to create a diversion and so that the English would send the French money until bankrupt. The English kept taxes low and bread prices also. How could you maintain a population and provide bread and the income support if you do not collect sufficient sales tax? The idea of the revolution misled the English who started underbilling their territories in the new world while also forgetting about the Income Support that was most essential in maintaining the population, the Economy and quelling any fear of rebellions. Instead, many Anglos were co-opted by the pirates who bought car company assembly floors for a few dollars more to the foreman who let a few vehicles go to the pirates. All the Polish and Italian dna sent to North America after the 1860-65 Civil War that killed many Irish, Scot, Irish, English and French was not enough to subsume the Aboriginal Troglodyte dna. Process and procedure is your culture and weakness when the hunter gatherer just takes what he wants; killing, stealing and destroying to turn might into right. This is Mein Kampf as translated from the hypocracy of US politics as recorded between 1914-1934 by a German observer and John Adams’ stolen diary. The Polish and the Italian are trying to teach you a process. The pirate troglodyte from the West Indies says he would help the North American Aboriginal resist and learn how to pirate/hunt and gather/ kill, steal and destroy for all of the necessities of life/the Maslow needs. The process of assimilation may have focused on physical appearance more than temperament that can be imparted with food, drink, vitamins and candies or chocolate. All West Indian pirates are aboriginals/troglodytes. Christopher Columbus may have been born in Europe and was not a pirate but an EXPLORER. Nonetheless, he is the authority that the pirate claims. You have your constitutional process and Joe is hunting and gathering a house or two and also the votes in the election. He is seeking hegemony as against the constitution. The constitution is perfect and it can be amended where it falls below new current social need and expectation. There is a separation of powers with checks and balances. There is economic and militaristic oversight that says every citizen must have a UDHR(Article 25) qualifying income support for advanced Economic benefit. This absence in the America Economy has led to cyclical recessions as instigated by every new round of automation where the market sunk just as people were laid off and let go in a new round of labor obsolesces as replaced by automation robots and machines. The recessions occur just when the working population they relied on for economic activity no longer has any cash to buy and purchase the products and goods. The failure brings into question the legitimacy of the Anglo western model economic and democratic systems that do not serve the Western Hemispheric move toward full advanced economic models. The French in the west, the Scandinavians and the Germans as well as the Italians pass the test as advanced economies. Efficiency in socioeconomics or in fuel technology should not involve a vote or the slow understanding of Black and White Neanderthals but the quick movement of command economies seen in Germany, Egypt and China with decisions made by humans for the greater benefit and common good. It seems the Western Anglo system runs on spite maybe also for the notion of a Caesar in history (President Donald signed an executive order for a Zero sales tax but was the first president in the last 5 administrations to set up any meaningful national income support program while also refusing to pay the debt owed to China so where do you get the money to pay the presidential salary, the soldiers and the income support and the Chinese debt when the sales tax is zero? He could have raised the sales tax to 40% while guaranteeing every citizen no less than $80,000.00 per citizen and he would have been the biggest novice winner in a century. His point in the 0% sales tax executive order was to confirm that this misuse of executive orders involving deregulation and insufficient Federal sales tax as low as 5% is the cause of American National indebtedness. You are just dead and dependent on another economy at 5% as you are at 7% or 0%. The sales tax should never be lower than the interest rate paid on the foreign debt. It is ideally as high as 50%. Everyone pays and participates. There is no particular burden resting on the rich more so than the average citizen. The opportunity to set the rate and policy is over as it is not within your immediate Anthroplogy or capabilities to set the rate or policy. The problem has been assimilating, evolving resistant dna in the North American anthropology. Essentially, we see two minds involved in decision making, the man working for peace and the man working for his own personal emotional hegemony. Hegemony may not hear or agree easily to submit to win win logic suggested by the man of peace. If the man working for hegemony does not agree, then there is stalemate, stagnancy, maybe civil war. Trump should be getting a Nobel Peace Prize for averting Civil War in letting Joe believe he is the President but being sworn in is essential as a formality. Joe is just the pretender we have been waiting for to see this character again and understand how he destroyed the quiet of the colonies as John Adams. You would not argue with a servant or a dog and allow the dog or servant you now call “American” to destroy you and the world in the argument. He needs to be accepted. The pretender as John Absalom Adams who pretends he is helping in his bid for power and position is not helping but destroying in his childish ways to seek hegemony in every situation even as he resents and resists foolishly the logical submissions of his opponents. We lend him, Absalom, CNN as a little stage to vent for three years or so and from now on and we will make everything work around him; especially the economy. He even resents their place of residence where if you say let all of America follow Vermont and their income support policy, he resists to get a sense of his own authority when following following his political colleague’s cogency is considered weakness by Joe and submission but at some stage, we have to put competition aside and the colleague’s solution is the right answer. Quantitative easing did not help either. White guilt concerning the latent aboriginal white, black and red condition ends at $30,000.00 per year as the lowest amount of income support provided to any North Americans. If you steal soap or food, you are liable to stand trial for the Criminal misfeasance. It looks like you finally got it right and things are now working. Joe says he is an expert at US political machinations but the Constitution does not seem to exist when it comes to elections during Joe’s feverish election and vote heist. So, he is much worse when he has had nothing to say about the essentials of the economy. Your foreign managers have given you enough rope to hang your economy. The average consumer, full of feces, undigested wheat and water, is also your average passenger on any domestic flight. Who really cares what they do from day to day so long as they buy vehicles, pay rent or mortgages and buy food? This country sells more bibles and produces more horrific socioeconomic fallout dramas in the Western world like Ozark and Fargo than any other country. They sell and read the bible more than any other population on earth but fail to apply the principles of charity, “leaving undone the weightier matters of the law, justice, and mercy, and faith: but these ye ought to have done, and not to have left the other undone.” If, as a nation state, you are found borrowing more than you produce on a prolonged basis, then you fail to be a nation state. The US went bankrupt due to the lunar landing space programs. It’s like paying $4 billion for a three bed house in the suburbs of Maryland or Orlando since you couldn’t build it yourself…but you really want to impress the world so you get a German to build it who, no matter what, is working for German hegemony, over billing you with supplies and essential parts from Germany and Russia.

The failure brings into question the legitimacy of the western model economic and democratic  system. Legitimacy involves compliance to the UDHR Article 25 and to principles of advanced economics that involve a sales tax of no less than 30% that covers the cost of administration involving the military’s growth, police services  and an income support for all citizens that satisfies all the Maslow needs of such citizens.    If you have a more efficient, reliable and powerful means of locomotion why would you not  update engine design accordingly? As of 1977, why wouldn’t you follow your strongest industrial global and domestic  competitor  in the car manufacturing industry (Toyota)  before it was too late?  The Anglo manufacturing establishment impaled themselves on the carburetor in some unusual resistance to any technological change while Benz and BMW as well as Volkswagen in addition to Honda, Datsun(NISSAN) and TOYOTA  pursued  fuel injection.     The fact that American car companies refused to update to fuel injectors and abandon the carburetor as soon as possible after WW2 was devastating to the country financially. It is evidence of an anthropological problem. We do not resist new ways of completing domestic work with the microwave and the dishwasher as examples or instant cake mix is also an example.   The fact that sales tax was not raised to make up for lost national revenue usually collected from wages and union dues is another tremendous issue just as automation took its toll on the urban landscape; and with the increased sales tax, an income support would have been easily payable to all citizens in addition to former  workers certainly at a rate of no more than 3 hours of an average industrial hourly wage of $30.00 per hour just as machines started achieving all forms of industrial labor 24 hours a day and seven days a week, producing  an unlimited supply of finished goods from phones, televisions, dishwashers, shoes and  Ford/GM/ Dodge trucks.        A third treatise is needed which will not be so short sighted and driven by continual killing, stealing and  destruction (1st Timothy) and the fear of not having enough when, with low cost hydrogen, you will have more. Hydrogen is the profit driven motive. Our capacity to realize a new energy paradigm based on hydrogen compatible internal combustion engines or fuel cells is realisable in this generation, freeing us from the doubt and global insecurity engendered by the dependence on fossil fuels (see link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ykl2PH2B-tM&p=448B4793713D9028&playnext=1&index=23). 

Anything short of realising the hydrogen paradigm in the next 10 months is a failure of our collective genius (see link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RcsRk_gtO2U&feature=related).  Imagine the cost of airline seats with jets equipped and flying with hydrogen fuel cell powered jet engines (see link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N675mHss_uQ ).  A war with the aboriginal human ego that is resistant to technological change  may cost trillions of dollars but hydrogen is…virtually free.  We are now spending critical resources and energy to consider the threat of rising water levels to global security and the cost of plastic on the environment.     What is needed is a third treatise which will hold in view the long term existence of all of mankind.



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