Emmanuel Wallerstein and Osvaldo Sunkel taught us that there is a One World Capitalist System that operates on simple principles of buying low and selling high or producing goods at the lowest most efficient cost possible while maintaining one's humanity and conscience. Did that white 79 year old customer service manager volunteer to be a machine and answer calls from a computer box or did she sign an organ donor card to donate her organs in the event of a Bournemouth diving accident or something? If so, then it is not a contravention of the 2015 Modern Anti Slavery laws and we can keep our souls and consciences. We are human beings and not Animals. As such, one system of capitalist or economic market activity around the world also has certain set costs; the cost of security for the market activity for example; that is ensuring the security and safety of producers and consumers as well as the products. The system is like a vacuum or a closed, air tight box as these theorists describe it; with only One set of rules governing activity within that system. It could be that the ISO 9001 rules decide what capabilities modern semi conductors and computer chips must have for the global industries and their producers. Your sense of national independence is not of any consequence in the production of these chips. In fact, the new chips are designed with stealth for American national defense, to keep Americans secure while driving in America or to keep their telephone calls stealthy so long as the phone owner and user is in America and an American. This was decided by Bush and his colleagues in conjunction with European and Asian manufacturers a long time ago. You have nothing to worry about it. It's done. This cost of security says the key managers of capitalism that happen to be governments must find a way to maintain cost also and keep it low. Technology involving the security cameras help. Cancelling school does not maintain cost. It creates a "skills gap" and makes you dependent on another population that will tear you apart but covertly since if you are relying on another population to manage your country, they will only need you, the aboriginal, for a consumer population and maybe you drive buses, do some police work, occupy some jobs and choose colors for the new Civic Centre. As a consumer population, they will ensure you are funded with sufficient income support at $80,000.00 per year. This is relevant to the other key cost to capitalism which is maintaining market demand or activity, activity that takes place sufficiently without relying on foreign populations to come and shop in your malls and your department stores and to buy your condominiums or new-build town homes. But, if you brought 500,000 Polish people to North America or 500,000 Italian people, then North America is Poland and Italy. Why do we need to explain anything to North Americans who are no longer managing their economy or the balance sheet except that they can decide to agree with the final solution requiring an income support that also ensures recession-free or recession-proof economies. The pirate may not want to hear about recession-free or recession-proof economies because he seeks to pick up what is left behind by others in the desperation. I had a Porsche photo on my wall as photographed by a black photographer and then my father and mother wanted to know if I was planted in their family by mistake but I like photo because its a Porsche and it does not make the photographer my father or family. I'm moving out any way before they kill me. The Cost of maintaining the population is a unique evident cost once the producers of industrial goods and other goods reduce the cost of labor and production to zero with machines. People buy the goods but they traditionally rely on work or the sale or farm produce or sex work with farm boys to earn money to buy the manufactured goods. The car sales man and sales woman have been automated with the Car Heaven or Carvana online car shopping concept that cancelled 100's and thousands of car sales man jobs. But, would you really make a $500.00 deposit on a used car online? What if you don't like it when you finally see it and arrive to sign the final contract? Is there a warranty and can you change your mind once you see the dent on the heavy back end of the vehicle? This phenomenon of automation takes money out of demand buying power in the lives of consumers who seek to buy goods. The sales man is also a consumer and is also a citizen. The play "Death of a Salesman" is being turned into a major motion picture, focusing on the power of automation to take away the life blood in peoples lives; this life blood that we call work. The argument we had about capitalism at a dinner party was really an oversight; a battle of nomenclature with many writers suggesting that European capitalism or socialism as they call it was less aggressive and less cost efficient than American Capitalism as European Capitalism(AKA Socialism) spent more money on the cost of maintaining the market of buyers who are also workers at continual risk of job automation. This requisite buyer community in the market is also referred to as the citizen population. The ultimate goal of a country is to maintain a population First and Foremost and not to bend the country's ass over to other economies and governments; sort of like what John Adams America has always done. He was really a woman, pretending to be a man and suffocating his desire to be penetrated but the emotion comes out in the way he manages his piloting decisions once given the chance. We cannot have America threaten the world any longer with its arguments about following its broken ways and technology that, to be honest, is out dated European technology and they argue just to have some sense of Independence. You threaten the water, the air and environment in general with the use of unnecessary plastics to package food. Food is supposed to spoil anyway so why use formaldehyde in milk? There is more work for you if you do it the old fashioned way and we would like fresh, real cows milk with more deliveries weekly and the milk has gone off now in 2 days instead of within ten days. This is success. The two key costs of capitalism are evident, being market demand and activity seen in financing the population with an income support and then also the cost of security or police to secure the population and also property.
Advanced Capitalism or Socialism that is also known as European Capitalism or Asian Capitalism or Advanced capitalism respects the two basic costs of capitalist activity; 1. maintaining your own home market or population with an Income Support especially after the automation that occasions joblessness and a an immediate drop in consumer buying power and demand with less work due to Carvana for the Car salesman, resulting in less money per citizen so that you are never relying on another population for market activity and this is also essentially population defense or national defense against the vicissitudes of technological change; 2. The second key fixed cost involves maintaining security and paying such security personnel called police, customs staff and border patrol. You cannot expect them to feed themselves by robbing the bank. Sales tax covers the two set costs at 20%. This number is necessary as a Joseph figure followed by all world governments since the days of Joseph in Egypt in the event of those 7 lean years and 7 fat years and you never know how automation is going to occasion those lean years where it will be necessary to ensure and secure your population against the simultaneous, cost cutting technological work of governments and corporations. Automation does not happen without the knowledge and approval of governments and so that is why the absence of income support in any modern advanced jurisdiction with museums and science galleries or world leading information technology universities is unusual; obtuse.
The income support is technology that answers the joblessness occasioned by new, robotic industrial technology. You cannot refuse to finance your population, that is abandon your key market, that is evidently also your population, your population. But, maybe a half native in command with Sans Souci dna in his veins that loathes himself may also try to erase himself and his own people to be accepted, as he needs to be accepted but in the end this makes him an idiot. It certainly would be cheaper to abandon your own population and wait for another population to arrive that is financed by its own foreign economy and government. That would be an economy plan as in cheap and no frills government where you put the burden of the cost of population on to another government; like a no frills airline that puts the burden of entertainment on to the consumer who can read a book or listen to his own mp3 music on his phone. 2 out of 3 people occupying Danada are now foreign citizens. But, to do this in abandoning your own population financially says you are a foreigner to the entire endeavor of nation building or any humble, simple national endeavor. It says you would have occupied yourself with another population all together. Why would you do that? But, you might do it if you are evil and hate yourself and your people or your adopted people; adopted in that now you have become a politician in that land. To you, maybe you think your term will be more successful as a politician in that you showed them "economy" by cancelling full time education and the money will saved will be economy since they don't really need it; you say. They have google and free online school accounts available now. Its like an airline cancelling entertainment and the cost associated but school is more than entertainment. It is socialization and life preparation. The North American economy seems to operate like a man wrapped up in a womb of spite and he chooses not to come out of that womb so that the economy feels still born, stagnant, dead, barren. If you wanted to feel Hegemony over Russia, then you would input an income support for Danada that is superior to Russia's income support at no less than $73000.00 per citizen. Russia currently pays $68000.00 per citizen at present. The trickle down impact of letting an individual take on a role of social and economic authority without any formal preparation and general education can be problematic but not necessarily disastrous. The problematic issue might be when the recipient of this unqualified honor targets everyone that has more legitimate qualification; and experience regardless of complexion or skin tone. This is to achieve a grade 8 educated hegemony as against the qualified High School graduates. It could be the discretion of the employer that is at play and this is the employer's discretion but the employer could not be sanctioning the murder or the theft of mail and property that the qualified graduate applicants may be suffering. At least on a prima facie basis, the issue of hegemony here is not about race. You could, without formal education, run a bakery and possibly take on a job as a ticket agent for a theatre company. The computer does most of the work and prompts the agent what to ask the customer. But, maybe your emotions may not allow you to accept a formally educated colleague on the job and you may treat them as a threat since they have more education. You might presume that your placement on the job is illegal and that you have not been arrested so maybe there are more illegal things you can do and get away since you are like a super anti-hero in your job with ultra-legal position and authority so now maybe you will illegally kill all the job competition over the next 30 years with your people presumptively if you could. Maybe you will read a book while on the job and realise that GDP is based on production minus consumption. This is true. If the US Government spent 5 billion dollars on weaponry whether or not it works while taking in only 4 billion at 4 % sales tax then its consumption exceeds its production or expenditures by 1 Billion dollars. But what if the US Government took in 28% sales tax; that is 7 times as much in terms of production that is also referred to as national revenue; revenue that is necessary to maintain the two set costs of any capitalism. Sales tax is certainly a part of national GDP production calculations or it should be and it usually amounts to nearly 40% of GDP whether or not its a 4% sales tax or a 30% sales tax. Governments are not selling water and lumber like they used to. This is because much of economic activity has become paperless. It certainly is a part of the calculation for many other nations that have no raw materials to sell of any kind and who might only rely on tourism and it must also include the income generated from nationally owned rail services or airlines. The sales tax is also referred to as a consumption tax but part of this consumption tax or sales tax can be used to clean up the ocean of plastics and to also lobby manufacturers and congress to end the use of plastic in all food and product packaging. Aspirin was initially packaged in a metal can. You only have grade 8 education as you preach and teach these economic principles as you move to Vermont to enjoy an economy that gives every citizen a universal unconditional income support.
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