You took £90,000.00 since 1981 from Magda on the auspices that you were selling her that housing unit. So, you wanted to inherit from my grand father and you sent MONEY to Jamaica before and after his official Demise and you think that killing me or my father will help you get iNHERITANCE from my grandfather and his people. He bought the plot of land where the Royalton White Sands is today. That is all. He had no idea why you sent the money all those years. Your money is forfeit because you did not help his grandson when he wanted you to help. You would have gotten at least 5 rooms in the Royalton. Now, if you are killing anyone it's not going to help now. But, Maybe if you help and your are nice, you can call the Royalton and they can maybe do something. You might have to pay a little something. This is the best that we can do for your niggeritance. You are a danger to the public. You are crazy, breaking into peoples homes in Camden.

You took £90,000.00 since 1981 from Magda on the auspices that you were selling her that housing unit.   So, you wanted to inherit from my grand father and you sent MONEY to Jamaica  before and after his official Demise and you think that killing me or my father will help you get iNHERITANCE from my grandfather and his people.  He bought the plot of land where the Royalton White Sands is today.  That is all.  He had no idea why you sent the money all those years.  Your money is forfeit because you did not help his grandson when he wanted you to help. You would have gotten at least 5 rooms in the Royalton.  Now, if you are killing anyone it's not going to help now.  But, Maybe if you help and your are nice, you can call the Royalton and they can maybe do something. You might have to pay a little something.  This is the best that we can do for your niggeritance.  You are a danger to the public. You are crazy, breaking into peoples  homes in Camden.     



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