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FSJ(TM)/ The Fleet Street Journal, Star, Shield, Sun, Buckler, Text and Proctor(TM). Warren A. Lyon, Journalist and Editor who reviews all articles. Tel: 647-485-5206 Tel:(619) 967-5405 Etudier Advertising is on a donation/ good will basis. Please send your donation by Western Union using the email, phone and name details above. FSJ is a movie plot written with journalistic content. Note: All essays on this site, include content that has already been graded.
Showing posts from March, 2022
Warren A. Lyon is not the lazy bones that I would resent. He works hard. He graduated from High School and University. He also runs his own charity. He helps. Some people need free legal services. They need the help. Warren at Angel Ronan Entwerfen ™ helps.
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Mini™ is owned by BMW. I love this cool vehicle.
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The Revenant (movie) and US - Russian Foreign Relations. In the Revenant, a man named Glass is shot at, mauled like a small Rabbit by a bear and also buried alive. Yet, there is a strong thread of symbolism that runs through the movie about power, might, right, family and hegemony. The title is a kind of play on the word "Revelations" and also "Covenant". The North American continent has had many suitors. But, essentially there is an original people who have never left. They have changed in many ways with each new cup of seed and saliva passing through their veins upon the arrival of a new set of peoples like the Polish or the Italians and the Chinese rail road builders. We could all be at home in North America or maybe China as we are all Aboriginal in some way and expressions of creation as made by God. The movie hints at this fact when the great, untouched landscape makes all that stand before it in its original state without modern technologies, the subjects of its murderous, cold vastness that no man can survive except but while hiding deep in a cave. That cold could not be survived by any man for very long prior to the 1800's and it is here that you say God provides water, sun, earth and fire but he also provided us the technology to find ways to manipulate these elements to survive any where. God cannot be a big, hairy squirrel but if God provides one and the will to eat it, then we eat; not God but we eat the big, hairy squirrel and maybe we use fire as technology to cook that squirrel. We build more churches to thank Him for the squirrel. It's the mission; not the squirrel. This is addressed in the movie although briefly. It is just in that hour of history in that wilderness there would not have been enough fire or squirrel enduringly for any Spaniard, Mongol Nomad or any Scott Irish Pawnee to survive. All die, all are dead and as such all men are equal except but for cave dwelling Pawnee who would know where the caves may have been down that Missouri River. The Spaniards may have come early in the history of American modernity and settled as best as they could but the settlements were abandoned in the freezing, deep cold. The 16th century church you see in ruins is real and is also testament to the great Spanish achievement in North America and their on going Authority. The French came and met the same odds and then so did the English at some stage; all dead. Eventually, technology made enduring settlement beyond the warm gails of the Eastern seaboard and it's settlements possible. This was about the transmission of technology and Culture that involved prayer(Prions in French). The Pawnee does not have to let you into his cave and show you his special medicine man secrets or his special ways to make the perfect barbecue sauce. The country or the people of North America have been cold for long enough and have now decided to make their continent a comfortable home for themselves. The world is invited to come to America with their seed and egg to help them assimilate and join them with the US providing a minimum of $100,000.00 per year for an automatic, universal, unconditional income support. The English who have no automatic, universal unconditional income support of their own will come to North America and the Russians will come to England since who is really ENGLISH these days anyway. We are all kind of 10th generation South African by now; some say. The last point is that we are not trying to use the North Aboriginal as a footstool to step up in European culture. We are trying to assimilate him. We can be our own footstools as we humble ourselves. We are, instead, assimilating the Aboriginal to have enough money to eat, travel, work,sleep and shop and to enjoy receipts as well as contracts. He may maintain a great deal of resentment at the great interruptions to his Aboriginal ways especially when, as a mixed breed, he might have been asked to kill his own people and the other half is hoping to survive that cold hell so maybe he half kills himself in guilt by leaving the money on the table as seen. There was a time once in North America when some companies would not hire anyone too white or maybe anyone white that was not white enough. This seems to capture the North American residue from the historical experience in the Revenant. We could solve problems in our own economy but maybe we don't when the agenda is to ask Europe if they are only say what the rules are or will the apply them. Will they come to enforce them? The answer is Re(T) in the case involving COVID. The answer is Essop at the House of Lords if the matter involves differential treatment in the provision of benefits based on gender. There is a righteous anger that is displayed by one protagonist when he finds out that Mr. Glass is not dead but was left behind as dead by his own English people when they could have helped. The culture that we leave no man behind began in history following the true life experience of similar fur trappers; that you never walk alone and your universal credit will come through as soon as possible. There are those who will resist this but who are they and what are they doing in England resisting the breath of English people who could be 12th generation French anyway? The movie indicates the trade of furs for horses and guns; power and technology. The horse today is a Toyota and the gun is a rubberised Black machine gun with no transponder radio in it. The Pawnee or the Sioux who we now call the American in general is evolving with the technological introduction, involvement; intervention of the European. The North American is still evolving. The French has breweries in 1366 when the Pawnee were still in caves. But, the American must know what he needs today for power and also involvement in the economy with guaranteed Ability to pay as actual survival. It's not just guns and horses in exchange for furs but money. It's not just guns and horses...but money. Money is the pre eminent Maslow need in our current technological disposition to fight cold and the elements. Yet, money in the pure, untouched forests on the river side of that great ancient canyon is less useful than a cave. Money also presumes a certain standard of generally, well motivated humanity regardless of race and free of cave men like Herod or maybe Long Shanks who may still desire the enmity of war between formal and informal human existence with ownership, while proffering good service to innocent "would- be" customers as cave men employees behind the hotel desk. We know what JESUS would say about ownership. We know what Herod is expected to say. Did you know that you can identify yourself as Arabic even though you speak English and French. Maybe you identity yourself as Arabic since this is your chosen identity as a white or black Arabic person who holds to the tenets of the Jews and the Catholic, Muslim Christians. The Spaniards were brought into modernization by the North African Arabs (Berbers and Moors) who brought Christening. These Spaniards brought Christening to North America but even the elements in God's hands can temper the mission. The Spaniards maintained their mission in the West and East coasts as we see San Diego in 1549. The modernism continues and the project is now global. The American wishes to have a voice and see his Authority but he must remember he is a new student of civilization and not master. The American tries to understand the breadth of his territory and Hegemony and being at home should be enough regardless of the various admixture resting in the Pawnee, Sioux and Iroquois or Black Hawk template. The Russians can remind us if this to the north or anywhere the American may go, also at home on his smart phone these days. They have total technological Hegemony over the US population. The Android and Google customer base outnumbers every other technology platform the world. The Russians therefore are the bear technologically. They can help. But they are certainly confirming their superiority. The bear is not dead. He is lying on top of Mr. Glass. The bear limps away and Mr. Glass should be called Mr. Tenacity. He survives his fight with the bear or with the climate of the North but with great pains and is barely alive. The tropical vegetation at Bath in parts of London and at Penzance confirm the English man is not an animal with the thick skin, prepared for cold weather. Maybe he used to be. The North requires an Icelander or a northern European whose blood without gloves on will still keep him warm and alive in the cold extremities. An English man is going back to the Bahamas too often. Did you know "Prions" if the word for prayer in French? He also seems to be a pirate anyway who will kill, steal and destroy all that is Mr. Glass (Mr. Tenacity). Where is your Universal, unconditional income support benefit? You should not refuse it. You need it. You want it. They are giving it to you. About Covid, you are supposed to imagine that it's all about pirates hoping to find people in between two points of global jurisdiction or legality to steal a business name, steal or steal intellectual property offered for sale at the cost of a reasonable salary or steal old clothing in a storage locker and this is all the pirate thinks about when he loses focus of what's most important for his nations. Would anyone worthy of offering a contract for a business name try to steal the name? Catholics don't do this. This is truly covetous. The business names are all co owned. Ask the SRA. Google SRA. The intellectual property is already under discussion. But the pirate DNA for example would work at Burger King head office and see ten claims for a hair in a burger, keep the burgers sent in and then kill the claimants, hoping to stand in and claim the settlement in front of these ten victims but every times they are told before the court that they do not have any proof of payment. This phenomenon in one case dates back to 1976. The pirate does not understand the fraud before the Court or his murder. This is COVID. COVID can encourage people to wear masks but it cannot interrupt civil liberties or legal rights to choose medical treatments and refuse. A vaccine is a medical treatment. A test is a medical treatment whether it's a cat scan or the administration of a needle or the extraction of bodily fluids. Medical Treatment means a treatment including, but not limited to, palliative care treatment, or a procedure, medication, surgery, a diagnostic test, or a hospice plan of care that may be ordered, provided, or withheld or withdrawn by a health professional or a health facility under generally accepted standards of medical practice and that is not prohibited by law. See Re B (adult: refusal of medical treatment) [2002] 2 All ER 449. See Glass v The United Kingdom – 61827-00 [2004] ECHR 103 for more. Re B (adult: refusal of medical treatment) [2002] 2 All ER 449. Mr. Glass is later seen lying on top of his dead son who was killed by a ruthless Anglo Creole of some admixture. The movie seems to say that if you try to kill the bear or fight with the bear or argue with the bear, you will see your small minded hegemony and your son is dead. This is not what the Pawnee, Mohicans and the Black Hawk (the modern day American) wants. It's time for the American to enjoy his role as a student of civilization and technology and enjoy the new suitors resting in America and confirming that in US Russian Foreign Relations, the American and the Russian. Are not equals. The Russians Modernised not only their methods of labor with mechanisation. They also confirmed the global human value of Russian life regardless of complexion since 1901. They are unified. Why did you ever think you were in any position of Hegemony or superior modernism to discuss life and the global economy as equals? Europe and Russia are teachers. The Anglos are students. The have still failed to accept the key lesson of the global economy; that consumer buying power must be ensured and guaranteed in light of ongoing industrial Automation. Ensuring the life of a Russian in life of ongoing industrial Automation or the risk of potato famine is the key winning pinnacle of Russian National Defence. What is the point of having rockets and missiles for defence of a territory if the people in the territory are going to be dead anyway...due to the meanness of the essentially white, black, red, yellow Aboriginal (Pawnee, Iroquois, Navajo etc) peoples in how they treat themselves with their politics, Economics and excitement? This seems to the include the English today. The Americans and the Anglos have lost the hegemonic battle due to critical failures in logic with economics. They have lost any battle in the issue when the Russians as well as all of Europe defend and protect their people from the cold; with money and with any other assistance they may need from the only stand point that matters; a guaranteed and ensured living Russians is better than a dead American who is a former American and a new Russian. The final point is that we cannot eat God any more than we can eat ourselves. But, we can eat the fat hairy squirrel as God provided it. He provides also technology and we are thankful. Money is technology and we should not refuse it when it is given to us no matter how much resentment we have in us for the selfishness and inhumanity we have seen former Prime Minister Atlee and the Anglos rain down on the Anglos. Respect the money the Capitalist economy demands that every citizen should have. Provide that money to each citizen and eat thy sheep. Eat thy squirrel. We need more than big kitchens or big utensils that can cook. We need cooperation. Thank God. We don't want to confuse the joy of acknowledging God for the food that he provides with the joy of defeating hunger as we eat so that we might thank him. What we eat( mammon) cannot be confused with God; himself. Thank God. Moreover, we cannot live in this world with the anxious reflex, worriedly about momentary changes in our Aboriginal sense of hegemony. Warren A. Lyon (SOAS LL.B (Hons), BPP University, LPC (LL.M), Maryland PH.D.) ) He is also a Fellow at the Angel Ronan ™ Foundation and a Director.
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THE ANGEL RONAN ™ FIRM by Warren Augustine Lyon.
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Congratulations Warren! You did a good job. You helped someone. You help. We win. This is Angel Ronan ™!. Mickey Mouse loves your hard work. You are a genuine, honest student of Disney. You look good; man! You are a good, good, good Anglican and also a registered Catholic! We can now answer question including legal defences within 2 hours. Call or email the Angel Ronan Lex Scripta Library today. If you need help in Court, email us an ask for Angel Ronan Entwerfen ™.
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This is the house that I bought. What about you Steven? Who are you? What did you do? Maybe I can hire you to be a Court Advocate since I think as black people we should, I don't know how to put it. We should try to work together. But, you are the murderous gardener. I know a good gardener. Where is your mother Steven? She called me and says you are going crazy. Based on Propensity, Trevor and Larry could not be your fathers. With all the opportunity in the world, all you have done is a . Jeddah said you should have gotten circumcised. You are a bad Philistine. Get circumcised and be a good Philistine. Take ten years jail time, get a pardon and preach afterwards. You feel unusually aspirant, but what do you? Maybe you aspire to be the Penguin or Lex Luther who conspired to kill the old lady and then move her hand over the will documents in a forgery. You have been warned. She said I was an every ready. You are not be within 500 metres of Grace Carter Henry Lyons due to the restraining Order against you. You are currently in breach of recognizance for failing to appear in Court at Brampton due to shoplifting charges. You have missed 10 Court dates. You are a murderer. You are on the 20th floor at the North tower of the Living Arts building. You think you will be who? You opened my front door in November 2014 and I have not really sold it yet. How did you get a key? You are the bitch. You are a convict in New York for shoplifting; a bitch. Now, leave Unionville High School alone. You dropped out. Jesus; Jesus.
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The issue how do we get to generational cooperation and away from competition? The lack of generational cooperation killed Aston Martin. But, cooperation made Egypt possible. It also made Volkswagen possible. We found the person who is really running the English Economy. We noticed that the Submarines are sailing around the real issue of national defence. You failed, unlike other nations, to defend your population against the ravaging Joblessness and moneylessness caused by Automation. The other nations do not see citizenship and nationality like you do. You seem to think the English person is expandable or at least 5/6 of the population is expandable. Maybe it's not an English man deciding what happens in his economy but his enemies or his Ancient Dutch King from 1310 in a machine who says he will only fund the transgender he sent over for occupation and those he bred at the monastery at Glastonbury. Everything else that can Breed spontaneously, he wants them move. Now, move!!!!!; or bring the problem to the attention of the good Monarch. They don't know Atlee made a deal with the devil. Your paradigm (see Professor Bob Melvin) about "nation" is the problem and also your self identity as a simple Human being. Maybe you did not notice 5/6 of your population is unprotected. Maybe Churchill came back in 2016 as a machine and just wanted a few puppets to give him overlord Authority on issues such as the width of the roads in the high street or the gage of track for the tube. His answer wasn't very good so they hired Alstom. While there is certainly authority to decide, how do we decide if we don't know how to read a map or a recipe or a ruler or a measuring tape. All actions and decisions are qualified by logic, what is Intra-vires and also the goal you wish to achieve. What do you wish to achieve? Is it an reasonably efficient nation that complies with Euro pub and consumer culture with an automatic income support for every Anglo citizen or a sacked nation? It would be logical if you intend to defend the economy and, consequently also the population, to fund them as citizens who mean well to find a job but who suffer the causality of Automation as seen in epidemic Joblessness. No other national economy except the English Economy, unless it's very very small and small minded, has failed to implement a universal unconditional automatic income support for all citizens. They are at war with our ways, our sort of European ways; Darlene. If it's Darlene, what am I saying? The problem is that living in North America affects the average confident Culture (from Asia or maybe Europe) with an identity complex in the second generation that is projected on to others. They would try to isolate every school teacher and every university (Jerusalem) graduate and mock them, hurt them and laugh at them. But, they are just graduates that fathers and mothers demanded must go to school. But then what is the point of a son or daughter as a graduate if you are soo small minded and eternally insertion(insecure) or un-evolved as cave men that you will see them wrongly as competition for social authority instead of as your joint heirs in Christ Jesus for multi-generational cooperation. I know we said we should own a triplex as tenants in common. The issue how do we get to generational cooperation and away from competition? Did you know Plumbing is the most difficult professional qualification next to Catholic Priest or ANGLICAN Church School graduate as followed by the Computer programmer and then Corporate Director? It's Illegal if only the transgender can travel on the tube. It's Illegal if only the transgender receive an automatic universal unconditional income support afford the Tube at 16 years of age. Everyone else, except the transgender, has to borrow from their mother or father or get a job. Maybe you never noticed. Maybe it is a Dutch king in a machine. They are the ONLY gender funded automatically to afford the Tube. Could you say it is not illegal to kill ENGLISH people with a recessive, retardant socio-economic policy? It is retardant when it prevents economic expansion. It's not expanding. Fish and chips is really good but there is hardly a fish and chip restaurant in the colonies that have been overtaken by the more expansive Asian culture with their Ramen and Congee in every West Indian City, American city or Canadian City. Atlee is Mickey Mouse. He was the perfect half Iroquois and half Anglo with the war and tension of formal and informal ownership warring in his members. Who can save us from this wretched fight within us as ENGLISH? Maybe the Iroquois cannot see he is only killing the English within him. Read Romans 7. This war rages over 24 Arlene Crescent, Scarborough, ON M1P 3L9, Canada. Ownership is AGAINST Aboriginal sanctities and the English are still in a Cold War on the issue of ownership. Ownership is the raison d'etre of the ten commandments. Fighting the ten commandments or fighting formalities in ownership to institute the informal is essentially a RELIGIOUS war. But, there are sooo many Benz and Audi vehicles that you would say there is nothing wrong in England ( Disneyland) so long as you can pay. So, who can pay? It could be that the Dutch king from 1310 in the computer sees the tension in the English, the lack of compliance to their own laws and has overwritten the laws with his assimilation policies as noted above. This is just science fiction really. The policy; it's just a mistake although a criminal and tortious one. We would all agree as Law graduates or as humans or as Oxford Press subscribers or just as innocent, hungry good English mutt dogs; ruff..ruff..ruff.ra Ra Ra Ra....ruff...ruff! Let's get some money to every one for the tube and for some food and so that we can feel as good as the Spanish and sing a song. The population and the economy dies( recedes) instead of actually expanding. The problem is not as obvious with a significant European population on the island that makes the death of Anglos without support less evident. It also becomes more dependent on other nations, foreign nations to achieve its ends. This outcome does not logically satisfy the agenda to achieve independence from Europe. It is not to ask, "...What is the point of any people if they do not react?" Maybe we ask, "...What is the point of any (Atlee or Winston Churchill) if they do not protect the people from the impacts of automation? The Monarch was not designed. The whole, entire English Income Support system says there is a gender vendetta. It only pays an automatic benefit to the transgender and not to the non transgender. It's Illegal and there is a mistake. Could it be deliberate? Clearly French Justice or European justice exceeds. If the motives involved fear of over crowding, then the strategy would have to be different. To achieve legality under the law, you would have to pay an equal Automatic benefit to all citizens. That would be English justice. See the Essop case. But, then maybe you would give an incentive to people to leave high populace areas or travel zones by paying a premium benefit. It's not congestion charging but an anti-congestion dividend to move to zone 5 or Skegness so to speak. Right now the current system actually encourages people to leave the country, with all of the impacts of Joblessness and moneylessness as caused by Automation raging, or they can make an application for benefits while the transgender do not have to make an application but if you do make an application, we can see that there is no instant responsiveness to ensure and secure the non transgender citizens from the ravages or impact of Automation in the same way that the transgender is automatically secured at the age of 15 years of age. Are you thy brother's keeper or thy citizen's keeper? The Judges have already spoken on the issue ? See the Queen's jurisprudence. See the Essop case › ...PDF Essop and ors (Appellants) v Home Office (UKBA) (Respondent) and Naeem ... Decided at the House of Lords demonstrates the current status of the situation involving unequal provision of income support is illegal with Automatic income support at £30,000.00 per year only provided to the transgender when it should be provided to every citizen pursuant to the Constitution and the UDHR Article 25; to all citizens equally. Being transgender does not present any unique impediments to work or work opportunity. Some say they are preferred to regular women in that they do not require the usual maternity leave or medical leave due to menstrual issues every month although they can request maternity leave. We need to honor the Monarch and it's illustrious jurisprudence.
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Please donate to the Church of Our Lady of Muswell Roman Catholic Church. I did. They received 12 donations today so far through this link.
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The Angel Ronan ™ Foundation is now accepting donations. We provide charitable business and law Please information through our Charitable Foundation Law Library. We do all the work, providing precise answers from our Library research. It helps. It could help. Please send your donation by Western Union to Be good to his son and daughter and other children, look out for them like they are family, give them tea, let them sleep over and your name will be listed on a plaque of donors.
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Angel Ronan ™ is now donating £1000.00 of charitable services a month to ANGLICAN Church in the UK. This is not an offer of legal services to the public. We help. We win. We consult. Just pay the administration fee of £90.00. You will be helped with a quality report from Angel Ronan Lex Scripta ™ on any question or problem.
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This just in; Warren A. Lyon of Londinium ™ Media proposes a new 12 season series based on the life and times of John Coltrane in America, focussing on the Columbia Recording years and the various artists that worked with him and that were popular during that time such as Brubeck; the athletes also like Chamberlain and Di Maggio and Pele who came to a concert once at the Village Vanguard. The music has not died. Hello Mrs. American Pie. Mr Lyon sent his proposal to Spike Lee. It will be sort of like Mad Men but it will be a bit less false and carry less of a foreign, non American white Hegemony agenda.
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A new plastic is coming out for all purposes, including garden containers. It's made of plastic derived from plant proteins. Dr. Carver made these plastics. They will not lose rigidity and flexibility. They can be used for food storage and packaging and also vehicle designs such as bumpers as Dr. George Washington Carver designed them using vegetable protein plastics that are bio degradable. The hesitation in using such plastics might be due to the unique Afro Amerindian hegemony and human equality confirmed by this tremendous technology. Who, though, would hesitate when what hegemony discussion or anxiety could interrupt the use of technology designed to benefit all of human life?
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