If you walk upright, you are human. If you are human, then you are not a cave man and nor are you a monkey. We see the monkeys care for each other. We need to care for each other; like the monkeys. Hegemony could, however, be the cave man's genuine and first interpersonal culture. It might have explained domestic violence when some men or women also struggle to communicate their feelings and would prefer to poison her husband's food with a little Drano so that she would have authority over him or poison his shampoo. Could someone steal the mail to seek childishly Hegemony over the recipient or the government system, hoping for a crisis? Could anyone come to Spain and do this, come to Europe? It brings into question European Security. There could be hotspots, small cities that some people think are easy hangouts for drug dealers or runaways from ENGLISH justice in Canada. Could anyone come to France and do this? Could Cubans come to Spain and just take it over? Could Quebecois come to France and just take it over as they insist all you need for French identity is to mutter in French and pretend to be a son or daughter of a dead king and then you just do whatever you want, breaking all the laws, killing, stealing and destroying as Assiniboine DNA mixed with Irish and maybe a little Verrazano. But, there is more to French ancestry than this. Maybe you love France and anything French and independent. You would kill those who who would kill Citroen and there are some French speakers who make it their mission to kill the Citroen you love as Citroen gives you a sense of hegemony and national pride. We do not see this love in the people occupying France from North America, at least not in many of them but some. They have income support cash from 12 years old and enough money to buy a McDonald's franchise and have a McDonald's uniform from at least 25 years old but they desire civic uniforms and involvement. There is nothing wrong with that. But, you are a civic employee sworn to uphold the laws and if you ended up drugged with LSD and you broke the law while uniform, you have a defence of involuntary intoxication. But, why run and be a fugitive, breaking laws in Europe.? Maybe say you were drugged in a Fast food restaurant or Asian or West Indian Restaurant and then your defence as noted here will lead to a withdrawal of Charges. Then, open a McDonald's. You are like a kite dancing in the wind, like the English with their genocidal economy otherwise. All are welcome who speak French. But, Europe does not want people breaking the laws of France or Europe in some kind of mockery of European sovereignty. The Moors and Berbers, the Romans and the Egyptians before them helped to bring a cave man Europe into the ancient world's growing civilization. There was not any hegemony predicated on skin tone. Either you can read the laws with Jesus or you could not. Maybe Herod could not read the laws with Jesus as a Brittania Cheddar native but he was given an unconditional authority to see what they would do as Cheddar and how co-operative they would be. It looks Herod failed and was resistant, determined not to cooperate. The current global Anglo Assiniboine Kingdom is much the same; resistant economically and it's not the King or Queen's fault since they are being run by South African administrators in what amounts to a Genocide of the non transgender population in England and part of Canada( Otario) where only transgender Citizens receive a full Income support. There is no Court order creating this genocidal economy and no order is necessary to fix it. It just has to be resolved so that it is not hurtful, genocidal and economically illogical. Monkeys are known to sometimes break into Homes through windows to steal car keys to get hegemony over the human. The human with his machines is seen as a nuisance by the monkey. Could there be pale skin black people who see black male authority as a bother? In other words, they found Morpheus from Matrix teaching Neo an unusual hegemony interruption because their ancestral programming from the Northern Assiniboine people may have seen nothing but white teachers and white in authority. A children's encyclopedia about world history with a Sketch of Egyptian artifacts that obfuscate the African origin does not help the Black Assiniboine or White Assiniboine find truth. What is your real IQ if you rely on information that is deceit? You are a human that emanates like ( feel like) a square peg in a round hole( the world itself) and then maybe the great authority of our world send you, the Assiniboine, to a war in a Desert again and again Until you look at Egypt, it's monuments and acknowledge it's location. But, Morpheus is the average school teacher in many American states in the North and South; in New Zealand also and in Samoa. Why are you kicking Morpheus to feel White hegemony? The message of the school system and the space program is that we are all involved and anther we can all reach the stars in our chosen professions and endeavours; including law. Warren is a University of Ottawa JD/LL.B(Hons) and a University of London Law graduate. So, the monkey blonde girl may steal but not for food or hunger. It is to feel power. But, she is stealing from Refugees at a Refugee centre. She looks Ukrainian but it's just a Gattaca facade. She is not based on temperament. She has no education but has a genetic look and decorum that suggests she is well educated with an Eastern accent and a generally nice demeanor; certainly but she is a criminal, criminal minded or an honest latent Cave man with monkey motivation to steal for power. She is really Assiniboine as her Assiniboine temperament would make her say Egypt is in the Great Lakes just as some Black Samoans would prefer to say Egypt is in Samoa when they are still living in and expressing a latent Cave man/ aboriginal temperament that might resist truth and deny the human contribution of other evolved Aboriginal communities to feel a false, temporary sense of power and Hegemony. What about an Assiniboine Black mixed with African dna and born in Africa that says he does not want to hear that the wheel comes from Africa. Cain killed Abel to take hegemony over Abel as Cain felt Abel's barbecue was more tasty and more approved than Cain's vegetables. So Abel was killed and then Cain stole Abel's barbecue and brought it to the mother and father and said this is what I cooked and, we don't know how but, Abel was eaten by a bear. CAIN, THEREFORE WAS MORE of a MONKEY or more of a raw cave man THAN Abel; Abel who shared his food and photos with his human family. You need to do unto others as you would have them do unto you. But, you are not supposed to steal and claim the Angel Ronan ™ photos as your own. The monkey may spit in your well water to say you are just like him, give you free drinks at the pub with monkey saliva so you start acting like the monkey, that the two of you are equal. Cave men follow similar tactics and what if the cave man or the monkey could learn enough about computers in high school just to harass you in some way as you attempt to enjoy your Uber orders as a McDonald's customer or as a pizza customer or as an Amazon customer just to harass you and so that he can get a little attention as he abuses you. Mr. Moses B. Israel, FSJ.

If you walk upright, you are human.  If you are human, then you are not a cave man and nor are you a monkey.  We see the monkeys care for each other.  We need to care for each other; like the monkeys.   

Hegemony could, however,  be the cave man's genuine and first interpersonal culture.  It might have  explained domestic violence when some men or women also struggle to communicate their feelings and would prefer to poison her husband's food with a little Drano so that she would have authority over him or poison his shampoo.      Could someone steal the mail to seek childishly Hegemony over the recipient or the government system, hoping for a crisis?  Could anyone come to Spain and do this, come to Europe?  It brings into question European Security. There could be hotspots, small cities that some people think are easy hangouts for drug dealers or runaways from ENGLISH justice in Canada.    Could anyone come to France and do this?  Could Cubans come to Spain and just take it over?  Could Quebecois come to France and just take it over as they insist all you need for French identity is to mutter in French and pretend to be a son or daughter of a dead king and then you just do whatever you want, breaking all the laws, killing, stealing and destroying as Assiniboine DNA mixed with Irish and maybe a little Verrazano.  But, there is more to French ancestry than this. Maybe you love France and anything French and independent.  You would kill those who who would kill Citroen and there are some French speakers who make it their mission to kill the Citroen you love as Citroen gives you a sense of hegemony and national pride.    We do not see this love in the  people occupying France from North America, at least not in many of them but some.   They have income support cash  from 12 years old and enough money to buy a McDonald's franchise and have a McDonald's uniform from at least 25  years old but they desire civic uniforms and involvement.  There is nothing wrong with that.     But, you are a civic employee sworn to uphold the laws and if you ended up drugged with LSD and you broke the law while uniform, you have a defence of involuntary intoxication.  But, why run and be a fugitive, breaking laws in Europe.?  Maybe say you were drugged in a Fast food restaurant or Asian or West Indian Restaurant and then your defence  as noted here will lead to a withdrawal of Charges.   Then, open a McDonald's.  You are like a kite dancing in the wind, like the English with their genocidal economy otherwise.       All are welcome who speak French.  But, Europe does not want people breaking the laws of France or Europe in some kind of mockery of European sovereignty.   The Moors and Berbers, the Romans and the Egyptians before them helped to bring a cave man Europe into the ancient world's growing civilization.  There was not any hegemony predicated on skin tone.  Either you can read the laws with Jesus or you could not. Maybe Herod could not read the laws with Jesus as a Brittania Cheddar native but he was given an unconditional authority to see what they would do as Cheddar and how co-operative they would be.  It looks Herod failed and was resistant, determined  not to cooperate.  The current  global Anglo Assiniboine Kingdom is much the same; resistant economically and it's not the King or Queen's fault since  they are being run by South African administrators in what amounts to a Genocide of the non transgender population in England and part of Canada( Otario) where only transgender Citizens receive a full Income support.    There is no Court order creating this genocidal economy and no order is necessary to fix it.     It just has to be resolved so that it is not hurtful, genocidal and economically illogical.        Monkeys are known to sometimes break into Homes through windows to steal car keys to get hegemony over the human.  The human with his machines is seen as  a nuisance by  the monkey.  Could there be pale skin black people  who see black male authority as a bother? In other words, they found Morpheus from Matrix teaching Neo an  unusual  hegemony interruption because their ancestral programming from the Northern Assiniboine people may have seen nothing but white teachers and white in authority. A children's encyclopedia about world history with a Sketch of Egyptian artifacts that obfuscate the African origin does not help the Black Assiniboine or White Assiniboine find truth.  What is your real IQ if you rely on information that is deceit?  You are a human that  emanates like ( feel like) a square peg in a round hole( the world itself) and then maybe the great authority of our world send you, the Assiniboine,  to a war in a Desert again and again Until you look at Egypt, it's monuments and acknowledge it's location.     But,  Morpheus is the average school teacher in many American states in the North and South; in New Zealand also and in Samoa. Why are you kicking Morpheus to feel White hegemony?  The message of the school system and the space program is that we are all involved and anther we can all reach the stars in our chosen professions and endeavours; including law.   Warren is a University of Ottawa JD/LL.B(Hons) and a University of London Law graduate.  


   So, the monkey blonde girl may steal but not for food or hunger.    It is to feel power. But, she is stealing from Refugees at a Refugee centre.    She looks Ukrainian but it's just a Gattaca facade. She is not based on temperament.  

 She has no education but has a genetic look and decorum that suggests she is well educated with an Eastern accent and a generally nice demeanor; certainly but she is a criminal, criminal minded or an honest latent Cave man with monkey motivation to steal for power.     She is really Assiniboine as  her Assiniboine temperament would make her say Egypt is in the Great Lakes just as some Black Samoans would prefer to say Egypt is in Samoa when they are still living in and expressing a latent Cave man/ aboriginal temperament that might resist truth and deny the human contribution of other evolved Aboriginal communities to feel a false, temporary sense of power and Hegemony. 

     What about an Assiniboine Black mixed with African dna and born in Africa  that says he does not want to hear that the wheel comes from Africa.        Cain killed Abel to take hegemony over Abel as Cain felt Abel's barbecue was more tasty and more approved than Cain's vegetables. So Abel was killed and then Cain stole Abel's barbecue and brought it  to the mother and father and said this is  what I cooked and, we don't know how but,  Abel was eaten by a bear.  CAIN, THEREFORE WAS MORE of a  MONKEY or more of a raw cave man THAN Abel; Abel  who shared his food and photos with his human family.  You need to do unto others as you would have them do unto you.   But, you are not supposed to steal and claim the Angel Ronan ™  photos as your own.   The monkey may spit in your well water to say you are just like him, give you free drinks at the pub with monkey saliva so you start acting like the monkey,  that the two of you are equal.  Cave men follow similar tactics and what if the cave man or  the monkey could learn enough about computers in high school just to harass you in some way as you attempt to enjoy your Uber orders as a McDonald's customer or as a pizza customer or as an Amazon customer just to harass you and so that he can get a little attention as he abuses you.    

Mr.  Moses B.  Israel,   FSJ.  


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