Let us pray for the American people. Joe; He is more in love with his ego than his nation's constitution in an amorous triad; not unlike a man that chooses a the apparently sophisticated and capable piano playing lady boy for social functions and running house instead of the womb that he spends time with for reproductive and coital purposefulness. This triad was once one in history a regular one of human reproduction in a division of labor and not necessarily amorous but it might have become that way if she would put straw in her teeth with a tennis dress on when it took the strength of two male backs to life the swine out of the mud and milk the animals. The birthing woman lived in the barn where it was warm in the manger and could help maybe one or two local families, usually one, have some children. Horse milk is very good and is now mixed into the milk supply; as a rumour so I am told. Thank-you Sealtest. The trepidation we feel wafting through the air is one man's ego and his band of mighty scallywags asking if the world will let them wage a mutiny on the bounty or more precisely the constitution. It has nothing to do with a lack of resources or solutions that would content us all but just their desire to see if they can do it in an ongoing culture of piracy and proclivities in the living dead, trying to intimidate the elected government out of its job and duty to ask what happened to 90% of the votes sent by post. You may have had your own schedule for the new year to see Joe arraigned in public and that may still happen since he is not President elect. But, it may not be January. He has his suit picked out for January and his first day in Court to request a sentence served in the community. It seems old Democratic politicians are using the same E pills, making the rabid mistakes. Ask Clarence Darrow next time or that young white dude in the movie the Firm. It is just ego you feel as magnified by a lack of sociological preparation. But white people really do kill white people and why are we tolerating this for the hillbilly coming up into politics from the Stoney Mountain in every state or province in North America? We could let him be the mayor forvever but you need taper his expectations of absolute Authority as he cannot threaten a woman at her front door and tell her he is holding her property, that he will rent it for her and made her give him the key with an old fired cop pressing her with intimidation, that he stole a key for her vehicle from the daughter's husband. Why are you angry at her? You could not believe a black Real Estate agent should exist maybe.Hut, who are you to abuse the mayor's office in a criminal abuse of power; all in her son's Asus phone as videoed in 2014. The state of war is when the government leaves men to their own resources while governments are assembled to create and maintain peace. Otario may be the only jurisdiction in North America not enjoying the peace called for in the age of automation. Mexico has peace where every citizen has $30,000.00 per year in universal unconditional minimum income support. To be comparable to other economies in the region and prevent a population imbalance, Jamaica should have $10,000.00 USD per year per citizen. Give me the best. How much do you say peace is per citizen in your jurisdiction? Should it be $80,000.00 per year in guaranteed universal unconditional minimum income support or should it be $60,000.00 a year like Alberta? You see the piece to fit in to your economic puzzle. What would it take to just put the piece into the puzzle and help capitalism, capitalism? There are tremendous resources available to do this but Cabot 1430 dna is afraid you may have more than him while he is some how assigned to be the administrator in the new world in almost every generation and he wages his own personal war based on his own personal fears that the average citizen, student or person that is in his realm of influence may have more, more and it is a self induced fear when this Cabot 1430 dna does not want to understand how to buy property and believes property should be just given to him. The Mayor of Ganonque and The General protecting the nation believes you should have your library card. The Chief and the Mayor of Loopieronto don't think you should have it. They believe that because they live in the the shadow of CN Tower, they can challenge all Authority. We still have not figured out how much the denial of one library card is really worth. It was a simple civic service available to all citizens so what does it take to ask who the mayor really is and that chief? This ego is the enemy that lays within the system,refusing to understand simple solutions and refusing to apply them so he needs to be disarmed of the global sociological sympathy that allows him to commit genocidal decision that also threaten father's economy and plans for economic expansion in the West. John Cabot Adams, the American revolutionary, lived long but hundreds died, never growing old, in his tenure as he refused to administer the great resources and instead provoked a war with the father country, taking the resources and the Authority of the constitution as his own. It is no longer up to him but he will still have authority and choose the colour of the busses, maybe the colour of brick on the buildings also. There will always be four or five choices so you feel your independence, see your independence. Citroen should be coming soon. We hope. In the reality of the joblessness occasioned by automation, the government maintains peace with a universal unconditional minimum income support for every citizen thereby avoiding Hobbes State of war where man is left to utilise his own power and resources to satisfy a Maslow living and often finds himself, in the mass joblessness as occasioned by automation in collisions with the power and resources of other men. This collision is rebutted by a job core( government job service) that could guarantee wages of no less than $60000.00 for anyone who wishes to work part time for the government; not as a regular government employee but as an ongoing temporary worker. Who would resist a solution like this that helps everyone? Safety is the entirety of the purpose of the constitution. Deregulation is the antithesis and a broad day light hokus pokus robbery and undoing of constitutional safeguards. It never happened before until Clinkton who was a covert Sans Suci agent working for a Western Hemispheric absolute authority but while undoing Article 2 US Constitutional safeguards and purposes. He's a devil really or more palpably we would say he is observable sympathised American Louisiana anthropology afraid of land deals since his kind does not really buy property as waiting for Rousseau or George Washington or the king of France to come and scold him. What if you were given authority or somehow desired the authority and dreamed of it and then somehow you get into a vain and grand use of authority but you never get to the issue like the guy who gets the chick with the sufficient backside, vagina and proper nursing aids for children but you never put your dick in and opt for "hand" for 50 years until she hammered you to death to inherit from you but she never cheated and nor did you? But, what anthroplogy involves a wife trying to be your heir instead of your partner in bequethal but maybe someone with a dyslexic "doggy want a bone" recollection of all the story books when she should see herself as wife and partner? You wear the right suits, have blue eyes and wear Stetson cologne but when it comes to socioeconomics, you are still the Pawnee champion scalper of 1798. We are confirming how socioeconomic policy can be utilised to affect slow but certain mass genocide pursuant to the legal definition of the concept; genocide. This is when social policy fails to ensure and guarantee the dignity of human life, thereby exposing citizens to conditions of life that destroy the citizen and this is more evident in the ongoing scheme of ever increasing work and job process automation. The key social policy known as a universal unconditional minimum income support ensures there is no genocide as occasioned by the joblessness induced by automation. We may resent the big metropolis and may believe that in not implementing the policy we eradictate urbanity emblemised by the street corner Vietnamese fast food take out but we are really starving the entire economy. The best way to control urban growth is with planning approval so that even if every citizen has his $60,000.00 a year in Minimum Income Support, he or she who is unable to find a vacant home can move to another town where they may have a new development on the go and a home available. The way to fight urbanity and urban sprawl is with long term urban planning; not by starving the whole economy so that every downtown mall at Grand Central and Galleria shuts down and every car company. A lot of citizens have moved to Chicago where this childish claustrophobic fight with urbanity and the implementation of requisite social policy does not exist. You will find that the metropolis is synonymous with diversity and foolish people who spend millions to live in 800 sq foot boxes. But, now there is insufficient money to pay rent in urban centres or rural centres due to the joblessness induced by automation. These people in urban centres make strudel, say the Catholic creed once a day, they may do the moon walk dance or use an android Nordictrack with the video screen. They are urban. Your efforts to eradicate the metropolis are anathema to logic. The populations enduring the anathema tend to be located in more aboriginal vendetta economies with managers or politicians who resist any technology indicatative of a ubiquitous system involving trains, water management, underground fibre optic communication and minimum income support, anything involving change if given a minute to decide and they may, in their vendetta, achieve a self inflicted genocide while they certainly survive by technology handed to them where they just use it but they did not have a chance to decide on its implementation. Certainly, they could never say how a telephone works or assemble the system that enables the call and the technological efficacy. They cannot really argue with money that was handed to them for pelts once. They cannot argue with the necessity of automatic money in fending off the trauma of wide spread joblessness affecting all kinds of lives and people with all kinds of complexions and ancestry. Humanizing education continues for all since many still struggle with the truth and reality of an Afroed aboriginal in North America that endured the harsh land, many rivers and lakes prior o the arrival of the Spaniards in the 1400's. Their dna resembles the Nigerian or the people of Sierra Leone as these black aboriginals ended up on the west of the new Atlantic ocean following the continental divide. Neferttiti and her people are never sufficiently educated to manage an economy as they are designed to be dependent on the Pharaoh builder but will say she will hold the city as the Authority until father or the authority comes; especially if there is something to be done that involves Authority. She is less likely to hold up a situation on something as simple as mandatory paper drinking straws vs. plastic straws with paper preferred if she has sufficient education to see the answer and just say yes. But, she is certainly the Authority and now we have to work on her efficacy and quick, more efficacious preparation with more purposeful education, free of any Cabot style anxiety about education as creating social class mobility. Romney is not Reagan. She really wants him to come; from Europe or Africa as Skype video calls are not enough for her emotions in Otario where she holds significant hegemony as a Neferttiti Community arriving this time from the West Indies. But, her social expectations are evident in her social engineering of the world for her determinedly undereducated expectations with enough social authority in this uneducated, unprepared condition with little humane sympathetic responsiveness to kill an economy, an entire population. This is Columbus and Cabot's ancestral testimony and influence over North America while they take authority and defend their way, threatening to kill us all. But, a 30% sales tax covers the cost of a minimum income support; not transfers of wealth between classes. Every citizen gets the cash regardless of their assets. It's Nirvana and very good for Carvana. It was once an Angel Ronan™ proposal to automate or bring the car buying experience into the streamlined space saving, tone saving power of Amazon.com while it's still nice to have maybe one dealership every 200 miles so you can test drive a vehicle. The phenomenon of manufacturer approved service centres will grow, giving some service centres maybe every 20 miles the Authority to service manufacturer products still under warranty. But everyone will have enough cash with at least $60,000.00 a year in North America provided as a universal unconditional minimum income support. Former VP Joe Neferttiti Budden is trying to hold up America in not implementing the universal unconditional minimum income support policy and now wants to free the country back to Europe. John Adams did this and we have no time We are confirming how socioeconomic policy can be utilised to affect slow but certain mass genocide pursuant to the legal definition of the concept; genocide. This is when social policy fails to ensure and guarantee the dignity of human life, thereby exposing citizens to conditions of life that destroy the citizen and this is more evident in the ongoing scheme of ever increasing work and job process automation. The key social policy known as a universal unconditional minimum income support ensures there is no genocide as occasioned by the joblessness induced by automation. We may resent the big metropolis and may believe that in not implementing the policy we eradictate urbanity emblemised by the street corner Vietnamese fast food take out but we are really starving the entire economy. The best way to control urban growth is with planning approval so that even if every citizen has his $60,000.00 a year in Minimum Income Support, he or she who is unable to find a vacant home can move to another town where they may have a new development on the go and a home available. The way to fight urbanity and urban sprawl is with long term urban planning; not by starving the whole economy so that every downtown mall at Grand Central and Galleria shuts down and every car company. A lot of citizens have moved to Chicago where this childish claustrophobic fight with urbanity and the implementation of requisite social policy does not exist. You will find that the metropolis is synonymous with diversity and foolish people who spend millions to live in 800 sq foot boxes. But, now there is insufficient money to pay rent in urban centres or rural centres due to the joblessness induced by automation. These people in urban centres make strudel, say the Catholic creed once a day, they may do the moon walk dance or use an android Nordictrack with the video screen. They are urban. Your efforts to eradicate the metropolis are anathema to logic. The populations enduring the anathema tend to be located in more aboriginal vendetta economies with managers or politicians who resist any technology indicatative of a ubiquitous system involving trains, water management, underground fibre optic communication and minimum income support, anything involving change if given a minute to decide and they may, in their vendetta, achieve a self inflicted genocide while they certainly survive by technology handed to them where they just use it but they did not have a chance to decide on its implementation. Certainly, they could never say how a telephone works or assemble the system that enables the call and the technological efficacy. They cannot really argue with money that was handed to them for pelts once. They cannot argue with the necessity of automatic money in fending off the trauma of wide spread joblessness affecting all kinds of lives and people with all kinds of complexions and ancestry. Humanizing education continues for all since many still struggle with the truth and reality of an Afroed aboriginal in North America that endured the harsh land, many rivers and lakes prior o the arrival of the Spaniards in the 1400's. Their dna resembles the Nigerian or the people of Sierra Leone as these black aboriginals ended up on the west of the new Atlantic ocean following the continental divide. Neferttiti and her people are never sufficiently educated to manage an economy as they are designed to be dependent on the Pharaoh builder but will say she will hold the city as the Authority until father or the authority comes; especially if there is something to be done that involves Authority. She is less likely to hold up a situation on something as simple as mandatory paper drinking straws vs. plastic straws with paper preferred if she has sufficient education to see the answer and just say yes. But, she is certainly the Authority and now we have to work on her efficacy and quick, more efficacious preparation with more purposeful education, free of any Cabot style anxiety about education as creating social class mobility. Romney is not Reagan. She really wants him to come; from Europe or Africa as Skype video calls are not enough for her emotions in Otario where she holds significant hegemony as a Neferttiti Community arriving this time from the West Indies. But, her social expectations are evident in her social engineering of the world for her determinedly undereducated expectations with enough social authority in this uneducated, unprepared condition with little humane sympathetic responsiveness to kill an economy, an entire population. This is Columbus and Cabot's ancestral testimony and influence over North America while they take authority and defend their way, threatening to kill us all. But, a 30% sales tax covers the cost of a minimum income support; not transfers of wealth between classes. Every citizen gets the cash regardless of their assets. It's Nirvana and very good for Carvana. It was once an Angel Ronan™ proposal to automate or bring the car buying experience into the streamlined space saving, tone saving power of Amazon.com while it's still nice to have maybe one dealership every 200 miles so you can test drive a vehicle. The phenomenon of manufacturer approved service centres will grow, giving some service centres maybe every 20 miles the Authority to service manufacturer products still under warranty. But everyone will have enough cash with at least $60,000.00 a year in North America provided as a universal unconditional minimum income support. Former VP Joe Neferttiti Budden is trying to hold up America in not implementing the universal unconditional minimum income support policy and now wants to free the country back to Europe. John Adams did this and we have no time for a vain a recitation. Clearly, to report about a President Elect following a theft of 90% of the paper ballots or votes is an obstruction of justice. They will let you know Joe how it's gking to go. Now, just be quiet now. You will not be president unless Donald and Mike say so. They will let you know Joe how it's going to go. Now, just be quiet now. You will not be president unless Donald and Pince would agree. They don't seem to agree. By B By Wolf Bidder Clearly, to report about a President Elect following a theft of 90% of the paper ballots or votes is an obstruction of justice. They will let you know Joe how it's going to go. Now, just be quiet now. You will not be president unless Donald and Pince would agree. They don't seem to agree. By B By Wolf Bidder FSJ.
Let us pray for the American people. Joe; He is more in love with his ego than his nation's constitution in an amorous triad; not unlike a man that chooses a the apparently sophisticated and capable piano playing lady boy for social functions and running house instead of the womb that he spends time with for reproductive and coital purposefulness. This triad was once one in history a regular one of human reproduction in a division of labor and not necessarily amorous but it might have become that way if she would put straw in her teeth with a tennis dress on when it took the strength of two male backs to life the swine out of the mud and milk the animals. The birthing woman lived in the barn where it was warm in the manger and could help maybe one or two local families, usually one, have some children. Horse milk is very good and is now mixed into the milk supply; as a rumour so I am told. Thank-you Sealtest. The trepidation we feel wafting through the air is one man's ego and his band of mighty scallywags asking if the world will let them wage a mutiny on the bounty or more precisely the constitution. It has nothing to do with a lack of resources or solutions that would content us all but just their desire to see if they can do it in an ongoing culture of piracy and proclivities in the living dead, trying to intimidate the elected government out of its job and duty to ask what happened to 90% of the votes sent by post. You may have had your own schedule for the new year to see Joe arraigned in public and that may still happen since he is not President elect. But, it may not be January. He has his suit picked out for January and his first day in Court to request a sentence served in the community. It seems old Democratic politicians are using the same E pills, making the rabid mistakes. Ask Clarence Darrow next time or that young white dude in the movie the Firm. It is just ego you feel as magnified by a lack of sociological preparation. But white people really do kill white people and why are we tolerating this for the hillbilly coming up into politics from the Stoney Mountain in every state or province in North America? We could let him be the mayor forvever but you need taper his expectations of absolute Authority as he cannot threaten a woman at her front door and tell her he is holding her property, that he will rent it for her and made her give him the key with an old fired cop pressing her with intimidation, that he stole a key for her vehicle from the daughter's husband. Why are you angry at her? You could not believe a black Real Estate agent should exist maybe.Hut, who are you to abuse the mayor's office in a criminal abuse of power; all in her son's Asus phone as videoed in 2014. The state of war is when the government leaves men to their own resources while governments are assembled to create and maintain peace. Otario may be the only jurisdiction in North America not enjoying the peace called for in the age of automation. Mexico has peace where every citizen has $30,000.00 per year in universal unconditional minimum income support. To be comparable to other economies in the region and prevent a population imbalance, Jamaica should have $10,000.00 USD per year per citizen. Give me the best. How much do you say peace is per citizen in your jurisdiction? Should it be $80,000.00 per year in guaranteed universal unconditional minimum income support or should it be $60,000.00 a year like Alberta? You see the piece to fit in to your economic puzzle. What would it take to just put the piece into the puzzle and help capitalism, capitalism? There are tremendous resources available to do this but Cabot 1430 dna is afraid you may have more than him while he is some how assigned to be the administrator in the new world in almost every generation and he wages his own personal war based on his own personal fears that the average citizen, student or person that is in his realm of influence may have more, more and it is a self induced fear when this Cabot 1430 dna does not want to understand how to buy property and believes property should be just given to him. The Mayor of Ganonque and The General protecting the nation believes you should have your library card. The Chief and the Mayor of Loopieronto don't think you should have it. They believe that because they live in the the shadow of CN Tower, they can challenge all Authority. We still have not figured out how much the denial of one library card is really worth. It was a simple civic service available to all citizens so what does it take to ask who the mayor really is and that chief? This ego is the enemy that lays within the system,refusing to understand simple solutions and refusing to apply them so he needs to be disarmed of the global sociological sympathy that allows him to commit genocidal decision that also threaten father's economy and plans for economic expansion in the West. John Cabot Adams, the American revolutionary, lived long but hundreds died, never growing old, in his tenure as he refused to administer the great resources and instead provoked a war with the father country, taking the resources and the Authority of the constitution as his own. It is no longer up to him but he will still have authority and choose the colour of the busses, maybe the colour of brick on the buildings also. There will always be four or five choices so you feel your independence, see your independence. Citroen should be coming soon. We hope. In the reality of the joblessness occasioned by automation, the government maintains peace with a universal unconditional minimum income support for every citizen thereby avoiding Hobbes State of war where man is left to utilise his own power and resources to satisfy a Maslow living and often finds himself, in the mass joblessness as occasioned by automation in collisions with the power and resources of other men. This collision is rebutted by a job core( government job service) that could guarantee wages of no less than $60000.00 for anyone who wishes to work part time for the government; not as a regular government employee but as an ongoing temporary worker. Who would resist a solution like this that helps everyone? Safety is the entirety of the purpose of the constitution. Deregulation is the antithesis and a broad day light hokus pokus robbery and undoing of constitutional safeguards. It never happened before until Clinkton who was a covert Sans Suci agent working for a Western Hemispheric absolute authority but while undoing Article 2 US Constitutional safeguards and purposes. He's a devil really or more palpably we would say he is observable sympathised American Louisiana anthropology afraid of land deals since his kind does not really buy property as waiting for Rousseau or George Washington or the king of France to come and scold him. What if you were given authority or somehow desired the authority and dreamed of it and then somehow you get into a vain and grand use of authority but you never get to the issue like the guy who gets the chick with the sufficient backside, vagina and proper nursing aids for children but you never put your dick in and opt for "hand" for 50 years until she hammered you to death to inherit from you but she never cheated and nor did you? But, what anthroplogy involves a wife trying to be your heir instead of your partner in bequethal but maybe someone with a dyslexic "doggy want a bone" recollection of all the story books when she should see herself as wife and partner? You wear the right suits, have blue eyes and wear Stetson cologne but when it comes to socioeconomics, you are still the Pawnee champion scalper of 1798. We are confirming how socioeconomic policy can be utilised to affect slow but certain mass genocide pursuant to the legal definition of the concept; genocide. This is when social policy fails to ensure and guarantee the dignity of human life, thereby exposing citizens to conditions of life that destroy the citizen and this is more evident in the ongoing scheme of ever increasing work and job process automation. The key social policy known as a universal unconditional minimum income support ensures there is no genocide as occasioned by the joblessness induced by automation. We may resent the big metropolis and may believe that in not implementing the policy we eradictate urbanity emblemised by the street corner Vietnamese fast food take out but we are really starving the entire economy. The best way to control urban growth is with planning approval so that even if every citizen has his $60,000.00 a year in Minimum Income Support, he or she who is unable to find a vacant home can move to another town where they may have a new development on the go and a home available. The way to fight urbanity and urban sprawl is with long term urban planning; not by starving the whole economy so that every downtown mall at Grand Central and Galleria shuts down and every car company. A lot of citizens have moved to Chicago where this childish claustrophobic fight with urbanity and the implementation of requisite social policy does not exist. You will find that the metropolis is synonymous with diversity and foolish people who spend millions to live in 800 sq foot boxes. But, now there is insufficient money to pay rent in urban centres or rural centres due to the joblessness induced by automation. These people in urban centres make strudel, say the Catholic creed once a day, they may do the moon walk dance or use an android Nordictrack with the video screen. They are urban. Your efforts to eradicate the metropolis are anathema to logic. The populations enduring the anathema tend to be located in more aboriginal vendetta economies with managers or politicians who resist any technology indicatative of a ubiquitous system involving trains, water management, underground fibre optic communication and minimum income support, anything involving change if given a minute to decide and they may, in their vendetta, achieve a self inflicted genocide while they certainly survive by technology handed to them where they just use it but they did not have a chance to decide on its implementation. Certainly, they could never say how a telephone works or assemble the system that enables the call and the technological efficacy. They cannot really argue with money that was handed to them for pelts once. They cannot argue with the necessity of automatic money in fending off the trauma of wide spread joblessness affecting all kinds of lives and people with all kinds of complexions and ancestry. Humanizing education continues for all since many still struggle with the truth and reality of an Afroed aboriginal in North America that endured the harsh land, many rivers and lakes prior o the arrival of the Spaniards in the 1400's. Their dna resembles the Nigerian or the people of Sierra Leone as these black aboriginals ended up on the west of the new Atlantic ocean following the continental divide. Neferttiti and her people are never sufficiently educated to manage an economy as they are designed to be dependent on the Pharaoh builder but will say she will hold the city as the Authority until father or the authority comes; especially if there is something to be done that involves Authority. She is less likely to hold up a situation on something as simple as mandatory paper drinking straws vs. plastic straws with paper preferred if she has sufficient education to see the answer and just say yes. But, she is certainly the Authority and now we have to work on her efficacy and quick, more efficacious preparation with more purposeful education, free of any Cabot style anxiety about education as creating social class mobility. Romney is not Reagan. She really wants him to come; from Europe or Africa as Skype video calls are not enough for her emotions in Otario where she holds significant hegemony as a Neferttiti Community arriving this time from the West Indies. But, her social expectations are evident in her social engineering of the world for her determinedly undereducated expectations with enough social authority in this uneducated, unprepared condition with little humane sympathetic responsiveness to kill an economy, an entire population. This is Columbus and Cabot's ancestral testimony and influence over North America while they take authority and defend their way, threatening to kill us all. But, a 30% sales tax covers the cost of a minimum income support; not transfers of wealth between classes. Every citizen gets the cash regardless of their assets. It's Nirvana and very good for Carvana. It was once an Angel Ronan™ proposal to automate or bring the car buying experience into the streamlined space saving, tone saving power of Amazon.com while it's still nice to have maybe one dealership every 200 miles so you can test drive a vehicle. The phenomenon of manufacturer approved service centres will grow, giving some service centres maybe every 20 miles the Authority to service manufacturer products still under warranty. But everyone will have enough cash with at least $60,000.00 a year in North America provided as a universal unconditional minimum income support. Former VP Joe Neferttiti Budden is trying to hold up America in not implementing the universal unconditional minimum income support policy and now wants to free the country back to Europe. John Adams did this and we have no time We are confirming how socioeconomic policy can be utilised to affect slow but certain mass genocide pursuant to the legal definition of the concept; genocide. This is when social policy fails to ensure and guarantee the dignity of human life, thereby exposing citizens to conditions of life that destroy the citizen and this is more evident in the ongoing scheme of ever increasing work and job process automation. The key social policy known as a universal unconditional minimum income support ensures there is no genocide as occasioned by the joblessness induced by automation. We may resent the big metropolis and may believe that in not implementing the policy we eradictate urbanity emblemised by the street corner Vietnamese fast food take out but we are really starving the entire economy. The best way to control urban growth is with planning approval so that even if every citizen has his $60,000.00 a year in Minimum Income Support, he or she who is unable to find a vacant home can move to another town where they may have a new development on the go and a home available. The way to fight urbanity and urban sprawl is with long term urban planning; not by starving the whole economy so that every downtown mall at Grand Central and Galleria shuts down and every car company. A lot of citizens have moved to Chicago where this childish claustrophobic fight with urbanity and the implementation of requisite social policy does not exist. You will find that the metropolis is synonymous with diversity and foolish people who spend millions to live in 800 sq foot boxes. But, now there is insufficient money to pay rent in urban centres or rural centres due to the joblessness induced by automation. These people in urban centres make strudel, say the Catholic creed once a day, they may do the moon walk dance or use an android Nordictrack with the video screen. They are urban. Your efforts to eradicate the metropolis are anathema to logic. The populations enduring the anathema tend to be located in more aboriginal vendetta economies with managers or politicians who resist any technology indicatative of a ubiquitous system involving trains, water management, underground fibre optic communication and minimum income support, anything involving change if given a minute to decide and they may, in their vendetta, achieve a self inflicted genocide while they certainly survive by technology handed to them where they just use it but they did not have a chance to decide on its implementation. Certainly, they could never say how a telephone works or assemble the system that enables the call and the technological efficacy. They cannot really argue with money that was handed to them for pelts once. They cannot argue with the necessity of automatic money in fending off the trauma of wide spread joblessness affecting all kinds of lives and people with all kinds of complexions and ancestry. Humanizing education continues for all since many still struggle with the truth and reality of an Afroed aboriginal in North America that endured the harsh land, many rivers and lakes prior o the arrival of the Spaniards in the 1400's. Their dna resembles the Nigerian or the people of Sierra Leone as these black aboriginals ended up on the west of the new Atlantic ocean following the continental divide. Neferttiti and her people are never sufficiently educated to manage an economy as they are designed to be dependent on the Pharaoh builder but will say she will hold the city as the Authority until father or the authority comes; especially if there is something to be done that involves Authority. She is less likely to hold up a situation on something as simple as mandatory paper drinking straws vs. plastic straws with paper preferred if she has sufficient education to see the answer and just say yes. But, she is certainly the Authority and now we have to work on her efficacy and quick, more efficacious preparation with more purposeful education, free of any Cabot style anxiety about education as creating social class mobility. Romney is not Reagan. She really wants him to come; from Europe or Africa as Skype video calls are not enough for her emotions in Otario where she holds significant hegemony as a Neferttiti Community arriving this time from the West Indies. But, her social expectations are evident in her social engineering of the world for her determinedly undereducated expectations with enough social authority in this uneducated, unprepared condition with little humane sympathetic responsiveness to kill an economy, an entire population. This is Columbus and Cabot's ancestral testimony and influence over North America while they take authority and defend their way, threatening to kill us all. But, a 30% sales tax covers the cost of a minimum income support; not transfers of wealth between classes. Every citizen gets the cash regardless of their assets. It's Nirvana and very good for Carvana. It was once an Angel Ronan™ proposal to automate or bring the car buying experience into the streamlined space saving, tone saving power of Amazon.com while it's still nice to have maybe one dealership every 200 miles so you can test drive a vehicle. The phenomenon of manufacturer approved service centres will grow, giving some service centres maybe every 20 miles the Authority to service manufacturer products still under warranty. But everyone will have enough cash with at least $60,000.00 a year in North America provided as a universal unconditional minimum income support. Former VP Joe Neferttiti Budden is trying to hold up America in not implementing the universal unconditional minimum income support policy and now wants to free the country back to Europe. John Adams did this and we have no time for a vain a recitation. Clearly, to report about a President Elect following a theft of 90% of the paper ballots or votes is an obstruction of justice. They will let you know Joe how it's gking to go. Now, just be quiet now. You will not be president unless Donald and Mike say so. They will let you know Joe how it's going to go. Now, just be quiet now. You will not be president unless Donald and Pince would agree. They don't seem to agree. By B By Wolf Bidder Clearly, to report about a President Elect following a theft of 90% of the paper ballots or votes is an obstruction of justice. They will let you know Joe how it's going to go. Now, just be quiet now. You will not be president unless Donald and Pince would agree. They don't seem to agree. By B By Wolf Bidder FSJ.
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