They say white hegemony may have begun accidentally, subconsciously under the presence of law, quite accidentally though, when Jeroboam stole Rehoboam's scepter and took brief emotional hegemony over the Crown of Israel. Jeroboam wanted to ask how Rehoboam could inherit anything over him? It looks like they shared the presidency. He was not the King legitimately but wanted people to think it so he wrote Israel and said ten tribes have joined him as he sat in Egypt; while never returning to Israel. Rehoboam pretended to submit to it as did Israel but all they did is allow the thief and any supporters to believe Jeroboam had succeeded. He has a little lighter skinned than Rehoboam or spoke better Egyptian but skin tone was not the motive. It was usurpation as Jeroboam was a son of Absalom; son of Saul. He had no respect for law. Rehoboan was the son of Isaac.

They say white hegemony may have begun accidentally, subconsciously under the presence of law, quite accidentally though,  when Jeroboam stole Rehoboam's scepter and took brief emotional hegemony over the Crown of Israel. Jeroboam wanted to ask how Rehoboam could inherit anything over him? It looks like they shared the presidency.   He was not the King legitimately but wanted people to think it so he wrote Israel and said ten tribes have joined him as he sat in Egypt; while never returning to Israel.  Rehoboam pretended to submit to it as did Israel but all they did is allow the thief and any supporters to believe Jeroboam had succeeded.  He has a little lighter skinned than Rehoboam or spoke better Egyptian but skin tone was not the motive. It was usurpation as Jeroboam was a son of Absalom; son of Saul. He had no respect for law.  Rehoboan was the son of Isaac.    


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