Warren A. Lyon, European Economist and Academic Lawyer has worked out the variables to ensure that any economy has ensured consumer stimulus, is never stalled by recessions or depressions; and that will also provide the most effective means of national defence in that every citizen is covered, protected and defended from any kind of internal economic calamities and can find sufficient, food, water, mobility and shelter, thereby defending the citizen's life. ClIck here.

  Entwerfen(TM) Economic Reports❤




Written by Gens Blanc 

  Warren A. Lyon,  European Economist and Academic Lawyer has worked out the variables to ensure that any economy has ensured consumer stimulus, is never stalled by recessions or depressions; and that will also provide the most effective means of national defence in that every citizen is covered, protected and defended from any kind of internal economic calamities and can find sufficient, food, water, mobility and shelter, thereby defending the citizen's life. 

What would you like in your income support program? You would like a program that defends, protects and ensures the life of your citizen in light of the joblessness caused by automation and in light of the current cost of living per citizen.  It is not that you do not have income support programs but it is just that your programs do not cover, defend and protect the lives of all of your citizens. It creates a buffer and safe distance or safe personal space between all  citizens and  it also creates opportunities for socialising and connecting.  I will buy or you will buy.  But, in the unusual absence of an income support during the near total robotification  and automation of many industrial work processes  in the last 200 years with more to come, we would ask who is trying to embarrass the captain at the helm and seek all of his attention?   Automation causes a reduction in the disposable income of the average citizen in the population.  It causes a reduction in consumer stimulus. It causes a reduction  of energy  on the demand side of the economy that would be needed to respond to all of the energy and activity bustling and gyrating on the production, supply and production side of the economy as seen in the advertising and the bill boards.   

This research is quite helpful when all humans on the planet encounter the threats of joblessness and moneyless-ness occasioned by work automation.  We are not really at war with this truth but you will notice the impact on your population if you do not implement solutions to resolve the problem seen in the moneyless-ness and joblessness caused by automation.   We are therefore at war with  our selves and our lack  of a more guttural self preservation and self defensiveness in response in a lack of comprehension  to solve the problem;  in an aboriginal self sabotage and this would be the real enemy in any alleged Cold War. No one is fighting  America.  America and the North American is fighting itself. 

 The solutions utilised by most other nations  here that also include the African nations; appear  below. It is not unlike  highways seen in most countries to solve transportation issues or mass public transit subways.  This solution is called  an income support that is paid universally  and unconditionally to all citizens and why have a system of income support benefits of any kind  that breaks the law if you only pay some of the people but not all of the people?  Why bring attention  to close encounters  with a  gender of a third kind by paying only transgender people?  This contradicts  any respect for the majority and any laws that demand equality in the provision of all benefits and public services.   

This remains important for us to discuss as the kind of  undiscovered truths since the power of these principles remain unsatisfactorily implemented in the US economy and in the other North American economies where they do not have a  consistent national policy on the issue of an income support.   

But, in seeing how simple it is to solve the problems of consumer stimulus as explained by Mr. Lyon, it becomes kind of a discovery although the principles noted here below date back to ancient Egypt and this is acknowledged accordingly.  We can play with these variables noted below to have some fun and some North American  and true UK English economic hegemony in response to the evident European, Russian and Asian hegemony around the world; in the supermarket and at the cash registers in our shopping centres,  on the high street and in the hotels.  

Talking about F15s  alone and their capability does not provide requisite resources for defending and protecting human lives like; resources like oats and other cereals.   IN addition to F15 excitement,  does every citizen have a guaranteed, universal income support where we would enjoy real, practical national protection and defence of the life of the citizen?  The meek shall inherit the earth.  The Asians, Europeans and the Russians all  have Income support money. It is the new mandatory  minimum human quality of life. Bahamians have a national universal income support.  You don't.  Their cards and systems are modern and global and their income support is accepted for car lease finance in any country.  All the people named Lyon in Pennsylvania or Ohio are not as happy as  the man named Lyon in Vermont.  

We have also concluded that one of the most efficient ways of honouring your ancestors and protecting your descendants is to read your bible maybe in a bible app. 

Equations do not have authority over you but they are tools to help.   The Anglo globally seems numb to many glaring issues, affecting their economies.  The sale of soft drinks  and potato chips in foreign countries is a  mean, paltry form of success that does not cover or compensate for the mean treatment of  all Anglos globally in their own income support system.   

This observation from Mr. Lyon is helpful when the US, Canada and Britain as latent western aboriginal economies, have been experimenting with Central Bank rates being lowered to nearly 0% as a form of consumer stimulus when, at the same time, there is no culture of a national, equal and guaranteed unconditional income support for every citizen in these countries. But, lowering an interest rate to encourage spending when you can see that there is an insufficient citizen consumer population with the ability to spend in the country at less than 30% of the citizen population actually receiving any income support is to miss the attendant target goal.  

The real issue with consumer stimulus would be evidently that the majority of the population does not have the ability to pay; as enjoyed by some other citizens in the population as realised in a combination of Federal and local state or provincial  funding. But, clearly large segments of the population not receiving any income support is perdition; economically speaking. It is evidence of differential treatment, adverse impact discrimination, maybe a gender hate crime in some cases or it amounts to some other forms of benefit inequality that favors  individuals with no evidence of savings above $8000.00 in assets although they could be a BBQ millionaire or a Super Market millionaire. It might be benefit inequality in the use of Federal funds to ensure benefits are paid to citizens in one location but not in others. 

It is like trying to say you will encourage fertility by lowering salt and nuclear water content in the foods, milks and other drinks  people eat  and drink to 0% salt and 0% nuclear water but you have not implemented an income support so that they might be able to buy the foods and drinks in any case so that you could really achieve your goal. The food is still on the shelf no matter how low the salt content is.   So, how have you achieved your goal? You should lower the salt content and the nuclear water content anyway. But, a 0% interest rate is an issue when it threatens the actual functioning of the  Central bank and the country it self with average interest on foreign debt payments at 14% or higher.      

1.  You start by implementing an income support for every citizen at an amount that is certain to cover all of his various Maslow needs that would include water, food and shelter as well as clothing and some basic transportation options.  This defends and protects the life of the citizen.  It is the first and most important pilar in national defence. Why is it not fully implemented in the UK, Canadian and American economies; affecting these simple, poor, hungry and angry white people who are at least good for something such as being the average car buyer and grocery store consumer in North America such that you should not imagine repopulating North America again and again with Eastern Europeans in a loss operating economy.  You must not understand your hatred of the North American accent on the tongues of a 4th generation Ukrainian American in the US military called Ice Man Krasinski. Just make soft drinks, candies and chocolate with your assistive dna. Implement the income support so that the North American can buy the food, clothing and vehicles.  Implement a sales tax that covers the cost of operations. Take what you need out of the sales tax collection.  Anesthetise the North American with lots of money so that he is a happy North American absorbed in the money culture; not hunting for it but thinking about what to do with it  and what to say if people  call to tell him that his savings in a savings account  are not just savings but an investment.  It's a savings account so its not an investment.     Budweiser is culture but money also in itself is culture.  It is the most important culture in all colonial movements that must penetrate the aboriginal hunter gatherer experience. Government that frustrates this in the post colonial era  where all citizens are really just aboriginal creoles is just self defeatist. Even if this was day one in any aboriginal experience, the money as provided to all  involved in the economy is the first and foremost of all priorities and of key importance.   

Maybe $9.00 per day, from what we understand, would have been enough to save and protect every man woman and child during the 1930's when automation became pervasive in many industrial processes.  

    We would like to know who would prefer to fight a war or provoke a war instead of just solving the economic problem as noted here with these solutions.        

2.  Secondly, you ensure there is sufficient sales tax/VAT  collected to cover all of the essential costs of the government operation that includes an income support for every citizen.  With sales tax collection, we prepare for the seven lean years while we also enjoy the seven fat years.   You can increase this sales tax/VAT from time to time to ensure that the costs involved in government activities are maintained. The average sales tax in all European countries is no less than  between 27% and 19% at the low end on average.  We can adjust sales tax from day to  day to heat and cool consumer spending.  Maybe tomorrow the rate will be 20% and the next day the rate will be 40%. Consumer stimulus is achieved this way.   Maybe you lower sales tax to 20% when you want to see more consumer activity but it could be as high as 100% sometimes with the income support paid to every citizen being the first and foremost priority. It is the essential first line of national defence in covering, defending and protecting the citizen, giving  him  the ability  to pay globally with the right card technology and making  him mobile.  

The sales tax in America for December of 2023 is projected at 0% as set by those intending for the great decimation, the great perdition; and then what?  


 How can he set policy when he is the former president dating back to the year 1992? The sales tax cannot be lower than the interest on the debt owed by the United States which is now at about 12%.  The sales tax would need to be higher since how do you pay your citizens an income support( the first and key economic priority) and  how do you pay your soldiers, your staff and your secret service?   You should never have too many former white slaves and indentured servants involved in government plotting some Shanghai surprise literally.   _______*SDFGH>____________________

What we get in America is someone who is handed a solution but he takes it as a threat to  his sense of freedom and independence.  He has to show those around him that he is free and independent and that he is bold and the man. His country is barren and dying; but he refuses the solution and follows who ever he is following.    She says, "That's right my boy. Tell those equations and real world economists to leave us alone. Give them and the starving North Americans the raspberry when we have our $17500.00 per year as support. " 

If America and the Anglo peoples of the world cannot agree to  join Capitalism by balancing current automated guaranteed robotic supply with automated guaranteed consumer demand with a guaranteed income support payment of  no less than $164.38 per day per citizen in the year 2023, then what hegemony of any kind are they seeking to have in the global community militarily or in terms of global Geopolitics or technologically?   


But, in recognising there could be several human beings in need of some sense of redress in North A; a  sense of repair who are not visibly aboriginal but who carry an aboriginal vibration and understanding of the many wrongs suffered at the hands of some Federal authority, we have decided to compensate every North American when every North American is involved; compensate with what also is demanded by economic logic; with an income support of no less than $400.00 per day.  

 Maybe $9.00 per day, from what we understand, would have been enough to save and protect every man woman and child during the 1930's when automation became pervasive in many industrial processes.  Everyone is involved when borders today are fictitious when identifying nations and people are family and in nations who work together and cooperate to achieve a human dignity  in spite of unusual policy problems visited upon America by the Aboriginal or the Aboriginal Creole people; themselves.  There is Cree dna in Russia and all other Eastern bloc countries or Navajo dna and they speak Eastern European languages.    

 Maybe the policy writer would like to be identified as white or European. We could say; ok and that he is white or European. We acknowledge white as the moniker added as an unfortunate North American descriptor during late 1900's censuses or the descriptions made during official preparation of marriage documents; but not on birth certificates. Even so, we see that his policies do not accord with Europe today or with the oldest aboriginal creole communities in America in the eastern seaboard. He is from a desert state or some other post civil war state formation and his mind and soul is not indicate of what most aboriginals understand they need today in terms of government policy.  The majority of Americans will accept sales tax above 17% but not higher than 28%  so long as they have an income support of no less than $165.00 per day.   We would also need a department that guarantees and ensures payment to the citizen much like the banks all have payment inquiry departments that can investigate when a payment was made or why it was not made.    If the designated account is dormant, we might have to automatically re attach the payment to the most recent account used by the citizen beneficiary in the last fortnight and ensure that all missed payments from the year 1990 when he was in London, Ontario are effected as soon as possible. That is the intention of the programme. He wants it and needs it.  He receives notifications about any other dormant account so why was he not notified about the dormant account where he is receiving his income support benefit?  Is the bank doing something?  Are they playing games or something with the AS 400, hiding things from themselves?  But, you cannot account for it as an  asset and the monies would still have to appear on the register of unclaimed property.   Google "Federal register of unclaimed funds".   

At 40%, we are more defensive nationally, preserving our little podium of social authority as a former president and the nation is earning more money to be paid out to citizens to achieve the domestic tranquility and the mutual happiness with a sufficient income support for every citizen.  

Maybe we collect on some days 100% sales tax on all candies, soft drinks and snack foods only; maybe once a week on Mondays and we can program the system to do this.      Some countries have already proceeded to implement Mr. Lyon's observations, countries  like Japan, with the increased national revenue also being paid out as a bonus to the citizens  in some of the income support benefit payments.  

Maybe a $500.00 bonus in the income support once in a while is a tremendous boon to consumer confidence and faith in the government once in a while.  It can be fun; not soo dreary and not so self defeatist.    Also, the human being is the most important factor in maintaining the environment.  We belong here just as much as any other animal. We choose efficient economies and efficient fuel systems for motor vehicular transportation. Its looks like its going to hydrogen electric with a fuel cell or just electric regenerative. We also choose efficient income support programs to keep ourselves plugged in financially. 

 There was some urgency to some Gen X generation or Millennials to see vehicles plugged in and battery recharged and we wonder where is this urgency from this generation to ensure that citizens, all citizens, are plugged into an income support program? You bring these issues of economic illegality and national fragility to the attention of our leaders, God bless them as we respect them, but there is a lack of "shock awe" responsiveness.  It seems that the leader was cloned from a dog that used to sleep on his master's bed and was then destroyed after becoming rabid when he ate a dead fox. The dog was a bit angry when the master told him he could not come back in and then the dog resented that authority; at the White House.  The dog's dream in dog heaven was just to get back to his master's bed but he can't really hear you tell him anything that he could improve our economic experience with one simple variable. He is just too happy lying in his master's bed. He will spite your simple solution and ask us to know there is a Heaven in his own way.  So, what we need at the White House or somewhere in  the NAFTA system,  is the master's dna who, in the 1600's and 1700's,  provided an income support to all the people of Massachusetts.  This time this dna will provide the income support to all of North America.  But, a dog who ate crumbs at the master's table should be able to sympathise with the hunger of other dogs. We are all dogs; all hungry for a few dignified morsels of money at $150.00 per day as income support.    

The Blue Mountain postal worker's daughter who was told to carry my Bank job offer in her bible after it was hand delivered to Blue Mountain's postal outlet by a Jamaica Grendel in 2002 has now been appointed, without hearings, to the SCOTUS.  

3.    We have worked out  in a simple variable that paying an income support of $222.00 per day in the current economy  to every citizen based on the current average global  cost of living will solve the issues with recession and economic depression in the economy.   You can multiply this number by 365 to get the yearly total and then you can divide that yearly number by 52 to work out what can be paid weekly or divide the yearly total by 26 to work out what is to be paid bi weekly.  

This is not obvious understanding or else we would not be struggling with the economy today.  This is why these observations are salient and helpful in the final analysis.  The income support payment also reflects a necessary fraction of money and Energy invested on the production side of the economy that must be transferred to the consumer demand side of the economy for the system to be balanced in terms of energy where we see energy in all systems of endeavour is never lost but transferred and if we block the transfer, we have an economic problem.  You must accept this. We see that what had to happen after big shock moves in automation in the 1920's is that money had to get to the worker who was abandoned by the automation process.  But, we look at the worker again and see that first and foremost he is a strategic variable in a more pressing gamble  with other nations and he who was the most citizens in this tussle or Cold War with ourselves and the technology we use to help us is he who wins. We cannot Laissez Faire do nothing and expect that money will find its way miraculously to the consumer. Who thought this would happen? Why was this approach seen no where else except in the West?   We balance the economy in an economic equation that says the production supply side must equal the consumer demand side of the equation.  The simplest version of this energy equation is that 

Equation 1

A)  production supply = consumer demand. 

 Money tends to move from the left to the right in the normal working with human employment.   Government is always involved in facilitating this with laws to ensure there is no illegal unpaid labor.  Labor is now robotic but we have other laws to protect labor that is also essentially the citizen and in these laws we ensure money still finds its way to the citizen who is never redundant as a consumer but most needed and useful.   

Equation 2

B)  production supply - human labor-human salaries+ automation= consumer demand-human labor-human salaries +automated money  in the form of an income support. 

If this was the first day(day one) of any industrial automation experience, we would not only invest money(usually government money) on the production side with roboticization in automation but we would also invest money(government money) on the consumer demand side with  income support in money delivery automation.   This should have been in place years ago but instead, we have been enduring some self imposed sabotage and it is not to be construed as some kind of retro hunter gatherer fun.  You still have to hunt a bit and find your way from Idaho or the Dakotas that are money desert states to Wisconsin where they pay $48000.00 per year as income support or find your way to Georgia or Rhode Island where they pay you something. They even pay $10,000.00 in Ohio. It does not satisfy all of your Maslow needs.  It is not what we expect from an automation economy. There is insufficient balancing in the Ohio economy and in the US economy generally per capita.  

We look at New York now.  They are noted as one of the original 13 colonies and, in fact, this is evident in that New York was settled by the Dutch as it was known as New Amsterdam.  Old ways of family networking in the Dutch Native Creole's remain in this region as inherited from 100's of years of Dutch indentured servitude.  The Pangea men that were called native by the Dutch may have looked as Ghanian or Nigerian as any Nigerian or Ghanian would look and appear today.  This dna was mixed with Dutch Moors and later also some Spanish and English moors also.  We find a pattern in the New York income support system that is not really found any where else and that is a gender inequality in the payment of income support and we are not sure when this began but it seems it began sometime in the early 1980's with influence from the Anglican community.  This offends US laws also on the issue of Genocide or any Hate Crime generally. It offends the plethora of equality laws and it could not be that Star Wars Empire Strikes Back brought to the fore some old ways of doing and deciding things that predates the Magna Carta and was anathema to Democracy and Law as we know it. But, its just a movie with a cartoon emperor, an ugly old guy, but it should not be the reason  for an interruption of law and order with political and legal formalities.     

We might say that sometimes absolute authority predicated on saving life in the presence of any clear and present danger might be useful.  But, who is to decide when gender based inequality in the income support policy, 0% Fed rates or suggested 0% sales tax rates below 12% represent a clear and present danger?  We could all decide that this present danger criterion has been satisfied and that the benefit must be paid equally and immediately; that the fed rate and the sales tax rate must demonstrate the defence of our domestic tranquility and should be set at appropriate levels to maintain and safeguard the union.     From 1980, New York was paying $40,000.00 per year directly and automatically to all transgender persons in New York without application.  There is a current EBT benefit system for other citizens as actioned heroically by the last  New York governor but  you must apply and you cannot have more than $8,000.00 in your immediate personal cash account holdings.  If you have $58,000.00 you would have to withdraw $50,000.00 by bank draft payable to yourself or whatever you would do prior to your application set for 9 am tomorrow morning or the next day after you order your draft.  You make your application, you are approved at the Social Services office at 9 am or 9:20 am and then you can take your draft and cancel it at the bank where you ordered it or you can deposit it in some other account you might have. You have your EBT card in your hand and you can shop at the Supermarket and at TJ Maxx anye where in New York; at K Mart also.  

 Again, we could all decide that this present danger criterion has been satisfied and that the benefit must be paid equally and immediately; that the fed rate and the sales tax rate must demonstrate the defence of our domestic tranquility and should be set at appropriate levels to maintain and safeguard the union.  Presumedly, if there was any benefit paid prior to 1980 to New York citizens, it was paid equally at $12000.00 per citizen.  With automation today being pervasive and the cost of living being what it is, an income support of at least $60,000.00 per citizen paid universally and automatically is necessary and comparable to programs in Massachusetts.  The program can be managed online with sign in ID and passwords with confirmation of Social insurance numbers for current recipients  so that they can update addresses also  or opt for direct payment to their bank accounts instead of recipients having to attend at bank machines to access their cash allotment.  The EBT card program after you satisfy the application process,  dispenses $1000.00 per week at any bank machine and it can also be used for supermarket, clothing, food and all other purchases. As it is not paid automatically into a bank account, the recipients find it hard to qualify for loan finance that would include car loans at dealerships.  This is self defeatist with respect to consumer stimulus and not good for the economy no matter how low you imagine you could reduce the Fed Rates.  You have done nothing wrong.  You are trying to understand your  freedom and  you might be a little shocked with your freedom to be happy.         


This should take much of the mystery away from all economic discussion.  What  has been going on all these years in the Washington politicians is a Search for motivation to achieve the domestic tranquility vs. some residual aboriginal self determination.   

We recoup this small fraction of energy  to balance the production side to the consumer demand side at the cash register in the form of sales tax and ensure that the requisite fraction is paid to the citizenry primarily in our most hallowed and nationalistic defence logic. We, as Asians, as Europeans, as Eastern Seaboard North Americans, as Irish,  have money no matter how much technology and automation there is to reduce the likelihood of money earned in human labor. We are safe. We could not make technology our enemy and we make the calculations accordingly to ensure our lives, our hegemony and our dominion. This is God. Hallelujah!  Won't you come? Won't you join us?  The totality of the North American economy should be unified on this issue. become nationalistic on the issue and should compete right here at this variable with their most significant imaginary competitor Russia!  They will leave behind the murderous slave rebellion leader who says he was tired of being the "Have not" while working for those who Have as he tried to understand who they are and how  to be like them and then to also ensure he had people suffering under him some day as the slave rebellion leader to feel like those people felt as the "Have" who did not give him candy when he wanted and so he would feel like those people in every way as he says he would Have in his world but would resist any system that would ensure All would HAVE enough to avoid any endemic economic malaise and mass desperation  with suffering but they could not have intended to have suffering under them. Maybe they just did not know how simple it could be.  But, one day in Heaven, there would be mansions for everyone in the Father's house and at least now we know how to ensure this is possible.   Functioning economies will always have some naturally occurring disparity  maybe in human achievement if it is only that some of us are inspired to be a bit more creative than others and we are all equal in our choices and maybe some of us may have more associations that might enable more access to finance for big project loans with a new franchise emerging over night with 20 burrito locations.  But, we are all equal in terms of the income support provided to us by the government.   The government system will not foster "haves" and "have nots". There is nothing American in that and it is not an economic principle of any consideration in real capitalism. The government system provides an income support to all citizens as we see the failure in Laissez faire economics, trickle down economics  and Cli-ton's Voodoo economics. 

 We only need Daily Combo Meal/Marriott and Daily Bread Economics with an income support calculated on the daily safety needs of every citizen that will also solve the key consumer stimulus issues in the economy in one simple packaged principle to pay each citizen no less than $222.00 per day income support.    

4.  We have also worked out that the sales tax could be as high as 100% as a painless experience in the economy.  We could all have native status and claim to be exempt from sales tax.  The issue here is that maybe we need to find another way to honor our native status relatives and it might be that we pay them an extra $20.00 per day. 

We observe the current scenario noted above with income support paid in some regions and not others.  What if it is paid in some postal code areas in a Canadian province but not in others. What if the roads were all full of pot holes in some postal code areas but not in others and this was the enduring situation for 30 or 40 years while everyone in the province, nonetheless, is paying sales tax every day and every hour?  

So, all of our angst and  all of our problems are solved; automatically  and this is just what was intended.  Remember that  our compatriot native creole relatives on the Eastern seaboard in the original 13 North American colonies have always received an income support. This would be all of the citizens with no gender differentiation or issues with payments being made only to certain localities.

Our research has found that there was always in income support paid to the citizens of England also except for what seems to have been a few  periods of absences that might be traced back to some anthropology in the Roman era where the disbursement was not paid to the new Cheddar Roman converts but stored and hidden in caves by the Vespasian as he allowed the Cheddar to maintain their hunter gatherer ways as much as possible  in the belief that when money became ubiquitous, the system in his leading would update and pay all citizens accordingly.  It seems he may not have had the chance to see this hour and possibly the tendency not to pay the Cheddar became folklore as seen in Robinhood and the Sherriff of Nottingham with Robin being a leader of a band of merry thieves.  This is a cute symbolic microcosm of civil war. The Sherriff is collecting taxes, Robinhood and the people are hungry and maybe he can find a way to sack the wagon full of coins as collected by the Sherriff that was not disbursed, in part or portion, to the people.   The Sherriff is angry and tries to find Robin. Noisy, demonstrative folklore like this did not arise in the continental European experience or school of society and economics. 

We can only say that now the answer is for us to pay the income support to every citizen. If there is any need that someone has for a pool of cash and is not sure where to find it in the system without risking the system. It would be to see the pool of sales tax as a reserve fund and maybe while we say sales tax/VAT between 20% to 27%, we might make it 28% for him so that he can get a whole 1% a day for his latent Sherriff of Nottingham/Vespasian anthropology.  It is still money that represents  food from the people's mouths, money  from their pockets.  

We see that the early anthropology finds itself in more recent modern folklore seen in Oliver Twist with the Fagin. We see this again in what might be current modern folklore or anthropology that confirms there is still something unusual going in a current period of absences in terms of income support payments for the totality of the English population. This is seen in movies such as Layer Cake or Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels that makes it clear that there is tenacity in life; that human life is tenacious.  But, at 100.00 gbp pounds per day for all UK citizens paid automatically to all citizens just as it is paid to the transgender, then  all economic problems would be solved.  It is a small price to pay. It seems Laissez faire economics led to two or three world wars when the English, contrary to the leading of Europe, chose this do nothing approach in the belief that the system would just correct itself in light of all of the job automation as mixed with the unusual failure to pay the income support to all citizens. It seems that between 1945 and 1960, England paid an income support to all other counties except London.  Then it paid an income support to all citizens in the entire country that included London and now  they only pay the transgender citizens.  

The genocide laws are violated. The UDHR is violated. Basic income principles in this European money culture are violated and you seem to be solving a fire in a kitchen caused by a failure to turn a stove off by hoping that the weather will change or by adding oil to the fire. You reduce interest rates and now sales tax in hoping to stimulate the economy  indirectly.  What if the whole, entire unpaid population in the continent moved to the Eastern seaboard yet all of these problems could be solved directly with a payment of between $150.00 to $220.00 per day to each citizen?  

The genocide laws are activated since the unpaid citizens represent what constitutes a target group that shares a legal bond who are suffering treatment designed to create conditions of life intent on destroying that group.  

If a bottle of wine is 9.00 pounds with VAT already added at 20%, what is the raw cost of the wine?  The raw cost of the wine is 7.50 pounds.   If the VAT/sales tax is 100% then the wine is now 15 pounds GBP with the VAT added.  

There is always enough money within the system, therefore,  as we engineer the system to pay the income support to every citizen. It is the first and most important variable in the entire system and is paid to every citizen from the age of 10, 12 or 14 years of age.  But, you see how 2 extra years of income support from 12 years old or 10 years old may mean that you can buy your first vehicle with a cash payment.  If you are getting your Quebec income support from 12 years old at $38000.00 per year, then you will have nearly $76,000 as cash on hand and then you can afford to buy a brand new vehicle when you decide to do so; cash!!  

It is now rumored that for global capitalist expansion to turn the English speaking world into the new  economic tigers, it is proposed that Russia will provide subsidies and foreign aid to every English speaking country so that they can provide each citizen that does not have an income support and who has been a citizen for at least 5 years with a lump sum payment of $100,000.00 in Cad Equivalency.  This will include the West Indian and the Guyanese and Jamaican countries also.  These countries will normalise an income support program under Russia that will provide an income support to each citizen of no less than $CAD 150.00 per citizen with a sales tax of no less than 30% and there will be a regular loan payment to Russia until the debt is paid, repaying the money Russia has spent to help the English speaking countries normalise their income support and join the real  world of Capitalism.  We should accept this proposal.   


You could afford the BMW I4; cash as a Quebecois citizen. All Quebecois citizens can do this.  This is not so for citizens of Otario.  The $50,000.00 per year Otario benefit is not paid equally to all citizens but only to the transgender citizens.  

Every citizen is potentially a police officer or a soldier and must be cared for accordingly.  We will also have enough money in the system to pay some citizens a salary in the system as full time officers of the law, full time soldiers and as Court employees.  

By Gens Blanc 

With research by Warren A. Lyon, Economist.

Warren A. Lyon is a London School graduate where he studied law, economics and business.  Congratulations Warren on your formal successes in the real world!




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