The wheel was designed in Africa and the First set of rudimentary brakes for a wagon. The first axle and the first axle pin was designed in Africa. There would be no Le Mans 24 Hour Endurance Race without Africa. This is ongoing African technological hegemony. That's ok. It's just a fact. Maybe sometimes hegemony takes the form of indirect, nonverbal communication. A Quebecois on summer vacation starts applying EU code the way he thinks it should be. Even though it is what he thinks, it is a criminal offence and violations of an EU directive. Case C-79/13 Saciri and others (Arbeidshof te Brussel, Belgium, reference for a preliminary ruling on Articles 13 and 14 of the Reception Conditions Directive, 27 February 2014) Judgment // AG Opinion // Application 1. Article 13(5) of Council Directive 2003/9/EC of 27 January 2003 laying down minimum standards for the reception of asylum seekers must be interpreted as meaning, where a Member State has opted to grant the material reception conditions in the form of financial allowances or vouchers, that those allowances must be provided from the time the application for asylum is made, in accordance with the provisions of Article 13(1) of that directive, and must meet the minimum standards set out in Article 13(2) thereof. That Member State must ensure that the total amount of the financial allowances covering the material reception conditions is sufficient to ensure a dignified standard of living and adequate for the health of applicants and capable of ensuring their subsistence, enabling them in particular to find housing, having regard, if necessary, to the preservation of the interests of persons having specific needs, pursuant to Article 17 of that directive. The material reception conditions laid down in Article 14(1), (3), (5) and (8) of Directive 2003/9 do not apply to the Member States where they have opted to grant those conditions in the form of financial allowances only. . Nevertheless, the amount of those allowances must be sufficient to enable minor children to be housed with their parents, so that the family unity of the asylum seekers may be maintained. 2. Directive 2003/9 must be interpreted as meaning that it does not preclude, where the accommodation facilities specifically for asylum seekers are overloaded, the Member States from referring the asylum seekers to bodies within the general public assistance system, provided that that system ensures that the minimum standards laid down in that directive as regards the asylum seekers are met. You are attacking France. You are attacking the EU. Maybe he sees Citroen vehicles in a parking garage and damages them at night. He has an anger and resistance of anything French and independent and that suggests French authority. He has an anger and resistance against anything European and European authority. We see where this man comes from or this woman and it's a beautiful part of the world with beautiful people of diverse ancestry where we could not say everyone is guilty. But, over the last 12 years with Apple l, Citroen has ended up in Italian ownership and built on Toyota platforms. Renault is part Nissan and Peugeot is 40% Toyota. If you are fighting France and fighting also the EU, you are the Beast of no nation. The ONLY other human that fits that description is a cave dweller Pangea man and the high numbers of East coast cave dwellers that survived the continental divide is noted over the years and they may eat McDonald's and Burger King with us, McDonald's with us, drive vehicles with us but maybe they are resisting subconsciously the technological evolution but working for stalemate and when a company or a people suffer stale mate maybe due to drugs or mobile phones with drugs, they do not evolve but when people do evolve as humans, they also evolve technologically. See the 1904 Citroen vs. the 1929 Citroen. There is evidence of natural technological evolution. Apples may be the stalemate in regular average human evolution where the technology Would usually follow the human Desiree for more durability reliability and dependability and also cheaper, more efficient assembly whether or not it's Toyota underneath the paint. But, after 12 years of Apples in the human experience, who would steal a cash register system proposal designed for theft prevention? After 12 years of Apples, there is no Citroen, Renault or Peugeot that is independent. They are all partially owned by Japanese conglomerates except for Citroen that is owned by FIAT. Auto Ronan is also vacant now except that it is registered and owned by Warren A. Lyon in two countries. It's a business name he uses mostly for photos now. Maybe you would like to imagine that you could own it. Well, imagine. Even if you killed Warren, you could not own it. It will remain dormant. If you would like to buy the business nam and I am not sure what name you want as I don't know you, you can do so for $300.00. Warren A. Lyon can send you a contract that you will sign for the $300.00 or we can pretend. What is your name, number and email address? Bring it to the big computer company with the receipt of payment. The French east coast of North America is a feeder population for France. That part of North America has the highest number of Apples users per capita and maybe it has instigated a kind of cave dwellers neanderthal flare up where there is more of the cave man in people with his nonverbal expressions of hegemony against anything it sees as owing him for his condition. There could be a dead French soldier DNA in these people who is quite angry that his French rifles did not work during the French Indian Wars and set in a course of revenge against any Europe or European country that he says owes him. So, the anger of the dead French soldier DNA is understood. But, then why attack Europe with shenanigans that threaten people"s lives when working for the EU while in France in a summer job by failing to apples the EU code to provide the requisite assistance immediately? People have asked for help and you have not provided immediate help as the code requires. It's a serious matter when someone is facing imminent harm with all the resources of the state held in abeyance with such callous, hurtful delicto. Hegemony could be a very honest aboriginal language but sometimes it is misguided once we see our human self. Have you been less humanly advanced after Apples phone? Maybe Peace is dependent on a high level of humanity that will speak and think before it will beat you car door with a stick if you cut him off on the highway. Applet phone users are more animalistic after four months of using the phones. Maybe for hegemony, you beat up your friend's BMW in Canada where you live but if he has bought a new Ford, that would have been ok because you are a Tecumseh. You also happen to be White. But, White is not your motive. It's not even racism. It's aboriginal hegemony. This is the US presidency essentially, hoping to show the American Aboriginal that they were big and hegemonic in light of all the other hegemonic truths and powers in the known and modern world. I am a friend here and a son of many cultures. Maybe there is a little bit of everything in all of us after Cuba. Merci ou Muey Bueno. Say hello to my cousin Geronimo for me. Yet, the presidency can no longer be a podium for ancient expression of ancient aboriginal angers and it's lost nomadic, hunter gatherer world with angers turned against any power any where that is more Hegemony. Be honest about the technological dependency. But, there will always be room for people who know how to be honest about their now diverse ancestry. Do you know Admiral Kazinski? Kazinski is not usually a Tecumseh name or a Geronimo name. But maybe it might be these days; sometimes? The phone is kind of a pentagram phone as it suggests by radio frequency somehow that you should not believe in a God you cannot see. Is it possible? Can a radio frequency be used to challenge your faith? It asks you to But, Warren A. Lyon proposed INORI™ (PRIONS 2 ENERGY ™) for all Aboriginal people that includes the Ukrainians. You can't say new Ideas involving gas technology belongs Only to Ukrainian people. Now, why do the Americans still rely on aerial refuelling? This is not good for Air force One. It's not good for people in a war in any F16 or F 18 and who will evidently run out of fuel. Forget about the movies. The real jets are not designed to fly for more than 60 minutes. I am just trying to show you something. I think if you take the fuel cell and implement it on all fighter aircraft, then you will have the fuel efficiency you require to avoid risky refueling during alleged combat. Did you see any SAM missiles in Iraq or Afghanistan when refueling? Someone's has been playing tiddly winks with you. You must avoid all high points of vulnerability you Geronimo Tecumseh Ras Clat. Things will improve; eh? What do you think Warren has been doing? But, you want to steal the ideas or someone does as some kind of pirate childish thief as if she or he will get more approval than Warren of they kill him and present his ideas as their own. This is wickedness. But, you need a propane or hydrogen non liquid tank with enough fuel in it to achieve the objective. Stay home and defend your borders. Thank you. Warren has Ukrainian children. I think the Ukraine is going to look like Guizhou, China very soon with lots of new construction. China Regenerated quite a bit since the late 70's. The know the old you are dealing with. That is all. Thank God.
The wheel was designed in Africa and the First set of rudimentary brakes for a wagon. The first axle and the first axle pin was designed in Africa. There would be no Le Mans 24 Hour Endurance Race without Africa. This is ongoing African technological hegemony. That's ok. It's just a fact.
Maybe sometimes hegemony takes the form of indirect, nonverbal communication. A Quebecois on summer vacation starts applying EU code the way he thinks it should be. Even though it is what he thinks, it is a criminal offence and violations of an EU directive.
Case C-79/13 Saciri and others (Arbeidshof te Brussel, Belgium, reference for a
preliminary ruling on Articles 13 and 14 of the Reception Conditions Directive, 27
February 2014)
Judgment // AG Opinion // Application
1. Article 13(5) of Council Directive 2003/9/EC of 27 January 2003 laying down minimum
standards for the reception of asylum seekers must be interpreted as meaning, where a
Member State has opted to grant the material reception conditions in the form of financial
allowances or vouchers, that those allowances must be provided from the time the application
for asylum is made, in accordance with the provisions of Article 13(1) of that directive, and must
meet the minimum standards set out in Article 13(2) thereof. That Member State must ensure
that the total amount of the financial allowances covering the material reception conditions is
sufficient to ensure a dignified standard of living and adequate for the health of applicants and
capable of ensuring their subsistence, enabling them in particular to find housing, having regard,
if necessary, to the preservation of the interests of persons having specific needs, pursuant to
Article 17 of that directive. The material reception conditions laid down in Article 14(1), (3), (5)
and (8) of Directive 2003/9 do not apply to the Member States where they have opted to grant
those conditions in the form of financial allowances only. . Nevertheless, the amount of those
allowances must be sufficient to enable minor children to be housed with their parents, so that
the family unity of the asylum seekers may be maintained.
2. Directive 2003/9 must be interpreted as meaning that it does not preclude, where the
accommodation facilities specifically for asylum seekers are overloaded, the Member States
from referring the asylum seekers to bodies within the general public assistance system,
provided that that system ensures that the minimum standards laid down in that directive as
regards the asylum seekers are met.
You are attacking France. You are attacking the EU.
Maybe he sees Citroen vehicles in a parking garage and damages them at night. He has an anger and resistance of anything French and independent and that suggests French authority. He has an anger and resistance against anything European and European authority. We see where this man comes from or this woman and it's a beautiful part of the world with beautiful people of diverse ancestry where we could not say everyone is guilty. But, over the last 12 years with Apple l, Citroen has ended up in Italian ownership and built on Toyota platforms. Renault is part Nissan and Peugeot is 40% Toyota. If you are fighting France and fighting also the EU, you are the Beast of no nation. The ONLY other human that fits that description is a cave dweller Pangea man and the high numbers of East coast cave dwellers that survived the continental divide is noted over the years and they may eat McDonald's and Burger King with us, McDonald's with us, drive vehicles with us but maybe they are resisting subconsciously the technological evolution but working for stalemate and when a company or a people suffer stale mate maybe due to drugs or mobile phones with drugs, they do not evolve but when people do evolve as humans, they also evolve technologically. See the 1904 Citroen vs. the 1929 Citroen. There is evidence of natural technological evolution.
Apples may be the stalemate in regular average human evolution where the technology Would usually follow the human Desiree for more durability reliability and dependability and also cheaper, more efficient assembly whether or not it's Toyota underneath the paint. But, after 12 years of Apples in the human experience, who would steal a cash register system proposal designed for theft prevention?
After 12 years of Apples, there is no Citroen, Renault or Peugeot that is independent. They are all partially owned by Japanese conglomerates except for Citroen that is owned by FIAT. Auto Ronan is also vacant now except that it is registered and owned by Warren A. Lyon in two countries. It's a business name he uses mostly for photos now. Maybe you would like to imagine that you could own it. Well, imagine. Even if you killed Warren, you could not own it. It will remain dormant. If you would like to buy the business nam and I am not sure what name you want as I don't know you, you can do so for $300.00. Warren A. Lyon can send you a contract that you will sign for the $300.00 or we can pretend. What is your name, number and email address?
Bring it to the big computer company with the receipt of payment.
The French east coast of North America is a feeder population for France. That part of North America has the highest number of Apples users per capita and maybe it has instigated a kind of cave dwellers neanderthal flare up where there is more of the cave man in people with his nonverbal expressions of hegemony against anything it sees as owing him for his condition. There could be a dead French soldier DNA in these people who is quite angry that his French rifles did not work during the French Indian Wars and set in a course of revenge against any Europe or European country that he says owes him. So, the anger of the dead French soldier DNA is understood. But, then why attack Europe with shenanigans that threaten people"s lives when working for the EU while in France in a summer job by failing to apples the EU code to provide the requisite assistance immediately?
People have asked for help and you have not provided immediate help as the code requires. It's a serious matter when someone is facing imminent harm with all the resources of the state held in abeyance with such callous, hurtful delicto.
Hegemony could be a very honest aboriginal language but sometimes it is misguided once we see our human self. Have you been less humanly advanced after Apples phone? Maybe Peace is dependent on a high level of humanity that will speak and think before it will beat you car door with a stick if you cut him off on the highway. Applet phone users are more animalistic after four months of using the phones. Maybe for hegemony, you beat up your friend's BMW in Canada where you live but if he has bought a new Ford, that would have been ok because you are a Tecumseh. You also happen to be White. But, White is not your motive. It's not even racism. It's aboriginal hegemony. This is the US presidency essentially, hoping to show the American Aboriginal that they were big and hegemonic in light of all the other hegemonic truths and powers in the known and modern world. I am a friend here and a son of many cultures. Maybe there is a little bit of everything in all of us after Cuba. Merci ou Muey Bueno. Say hello to my cousin Geronimo for me. Yet, the presidency can no longer be a podium for ancient expression of ancient aboriginal angers and it's lost nomadic, hunter gatherer world with angers turned against any power any where that is more Hegemony. Be honest about the technological dependency. But, there will always be room for people who know how to be honest about their now diverse ancestry. Do you know Admiral Kazinski? Kazinski is not usually a Tecumseh name or a Geronimo name. But maybe it might be these days; sometimes?
The phone is kind of a pentagram phone as it suggests by radio frequency somehow that you should not believe in a God you cannot see. Is it possible? Can a radio frequency be used to challenge your faith? It asks you to But, Warren A. Lyon proposed INORI™ (PRIONS 2 ENERGY ™) for all Aboriginal people that includes the Ukrainians. You can't say new Ideas involving gas technology belongs Only to Ukrainian people. Now, why do the Americans still rely on aerial refuelling? This is not good for Air force One. It's not good for people in a war in any F16 or F 18 and who will evidently run out of fuel. Forget about the movies. The real jets are not designed to fly for more than 60 minutes. I am just trying to show you something. I think if you take the fuel cell and implement it on all fighter aircraft, then you will have the fuel efficiency you require to avoid risky refueling during alleged combat. Did you see any SAM missiles in Iraq or Afghanistan when refueling? Someone's has been playing tiddly winks with you. You must avoid all high points of vulnerability you Geronimo Tecumseh Ras Clat. Things will improve; eh? What do you think Warren has been doing? But, you want to steal the ideas or someone does as some kind of pirate childish thief as if she or he will get more approval than Warren of they kill him and present his ideas as their own. This is wickedness.
But, you need a propane or hydrogen non liquid tank with enough fuel in it to achieve the objective. Stay home and defend your borders. Thank you.
Warren has Ukrainian children. I think the Ukraine is going to look like Guizhou, China very soon with lots of new construction. China Regenerated quite a bit since the late 70's. The know the old you are dealing with. That is all. Thank God.
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