ANGEL RONAN ™. Enjoy Angel Ronan Lex Scripta™ donation only services. Get any question answered or assistance in Court for a minimum requested donation of $500.00. My boss is the black guy. Named WARREN. He has a Bluetooth speaker system. He connects the WiFi and puts the the music on. Ask for the charitable service and donate what you would like. Angel Ronan ™ helps. I would like to refer you to Ron for employment law but he has been arrested for impersonation of an officer of the Court in Ontario and for being in possession of file copies belonging to my boss and Angel Ronan ™.


 ANGEL RONAN ™. Enjoy Angel Ronan Lex Scripta™ donation only services.  Get any question answered or assistance in Court for  a  minimum requested donation of  $500.00.   My boss is the black guy. Named WARREN.  He has a Bluetooth speaker system.   He connects the WiFi and  puts the music on. Ask for the charitable service and donate what you would like.     Angel Ronan ™ helps.  I would like to refer you to Ron for employment law but he has been arrested for impersonation of an officer of the Court in Ontario and for being in possession of file copies belonging to my boss and Angel Ronan ™.  


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