Warren A. Lyon receives the 2020 Lex Scripta ™ President’s Choice award for Jurisprudence. Thank you Warren! The award relates to identifying in Jurisprudence the positive obligation on all governments since 1948 to provide all needs related to the maintenance of human dignity, including housing, water, clothing, food and medical care to be provided simply as a universal unconditional minimum income support with enough monies to satisfy the enumerated needs in addition to a universal health care. The failure to satisfy the positive obligation amounts to a discussion in tort in the line of cases following Dorset Yacht Co Ltd v Home Office. Under the Criminal Law, the failure to fulfill the positive obligation amounts to a genocide contrary to the criminal code of all UN member states since 1948. Following the advent of total robotic industrial automation since 1977, in particular, with robotic car assembly and bank tellers as an example that shut down 3/4 of the work in the banking industry and 80% of the work in the automotive manufacturing industry, the urgency for the minimum income support in regular fundamental* socioeconomic policy became evident. Many lives were lost. Many products remained unsold and an ongoing recession as the backdrop ensued. Warren A. Lyon has another achievement in his professional career. He thanks his elders and dedicates the award to them. Many human lives will be saved. Congratulations!

 Warren A. Lyon receives the 2020 Lex Scripta ™ President’s Choice award for Jurisprudence. Thank you Warren! The award relates to identifying in Jurisprudence the positive obligation on all governments since 1948 to provide all needs related to the maintenance of human dignity, including housing, water, clothing, food and medical care to be provided simply as a universal unconditional minimum income support with enough monies to satisfy the enumerated needs in addition to a universal health care. The failure to satisfy the positive obligation amounts to a discussion in tort in the line of cases following Dorset Yacht Co Ltd v Home Office. Under the Criminal Law, the failure to fulfill the positive obligation amounts to a genocide contrary to the criminal code of all UN member states since 1948. Following the advent of total robotic industrial automation since 1977, in particular, with robotic car assembly and bank tellers as an example that shut down 3/4 of the work in the banking industry and 80% of the work in the automotive manufacturing industry, the urgency for the minimum income support in regular fundamental* socioeconomic policy became evident. Many lives were lost. Many products remained unsold and an ongoing recession as the backdrop ensued. Warren A. Lyon has another achievement in his professional career. He thanks his elders and dedicates the award to them. Many human lives will be saved. Congratulations!


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