Warning; This is a draft article and there could be spelling errors. This is because we are trying. You understand. We are just trying. Wouldn't it be fair to say that a people that are not logical and the management of the said people that are also not logical are therefore REDUNDANT? We love England and Englishness. We love English people. Would you say you need the Tube/subway more than you need English speaking people with one or two North and South English accents but from various cultural backgrounds? Would you tolerate or ever hire a politician to threaten the livelihood of 3/4 of the population when only 1/4 is given an automatic income support? The population dwindled and many refugees may have arrived to replace those who died of money starvation or they simply moved to Europe. Would you tolerate or hire a politician to threaten the Monarch and that politician only has 2 years in office but it could not have been that he was put in office or took what he wanted to threaten the Monarch. Illegality threatens Monarchs; that which is unconstitutional threatens Monarchs. The Danada COVID travel policy threatens the government itself and suggests the government itself is unconstitutional. The Canadian Government is a UK Crown corporation and would not exist otherwise. The Re(T) case is therefore law in Canada. Maybe the pear phone or the Apricot phone or some kind of phone can provoke a "day one" reaction that took place in the original merging of and expansion of the one Mesopotamian Egyptian Global Culture. A "day one" reaction between brown Egyptian Aboriginals intending to build stone henge as a civilizational marker and the originally brown Cheddar might have been a war over territory and maybe also kin. Yet everybody is brown at that field in Stone Henge. Sometimes these "day one" reactions remain in the modern world as residue although we are all mixed today with a little Scot Cheddar or Scandinavian Cheddar DNA in us and a little Genghis Khan Mongol. We are all a little African and a little Montezuman Aboriginal and a little Mediterranean. Molto Bene. There are apparently white or apparently black people or Asian appearing people on either side. This may manifest systemically and coincidentally. Maybe a five time Brown skin graduate beyond high school is more likely to be Egyptian Brown. But, he may also be Cheddar and who says there is no Cheddar Brown that couldn't graduate four times at four different universities. Who would need all of his attention! His teachers were European pale skin; not black. But, in the "day one" reaction as of 2011 provoked by the new touch screen phone, all of a sudden you are not sure if you have seen a Black barrister or a black barrister buying his own home or a black technology patent owner and Firm owner. You, all of a sudden, are saying you don't expect it and you want the world to agree with you in your ignorance. But, you swore him in to be a barrister and placed the obligation of service to the Court upon him. How could a phone network do this if it did? Either way, you need to acknowledge your inconsistencies that have become litigious; terrorism in fact? Don't blame any dead dignitaries such as Albert. You have spent nearly 20 years trying to pirate and take over a business named Angel Ronan. You have plotted to kill and steal a business called Angel Ronan before you would just register your own business. What anthropology is evidenced here? Auto Ronan ™ or ANGEL RONAN ™ is not any Stone Henge. The Court has copies of the all the court documents and Warren has access to them. He is acknowledged in the Press for the Motion success. If you hold on to the files, it is a criminal offence. It is Business property just a book publishers bound materials are business records. You are going to jail. The business name is not a telephone or smart phone. They are not miraculous technology. Your ignorance, however, is miraculous. What do you want people to do with their education? In any event, we can be happy doing our job as citizens if there is nothing else as we get on with our universal unconditional income support that is to be unconditional for all citizens and not just the transgender. We never asked how the TUBE would affect the Bank of England. It, the tube, seems to pay for it self. We raise the fare a tiny bit every so often and make profit for the bank. It might be more profitable if we lower the fare and people would use it more often. An expensive tube with low ridership is like an expensive country with expensive buildings but a low population and occupancy rate. We should not ask how the income support for all citizens would affect the Bank. A breathing and healthy population is just as necessary as the tube designed to move the population. Wouldn't really the solution after automation is that they should kill, steal and (Artful Dodger, Fegan) destroy to pay for their tube fare, their bread and water. One stolen loaf of bread is a theft of property contrary to the Queen's peace although it might accord with Tecumseh's peace. The income support also pays for itself every time the customer goes to shop and he pays a VAT/Sales Tax. If it's not automatic, people can abuse the application process and delay answers for good citizens whose careers have been affected who would rather work. It's not a popularity contest but a discussion about an economy such as France or Germany, an economy or country that does not allow citizens to fall by the wayside into the economic gaps caused by Automation where Automation is also known as the industrial revolution and in Germany there are no gaps in its national Defence where they would not tolerate citizens falling into the economic gaps such as the joblessness and moneylessness. If a Country is leaving Europe and if 3/4 of the Cars sold in the country are German or Japanese and if the country is not defending it's hybrid Anglo population (most are second generation South African) from the economic gaps of joblessness and moneylessness occasioned by Automation, then where are you going or what are you doing? What is the agenda when you missed the point of "nation" and national defence? The English/Jamaican person is shielded from the economic causality involving joblessness and the moneylessness that is occasioned by the industrial revolution or Automation.. He is shielded just as the French are shielded; just as the Russians are shielded. Many will move to other countries and disperse from London and it's surrounds once they have the ability to move; that is the money, that is the ATP, ability to pay. Would you say you need the Tube/subway more than you need English speaking people with one or two North and South English accents but from various cultural backgrounds to occupy and use the tube? The English economy however, is embarrassing, with all of the world leading schools around the country that could solve it or help. Why? So, then the economy under its current management is designed deliberately to say something sad. For more, click here.

  Warning; This is a draft article and there could be spelling errors.  This is because we are trying.  You understand. We are just trying.   Wouldn't it be fair to say that a people that are not logical and the management of the said people that are also not logical are therefore REDUNDANT? We love England and Englishness.  We love English people.

 Would you say you need the Tube/subway more than you need English speaking people with one or two North and South English  accents but from various cultural backgrounds? Would you tolerate or ever hire a politician to threaten the livelihood of 3/4 of the population when only 1/4 is given an automatic income support?  The population dwindled and many refugees may have arrived to replace those who died of money starvation or they simply moved to Europe.  Would you tolerate or hire a politician to threaten the Monarch and that politician only has 2 years in office but it could not have been that he was put in office or took what he wanted  to threaten the Monarch. Illegality threatens Monarchs; that which is unconstitutional threatens Monarchs.  The Danada COVID travel policy threatens the government itself and suggests the government itself is unconstitutional.  The Canadian Government is a UK Crown corporation and would not exist otherwise.  The Re(T) case is therefore law in Canada.  

Maybe the pear phone  or the Apricot phone or some kind of  phone can provoke a "day one" reaction that took place in the original merging of and expansion of the one Mesopotamian Egyptian Global Culture.   A "day one" reaction between brown Egyptian Aboriginals intending to build stone henge as a civilizational marker and the originally brown Cheddar might have been a war over territory and maybe also kin. Yet everybody is brown at that field in Stone Henge.  Sometimes these "day one" reactions remain in the modern world  as residue although we are all mixed today with a little Scot Cheddar or Scandinavian Cheddar DNA in us and a little Genghis Khan Mongol.  We are all a little African and a little Montezuman Aboriginal and a little Mediterranean. Molto Bene. There are apparently white or apparently black people or Asian appearing people on either side. This may manifest systemically and coincidentally. Maybe a five  time Brown skin graduate beyond high school is more likely to be Egyptian Brown.  But, he may also be Cheddar and who says there is no Cheddar Brown that couldn't graduate four times at four different universities. Who would need all of his attention! His teachers were European pale skin; not black.       But, in the "day one" reaction as of 2011 provoked by the new touch screen phone,  all of a sudden you are not sure if you have seen a Black barrister or a black barrister buying his own home or a black technology patent owner and Firm owner.   You, all of a sudden, are saying you don't expect it and you want the world to agree with you in your ignorance. But, you swore him in to be a barrister and placed the obligation of service to the Court upon him.   How could a phone network do this if it did? Either way, you need to acknowledge your  inconsistencies that have become litigious; terrorism in fact? Don't blame any dead dignitaries such as Albert.   You have spent nearly 20 years trying to pirate and take over a business named Angel Ronan.  You have plotted to kill and steal a business called Angel Ronan before you would just register your own business.   What anthropology is evidenced here? Auto Ronan ™ or ANGEL RONAN ™ is not any Stone Henge. The Court has copies of the all the court documents and Warren has access to them. He is acknowledged in the Press for the Motion success.  If you hold on to the files, it is a criminal offence. It is Business property just a book publishers bound materials are business records. You are going to jail.   The business name is not a telephone or smart phone. They are not miraculous technology.  Your ignorance, however, is miraculous.    What do you want people to do with their education?   In any event, we can be happy doing our job as citizens if there is nothing else as we get on with our universal unconditional income support that is to be unconditional for all citizens and not just the transgender.  We never asked how the TUBE would affect the Bank of England. It, the tube,  seems to pay for it self. We raise the fare a tiny bit every so often and make profit for the bank. It might be more profitable if we lower the fare and people would use it more often.  An expensive tube with low ridership is like an expensive country with expensive buildings but a low population and occupancy rate.   We should not ask how the income support for all citizens would affect the Bank. A breathing and healthy population is just as necessary as the tube designed to move the population.  Wouldn't really the solution after automation is that they should kill, steal and (Artful Dodger, Fegan) destroy to pay for their tube fare, their bread and water.  One stolen loaf of bread is a theft of property contrary to the Queen's peace although it might accord with Tecumseh's peace.     The income support also pays for itself every time the customer goes to shop and he pays a VAT/Sales Tax. If it's not automatic, people can abuse the application process and delay answers for good citizens whose careers have been affected who would rather work.      It's not a popularity contest but a discussion about an economy such as France or Germany, an economy or country  that does not allow citizens to fall by the wayside into the economic  gaps caused by Automation where Automation is also known as the industrial revolution and in Germany there are no gaps  in its national Defence where they would not  tolerate citizens falling into the economic gaps such as the joblessness and moneylessness.  If a Country is leaving Europe and if 3/4 of the Cars sold in the country are German or Japanese and if the country is not defending it's hybrid Anglo population (most are second generation South African)  from the economic gaps of joblessness and moneylessness occasioned by Automation, then where are you going or what are you doing?  What is the agenda when you missed the point of "nation" and national defence?    The English/Jamaican person is shielded from the economic causality  involving joblessness and the moneylessness that is occasioned by the industrial revolution or Automation..  He is shielded just as the French are shielded; just as the Russians are shielded. Many will move to other countries and disperse from London and it's surrounds once they have the ability to move; that is the money, that is the ATP, ability to pay.    Would you say you need the Tube/subway more than you need English speaking people with one or two North and South English  accents but from various cultural backgrounds to occupy and use the tube? 

  The English economy however, is embarrassing, with all of the world leading schools around the country that could solve it or help. Why?  So, then the economy under its current management is designed deliberately to say something; something angry  about genders when only transgender people in all of England with university degrees or without degrees or with employment or no employment get an automatic income support of £30,000.00 a year. Everyone else has to make an application and it should go through in days; instantly.       The edict to show kindness and mercy and not just offerings and tithes falls upon all genders.  The edict to love your neighbor falls upon all genders.  See Lord Reid in Donoghue v. Stevenson. The difference in payment is illegal and some expression of anger. If you are asking God how you are feminine but cannot be penetrated, it is because maybe some are born this way.   But, maybe we can ask God. He has your attention.  You have His attention. Let us say God has no gender.  Yet, to honor the anger that may exist in some genders, we can say the transgender will get £31,000.09 per annum and the non transgender will get £29,999.00 per annum. What do the citizens say?  

    The other genders do not receive this benefit.  It's like saying the transgender will receive oxygen, food and water or the ability to pay(ATP)  for  the necessary goods and shelter life requires automatically while any standard female with ovaries or a regular male does not receive the income support benefit.

 It fails the jurisprudence in the Essop case before the House of Lords (Google Essop and differential treatment, House of Lords).   


 This policy fails to defend the economy.   It fails to defend the population from the Economic variable of Automation that causes joblessness and a gap in supply of goods and the demand buying power (ability to pay) that people need to obtain the goods.    It's embarrassing. It's ignorant. If it was to express an anger about genders, you have been heard.  But, this expression is not enough to justify this disparate treatment of individuals who are otherwise equal except for gender.    A new management team is on the way.  They do not have to learn any new languages.   Now, the devil De Klerk Botha in the 7 generation is in England as he takes the system as  his own personal Pot pie as he refuses to help the people but uses the system for his own profiteering. The  King is not honoured.    He targets graduates as if a graduate is a threat to his world paradigm.  What would it matter if a Crown attorney has a degree? What would it matter if they do not have a degree? Hire both.  Maybe the degree is about preparation just as a journeyman qualification is about preparation.  But, the sum of all monies in the bank is never a fixed sum.  People and the expense of maintaining them is dealt with by the funds raised by the VAT/sales tax. Even if the idea of a precious gold bullion to be preserved is real although it is not, you can't see the people as a threat to the Bank and it's existence.  You set costs of critical operations against revenue generating functions.  It seems the refugees are catered to more Expeditiously than the English  locals.  No other Economies operate on any such phobia about the cost of X vs. the bank. We put up the fare on buses and trains to cover the cost of people moving. We need to so cover the cost of the Maslow needs for every citizen. 

 What authority under the constitution do we afford someone who will always be just a politician?  John Adams was a politician.  The politician WAS  A POLITICIAN; not a king.    He tried to kill people who had more formal schooling than he did; He was unlike David the Lamb. He was just a puffed up, attention seeking blow up toy politician; a  doll.    He was not a king. He has never saved anyone in Court. He is a politician and I am a librarian. He takes his social position to hurt people as he defends his puny intellect sitting on a massive ego.   He is not A David; not a lamb but a pretender devil.    He needs to be out of his fallacious kingdom and  in his  corner and place as a politician.  There is a significant problem quite often. I believe he is sentient to appreciate this. I know he could solve some problem; some where and some how and give us faith in what a politician can do.   I am just a librarian.    It's just that he did not want anyone to tell him Anything; especially not a constitution. He just wanted authority. This is understandable. He carries Charles 5th DNA from Haiti. Charles 5th temperament predates the Magna Carta.  He says, "watch and see what I am doing. This is what I want. I don't want  them to be able to limit us in our powers but we must pretend to agree. It's in John Adams' diary. '  He will never quit; John Adams. Instead, he would work for ever to try and vitiate the balance of powers and give all the authorities to himself.  COVID was intended to do this; like a cancer eating away at civil liberties on the Supreme basis of some Covid imperative and I have not seen anything approaching a common cold virus yet.  Yet, the laws have been subverted and broken with the Courts,  the jurisdiction and jurisprudence temporarily interrupted.  See Re(T) and other EU cases with some American cases involving the freedom of choice in medical treatment vs. forced vaccines and forced tests. A Tests in itself is a medical treatment as human tissues or DNA is extracted in some process. The individual has a right to consent.      We would not kill people and put them through  indirect torture  in the form of forced tests and medical treatment if they exercise their legally protected right to choose to take a test or vaccine; choose. That would vitiate the government legal obligation to the citizen.  That would vitiate the logic of national defence.  COVID is just the schematic of a dead authority sick  politician.  

What social Authority does a graduate have where you say you have a right not to do your job in any assignment or duty involving the graduate?  Now you still have a job.

John Adams was a politician. The politician was a politician; not a king He was not a king. He needs to be out in his corner and place as a politician. It's just that he did not want anyone to tell him Anything; especially not a constitution. He just wanted authority. This is understandable. He carries Charles 5th DNA from Haiti. Charles 5th temperament predates the Magna Carta. He says, "watch and see what I am doing. This is what I want. I don't want them to be able to limit us in our powers but we must pretend to agree. It's in John Adams' diary. ' He will never quit; John Adams. Instead, he would work for ever to try and vitiate the balance of powers and give all the authorities to himself. COVID was intended to do this; like a cancer eating away at civil liberties on the Supreme basis of some Covid imperative and I have not seen anything approaching a common cold virus yet. Yet, the laws have been subverted and broken with the Courts, the jurisdiction and jurisprudence temporarily interrupted. See Re(T) and other EU cases with some American cases involving the freedom of choice in medical treatment vs. forced vaccines and forced tests. A Tests in itself is a medical treatment as human tissues or DNA is extracted in some process. The individual has a right to consent. We would not kill people and put them through indirect torture in the form of forced tests and medical treatment if they exercise their legally protected right to choose to take a test or vaccine; choose. That would vitiate the government legal obligation to the citizen.  

What social Authority does a graduate have where you say you have a right not to do your job in any assignment or duty involving the graduate? Now you still have a job.

Ojibwe global is a bit too lacking in cooperation. Do you know anyone fighting to take or steal an ,already registered, $12.99 business name?  They are really just fighting, as an aboriginal, the phenomenon of regsitered formalities concerning ownership. Do they pull down fences to say there is no property subdivision that threatens the Bush man?  He is fighting Abraham's idea that you could go the left of the Euphrates and he will stay in the right so there is no quarrel between us.  

It wishes to see its own authority. It does not take help. It sees it self as in surrender if it seeks help. Maybe we would say it should have no input on essential matters involving the economy. 

1.Essential matters should be addressed by major stakeholders in the economy, presuming that they will provide the solution to all citizens that have suffered job losses as occasioned by Automation. 2.It also benefits the manufacturers that benefit from a lowered wage bill but suffer when many former employees do not have enough money that occasions low and insufficient sales. There is a gap in the economy therefore occasioned by Automation.

3. The solution for the citizens and the manufacturers is the universal unconditional income support. 

4. The manufacturers still have Sales; manufacturers like Volkswagen. The citizens still have money. The Ojibwe people still have a population. This is the win win. This win win transpired in Europe during the worst hours and days after early Automation. They did not see any recession. This win win was not enjoyed in North America. Only a quarter of the economy was financed with a full universal unconditional income support. The other 3/4 saw the desperation occasioned by the joblessness. The car companies build for 100 percent of the territory and not just 1/4. It would help the economy is fully financed. The vehicles are now recyclable and zero fuel efficient. Many people have resorted to alternative forms of transportation. Saving the environment is not a reason to prevent full finance. We finance to benefit the economy; and to....save these nice American Aboriginal Cheddar combo mixed Anglo speaking people also. It is good business for Toyota and Honda and Volkswagen that will he coming out with its Prius. There is a pure Yoda-esque aboriginal dignity once resented by a Catholic Priest in Pueblo( since who was any Pueblo Aboriginal to tell the Priest anything when the priest is the ship captain and the explorer's son. The Aboriginal is the student... talking about luminous beings are we.....Say Whaaaaat? Don't let me get cross with you.) and much of the Ojibwe problem is to try and find that dignity again without any mask Culture such as English, white or Black. Many Ojibwe who are lost in one mask Culture or the other may take on a surficial form of a religion like Hinduism while they steal your Grey Joe Golf Shirts and your Ralph Lauren Chaps shirts from your family home. He resents ownership. He resents you too for believing in ownership and cannot really say Hinduism gives him the right to steal from you. You bought that dress shirt at Marshals in Virginia.   They do not want that German peace or that Swedish peace. It feels too Russian. The Cold War, therefore, is not really an East West dichotomy but an emotional and logic war in response to Automation where automation is the process by which we wage logically a war against unnecessary human inconvenience in the industrial production process. However, humans are inconveniently needed to make a profit on the consumption of the industrially produced, machine made goods. These inconveniently necessary and logically required beings must be defended. The goods are designed for them in mind as consumers. This is the real Cold War. How do we defend them against the war being waged logically by the processes of Automation? We give them money. It appears to be a war between nations where the Ojibwe Charles 5th DNA needs an excuse for his inaction and for his shameful lack of logical, defensive response. The Russians are not killing us but logic is killing us. He asks the Russians to help him hide his shameful lack of logical responsiveness as he is locked in an expression of Ojibwe Anger against the world and a self seeking self aggrandisement, needing to feel power and recognition on the stage and in the news. When people need money, you turn the good water on. When your people need money following Automation, you turn the good money on.   

  But, it seems as if he, the John Adams Charles 5th king as president wants to feel big, like he is electrocuting them, the people to achieve the big feeling.   

5. In another point of view, at least your Ojibwe people can move around with dignity. They have mobility when they have money (the ATP; ability to pay) and they don't have to rob the bank. What happened in Otario over the last 10 years following the full Automation of GM and Ford and then also their partial closures is the power of Automation to cause joblessness and then also a moneyless condition that was answered by the government. In the absence of the answer, many people casually robbed the bank. The authorities turned a blind eye in many locations or at least for the first four robberies. Many people ended up in a collision with the authorities and in Court. This is not an exemplary Economy. The people in the Russian economy are alive and doing well. They are not dying. They are living. They can survive Automation anywhere. They win. 

6 . We must understand the Federal Bank or the Bank of England is not a fixed pie. Its more of a tide with ebbs and flows of monies going through the bank.   Some days there is something in the bank and maybe on other days, there is nothing in the Bank of England. The Gold bullion is either real or a fiction. It could  have been just cement bricks painted in gold. We raise the cost of transit to cover the cost of moving people.  We raise the VAT to cover the cost of the Maslow needs with respect to the people.  There could be a creepy South Africa DNA or anthropology that has Found its way to government services and that might say hot and cold running water in every home  in the town ships is too expensive for those white and black township people.  Now, he is in England as he takes the system is his own personal Pot pie as he refuses to help the people but uses the system for his own profiteering.   He targets graduates as if a graduate is a threat to his world paradigm.  What would it matter if a Crown attorney has a degree? What would it matter if they do not have a degree? Hire both.  Maybe the degree is about preparation just as a journeyman qualification is about preparation.  But, the sum of all monies in the bank is never a fixed sum.  people and the expense of maintaining them is dealt with by the funds raised by the VAT/sales tax. Even if the idea of a precious gold bullion to be preserved is real although it is not, you can't see the people as a threat to the Bank and it's existence.  You set costs of critical operations against revenue generating functions.  It seems the refugees are catered to more Expeditiously than the English  locals.  No other Economies operate on any such phobia about the cost of X vs. the bank. We put up the fare on buses and trains to cover the cost of people moving. We need to so cover the cost of regular health, food, water and shelter.  

You know what I think. I think who ever is running the English is a...is a..very nice person...!!! How do the Spanish or the Swedes run their economy? Now do the Norwegians run their economy? They are just as successful as the Russians in this regard. The life of a Norwegian kr Russian or. Swede is sacred and not disposable in light of the common vicissitudes visited upon all population by Automation.    

7. We can see Automation takes money out of people and the People are needed. They must survive. It is the defence of the Ojibwe people. It is the defence of the Russian people. Other populations respond to Automation with money provided to their population. Their people Survive; people like the Russians. They have lots of people living and surviving that do not fall into the gap caused in all Economies by automation. If there was a draught, the government would have to give their population water. But, you need people. Don't you need people? You don't want your people falling into the Economic gap occasioned in every economy by Automation. If your people fall into the gap but their people are covered and protected from the gap, then they win. Their response to Automation wins. Automation was not supposed to be a situation involving national tactical EQUATIONS but this is what it amounts to.

There is also a gender discussion possibly to unearth emotions that one has struggled to communicate when only the transgender receive a benefit of $50,000.00 per year automatically from 15 years old regardless of address and location. The non transgender receive 1/3 at $20,000.00 per year only when they live in certain addresses and locations in Ontario.   

If you the Ojibwe are dying for expression of suppressed emotions, they should not be dead after after Automation while also seeking expression.l if angry emotions. You should not use the economy itself to express the said emotions. You could write a movie and say you only see the world in one colour; authority. You are not sure how you feel about everything. But you thought it would be easier on the Bank of England if there were some people, any people, who have cash of their own as provided from another government.      

Money is one thing but it does not always teach you and tell you who to trust.  

John Adams was a politician.  The politician was a politician; not a king   He was not a king.  He needs to be out in his  corner and place as a politician.  It's just that he did not want anyone to tell him Anything; especially not a constitution. He just wanted authority. This is understandable. He carries Charles 5th DNA from Haiti. Charles 5th temperament predates the Magna Carta.  He says, "watch and see what I am doing. This is what I want. I don't want  them to be able to limit us in our powers but we must pretend to agree. It's in John Adams' diary. '  He will never quit; John Adams. Instead, he would work for ever to try and viciate the balance of powers and give all the authorities to himself.  COVID was intended to do this; like a cancer eating away at civil liberties on the Supreme basis of some Covid imperative and I have not seen anything approaching a common cold virus yet.  Yet, the laws have been subverted and broken with the Courts,  the jurisdiction and jurisprudence temporarily interrupted.  See Re(T) and other EU cases with some American cases involving the freedom of choice in medical treatment vs. forced vaccines and forced tests. A Tests in itself is a medical treatment as human tissues or DNA is extracted in some process. The individual has a right to consent.      We would not kill people and put them through  indirect torture  in the form of forced tests and medical treatment if they exercise their legally protected right to choose to take a test or vaccine; choose. That would vitiate the government legal obligation to the citizen.  

What social Authority does a graduate have where you say you have a right not to do your job in any assignment or duty involving the graduate?  Now you still have a job.

Ojibwe global is a bit too lacking in cooperation.  

It wishes to see its own authority. It does not take help. It sees it self as in  surrender if it seeks help.  Maybe we would say it should have no input on essential matters involving the economy. 

1.Essential matters should be addressed by major stakeholders in the economy, presuming that they will provide the solution to all citizens that have suffered job losses as occasioned by Automation.   2.It also benefits the manufacturers that benefit from a lowered wage bill but suffer when many former employees  do not have enough money that occasions low and insufficient sales. There is a gap in the economy therefore occasioned by Automation.

3. The solution for the citizens and the manufacturers is the universal unconditional income support. 

4. The manufacturers still have Sales; manufacturers like Volkswagen.    The citizens still have money. The Ojibwe people still have a population.  This is the win win. This win win transpired in Europe during the worst hours and days after early Automation. They did not see any recession. This win win was not enjoyed in North America.  Only a quarter of the economy was financed with a full universal unconditional income support.  The other 3/4 saw the desperation occasioned by the joblessness.  The car companies build for 100 percent of the territory and not just 1/4.  It would help the economy is fully financed.  The vehicles are now recyclable and zero fuel efficient.  Many people have resorted to alternative forms of transportation.  Saving the environment is not a reason to prevent full finance. We finance to benefit the economy; and to....save these nice American Aboriginal Cheddar combo mixed Anglo speaking people also. It is good business for Toyota and Honda and Volkswagen that will he coming out with its Prius.  There is a pure Yoda-esque aboriginal dignity once resented by a Catholic Priest in Pueblo( since who was any Pueblo Aboriginal to tell the Priest  anything when the priest is the ship captain and the explorer's son.  The Aboriginal is the student... talking about luminous beings are we.....Say Whaaaaat? Don't let me get cross with you.) and  much of the Ojibwe problem is to try and find that dignity again without any mask Culture such as English, white or Black. Many Ojibwe who are lost in one mask Culture or the other may take on a surficial form of a religion like Hinduism while they steal your Grey Joe Golf Shirts and your Ralph Lauren Chaps shirts from your family home. He resents ownership. He resents you too for believing in ownership and cannot really say Hinduism gives him the right to steal from you. You bought that dress shirt at Marshals in Virginia. They do not want that German peace or that Swedish peace.  It feels too Russian.  The Cold War, therefore, is not really an East West dichotomy but an emotional and logic war in response to Automation where automation is the process by which we wage logically a war against unnecessary human inconvenience in the industrial production process.  However, humans are inconveniently  needed to make a profit on the consumption of the industrially produced, machine made goods.  These inconveniently necessary and logically required beings  must be defended.  The goods are designed for them in mind as consumers.   This is the real Cold War. How do we defend them against the war being waged logically by the processes of Automation?  We give them money.    It appears to be a war between nations where the Ojibwe Charles 5th DNA needs an excuse for his inaction and for his shameful lack of logical, defensive response; a cave man whose DNA  entered royalty when his Grendel father was hired as a domestic and then killed the son and daughter of Charles 4th with his hands, breaking their necks.  He was killed and then they killed all the cave people they could while putting the Grendel's son in the throne as  Charles 5th.   He killed his adoptive father in an impatience to be the King.    The Russians are not killing us but logic is killing us. Wouldn't it be logical to at least follow the examples of other Economies with respect to an  income support that solves the gap occasioned by Automation.     He asks the Russians to help him hide his shameful lack of logical responsiveness as he is locked in an expression of Ojibwe Anger against the world and a self seeking  self aggrandisement, needing to feel power and recognition on the stage and in the news. When people need money, you turn the good water on. When your people need money following Automation, you turn the good money on.   

  But, it seems as if he, the John Adams Charles 5th king as president wants to feel big, like he is electrocuting them, the people to achieve the big feeling.   

5.  In another point if view, at least your Ojibwe people can move around with dignity.  They have mobility when they have  money (the ATP; ability to pay) and they don't have to rob the bank. What happened in Otario over the last 10 years following the full Automation of GM and Ford and then also their partial closures is the power of Automation to cause joblessness and then also a moneyless condition that was answered by the government. In the absence of the answer,  many people casually robbed the bank. The authorities turned a blind eye in many locations or at least for the first four robberies.   Many people ended up in a collision with the authorities and in Court.  This is not an exemplary Economy.  The people in the Russian  economy are alive and doing well.    They are not dying. They are living. They can survive Automation anywhere.  They win. 

6 .  We must understand the Federal Bank or the Bank of England is not a fixed pie.  Its more of a tide. Some days there is something in the bank and maybe on other days, there is nothing in the Bank of England.  The Gold bullion is either real or a fiction. But, the sum of all monies in the bank is never a fixed sum.  The people and the expense of maintaining them is dealt with by the funds raised by the VAT/sales tax.    It does not affect your shopping. We could say there is VAT on everything except clothing, colognes, jewelleries and Watches maybe. We could say the politicians are exempt from the VAT and the other dignitaries like the Dukes and the Barons and any other dignitaries with title  as they use their government issued all expense paid shopping card.    Even if it's real, you can't see the people as a threat to the Bank and it's existence. No other Economies operate on any such phobia.  We put up the fare on buses and trains  to cover the cost of people moving. We need to so cover the cost of pellet breathing.  

You know what I think.  I think who ever is running the English is a...is a..very nice person...!!! How do the Spanish or the Swedes run their economy? Now do the Norwegians run their economy? They are just as successful as the Russians in this regard.  The life of a Norwegian kr Russian or. Swede is sacred and not disposable in light of the common vicissitudes visited upon all  population by Automation.    

7.  We can see Automation takes money out of people and the People are needed. They must survive. It is the defence of the Ojibwe people. It is the defence of the Russian people.  You have lost a lot of people to an economic variable called automation.  How could you let an economic variable kill your population.    Other populations respond to Automation with money provided to their population.  Their people Survive; people like the Russians.  They have lots of people living  and surviving that do not fall into the gap caused in all Economies by automation. If there was a draught, the government would have to give their population water.  But, you need people. Don't you need people? You don't want your people falling into the Economic gap occasioned in every economy by Automation. If your people fall into the gap but their people are covered and protected from the gap, then they win. Their response to Automation wins.  Automation was not supposed to be a situation involving national tactical EQUATIONS but this is what it amounts to.

There is  also  a gender discussion possibly to unearth emotions that one has struggled to communicate when only the transgender receive a benefit of $50,000.00 per year  automatically from 15 years old regardless of address and location. The non transgender receive 1/3 at $20,000.00 per year only when they live in certain addresses and locations in Ontario.   

If you the Ojibwe are dying for expression of  suppressed emotions, they should not be dead after after Automation while also seeking expression.l if angry emotions. You should not use the economy itself to express the said emotions. You could write a movie and say you only see the world in one colour; authority. You are not sure how you feel about everything. But you thought it would be easier on the Bank of England if there were some people, any people, who have cash of their own as provided from another government.      

I used to real comics and wanted to celebrate Americana.  I still do read the comics  but I realised Americana is dying on the losing team when it comes to national income support policy.  

Money is one thing but it does not always teach you and tell you who to trust.  

Ojibwe global is a bit too lacking in cooperation.  

It wishes to see its own authority. It does not take help. It sees it self as in  surrender if it seeks help.  Maybe we would say it should have no input on essential matters involving the economy. 

1.Essential matters should be addressed by major stakeholders in the economy, presuming that they will provide the solution to all citizens that have suffered job losses as occasioned by Automation.  

 2.It also benefits the manufacturers that benefit from a lowered wage bill but suffer when many former employees  do not have enough money that occasions low and insufficient sales. There is a gap in the economy therefore occasioned by Automation.

3. The solution for the citizens and the manufacturers is the universal unconditional income support. 

4. The manufacturers still have Sales; manufacturers like Volkswagen.    The citizens still have money. The Ojibwe people still have a population.  This is the win win. This win win transpired in Europe during the worst hours and days after early Automation. They did not see any recession. This win win was not enjoyed in North America.  Only a quarter of the economy was financed with a full universal unconditional income support.  The other 3/4 saw the desperation occasioned by the joblessness.  The car companies build for 100 percent of the territory and not just 1/4.  It would help the economy is fully financed.  The vehicles are now recyclable and zero fuel efficient.  Many people have resorted to alternative forms of transportation.  Saving the environment is not a reason to prevent full finance. We finance to benefit the economy; and to....save these nice American Aboriginal Cheddar combo mixed Anglo speaking people also. It is good business for Toyota and Honda and Volkswagen that will he coming out with its Prius.  There is a pure Yoda-esque aboriginal dignity once resented by a Catholic Priest in Pueblo( since who was any Pueblo Aboriginal to tell the Priest  anything when the priest is the ship captain and the explorer's son.  The Aboriginal is the student... talking about luminous beings are we.....Say Whaaaaat? Don't let me get cross with you.) and  much of the Ojibwe problem is to try and find that dignity again without any mask Culture such as English, white or Black. Many Ojibwe who are lost in one mask Culture or the other may take on a surficial form of a religion like Hinduism while they steal your Grey Joe Golf Shirts and your Ralph Lauren Chaps shirts from your family home. He resents ownership. He resents you too for believing in ownership and cannot really say Hinduism gives him the right to steal from you. You bought that dress shirt at Marshals in Virginia. They do not want that German peace or that Swedish peace.  It feels too Russian.  The Cold War, therefore, is not really an East West dichotomy but an emotional and logic war in response to Automation where automation is the process by which we wage logically a war against unnecessary human inconvenience in the industrial production process.  However, humans are inconveniently  needed to make a profit on the consumption of the industrially produced, machine made goods.  These inconveniently necessary and logically required beings  must be defended.  The goods are designed for them in mind as consumers.   This is the real Cold War. How do we defend them against the war being waged logically by the processes of Automation?  We give them money.    It appears to be a war between nations where the Ojibwe Charles 5th DNA needs an excuse for his inaction and for his shameful lack of logical, defensive response.  The Russians are not killing us but logic is killing us.  He asks the Russians to help him hide his shameful lack of logical responsiveness as he is locked in an expression of Ojibwe Anger against the world and a self seeking  self aggrandisement, needing to feel power and recognition on the stage and in the news. When people need money, you turn the good water on. When your people need money following Automation, you turn the good money on.   

  But, it seems as if he, the John Adams Charles 5th king as president wants to feel big, like he is electrocuting them, the people to achieve the big feeling.   

5.  In another point of view, at least your Ojibwe people can move around with dignity.  They have mobility when they have  money (the ATP; ability to pay) and they don't have to rob the bank. What happened in Otario over the last 10 years following the full Automation of GM and Ford and then also their partial closures is the power of Automation to cause joblessness and then also a moneyless condition that was answered by the government. In the absence of the answer,  many people casually robbed the bank. The authorities turned a blind eye in many locations or at least for the first four robberies.   Many people ended up in a collision with the authorities and in Court.  This is not an exemplary Economy.  The people in the Russian  economy are alive and doing well.    They are not dying. They are living. They can survive Automation anywhere.  They win. 

6 .  We must understand the Federal Bank or the Federal Central English United Kingdom Bank is not a fixed pie. You would never have to sell a gold hair pin or gold golf ball preserved in the bank or any Jewels to pay for the Maslow needs required by the people.   Its more of a tide. Some days there is something in the bank and maybe on other days, there is nothing in the Bank of England.  The Gold bullion is either real or a fiction. But, the sum of all monies in the bank is never a fixed sum.  The people and the expense of maintaining them is dealt with by the funds raised by the VAT/sales tax.    Even if it's real, you can't see the people as a threat to the Bank and it's existence. No other Economies operate on any such phobia.  We put up the fare on buses and trains  to cover the cost of people moving. We need to so cover the cost of pellet breathing.  

You know what I think.  I think who ever is running the English is a...is a..very nice person...!!! How do the Spanish or the Swedes run their economy? Now do the Norwegians run their economy? They are just as successful as the Russians in this regard.  The life of a Norwegian kr Russian or. Swede is sacred and not disposable in light of the common vicissitudes visited upon all  population by Automation.    

7.  We can see Automation takes money out of people and the People are needed. They must survive. It is the defence of the Ojibwe people. It is the defence of the Russian people; the defence of any self respecting population. This defence should not be obfuscated by an personal vendettas in income support policy about gender.      Other populations respond to Automation with money provided to their population.  Their people Survive; people like the Russians.  They have lots of people living  and surviving that do not fall into the gap caused in all Economies by automation. If there was a draught, the government would have to give their population water.  But, you need people. Don't you need people? You don't want your people falling into the Economic gap occasioned in every economy by Automation. If your people fall into the gap but their people are covered and protected from the gap, then they win. Their response to Automation wins.  Automation was not supposed to be a situation involving national tactical EQUATIONS but this is what it amounts to.

There is  also  a gender discussion possibly to unearth emotions that one has struggled to communicate when only the transgender receive a benefit of $50,000.00 per year  automatically from 15 years old regardless of address and location. The non transgender receive 1/3 at $20,000.00 per year only when they live in certain addresses and locations in Ontario.   

If you the Ojibwe are dying for expression of  suppressed emotions, they should not be dead after after Automation while also seeking expression.l if angry emotions. You should not use the economy itself to express the said emotions. You could write a movie and say you only see the world in one colour; authority. You are not sure how you feel about everything. But you thought it would be easier on the Bank of England if there were some people, any people, who have cash of their own as provided from another government.      

Money is one thing but it does not always teach you and tell you who to trust.  






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