Covid is ending soon just like Sars ended. It’s ending but when? We have learned that We need more masks, more hand sanitizer and more “Fulcrum” economic policies. “Fulcrum” economic policies and the American economy: Fulcrum economic policies are the policies necessary for national security, that preserve national independence and that prevent recessions of any kind. They work as the essential machine oils in any economy and include the universal income support of no less than $50,000.00 per year, sustaining economic activity….and human life any where in the global economy. The second key tenet of the Fulcrum economic policies is the sales tax revenue at no less than 25%. A policy of $90,000.00 per year as income support and 50% sales tax is recommended to sustain the car industry and the new home sales industry. This is the bedrock and bulwark of Advanced capitalism and is of no issue to other policy forays such as Quantitative Easing that is more of a secondary agenda in economic management that focuses on encouraging spending with lower interest rate availability in the market for those who qualify for any loan or credit card but its not money and why wouldn’t anyone qualify when they have an income support of no less than $50,000.00 per year while $80,000.00 is preferred. Click here.


Covid is ending soon just like Sars ended. It’s ending but when? We have learned that We need more masks, more hand sanitizer and more “Fulcrum” economic policies. “Fulcrum” economic policies and the American economy:   Fulcrum economic policies are the policies necessary for national security, that preserve national independence and that prevent recessions of any kind. They work as the essential machine oils in any economy and include the universal income support of no less than $50,000.00 per year, sustaining economic activity….and human life any where in the global economy. The second key tenet of the Fulcrum economic policies is the sales tax revenue at no less than 25%. A policy of $90,000.00 per year as income support and 50% sales tax is recommended to sustain the car industry and the new home sales industry. This is the bedrock and bulwark of Advanced capitalism and is of no issue to other policy forays such as Quantitative Easing that is more of a secondary agenda in economic management that focuses on encouraging spending with lower interest rate availability in the market for those who qualify for any loan or credit card but its not money and why wouldn’t anyone qualify when they have an income support of no less than $50,000.00 per year while $80,000.00 is preferred. Click here.

Covid is ending soon just like Sars ended. It’s ending but when? We have learned that We need more masks, more hand sanitizer and more “Fulcrum” economic policies. “Fulcrum” economic policies and the American economy:   Fulcrum economic policies are the policies necessary for national security, that preserve national independence and that prevent recessions of any kind. They work as the essential machine oils in any economy and include the universal income support of no less than $50,000.00 per year, sustaining human life any where in the global economy  and the sales tax revenue at no less than 25%. A policy of $90000.00 per year and 50% sales tax is recommended to sustain the car industry and the new home sales industry. This is the bedrock and bulwark of Advanced capitalism and is of no issue to other policy forays such as Quantitative Easing that is more of a secondary agenda in economic management that focuses on encouraging spending with lower interest rate availability in the market for those who qualify for any loan or credit card but its not money and why wouldn’t anyone qualify when they have an income support of no less than $50,000.00 per year while $80,000.00 is preferred.   Fulcrum economic policy is a concept coined by Warren A. Lyon; LL.M in Business and Law. They work like a parachute to save human life when the economy with continued automation is closing down on the human being and the meaningfulness of human life.  They also provide, essential guaranteed national revenue with an elevated sales tax that guarantees and ensures national revenue to alleviates any need for national debts that create dependency on other countries. As such, these policies are essential for national security in ensuring and securing the population and also the country’s financial integrity.   Automation was not designed to close the economy.  But, it can when it could put more than 80% of the known work force out of jobs.  The country cannot maintain itself on a work force of only 20% of the population. Industries cannot maintain itself either when they need more than 20% of the population to be able to participate in the buying and purchasing. the ordering of goods with monies that are not obtained in the white economy; the drug trade.    The Truth of American Global Hegemony: It is not really an economy just as much as the border between Israel and Egypt is historically fictitious.  If it is one land, then they are really one people but at different levels of technological evolution. If you spend time with a woman you know to be barren, then you may as well as create a God that can make you a miracle that she would become pregnant.   What was the name of the land of Israel before it was called Israel in honor of Jacob?  It seems it is and was Egypt. But, we have made a border and we have also made an America that we pretend is anything other than what we have made. The border for Israel works. America does not and it does cause economic recesses and reversals when the money is not enough per citizen.    There isn’t any hegemony for America in the macrocosm but only in the microcosm with food, clothing, music and other consumer items. This is a helpful realization is that America can work to achieve something approaching greatness in werecognising there is a problem on the policy landscape that is not economically normal for a capitalist economy. This is also evident when there is no longer an independent America. Maybe it was never really independent except but in the “free will” to set one or two “fulcrum” policies that either agree or disagree with Europe; fulcrum policies like sales tax and income support policy. The movies sometimes talk about the full weight and might of the US Government but,  there isn’t any weight when you don’t really have an economy that is capable of sustaining its post war expansion or its post war population in spite of automation.  Instead, there is  a recess in this expansion with malls closing that were once opened to serve consumer demand that no longer exists due to automation.  There is just enough might to serve and defend the population with the newest military gear from China and Korea, their military suppliers, along with requisite financial policies that will defend and protect the economy and the people therein and just enough might to show up at UN meetings with copies of Article six of the US constitution so that America is on par with the truly greatest nations on earth.    But, we can pretend on tv ; pretending on CNEN.   This is the power of the simulacrum.    There has to be some hegemony and how do we quantify it?  It seems that after all of their efforts at seeking global hegemony with tremendous Multi year military adventures, they are left with global pizza power, potato chips, soft drinks, sporting goods, lots of fashion, watch brands, beers and  movie franchises in addition to iconic perennial American classical music called Jazz.  We thank God.  The solution to the economic reversals between 1977-2021 in terms of stopping the losses in post war economic expansion involves a total income support to respond to total job automation or the hyundai-fication of the major automotive manufacturing processes.  This must be met with the BMW-fication of social policies to prop up lost consumer buying power caused by automation  and  higher sales tax rates to make up for lost national revenue also caused by automation. Follow Germany’s income support numbers and their sales tax rate to enjoy the new Carvana economy. There is no salesman. You know what you want. Use your computer tablet, type in your credit details, pay the $350.00 initial down payment, print the receipt with pick up location and dealership name and get a confirmation as to the day and time when you can retrieve your key and vehicle. At the pick up location, sign the contract and confirm full monthly payment details for your 4 year to 10 year payment arrangement. America can be great again. You could do it.  Anyone can; even a caveman can do it; Geico. It’s just that there is a tug of war going on where Saul Sans Souci is testing the will power for war with his Sans Souci cousin in Europe and not one European life will be lost trying to solve this. We could waste a phone call but eventually, they will see the point in that there is some support for North Americans in certain territories in North America but it’s not available in all territories. Maybe you are hoping for a man with a Euro accent to contact you by phone and strongly recommend you implement the income support for every North American. An income support for every North American is inevitable and this would be the dictate of the economy. The lobbying necessary to build a car plant in Connecticut is the lobbying necessary to get the North American to satisfy economic requirements. Saul Sans Souci’s only goal and culture is authority; not black or white. They could collectively participate in and create schisms to say they must not only have authority but authority over the constitution; an absolute authority because black lives matter and they do but all lives matter. But, he will use black or white to impeach the authority of the country for his own personal authority agenda and he is confident that there are people just like him who want to fight property ownership forever to the death. If you want to fight property ownership to the death you can do that after every citizen has at least $50,000.00 per year in the income support. Some might buy homes and some won’t but the black people promise to never buy property again.


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