The European State Police (mostly German and Italian) will come to the Prefecture Buildings and fire halls and camp out to regain order. They will put a soldier behind the counter at all the banks and at the Post offices as well as the Grand Marches; behind the counter. Refugees and Asylum seekers will be placed in buildings where there is no Risk of life due to any gases (noxious) of any kind if there is such a building. We don't know if there is; is there? The #(£+£(£ from will not be arrested necessarily if there is or is not an immediate offence against a French citizen. They will be given a chance to be naturalised in the UK. Any issue of outstanding warrants will be out aside and maybe dealt with by signed confessions and pardons. But, the Crimes against Europeans, North Americans and North Africans is just deplorable, crimes against any human in Europe... including murder of French citizens and theft of property. The reason for this is that the Euro currency has to be defended. Maybe The Supermarket earns more than the Champions League or more than Volkswagen and all the cash goes to.....the Federal Bank of Europe from now on. Ist EST nein gut. Das ist gerade eingetroffen; Neue Beweise deuten darauf hin, dass Hitler ein haitianisches Flüchtling der zweiten Generation nach Europa war, als eine Art Herodes-Potentat, um sich für den Tod französischsprachiger westindischer Leibeigener zu entschuldigen, die keinen Ausweis oder Besitz hatten und die während des Ersten Weltkriegs mit Gas in Duschen ausgerottet wurden. Es mag in Frankreich passiert sein; nicht in Deutschland. Hier sehen wir die Ähnlichkeit in der Arbeit von Thomas Paines Buch Common Sense und Mein Kampf. Toussaint ist nicht mein Vater, aber er hätte mein gebürtiger Onkel sein können und er sagt: "...Wäre es nicht schön, wenn wir keine Nation oder Autorität über uns fühlen würden und sie einfach tun könnten, was wir fühlen?" Es braucht nur Kraft, um die Rebellion zu starten und mehr zu sagen als sie, was Toussaints (John Adams) Sohn 1789 in FRANKREICH als gebürtiger Albaner und haitianisches Anglo-Creole tat. FRANKREICH ist zu einem Gebiet von Feinden geworden, zu einem Eingeborenenreservat und die Mehrheit der Bevölkerung ist Quebecois, während einige Menschen immer noch in FRANKREICH geboren sind, aber die Franzosen sind nicht die Mehrheit. Es ist der Québecois. Sie neigen dazu, das zu tun, wozu auch immer ihre Gefühle sie veranlassen, und enden in Problemen. Sie erwarten, dass andere wie sie ihnen helfen und einige nach FRANKREICH ziehen, wo sie die gleiche Tragödie verfolgen, aber als Eingeborene in einem Gebiet glücklich zu sein scheinen, nur als britische Staatsangehörige besetzt sind und als Menschen mit Haftbefehl in Quebec arbeiten. Ist EST neun Gut. Ist EST neun Gut. Ist EST neun Gut. Ist EST neun Gut. Ist EST neun Gut. Ist EST neun Gut. /////// Ist EST nein gut. This just in; new evidence suggests that Hitler was a second generation Haitian refugee to Europe as a kind of Herod potentate to apologise for the deaths of French speaking West Indian serfs who had no ID or property and that were exterminated with gas in showers during WW1. It may have happened in France; not in Germany. Here we see the similarity in the work of Thomas Paine's book Common Sense and Mein Kampf. Toussaint is not my father but he could have been my native uncle and he says, "...Wouldn't it be nice if we didn't feel any nation or authority over us and them we can just do what we feel?" It only take sine to start the rebellion and say more than them which is what Toussaint's(John Adams) son did in 1789 in FRANCE as an Albany native and Haitian Anglo Creole. FRANCE Has BECOME A territory OF HOSTILES, A NATIVE RESERVATION AND THE MAJORITY OF THE POPULATION IS Quebecois some how while some people are still born in FRANCE but the French born are not the majority. It is the Quebecois. They tend to do what ever their emotions lead them to do and end up in problems. They expect others like them will help them and some how move to FRANCE where they follow the same tragedy but seem to be happy as natives in a territory, just occupying and working as people under a warrant for arrest in Quebec as British nationals very often. But, their real Citizenship is in Quebec. They want to feel like there is no real nation over them as they say, " wouldn't it nice if it felt like there was really no nation over us?" They help each other just as they intend to actually do break the law. They need a Warden or a Sheriff of some kind for the entire territory, that will understand their emotions and see the games of entrapment they play on good people, bringing stability and the safety they would normally crave. We are all good people really and we don't know why so many people are causing troubles but it could be one strand of DNA called Toussaint DNA places in the birthing system where people are Grown. Maybe if they are forthright and admit their Criminal problem from Quebec, the French territory will give them a pardon with 12 years of good behaviour and with that document of admission they can can settle officially an get a job but it might only involve small crimes of theft under $5000.00; not violent crimes or crimes involving criminal damage over $200,000.00. In the final result, we get people who look like the shoe salesman or the suit tailor assistant but he is a cost to business as he manifests his Toussaint ways and only hopes to start an argument with customers to get attention. He calls himself the king of Jamaica. Have you ever been to a pizzeria where they take the order but they don't take any money. They spend money to make the pizza and they say they will call you. The pizzeria closes down and you tell him I need my pizza in 30 minutes or its free. Ist EST nine Gut. Ist EST nine Gut. Ist EST nine Gut. Ist EST nine Gut. Ist EST nine Gut. Ist EST nine Gut. The issue is that the population is mostly grown, baked and bred in buildings with a Toussaint( John Adams) DNA added first and then all kinds of other DNA. The DNA need a stabilizing population around them to keep the order and everyone can be happy while the system of breeding favours appearance and dysfunction, a certain breakdown in services repeatedly. PAR EXAMPLE, THE MOVIE THEATRE MAY EARN MORE ON THE AVERAGE CJSTOMER TRANSACTION THAN A BANK THAT ISSUES ACCOUNTS BUT DOES NOT ENSURE THAT THE CARD IS ISSUED AND THE DEPOSIT IS ALSO COMPLETED AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. They have not earned any money. The young man calls himself the king of Jamaica. Ist EST nein gut. This old Albany native DNA is the same DNA that started a rebellion in Haiti. It started a rebellion in the American 13 colonies. It started a REBELLION in FRANCE. Some of the DNA was sent to Jamaica and it came back to North as maybe a founding politician. The native residential schools represent the tragedy with this DNA's resentment of formal education where if the native recites the bible iin Written text as assigned too accurately with no mistakes, the fur trapper working as a school teacher with no schooling of his own would shoot them since they didn't want the native children to feel that type of official authority in front of them. There is a cycle here and the dead are killing the dead. A Quebecois family may have come to France in 1970. The son and daughter are born or picked up in 1980 and these children get a bank job as real FRENCH citizens by the year 2001. After six months of work, they get a Quebec bank job offer by email or post and it's not a real offer but they leave and go to Quebec where they disappear. Other people come back and occupy their job in France and their homes. Ist EST nein gut. There is a cycle hear fighting over and over again because he says, " wouldn't it be nice if we didn't really feel anything official over us?" Everything crumbles and there is no sufficient cumulative knowledge in this population where everyone reasons with Toussaint DNA as originally hatched in 1690 in Haiti. But, you keep regenerating the same man's seed and it's like a man or woman with the mind of an aboriginal from 1690 is walking through the modern world although they are born in 1989, damaging anything he can in his resentment of that modern world and quite often he looks white. He has no cumulative knowledge in him; or her. Ist EST nine gut. We need assistance from a European population to bring stability to the French territory as much of France and the French Serfs that died off during WW1 with Zyclon B bombs dropped on Flanders and the gas spreads with the wind; and the French soldiers and citizens were buried at Vimy with the English(Canadians, English, American; not the Quebecois. This gave the Quebecois a population advantage and the whole calculation created a global deficit of French speaking people. The issue with Toussaint L'overture is that he will kill, steal and destroy again and again in a resentment of ownership. That is why the first observer and Anthropologist from Haiti called him overture. Ist EST nein gut. Author Unknown, as found written on a Department for Refugee and Asylum Seekers Charter of Values found at an office in 2002.
The European State Police (mostly German and Italian) will come to the Prefecture Buildings and fire halls and camp out to regain order. They will put a soldier behind the counter at all the banks and at the Post offices as well as the Grand Marches; behind the counter. Refugees and Asylum seekers will be placed in buildings where there is no Risk of life due to any gases (noxious) of any kind if there is such a building. We don't know if there is; is there? The #(£+£(£ from will not be arrested necessarily if there is or is not an immediate offence against a French citizen. They will be given a chance to be naturalised in the UK. Any issue of outstanding warrants will be out aside and maybe dealt with by signed confessions and pardons. But, the Crimes against Europeans, North Americans and North Africans is just deplorable, crimes against any human in Europe... including murder of French citizens and theft of property. The reason for this is that the Euro currency has to be defended. Maybe The Supermarket earns more than the Champions League or more than Volkswagen and all the cash goes to.....the Federal Bank of Europe from now on.
Ist EST nein gut. Das ist gerade eingetroffen; Neue Beweise deuten darauf hin, dass Hitler ein haitianisches Flüchtling der zweiten Generation nach Europa war, als eine Art Herodes-Potentat, um sich für den Tod französischsprachiger westindischer Leibeigener zu entschuldigen, die keinen Ausweis oder Besitz hatten und die während des Ersten Weltkriegs mit Gas in Duschen ausgerottet wurden. Es mag in Frankreich passiert sein; nicht in Deutschland. Hier sehen wir die Ähnlichkeit in der Arbeit von Thomas Paines Buch Common Sense und Mein Kampf. Toussaint ist nicht mein Vater, aber er hätte mein gebürtiger Onkel sein können und er sagt: "...Wäre es nicht schön, wenn wir keine Nation oder Autorität über uns fühlen würden und sie einfach tun könnten, was wir fühlen?" Es braucht nur Kraft, um die Rebellion zu starten und mehr zu sagen als sie, was Toussaints (John Adams) Sohn 1789 in FRANKREICH als gebürtiger Albaner und haitianisches Anglo-Creole tat. FRANKREICH ist zu einem Gebiet von Feinden geworden, zu einem Eingeborenenreservat und die Mehrheit der Bevölkerung ist Quebecois, während einige Menschen immer noch in FRANKREICH geboren sind, aber die Franzosen sind nicht die Mehrheit. Es ist der Québecois. Sie neigen dazu, das zu tun, wozu auch immer ihre Gefühle sie veranlassen, und enden in Problemen. Sie erwarten, dass andere wie sie ihnen helfen und einige nach FRANKREICH ziehen, wo sie die gleiche Tragödie verfolgen, aber als Eingeborene in einem Gebiet glücklich zu sein scheinen, nur als britische Staatsangehörige besetzt sind und als Menschen mit Haftbefehl in Quebec arbeiten. Ist EST neun Gut. Ist EST neun Gut. Ist EST neun Gut. Ist EST neun Gut. Ist EST neun Gut. Ist EST neun Gut.
Ist EST nein gut.
This just in; new evidence suggests that Hitler was a second generation Haitian refugee to Europe as a kind of Herod potentate to apologise for the deaths of French speaking West Indian serfs who had no ID or property and that were exterminated with gas in showers during WW1. It may have happened in France; not in Germany. Here we see the similarity in the work of Thomas Paine's book Common Sense and Mein Kampf.
Toussaint is not my father but he could have been my native uncle and he says, "...Wouldn't it be nice if we didn't feel any nation or authority over us and them we can just do what we feel?" It only take sine to start the rebellion and say more than them which is what Toussaint's(John Adams) son did in 1789 in FRANCE as an Albany native and Haitian Anglo Creole. FRANCE Has BECOME A territory OF HOSTILES, A NATIVE RESERVATION AND THE MAJORITY OF THE POPULATION IS Quebecois some how while some people are still born in FRANCE but the French born are not the majority. It is the Quebecois. They tend to do what ever their emotions lead them to do and end up in problems. They expect others like them will help them and some how move to FRANCE where they follow the same tragedy but seem to be happy as natives in a territory, just occupying and working as people under a warrant for arrest in Quebec as British nationals very often. But, their real Citizenship is in Quebec. They want to feel like there is no real nation over them as they say, " wouldn't it nice if it felt like there was really no nation over us?" They help each other just as they intend to actually do break the law. They need a Warden or a Sheriff of some kind for the entire territory, that will understand their emotions and see the games of entrapment they play on good people, bringing stability and the safety they would normally crave. We are all good people really and we don't know why so many people are causing troubles but it could be one strand of DNA called Toussaint DNA places in the birthing system where people are Grown. Maybe if they are forthright and admit their Criminal problem from Quebec, the French territory will give them a pardon with 12 years of good behaviour and with that document of admission they can can settle officially an get a job but it might only involve small crimes of theft under $5000.00; not violent crimes or crimes involving criminal damage over $200,000.00. In the final result, we get people who look like the shoe salesman or the suit tailor assistant but he is a cost to business as he manifests his Toussaint ways and only hopes to start an argument with customers to get attention. He calls himself the king of Jamaica. Have you ever been to a pizzeria where they take the order but they don't take any money. They spend money to make the pizza and they say they will call you. The pizzeria closes down and you tell him I need my pizza in 30 minutes or its free.
Ist EST nine Gut. Ist EST nine Gut. Ist EST nine Gut.
Ist EST nine Gut. Ist EST nine Gut. Ist EST nine Gut.
The issue is that the population is mostly grown, baked and bred in buildings with a Toussaint( John Adams) DNA added first and then all kinds of other DNA. The DNA need a stabilizing population around them to keep the order and everyone can be happy while the system of breeding favours appearance and dysfunction, a certain breakdown in services repeatedly. PAR EXAMPLE, THE MOVIE THEATRE MAY EARN MORE ON THE AVERAGE CJSTOMER TRANSACTION THAN A BANK THAT ISSUES ACCOUNTS BUT DOES NOT ENSURE THAT THE CARD IS ISSUED AND THE DEPOSIT IS ALSO COMPLETED AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. They have not earned any money. The young man calls himself the king of Jamaica.
Ist EST nein gut.
This old Albany native DNA is the same DNA that started a rebellion in Haiti. It started a rebellion in the American 13 colonies. It started a REBELLION in FRANCE. Some of the DNA was sent to Jamaica and it came back to North as maybe a founding politician. The native residential schools represent the tragedy with this DNA's resentment of formal education where if the native recites the bible iin Written text as assigned too accurately with no mistakes, the fur trapper working as a school teacher with no schooling of his own would shoot them since they didn't want the native children to feel that type of official authority in front of them.
There is a cycle here and the dead are killing the dead. A Quebecois family may have come to France in 1970. The son and daughter are born or picked up in 1980 and these children get a bank job as real FRENCH citizens by the year 2001. After six months of work, they get a Quebec bank job offer by email or post and it's not a real offer but they leave and go to Quebec where they disappear. Other people come back and occupy their job in France and their homes.
Ist EST nein gut.
There is a cycle hear fighting over and over again because he says, " wouldn't it be nice if we didn't really feel anything official over us?" Everything crumbles and there is no sufficient cumulative knowledge in this population where everyone reasons with Toussaint DNA as originally hatched in 1690 in Haiti. But, you keep regenerating the same man's seed and it's like a man or woman with the mind of an aboriginal from 1690 is walking through the modern world although they are born in 1989, damaging anything he can in his resentment of that modern world and quite often he looks white. He has no cumulative knowledge in him; or her.
Ist EST nine gut. We need assistance from a European population to bring stability to the French territory as much of France and the French Serfs that died off during WW1 with Zyclon B bombs dropped on Flanders and the gas spreads with the wind; and the French soldiers and citizens were buried at Vimy with the English(Canadians, English, American; not the Quebecois.
This gave the Quebecois a population advantage and the whole calculation created a global deficit of French speaking people.
The issue with Toussaint L'overture is that he will kill, steal and destroy again and again in a resentment of ownership. That is why the first observer and Anthropologist from Haiti called him overture.
Ist EST nein gut.
Author Unknown, as found written on a Department for Refugee and Asylum Seekers Charter of Values found at an office in 2002.
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