The United States of Aboriginals and Indentured Servants; What authority and presence in the world are they looking for? Is it to choose the Mayor of New York while making projections as a News Castor? Democracy is over and elections are now run from a news desk. They can choose town counsellors maybe from a News Desk but not Mayors and Presidents. They seem to fail to provide for the UDHR Article 25 basic needs of all their citizens. They fail. They fail to understand. All they have to do is give each citizen 3 hours of a GM/Ford/ or entry level Junior government salary that is about $67.00/ hour. This is the Joe Cares Act stratagem to ensure this amount is paid to all North Americans under NAFTA following the joblessness caused by automation. See "The People of the Lie" by M. Scott Peck. He's a white guy. Read the following; One thing we do know is that Isaac did not wait until he was 90 to find a spouse with whom he could have uninterrupted cohabitation and settledness and nor did Adam. Adam had a wife as soon as he was a man. Abraham did not have such a spouse and cohabitation partner. He waited until he was about 90 or if he did not wait, he was living in a new polemic where cave girls arriving in civilization may have been evident where they did not understand cohabitation but they may have sought his look that he might "sire" them but not "husband" them. She did not understand a husband yet and may have resented the concept as it meant she had to deny her cave girl freedoms. She is a school teacher now with herpes simplex 10 as she is studying what it is to have a husband although she has children with....but she puts the herpes of who ever she is with at any moment in the food she feeds her children who is not the father. We know that for sure. That is Anthropology. Click here.

 The United States of Aboriginals and Indentured Servants; What authority and presence in the world are they looking for? Is it to choose the Mayor of New York while making projections as a News Castor?  Democracy is over and elections are now run from a news desk.  They can choose town counsellors maybe from a News Desk but not Mayors and Presidents.   They seem to fail to provide for the UDHR Article 25 basic needs of all their citizens. They fail. They fail to understand.  All they have to do is give each citizen 3 hours of a GM/Ford/ or entry level Junior government  salary that is about $67.00/ hour.  This is the Joe Cares Act stratagem to ensure this amount is paid to all North Americans under NAFTA following the joblessness caused by automation.   See "The People of the Lie" by M. Scott Peck.  He's a white guy.  Read the following;  One thing we do know is that Isaac did not wait until he was 90 to find a spouse with whom he could have uninterrupted cohabitation and settledness and nor did Adam.   Adam had a wife as soon as he was a man. Abraham did not have such a spouse and cohabitation partner. He waited until he was about 90 or if he did not wait, he was living in a new polemic where cave girls arriving in civilization may have been evident where they did not understand cohabitation but they may have sought his look that he might "sire" them but not "husband" them. She did not understand a husband yet and may have resented the concept as it meant she had to deny her cave girl freedoms. She is a school teacher now with herpes simplex 10 as she is studying what it is to have a husband although she has children with....but she puts the herpes of who ever she is with at any moment in the food she feeds her children who is not the father. We know that for sure.  That is Anthropology.    We can conclude that Isaac is evidence of a restoration back to a more Adamic expectation, a more aboriginal expectation;  hallowed.  It could not be that Abraham was a new standard for marriages with Hagar presented as a tool and womb for the division of labor so to speak; like an automatic dishwasher but in this case we have a Hagar providing an automatic delivery of one baby every six months; two babies a year and then Sarai as created in Egypt can just be the boss and call the shots, locking up the Italian soldier who saved her if he tries to be too authoritative.  See the last episode of Into the Night on Netflix.  There is certainly some unusual Anthropology among us.  Michal appears in Seinfeld S9 Episode 16, asking David to save her. King Saul's dna appears as Sans Souci.  But, before he is Sans Souci in Haiti this First King of Haiti lived as a domestic servant's son in Louis the 12th's Palace and coveted Louis' when they would sit at table along with his family. He was spotted in the corner coveting and Louis decided to give him a chance to say who he is.  He dressed him up and two other helper boys and told the son of Saul that the other two boys are Louis's sons and that he might be also; one being younger and the other older.  The two other boys  were tied up but that if he needed to be, then he(the covetous boy will........(Help or kill)". Then Louis walked off after nodding approvingly with the son of Saul (son of the devil).  The covetous helper boy saw a knife and wooden mortar and pestle  with a harness and two pistols, primed and ready to shoot.  The knife was to cut them loose and the mortar and pestle is what he would have needed anyway since he was not circumcised and how could you propagate and have a wife if you do not circumcise?  Use the mortar and pestle to roll into it and grind it up.  There was a bottle of male seed and olive oil from his brother Abel who was humble and was just honoring his ancestors by helping his ancestor's Descendants. He would dip the stick in the oil and make children that would be Abel and less like Cain so that he might be equal, accepted. Cave men and Philistines do not get  circumcised. I don't know why.  It seems circumcision is technology.   They also seem to believe that holding a mobile phone and squeezing it in the smart phone world, will prompt a super computer somewhere to give you what you desire; a Philistine, a cave girl and a cave man; no shame.       Anyway, the son of Saul would have been granted a scholarship in school with the two boys who were his brothers in the room and they would be functionaires as you must do unto others as you would have them do unto you.  This is the law of Louis who was the ROIS(King in French) who wrote the Droit(Law) so that you Doit(must) hear and do what Louis will say. Louis was the only one. Did you think you would be the King of France by not finishing English in a Canadian High School and by robbing the bank?  Are you crazy? We have all the real sons of Louis in the French Foreign Legion or most o f them. It where all the pretenders are.  This is where you go if you wake up in the morning at 18 years old in the year 1989 or any year and believe you must be the real King of France in your home located in Novatobatario Canada.  But, if you were the King of France why did you want my carpet and you never gave it back when asked.  The son of Saul decided to shoot them both because he needed to the only one.  What he coveted  from Louis was freedom and opportunity. He could have it but he should not have wanted to Be Louis and be the only one and nor should he need to be....!   They decided to pack him up and put him in the new world at Haiti and prepared him to desire the tastes of Louis forever by giving him Louis' Eau de toilettes to drink and Louis' stool(poo) in chocolat' to eat so that he would always have a desire for Louis' things and hopefully take on Louis ways because he was just off! He was too covetous, hoping to be him yet now he would be closer and desire to be....closer....CLOSER TO HUMAN ALSO...closer.  You should want to help people and not foolishly sabotage, kill and compete.   The biggest propensity stemming from this Sans Souci animal is his covetousness of association. His young childish mind at 10 years old in black skin as black as Louis was Louis' seat on the throne and his association to authority. Now, you may find people who resent your association and proximity to authority who suffer with this dna so if you get an award or citation for your excellent exam work or your voluntary cleaning of the local park, this pissy Servant Saul dna will get anxious and might try to kill you, sabotage you. He is not the son of Louis or else there would be peace, joy and quiet.  It is Saul and according to the bible, you, Saul, are supposed to be dead!    More than colognes and eau de toilettes, maybe desire to speak French.     The dna of the Son of Saul was sent all over the new world and passed on to aboriginals who also have a taste for Louis' things and a desire for Louis things as his dna was passed through the native communities, also killing the eldest and the be because this is the temperament and proclivity of the son of Saul.  This destabilized native kinship while trade in Remy Courvoisier and other French goods went up as they could not understand how they "needed to be"...after some chocolat or some cognac.     They seem to have more taste and desire for French things...from birth but not the cars though since Bayer Aspirin took over and must program people to want German vehicles. The dna in Chinese and Japanese food leads them to a Toyota as well as the affordability.        The hope is to use the  M. Scott Peck book, People of the Lie, to discuss the Revlon, Max Factor white and black deceit of the aboriginal experience. Other writers will be discussed to point out how the existence of the white black Aboriginal is a lie when the aboriginal truth of identity is ignored or denied as just aboriginal with aboriginal blood first; African looks and hair textures are second. White and European looks are second. The aboriginal blood and proclivity is first.     It is not that black and white people are dying in America but aboriginal people who are described as nothing other than black and white, some fully native and some half or part native.  If there was an economic Olympics judging each country's success using or fulfilling certain economic metrics or socioeconomic metrics, how would America  fare or stand out  in that competition?  The aboriginal must first embrace identity to get out of the lie and once they do, they can stop walking in judgements and stereotypes placed on them by on- lookers who participate in the identity obliteration.  Once they let go of the stereotypes, they can move in black Aboriginal truth and white aboriginal truth  and build new experiences centered on simple family success; your Family. Try that Geico Real American discount.   That means 12 minutes is family and 25 minutes is family and if you are pregnant, maybe he gets soft inside of you at 18 minutes yet what did you say except  but you confess now you  were finished at 10 minutes?   The battery operated GI Joe works like the Energizer battery.  This will lead to community success as families improve and normalize in the world post culture shock and culture melding.    Then you kill the graffiti artists.    If they don't stop. M. Scott Peck says in his book "People of the Lie",  "...This Great evil has been committed throughout the centuries—and is still being committed—by nominal Christians, often in the name of Christ. The visible Christian Church is necessary, even saving, but obviously faulty, and I do apologize for its sins as well as my own." Peck is very helpful.    Just say "God is..."  now and again.

 Black and white aboriginal families had traditional native family units and structures.  The dysfunction of the black Aboriginal/American  family or white Aboriginal/American family seen on Dr. Phil or Jerry Springer or Povitch is taught stereotypical behavior.  I digested from the media itself and from nonverbal promptings taken from the surrounding environment.  Contrast this dichotomy with the human life expectation seen in the Road less travelled and the Further along the Road less travelled. We begin with the indigenous human individual identity prior to the arrival of Europeans  analyzed  through the Road less travelled and his identity during and after assimilation.    Ownership and self value remain issues.  Everyone owns something.  Your citizenship card or Social Insurance Card says you own yourself; eh Ms. Artharcher?   Then we analyze the family before assimilation and after assimilation using the book Further Along The Road Less travelled.  One of the most glaring interruptions has been the warped expectations of the woman in the media's cultural degradation from native traditional mother which was synonymous with any Middle Eastern/ Jewish/Eskimo/Pueblo/North American Aboriginal/Asian/African/ European mother to some remodeled media form of the "mother concept" with June Cleaver( as an example) being a stylized but positive tolerable cultural functional normality. This meant the man would have to follow and become George Jefferson or Cosby or Ward Cleaver; Revlon/Gillette native or not.  The degradation is seen most in the Cosmopolitan mother where a man is optional for parenting and the man might be more of an appliance with several different men serving brief spates of companionship needs in what is the commodification  and materialization of the husband or the man. See Seinfeld S9 Ep 16 for some new world, post modern commentary on this when the Cosmopolitan magazine  lifestyle is an easy satirical unintended norm of self manifested disappointment and testimony in the saga of David and Michal. She was his wife but also locked out of his life as she failed to celebrate his tv commercial.    Yet, you are what you eat and what you read.  But, it is an  unusual anthropological realization; maybe unintended among the various Italian, Jewish and Armenian, South Asian folk and other white and black folk, waiting to exhale.      The man is not optional though for a feminine creature transsexual who needs a man around to prove she is really a woman and it(she) may prove to be more cooperative, needing a man to protect it when it has no balls and no dick.  Will you prefer a Denzel type today for Soup and Ramming(Ramen) or  the wide back end super big Porsche SUV?   Will it be the bandanaed Rapper thug for that hot, wet sweaty foot long  12 " burrito or super long S Class Benz? the S must stand for something!  Maybe you want some fries with that foot long.  What about Lenny 28?   A 12" burrito is not companionship.  A ring is not companionship.   But, when do you graduate....and feel the force of the light side using your essays?  I am trying to help because your daddy ain't raising any fool.  how could you hand out bible tracts using my essays? It breaks at least two commandments since thou shalt honor thy father and thou shalt not steal and thou shalt not falsely witness. So, witness girl child; shoo! That is about three and a half commands. What do you say? 

    By the time you are 50 years old, you will see that you are missing one important milestone after following Cosmopolitan and that is a family unit with a man with whom you have shared at least 50 years of life and shouldn't you have that? Isn't that normal for a native woman or for the Mediterranean/Asian or Middle Eastern or for the Mexican/West Indian; to want not only a ring and a ceremony but real, life long companionship?  There is one requisite for preparation in this life. You need to write a book about all of your childhood realistic and unrealistic expectations of a father and your disappointments; real or imagined. Forgive all of the disappointments; real or imagined or else you will make life unbearable for yourself and all of those ex husbands you will create around you in your life. Burn the first copy of the book with the word forgiveness written on it. Print the second copy and make a movie out of it called  Donnie Darko's Sister;  the daughter of Misery and Delores Claiborne.     A ring is not companionship and a ceremony is not companionship. Companionship is more of the useful, happy requisiteness of that special presence in one's life as shared with another. No one is worried about your bow legs.  Look at you! You are a pretty girl whose brain is more at ease and relaxed in the burbs of Albany and you make excellent rhubarb pie; and curry chicken  also with the samosa on international cooking night with Kroger.    If you would just speak nicely to people and just appreciate yourself and your husband, it would save you the constant cycle of reacting and making yourself and everyone feel lousy, the regret and then the remorse. You say sorry but the real thorn in your side is that God's conscience on these plagiarized essays is your conscience.  Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. If you are your brother's keeper, then why use his essays and assassinate him verbally? You are Cainomina! You are the daughter of Cain if you can't see!  Tubal Cain was the first Cain with a uh...penis...tubal!  The first Cain did not have one but all the Cain have the same temperament.   Just be the female preacher who is topless on stage then at the church conference who can't see that this toplessness meat is meat that might offend some. You should have your freedom in the Lord but it could not be this freedom to plagiarize and if you break one letter of the law, you break it all; shoo!  About freedom, there is a quotient of freedom in 70's soul and jazz music that is undebatable.  The group Chic is evidence. But, then did you understand how much faith and discipline and business acumen it would take to produce, manage and benefit financially from that creativity and that freedom?  You are free and free enough to choose to obey the law or  break the law any day you want, black or white, but there is consequence.   Don't get thrown off the rostrum of any church and arrested for public indecency even if its some residual Amerindian need to be topless and acknowledge your God in your freedom. I think the drug you are on is death even if you tell me it's  the one on that commercial called Scuffrissyrizla!  See and know where you are!    Your brother called Judas was trying to interrupt your Christian testimony in 1998 when he told you to use the essays belonging to another but your repentance  otherwise as a Christian was genuine.  Maybe he was trying to warn us accidentally about what could creep in among us unawares.   But, I see more good in you and some childish, drugged up misguidedness. Let go of your anger and your hate.  I see the good in you; sister!   I know the good! But, if you do mean to tell me something, it would be when you stop coveting and finish one essay in the next 2 days.  You can do it!   You would make Gucci or Calvin Klein lose its power to make you feel appreciated; the way you cuss people in your nonverbal and verbal  misdirected communication of your self dissatisfaction.   To the more aboriginal Asian, they may ask you who or what man wants to be cooking their own rice by themselves alone in Cambodia?  It is good to have someone cook for you.  Give us a call!     The pain of assimilation, that is self effacement and cultural denial in the name of survival in the on going threat of extermination or exclusion from one's territory and lands and world has led to an innate reflex or instinct to pick up the Smith and Wesson (now Honda, Toyota) instead of the bow and arrow(GM, Ford), deny the aboriginal and follow the occupying culture.  It could become so innate that when the aboriginal finally arrives at Academia, they would rather use a packaged essay written by another for their assignment instead of using their own personally written materials; failing to see  that it is plagiarism and that there is nothing wrong with their own shit regurgitation of  the course materials in what is to be discussed in the assignment. The trick is to be honest and recognize you are not in a position to say anything authoritatively yet as an undergrad as you are not a Jedi/ a doctorate yet but just a student. a boy but you can honor the authorities on the issue as you are still but the learner and your lecturer is the master.   In other words, you say Julia Childs says,  Smith and Wesson says, Horkeimer and Adorno says, Warren A. Lyon says that the joblessness occasioned by automation is the source of the Big Short  in the economy since the joblessness occasions a moneyless situation for many Aboriginal White and Black Americans, actually all Americans, preventing them from paying all kinds or mortgage and card bills, leading to a mortgage industry collapse that an emergency income support for every American would have solved.  So, now that we understand this, why does the problem persist in the American economy? Have you seen the new REO Speedwagon Geico Ad?    Did you know that the US Government has the bank account details for every American and they could simultaneously send $200.00 per day to every American through the Fed Wire if they choose to; for national security in the same way they give FCC approval to the robots that build cars, washing machines and that now can and manufacture all the Budweiser beer?  It could be that the problem persists because  there is a fear that the past will be forgotten so its sort of like an open wound in the atmosphere, in the economy to help maintain the victim's stance as against the Blue Coat Government and maybe money will never be enough. The only thing I will say is that my cat or my dog would never argue with prepared cat food or dog food but it might be reluctant to return to the wild, to rob the bank to eat. Did you see my dog rob the bank or  cannibalize  retirees savings with false insurance policies? Only cannibals cannibalize.   It never thought on anyone living that way or that I could ever live that way. But, some people do live that way. These people are not the friend of the White aboriginal or Black aboriginal and they should not be in politics  but maybe a shared resentment of government endears these financial cannibals to aboriginal people of all kinds and maybe the right devil could feed on this for political success but will he deliver what the people need in terms of an income support? We are not supposed to rely on devils to build roads or design them; nor should we rely on them to build and safeguard the economy. He may have one the election because he was the devil we already knew more so than the Donald we did not really know in politics.  Pound for pound, the killer Joe is a political Kung Fu fighter but, he is not an policy administrator and the truth is if 40% of the economy as we knew it was lost under Bush 2000, it seems the other 60% was lost under Killer Joe rendering all American car companies out of business as American going concerns. K Mart Shut down and many other businesses and Malls also. His success is to lead a subconscious, well spoken resentment against  the one thing that can save us; the government that we can think of as the great bison that will feed us and protect us from the ravages of automaton.  If you don't agree with him and his resentment of the Constitution, he seems to want to sneak up behind you and hit you in the head. the white nigger that he is but his verbal kung fu keeps you rivetted. His resentment of the constitution is politically and aboriginally redundant. We have paid the angry wolf man, dog man kind all the apology they need and let's see how Joe would have been better off to just live in Vermont since 1987. He would  at least own a home, three KFC's and a vehicle. We need a less vindictive Political Kung Fu man now who is not looking to put himself on a pedestal above all else. He cancelled the stimulus program. His alleged  citizenship was cancelled for one reason. He was a convict upon arrival from Canada but he will die as a President on the cover of at least one magazine cover and that is all this San Souci devil needs as a black white man or a white black man. The US still has a constitution and it was just to find him and arrest his network of bones, thugs and disharmony, threatening us all.  This is coming up now because he has been too damn selfish, telling people he is the captain now while he does not take suggestion and there is no cabinet as stipulated by the government in his government of the one; the only one.     We have all suffered a bewilderment with the power of automation and we have official evidence dating back to 1959. The income support compensates are human self esteem and dignity. But, then there is a need for the dignity in involvement, influence maybe that could come from a job.  Maybe this dignity from involvement  is optional or you find a way to become a deacon or a politician but in being a deacon or a politician, you are not being elected deacon or president to lord your ways and your confusions over us. Maybe we will have to "sit you down" and put you through national security school and bible studies and you have your title and position. Politics begins with an understanding that,  after 1947, all national constitutions begin with the UDHR (1947).  National Security begins with an income support that satisfies all Maslow needs and secures the citizen daily  in peace,  preparing him physically and emotionally for any attack or need for participation in national defense.   You are a slave and so is your wife creature if this suggestion would make you want to fight and kill that anyone could sit you down. But, they will and stop trying to melt all the ice for your bitch wife.  I Was just listening to Killer Joe, the jazz song,  and then I listen to Carley Simon where you think the song is about you. You're so vain.  So, this is how its going to go.  You will not do anything but what you are told. You will serve 3 years and that is it as the governor of America which is now a state of Europe. You already had 8 years to get it wrong or right but you are only using the media to kill  the emotional legitimacy of the only rightfully elected leader in the country and you go too far. We will help you save the American territory and the continent and you will have your honors for life as a former president. Be thankful.  Your politics is media reactive in an effort to feel more powerful and hegemonic  day to day but it is not decisively curing and solving problems that takes the well motivated and the powerful GI JOE maybe minutes to solve.   But, take some time, make presentations and print big banners for your "Juneteenth Cares" Income Support standard now that America is back and Juneteenth black but I have to pay my Juneteenth rent and I can because I am in Vermont but my people they be Juneteenth dying south of the Mason Dixon Line twice as fast with 5/6 less money on average in terms of income support now on average  and the cars sell less often and are stolen more often. You can solve that my Juneteenth white black Presidential man.    It could not be an entirely one man operation; the insurance scam thing like SL-I Or SLG OR SLGI  Insurance.   Look at you for what you think you got away with.   Aren't you the kung fu Shyster master; the shyster heist Kung FU master?  But, why would anyone do it if they have $30,000.00 per year in income support? Maybe you save up and buy a Dunkin Donuts franchise that only costs one year's worth of support in some states at no more than $30000.00 per franchise. Try a Dunkin Donuts Joe to avoid being felonious and then you could run legitimately for president some day; after your pardon.  You cannot use the North American population as discardable "disposable" in your scheme to celebrate your kingly ego and conniving ways. But, somehow you are in a position to help. So, help Joe although its not really your job to explain how a light bulb works or how the Subways are built or how or what is money or what is an ABA routing code. John , what is an ABA routing number? Does anyone know the answer to that? I do!  So, we will help.    You've been President since 2008; the De facto president. We know. But, now we will help. the economy is now fixed and the people south of the Mason Dixon line will now all have no less than $50000.00 per year in income support to aid their lives which  aids the economy. Thank you for your Caveman evidence. Thank you for your Sans Souci evidence. Your crystal motivations with grade 7 only education has helped to close several cold cases. Sans Souci was convicted and also hung and beaten. It seems G Floyd died so that you would have your atmosphere of retribution and the need for personal justice, your testimony and the power of vindication as your black ancestry once died in this way; maybe in Haiti.   We thank Joe for sending an emergency benefit to all  those people south of  the Mason Dixon Line by Fed wire last night at no less than $800.00 per week if they are in a state that is not compliant to your national policy of no less than $50,000.00 per year or $136.98 per day.  This is the idea and you win with this John.  So now retire your idea to compensate Toyota for any vehicles stolen off the factory floor or off a car sales lot. No one can steal a Toyota anyway off a car sales lot or off a factory floor.   Its impossible!  You have been too...shy! Thank you Joe for doing, like KFC, our chicken right and our economy right! We celebrate the man who held it ransom to get it working again for all of North America; a true Robin Hood hero.  Do you have your money? Don, do you have your money? George, do you have your money paid unconditionally to all citizens like Vermont? I have mine. I am in Vermont.   Click here.

By Cora Obeyahweh 


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