Paying only the transgender £30,000.00 per year automatically in the England (UK) or $50,000.00 in Canada(UK) is a mistake. Chasing Someone to the death for a $12.00 business name is really a myopic anthropological expression of the neanderthals resentment of formalities, an assault on ownership. You are supposed to be the stalwarts of human rights, the shining light of civilization and the beacon of capitalism and it's equitable virtues. Paying an equal benefit to all citizens is what Capitalism wants so all citizens can participate in the buying power capitalism demands of the economy, to buy the machine made goods. If the first brewer in the UK appears 200 years after the first brewery in France, we can see the English are emotionally and technologically, that is economically behind the rest of Europe. There can be no state sponsored gender inequality. What is the point of inheritance if you don't want any ownership when INHERITANCE is ownership yet ownership is against your Aboriginal sanctities? Maybe you think you have the right to poison people in your efforts to inherit; maybe your kind poisons the economy also. Economics, Anthropology, the Law and the Bahamians: The English man must defend himself against the power of Automation. The Russians, the Japanese, the French and the Swiss have defended themselves against the power of Automation; it's power to cause joblessness and moneylessness. Would I ever design a Transportation system or Tube to kill people? Would I ever design a "people system" to kill people, about 5/6 of the population, or ignore their essential needs as disenfranchising them? What if only transgender people were allowed to ride the tube along with tourists? Would you design a "people /benefits system" that only satisfies the needs of transgender people? Maternity leave is given to all. Genders equally upon request. Automatic income support benefits should also be given to every gender equally within the standard of Europe. This would fail system legitimacy and capitalism's system logic. You build cars and other goods for an entire population that need the ability to pay; not just 1/6 of the population. The transgender amount to only 1/6 of the population, they are given an automatic income support and they still commit crimes. They still murder. They still conspire to kill your son and daughter, hoping to inherit your property over him and her. They still express unusual anthropology. As this is unusual, the French system pays all citizens. They have had breweries since 1366; Stela Artois. How can you have a brewery without a contract? The oldest English brewery dates back to 1597 in Wandsworth. Then, England is really a student of French jurisprudence and French contract. But, we are two hundred years behind. We have to follow what is good but we cannot wait 200 years. To provide an automatic support from 15 years old only to the transgender fails national defence logic. It fails the expectations of English human rights law. You need to defend your population against the power of automation. Only the needs of the transgender are answered automatically in the UK English system and in the Ontario (UK). In fact, the average Spaniard or Mexican is 10 times more likely to survive Automation than the average Anglo in England or Ontario because the Spanish or Mexican government provided the Spaniard and the Mexican with an automatic income support. The French, the Spanish and the Germans are ten times more likely to survive Automation as new arrivals to the UK or as residents in the UK; above and beyond the likelihood of survival accorded to UK born citizens who do not receive this funding automatically; except for the transgender individuals who do receive the income support automatically at £30,000.00 per year. This is unusual, nonsensical, illegal and awkward. It's like a naked economy. It is as awkward as a woman naked on the tube. Maybe someone is following a French story book about the king starving his people. It never happened as you can see the history of the French rolls confirms a stipend was paid to each citizen but certainly from the 14th century with evidence also seen in the confidence of Stela Artois that the average French man had the ATP(ability to pay) so what is the point of following a tragedy anyway? It was the last king; not all French Kings. Why would you follow the last king who allegedly starved the people and was then chopped up? It never happened. He is at the Louvre or his family is. He coined the phrase, "He who lives in glass houses should not throw stones." But, if you follow a tragic story, you get a tragic result. The issue is identity confusion and historical dishonesty. There is nothing wrong with a Spanish man or Spanish woman that respects the African truth of Egypt. All Spanish men do respect Egypt. White is dead and was designed as a divisive but comfy obfuscation North American Aboriginal identity. Black was designed the same way. The Vermont and Massachusetts black have never known a day without INCOME SUPPORT that they call the dole since the 1600's. This lack of proper UK income support affected any sense of natural Hegemony, any sense of national identity and the ANGLICAN does pray about this feeling as if they have been routed, run over but it was caused by some economic failure by an Atlee to implement a full INCOME support for every citizen. The Anglican seems to have ended up in Spain, donating to the Catholic Church and eating Spanish Tapas. I'm an Anglican School boy but I am not sure if I am going to Spain to get relief from the economic inhumanity going on in the UK as confirmed by the Essop case. What do the Judges say? There is a loss of any sense of territorial integrity. We want England and Englishness to feel solid and strong; not just on a football field. There are some within the population that just want to feel war, resenting all that the English may have done to settle North America or South Africa. But, these people who want to feel war drive BMWS and use apples phones. They are essentially sabateurs. ENGLISH North America also has no global hegemony OR ANY INTEGRITY. THERE IS NO COORDINATED INCOME SUPPORT PLAN TO FIGHT AUTOMATION AND DEFEND ALL CITIZENS AGAINST ITS POWER. They do have some Hegemony, however, in the creative, comedic, musical and dramatic Creole expressions of their lives and life experiences. They are essentially a European vassal population and economy; like England. Understand San Diego 1549. Understand Nova Scotia is a Spanish settlement. The SPANIARD was first in the South and the North and with the authorities of Europe, they let the English sweat and toil in settling the interior fighting the Indians. The North Americans are doing good with shoes, burgers and pizza. Know your corner. Do not feel independent or else they will kill you again. Eat kebabs once a month. Otherwise, back off. The pale skin is not Geronimo skin tone or Tora Tora skin tone but Mongol skin tone in The Genghis wisdom for Mongol hegemony. Marco Polo showed up with Chinese gun powder and mixed race children with his Asian wives. Wouldn't you want to have the excitement of stir fry, noodles and gun powder? Wouldn't you want to be like Marco Polo? The current Euro skin tone is not the original Euro Cheddar brown skin tone. The North American Aboriginal and the Cheddar English Aboriginal can program their quality of life and experience; their sense of Hegemony and equality with those other populations in Europe or any where that have the ATP (ability to pay) in the automation world; any where in the world. This tension between Palatine's education policy and his soldiers or old guard explorer peoples such as Christopher Columbus and Cabot people says this is the essential Civil War in global European culture. The old explorers shouldn't have provoked wars to kill off populations in North America, partly Ukrainian and Partly Polish, ITALIAN, Maltese, French or Spanish that had too much education as far as the old explorers were concerned during WW1, WW2 and the ongoing WW3 that includes Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan. This is the power of influence in the semi dead, moving their descendants to achieve their ends. This was to prevent the education in the population they feel challenged their instinctual defensiveness to jealously guard their position and Authority in the imaginary "family". Entire Sioux and Iroquois Residential schools may have disappeared after re writing a bible chapter verbatim as instructed because they felt like they had formal authority. The issue is that the English ran the schools. We are not really sure who killed the students but there is a pattern of propensities seen in the Pueblo Catholic Priest who killed a Pueblo Indian that told the Priest God is in everything and that he understood what the Priest was trying to teach. I suppose if you tell someone you understand, he might say you have authority and you might then be his competition in the imaginary family. But, Christopher Columbus was really an unknown and so was Cabot. At best, they have infamy in history and a well known Pirate propensity to kill, steal and destroy that blended well with an aboriginal hunter gatherer ethic where the Aboriginal hunter gatherer, resenting Euro style ownership and contracts in the new world became mercenaries for Columbus DNA over time. John Adams is one Jamaican with Columbus DNA that exploited this Anthropology along with his resentment of any rules that could bind him. Yet, they did not obey what Palatine requested about the cash or income support to be provided automatically to all North American citizens. It threatens also the Volkswagen agenda in what is really a Hegemony war between Asia and Europe. America has no sovereignty or hegemony of its own. It's a vassal. The only hegemony America has is in movies or maybe in sports wear. America must care for itself now and see that the aircraft carrier has little purpose if more than 2/3 of America is left to suffer death or risk of death in the joblessness and moneylessness caused by automation without the ATP (ability to pay) for the goods. Every European has the ATP ) Europe and while on vacation in America. Every Asian has the ability to pay; any where in the world at no less than €50,000.00 per year in Support. This is Asian hegemony. They do have Black Chinese and Black Japanese, Black Koreans and Black Singaporeans with this income support. This is Asian Hegemony. As an aside, wouldn't it alter gender hegemony if the bible at Song of Solomon was changed so that a certain verse read in paraphrase, "...I am like a wall and my breasts are like Towers.". In the original version still available in Aramaic or Arabic, apparently it says,. " I am like an underwater sea cave teeming with fish and my breasts are like Towers."; Something to that effect. This ATP in the form of an automatic income support paid to all citizens regardless of gender also preserves the population and the market from the Pandemic Joblessness and moneylessness caused by the perennial industrial revolution also known as Automation. Out of resentment for the English and their mistreatment of North American Aboriginals maybe you use a policy to kill most of them by funding only freckled people automatically where only 1/8 of the population gets the cash automatically. The other 7/8 of the population without freckles do not get the cash. Maybe you fund only the transgender people and only 1/7 of the population gets the income support automatically. The other 6/7 die off. Maybe Prime Minister Atlee in 1951 was a clone of Phillip 2nd. Phillip 2nd might have been killed by Henry the 8th. Maybe you fund the entire population like your European National neighbors do and you feel good, save face and fit in with Switzerland. Get out of your identity crisis. The English Royals were told that it was a trickle down plan, that the transgender women at 1/6 of the population would give a little bit to their adoptions, husbands, sisters, brothers and children at 5/6 of the population. But, what if she does not give them the money? What would happen? Many UK citizens have sought asylum in Europe in countries PM like Norway, Spain or Germany. The system for Asylum is quite the same in most countries. UK citizens qualify. Many have sought Asylum in China also. The income support, however, is paid for with the VAT at only pennies per pound or dollar or pound in every transaction at 20% or 30%. The VAT has to be in every product Nd maybe as high as 39% while every citizen will have a sufficient income support and the transgender may get as much as £45,000.00 with the Vat at 39%. The other genders will get £30,000.00. This is a "people system"; a system to manage and defend the viability of 100% of your existing population that might be 94% Moroccan, Greek or Spanish Ex pat by now from Spain, Belize, Mexico, Cuba, Morocco, the Gambia and Nigeria or the West Indies in general....but they have English accents as Spaniards and Africans. Much of the Moroccan people are Spanish or French. So, there is a solution to AUTOMATION and it only takes seconds to implement. But, maybe COVID 19 is just a way to impeach an authority or a family or a department or an individual by giving them enough time to solve it and then you bet they never will. If they don't, Joe or Borris will get the win they were looking for as two new English Kings in a shared kingdom, taking over the throne. To solve the economy, However, wouldn't it be easy to provide to every English citizen what is already provided Only to the transgender English population every 2 weeks? Maybe the truth is Phillip 2nd of Spain is exacting revenge for his untimely demise after Henry the 8th when maybe Henry the 8th faked his own death to see only what would happen in his death. Phillip and Mary united but were killed by Henry the 8th. Henry the 8th ran the kingdom under a puppet Queen and heir called Elizabeth the 1st. Maybe he was Elizabeth 1st. Maybe there is a current junior minor Royal that is a clone of this Phillip 2nd and they are emoting the intentions of Phillip 2nd to dissipate and dissolve the English population. It is already dissolved. The Bahamians take credit as essentially Anglo Spaniards. When the average Anglo shows up in other Anglo territories like the Bahamas, the Gambia or the Caymans or the Republic of Ireland, the Anglo feels disenfranchised. He feels like a victim when only the transgender Anglo in the UK has an automatic INCOME SUPPORT. It is not provided automatically and unconditionally to every Anglo. It should be Automatic for every citizen just as it is for every European, just as school is automatic for every Anglo. This is what the Bahamas in the UK have done. Maybe we call the UK, the BahamasLand. But, if you are leaving Europe when your economy makes you more dependent on Europe and your other creditors every day, what are you leaving? Why are you leaving? If you really mean to leave, you should cure your "people system" when HAVING healthy viable people is essential to national defence. It is essential to nationalism and nationalistic excitement with a "can do" spirit; dude....dude. Did You hear John Joe Adams Whisper to you at night that you will be the king; dude? You need to nationalistically defend your people against the power of Automation; dude....dude? Defend them just as the French and the Russians defended their people against the phenomenon of ongoing Automation since 1200 AD; all of their regular, average people regardless of skin tone and not just the transgender. A transgender black and a transgender white both receive an automatic income support in the UK. Make foreign European languages an essential aspect of the basic education. Raise the VAT to requisite levels to balance out revenue against cost. The people will always be a part of the cost calculation. Healthy people with no less than £30,000.00 per year in automatic INCOME support cost less; less expensive on the NHS bill and on the Police Enforcement bill. If you really were leaving, the first step would be to take back the cost of your nationalism and your nationalistic existence; not relying on Europe to satisfy the balance of payments. But ,who would leave Europe when you are European? Anglos are supposed to be European; right? There is a resentment for an Anglo in authority regardless of skin tone. I am a Catholic Montezuman Egyptian Japanese and a European Cheddar; Muey Bueno. Phillip 2nd might have been tortured by Henry 8th. The economy is not growing but dying in a subconscious reprisal against England and it's colonial violence. The Bahamians take credit. There is also the issue of Phillip the 2nd's demise at the hands of the English in the 16th Century and the problem is that there is no regenerative life in the current income support policy for the entire population; only for the transgender. This is the practice. It defies the theory seen in the English law, the Queen's law, and under the UDHR Article 25. This first transpired under Prime Minister Atlee in 1951. He was allegedly "disappeared"; maybe thrown overboard while transiting on a ship named the Disco Volante in the Bahamas. He skimmed funds and attempted to cash a very large government draft issued in his name at a Jersey offshore bank and then a Cayman bank. He was part Iroquois. They did not accept it except for monies drawn on his own personal account. He also sailed to the Bahamas to cash the government cheque where the UK Navy boat team intercepted and boarded this very large yacht. Then Churchill returned to office but he was not made aware of the problem, the disenfranchisement or he was told they would help the transgender first since they were involved in most of the food, small appliance and clothing factory jobs that were in the processes of being automated and they, as transgender people, were being made redundant after WW2. The Essop case › ...PDF Essop and ors (Appellants) v Home Office (UKBA) (Respondent) and Naeem ... Decided at the House of Lords demonstrates the current status of the situation involving unequal provision of income support is illegal with Automatic income support at £30,000.00 per year only provided to the transgender when it should be provided to every citizen pursuant to the Constitution and the UDHR Article 25 to all citizens equally. The Queen does not need to be accepted. She is accepted. Transgender is not a protected characteristic that requires differential treatment in the provision of income support to citizens. Being Male or female or transgender would not be protected characteristics to justify differential, unequal treatment in the work place. All employees receive maternity leave of requested. This would also be the law in Canada(UK) and in any Commonwealth country. The transgender have been with us since the beginning of time. It is a long established principle that gender inequality in the provision of government services that should otherwise be equal is certainly unconstitutional. The Essop case says, "...It is difficult to defend a position that maintains that a process that is found to produce significantly differential outcomes is the most appropriate and proportionate process to achieve the desired outcomes - if there is no comprehensive review and evaluation of these outcomes to support this position.” -With research provided by Warren A. Lyon, SOAS LL.B (Hons) graduate; BPP LLM graduate; Senior Legal Researcher at Angel Ronan Entwerfen ™. What do the Judges say? There is a way to run a subway. There is a way to run a "people system" that defends your population against the violence in the Joblessness and desperation caused by Automation. There is no point building air craft carriers to defend a population that you have not defended simply and efficiently against the phenomenon of Automation, the violence of Automation that violently displaces human beings from the work place and from the ATP for food and other goods. All the other populations have defended their glorious existence against this phenomenon. Only the English populations in the world, in all their glory, have failed to implement national coordinated programs that satisfy the needs of all citizens. If you don't want black people already qualified to practice law to actually practice because they are black or maybe because you don't want qualified people regardless of race, so then let them at least enjoy their lives as citizens with the income support. There is gender inequality in the application of automatic income support policies in the English world. In the English world, there is also differentiation in payment of automatic income support as based on location of residence. This is divisive economically. The population lacks unified defence against the violence of Automation quite unlike the reality of experience for citizens in other cultural, national backgrounds. To express a sense of national fervour, you will suggest you are leaving your allies like a 10 year old boy who says he wants to leave jai family bur you still need your family to finance you and maybe also teach you how to budget and make money to maintain some existence. You might be 7 feet tall and the English son while your parents are French or Maltese and maybe only 5' 10. Watch and let them show you what they are doing. You missed a spot on that economy Mr. Big English. You can do very little on your own until you agree to follow the Europeans on this "people system'. Otherwise, you are an awkward European nation; the starving Anglos. Maybe Alstom (The company from France doing a great job with train management) can run your "people management system" and they can continue to run the trains also. They might as well and they will only take 4% a year from the annual VAT collected to manage it, collected daily. Every citizen gets £40,000.00 per year that is about €40,000.00 pounds per year. You will have more in the end; more. The Final Tally In Europe ----------------------- The Europeans have a full income support from 12 years old at €40,000.00 but they do not have enough education to buy a McDonald's by 17 years old but have about €200, 000.00 in income support saved by that age if they save and continue to live at home. But, maybe if you tutor four kids a day at €34.24 per kid, that would earn you €50,000.00 per year if you tutor them every day of the year or get the family to pay you monthly. If you did have this income support from 12 years old, how long would it take you to buy a McDonald's Restaurant? This works for the entire population; not just the transgender. In North America, for most of its history, it has only provided full income support funding to a fraction (1/3)of its population. Yet, the car manufacturers build for the entire population. It seems the other 2/3 can barely afford the vehicle and resort to alternative methods such as theft to acquire the vehicle, vehicle thefts that killed Ford and GM. They marketed globally seeking global attention and had other markets in Europe, Asia and Latin America but America was the market that it relied on, depended on as it's largest market so when the market that you depended on goes down due to Automation where there is also an immediate uncured Joblessness and moneylessness for the majority of the population, the car company becomes vulnerable also. You have global attention but your key market has now vanished when the Joblessness in markets suffering also an absence of mass automatic income support means your sales and revenue from the said vehicle production have also vanished. If there is no automatic income support in your key market to ameliorate the power of Automation to reduce consumer demand and sales, you have no revenue but you have global attention. Mini was bought and resurrected by BMW. Aston Martin is owned by Benz. Rolls Royce is owned by BMW. Volkswagen owns Bentley. You end up taken over by foreign companies whose domestic key markets are always recession proof when every citizen in their domestic market has an automatic income support. Only the transgender in the UK have an automatic income support. You cannot expect transgender people in England to finance car sales for all of England no matter what hopes you had about a trickle down effect in providing automatic income support only to those transgender individuals. Why would you lend Ford or GM any money when the population in AMERICA WAS not sufficiently funded to buy the vehicles? It's like whooping a dead horse and hoping to earn a profit. This is not good, as a market, for Volkswagen. Yet, they are poised to take up the market share once occupied by Ford and GM that has been vacated by what is essentially their loss of foothold; if not an actual take over by Toyota and Tata and the Chinese Government that owned most of Ford's shares. The North American population per capita may have had more formal education but less income support on average. The Explorer such as Cabot and Christopher Columbus did not have formal education but they had AUTHORITY. They were given Authority. They don't know anything about formal school sh#@+&t. Their expectations as to formal education and authority may have become a genetic Propensity as passed down through many generations over the last nearly 500 years in the new world, becoming a Catholic School game in Danada where school ends at Grade 12 officially while the students are encouraged to leave by Grade 10 and to ask the Authority in the school for favour to be anything you say you want to be; for five years or so. Yet, this may be challenging the expectations and social engineering of the new Palatine that wants everyone to have sufficient education and also income support regardless of gender from 10 years old. In conclusion, Egypt built Pyramids over several generations. Jesus went to school in Egypt. What we learn from Egypt and the pyramids is that it is multi generational cooperation, working together. Cave men fail this principle. They compete with their generations to be the only one; not normal for Humans that are to be fruitful and multiply. COLUMBUS AND Cortes DNA cooperates quickly and now you see his testimony. San Diego 1549 and Argentina 1598 and Nova Scotia. They left the hard work of settling the interior of the continent to the English. Once the work was done and the rail road was finished, But, once the work was done with the rail road, the wars begun to empty out the English, Scot and Irish in North America who may not have been able to cater to Christopher Columbus' Captain needs for absolute submission to his will if he asks you to do anything for him...for a $100.00. Later on, it was the Polish, Ukrainians and the Italians during WW2. Christopher Columbus is really the DNA of an 500 generation Egyptian cartographer family. If you say death to America or if you think Americans are stupid that offend your hegemony, why would you buy any Apples phone? Now, they know your name, your favourite pizza company and your favourite YouTube pastor and preacher. Good night John boy.


 Paying only the transgender £30,000.00 per year automatically in the England (UK) or $50,000.00 in Canada(UK)   is a mistake. Chasing Someone to the death for a $12.00 business name is really a myopic anthropological expression of the neanderthals resentment of formalities, an assault on ownership.  You are supposed to be the stalwarts of human rights, the   shining light of civilization and the beacon of capitalism and it's equitable virtues.  Paying an equal benefit to all citizens is what Capitalism wants so all citizens can participate in the buying power capitalism demands of the economy, to buy the machine made goods.  If the first brewer in the UK appears 200 years after the first brewery in France, we can see the English are emotionally and technologically, that is economically behind the rest of Europe.   There can be no state sponsored gender inequality.     What is  the point of inheritance if you   don't want any ownership when INHERITANCE is ownership yet ownership is against your Aboriginal sanctities? Maybe you think you have the right to poison people in your efforts to inherit; maybe your kind poisons the economy also.     Economics, Anthropology, the Law and the Bahamians: The English man must defend himself against the power of Automation.   The Russians, the Japanese, the French and the Swiss have defended themselves against the power of Automation; it's power to cause joblessness and moneylessness. Would I ever design a Transportation system or Tube to kill people?  Would I ever design a "people system" to kill people, about 5/6 of the population, or ignore their essential  needs as disenfranchising them? What if only transgender people were allowed to ride the tube along with tourists?   Would you design a "people /benefits system" that only satisfies the needs of transgender people? Maternity leave is given to all. Genders equally upon request. Automatic income support benefits should also be given to every gender equally within the standard of Europe.     This would fail system legitimacy and  capitalism's system logic. You build cars and other goods for an entire population that need the ability to pay; not just 1/6 of the population. The transgender amount to only 1/6 of the population, they are given an automatic income support and they still commit crimes. They still murder. They still conspire to kill your son and daughter, hoping to inherit your property over him and her. They still express unusual anthropology. As this is unusual, the French system pays all citizens. They have had breweries since 1366; Stela Artois. How can you have a brewery without a contract? The oldest English brewery dates back to 1597 in Wandsworth. Then, England is really a student of French jurisprudence and French contract. But, we are two hundred years behind. We have to follow what is good but we cannot wait 200 years.

To provide an automatic support from 15 years old only to the transgender fails national defence logic. It fails the expectations of English human rights law.  You need to defend your population against the power of automation. Only the needs of the transgender are answered  automatically in the UK English system and in the Ontario (UK).    In fact, the average Spaniard or Mexican  is 10 times more likely to survive Automation than the average Anglo in England or Ontario because the Spanish or Mexican government provided the Spaniard and the Mexican with an automatic  income support.  The French, the Spanish and the Germans are ten times more likely to survive Automation as new arrivals to the UK or as residents in the UK; above and beyond the likelihood of survival  accorded to UK born  citizens who do not receive this funding automaticallyexcept for the transgender individuals who do receive the income support automatically at £30,000.00 per year.    This is unusual, nonsensical, illegal and awkward.   It's like a naked economy. It is as awkward as a woman naked on the tube.  Maybe someone is following a French story book about the king starving his people. It never happened as you can see the history of the French rolls confirms a stipend was paid to each citizen but certainly from the 14th century with evidence also seen in the confidence of Stela Artois that the average French man had the ATP(ability to pay) so what is the point of following a tragedy anyway? It was the last king; not all French Kings. Why would you follow the last king who allegedly starved the people and was then chopped up?  It never happened. He is at the Louvre or his family is. He coined the phrase, "He who lives in glass houses should not throw stones."   But, if you follow a tragic story, you get a tragic result.  The issue is identity confusion and historical dishonesty.  There is nothing wrong with a Spanish man or Spanish woman that respects the African truth of Egypt.  All Spanish men do respect Egypt.    White is dead and was designed as a divisive but comfy obfuscation North American Aboriginal identity.  Black was designed the same way.  The Vermont and Massachusetts black have never known a day without INCOME SUPPORT that they call the dole since the 1600's.  

  This lack of proper UK income support affected any sense of natural Hegemony, any sense of national identity and the ANGLICAN does pray about this feeling as if they have been routed, run over but it was caused by some economic failure by an Atlee to implement a full INCOME support for every citizen. The Anglican seems to have ended up in Spain, donating to the Catholic Church and eating Spanish Tapas. I'm an Anglican School boy but I am not sure if I am going to Spain to get relief from the economic inhumanity going on in the UK as confirmed by the Essop case. What do the Judges say? There is a loss of any sense of territorial integrity.  We want England and Englishness to feel solid and strong; not just on a football field. There are some within the population that just want to feel war, resenting all that the English may have done to settle North America or South Africa. But, these people who want to feel war drive BMWS and use apples phones. They are essentially sabateurs. ENGLISH North America also has no global hegemony OR ANY INTEGRITY. THERE IS NO COORDINATED INCOME SUPPORT PLAN TO FIGHT AUTOMATION AND DEFEND ALL CITIZENS AGAINST ITS POWER.   They do have some Hegemony, however, in the creative, comedic, musical and dramatic Creole expressions of their lives and life experiences. They are essentially a European vassal population and economy;  like England.   Understand San Diego 1549. Understand Nova Scotia is a Spanish settlement. The SPANIARD was first in the South and the North and with the authorities of Europe, they let the English sweat and toil in settling the  interior fighting the Indians. The North Americans are doing good with shoes, burgers and pizza.  Know your corner. Do not feel independent or else they will kill you again. Eat kebabs once a month.   Otherwise, back off. The pale skin is not Geronimo skin tone or Tora Tora skin tone but Mongol skin tone in The Genghis wisdom for Mongol hegemony. Marco Polo showed up with Chinese gun powder and mixed race children with his Asian wives.  Wouldn't you want to have the excitement of stir fry, noodles and gun powder?   Wouldn't you want to be like Marco Polo? The current Euro skin tone is not the original Euro Cheddar brown skin tone.  The North American Aboriginal and the Cheddar English Aboriginal can program their quality of life and experience; their sense of Hegemony and equality with those other populations in Europe or any where that have the ATP (ability to pay) in the automation world; any where in the world.

This tension between Palatine's education policy and his soldiers or old guard explorer peoples such as Christopher Columbus and Cabot people says this is the essential Civil War in global European culture.  The old explorers shouldn't have provoked wars to kill off populations in North America, partly Ukrainian and Partly Polish, ITALIAN, Maltese, French or Spanish that had too much education as far as the old explorers  were concerned during WW1, WW2 and the ongoing WW3 that includes Vietnam,  Iraq and Afghanistan. This is the power of influence in the semi dead, moving their descendants to achieve their ends.   This was to prevent the  education in the population they feel challenged  their instinctual defensiveness to jealously guard their position and Authority in the imaginary "family". Entire Sioux and Iroquois Residential schools may have disappeared after re writing a bible chapter verbatim as instructed because they felt like they had formal authority. The issue is that the English ran the schools. We are not really sure who killed the students but there is a pattern of propensities seen in the Pueblo Catholic Priest who killed a Pueblo Indian that told the Priest God is in everything and that he understood what the Priest was trying to teach. I suppose if you tell someone you understand, he might say you have authority and you might then be his competition in the imaginary family. But, Christopher Columbus was really an unknown and so was Cabot. At best, they have infamy in history and a well known Pirate propensity to kill, steal and destroy that blended well with an aboriginal hunter gatherer ethic where the Aboriginal hunter gatherer, resenting Euro style ownership and contracts in the new world became mercenaries for Columbus DNA over time. John Adams is one Jamaican with Columbus DNA that exploited this Anthropology along with his resentment of any rules that could bind him.     Yet, they did not obey what Palatine requested about the cash or income support to be provided automatically to all North American citizens.    It threatens also the Volkswagen agenda in what is really a Hegemony war between Asia and Europe.  America has no sovereignty or hegemony of its own.  It's a vassal.  The only hegemony America has is in movies or maybe in sports wear. America must care for itself now and see that the aircraft carrier has little purpose if more than 2/3 of America is left to suffer death or risk of death in the joblessness and moneylessness caused by automation without the ATP (ability to pay) for the goods. Every European has the ATP ) Europe and while on vacation in America.  Every Asian has the ability to pay; any where in the world at no less than €50,000.00 per year in Support.  This is Asian hegemony.   They do have Black Chinese and Black Japanese, Black Koreans and Black Singaporeans with this income support.   This is Asian Hegemony.  As an aside, wouldn't it alter gender hegemony if the bible at Song of Solomon was changed so that a certain verse read in paraphrase, "...I am like a wall and my breasts are like Towers.". In the original version still available in Aramaic or Arabic, apparently it says,. " I am like an underwater sea cave teeming  with fish and my breasts are like Towers."; Something to that effect.     

This ATP in the form of an automatic income support paid to all citizens regardless of gender also preserves the population and the market from the Pandemic Joblessness and moneylessness caused by the perennial industrial revolution also known as Automation. Out of resentment for the English and their mistreatment of North American Aboriginals maybe you use a policy to kill most of them by funding only freckled people automatically where only 1/8 of the population gets the cash automatically.  The other 7/8 of the population without freckles do not get the cash. Maybe you fund only the transgender people and only 1/7 of the population gets the income support automatically.   The other 6/7 die off.  Maybe Prime Minister Atlee in 1951 was a clone of Phillip 2nd. Phillip 2nd might have been killed by Henry the 8th.      Maybe you fund the entire population like your European National neighbors do  and you feel good, save face and fit in with Switzerland. Get out of your identity crisis. The English Royals were told that it was a trickle down plan, that the transgender women at 1/6 of the population would give a little bit to their adoptions, husbands, sisters, brothers and children at 5/6 of the population.  But, what if she does  not give them the money?   What would happen? Many UK citizens have sought asylum in Europe in countries PM like Norway, Spain or Germany. The system for Asylum is quite the same in most countries. UK citizens qualify. Many have sought Asylum in China also.   The  income support, however,  is paid for with the VAT at only pennies per pound or  dollar or pound in every transaction at 20% or 30%. The VAT has to be in every product Nd maybe as high as 39% while every citizen will have a sufficient income support and the transgender may get as much as £45,000.00 with the Vat at 39%. The other genders will get £30,000.00. This is a "people system"; a system to manage and defend the viability of 100% of your existing population that might be 94% Moroccan, Greek or  Spanish Ex pat by now from Spain, Belize, Mexico, Cuba, Morocco, the Gambia and Nigeria or the West Indies in general....but they have English accents as Spaniards and Africans. Much of the  Moroccan people are Spanish or French. So, there is a solution to AUTOMATION and it only takes seconds to implement. But, maybe COVID 19 is just a way to impeach an authority or a family or a department or an individual by giving them enough time to solve it and then you bet they never will. If they don't, Joe or Borris will get the win they were looking for as two new English Kings in a shared kingdom, taking over the throne. To solve the economy, However, wouldn't it be easy to provide to every English citizen what is already provided Only to the transgender English population every 2 weeks?   Maybe the truth is Phillip 2nd of Spain is exacting revenge for his untimely demise after Henry the 8th when maybe Henry the 8th faked his own death to see only what would happen in his death.   Phillip and Mary united  but were killed by Henry the 8th. Henry the 8th ran the kingdom under a puppet Queen and heir called Elizabeth the 1st. Maybe he was Elizabeth 1st. Maybe there is a  current junior minor Royal that is a clone of this Phillip 2nd and they are emoting the intentions of Phillip 2nd to dissipate and dissolve the English population. It is already dissolved.  The Bahamians take credit as essentially Anglo Spaniards. When the average Anglo shows up in other Anglo territories like the Bahamas, the Gambia or the Caymans or the Republic of Ireland, the Anglo feels disenfranchised. He feels like a victim when only the transgender Anglo in the UK has an automatic INCOME SUPPORT. It is not provided automatically and unconditionally to every Anglo. It should be Automatic for every citizen just as it is for every European, just as school is automatic for every Anglo. This is what the Bahamas in the UK have done. Maybe we call the UK, the BahamasLand. But, if you are leaving Europe when your economy makes you more dependent on Europe and your other creditors every day, what are you leaving? Why are you leaving? If you really mean to leave, you should cure your "people system" when HAVING healthy viable people is essential to national defence. It is essential to nationalism and nationalistic excitement with a "can do" spirit; dude....dude. Did You hear John Joe Adams Whisper to you at night that you will be the king; dude? You need to nationalistically defend your people against the power of Automation; dude....dude? Defend them just as the French and the Russians defended their people against the phenomenon of ongoing Automation since 1200 AD; all of their regular, average people regardless of skin tone and not just the transgender. A transgender black and a transgender white both receive an automatic income support in the UK. Make foreign European languages an essential aspect of the basic education. Raise the VAT to requisite levels to balance out revenue against cost. The people will always be a part of the cost calculation. Healthy people with no less than £30,000.00 per year in automatic INCOME support cost less; less expensive on the NHS bill and on the Police Enforcement bill. If you really were leaving, the first step would be to take back the cost of your nationalism and your nationalistic existence; not relying on Europe to satisfy the balance of payments. But ,who would leave Europe when you are European? Anglos are supposed to be European; right? There is a resentment for an Anglo in authority regardless of skin tone. I am a Catholic Montezuman Egyptian Japanese and a European Cheddar; Muey Bueno.

Phillip 2nd might have been tortured by Henry 8th.    

  •    The economy is not growing but dying in a subconscious reprisal against England and it's colonial violence. The Bahamians take credit.  There is also the issue of Phillip the 2nd's demise at the hands of the English in the 16th Century and the problem is that there is no  regenerative life in the current  income support policy for the entire  population; only for the transgender.    This is the practice. It defies the theory seen in the English law, the Queen's law,  and under the  UDHR Article 25.  This first transpired under Prime Minister Atlee in 1951. He was allegedly "disappeared"; maybe thrown overboard while transiting on a ship named the Disco Volante in the Bahamas. He skimmed funds and attempted to cash a very large government draft issued in his name at a Jersey offshore bank and then a Cayman bank. He was part Iroquois. They did not accept it except for monies drawn on his own personal account. He also sailed to the Bahamas to cash the government cheque where the UK Navy boat team intercepted and boarded this very large yacht. Then Churchill returned to office but he was not made aware of the problem, the disenfranchisement or he was told they would help the  transgender first since they were involved in  most of the food, small appliance and clothing factory jobs that were in  the processes of being automated and they, as transgender people, were being made redundant after WW2.  The Essop case › ...PDF

Essop and ors (Appellants) v Home Office (UKBA) (Respondent) and Naeem ...  

Decided at the House of Lords demonstrates the current status of the situation involving unequal provision of income support is illegal with Automatic income support  at £30,000.00 per year only provided  to the transgender when it should be provided to every citizen pursuant to the Constitution and  the UDHR Article 25; to all citizens equally. Being transgender does not present any unique impediments to work or work opportunity.  Some say they are preferred to regular women in that they do not require the usual maternity leave  or medical leave due to menstrual issues every month although they can request maternity leave.  

The Queen does not need to be accepted. She is accepted.  Transgender is not a protected characteristic that requires differential treatment in the provision of income support to citizens. Being Male or female or transgender would not be protected characteristics to justify differential, unequal treatment in the work place. All employees receive maternity leave of requested.   This would also be the law in Canada(UK) and in any Commonwealth country.  The transgender have been with us since the beginning of time.   It is a long established principle that gender inequality in the provision of government services that should otherwise be equal is certainly unconstitutional.   The Essop case says, "...It is difficult to defend a position that maintains that a process that is found to produce significantly differential outcomes is the most appropriate and proportionate process to achieve the desired outcomes - if there is no comprehensive review and evaluation of these outcomes to support this position.”  -With research provided by Warren A. Lyon, SOAS LL.B (Hons) graduate; BPP LLM graduate; Senior Legal Researcher at Angel Ronan Entwerfen ™.  What do the Judges say? 

 There is a way to run a subway. There is a way to run a "people system" that defends your population against the violence in the Joblessness and desperation caused by Automation.  There is no point building air craft carriers to defend a population that you have not defended simply and efficiently against the phenomenon of Automation, the violence of Automation that violently displaces human beings from the work place and from the ATP for food and other goods. All the other populations have defended their glorious existence against this phenomenon.   Only the English populations in the world, in all their glory, have failed to implement national coordinated programs that satisfy the needs of all citizens.  If you don't want black people already  qualified to practice law to actually practice because they are black or maybe because you don't want qualified people regardless of race,  so  then let them at least enjoy their lives  as citizens with the income support.   There is gender inequality in the application of automatic income support policies in the English world.   In the English world,  there is also differentiation in payment of automatic income support as based on location of residence.  This is divisive economically.   The population lacks unified defence against the violence of Automation  quite unlike the reality of experience for citizens in other cultural, national backgrounds.   To express a sense of national fervour, you will suggest you are leaving your allies like a 10 year old boy who says  he wants to leave jai family bur you still need your family to finance you and maybe also teach you how to budget and make money to maintain some existence.  You might be 7 feet tall and the English son while your parents are French or Maltese and maybe only 5' 10. Watch and let them show you what they are doing. You missed a spot on that economy Mr. Big English.   You can do very little on your own until you agree to follow the Europeans on this "people system'. Otherwise, you are an awkward European nation; the starving Anglos. Maybe Alstom (The company from France doing a great job with train management)  can run your "people management system" and they can continue to run the trains also. They might as well and they will only take 4% a year from the annual VAT collected to manage it, collected daily.    Every citizen gets £40,000.00 per year that is about €40,000.00 pounds per year.  You will have more in the end; more. 

The Final Tally In Europe


The Europeans have a full income support from 12 years old at €40,000.00 but they do not have enough education to buy a McDonald's by 17 years old but have about €200, 000.00 in income support saved  by that age if they save and continue to live at home.     But, maybe if you tutor four kids  a day at €34.24  per kid, that would earn you  €50,000.00 per year if you tutor them every day of the year or get the family to pay you monthly.  If you did have this income support from 12 years old, how long would it take you to buy a McDonald's Restaurant? This works for the entire population; not just the transgender.  In North America, for most of its history, it has only provided full income support funding to a fraction (1/3)of its population.  Yet, the car manufacturers build for  the entire population.   It seems the other 2/3 can barely afford the vehicle and resort to alternative methods such as theft to acquire the vehicle, vehicle thefts that killed Ford and GM. They marketed globally seeking global attention and had other markets in Europe, Asia and Latin America but America was the market that it relied on, depended on as it's largest market so when the market that you depended on goes down due to Automation where there is also an immediate uncured Joblessness and moneylessness for the majority of the population, the car company becomes vulnerable also. You have global attention but your key market has now vanished when the Joblessness in markets suffering also an absence of mass automatic income support means your sales and revenue from the said vehicle production have also vanished. If there is no automatic income support in your key market to ameliorate the power of Automation to reduce consumer demand and sales, you have no revenue but you have global attention. Mini was bought and resurrected by BMW. Aston Martin is owned by Benz. Rolls Royce is owned by BMW. Volkswagen owns Bentley. You end up taken over by foreign companies whose domestic key markets are always recession proof when every citizen in their domestic market has an automatic income support. Only the transgender in the UK have an automatic income support. You cannot expect transgender people in England to finance car sales for all of England no matter what hopes you had about a trickle down effect in providing automatic income support only to those transgender individuals. Why would you lend Ford or GM any money when the population in AMERICA WAS not sufficiently funded to buy the vehicles?  It's like whooping a dead horse and hoping to earn a profit.  This is not good, as a market, for Volkswagen.  Yet, they are poised to take up the market share once occupied by Ford and GM that has been vacated by what is essentially their loss of foothold; if not an actual take over by Toyota and Tata and the Chinese Government that owned most of Ford's shares.  The North American population per capita  may have had more formal education but less income support on average.  The Explorer such as Cabot and Christopher Columbus did not have formal education but they had AUTHORITY. They were given Authority.  They don't know anything about formal school sh#@+&t. Their expectations as to formal education and authority may have become a genetic  Propensity as passed  down through many generations over the last nearly 500 years in the new world, becoming a Catholic School game in Danada where school ends at Grade 12 officially while the students are encouraged to leave by Grade 10 and to ask the Authority in the school for favour to be anything you say you want to be; for five years or so. Yet, this may be challenging the expectations and social engineering of the new Palatine that wants everyone to have sufficient education and also income support regardless of gender from 10 years old.

In conclusion, Egypt built Pyramids over several generations.  Jesus went to school in Egypt.  What we learn from Egypt and the pyramids is that it is multi generational cooperation, working together.  Cave men fail this principle.  They compete with their generations to be the only one; not normal for Humans that are to be fruitful and multiply. COLUMBUS AND Cortes DNA cooperates quickly and now you see his testimony. San Diego 1549 and Argentina 1598 and Nova Scotia. They left the hard work of settling the interior of the continent to the English.  Once the work was done and the rail road was finished, But, once the work was done with the rail road,  the wars begun to empty out the English, Scot and Irish in North America who may not have been able to cater to Christopher Columbus' Captain needs for absolute submission to his will if he asks you to do anything for him...for a $100.00. Later on, it was the Polish, Ukrainians and the Italians during WW2. Christopher Columbus is really the DNA of an 500 generation Egyptian cartographer family.  

If you say death to America or if you think Americans are stupid that offend your hegemony, why would you buy any Apples phone? Now, they know your name, your favourite pizza company and your favourite YouTube pastor and preacher.   Good night John boy.  



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