The consumer has his choice as to where to buy once he can actually buy; once he has money on hand with the income support. Now, if the president has always had income support and has benefited and thanked God, he should know personally the benefits in this support when he confesses about how his family lost their jobs as coal miners; that his mother was a coal miners daughter. However, even though this is so as coal is now redundant due to the overwhelming efficiency and power of hydro electric power and the fuel cell for power, we do not need coal for anything but our barbecues and this was the fact since the Hoover Dam was completed or since the Niagara power generation was available. At this time, until these dichotomies in America are resolved, it is best to find some other way to express the Aboriginal American Neanderthals' needs for hegemony. He should solve his own ridiculous market dichotomy with total automation but no evident total income support, share the income support benefits enjoyed by the Presidents before and after they were elected, sharing this benefit with all North Americans and lead the income support discussion for the West Indies, Latin America and Africa; show them, tell them and be Big about it. The European stakeholders who own the manufacturing in North America want to see more German and Italian Fiat built vehicles sold in North America. How can we sell more vehicles if only half the economy is in the benefit of the full and appropriate amount of income support to achieve the economy's "Vroom" and "Carvana" intentions? The John North America NAFTA Income Support plan Act; Click here for more. Click here.


    The consumer has his choice as to where to buy once he can actually buy; once he has money on hand with the income support. Now, if the president has always had income support and has benefited and thanked God, he should know personally the benefits in this support when he confesses about how his family lost their jobs as coal miners; that his mother was a coal miners daughter.  However, even though this is so as coal is now redundant due to the overwhelming efficiency and power of hydro electric power and the fuel cell for power, we do not need coal for anything but our barbecues and this was the fact since the Hoover Dam was completed or since the Niagara power generation was available.  At this time, until these dichotomies in America are resolved, it is best to find some other way to express the Aboriginal American Neanderthals' needs for hegemony. He should solve his own ridiculous market dichotomy with total automation but no evident total income support, share the income support benefits enjoyed by the Presidents before and after they were elected, sharing this benefit with all North Americans and lead the income support discussion for the West Indies, Latin America and Africa; show them, tell them and be Big about it.     The European stakeholders who own the manufacturing in North America want to see more German and Italian Fiat built vehicles sold in North America.  How can we sell more vehicles if only half the economy is in the benefit of the full and appropriate amount of income support to achieve the economy's "Vroom" and "Carvana" intentions?       The John North America NAFTA Income Support plan Act; Click here for more.     There was a woman who went to Vermont from Danada to seek assistance and enjoy a little vacation. She was entitled to ask for asylum at any DSS office but after seven months, she never did when it was worth $300.00 a day. She said she could not agree with anything she did not understand. She did not have a day of formal schooling. She was also born male but was allowed to attend university for the experience alone and pretend. This is anthropology. She was given a special income support of $50,000.00 a year in her country Danada but the lack of finance available to other citizens who were not transgender created tensions after all of the automation. She left the country with several 1000's of other people. Some went to England or France. South Asians with about $30,000.00  annual income support and some Chinese and Japanese with $70000.00 per year in support came to fill the new and old condominiums and wear hijabs all over Londton, Guelch, Erie and Torodo. But, it was a dead horse economy in that region with land area that amounted to about 30 times the size of the UK.   Click here. 

We can see that motive in social policy is an evident marker  or "foot print" in the economic sand as seen  in current and historical policy evidence.  But, maybe  when the policy is not working and the economy is dying, it could be that the persons involved are politely taking the country  or the ship adrift to allow for a peaceful take over or reclamation.  The politicians or personnel in Otario may be all Lord Durham dna and he may have once refused to implement a total income support plan.  He may have had native sons and daughters who might have been asked to rob the bank but he guaranteed that they would have his favor and protection and he preferred this over a total income support plan because he was robbing the King's and Queen's Royal purse.  This pattern might have become endemic to the region with policy running contrary to the English government's international standards and organization. This is further complicated by a Southern Clansman population that has followed the winds of a quieter life and less racially tense existence in the north, arriving just after Harriet Tubman settled in Otario.  They still seem to be race sick but express it in more politically correct ways, making the likelihood of a bus driver job after bus driver school a tremendous process of enduring emotional and physical labor; much like a woman trying to give birth to a baby in the womb for 8 months when it should only be six months based on ancient and old European standards for a less laborious delivery You sense that it could be less laborious with the right attitude. It seems there is anxiety about social authority and position with this Latino Anglo population that manifests in white economic frustration an frustration generally for all involved, affecting the entire economy. 

There was a woman who went to Vermont from Danada to seek assistance and enjoy a little vacation. She was entitled to ask for asylum at any DSS office but after seven months, she never did when it was worth $300.00 a day. She said she could not agree with anything she did not understand. She did not have a day of formal schooling. She was also born male but was allowed to attend university for the experience alone and pretend. This is anthropology. She was given a special income support of $50,000.00 a year in her country Danada but the lack of finance available to other citizens who were not transgender created tensions after all of the automation. She left the country with several 1000's of other people. Some went to England or France. South Asians with about $30,000.00  annual income support and some Chinese and Japanese with $70000.00 per year in support came to fill the new and old condominiums and wear hijabs all over Londton, Guelch, Erie and Torodo. But, it was a dead horse economy in that region with land area that amounted to about 30 times the size of the UK. The Cost of managing the area dwarfed the UK's annual GDP and rendered the UK in debt as they borrowed from the EU to cover it. As they hope to leave Europe, they are still borrowing from Europe. The UK socioeconomic policy is set by Europe but the UK is in debt because of the policies implemented in Danada by West Indian White, Black expats of all kinds who say they are more, more English and really need to help. But, they are leaving the country.  As of 1998 in the height of more and more automation, policy was implemented in Otario to cancel disability support benefits at the age of 65 just when the 65 year olds might have been losing their jobs or seeking to retire possibly due to disabilities that were work related such as carpel tunnel caused by hours of typing on those most amazing IBM selectric type writers.  Is the motive behind these polices the hope to see the families involved sell their homes at under value or move away to other countries with more economically intelligible policies?  A population is a constitution, aggregation or grouping of people. But, if they have no money, then there is no economy. There is little point to any hand-made or robotic made industrial production if the people will not have any money in either case to buy the goods.  The goods will just pile up.  If it is hand made, we presume salaries are involved. This is not always the case.  The economy is anemic when human labor is free and the cost of production might be low because of it but then there are no sales in that region and then it defeats the profit based, regenerative intention of the economy.  There are no products made on this earth that do not involve human life or a human purchaser or purchasers.  The Robotic economy says there is no human labor in the industrial process.  The energy spent resenting lost involvement could blind us to the hour of human celebration and fulfillment when every human can be employed by the state primarily as*(evesharres- trin)* a consumer  and on going social participant with participatory remuneration or what is called basic income or income support for his tacit involvement in the utilization of the robotic processes to save us time, injury, money and save waste. This frees the human with the income support to pursue child care and child rearing and family or further academic endeavors for improved, more truthful recitations of the human experience in a non-racialized truth. We can watch Joe on CNEN all day. At $80,000.00 per year, I will watch with more pop corn. It's like watching a comedian who has worked every tone, voice reflection of the most warm and endearing politicians over the last 30 years while, when you look closer, the car companies shut down and then now the malls shut down and the people are moving some where to get out of anti human, genocidal policies that impact human life tremendously, genocidally.    Every office had one in the entire world once had an IBM Selectric and also maybe every home.  That is hegemony of the machine but they seem to have failed to have hegemony in terms of regenerate economies and people. The Marlboro man died in 1998 also due to nicotine poison evidently. He is the dead or dying among millions when we know nicotine kills. So, if we know it kills, then is it corporate manslaughter that we address in spite of the surgeon general's warnings on the box? Is it genocide when we know nicotine kills? Is the social policy genocide in terms of an offence if we know it kills?   But, what if we say the economy is dying due to poisoned policies of some kind? The economy is not growing because the people are crushed between automation on one side and certain genocidal policies on the other; of some kind?  We remain grateful as there are lots of people working very hard while the intention to achieve life and life more abundantly is simple.  We have had enough time to observe how these policies work.   There is modernisation and the IBM Selectric is not necessarily English but it may have become culture; a part of the habitat and the emotional experience. The radiator is not necessarily English but it disappeared in some post modern utilitarian  construction in Hulme, Moss Side Manchester  in 1968  that was soo modern that involved forced air gas heating and a removal of the more traditional culturally familiar radiator but the forced air gas heating  is not necessarily American but it is warmer and more efficient in achieving the purpose of heating and cooling if air conditioning is also implemented. The buildings in Hulme were knocked down as well as similar buildings with forced air gas heating in  Thamesmead, Greenwich, London in 1972 and could this be due to a fear of a loss of one's ways, culture and hegemony or authority over oneself instead of seeing all this Kellogg's Cereal, the mass disappearance of the radiator and other such annoying changes for some who might also resist a fuel injector or a fuel cell vs. the carburetor. New, modern buildings were  erected in the area but they had radiators and some buildings were used as dorms for a local College or University such as the illustrious University of Manchester where the writer of this short article is a PH. D in Economics.  There could be an 'Artful dodger' culture  so to speak that resists warmth and consistent sustenance. He seeks attention in what cute things he can do to skirt and evade authority. He could be usually a a rather verbally chicanerous individual and apart of his attention seeking and a few fixed boxing matches, elections and card games, he finds a way to provoke himself to do it again maybe with a stock market gamble  or card game bet but he believes God will provide again; calling on Jehovah in America But, he is entertaining while America is now owned by Norway.   He can gamble his income support away. He knows he will get some more next week. Crimes of passion go up in the territories with income support as people have more time to celebrate life but maybe also their egos. In that wideboy vehicle, are you not the King of East London? But, who is he to have a newer vehicle in front of you and he takes E pills and so do you. You cant help yourself as you humble him but you are not my son; alright my son.   But, income support is not a threat although it is technology that will provide more warmth and enable the happy existence of more English people to speak the cockney or the high Chelsea accent, rather, and this will help to fight the covid when fighting covid is everything and more important than human life. In fact, it does mean you can gamble for yourself but not the lives of every citizen in an evident tete 'a tete with technology but more importantly with ourselves. If you intend to live, you eat. If you intend to live, you implement an income support. The Artful dodger will live on but he will have less scurvy and he will find new ways to grab an apple or a bottle of milk off of a delivery truck or take over ten flats in a government home ownership scheme in North London at Wembley since who would ask him, a black man or white man,  to buy his own Cheddarman lands and territory?   Money helps to fight the covid.  How long has it taken for Joe to see income support will help to fight the covid? Maybe he is not really fighting covid but applying a massive global diversion for a north American genocidal deception; a simulacra in a new covid culture? In any event, Leviticus is culture and Covid can be a modern iteration. I have not had a cold in 5 years but they say there is a Covid that might be a play on words for ES Covet; a West Indian concept for covetousness.  WE can rebuild. We have the technology! Income support is technology already in use and it requires widespread implementation and appropriate financial application to help Covid that will never end. Covid is now involved in fighting unnecessary financial crimes that seem to predicated on a sense of sport more than hunger. Crimes could go up as there is less "fasting" in properly funded regions with appropriate income support with a little subtle social drug inducement.    For any hurts that remain in our souls and that requires some truth and reconciliation, the Anglo Pirate scurvy agenda to keep "Artful dodger" cultures alive, that is keep hope itself alive in not dying in the cold, drafty flat should not manifest in denying or under funding support and it cannot justify denial of the utilization of the simple, properly funded income support stratagem that really is for the benefit of the economy. A man who was  born a woman and whose eggs have been taken is barren. his name is Christopher Columbus.   But, would he choose bareness to make the world equal to him  at the hour of economic growth and  fulfillment in the year 1861 when the steam and coal engine arrived in America or is it  the love of cute scurvy games that motivated him and his San Diego 1549 people who sought a more Southern European cultural hegemony when he may have decided to kill everything in North America as much as possible between 1861 and 1865 that would have included a lot of Amerindians while the war was a diversion to this Amerindian genocide but a lot of Irish and Scots died apparently, Dutch and French 3rd and 4th generation individuals.  Where did they all go?  Photos of Cochise during the 1860's demonstrate that he is not a half Sicilian. But, most Mexicans today are more, more.... more Southern  Mediterranean; some how by virtue of the introduction of people with this Southern Mediterranean dna. The dna, itself, is in the food along with a Scandinavian dna since we want to ensure you have Euro Volkswagen tastes and the look and the feel of a more authentic European.  The genocide of the civil war involved original American colonialists in a fool's errand as induced by the Sans Souci southerners who argued for too long about how to turn an indentured servant and slave population into low earning consumers and farmers with some freedom and some income support and why would they run north if they had the income support. What is the difference economically between a slave who is given housing, food, tools, books and clothing who works for free and one who works as a free man and who earns a low wage and salary to buy his own food, clothing, books and tools? To end slavery was an economic decision because free labor was not free. There is a cost and  that is a debt in financing a life and its labor when he does not give you anything back in terms of sales, consumerism and the purchasing and buying of goods.  It was no longer necessary due to mechanized farm machinery?  Not all slaves were black. History will not tell us all car workers were black either. But, the slave and the car worker were made redundant by mechanized and robotic labor. Also, Latin America did not agree and nor did the English North.  What if Blackbeard in the 1700's said he can read the orders or the legislation but cannot hear and follow it until a Christopher Columbus or one of his descendants tells him to do obey and follow? What if this dna combination/phenomenon  has evolved and has now moved into North America from the West Indies and into England also; but not Europe I am sure. We need to help the Iceman and the artful dodger evolve for the benefit of the market. We need to help Christopher/Blackbeard also. There are many hurts and pains in the English world and a good $200.00 per day in support with extra sums for civic work that provides involvement and communal contribution is helpful.   In fact, every Anglo citizen should know how to refuel an airline any where in the world and how to do it; like the French can or the Dutch as every citizen can participate in the Functionaire program if they choose to for an extra $30,000.00 Euros per year.    Their base income support is $40,000.00 Euros. You see, if you can grow up in that world and be told a robot took your job at the car factory, what is the point of anything if no one can buy and enjoy the testimony of a Volkswagen; oooh weeh, happy happy happy joy joy joy! But, how can you buy or enjoy the vehicle if you do not understand or comprehend the contract of ownership or the payment schedule so you will not be soo happy in joy if you do not have an education that is sufficient to satisfy your  car ownership dream and your home ownership dreams; my friend?  John Artful Dodger, black or white, might try to abscond with all of your savings from the age of 12; the devil.   


Latin American hegemony  may have also killed French Louisiana. Why would Louisiana not have worked as a French settlement? It did not work because it was too close to an already existing and burgeoning Latino Hegemony for the glory of Castile.   It is not the Queen's will though. A dead North America now with insufficient funding is not helping the glory of Castile in any event. All are welcome. The funding must ensue as it helps to assimilate the Iceman, caveman, the Half Sicilian/ Half Pueblo Aboriginal or the Half Black Hawk/Scandinavian Extra Terrestrial(E.T- Scandinavian fetus in a bottle that looks female but it was conceived male and it can only piss but they always look and feel the same with enough education as Joan of Ark worshipful, genuinely helpful. The piss has seed and is now producing many half Scandinavian/Half Aboriginal people for that cosmetic look and more Edelweiss tastes. I need some Toblerone and some Muesli in my cupboard.  I have some right here. I got it as a supermarket sample. Peejay Padresonmurdermorevarty resents the Toblerone association. Send him some before he kills all of England with his covenanting with Ozzsty(very determined) to kill all the graduates; one by one for the glory of  Peejay Padovresonmurdermorevarty(very determined).  There is also the dog who cannot take the food off the shelf and feed himself or maybe he could if he knew how to open the cupboard or open his heart, his emotions.  I just saw my dog take food out of the cupboard and feed the puppies. He believes they should live and  was determined that they should survive although dog food has robbed him of the sport and the dignity of the hunt. He was determined; determined to just take it; take, steal the food, take the money or is it that he was in a position of rightful authority to provide the food and provide the money.   But, he is a domesticated animal and would be very sad and angry as an animal if he had to go out side and find a squirrel to eat. Squirrels; they do not seem to lie down in front of him and offer to be his Ass dog food.  Squirrels do not lie down and bend over like that. They need to be accepted. They protect and defend themselves. If  a woman only wanted a baby, she could interview someone and take a drop of his water glass and place it on a napkin, put it in a bottle of water and the seed will multiply. She has an instant husband but maybe not a friend. It hard to hire someone for a cruise ship vacation.  We feed the dog Peejay and protect him from the elements; the cold. Look at him. He is doing very good.  Have you heard about the dog that sat on his master's foot all day long and if the master moved  half foot to the left, the dog would move also and, again, sit on his foot? He liked this and put it in his wife's douche as he thought his wife was too independent. She started saying she needed all of his attention. She also started calling his job. Then she accused him of misuse of civic, corporate government assets so he was fired. She tried to sit near him or on his lap all day.  One day, he woke up, got a gun and gave it to her. She shot the dog and the children and said, "now that I have all of your attention."  This is anthropology and we study anthropology as a study of culture. The wife failed Psalms 101 and so did he as he dishonored her purpose and temple but she was her husband's canine creation. She failed by using his essays as soon as she called his job to make accusations or to suggest that he should be just a dog like her. The question then is how a radiator, scurvy and a sex video can become culture? We understand  scurvy and a radiator by now but the sex video is wrong in the home and should not be set before the mother.  If it is, it is set before the children in the womb. The Maintenance man, not the father, should  not be provoking lust and then only copulating in lust during the video.  This is garish.   When it comes to  family and civilization, you are supposed to build a family and household first and then a pyramid once you commit to the simple rules that make a family and then a community possible; the ten commands of communal living along with Leviticus. The simple principle is stability. 


   A  regenerative economy is intended so the socioeconomic policies for Danada should be set also directly by Europe to avoid the faux pas of an economy that is not the sales tax factory it should be but more of a debt trap. We want a sales tax factory with a positive dividend on daily transactional existence, infrastructural costs and expenditures.   There is not enough sales tax collected. There is not enough income support paid out.  The cost of maintaining Danada is 30 times the cost of maintaining the UK as it is 30 times the size.  Maybe Pink Floyd also saw most of its record sales in Danada and in England. 
You should not resent this. It might be expected among the genome that is less inclined to read a book or that was not allowed to read anything but recipes.  Give them enough money to do whatever they will. The money is for the economy and for assimilation. They will wear more posh clothing and feel more reverential.  Assimilation will take place in its own time but how  can they assimilate if they do not have the money to eat, buy and travel and drink the drinks with the assimilating, cosmetic dna...doing all they can for hours to get that look and feel that is pleasing to Castile?  See the Ozark on Netflix
 at the club for an idea of how hard these Iroquois, Blackhawk, Cheddar, Taino, Arawaka and Mohicans of various complexions work for that visual look, worthy of Castile.  But, when you take a good look, you notice they do not have the requisite income support in the Ozark that is equal to what is provided in Illinois or Wisconsin. Car sales are low in the Ozark and crimes predicated on fulfilling basic human need are endemic. This is the Basic income policy civil war. We need to be unified, see more masks, money, hand sanitiser and people who have enough money to buy these products without a second thought to slow down the spread of unnecessary covetousness(Covid) that could kill other Americans from Illinois.  Sometimes vacationers from Illinois  who went to the Ozark don't come back.  Darlene is holding them ransom in a cabin with a Mexican drug captain until you fix the income support in the Ozark, Missouri. If those people are cave men and women, the best way to assimilate them out of their independence is to give them money that is more than enough to shop, eat, live and learn about their bank statements. Some may be victims of fraud at the bank but they will learn.  Car sales will go up in the area instead of the region being an economic pot hole.   Black and Dark is good but is it the look, aura and feel Castile wants?  See HINT water. That is the black look. See the Gold Bond Gouda cheese foot commercial. That is the black look. See the Geico Motorcycle Commercials. That is the black look.     The UK and North America are Europe's markets. They, the EU and the UK set policy from now own for the benefit of the economy. You want to see space tourism and that must take a lot of public lobbying and private intelligence; right?  But, you have not lobbied for the normalization of North American markets to satisfy the demand and supply of goods enabled by total *robotic* automation and your failure to do so has led to the closure of independent North American manufacturing when the foreign owners are not as reliant on the American market but on markets that provide consistent, robust sales without the American phenomenon of recession. There is a secret population of robot killers that essentially resent change related to technology and the automation of life processes that they say render their "What I can do on my own" ways of survival redundant. If they resent the robot, they are probably Neanderthal and might also resent the income support for nothing more than the change it represents.  Soon all income support cash will be paid direct to bank accounts while  the EBT cards, very soon, will  work any where in the US and then eventually, globally.  Once the finance problem is resolved in America with the American market for the benefit of global owners and retailers of German , Asian and American brands, then they will benefit from the investment. Otherwise, America presents a Deadpool on their balance sheets. While evident product superiority and technological hegemony over the deceit of GM, Chrysler and Ford was the goal, your North American operations should not cost 1/3 of your global revenue  when you do not sell enough in America simply because you have not lobbied to correct the lack of total income support across the population to match total robotic automation.  The income support is what much of the American market is missing. There is no coordinated policy to satisfy national GDP goals. There is a vacuous tendency to ignore the obvious while the Americentric Grendel Governor of the United States of Europe continues to defy the evident in his emotions as it buttresses his childish sense of authority; like a boy who throws the checkers/chess board on the ground when he loses one little game and we are supposed to cater to this while the economy is being sold off to buttress his 8 year long birthday party and honorific celebration.  Carpet bagger Thief or not, President Teddy John Bitting Ruxpin cannot make us his co-conspirators who aid and abet his 2008 -2021 reluctance to comply to logical economic solutions that will save big city and small town people across America. Donald did not have a chance while Joe was bathing with the lady who cuts the cheques in the Treasury and while Joe was printing Maga hats and running the Donald rallies while sending him flowers every day.  I just got a cold for the first time  His wife is a great train robber grand daughter from Kent.  They plan to shoot down some aircraft with a law Graduate on it  as butter churner slavic people because Teddy John Biting Ruxpin is the dna of Joseph Marley whose real name was Joe Johns( memorialized as Scrooge in a Dickens book) who killed Jacob Marley in some East London town like Stratford in the 1800's.  If he could emotionally understand and agree with the whole country receiving the income support he receives  as a citizen in Delaware, it would help tremendously. I would support another 15 years of Teddy Ruxpin but 15 years of an  under funded economy is absolute hell as contrasted with the Russian and Chinese economy where every citizen in those countries is receiving the support necessary to fight the financial pandemic caused by automation with wide spread joblessness, affecting sales of robotically made goods and the incomes necessary to buy the goods.      We welcome the space tourism and the space hotel is coming that will sit in orbit indefinitely with the various space tourism companies providing transport along with American Airlines and British Airways. The next step for space tourism will be a 1 hour orbit.  the recent space tourism venture was at 70,000 feet for 20 minutes but not in orbit.  This will take some private technology and some lobbying; correct?  At the moment, witnessing the privatization of emotions involving successful space travel that some of us enjoyed as children in 1968 on a small color Sony TV is certainly surreal.  There was once a private railway or four in America that excited our emotions.  But, the railway is essential infrastructure and now all the track is owned by the US government along with the service provider if its passenger travel.  But, in the back ground of these orbital emotions, there is a financial desertification taking place as the resistance to total continent wide income support continues. But, with the delta covid variant, we need more income support, we need more hand sanitizer, more masks, more gloves and more vaccines.   The desertification is shutting down malls. The desertification has to do with the automation. It cannot be due to Amazon either when you need money to buy at Amazon or at any retailer. The other issue is online purchasing with home delivery is not preferred.    I prefer online purchasing with road- side pick up or in-store pick up.  Why would I wait for socks to be delivered or for food to be delivered when I can go to JC Penny, Marshalls  and buy socks or to Krogers to get my "Good Food" shitake mushrooms?  I like Amazon for selection when everything is at Amazon and there is a market for this certainty in finding your favorite CD and he will have lower overhead generally when his cost is warehousing essentially. The consumer has his choice as to where to buy once he can actually buy; once he has money on hand with the income support. Now, if the president of the United States of Europe in between the lines of longitude at 180 degrees West in on the most Western border and 50 Degrees West in the most Eastern border.  This new President of the United States of Europe has always had income support and has benefited and thanked God, he should know personally the benefits in this support when he confesses about how his family lost their jobs as coal miners; that his mother was a coal miners daughter. It could be that the North American people are movie addicts, culture addicts and the Eau de toilettes along with the movies has led them to choose a future for America that is more the In Bruges(see the movie) instead of American Pie(movie). It is what they want. The policy update is all you really need.  It is time for American socioeconomic policy to follow.    However, even though this is so as coal is now redundant due to the overwhelming efficiency and power of hydro electric generation and the fuel cell for power, we do not need coal for anything but our barbecues and this was the fact since the Hoover Dam was completed or since the Niagara power generation was available.  At this time, until these dichotomies in America are resolved, it is best to find some other way to express the Aboriginal American Neanderthals' needs for hegemony.  The country is in clear and present danger due to the economic dichotomy, riveting the continent with desolation. He should solve his own ridiculous market dichotomy with total automation but no evident total income support, share the income support benefits enjoyed by the Presidents before and after they were elected, sharing this benefit with all North Americans and lead the income support discussion for the West Indies, Latin America and Africa; show them, tell them and be Big about it. At the present time though, the US economy is a "girly man" economy.   It is week and anemic with insufficient income support per citizen while it also produces insufficient sales tax per day.      The European stakeholders who own the manufacturing in North America want to see more German and Italian Fiat built vehicles sold in North America.  How can we sell more vehicles if only half the economy is in the benefit of the full and appropriate amount of income support to achieve the economy's "Vroom" and "Carvana" intentions; with instant credit approvals based on no less than $60,000.00 in the income support or $60,000.00 in salary?    So, if this is the new economic consumer standard, how or why are any citizens being expected to survive on less than $40,0000.00, less than that any where in North America where it might be much colder* than Vermont on the average over 12 months?   They want North Americans not to worry any longer about building anything and to just enjoy being a class of travelling, busy global, well funded consumers at $200.00 per day in the income support per citizen as a kind of happy great, ethnically diverse Singapore North with lots of Asian and Mediterranean and Scandinavian DNA to cosmetically wallpaper the aboriginal truths and the aboriginal look; African dna also since how could you, a son of Denzel or Eddy, no no no no no...not today, be de king of Africa? You are an uncircumcised  Neanderthal who does not understand circumcision is technology; an Afro aboriginal Mohican living along the evident continental divide or Afro aboriginal Black Hawk or Troglodyte with Sans Souci first with African dna overlaying you your dna paths.  Black is alright, Indian is alright and so is the new Mexican or the new Navajo who are all more, more Mediterranean or North African but an original Indian does not seem to be what they want or it can work if he says he is black or white and wears the White Gear or the Black gear; right?  After, the look has evolved again according to new fashion demands, we need to instill the purpose and point of contract in all purchases, consumer and bank transactions; including home and car purchases. The point of the economy is consumer, aboriginal ownership. It may be offensive to buy a house on a lot of land that is your own ancestral land but you are not just buying land but the house. The property taxes cover the communal reserve aspect of the municipal easement over the aspect of ownership. However, only the registered owner can reside on the property.   

But, in failing to remember these truths, you become the people of the lie. See M. Scott Peck for more.  


There is insufficient income support paid to the Danadian citizens.    It’s amazing though that something so essential and necessary as the income support would prove so difficult for the Southern American states and a few Danadian provinces. This is anthropology. Do you intend to kill or intend to save? Based on the evidence of the civil war, you intended to perpetuate death; not life or you were not evolved enough to think of providing the same rations to everyone in servitude along with a make shit cabin in the new territories where the land was hostile. The slaves and indentured would not have minded. They were all half Blackhawk or Mohican. The income support as based on current economic regrowth expectations is necessary at $50,000.00 per year per citizen at minimum that works out to $136.98 per day. The sale tax, now at 13.0% would show significant increase at 13.5% with the extra .5 % being used for police officer salaries entirely. An additional .5% per day would cover all college and university expenses. Isn’t the sales tax now 23.5% to help provide a full $80,000.00 per year/$200.00 per day for every citizen? Think of how the sales tax could be 90% on every transaction except for 7% sales tax on vehicles, motorcycles, houses, rent and also fuel.  The $70.00/70.00 pound grocery bill at 90% sales tax becomes only $133.00.   The Income Support will be $80,000.00 pounds/dollars per year. We can create any policy as designed that we might have life and life more abundantly; not death and economic degeneration, disintegration and barrenness; not to be confused with that title of honor; Baroness with all due respect and humility. We give obeisance. The truth is that if I asked my dog and hoped my dog would implement the income support to feed all the other dogs or just take my car key and start the car by turning the key, I can see my dog will not do it. So, I will ask my computer to do it or I will do it myself. It looks like the computer can do it as an automated super civil servant. An additional .5% would make housing available to every citizen with a 7 day response time even if it meant buying new or old apartment buildings to satisfy the demand. If you were having an unnecessary argument with a king and you are not the first one to argue, maybe you should ask what happened to the last one who argued about the support. You wanted to be a politician for the nation. Feed the people with the income support. Do you know anyone who is a farmer who will not put the feed in the feed bin; and then he only takes photos and eats food while giving speeches about the honor of farming every day? But, how are you a politician if you don’t implement the income support? How are you a farmer if you don’t feed the animals? In spite of your argument with the King, if you had the power to give your population the money and give the money to yourself also, then maybe you should do it and then continue your argument. It seems though the people you are managing are his people, his population. He is the descendant of Constantine who was a just Emperor and the first Roman Christian Emperor. He has no intimidation before his law graduate civil servants who will be policing the North American economy and shadowing every civil servant employee remotely through screen share. Everything is recorded. But, what is most shocking is the schisms of resistance, the stratagems also such as Quantitative Easing(is that the flatulence you get after 5 plates at Golden Coral?) . Quantitative Easing was designed apparently to help the Economy and many experts now admit that is failed. The strategy in itself is logical based on market dynamics using a price, supply and demand analysis. Let’s say the supply of money stays constant while the cost or the price or the interest rate in particular involved in borrowing goes down with lower interest rates. This would be the quantitative easing strategy but it would only work if people had either jobs to qualify and borrow so as to take advantage of the lower rates where demand for loans would go up. The real issue here is that lower rates are great at any time but the issue with the economy is the method of qualifying for loans and cards that has not changed in the joblessness caused by automation. Loans are cheaper due to quantitative borrowing but the method of qualifying for loans still requires some proof of income usually. There is also one other more critical variable that was not implemented during the downturn occasioned by automation. That would be widespread income Support available to all citizens across the country so that the ATP ( ability to pay) is made available to every citizen so that if they qualify for the loan in spite of a jobless situation and the qualification or approval is available to everyone who has the income support as is now standard at no less than $50,000.00 per year per citizen in spite of assets on hand, then it’s a win win situation. The automation economy is expecting citizens who are market participants to have this income support money. When they do not, it frustrates the economy’s agenda to see copious amounts of sales activity to absorb the robotic supply of goods generated by machines that work non stop, 24 hours a day. Without income support, the rate cut is like fruit on a tree or cars on a car lot but without a ladder for the fruit, it is just temptation and you had no money, no income support to participate after the joblessness caused by automation; this being the crucial problem whether or not you dropped the rates in quantitative easing. Certainly, a rate cut might mean 100’s of dollars off on a monthly payment but this would probably inspire people on the edge of deciding. This “on the edge population” should not really exist any longer unless they binge gamble. There is nothing wrong with a little gambling like lottery ticket buying maybe. Otherwise, if you want the 2922 Porches or the Ford Bronco ( soo cool man!) you go and buy it. You should have enough to participate whether or not you love in Delaware or you love in Oklahoma. God is love; eh? The cars are just temptation without the ATP enabled by a job salary or the income support. When income support is paid, direct payments into a bank account is preferred like in Vermont. The EBT card is used in New York with no option of direct payment. In Minnesota, they can make payment to the customer citizen in either method. There is a choice. We support the idea of a US market and the idea of America as a country that is now under the Management of nations. Continent wide Income support provided at the livable amounts provided to citizens in Vermont is absolutely vital and necessary. The solution to what we require is as simple as the will to clothe and dress oneself. The solution to enjoy and preserve life is more important than the language you use to express it. But, the intention manifests as good construction or bad construction, good economies or bad economies, bueno trabajar es no bueno trabajar. The former President was called crazy yesterday for no apparent reason but there is a reason; the tendency of many in high level American politics to resent ownership. Clinkton was impeached for the same reason; ownership until he put the ownership of his properties on the name of his Clinkton charities. It drives some 5th generation white black former indentured servants/part slave/ part aboriginals out of their mind. They are genetically programmed, from certain undramatised experiences to kill the owner. In fact, Hostile( the movie) might help us understand the early American property owner’s experience in the new world dating back to Plymouth Rock in the 1500’s, Anthony Johnson’s experience in the 1600’s and then the experience of settlers in the West. The experience, much like life, was nasty, Brutish; short. See Hobbes for more. We are engineering life with simple decisions that is happy, full of domestic tranquility and peaceful; not genocidal where the sum of 4 hours work at $50.00/ hour being provided daily but paid weekly as an income support to every citizen is simple, curative as a solution to end the downward spiral in economic activity caused, occasioned by automation. If life is ensured and guaranteed in tranquility pursuant to Article 11 of the OHCHR or Article 25 of the UDHR, using the simple quotient as paid to each citizen at 4 hours work at $50.00 per hour/per day as Income Support, then it’s a deliberate act of genocide where genocide is defined below as…those acts or policy decisions committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnic, racial or religious group, as such:(a) Killing members of the group;(b) Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group;(c) Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part;(d) Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group;(e). Some of these groups play bag pipes along the Rideau River in Odd-awa or in Tor-oddo. Anthony Johnson’s experience involved much more armed militia in the 1600’s so he could enjoy his ownership and bank balances like Americans in Illinois do today who are part Iroquois where they receive an income support of no less than $30,000.00 per year per person. ANTHONY Johnson was a black man from the U.K, that owned a farm in the U.S. It was not unusual in Europe back then as it is not unusual now for blacks to own when they intend to own; legally maybe with ten or twelve family members in Bristol or Brighton maybe. Louis the 10th owned. We know him to have been black so to speak. In the final analysis then, The only factor that stands between a degenerate economy and a regenerative economy is the right regenerative total national policy commitment to achieve the good result. You could call it quantitative income support or quantitative economic regeneration. We need more income support, more masks, more rubbing alcohol and more hand sanitizer, more humanity for the North American citizen. The solution to enjoy and preserve life is more important than the language you use to express it. The intention is key. Is it life or death when either is not that difficult to achieve. But, the intention manifests as good construction or bad construction, good economies or bad economies, bueno trabajar es no bueno trabajar. This may not be the point of this article but the English Monarch is intent on seeing a good Economy that is safely providing sufficient income support for every citizen.

Article 2 of the Convention defines genocide as… any of the following acts committed with intent to destroyin whole or in part, a national, ethnic, racial or religious group, as such:(a) Killing members of the group;(b) Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group;(c) Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part;(d) Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group;(e) Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.— Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide, Article 2[8]

The Convention defines genocide as an intentional effort to completely or partially destroy a group based on its nationality, ethnicity, race, or religion. It recognizes several acts as constituting genocide, such as imposing birth control and forcibly transferring children, and further criminalizes complicity, attempt, or incitement of its commission. Member states are prohibited from engaging in genocide and obligated to enforce this prohibition even if violative of national sovereignty. All perpetrators are to be tried regardless of whether they are private individuals, public officials, or political leaders with sovereign immunity.

Genocide is a real and more important impeachment issue than whether or not the National leaders own any home or property; own any home or property. I’ve been trying to say all of this in Navajo but I don’t know how to do it yet to share it with my white Navajo friends. They speak Navajo.

It is rumored that a Shoe, Pelofi Finance Act is to be brought before Congress in the coming days as the John North America NAFTA Income Support plan Act. It is necessary. There is a virus-like joblessness caused by automation. The Shoe John Act will be the cure.

By General Michael Suarez Rios Charcoal ( nickname: Oderno)  


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