Here is an essay idea. We would like to discuss how new technology is encouraging cultural expression in the formal and also in the less formal, guttural ways. This culture expression is reflected in media certainly but then, there are also individuals who are born in between cultures and their cultural expressions represent the cultural limbo their lives and experiences indicate when they are looking Asian, maybe sort of Chinese but they are not really Chinese. They speak Jamaican, they speak English and may they have emerged as part Mongol Eskimo, part West Indian Creole and maybe part Irish. So, maybe they are quarter black ancestrally yet every propensity and proclivity in their heart beat is more in tune with a pirate sometimes. They want to know if you understand reprisal and maybe the “appl” phone has dialed them back beyond Bob Marley’s Redemption songs and the Uprising, quarter black or not that served them all as West Indians, to a place once again when a man that looks like Don Lemon or Debarge is to say to you on the phone that they should have the right to do anything to you if they want if you are darker than them; something about Bring Come. But, that is ridiculous. On the other side of the spectrum, maybe young black people who are media sick might say that a black lawyer is not A list enough for their purposes as they are aspiring to a Benz but what does a white lawyer vs. a black lawyer have to do with a Benz and your image or persona? You need a lawyer who is not going to abuse and use you. Maybe the real issue is that you will not feel right until you are abused and used as this is your subconscious expectation. The entire catalogue of shows and movies on FX of FXX; including Snow Fall, DEvs and Better things demonstrate cultural hybridization, sometimes extreme hybridization that demands a celebration of pure, simple humanity. There is trauma in the hybridization and the experience of being a cultural maroon so to speak in the American experience; mostly in the American aboriginal experience. It is the English experience also with more Anglos living and subsisting outside of England in the West Indies and in Belize with many pains and hurts in the Anglo hybrid experience demanding redress and financial anesthesia; just maybe the right and sufficient income support to just enjoy being alive long enough to heal, cry and just breath. You might even say Blanket or no blanket, praise the Lord. Art imitates life certainly and the media relays this life in the industrialization of media and media expressions. Click here.
Here is an essay idea.
The culture of favor may be tied to the culture of involvement which is an expression of the culture of social authority anxiety. One way to address all of this is to first solve the basic human need that would also solve the anxious need for social authority at $200.00 per day in income support; guaranteed. The English authorities approved this policy for Singapore. If I was dealing with cavemen, I would give them $300.00 per day to give them an easy comfort in assimilating away from other smash “kill, steal and destroy” methods of angry survival. But, the culture of genocide seems to ensue although your unexpressed motive is to challenge the edict; a bad habit from the colonies in relation to the edicts sent by the King or the UN now for instance. But, the North American is starving; not the king-Gracebryn. The King is in a subtle war of systemic frustration that is wasting human life, time, money, salaries and energy and when it happens at the subway or at the post office in affecting citizen’s rights. it is treason and a criminal offence; a misuse of corporate government assets.-PeemJay. You can self create your own unique social authority expression; as a graphic designer, pub owner or as a travel advisor. Make a card and tell people you are a travel advisor. This also provides involvement. An optional job core, providing 4 hours of work per day of you sign up also provides the individual a sense of social involvement. For this, they will earn an additional hourly wage. It could be an assignment to stand with a security jacket at sports stadiums and provide a public security presence or at subway stations. You might also be required to ride on public trains and assist with any security concerns.
But, we would like to discuss how new technology is encouraging cultural expression in the formal and also in the less formal, guttural ways. This culture expression is reflected in media certainly but then, there are also individuals who are born in between cultures and their cultural expressions represent the cultural limbo their lives and experiences indicate when they are looking Asian, maybe sort of Chinese but they are not really Chinese. They speak Jamaican, they speak English and may they have emerged as part Mongol Eskimo, part West Indian Creole and maybe part Irish. So, maybe they are quarter black ancestrally yet every propensity and proclivity in their heart beat is more in tune with a pirate sometimes. They want to know if you understand reprisal and maybe the “appl” phone has dialed them back beyond Bob Marley’s Redemption songs and the Uprising, quarter black or not that served them all as West Indians, to a place once again when a man that looks like Don Lemon or Debarge is to say to you on the phone that they should have the right to do anything to you if they want if you are darker than them; something about Bring Come. But, that is ridiculous. On the other side of the spectrum, maybe young black people who are media sick might say that a black lawyer is not A list enough for their purposes as they are aspiring to a Benz but what does a white lawyer vs. a black lawyer have to do with a Benz and your image or persona? You need a lawyer who is not going to abuse and use you. Maybe the real issue is that you will not feel right until you are abused and used as this is your subconscious expectation. The entire catalogue of shows and movies on FX of FXX; including Snow Fall, DEvs and Better things demonstrate cultural hybridization, sometimes extreme hybridization that demands a celebration of pure, simple humanity. There is trauma in the hybridization and the experience of being a cultural maroon so to speak in the American experience; mostly in the American aboriginal experience. It is the English experience also with more Anglos living and subsisting outside of England in the West Indies and in Belize with many pains and hurts in the Anglo hybrid experience demanding redress and financial anesthesia; just maybe the right and sufficient income support to just enjoy being alive long enough to heal, cry and just breath. You might even say Blanket or no blanket, praise the Lord. Art imitates life certainly and the media relays this life in the industrialization of media and media expressions. The irony of this art imitating life is that it may rob people of the use of their imaginations. Horkheimer and Adorno contend that industrially produced culture robs people of their imagination and takes over their thinking for them. See the Wikipedia article. If it is a formal essay, you could quote wikipedia as a reference. You could this essay suggestion also maybe for one reference. Eventually, then the experience of being a “cultural maroon” becomes a culture of its own; a hybrid culture and replicates when symptoms of this dysmorphic hybridization might result in the Asian American break dancer vs. the usual and expected kata master but he needs the Katas so that he might feel rested and settled in something intricate that also resonates multi-generationally that demands propagation. If your father is a break dancer or a decent footballer, then it is likely you may be a footballer, kata master and a break dancer yourself. If your father scored every penalty he took in High School as he said its for Jesus(the ball went in every time if it was properly set penalty but Ozzy paid the ref 100 pounds to set the ball further out than usual and the ref got the hundred pounds in 1998. The ball hit the cross bar in the rain at 7:30 pm in November in North London.), then maybe you will open a Christian soccer camp and hand out a bible, teach some essential math, angular trigonometry, some Contract law essentials for sports and a little about property ownership and some English. Instinct is important but we do not want the glory of football in our football culture to be weighed down by some unusual dangling unresolved cultural emotions or participles from the Pirate world or the world of dock hands resenting ship owners and ownership. Maybe there is a resentment of formality and formal graduation running around the periphery of our football world. But, how can this be when football in professionalism is all about signed contracts Oddzy!
Moving forward, we see then that the culture of industrial culture generation and regeneration seen in movies, Island music and magazines demands an audience. The audience may turn the gear used to digest culture into a culture of its own. The I pod and Sony Walkman became a culture. Did Sony make more money on a $100.00 handheld tapedeck with fm radio called a Walkman than on televisions? The magazine and its content can sometimes become a wide, digressive, violent mindset and culture called Cosmopolitan. Women who read it are….just a hoot. The magazine is best summarised as cute ways in which a woman can think and speak in ways that confirm a lack of commitment or a lack of appreciation for the husband/ male partner. Following Cosmopolitan, you are supposed to ask essentially if a gift of a man who is a friend and who is willing to please you by bringing you a cup of tea and visit with you is what you really have? It causes to compete with the husband in a sibling rivalry. He thinks a fattish pregnant potential wife who believes in and fears God below 49,000.00 pounds of income is a risk when she does not believe in God when her income is above 49,000.00 or if she does believe, she would rather, all of a sudden, spend time with people who she knows want to crucify her at the hour of her success and pull her down instead of celebrating family. Acknowledge it. See your black husband here; with the beard. But, it could be that when you leave the ghost of protection, you are just a pawn for those bent on your destruction; the devil. The Cosmopolitan magazine is not just entertainment but cultural attitudinal programming. It’s a woman that has gone off, innit, who is trying to share her lack of content with the simple joy of family and the 10 seconds of family maintenance( aaaaaaah!) Like a masseuse, like a machine, vrrrrrrrrrrrr- ran out of batteries-Every day or maybe 5 times a day if its a Holiday(aaaaah!) and she wants every woman to be just like her. But she should not take the (Aaaaah!) lightly and separate it from the safe confines of meaningful relationship. If you were or are in an(aaaah!) relationship, maybe try to communicate what you were or are feeling or what you need. Tooth brushes may come in different sizes but your mouth can barely distinguish the difference. Even if it can, are you having a friendship with a tooth brush, marrying the tooth brush? Maybe the tooth brush will turn around and beat your ass when he says he is not sure if you are faithful. Some tooth brushes won’t care to ask, so long as you are wifely and you don’t bring back any disease. Who you were before you decide to agree and settle is not an issue so long as you are committed to being settled down going forward; forever. But, you need friendship and meaningful conversation; tooth brush or no tooth brush. No one let you down. But, life involves Maleficent people maybe sometimes. So, drink from a can. Order a can and pour it in the glass at the Gastro Pub. If all you need is a service man to give you 10 seconds of maintenance every day, then bargain for that but don’t be rude or hurtful and try to poison him to see if he will beat you as your Anthroplogy may require as a mating ritual. He brings his own food and a six pack of canned water. Where would you like it done; kitchen table maybe or on the bed. How about on the couch around 5 am after a long chat and some popadoms? The bed is too personal. Let me get my yoga mat. Some men can do this with several women. It is risky. The risk of disease with women like this is too high if they cannot understand the risk of being with too many people. If you are not sure about cohabitation and you swear you will be faithful and not have ten service men where you will get a disease guaranteed, then I could be the service man to give you daily maintenance and we can go to church together. Tell me how is your day going every day. Are you eating properly? You should put some air in your tires. I can help. You must be faithful and if you are not entirely faithful, then you risk disease and you risk me. I am not line those people. My body is my temple. It is also God’s temple. But, Ashley is ‘aving a baby and ‘e must wash his ‘ands when he comes round to play with her bits, to keep her feeling young and lovely jubbly. Garish Noviagra is your husband. Set your face toward Israel. See what you see. It could be the Pyramid of Giza. Intend to go some day. God They are settled down based on Psalms 101. God bless Bishop and Bishop’s wife.
The Cosmopolitan culture seems to be propagated, celebrated by people from the Latino Anglo genome. Spanish Iberian women who follow it end up dead, killed by the devil. It’s really only a culture for white and black Creole Anglo women. The French women who follow it end up dead also. Yet, the idea is that they will demean and devalue you to be the only one on the home setting or in any relational proximity. Many Latino Anglo women, Cosmopolitan followers or not, tend to be pirates. She is working on a break up to hold your things ransom. Mr. Swan Pub Alban is the father. His mulatto brown Jamaican mother, not Ms. Arthur, has 50,000.00 pounds now per year in income support. She is about 160 years old. But, she was supposed to have 50,000.00 pounds per year since 2000. Ask yourself who is friend or foe in every situation? Are you your own best associate? Look at the Psalms. Read the Psalms between 100 and 119 and you will have the secret answer. Now matter how long and big our tooth brushes and no matter how deep the cups where the rivers flow, men are looking for family and friendship. Will you be the friend, the family? Can someone leave a phone around you without you stealing it? What about their law work files? As a friend in the friendship microculture, we believe that men and women can be friends and spouses or family that procreates together, prays together. What type of Tiano native is anxious about inheritance? But, it would be good to be anxious about shower water that burns your hair off. Garish started his barn girl tour in 1997. He always sprayed it with breath freshener. He said she was like an animal and said he is the husband and would kill if anyone else put a scratch since he understood her way, like an animal, but he was not ready for moving in. He saw her once a month. He started using Viagra in 2005 and no baby would come. It just bleeds. He uses a little LSD to be cool around all the hard people. Wazza in 2010 came for her birthday but she was not home. He accidentally left a bottle of Highland Springs drinking water on her doorstep that has some of his left over sesame seed bagel in it that he bought at Gregg’s. The seeds were floating around in it. Ivan brought a cake. But, Walt never saw her again. But, she has been with Garish anyway maybe every three months since 2010 in addition to many other ingredients. I said your tire treads were bad and a lep·re·chaun came to help save you, protect you. You have not changed them since you bought the vehicle. Finish your practicum. You will have four new tires very soon maybe; look!! You asked to be adopted. I did it. There was a McDonalds cup you use to leave. Now I have children. There was a Starbucks cup you now leave every so often but, you do not honor me and all of your adopted family as your neighbor; at least. You have told the world that I don’t owe you anything but there seems to be something going on. Let’s try the Confiteor. This is only one version in what you see here. But you need to mean it and say it often; aye! You are in some possibly drug induced black girl deceit about authority and perfection that you are never to say sorry but your soul needs catharsis; some spiritual ex lax since you must be offending your true self. I confess to God and to blessed Mary ever-Virgin,
to blessed Michael the Archangel and blessed John the Baptist
and to the holy apostles Peter and Paul
and to blessed Leutherius and Cassian and blessed Juvenal
along with all the saints and you Father:
through my fault (thrice) I have sinned
by pride in my abundant evil iniquitous and heinous thought,
speech, pollution, suggestion, delectation, consent, word and deed,
in perjury, adultery, sacrilege, murder, theft, false witness,
I have sinned by sight, hearing, taste, smell and touch,
and in my behaviour, my evil vices.
I beg blessed Mary ever-Virgin and all the saints
and these saints[a] and you, Father,
to pray and intercede for me a sinner to our Lord Jesus Christ. The lep·re·chaun ran back to the river behind you…and back to the trailer park. I was on the phone with you discussing your practicum and my hand or Garish’s hand was in your trunk trying to find the “husband believe and accept him” microchip. Most women have one. Yours seems to be missing. It could be Anthropologically not required any longer; barn girl. But, you can still choose to spend time with someone who is a friend that supports your goals and dreams and you should be thankful for him as just maintenance. He will never move in with you. But, you should not be writing emails all over the world with someone ‘s resume on it but the resume is blank because that is how you want to him feel. Apparently the Bishop told you do this. You are trying to be a school teacher but criminal harassment charges are pending in addition to threatening death charges. Just do your practicum. See what has happened to you since 1998 when you were with the Bishop for counseling. But, what was that drink with the voodoo valium just to see who you are and if you will do what ever he thinks but not what he says? It’s the same valium in Aunty’s shoes; Mommy’s shoes also. But, black lives matter. Let’s March and placard Bishop for BLM. But, what about the church deacons and their Mommy? Black Life Matters. Mommy’s black life matters whether or not she owns a spoon. Mommy’s black life matters too. Apparently, Bishop is hoping Aunty will do as he says and give him her housing. He just needs to inherit, be the only one. In a bad habit, they are covenanting to kill, steal and destroy just as people turn 65 years old but they don’t even know if that person owns any more than their cutlery in spite of an age based culture conspiracy to murder from the bishop to the Black Uhuru to drug and disable individuals turning 65. It’s just a bad bigger habit, popular in the tribes of Trinidad also that tend to try to run and manage the English but there is something always Creoled that demand someone to ask who is doing this, that the saboteur will get the intended attention. This is mixed with an anxiety about English. They do not want any ENGLISH to have any authority over them as possibly a continental South American Spanish extract that is now an Anglo in Nova Newbatobatario. It coalesces in the second generation as the sons and daughters of former municipal bus drivers that dropped out of high school, imagining that they would inherit their fathers or mother’s authority. But, instead, they showed their community and the world what they could do with out the education and a few questions in the processes as to whether father and the government is paying attention. What if you paid a parking ticket but then you get five more involving a date when your car was parked at the airport and you were out of town? If you don’t pay, you can argue in Court but it’s a government fraud, abusing official authority and documentation. The cash, some how, is pooled if you do pay it and it could involve 2000 citizens a month at $30.00 per fraudulent ticket. If you don’t pay, they put it on your driver’s abstract.
A pardon though is a government decision to allow a person to be relieved of some or all of the legal ... Five years for summary convictions under the Criminal Code or other federal act or regulation, except sexual crimes ... The power to grant pardons and reprieves in the United Kingdom is known as the royal prerogative of mercy.
It would be an offence to dismember the male sex organ. You could pretend to be MI6 in some childish aberration and resentment of work, class, a job classification, social success and association. It is an arrest-able offence and you cannot consent to this as part of any initiation, marital union or orientation or as any means of agreeing to be disabled by virtue of its removal to become eligible for benefits. It is an offence and all parties involved must be arrested. This is the law not only in the UK but also in Danada evidently as it is part and parcel with the UK in every way.
R v Brown [1993] UKHL 19, [1994] 1 AC 212[1] is a House of Lords judgment which re-affirmed the conviction of five men for their involvement in consensual unusually severe sadomasochistic sexual acts over a 10-year period. They were convicted of a count of unlawful and malicious wounding and a count of assault occasioning actual bodily harm (contrary to sections 20 and 47 of the Offences against the Person Act 1861). The key issue facing the Court was whether consent was a valid defence to assault in these circumstances, to which the Court answered in the negative. The acts involved included the nailing of a part of the body to a board, but not so as to necessitate, strictly, medical treatment. The court found no direct precedent for sadomasochism among the senior courts (those of binding precedent) so applied the reasoning of three indirectly analogous binding cases and others. The case is colloquially known as the Spanner case, named after Operation Spanner, the investigation which led to it.
“Apple” becomes a television show producer and movie production service. The silicone that some use to fit into facets of American culture becomes a culture of its own as seen in the reality show entitled “Barista Chicks.” This show also expresses Amerindian Armenian Mediterranean hybrid-ism. The “Always” pan has become a culture of its own as seen in the way it is marketed as a ubiquitous home culinary, hybrid cooking essential. “The Culture Industry: Enlightenment as Mass Deception” in the book Dialectic of Enlightenment (1947), wherein they proposed that popular culture is akin to a factory producing standardized cultural goods—films, radio programmes, magazines, etc.—that are used to manipulate mass society into passivity.[1] -Wikipedia article on Horkeimer and Adorno. There is a poltergeist type of phenomenon taking place here with smart phones and frequencies that may have once happened with the cathode ray televisions, making the aboriginal go backward into a cultural devolution instead of an evolution. There were more coin boxes stolen from busses between 1982 and 1988 than at any time between 1970 and 1981. The aboriginal Declan Harp character evolved into a Brooks Brothers suit in the 1980’s with Grey Poupon on his beard never really tells you what he is doing or how. But, you know something is missing quite a lot. It could be the arcade game machines also, the pay phone boxes or the parking meters. We can see everything he thinks when he touches his smarts phone. But, the phone does not need any drug in it or unusual frequency to achieve this.
The Anglo culture needs expression of pain, hurt and truth. How or why does a Buckinghamshire or Hertfordshire resident defer to people from London or any larger urban centre; like New Jersey New York; ya naaa mean? How, in the modern era, does the master and servant or peasant and sire or the blacksmith v. apprentice experience in English culture with movies like Layer Cake riveting our souls with two little soldiers actually continued to express itself? It expresses itself through movies like Layer Cake. This raises rather expansive issues. One antagonist in the movie explains the layer cake, maybe; to his boy or to some other old “wide boy”, artful dodger’s son. Law graduate or not, you need to do some industrial work or work on the Tube( subway) for a little while before you get a desk at the Angel Ronan Firm or some other top producing Firm. The writer of this essay outline is a Law graduate and has worked in several industrial jobs. All cultures need the expression of historical pain when the pains are slow to leave the flesh and the human emotion. But, a frustration of the income support and its delay in provision to citizens is not really a culture except there is a culture of resistance being expressed by the North American Grendel Sans Souci politicians when the provision of support at no less than $50,000.00 per year to North Americans is so essential in confirming equal human value**** and in propagating a functioning, normal economy while the need to resist anything allegedly foreign or possibly foreign authority is, to some, more essential to the North American aboriginal. It is a catch 22 in priorities. The pain is not erased for the aboriginal but anesthetized appropriately and sufficiently at $80000.00 per year so that maybe the community can make an intelligible, digestible expression of the present and the past to bring light to cultural experiences that remain alive subconsciously in the soul. Maybe many new world settlers nearly drowned, having to swim to shore half a km in the 1500’s as there was no Jetty or gangway for the boat to dock and they could disembark down the Setauket coast or in New Brunswick. See Turn from AMC on Netflix. See the Revenant or Hostile also for genius, intelligent examples. The experience of West Indian servitude and the violent survival of the same needs appropriate dramatized expression; tongue-less Black or White and footless. Some have lived long enough to survive to the smart phone age while continually manifesting resentments and taking as victim anyone they choose to use to manifest their servant culture. They might spit on the floor in your bathroom, hoping to start to feel all of your schedule and routine or where you put your tipple. Essentially, they continue to refuse to own property themselves while attacking and targeting the ownership of others; attacking facets and attributes of what she stereotypes from her experience as the master’s culture. she attacks his health with tuberculosis as this will make him feel down; humble in spite of his authority as a retired cop. But, your grandson told you to eat more toothpaste and sip rubbing alcohol and the tuberculosis would go. Your brother put some in the tuberculosis in the special tipple. She will try to steal his watch, his compass, his maps and his old sword and buckle; anything that gives him authority. To feel like a king, they nay see your old Audi and say they just want to drive it. But, its your Audi and what would anyone want with your old Audi or your old Volkswagen in threatening your life; has to be a White or black manifestation of something of some kind who would think its a secret vehicle just because the owner is a Brunelle or Warwick graduate. This is anthropology. They remain deliberately under educated with grade 8 only while uttering false statements about being an accountant. the Bishop will not harbor such persons although he used to like it if you would just say what you believe about yourself; in public but after 40 years of saying you are accountant while choosing for 40 years not to take one course a year toward your accounting designation you are just a joy of anthropology and at £13500.00 pounds a year in support, you have a lot of husbands for the roast on Sunday and a schedule to make the extra £4000.00- £10,000.00 pounds a year you needed for your gentrification; whorishly. Most of the church men give 400 pounds a month for a little stuffing of that roast chicken; on Sunday. But, what would you do for 60 days and 2 hours a day to gain an extra £4000 pounds a year in the income support? What about going all the way to a degree in theology to get the £30,000.00 pounds? Maybe you are just a servant/pirate who also asked people to help you with 1000.00 pounds to help you buy your new house. You asked my mother also. You were moving certainly but to a larger housing property. You cant buy housing. It was certainly a house though yet the receipt of any money under the false pretense that you were buying a home was the intent to defraud. You never contacted any estate agents. You never went to see any homes listed. You never got any mortgage pre approvals. You were not buying any home and when you came back to Danada three years later, you never contacted my mother to even say thank you. She found it very hurtful. But, if you had started the open university programme in 2012, you would have been a graduate of something by now; maybe a degree in theology at London Metropolitan. Due to automation, there is not much else going on. Join God this time. Relax and exhale and be honest. Then, join a Church. Is there any reason why you and ….are asking people to steal Federal Canadian(British) cheques from a mail box in Danada, harassing a woman and her quiet life? During these covid times, we need more Federal protection of our accounts and financial instruments; the bank debit and credit cards, the condo postal boxes; we need more masks, we need more rubbing alcohol and we need more income support. For all condos, the postal boxes will be outside now on the sidewalk like what is available for regular detached or semi detached, new build homes. the culture of Covid has made postal delivery just a travesty. But, one piece of stolen post is a terrorist act and an offence. The District Attorney will decide how he will proceed. At $80,000.00 per year in support, the criminal minded will continue. We need to be unified, work together on this. Covid or not, there should be some unified policy on this income support so that everyone can afford the masks they need. A revisiting of all of Shakespeare, Jane Austen and Dickens is absolutely essential in movies that preserve the essence, in the art, of lived experiences but with more accuracy, racial and otherwise. Seti is not from North London and Jane Austen or her heroin may have been a soft afroed Jamaican mulatto. That’s okay. It would be accurate. Without racial accuracy, what is the point? The point would be an expression for the West Indian Sans Souci troglodyte to express, first, his imagination, of what the world is like based on the books that washed up on shore from the pirate occupation and sinking of several ships. He said the book is right and the world is wrong. Based on the book, how could you have a town full of black professionals called Greenwood, Oklahoma in the 1900’s. How could you be an Anglo Dutch dentist or farm owner in Massachusetts in the year 1771? Anything with authority must be French and monochrome like the French book; so John Adams says. Isn’t Warren supposed to be monochrome in color if he has any formal education when in all the old storybooks, the characters were monochrome; even the authors of books were monochrome in the sketches so then, how could Alexander Pushkin have been black or Alexander Dumas? All the sketches of the characters are monochrome so then how could John Archer have been a Black Mayor at Battersea and a secret Earl near Wandsworth. He was as black has Horace and a law graduate and every son who did not make some football team or finish high school, he disowned them as a shit. I’m only joking. he never disowned them but tells them to go to Scotland where they get 30,000.00 pounds and to just think about it when there is not much else going for a parking meter maid job if you don’t have high school. This john Archer was a distant cousin of King James who was a son of Louis and the king of France and England. How could Egypt have Sphinx with a wide, black nose? The story book is right and the world is wrong. Grace is wrong. This is the unusual calculation of a self proclaimed Sans Souci Troglodyte. How you do? Its all a hoax; Peejay Ramtoothbrush says! Benin’s bronze statues are a hoax; he says. Many ships were taken and the libraries of books on board were stolen and read by the pirates. The men were drugged up and their saliva or seed was used to take on their temperaments and help them assimilate and adapt their pirate ways, be a better striker or more agile captain, and the women were made to help Christopher Columbus have children with a goo handed to them made of his saliva and fish guts; hah haih! I sah! There is, in all of this, a parasitic happening, a parasitic phenomenon that rests on the greater culture and it might be the pirate’s unique way of being but he seems to be angry if he has enough money not to feel desperation or suffering in his self perpetuated under funded culture at no more than $20,000.00 per year in support in the outer regions(where they presume you owe them if you live in the interior (GTA) where there is no income support) and without the suffering, there is no self righteous atmosphere or self justification to say to the court that he needed to eat and pirate all of Otario, ripping up the courts, starving families and doing his own thing as the National Secretary of Under Safety; right up to Hudson’s Bay. The irony is that the culture of Ireland is not one of suffering. It is European and they have a support in Ireland worthy of France or Norway. This is also true of Scotland where all the real bagpipes are made. The culture of income support in Otario resembles the Bahamas mixed with Jamaica. There is some support no matter where you live if you are a transsexual like Christopher Columbus; and you have your authority, receiving more than double what is provided to non transgender citizens; like the hermaphrodite 16 year old feminine creature black girl in Polar Express who received a double portion; getting two hot chocolates in the movie. But, for everyone else who is not transgender, the provision of support is based on what town you live in and its no more than $20,000.00. This has to be unusual and its not seen in Manitoba or Quebec. Its a culture that says the government and the world owes me but when were you the Chief cook baker and bottlewasher but you never fed yourself or the people? When did you turn reason into madness? Its a culture of suffering! Its also illegal and and a self perpetuated culture of genocide to refuse to implement the support for every citizen. It looks like someone agreed to implement the support when they decided to put the CN Tower in the ownership of Bingen, Germany so that Otario will feel like it is supposed to; for the right hegemony instead of suffering and something severed. It will be called the Bingen German national Tower; the Bingen Tower. That is all you needed. The Four Tops( music group) may have been servants in Jamaica with bow ties, white shirts and pants before 1956 with their imaginations and temptations involving America running away with them. Even so, they and their people may have brought with them a culture of favor from the West Indies that pits itself against any official stipulation involving work qualification. If you say grade 5 only is necessary for work, qualification, they will say they believe grade 3 is enough for qualification and they will grant the right to work, the favor to work to any individual who attended a Catholic High School and drops out at grade 10. For an extra 2 years of high school study when there is not much else due to fewer job offers caused by automation, the laws involving full time job qualifications would be satisfied so why are we arguing if it’s not for anything more than someone trying to import and impose his culture of favor? If people want to work, let them work. Apparently, Napoleon who was Christopher’s grandson would have resisted Napoleon for his formal Navy education. This is, in itself, a micro culture that is demanding expression for favor and it could express itself more appropriately in a bakery. You don’t know how to run dough and make “12” disciple” pretzels but so long as you are 16 years of age, you can quit school and work at the bakery full time if you want. I understand the theory, that you did ask for the favor and someone in your chosen profession will apprentice you. Essentially, everyone has to apprentice you. But, a grade 10 educated not protecting the public; nor is a grade 10 educated dentist. It’s public endangerment. The culture of favor may be tied to the culture of involvement which is an expression of the culture of social authority anxiety. One way to address all of this is to first solve the basic human need that would also solve the anxious need for social authority at $200.00 per day in income support; guaranteed. The English authorities approved this policy for Singapore. If I was dealing with cavemen, I would give them $300.00 per day to give them an easy comfort in assimilating away from other smash “kill, steal and destroy” methods of angry survival. But, the culture of genocide seems to ensue although your unexpressed motive is to challenge the edict; a bad habit from the colonies in relation to the edicts sent by the King or the UN now for instance. But, the North American is starving; not the king-Gracebryn. The King is in a subtle war of systemic frustration that is wasting human life, time, money, salaries and energy and when it happens at the subway or at the post office in affecting citizen’s rights. it is treason and a criminal offence; a misuse of corporate government assets.-PeemJay. You can self create your own unique social authority expression; as a graphic designer, pub owner or as a travel advisor. Make a card and tell people you are a travel advisor. This also provides involvement. An optional job core, providing 4 hours of work per day of you sign up also provides the individual a sense of social involvement. For this, they will earn an additional hourly wage. It could be an assignment to stand with a security jacket at sports stadiums and provide a public security presence or at subway stations. You might also be required to ride on public trains and assist with any security concerns.

Culture industry – Wikipedia › wiki › Culture_industry
Horkheimer and Adorno contend that industrially produced culture robs people of their imagination and takes over their thinking for them. The culture industry …The Frankfurt School · The theory · Mass culture · Observations
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Frankfurt School: The Culture Industry: Enlightenment as Mass … › reference › archive › adorno
A chapter from Adorno and Horkheimer’s Dialectic of Enlightenment on mass-production of culture.
“Theodor Adorno and the Culture Industry” (1984) › ~gordon.welty › Adorno_84
II. As Horkheimer and Adorno stressed, the essential characteristic of the culture industry is repetition./3/ Adorno illustrates this by contrasting “popular” and ” …
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Pop Culture and Power | The New Yorker › 2014/09/15 › naysayers
Sep. 15, 2014 — Adorno and Horkheimer, by contrast, viewed pop culture as an … The “culture industry,” as they called it, offered the “freedom to choose what is …
Theodor W. Adorno (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy) › entries › adorno
by L Zuidervaart · 2003 · Cited by 123 — There Adorno argues that the culture industry involves a change in the commodity character of art, such that art’s commodity character is …
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The Culture Industry — Adorno is also known for his critique of the ‘the culture industry.’ He felt that the entertainment industry of modern society is …
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