Deep seated Aboriginal angers and resentments can Survive changes in language facility. Yet, the Cultural truth and only global culture with various laws is that we save life as the Culture of Egypt, Europe and Israel. There is no law against saving human life. You act like I am asking you to kiss an eagle. I only offered you help in Court. There is the excitement of biting the apple and maybe challenging all of this God, law and ownership thing. It's the wrong Apple as you threatened someone for the business name Wide Boy ™. But, you usually end up in jail. But, The cave man is set on competition. The human is set on corporation. How can we cooperate? Come, let us reason together cave man. The multiplication that stem from cooperation are always miracles to cave men. There would be no need for a Jesus teacher unless there are cave men like Herod to argue with him and ask him elementary questions. Marriage and the rules are as old as Noah or Adam or Abraham. But, the cave man still finds it a mystery and wants to ask what is Marriage. Herod is the cave man at Jesus' moment of ministry. Saul became the cave man with Michal during David's time. Read Matthew 19. Saul Absalom (Absalom is Saul's son as he did not have the propensity to pant after the water like the deer or pant after the Lord); he is anxious about position and inheritance. Saul Absalom argues with the constitution. He argues with the laws. Saul Absalom divides. The cave man divides. He wants to be you. He is does not build generations but divides. He says he is the ONLY one. He does his best for 18 years, raising children to 18 and then he leaves the Family as threatened when he says he no longer feels secure. The children are adults. He plots to kill them as his competition. He will try to be with your current girlfriend or ex girlfriends. But based on Romans 7 under Paul, they are not your wives now because you have a bill of divorce under Mathew 5 according to JESUS and a girlfriend is never really a wife; right? GRANNY IS NOT DEAD. SHE IS IN Pickering. This This is Charles 5th Pretender. He will kill. He is not every orphan but he could be the Scrooge Oliver Dodger Pirate kind looking like that movie character, planning to be your only son and heir by the time you are 65 or 70 when he says you are old enough to be dead. What we are dealing with is an aboriginal chasing and resenting formalities and formal ownership while suggesting that Cain, not the king, should be able to have the authority to just kill and steal the registered creativity. Cain and Saul say they are the king and they do not want God to tell them anything or be any authority over them but maybe they are also changing the bible to serve their purposes with no fear of God's consequences. Cain is not covered. He is banished. Cain Saul is the king; he says and he does not want Julius Abel Afro Seti to tell him anything about laws and formal registration or the legalities of being the first to use a name as intellectual property. We move from Cain (Tecumseh Cave man ) to Seti through trigonometry. But until there is enough trigonometry in every human SOUL, I go to the left. You go to the right. There is no quarrel between us. Leave the Londinium ® T- shirts alone and the PRIONS ™. They are property and owned. We will always have cave men who say "Me one" Where was North America or the West Indies or Latin America in 1366 when Stella Artois was first used and eventually registered as a trademark and trade name? When taking continents and territory, however, what is ownership? Ownership is an aboriginal right to an aboriginal. Ownership to a European is a constitution. Click here.

Deep seated Aboriginal angers and resentments can Survive changes in language facility.   Yet, the Cultural truth and only global culture with various laws is that we save life as the Culture of Egypt, Europe and Israel.  There is no law against saving human life.   You act like I am asking you to kiss an eagle. I only offered you help in Court.  There is the excitement of biting the apple and maybe challenging all of this God, law and ownership thing. It's the wrong Apple as you  threatened someone for the business name Wide Boy ™.   But, you usually end up in jail.  But, The cave man is set on competition. The human is set on corporation.  How can we cooperate? Come, let us reason together cave man.  The  multiplication that stem from cooperation are always miracles to cave men.  There would be no need for a Jesus teacher unless there are cave men like Herod to argue with him and ask him elementary questions.  Marriage and the rules are as old as Noah or Adam or  Abraham. But, the cave man still finds it a mystery and wants to ask what is Marriage. Herod is the cave man at Jesus' moment of ministry.  Saul became the cave man with Michal during David's time.     Read Matthew 19.    Saul Absalom (Absalom is Saul's son as he did not have the propensity to pant after the water like the deer or pant after the Lord); he  is anxious about position and inheritance. Saul Absalom argues with the constitution.  He argues with the laws. Saul Absalom divides.  The cave man divides.    He wants to be you. He is does not build generations but divides. He says he is the ONLY one.  He does his best for 18 years, raising children to 18  and then he leaves the Family as threatened when he says he no longer feels secure.  The children are adults. He plots to kill them as his competition.    He will try to be with your current girlfriend or ex girlfriends.  But based on Romans 7 under Paul, they are not your wives now because you have a bill of divorce under Mathew 5 according to JESUS and a girlfriend is never really a wife; right?  GRANNY IS NOT DEAD. SHE IS IN Pickering.    This  This is Charles 5th Pretender.  He will kill.  He is not every orphan but he could be the Scrooge Oliver Dodger Pirate kind looking like that movie character, planning to be your only son and heir by the time you are 65 or 70 when he says you are old enough to be dead. What we are dealing with is an aboriginal chasing and resenting formalities and formal ownership while suggesting  that Cain, not the king,  should  be able to have the authority to just kill and steal the registered creativity. Cain and Saul say they are the king and they do not want God to tell them anything or be any authority  over them but maybe they are also changing the bible to serve their purposes with no fear of God's consequences.  Cain is not covered. He is banished. Cain Saul is the king; he says and he does not want Julius Abel Afro   Seti to tell him anything about laws and formal registration or the legalities of being the first to use a name as intellectual property. We move from Cain (Tecumseh Cave man ) to Seti through trigonometry.     But until there is enough trigonometry in every human SOUL, I  go to the left.   You go to the right.  There is no quarrel between us.  Leave the Londinium ® T- shirts alone and the PRIONS ™.  They are property and owned.   We will always have cave men who say "Me one"  Where was North America or the West Indies or Latin America in  1366 when Stella Artois was first used and eventually  registered as a trademark and  trade name? When taking continents and territory, however, what is ownership?  Ownership is an aboriginal right to an aboriginal.  Ownership to a European is a constitution.  To a pirate and to an explorer, there is an hour when land or property is taken.  There is no contract.  To an aboriginal, ownership is nothing but taking. There is no contract.  The Aboriginal, many of them,  are stuck in the pirate explorer's hour of taking and is not willing, quite often, to migrate to contractual ownership; murderer!  The Explorer would have to kill, steal and destroy to establish his culture and system.  We are all victorious. We are all victims of this culture some where in our most Aboriginal truth maybe of Abraham who said he will go to the left and Lot could go to the right.  That would be to... take ownership...and that is being the average cave man. That would be would be to say "mine".     But, ownership is the one Global culture.  Seti is not a Superman. Maybe he saw in hindsight the sadness of  Eve and Adam, Cain and Abel in human nature. The stone henge and the Pyramid is the community, family and great 'people' work that ends the Mano es Mano tendency of human nature.  A Space Ship entitled Noah's Ark running on the PRIONS 2 ENERGY ™ regenerative system as designed by Warren A. Lyon  that uses human waste to make fuel is a great global work as one more great step forward but we do have a problem on the micro level every day when too many new Pizza restaurant bus boy  are killed on their first day of work because the older  bus boy is anxious about his position.  What is the pirate's balance sheet? What does he actually own although he might have taken something? Unfortunately, we still have cave men around who say the need to be the ONLY one and they do not really multiply.   In fact, they try to  steal what you have multiplied.    They do not really understand family or people or the emergence of an army to defend the people and the family.     Ist EST Nein gut.  IL nest Pas bon. It is not good.     A new movie is coming out to discuss anthropology and ownership in its own way.  Is this Cain and Abel or Saul vs. the family of Egypt and Israel. David had many Egyptian wives.  Saul was anxious about his position and Authority. His DNA is always anxious.   How could Charles 5th be a king in front of him? So we see Joseph Scrooge Marley is really the DNA of Charles 5th Pretender(the very first pretender)  and what happened between Charles 5th and Charles 5th Pretender happened between Jacob Marley and Joseph Scrooge Marley( as adopted by Charles 5th) in the evidence.  It is happening every day if the Pretender DNA thinks you have any thing that he might receive from you in terms of acceptance but there is a free university or free School place for everyone. You are accepted.  If you still need to be accepted, then buy a watch.  Maybe you are falling into the scheme this DNA is playing out at many pubs and law firms.  It seems Charles 5th Pretender the 1st in 1410 was shot in the ass by Charles 5th just after Charles 5th was shot in the face accidentally by the Pretender after he wounded any servants around who he thought were closer.   He was thrown in the ocean by Charles 5th and his body washed up on  the shore in Jamaica.  The Tainos mixed the DNA with their own to understand who he was with a crown of thorns in his head and a red Cape with lipstick and various rainbow colours in him as painted on  him by  Charles 5th's servants.  

A movie is coming  out soon entitled Oliver Dodger Scrooge Marley the 8th(  adopted)2029. You may think nurture will cure this pirate sick INHERITANCE anxious monster. These days, they steal your phone with sim card and memory card  and write their version of your will on it to say this was your last will and testament after they kill you. To steal a phone is Conspiracy to murder.  Sometimes they pretend to be dead as they rob you while you are alive and send you their wedding photo, the same one from 10 years ago, as they got married last week and suggest you are senile.  and ask their minions to help them as they sit in Puerto Rios, waiting to hear of your death as they drug you up and ask you to think you will be a Judge over your son, the law graduate,  if you drive with unregistered licence plates and the money they have stolen is the payment for the favour. You seem to be guilty about being motivated to be over him. But, why not see that they need lots of Judges and think if being a Judge with your son?   But, you never made any application to be a Judge. Your son has ask you to and essentially, the people you follow have asked you to follow them to the death. You get angry with people who warn you and tell you to call the Police about your bank accounts that have been robbed as they Pirate says why wait until you are dead when the account is locked?  But, you say you need the association to who is robbing you. But, the bank is who you need to deal with. How are you so sure its Jerry?   It's probably Ms. Gloria Morose.  But, you let people kill you because you put too much salt in your father's food when he told you to do it at 10 years old and to think that you would get everything.  Now, your daughter steals your phone sim card and hopes you will freeze on the highway when the vehicle shuts off. Try to call the pizza company or phone your mobile customer service before you drive off.  If it does not work, then check that the phone sim card is in. Your daughter has it with her and the memory card. Forgive yourself for the salt.    God forgave you for the salt and blessed you so why let your daughter kill you or take on an orphan or a new last  husband  that will do it to answer and "punishment" you for your guilt as he hopes to he your only heir and kill your children? Larry some access to your home 170  times for a$1000.00 to people who resent you for boasting  about being an auditor at a bank job in the '70s and '80s. It was payment processing and you were assistant manager. Your son was not an Assistant manager.  You still have $50,300.00 at TD.But to the Archives for Ontario and show them your ID. The English authorities are Dealing with the files.    All the bank account information is there with all of the accounts if TD does not provide you the information.  They should not have closed the account. That was illegal. I have seen people in Court for $10.00 stolen from a bank deposit envelope.     But, what is the account number?  Go to the bank.  But, how can you audit your TD account if you don't download the statement every time you log in to online banking.     Larry and his JW's has your $300,000.00 taken from your Dejardin account that was supposed to be an RRSP but they put it erroneously in a "fraud open" plan and just debited your account when they wanted. It's at Dejardin in a Sundry account and the Briner is not dead but in detention.   The English Financial Services Compensation Scheme is protecting you.   Call them and they will correct it.  Where is the account information?     They have the evidence. The English authorities are dealing with it; The Investment Service Management Authority.     Aston cracked your windshield.  Barnet is spelled with one T; I know but there is something going on with that unusual man who is getting a government salary while killing every one who will not give him sexuality favours under extortion after he shuts your engine off and the power in your apartment. He is molesting  old old women at Barnett.  He has a hood on and a card in his hand with the word "Cooked" on it; the son or sin of a dead South Africa cop who abused white and black people in the townships.   So, after you adopt Oliver you will find that he is only planning to kill you by 70. The nurturing has not helped and he changed the Bible to say we are only to expect 3 score and 10 years(70 years of life ) to cover his murders.

Oliver is not changed by nurture or maybe some are but today Oliver Digger Scrooge the 8th(adopted)   is wearing Hackett and Chelsea boots, coveting your Passat 2012 that you bought for £2500.00.  

Watch for the movie in the theatres.  

Warren Lyon, Londinium Media ™.  


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