If you have a Super American phone and you have tenants that you have not been servicing with the usual 12 months of rent but maybe only 11 months, why would that be? You have to pay the water bill on those units 12 months a year. The phone is a king phone but it causes a "Theoden" syndrome. Click here.

If you have a Super American phone and you have tenants that you have not been servicing with the usual 12 months of rent but maybe only 11 months, why would that be? You have to pay the water bill on those units  12 months a year.   The phone is a king phone but it causes a "Theoden" syndrome.     

What if the rent is supposed to be $12,000.00 per year per unit at $1,000.00 per month. On ten units, you are expecting $120,000.00.    But, if you only collect 11 months and not 12 months on the rent, then you will be down by $1000.00 per unit per month and $10,000.00 per year at only $110,000.00 and not the whole $120,000.00.  If it is a shortfall over two years, then we are missing $20,000.00 with our rent at $220,000.00 and not $240,000.00 We need to make up for this difference of $20,000.00.  

So, we will add an additional $166.67 per month of we intend to make up for the shortfall in 12 months.  The difference is $20,000.00.  We divide that by 10 to see what the debt is as spread out over the 10 units and we get $2000.00.  We divide that by 12  and we get $166.67 per unit  every month. This equals $1666.70 for all ten units.   We multiply that by 12 and we get our $20,000. To achieve this recouping of the $20,000.00 in deficient unpaid rent over a 12 month period, we add $166.67 per month to rent for each unit. The rent is now $1166.67 per month.  If you want to take two years to make up the $20,000.00 deficit, we would divide $166.67 in two and get $83.33. $83.33 X 10 units=$833.30 per month x 24 months = $20,000.00.   


 by Fleet Street Journal. 



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