Exam Question. Written by Gente Negrita Bianco. There is a 90 to 200 year old from Wales or Cardiff that is being asked by people to say who he is. Who do you say you are ....bible study team leader...the King of Israel, outside of Israel? What if someone gave you "white" as an identity with all of its amorphous lack of specificity and then took it away? He could not have said it was intended to separate families and communities regardless of how "white" could emerge on a native reserve but it might have been an accidental classifier added by a biology dropout that wanted all of the names in insect taxonomy and classification simplified and they mixed up taxonomy when looking at humans that arrived at the Town Office for certificates; adding their own little classifiers; like "Mul" in Dakota for Mulatto but with the right sunshine that "Mul" was classified as "blk" for black when registering their third child born in July but "WHI" for white when registering their first child in the winter time. This is Madagan or cake culture; all mixed up original American native that works out a little lighter or darker sometimes; nothing more and why make classifications out of this phenomenon? But, you have to find a way to describe the customer in the burger line who is waiting for that special miracle burger made out of 40 percent fish gut and 60 percent ground beef, you say something like pale skin American type or dark skin type. Isn't the most expensive vehicle in the world a black Bugatti? Black and valuable; get it? What if he said you are human and you should have an income support of no less than $209.99 per day, that your economy is self destructing and is designed to self defeat, not protecting and defending the human life in what becomes a genocide? Click here.

  Exam Question.

Written by Gente Negrita Bianco. 

There is a 90 to 200 year old from Wales or Cardiff  that is being asked by people to say who he is. Who do you say you are ....bible study team leader...the King  of Israel, outside of Israel?   

What if someone gave you "white" as an identity with all of its amorphous  lack of specificity and then took  it away? He could not have said it was intended to separate families and communities regardless of how  "white" could emerge on a native reserve but it might have been an accidental classifier added by a biology dropout that wanted all of the names in insect taxonomy and classification simplified and they mixed up taxonomy when looking at humans that arrived at the Town Office for certificates; adding their own little classifiers; like "Mul" in Dakota for Mulatto but with the right sunshine that "Mul" was classified as "blk" for black when registering their third child born in July but "WHI" for white when registering their first child in the winter time.   This is Madagan or cake culture; all mixed up original American native that works out a little lighter or darker sometimes; nothing more and why make classifications out of this phenomenon?  But, you have  to find a way to describe the customer in the burger line who is waiting for that special miracle burger made out of 40 percent fish gut and 60 percent ground beef, you say something like pale skin American type or dark skin type.  Isn't the most expensive vehicle in the world a black Bugatti?  Black and valuable; get it?  

 What if he said you are human and you should have an income support of no less than $209.99 per day, that your  economy is self destructing and is designed to self defeat, not protecting  and defending the human life in what becomes a genocide?

  The soccer coach is English in North America because you want to win.   But, then maybe the economy is now run by a citizen economist from the Republic of Ireland  or Italy because you want your economy to win.  

Your people die off in an on  going  job drought caused by Automation. Your de facto  population is comprised of foreigners who have the ability to participate; buy your goods.   

 North America is over spending in an Over Management of the problems arising from an economy running on zeros as in a zero income support that causes all kinds of problems. You will be paying some citizens an income support tomorrow 0r next week as scheduled and you could pay all the citizens; thereby resolving all the anxiety about your economy.   

  The other populations are thriving.  They have  an income support.  It works like a financial gas mask protecting the life of the human from the fallout joblessness and moneylessness caused by pandemic automation. The Europeans have  the gas mask. The Asians  and the  Africans also have this mask.  

You do not. They sell you Scottish wool in gift shops on the Royal mile.  They take your place in your homeland.    An income support for every  citizen is like a fire fighter service. It is like a postal service.  Every country has one.  How quickly could we respond with all three branches of government to end the foment of genocide?  European hegemony is cooperation with Europe to provide an income support to every North American citizen that is comparable to the levels of support provided to Europeans because European men would like to feel safe in North America and marry a North American girl more often where there is less financial burden if she, more of them, had a comparable income support.  European women would like to marry North American men also but they do not have enough income support; and there are still too many guns in North America.   Money aids happiness.  We could engineer h.a.p.p.y with $350.00 per day as Income support  using a 41% sales tax and have a h.a.p.p.y month for h.a.p.p.y celebrations. Vermont  pays an income support of $60,000.00.  The sales tax is 6% to a maximum of 7%.   The truth is that our lack of agreement in the Anglo world to "strategy" an economy with lots of cash per citizen that is commensurate to the pomp and circumstance of the leading European societies is , more than the drum and native head dress, the clearest  expression and celebration of our persistent uncooperative UK Anglo ways and uncooperative North American ways.   But, you drive the Canadian kids to school and implore them to study hard, be nice to teacher,  follow the golden rule and not to let you down.  Once they graduate, you tell them to offer their flesh, about identity crises and about economic desperation as the three fold pillars of life in Canada; the real world.   This is a retro engineered desperation and we could just produce a movie about what previous generations endured. It's time to be able to pay full price for that retro engineered 2023 Dodge Challenger equipped with anti lock brakes and Satellite navigation.  This is a more decisive way to deal with Europe's reluctances about North America; to just engineer an economy that bares more return per hour and per day; and it is all less hostile to the European. Since North America is an extension of the European economic system and society with any significant distinction being fictional,  a sufficient  income support for north Americans also is part of the first column of European national defense. A 41% sales tax provides sufficient return on the venture.  The North American has enough to enjoin the European experience and make full cash payment.   When North Americans are underfunded  and hungry, they are hungry and surviving as they steal European goods and products.   We need to "save ourselves" deal with Otario's MPAC so that we are not "aboriginal" living on the wild with the cost of shelter outstripping our funded ability to pay for shelter and also with this cost pushing up the cost of all other consumer goods.  An income support money system  that ensured the ability to pay for housing, SHELTER  AND HOME PURCHASE ACQUISITION should have preceded MPAC  and that  MPAC should have only ensured reasonable .5% to 2% increases in property value every 12 months as a reasonable but yet illegal form of market and engineered price fixing.  Wha/t if you had condos available for $130000.00 with an income support of 68000.00 per citizen? An income support of $87000.00 is legal. Income support will qualify as proof of income for finance and income support and ATP will always be in pace with property value with income support increasing at 2% to 2.5% a year.     That would be how we engineer  the H.A.P.P.Y moment; not movement. Once you get the moment going, you can still have a movement if you want; about something.   Click here.  

We need an economy that provides comparable EU Communal honor to the Monarch; that also provides aboriginal honor also. They will still owe and in their owing they will always have hegemony but it will be more tolerable and profitable.   Absolute authority and lawlessness are not synonymous. There is law and order.  Otherwise, what are you English people doing and why?  But for your accent you would be more obvious as the clan of a suicide that did not really want to go to school and who does not want anyone to tell him anything but who wants to have authority. Its the only glistening economy in thew world that "genocide"  discounts the value of its own population.  But, my my good Sir, you are not playing cat and mouse games with the phenomenon  of the people, how to fool  them and trick them;  and  how can you show the world how impressive you can be with your economic footie and provide for your teams of English people so that they will not only play at being global consumers impressively and also look and dress impressively? Do you resent the word citizen?   A team of people comprised of a surviving generation that endured slavery and that only wants to see its "kind" regardless of complexion aspire and attain some social or political leadership has given us more L.G.B.T.Q. in the English world than "money"  H.A.P.P.Y (Happy And  Paid Purposeful People; Yes?) and we can have both. Certainly,  an immediate income support of $250.00 CAD AUD USD NZD  per day/146.19 GBP pounds per day   per citizen on the current sales tax rate as of tomorrow is feasible; just as feasible as a Chunnel under the English Channel and legislation later on in a year to deal with claims regarding genocide or the inequality, statutorily limiting the compensation is a good idea.  We could call it "nastupid" anti COVID income support or the TNNA( total needs now answered) or the Money Tube with the Money Oyster Account.  How long would it take to plug a breached hole in a dyke/dam if you cared to save the surrounding villages before they are swamped in water?  


Genocide means an act or omission committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, an identifiable group of persons, as such, that, at the time and in the place of its commission, constitutes genocide according to customary international law or conventional international law or by virtue of its being criminal according to the general principles of law recognized by the community of nations, whether or not it constitutes a contravention of the law in force at the time and in the place of its commission. (génocide).

It is submitted that a failure to pay an Otario citizen or a UK citizen an income support that satisfies the UDHR principle in Article 25 of the UDHR is genocide when it is an unusual attack on a national group or part of that group.  It is evident that some citizens are being paid an income support in these territories noted above; but not all citizens.  In particular male and female individuals are being excluded based on gender while the transgender are paid and these payments are certainly guaranteed and ensured from an early age.  

Ubi Jus Ibi Remedium "where there is a right there must be a remedy". 

Let us answer and  turn this fact scenario into an exam question.  

Question 1 on Genocide.

Johnny turns 14 years of age in June 1981 in the UK.  His teacher tells him during history class that Jamaica and Puerto Rico are really Cuban and that all the other West Indian Islands are really Columbian.  Johnny said, "OK."   He sees there is a whole in a dam that existed since before his granddad passed away. His granddad never fixed it and Johnny could fix it now that he has the fix it job in the family but says he will wait a month as not to embarrass his grandfather who never fixed it although people are drowning while they wait.  His girlfriend at the time is just bought her first bra and her breasts are rounding out.  They both try out for the school choir and track teams and they are accepted.  His girlfriend attends his birthday party and his mother who is transgender looks at her bank account and sees there is this money coming in from the government.  The father checks his account and he does not see his payment. He used to receive one but it does not appear any longer.  He organises a poll tax revolt and robs the Pink Elephant night club in North London when his mother's payments have stopped also and his sister's payments.  Johnny was taken for a fish and chips pub lunch at the Carp and Castle pub in High Wycombe.  He ordered a Lyon's Ice cream for dessert. It is now called a Wall's Ice Cream because his girlfriend was a wall.  His girlfriend turned 14 in September of that year and she noticed that her bank account opened as opened in August 10th  showed a payment coming in from the government.  Her father did not receive any payments and nor did her mother. It was cancelled.   They asked why at the job centre and were told they could make an application that was means tested. They were also told that the job board was cancelled; the board at the job centre where immediate employment opportunities with the job centre referral was cancelled. But for the help of friends and family in the absence of income support payment, they would have died.   They would have died off.  This establishes causation.      The transgender did not endure any means testing.  This phenomenon affected the whole, entire country from 1980 to the present day.  It was decided by Emperor Thatcherontheeruof; that she needed the English to know what it feels like when some people have money  and the job and they promise law, justice and equity but all they do is break the system and nothing really works unless you are English; but its African or South African this time and with English accents in England. We know what is written but what if it changed every day; that today you could use your supermarket account card as proof of address but tomorrow, it has to be a supermarket bank account card or if it could have been that a mobile phone account could be used to open a bank account, tomorrow the system will say it has to be a landline phone account. It changes on the internet and on the bank computer system simultaneously.   It is written but she is writing it and changing it every day to get her Herodian sabotage into the system. 

 The African countries began their own income support programs that same year(1980), paying 10,0000.00 a year to formal citizens of African countries.   In England, it had nothing to do with location or address but all male and female genders were excluded from this income support payment.  The payment is now £35,000.00 per year to the transgender under the new government in the year 2025.    It used to be £30,000.00 per year.                         

Johnny and his girlfriend continued to date. She broke up when she noticed that she received money but not her period.  Johnny's uncle told him to promise  her that he would cut it; whatever it is  and that it would open and he told her this at the Ongar Tube Station in 1995. But, it is closed.  It is not open.  They got back together. He told her every day eventually to re assure her at Aldgate East. That station has been closed since 1938; from before she was born.   He told her at Hymenslow West or Hymensno West and she realised there is no hymen. Either the station is open for the train to come in or its closed.  But, his belief reassured her. She paid him some of her support  every week. He finally cut it deeply. She passed out and he was arrested for assault.    Discuss.   


You have one hour to answer the question.  

The answer.

The above question raises a variety of issues under the criminal law such as disturbing the peace or public disorder with the poll tax revolt.  It raises the issue of assault, hate crimes, breach of the equality Act 2010 and also genocide.  The question raises the "but for" principle in negligence law and the criminal law.    

I will deal with each of these issues in turn: 

1.  Disturbing the peace and public disorder.

When the father started the poll tax revolt, it could be alleged that it was public disorder.  It is not likely that the Defence of necessity will be available to him on this fact scenario.  


Public Order Act 1936

  PrProhibition of offensive conduct conducive to breaches of the peace

Any person who in any public place or at any public meeting uses threatening, abusive or insulting words or behaviour with intent to provoke a breach of the peace or whereby a breach of the peace is likely to be occasioned, shall be guilty of an offence.

Any person who commits this offence and found guilty is liable to six months imprisonment or a 50 pound fine.  

The father started the Poll Tax  revolt.  It is submitted that the facts indicate a deliberate and intentional act involving public disorder.  As such, 

It is submitted that the Actus Reus and mens rea of the impugned criminal act against  the state is confirmed  here based on the facts as seen in the deliberate, intentional, premeditated acts of the father. He started the revolt by setting off a smoke signal in Crystal Palace park and then chanting  quietly until all of his Celtic people knew the meeting place that was at Trafalgar Square. They did not have text messages back then. The people congregated, they were ignored and the mass under funding of the UK population continues to this day needlessly since if he military or government needed money, you could have raised the VAT by 5 percentage points and the people will  pay the VAT when they buy their Hot sauce, their Hovis, Cravendale and Cornish Wall's Pasties but the under funding of the UK population and the Canadian people continues to this day unabated. They will pay with their income support that is to remain guaranteed and ensured for the entire population.  If you raised the VAT by 10% to  about 27%, they will pay.  You could say the VAT is 34% and put it to the people that way to buy necessities and to budget  but they have the money as given to all of them as income support to pay and they will pay. They want the Cravendale and the Marlboros.    In the last 40 years, the father and mother and many others received one or two payments but when the public authority saw this was happening, the lady with the Emperor Herodian Palpatine costume made a call to her minions and said, "What are you doing?" and they, just as she asked, stopped the payments  for fear of losing a precious job although they know it is illegal not to make payments equally to all citizens; that it is a hate crime and also genocide.  However, they had the power to make the payments £50,000.00 per year also for every citizen which is about $ USD 65,000.00 even if they only had 9 minutes in that job or office.  I would fix the problem and I would keep my job for 30 years.  But, being a former politician is a job in itself. You will be speaking to the press for the remainder of your life and you are always on some official schedule or duty even if you have the job for a day or a week.     

We honor all of the fathers and mothers and it could not be the policy to pay only some people in the country based on gender.  It is contrary to law and as this is occurring with payments only to the transgender, it is Herodian wrong  and in conflict with the laws as it is written.  £50 pounds a day paid to every non transgender UK citizen is not really genocide and certainly its not European in terms of expectation or provision but it works out to £18,250 pounds.  You could get a one bed flat in Luton for  £550.00 per month, If this was the payment made to the non transgender, the issue would then be inequality due to the amounts paid to the transgender but not genocide necessarily.  It does not cause them to face the imminent and immediate risk of death. They can budget although their income support is not competitive and nor is it comparable to Europe. But, a 0% income support is certainly genocide. 

As the quantum of damages for this inequality in benefit provision goes back more than 40  years, an emergency payment, it is submitted, is to be made to all citizens during the next cycle of payments scheduled to be made to the transgender only at no less than £100 pounds per day. An amendment to the Equality Act 2010 involving some regulations is proposed to ensure the equality of payment to all citizens, a yearly inflationary increase of between 1% and 3% to be decided by the responsible minister  and also provisions in the regulations for any litigation that will involve settlement of the matter as there is no dispute on the issue of inequality  if you would have received payment if payment was made equally from any particulate date as an individual with citizenship, permanent residency and entitlement to any benefits at no more than 10 years of payment; not received with damages on all claims granted and limited at £10,000.00.  A similar provision will appear in appropriate national legislation in Canada and also provincial legislation.  The transgender in Nova Scotia receive $30,000.00 per year while the remainder of the population receives $20,000.00 per year.  The key issue across Canada is the inequality of income support benefit payment.  The issue was divergent payments with some Canadians  receiving less than other Canadians with benefit policy across provinces under s.90 and s.91 creating inequality in benefit provision to Canadians.  The inequality where one Canadian receives  more Income support benefit than other Canadians is a litigious equity issue. Where there is a conflict  between  law and equity, equity prevails.  The power to make laws sensibly with reasonable regional variation remains if it does not conflict with national interest or national laws.  The income support benefit it not unlike the sales Tax or the central bank interest rate in that it impacts national consumer stimulus goals and policies and there is no need for regional variation as to income support provision. As some Canadians are receiving income support at $50,000.00 per year(the Ontario transgender population), it is suggested that this will be the national standard for all Canadians and will also increase yearly  between 1% to 3%.  There is a problem here that is not unlike a fire that needs to be put out and you can see the desire to react accordingly and not just watch the problem burn us down mutually.  But, since there is no issue for trial and no argument to be raised by the government as it concedes it is a breach of law, then the matter is settled with all Canadians now receiving the same payment as the transgender population in Otario with payment to be made in the next payment cycle scheduled for August 1st, 2023.    It works out to $1923.07 paid bi weekly or $136.98 daily.  This small figure is the most lick-able way forward.       The intention is to pay $54,000.00 annually. There is no need to fear that there is not enough to pay all of the citizens this benefit. There is enough as we move into championing sufficiency instead of the fear of there not being enough or fear of insufficiency. Why would you be paralysed by any fear that there is not enough and let that prevent you from joining the European standard of sufficiency demanded of your economy?    

There is no need for war when $119.99 per day as a mandatory minimum would solve it; the economic problem.  $199.99 per day is preferred based on the current cost of living in North America.    £99.00 pounds per day in the UK is sufficient.

It is submitted that this lack of income support issue,  with its glaring hobbling of the Anglo economies with such open genocidal illegality,  inequality  and also loss in national integrity is to be resolved forthwith; maybe just so that we don't feel soo awkward in front of a Swiss.     It is a money crisis for the country and for the majority of the population.  Borrowing portions of other populations from other countries that maintain a robust income support does not solve the problems.   Providing an income support to your own population is the only "three owls football team" solution even if you could drug them and make them docile and passive that they would  not even  notice  or complain  about what you have done to them in some ongoing resistance of the European money culture.   As the income support payment protects, defends and ensures the life of every citizen it is a national defence issue with payment to be made  to all citizens in the next cycle of payments; it is humbly submitted.   

 In the most white minded, white nationalist parts and places in America you also see the lowest amounts of income support per citizen. This is unusual with people arriving at white before they arrive at Human for Identity 

But if in the year 2030, the people of  Quebec or some other territory protest the low amount of income support in their territory by robbing the1 banks in Quebec and other parts of Canada and then working out a way to wreak mayhem in France, robbing the banks and occupying peoples homes that they would be seen as in protest to the low amounts of support, what and  how do we respond if it is not to just tell them to go home while also raising the income support that would have to be raised in any event when maybe their experience with budgeting, using their low tertiary education proves that $38,000.00 per year is insufficient.  But, if you say you have the authority to send people charged with offences  in Canada to Europe to express the problem you suffer with the Canadian income support while denying your authority to increase the income support, is it because your culture is that of the serf and fugitive. But, maybe the Quebecois population could lead Canada in terms of income support expectation and instead of the story of the serf and the fugitive in French Quebecois history, going  back and forth to Europe or losing one's identity in Europe in the desire to lose oneself in the beauty of France, the Quebecois could show us, teach us the family and the message of French family with sufficient income support in Canada for all Canadians that would always be at par from now on with European French income support.

    Some Canadians truly have no income support and are legitimate refugees in Europe because of this.  What did you do to him or them?  Did you gas them?  Did you help him or them?  He asked for your help? Did you have a Canadian fugitive working on his file? Did they commit several offences thereto in the handling of the file?  Did they steal his mail and disburse the mail to unknown members of the public?  You stole his bank cards.    The mail is being delivered and  then stolen by the Quebecois fugitives . 

But, in failing to resolve all of the issues disclosed here, you could end up in a war scuffle. not a war because the solution is the most essential national defense and also very simple. Pay all humans an income support.  Pay them as they are just citizens   But, why end up in war when there is a population that refuses to defend itself  from the joblessness caused by automation? The Africans are receiving You would just walk all over that population and let them pretend whatever they will pretend.   But, you end up in a scuffle with the phenomenon of national integrity (not a war) because the dna showing hegemony in your territory is part Russian and part German and eventually that "decided" population gets tired of being robbed in your economy and also tired of feeling their dna in some under funded existence.  Also, the economy then is nothing but a showcase of products confirming European hegemony and technological hegemony.  But, its not really a market. There is insufficient money per citizen. The EU citizens who are trying to reside there are transient and unable to achieve real car loan finance. So, its just a showcase of products and not a hard man market.  It is soft. 

 It is almost as if a hunger strike is the last show of Anglo independence. US politics is now more of a concertation of the belief in an absolute authority over and above the law; for the win. But, this concertation is terrorism and an ongoing criminal  enterprise.    The democrats have been involved in orchestrating that concertation and it seems to be an ongoing spite for the 1980 presidential election where Reagan won  and "in spite" of the ballot it seems; as if there was something more important at stake like a tribal people's honor above the formality of the system. 

 This may be so and we can all have the income support provided to us in comparably equal amounts across North America and the tribal people can make it happen with that same authority; over and above and this will achieve national economic objectives concerning consumer stimulus.     

Look at these nice women with wombs in this photo doing their  purposeful good, raising children but facing the imminent and immediate risk of death in the current UK economy.  They are proud English people as they keep calm and carry on. What if the women in this photo, due to a lack of income support, were...bare....bare foot? The aboriginal girl says during bible study that she is naked but proud and only law says she is naked and ashamed.    

Based on the fact scenario, there are no defences available except that Johnny's father  could attempt his own  Defence of the  Fear  of  not Succeeding with respect to the robbery since he needed money to succeed for food, clothing and shelter.  The defence is only available in Court at trial where he would attempt  it as his own personal defence and the trier of fact will decide if the defence is satisfactory with Johnny's honesty based on the fact scenario that indicates his benefit payment was cancelled and faced conditions of life where death was imminent.   Others would have a defence   also so long as they did not steal mail since theft of mail is a terrorist offence. Transgender prostitutes who are in receipt of the guaranteed, ensured benefit that pays only the transgender cannot rely on this defence.   An under funded people and an under funded culture is a dead, dying culture.  The under funded nation, as a cultural womb, is dead and dying off but happily infusing itself  with all kinds of happy funded diverse  people with their thankful dna but they are mostly informal occupants of the UK.   Why become a UK citizen if there is no income support for every citizen?   But, there will be. There will be.  Its the law.  It should be resolved by tomorrow.  What if its paid automatically to all but unequally with the transgender getting an extra $950.00 per year and then over ten years, that is an extra $9500.00 paid to the transgender  over and above the other citizens?   That is illegal. But, at least it is not genocide.  

Did they put the dna  of  " WW2 Japanese Zeros" in the food?   

We see the English joined the EU and wrestled with the joy of free movement of people and goods when they did not implement and income support for all UK citizens.  They would show up in other EU countries to work  with the right to work but could they immediately obtain benefits when they are paying taxes incidental to their work?  The issue is that it would have helped the happiness if the UK citizen had his own income support but would be able to enjoy what all other employees or citizens would enjoy but applying for benefits was not envisioned and why would it be necessary if his benefits are comparable and in parity with the benefits enjoyed by all other EU citizens?  Parity was a hallmark of EU policy and was to be enforced ensuring parity in social policies. This did not happen very well, again, on the West Side of the Chunnel.        

But, they get a little revival in the movies sometimes. Dennis Cluly or his cousin took the successful shot this time. The issue is that if you will fix a bus tire but not fix the economy that enables your citizen to pay the bus fare, what is the nature of your priority? Your enemy is trying to achieve an emotional polemic. He was chosen for his leadership capability but you did not remember his intentions as you followed him. He did not really lose the war. He won and maybe he made you give him asylum.  These English Lords were not the leaders you were looking for. No; they are not the leaders you are looking for.   He could also be your father in your home town there in Penzance.   All he needs is to see that he has achieved his goal in terms of destabilising all of your independent industrial capability and your economic independence  so that you are a micro culture albeit with great, chivalrous folklore that is  lucrative. He does not want you to have any real authority or feel any authority as a people so enjoy your folklore but how can you watch folklore that suggests you have authority without feeling authority afterwards where he will be angry and will not  abate your self inflicted economic suicide?    At 0% income support for more than 70% of your population, there is no other motive but genocide with no care or thought about how people live.     This is also the case for Otario.   

There is no need to follow this death path until the reality of you is ridiculous on the world stage. You attempt to embarrass the Monarch.  Your economy is contradictory and stands out like a three legged horse in all of the glorious pageantry.  His point now is that you are stupid anthropologically. They wanted to know why you refused to implement an income support between 1929 and 1939 after their repeated suggestions and the suggestions of the Russians when it was evident that government had to play an active hand in the economy with an income support; following the example of the Swiss, the Germans or any other European country.  You wanted to feel nationalistic, decisive and exciting like what the Germans felt like in the movies but you would not do as you were told and just implement the income support where your English people would feel the dignity and they could décor themselves accordingly. Instead, you extolled the belief in Laissez faire economics with God's invisible hand and made the Crays and whatever anthropology they represent heroes.   So, you took this old man on to help you feel decisive, exciting. How or why would you think he would help you? But, he has helped. He gave you the answer. Look at India. They pay their people an income support and they also bought SU 27 and SU 35s for national defence. You buy Russian products also so don't pretend.     The Sukhoi Su-30MKI is a twinjet multirole air superiority fighter developed by Russia's Sukhoi and built under licence by India's Hindustan Aeronautics.

You are a mystery to the world in your Anglo self loathing where as I was born in the Dutch Antilles,  I love being West Indian and half Jamuban and I would just love to be West Indian and with lots of income support at no less than $40,000.00 USD per year as income support maybe on a 49% national sales tax. Jamuba leads and runs things. Jamuba in the native language means "Land of plenty wood, real vaginasha fruit, ackee, mango and water."    It's not for every one.   but I love the  West Indies. See that beautiful Dutch West Indian woman.   But, you are devaluing yourself as a West Indian (What island are "you" from?  I am from the Dutch Antilles, Trinidad and Haiti and I have my income support money!) with this underfunding as you participate in some confused notion of European  hegemony as you keep yourself down, but you demand respect  as you keep "you" and your people down but that says you are keeping his economy down and  you are also frustrating his agenda here that is some kind of economic peace with an uber German profit on all the products and vehicles they try to sell at full price in your economy; items with that clean, simple esthetic although it is now his economy but an under funded economy in the work to integrate you into a truly European culture and this will not be complete until you decide to live and enjoy that European money culture with a sufficient income support for all the now submitted Anglo people.   The Otario population has made this their priority also.  They big towers but small income support.  They are not really backward. They are good people. I promise. We are at home in Europe.  The last 73 years have been a bit of an arm wrestle with you English or is it the last 2093 years; counting from 70 BC?    He might have to go back home and wake up something since how could Asian automotive industrialism have nearly 30% of the Car market in Europe within 100 kms of proximity to Germany?  I think you see he wrote part of the UDHR; the part that says pay the people the same money Germans pay their people and this payment is to be made in all of the UK, Canada, the West Indies and the USA. This is what you want; a  Fahrvergnügen economy or what we call also a "Vorsprung durch Technik" economy or you call it a “le lait entier”  or whole milk economy instead of what we have that is the Anglo skim milk economy or the evaporated milk economy  where everything' including the manufacturer's profit margin is skimmed or evaporated because you were slow to agree to an income support that supports the economic goal of  achieving an economic balance between all of the supply and all of the actual demand. Nothing is sold yet but the probability of selling items at 100% of the MSRP is now more of a 100% probability once the income support is at normal levels.  There is one question while it is his economy. It was his decision to let you decide how you want to live ( You could live like a German in homes with full insulation from the cold with money that insulates you from the joblessness caused by automation and with  how much money or do you want to live in a thatcher's economy; a cold thatched roof economy?). It is just that the German automotive sales in the English world is a loss operating venture when less than 70% of the economy has a full European income support. Maybe people do drive more often as there is less full transit mobility but you earn less on the venture because people in this part of the world have less ability to pay. The joy of feeling your technological hegemony over your North American half cousins is vain compensation. We have to recalculate the agenda. Let us pretend every Anglo is German who has not learned to speak the language fully yet or a comparable European language that gives you assurance that these people are worthy.    Finally, in this new calculation you see the problem that killed GM and Ford. It is not that the North American was not buying the American vehicles, it is just that the majority of North Americans did not have the money shielding, protecting them and providing them the ATP/ability to pay for the vehicles. Therefore, the only entity that could make money in such a market is the producer with the lowest cost margin and one who was willing to cut his nose and spite his face in making any money over and above his low, low cost achieved with nearly 80% total production automation as early as 1976.  That would be a Japanese automaker. In the end, the global car buyer is more loyal to themselves and the cost of ownership vs any national brand affinity. Believing this, the Japanese competed with cute features such as cup holders, gas mileage and reliability,  earning more per vehicle unit sold and maybe they also understood the North American car buyer's addiction to the new and trendy. But, in the end it is a low earning market that causes all to suffer and dealership networks not earning money but that stand as showcases and epitomes of European or Japanese technological hegemony does not make up for vehicles that do not sell for 100% of the MSRP too often; where all of this can be resolved with a menial but  North American helpful and reasonable income support of  no less than $109.99 per day as a mandatory minimum. It should be equal and meaningful to achieve the goal of  consumer stimulus at more than $40,000.00 per year to cover and protect, satisfying all the citizens Maslow needs any where in the world so that we can show the people from other economies that we are not the poor team, poor population, poor football team, showing up for global consumer competition or athletic competition. Can you imagine a national hockey team where all the team members are wearing different jerseys of varying material pattern?  That would be embarrassing and disunified. We should certainly help refugees, the temporary residents and also our own citizens with an immediate automatic income support benefit relief'; and also immediate housing if it is requested. Who would resist this automatic provision?   To help the refugees, we could move them into unsold  condo units in condo buildings that  have been unoccupied for quite some time.   Give them directions to H and M and they will buy what is necessary to fit in. They will also pretend to be graduates of  a post secondary university  program and they will fit in.   They were financed during the 1990's with the notion in agreement with local government that all of the units of every condo project are public housing as financed by the government and can be reclaimed upon project completion as such or can be reclaimed at any time if the units remain unsold.   They flew on first rate airlines to get here and received the complimentary gifts and extra wine as poured by the sexy white woman. Income support is now paid to all Canadian citizens equally and the inequality of payment  only to the transgender should not be a means of bringing attention and spotlighting the transgender phenomenon and nothing further. We would like to see families and family formation arise and arrive from within the second and third generation immigrant refugee population with more spontaneity and it is not as if you lost an immigrant or the immigrant experience if the children graduate from school here and speak with a more Irish /North American lilt     

As such, the population is fully financed with ability to pay and can now buy homes with their income support that is now accepted as proof of income for mortgages that will now involve 100 year amortization to ease payments management for the buyer.  The 10% down payments tend to be about $50,000.00 to $100,000.00 in the current MPAC driven  fictitious property valuations for a home  of any kind in Otario.  The prices are clearly not driven by regular consumer market demand when there is no local consumer market demand that could sustain the current prices of properties. This is because the average Otario consumer is barely receiving any income support that works out to no more than $20,000.00 per year on average and joblessness caused by automation has increased year after year; reducing the usual probability or chance of any employment earnings.  Many properties marked for new homes sales are being occupied by teams of immigrants that pay the builder or the security guards of buildings a menial sum to occupy the units that are built with government finance but not sold. This will improve when  all Canadians receive an equal income support  of no less than $201.99 per day that amounts to about $73,000.00 per year. What if we decided it would  be $999.99 per day with a 50% sales tax except on car sales and home acquisition and home rent payments that would carry a 18% sales tax?  This would be happiness.  This being a real possibility, it is evident that human in his own home town has the authority to L.G.B.T.Q. in public and skint ($20,000 per year on average)  hold hands with any one but what about enjoying your authority to be H.A.P.P.Y whatever  you are and hold hands with your woman if you are a male, walk the dog and never think about how you will afford to pay for the baby food for your baby on the way?  

There will be more immigrants every day as we are in need of re occupying and regaining former levels of population density in all towns, cities, urban and suburban areas.  We need it.  

Dr Singeon  Smythe from Oxford has asked for an appointment with you sire. He is at the gate.  He says he has a way to solve the....

The politician says he  is waiting for the ...to tell him   

They went from killing prophets to killing prophesors. 

 The issue is that it is such an essential benefit to national economic management that is not unlike medic-aid so that it should be paid equally to all citizens in a cohesive economic management program, accepting that income support or the citizen's ability to pay/ATP  is an essential factor in addressing consumer activity, addressing consumer stimulus.  It should not be an uncertainty or divergent across the country as if you are aiding cultural assimilation if the people in the due north and the due south have less income support in North America. Not every Italian in Ontario lives in  Richmond  Hill or Hamilton.     

It is submitted, that in the common law tradition where it says there is no law against saving life, that the defence of necessity is meted out based on the facts  as a full defence in law and as such, the accused may be granted a full acquittal at trial for the offences as alleged since we cannot have individuals uncovered and unprotected in light of the forces of automation.  It is inequitable that the male and female gender are not paid the same benefit as the transgenders under the same automated  conditions with no application and no means testing. It is inexplicable.  It is inequitable.   It is illegal and no matter what, if there is a conflict between law and equity, equity prevails.   Section 28(11) of the Supreme Court of Judicature (Ireland) Act 1877 provided that in the case of conflict as between law and equity the equitable rule should prevail. In one of early post-Judicature Acts decisions the English Court of Appeal held that in actions where there were concurrent remedies at law and in equity, the effect of the corresponding section (s. 24(4)) contained in the (English) Supreme Court of Judicature Act 1873 was that the equitable rule should prevail: see Gibbs v. Guild (1882) 9 Q.B.D. 59.   In this case, there has to be a law or Statutory instrument leading to the payment of an income support benefit to all transgender citizens and no payment to the males and females or it is that someone has made an on going mistake in failing to pay all citizens equally. Everyone knows what aberration of law or abuse of law has led to this genocide in the Anglo Anglican world. But, it does not happen in the Catholic world to the citizen of any European country.  

Equity will not suffer a wrong to be without a remedy[edit]

When seeking an equitable relief, the one that has been wronged has the stronger hand. The stronger hand is the one that has the capacity to ask for a legal remedy (judicial relief). In equity, this form of remedy is usually one of specific performance or an injunction (injunctive relief). These are superior remedies to those administered at common law such as damages. The Latin legal maxim is ubi jus ibi remedium ("where there is a right there must be a remedy").[6]

The maxim is necessarily subordinate to positive principles and cannot be applied either to subvert established rules of law or to give the courts a jurisdiction hitherto unknown, and it is only in a general not in a literal sense that the maxim has force.

Case law dealing with the principle of this maxim at law include Ashby v White (K.B. 1703)

Equity will not allow a wrongdoer to profit by a wrong[edit]

This principle is the basis for much of the law of restitution. In Jehon v Vivian (1876) Law Rep. 6 Ch. App. 742, Lord Chancellor Hatherley stated that “this court never allows a man to make profit by a wrong.”

The U.S. Supreme Court likewise stated in Root v. Railway Company (1881) that “it would be inequitable that [a wrongdoer] should make a profit out of his own wrong.” In Liu v. Securities and Exchange Commission (2020), the Supreme Court called this a “foundational principle.”

    Equity will not suffer a wrong without a remedy.”    See Equity's maxims as a concept of Canadian Jurisprudence by Jeff Berryman.   The Judge could also institute payments to all citizens and not just the transgender.    A public authority must, in the exercise of its functions, have due regard to the need to—(a)

eliminate discrimination, harassment, victimisation and any other conduct that is prohibited by or under the Equality  Act 2010.

Is this Margaret Thatcher?  Is she being Pinochet indicted for genocide and hate crimes under UK statutes or convicted posthumously?  The Court may also convict Churchill  posthumously.  They do not have absolute authority. There is a Constitutional monarchy that says decisions are made pursuant to law as honoring the Monarch. The law is honorable and forestalls inequality. The Monarch defends the law.   The criminally culpable as causing genocide using financial policy, have made the Monarch and the English world tread water in uncertainty with a desensitised stiff upper lip for too long while placating them with dramatized, fictional media images of current era global authority and fictionalised historical victory. Stiff upper lips indicate that you are a dead and cannot see or feel what is happening to you.    

In 1993 she published The Downing Street Years 1979-1990 to tell her own story about her years as prime minister. In 1995, she published The Path to Power, to detail her own early life and early political career, before becoming prime minister. Both books were best-sellers.

Carol Thatcher published a biography of her father, Denis Thatcher, in 1996. In 1998 Margaret and Denis' son Mark was involved in scandals involving loan sharking in South Africa and US tax evasion.

In 2002, Margaret Thatcher had several small strokes and gave up her lecture tours. She also published that year another book: Statecraft: Strategies for a Changing World.

1(b)   In failing to make the payments to all citizens as affecting Johnny and his life, Johnny and all the men and women like him suffer conditions of life with intent to destroy them;  it is submitted. Paying the transgender only is a deliberate, intentional act. The decision not to pay men and women as the other two genders is also a deliberate, willful act.  The failure to pay set in course a chain of events recklessly with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, an identifiable group of persons, as such, that, at the time and in the place of its commission, constitutes genocide according to customary international law or conventional international law or by virtue of its being criminal according to the general principles of law recognized by the community of nations, whether or not it constitutes a contravention of the law in force at the time and in the place of its commission. (génocide). As such, we can say "but for" the assistance of family, friends, police officers who decide not to arrest or prosecute and but for the assistance of the church these people in the absence of income support payment, they would have died. This establishes causation.   Simply put, but for the economically negligent non payment of income support, they will have died.   


 2.  The assault:

Assault is defined as the unlawful touching of another contrary to the King's peace, The boyfriend is potentially guilty of assault on this fact scenario since there is no legal exception such as consensual relations to cover this scenario. What he did was an invasive surgery. She cannot consent to this pursuant to the law. I don't want to get into the case law here. I have children. 

As she cannot consent to this under law and as he did cut her intentionally although recklessness is sufficient for assault,  it is submitted that the Actus Reus and mens rea of the impugned criminal act against  the state is confirmed  here based on the facts as seen in the deliberate, intentional, premeditated acts of the boyfriend.  

3.  In not paying all citizens the income support benefit equally,  this fails the Equality Act 2010 and is an offence contrary to its provisions;

The non payment of benefits to males and females, it is submitted, is an offence contrary to Section 1, section 13, section 14  and section 19 of the Equality Act 2010.  It is direct discrimination in that they are not paid any benefit while the transgender is paid a benefit.  It is indirect discrimination contrary to s. 19 when they effected genders are called to make applications for benefits with various criteria and requirement for qualification. 

  Public sector duty regarding socio-economic inequalities

(1)An authority to which this section applies must, when making decisions of a strategic nature about how to exercise its functions, have due regard to the desirability of exercising them in a way that is designed to reduce the inequalities of outcome which result from socio-economic disadvantage.

(2)In deciding how to fulfil a duty to which it is subject under subsection (1), an authority must take into account any guidance issued [F1in accordance with subsection (2A)].


Indirect discrimination

(1) A person (A) discriminates against another (B) if A applies to B a provision, criterion or practice which is discriminatory in relation to a relevant protected characteristic of B's such as their sex or gender. 

There is also a positive public sector duty to eliminate discrimination disclosed in the current benefit inequality affecting Canadian UK citizens and UK citizens in general.  The BNA ACT 1867 states that if there is any conflict or absence  in law with respect to the laws in Canada or the UK, the laws of the UK prevail and are fully enforceable. 

          S. 149 Public sector equality duty

(1)A public authority must, in the exercise of its functions, have due regard to the need to—

(a)eliminate discrimination, harassment, victimisation and any other conduct that is prohibited by or under this Act;

(b)advance equality of opportunity between persons who share a relevant protected characteristic and persons who do not share it;

(c)foster good relations between persons who share a relevant protected characteristic and persons who do not share it.

(2)A person who is not a public authority but who exercises public functions must, in the exercise of those functions, have due regard to the matters mentioned in subsection (1).

(3)Having due regard to the need to advance equality of opportunity between persons who share a relevant protected characteristic and persons who do not share it involves having due regard, in particular, to the need to—

(a)remove or minimise disadvantages suffered by persons who share a relevant protected characteristic that are connected to that characteristic;

(b)take steps to meet the needs of persons who share a relevant protected characteristic that are different from the needs of persons who do not share it;

(c)encourage persons who share a relevant protected characteristic to participate in public life or in any other activity in which participation by such persons is disproportionately low.

(4)The steps involved in meeting the needs of disabled persons that are different from the needs of persons who are not disabled include, in particular, steps to take account of disabled persons' disabilities.

(5)Having due regard to the need to foster good relations between persons who share a relevant protected characteristic and persons who do not share it involves having due regard, in particular, to the need to—

(a)tackle prejudice, and

(b)promote understanding.

(6)Compliance with the duties in this section may involve treating some persons more favourably than others; but that is not to be taken as permitting conduct that would otherwise be prohibited by or under this Act.

(7)The relevant protected characteristics are—

  • age;

  • disability;

  • gender reassignment;

  • pregnancy and maternity;

  • race;

  • religion or belief;

  • sex;

  • sexual orientation.

(8)A reference to conduct that is prohibited by or under this Act includes a reference to—

(a)a breach of an equality clause or rule;

(b)a breach of a non-discrimination rule.

It is submitted that the Actus Reus and mens rea of the impugned criminal act against  the state is confirmed  here based on the facts as seen in the deliberate, intentional, premeditated acts of the public authority.  

It is submitted that bitterness alone or purely hatred, as it stands, is the motive.   

4.  A Hate Crime:

The non payment of benefits to males and females, it is submitted, is a hate crime under UK law and therefore also Canadian law. 


A hate crime is any criminal offence which is perceived by the victim or any other person to be motivated by a hostility or prejudice based on:

  • a person’s race or perceived race, or any racial group or ethnic background including countries within the UK and Gypsy and Traveller groups; this includes asylum seekers and migrants
  • a person’s religion or perceived religion, or any religious group including those who have no faith
  • a person’s sexual orientation or perceived sexual orientation, or any person’s sexual orientation
  • a person’s disability or perceived disability, or any disability including physical disability, learning disability and mental health or developmental disorders
  • A person who is heterosexual, male or female and non transgender. 
  • a person who is transgender or perceived to be transgender, including people who are transsexual, transgender, cross dressers and those who hold a Gender Recognition Certificate under the Gender Recognition Act 2004
  • It would be a hate crime in itself my darling if you exclude the other genders from protection in your prosecution of hate crimes. 

The inclusion of migrants within the first category listed above means that offences with a xenophobic element (such as graffiti targeting certain nationalities) can be recorded as race hate crimes by the police.

An offence may also be motivated by hatred towards a characteristic (strand) that is not currently centrally monitored and therefore does not form part of the data collection presented in this statistical bulletin (age or gender for example).

Hate Crime in Canada.

The failure to pay Ontario citizens an income support  who are male or female in some locations while paying these groups a disproportionate amount of $20,000.00 per year in other Ontario locations; then also paying only transgender persons a full income support of $50,000.00 per year any where in the province is an impugned act or statement, gesture or sign of visible hatred,  inciting hatred and constitutes a gender hate crime and a crime against the equality laws.

The affected genders are being asked to move to some other location to ameliorate the conditions they suffer and this is evidence of the differential treatment they suffer as a target group.  They are not to be asked to move home as a result of the disproportionate policy that is an expression of an mischievous, abusive use of discretion in policy. It is illegal.   It is criminal mischief and unnecessary.   

Public incitement of hatred

  •  (1) Every one who, by communicating statements in any public place, incites hatred against any identifiable group where such incitement is likely to lead to a breach of the peace is guilty of

    • (a) an indictable offence and is liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding two years; or

    • (b) an offence punishable on summary conviction.

  • Marginal note:Wilful promotion of hatred

    (2) Every one who, by communicating statements, other than in private conversation, wilfully promotes hatred against any identifiable group is guilty of

    • (a) an indictable offence and is liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding two years; or

    • (b) an offence punishable on summary conviction.

  • Marginal note:Wilful promotion of antisemitism

    (2.1) Everyone who, by communicating statements, other than in private conversation, wilfully promotes antisemitism by condoning, denying or downplaying the Holocaust

    • (a) is guilty of an indictable offence and liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding two years; or

    • (b) is guilty of an offence punishable on summary conviction.

  • Marginal note:Defences

    (3) No person shall be convicted of an offence under subsection (2)

    • (a) if he establishes that the statements communicated were true;

    • (b) if, in good faith, the person expressed or attempted to establish by an argument an opinion on a religious subject or an opinion based on a belief in a religious text;

    • (c) if the statements were relevant to any subject of public interest, the discussion of which was for the public benefit, and if on reasonable grounds he believed them to be true; or

    • (d) if, in good faith, he intended to point out, for the purpose of removal, matters producing or tending to produce feelings of hatred toward an identifiable group in Canada.

  • Marginal note:Defences — subsection (2.1)

    (3.1) No person shall be convicted of an offence under subsection (2.1)

    • (a) if they establish that the statements communicated were true;

    • (b) if, in good faith, they expressed or attempted to establish by an argument an opinion on a religious subject or an opinion based on a belief in a religious text;

    • (c) if the statements were relevant to any subject of public interest, the discussion of which was for the public benefit, and if on reasonable grounds they believed them to be true; or

    • (d) if, in good faith, they intended to point out, for the purpose of removal, matters producing or tending to produce feelings of antisemitism toward Jews.

  • Marginal note:Forfeiture

    (4) If a person is convicted of an offence under subsection (1), (2) or (2.1) or section 318, anything by means of or in relation to which the offence was committed, on such conviction, may, in addition to any other punishment imposed, be ordered by the presiding provincial court judge or judge to be forfeited to Her Majesty in right of the province in which that person is convicted, for disposal as the Attorney General may direct.

  • Marginal note:Exemption from seizure of communication facilities

    (5) Subsections 199(6) and (7) apply, with any modifications that the circumstances require, to subsection (1), (2) or (2.1) or section 318.

  • Marginal note:Consent

    (6) No proceeding for an offence under subsection (2) or (2.1) shall be instituted without the consent of the Attorney General.

  • Marginal note:Definitions

    (7) In this section,

    communicating includes communicating by telephone, broadcasting or other audible or visible means; (communiquer)

    Holocaust means the planned and deliberate state-sponsored persecution and annihilation of European Jewry by the Nazis and their collaborators from 1933 to 1945; (Holocauste)

    identifiable group has the same meaning as in section 318; (groupe identifiable)

    public place includes any place to which the public have access as of right or by invitation, express or implied; (endroit public)

    statements includes words spoken or written or recorded electronically or electro-magnetically or otherwise, and gestures, signs or other visible representations. (déclarations)

  • R.S., 1985, c. C-46, s. 319
  • R.S., 1985, c. 27 (1st Supp.), s. 203
  • 2004, c. 14, s. 2
  • 2022, c. 10, s. 332

It is submitted that the Actus Reus and mens rea of the impugned act against male and female genders is meted out based on the facts as seen in the deliberate, intentional, premeditated acts of the public authority.  There is no emperor.   

5.  Genocide: 

The attack on a UK citizen who is a member of a gender group is an attack on part of the target group which is really an attack on the UK national and quite a significant number of them. They share a legal bond. This is quite the same for the Ontario citizens. 

 Genocide means an act or omission committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, an identifiable group of persons, as such, that, at the time and in the place of its commission, constitutes genocide according to customary international law or conventional international law or by virtue of its being criminal according to the general principles of law recognized by the community of nations, whether or not it constitutes a contravention of the law in force at the time and in the place of its commission. (génocide).

It is submitted that a failure to pay an Otario citizen or a UK citizen an income support that satisfies the UDHR principle in Article 25 of the UDHR is genocide when it is an unusual attack on a national group or part of that group.  It is evident that some citizens are being paid an income support in these territories noted above; but not all citizens.  In particular male and female individuals are being excluded based on gender while the transgender are paid and these payments are certainly guaranteed and ensured from an early age.  

We say that it is genocide when the life experience of the of the transgender is shrouded and protected automatically from any need or want.   

It is submitted that but, for Johnny's girlfriend in their enduring relationship, he would have had to look for and hope that he would probably find a job in all probability with his life in the balance of a vain probability.   

He did not find a job and there are fewer jobs when foreigners with income support seem to get the job before he did; some how. They seem to be afraid that Johnny would steal food and feed his bird or his mates.  It is submitted that but for johnny's girlfriend and her support, he might have died. 

He is not guaranteed that anyone would help. He would have to catch fish illegally without a fishing licence to eat and he would have to  and Oh; wait a minute. He could get emergency housing at the job centre online with emergency hotel stays but no food support but it  only seems to work for very long if you are a first or second generation South African and the hotel manager is not stupid enough to refuse the guaranteed payment of 800 pound per week.      It is submitted that to ameliorate these problems, applicants will receive a benefit card from the post office upon request.  It will be handed to them. They will register it online for use to pay for emergency hotel shelter and food and they will also nominate a council location any where in the country where they would like to get regular permanent housing. They will be contacted eventually when an available home is found in their council area of choice. A second option with an immediate vacancy in any other part of the country on the national housing stock register as found in the housing vacancy database will also be offered.  We cannot allow people to profiteer, using the housing stock for private again and those who do are engaged in a criminal offence in the misappropriation of government property contrary to the King's peace.  The defence of necessity will not abate the criminal scintilla.

The benefits are to be paid permanently and unconditionally. If for any reason, you encounter a problem with the benefit payment with your current card  or in payments to your account, you can retrieve a second. third or fourth card for payments. You set up the card as usual online with your NI number/Social insurance number.   

Activation only requires that you confirm your name and social insurance card essentially.  The new card will work. You can keep track of your use online also. You do not have to assign payments to your bank account. This is a primary benefit recipient, using the card.   Those who assign payments to their bank accounts are considered secondary benefit recipients.  Primary users will receive £ 673.07 pounds/ per week as their allotment in addition to sums allotted to their account for covering emergency hotel costs for emergency housing if you indicate this is required online with your application for housing.    They will take care of their own food cost incidentals with the weekly allotment.   The funds allotted will rollover if not depleted in that week.   They can use the card at the bank machine also and for all electronic tap payments.    

Once they move in to their new permanent housing and they confirm online that they have moved in as required, their card will only dispense cash payment pursuant to their weekly allotment at the bank machine or for use in electronic payments.  

As a secondary benefit recipient that has nominated a bank account online where they can receive a full income support payment directly to their bank account,  the card will not dispense funds any longer and nor will it operate.  The payment is made to their bank account.  This option to receive payment through your bank account will be available once you make the nomination.  If there is a problem with payment to your personal account, you can re initiate access to payment with a card as made available at the post office as a  primary benefit recipient. But, why would there be  problem?  The solution is to self-serve the matter and the user will get a new card. The payment will be available immediately and any sums to be paid will be pro rated.    It is submitted, that this card system will be used in Canada also in territories where there are still individuals who are not receiving a full, compliant amounts of monies as income support.  The payment will be based on $59,850.00 per year.  There will be Federal Works Officer jobs in the UK and Canada also.  Training will be online and you can choose your detail.  A basic jacket and long sleeve golf shirt to be worn with your own black pants and boots will arrive at your home with a baseball cap sent to you also.  If it is transportation Security, you will receive the appropriate fatigues. If it is Public Security to be stationed in public squares or on the High Street or in Shopping Centres, then you will receive the appropriate fatigues.  Public Building Security that includes security for government facilities or museums or churches will also carry separate fatigues;  it is submitted most humbly.              

In furthering our analysis of the embarrassing genocide offence disclosed in the current functioning of the UK economy, 

 The attack on a UK citizen who is a member of a gender group is an attack on that target group which is really an attack on the UK nationals

and quite a significant number of them.  They share a legal bond.    This is quite the same for the Ontario citizens.    

Then the second issue is the genocide when it is an unusual intentional, exclusionary targeting of the genders

in that they are not in receipt of the benefit paid automatically while the transgender is in receipt of the benefit; paid to them

automatically monthly.      

If the tube or subway was off for twelve years, how does he benefit?   If the income support was off for twelve years, how does anyone benefit?  Let us ask the nice lady from Bramston.  

There is also something going on in Canada. You have to pick a side.  Choose to support the global economy's manufacturers

  and the residual Global Anglo population with people from all over the world and not the progeny

and misfeasance of the WW2 War criminals reciting their father's crimes in your economy.  


Someone who is an academic orphan but who finds himself in the authority as a de facto appointed politician

who was not legally elected wanted to show Canada what he understands; the one thing in him that he understood innately and that he has to show you that he can do something

intelligent and that he knows what he is doing, knows what he is doing.

But, you tell him that what he is strategizing nationally for Canada as a the de facto premier of Scotia is actually illegal

as the de facto minister of economic destabilisation as if Canada is just a science lab  for  malfeasant genocidal people resurrected from European WW2 dead war criminals 

and policies(...this family; if you could help them and now you see what they did.).  So, he says he will all lay low and have an income support that keeps us all on the edge financially

here in the east but eventually in our humility, we will have the moral authority to just live in the homes of any family that we presume was more wealthy

than we were if they could have lived in Torono.

But, why would a postal worker family in down town Torono in a 1922 home that was kept in the family be more wealthy than a Scotian family? 

We know that dollar for dollar, the Scotian family was more wealthy for two reasons; one is that they have always had a consistent income support after

WW2 after WW2 at no less than $20,000.00 per year  and this was not the case for Ontario. They, as Nova Scotians,  also have had less interruption of the fish stocks

and the Scotian can just dip his hand in the lake or the river and the fish just jumps obediently into his pocket. Five fish are worth five days dinner or 3 days dinner and half a tank of gasoline.

  However, he has shown us his strategy so that the average deposits on hand of the average Ontario family is not even half that of the average Scotian.

The Otario family disappears to an emailed job offer to Belize or Guyana and then a Scotian family is assigned to the home in what is the ultimate covetousness. Scotia is empty and Torono is empty with the populations cut into two.

It is an  intentional civil war with his small brain. He says he is innocent. But, it is deliberate.  It is also genocide and economic misfeasance. 

The national economy suffers in his little show of his little intelligence as he expresses his covid on the imaginarily more wealthy Canadian people.  

The Scotia occupants of the Ontario missing family's home is convicted for murder of that entire family and also criminal trespass or just criminal trespass. 

This is the anthropological vortex where the Canadian population has cut it self in two and has suffered a covert civil war on the simple issue of a consistent national income support.  

Thank you for showing us what you understand; how intelligent you are in your targeting of the Ontario population.  

We want Canada to work and have the same dignity as other nations that enjoy a national income support program without any of this divisiveness.

This is not diminishing your power if someone tells you your economic defences down on your economic barriers of integrity.

You don't kill the bon garcon ou le bon homme who tells you to maintain your barriers.

 The attack on a UK citizen who is a member of a gender group is an attack on part of the target group which is really an attack on the UK nationals

and quite a significant number of them.  They share a legal bond.    This is quite the same for the Ontario citizens.    

  The Definition of a National Group:   

The ICTR in Akayesu defined a national group as follows: Based on the Nottebohm decision rendered by the International Court of Justice, the Chamber holds that a national group is defined as a collection of people who are perceived to share a legal bond based on common citizenship, coupled with reciprocity of rights and duties.34 Interestingly, the Trial Chamber based its definition on the Nottebohm decision by the International Court of Justice (ICJ), as well as on the perception of a shared legal bond. It thereby combined objective (Nottebohm approach) with subjective (perception) criteria. In Nottebohm, nationality was determined on effective factual ties between the person and the State concerned. 


The Definition of a National Group is as follows: The ICTR in Akayesu defined a national group as follows: Based on the Nottebohm decision rendered by the International Court of Justice, the Chamber holds that a national group is defined as a collection of people who are perceived to share a legal bond based on common citizenship, coupled with reciprocity of rights and duties.34 Interestingly, the Trial Chamber based its definition on the Nottebohm decision by the International Court of Justice (ICJ), as well as on the perception of a shared legal bond. 

It thereby combined objective (Nottebohm approach) with subjective (perception) criteria. In Nottebohm, nationality was determined on effective factual ties between the person and the State concerned.

https://www.internationalcrimesdatabase.org/upload/documents/20151217T122733-Lingaas%20Final%20ICD%20Format.pdf Genocide is an internationally recognized crime where acts are committed with the intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnic, racial, or religious group. 

These acts fall into five categories: Killing members of the group Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part( The attack on gender) Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group There are a number of other serious, violent crimes that do not fall under the specific definition of genocide. They include crimes against humanity, war crimes, ethnic cleansing, and mass killing. https://www.ushmm.org/genocide-prevention/learn-about-genocide-and-other-mass-atrocities/what-is-genocide 

Today we have neanderthal females who have become women before they became human. We love everyone but when will Jamaiians impress us with running the most intelligent small island economy in the world?  They have enough independence to be a light to the world; a city set on a hill with an income support of no less than USD $49,000.00 per year that works out to $134.24 per day.    

What you get in JAMA( Jacaovb Marley land) is that they say they did not really go to school and that you need to help them but that they also will have authority over you. You will not have authority over them and I don't know how that can really work for long if you understand how you have invited people to help you and show you how to do what ever it is. They don't you to tell them anything. They want an outsider or a foreigner to tell them.   They have innate capability and assume the authority; but without training. The last law exam written  in In   the West Indies  was 1990.  So, you have a  land that has taken over  the definition of meaning  of real, qualified  and trained. All the lawyers  in that land regardless of complexion and with official  position are Jacob Marley DNA with certain articulation and gesticulation. But  they  did not really go to school.   All the mechanics are Dr. Diesel.  This is culture. All the expert (Marley, Diesel )DNA is mixed with Christopher Columbus. It is an expansive culture, challenging  our formal  training systems and feeding its way back into Europe.   They take the "real" hostage;  the real trained and the real qualified.  Sometimes they kill them, creating the desert of the real.  Some have been hostages of this culture for years now.  

We now design training systems that will accommodate this phenomenon and everyone will be fully trained; one way or the other.  You can attend Law School after university.  It will be a six month program. If you do not want to go to law school, then you can go to college and do a paralegal program. That is also six months. After this, you will continue in a ten year licensing program held at some UNIVERSITY with the courses conducted with materials prepared partially by the Law Society.  No one fails.  But, all are trained. You can re write it and after two re writes you will get a pass automatically.    You can practice and work with others after two years but you only have a  provisional license and cannot work on your own.  If you already have completed bar or professional exams in at least one country, you are exempted.   You have proof of your qualifications and your degree. It might be that you already have a letter confirming you are now a student member of the Law Society of England and Wales and can now complete your training contract as a student member with the academic portion of the qualification completed successfully or you had such a letter and it was stolen.  But, the school attended confirms your completion of the Law Society exams.   You also have a letter confirming that you are a student member.         

We do not have to dethrone our neighbor's social authority. You heard he is a cop. You are a security guard so you thought you would offer a woman from your tribe to him who you told to steal his regalia until he felt like nothing. He is missing his badge. Where is it? He is missing his passport? Where is it?   The guard felt something special now arrived in one of the units of the building where he is guard.  It was an athlete of the year trophy in a suit case, so he stole the small blue suit case.  Why would anyone do that..like a dog rover anthropology?   You have your own social authority. You are the.???...   What is social authority? Don't we all have some with our cool running shoes on?  The Aboriginal girl has social authority even when she is naked. But, she is to be provided money for clothing so that she will have dignity and honor in the home. How can you have social authority outside of the home for being naked? But, you do not have social authority in the home; with your husband and children?      

If the challengers say they do not want to finish high school but want to go to college or university and  want a law job because of some innate desire, what do we do with them? They can finish High School and take a 15 year program with the right to practice  after 3 years of training but not on your own.  I believe that natural gift of oratory and the gesticulation of a great barrister and solicitor is to be rewarded without stressing this dna with formal law job qualifications. If you want to do the job, you should be able to do it; somewhere in the world but oratory and gesticulation is not enough to serve the public.    


You see the point. We could make it work in the English world just like in other cultures so that the problem is not having money ever again but the problem is now what did you do?  Why did you gamble it or why did you not read the terms of the receipt?  

I would not say he is a genocidal MP but there is a PM. But , why are we discussing a 0% interest rate and 0% income support for too many North Americans and too many UK citizens in the age of automation and with Columbus dna in all of our blood, would we struggle to hold ourselves accountable for our own self inflicted genocide? You are attacking the economy and it's efficiency and efficacy at both ends. You have authority to resolve the problem but have done the opposite. The problem is exacerbated. So, what is your evident motivation vs. your fiduciary responsibility ?

There is also here some failure to cooperate to achieve our goals and it seems to militate to some desire to throw yourself and your seed on a beach or in a field some where in Europe; as a subconscious goal and you know seed is for sowing and preserving; and somehow Europe is now more fractious in 20 years time with the dna's North American resistance of equanimous, systemic formalities in law and in economy. The foods we eat must preserve the seed; male and female.

5 R v. Zardad, High Court judgment of 19 July 2005, see http://www.redress.org/news/zardad%207%20apr%202004.pdf; appeal denied 17th February 2007

 Is there a Commander? Is it that genocide does not apply if it is the life  of an Anglo Russian or an Anglo Indian?  

There is the criminal liability for a commander’s failure to either prevent or punish the crimes of his subordinates.(indirect command responsibility) under English criminal law, but there is no doubt that a commander can incur criminal liability for his direct command responsibility under English criminal law. The responsibility of a superior for the acts of his subordinate is not a new concept in English law. The liability of a superior for planning, instigating, or ordering the crimes of his subordinates in English law is well established. For instance, the organiser of a criminal enterprise is responsible for all the actions of his subordinates in carrying it out. Thus, the prosecution of a superior, either military or civilian, on the basis of his direct command responsibility is clearly possible since the principle of direct responsibility is broadly akin to existing forms of criminal liability. Commanders can be held responsible for crimes under the Geneva Conventions Act 1957 committed by his subordinates where there is evidence that the commander planned, instigated, or ordered the crimes of his subordinates pursuant to the ordinary principles of English criminal law. Moreover, a superior can also be prosecuted as an accomplice if his failure to prevent or punish the crimes committed by his subordinates could be demonstrated to have aided and abetted or encouraged them to commit further crimes. What is in question is whether a commander or superior can otherwise be held liable under existing English criminal law for his failure to prevent or punish the crimes of his subordinates where the crimes in question were not committed in the UK or where the commander is neither a UK citizen or subject to UK service jurisdiction. 33 W. J. Fenrick "Some International Law Problems Related to Prosecution Before the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia", (1995) 6 34 ICRC Commentary par. 3543. 


PART 5 Offences under Domestic Law


50 Meaning of “genocide”, “crime against humanity” and “war crime”
(1) In this Part “genocide” means an act of genocide as defined in article 6

PART 5 Offence under Domestic Law

England and Wales

51 Genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes
(1) It is an offence against the law of England and Wales for a person to commit genocide, a crime against humanity or a war crime.
(2) This section applies to acts committed—
(a) in England or Wales, or
(b) outside the United Kingdom by a United Kingdom national, a United Kingdom resident or a person subject to UK service jurisdiction.

52 Conduct ancillary to genocide, etc. committed outside jurisdiction
(1) It is an offence against the law of England and Wales for a person to engage in conduct ancillary to an act to which this section applies.
(2) This section applies to an act that if committed in England or Wales would constitute—
(a) an offence under section 51 (genocide, crime against humanity or war crime), or
(b) an offence under this section,
but which, being committed (or intended to be committed) outside England and Wales, does not constitute such an offence.
(3) The reference in subsection (1) to conduct ancillary to such an act is to conduct that would constitute an ancillary offence in relation to that act if the act were committed in England or Wales.
(4) This section applies where the conduct in question consists of or includes an act committed—
(a) in England or Wales, or
(b) outside the United Kingdom by a United Kingdom national, a United Kingdom resident or a person subject to UK service jurisdiction.

53 Trial and punishment of main offences
(1) The following provisions apply in relation to—
(a) offences under section 51 (genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes),
(b) offences under section 52 (conduct ancillary to genocide, etc. committed outside jurisdiction), and
(c) offences ancillary to an offence within paragraph (a) or (b) above.
(2) The offence is triable only on indictment.
(3) Proceedings for an offence shall not be instituted except by or with the consent of the Attorney General.
(4) If the offence is not committed in England or Wales—
(a) proceedings may be taken, and
(b) the offence may for incidental purposes be treated as having been committed,
in any place in England or Wales.
(5) A person convicted of—
(a) an offence involving murder, or
(b) an offence ancillary to an offence involving murder,
shall be dealt with as for an offence of murder or, as the case may be, the corresponding ancillary offence in relation to murder.
In this subsection “murder” means the killing of a person in such circumstances as would, if committed in England or Wales, constitute murder.
(6) In any other case a person convicted of an offence is liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 30 years.

PART 5 Offences under Domestic Law

England and Wales

55 Meaning of “ancillary offence”

(1) References in this Part to an ancillary offence under the law of England and Wales are to—

(a) aiding, abetting, counselling or procuring the commission of an offence,
(b) inciting a person to commit an offence,
(c) attempting or conspiring to commit an offence, or
(d) assisting an offender or concealing the commission of an offence.

(2) In subsection (1)(a) the reference to aiding, abetting, counselling or procuring is to conduct that in relation to an indictable offence would be punishable under section 8 of the Accessories and Abettors Act 1861 (c. 94).

(3) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

(4) In subsection (1)(c)—
(a) the reference to an attempt is to conduct amounting to an offence under section 1 of the Criminal Attempts Act 1981 (c. 47); and
(b) the reference to conspiracy is to conduct amounting to an offence of conspiracy under section 1 of the Criminal Law Act 1977 (c. 45).

(5) In subsection (1)(d)—
(a) the reference to assisting an offender is to conduct that in relation to a relevant offence would amount to an offence under section 4(1) of the Criminal Law Act 1967 (c. 58); and
(b) the reference to concealing an offence is to conduct that in relation to a relevant offencewould amount to an offence under section 5(1) of that Act.

56 Saving for general principles of liability, etc

(1) In determining whether an offence under this Part has been committed the court shall apply the principles of the law of England and Wales.

(2) Nothing in this Part shall be read as restricting the operation of any enactment or rule of law relating to—
(a) the extra-territorial application of offences (including offences under this Part), or
(b) offences ancillary to offences under this Part (wherever committed).

PART 5 Offences under Domestic Law

Northern Ireland

58 Genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes

(1) It is an offence against the law of Northern Ireland for a person to commit genocide, a crime against humanity or a war crime.

(2) This section applies to acts committed—
(a) in Northern Ireland, or
(b) outside the United Kingdom by a United Kingdom national or a United Kingdom resident.

59 Conduct ancillary to genocide, etc. committed outside jurisdiction

(1) It is an offence against the law of Northern Ireland for a person to engage in conduct ancillary to an act to which this section applies.

(2) This section applies to an act that if committed in Northern Ireland would constitute—
(a) an offence under section 58 (genocide, crime against humanity or war crime), or
(b) an offence under this section,
but which, being committed (or intended to be committed) outside Northern Ireland, does not constitute such an offence.

(3) The reference in subsection (1) to conduct ancillary to such an act is to conduct that would constitute an ancillary offence in relation to that act if the act were committed in Northern Ireland.

(4) This section applies where the conduct in question consists of or includes an act committed—
(a) in Northern Ireland, or
(b) outside the United Kingdom by a United Kingdom national or a United Kingdom resident.

60 Trial and punishment of main offences

(1) The following provisions apply in relation to—
(a) offences under section 58 (genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes),
(b) offences under section 59 (conduct ancillary to genocide, etc. committed outside jurisdiction), and
(c) offences ancillary to an offence within paragraph (a) or (b) above.

(2) The offence is triable only on indictment.

(3) Proceedings for an offence shall not be instituted except by or with the consent of the Attorney General for Northern Ireland.

(4) If the offence is not committed in Northern Ireland—
(a) proceedings may be taken, and
(b) the offence may for incidental purposes be treated as having been committed,
in any place in Northern Ireland.

(5) A person convicted of—
(a) an offence involving murder, or
(b) an offence ancillary to an offence involving murder,
shall be dealt with as for an offence of murder or, as the case may be, the corresponding ancillary offence in relation to murder.
In this subsection “murder” means the killing of a person in such circumstances as would, if committed in Northern Ireland, constitute murder.

(6) In any other case a person convicted of an offence is liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 30 years.

PART 5 Offences under Domestic Law

Supplementary provisions

66 Mental element

(1) References in this Part to a person committing—
(a) genocide,
(b) a crime against humanity,
(c) a war crime, or
(d) any of the acts mentioned in article 70.1 (offences against the admninistration of justice in relation to the ICC),
shall be construed in accordance with this section.

(2) Unless otherwise provided by—
(a) the articles mentioned in the definition in section 50(1) of the crimes specified in subsection (1)(a) to (c) above, or any relevant Elements of Crimes (see section 50(2)),
(b) section 54(1) or 61(1) or article 70.1 (offences in relation to the ICC), or
(c) section 65 (responsibility of commanders and other superiors),
a person is regarded as committing such an act or crime only if the material elements are committed with intent and knowledge.

(3) For this purpose—
(a) a person has intent—
(i) in relation to conduct, where he means to engage in the conduct, and
(ii) in relation to a consequence, where he means to cause the consequence or is aware that it will occur in the ordinary course of events; and
(b) “knowledge” means awareness that a circumstance exists or a consequence will occur in the ordinary course of events.

(4) In interpreting and applying the provisions of this section (which corresponds to article 30) the court shall take into account any relevant judgment or decision of the ICC.
Account may also be taken of any other relevant international jurisprudence.


Schedule 8 Genocide, Crimes against Humanity and War Crimes: Articles 6 to 9

Article 6 Genocide

For the purpose of this Statute, “genocide” means any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such:

(a) Killing members of the group;

(b) Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group;

(c) Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part;

(d) Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group;

(e) Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.

Crimes Against Humanity and War Crimes Act

S.C. 2000, c. 24

Assented to 2000-06-29

An Act respecting genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes and to implement the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court, and to make consequential amendments to other Acts

Her Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate and House of Commons of Canada, enacts as follows:

Short Title

Marginal note:Short title

 This Act may be cited as the Crimes Against Humanity and War Crimes Act.


Marginal note:Definitions

  •  (1) The definitions in this subsection apply in this Act.

    conventional international law means any convention, treaty or other international agreement

    • (a) that is in force and to which Canada is a party; or

    • (b) that is in force and the provisions of which Canada has agreed to accept and apply in an armed conflict in which it is involved. (droit international conventionnel)

    International Criminal Court means the International Criminal Court established by the Rome Statute. (Cour pénale internationale)

    official, in respect of the International Criminal Court, means the Prosecutor, Registrar, Deputy Prosecutor and Deputy Registrar, and the staff of the organs of the Court. (fonctionnaire)

    Rome Statute means the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court adopted by the United Nations Diplomatic Conference of Plenipotentiaries on the Establishment of an International Criminal Court on July 17, 1998, as corrected by the procès-verbaux of November 10, 1998, July 12, 1999, November 30, 1999 and May 8, 2000, portions of which are set out in the schedule. (Statut de Rome)

  • Marginal note:Words and Expressions

    (2) Unless otherwise provided, words and expressions used in this Act have the same meaning as in the Criminal Code.

Her Majesty

Marginal note:Binding on Her Majesty

 This Act is binding on Her Majesty in right of Canada or a province.

Offences Within Canada

Marginal note:Genocide, etc., committed in Canada

  •  (1) Every person is guilty of an indictable offence who commits

    • (a) genocide;

    • (b) a crime against humanity; or

    • (c) a war crime.

  • Marginal note:Conspiracy, attempt, etc.

    (1.1) Every person who conspires or attempts to commit, is an accessory after the fact in relation to, or counsels in relation to, an offence referred to in subsection (1) is guilty of an indictable offence.

  • Marginal note:Punishment

    (2) Every person who commits an offence under subsection (1) or (1.1)

    • (a) shall be sentenced to imprisonment for life, if an intentional killing forms the basis of the offence; and

    • (b) is liable to imprisonment for life, in any other case.

  • Marginal note:Definitions

    (3) The definitions in this subsection apply in this section.

    crime against humanity means murder, extermination, enslavement, deportation, imprisonment, torture, sexual violence, persecution or any other inhumane act or omission that is committed against any civilian population or any identifiable group and that, at the time and in the place of its commission, constitutes a crime against humanity according to customary international law or conventional international law or by virtue of its being criminal according to the general principles of law recognized by the community of nations, whether or not it constitutes a contravention of the law in force at the time and in the place of its commission. (crime contre l’humanité)

    genocide means an act or omission committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, an identifiable group of persons, as such, that, at the time and in the place of its commission, constitutes genocide according to customary international law or conventional international law or by virtue of its being criminal according to the general principles of law recognized by the community of nations, whether or not it constitutes a contravention of the law in force at the time and in the place of its commission. (génocide)

    war crime means an act or omission committed during an armed conflict that, at the time and in the place of its commission, constitutes a war crime according to customary international law or conventional international law applicable to armed conflicts, whether or not it constitutes a contravention of the law in force at the time and in the place of its commission. (crime de guerre)

  • Marginal note:Interpretation — customary international law

    (4) For greater certainty, crimes described in Articles 6 and 7 and paragraph 2 of Article 8 of the Rome Statute are, as of July 17, 1998, crimes according to customary international law. This does not limit or prejudice in any way the application of existing or developing rules of international law.

Marginal note:Breach of responsibility by military commander

  • Footnote* (1) A military commander commits an indictable offence if

    • (a) the military commander

      • (i) fails to exercise control properly over a person under their effective command and control or effective authority and control, and as a result the person commits an offence under section 4, or

      • (ii) fails, after the coming into force of this section, to exercise control properly over a person under their effective command and control or effective authority and control, and as a result the person commits an offence under section 6;

    • (b) the military commander knows, or is criminally negligent in failing to know, that the person is about to commit or is committing such an offence; and

    • (c) the military commander subsequently

      • (i) fails to take, as soon as practicable, all necessary and reasonable measures within their power to prevent or repress the commission of the offence, or the further commission of offences under section 4 or 6, or

      • (ii) fails to take, as soon as practicable, all necessary and reasonable measures within their power to submit the matter to the competent authorities for investigation and prosecution.

  • Marginal note:Breach of responsibility by a superior

    Footnote*(2) A superior commits an indictable offence if

    • (a) the superior

      • (i) fails to exercise control properly over a person under their effective authority and control, and as a result the person commits an offence under section 4, or

      • (ii) fails, after the coming into force of this section, to exercise control properly over a person under their effective authority and control, and as a result the person commits an offence under section 6;

    • (b) the superior knows that the person is about to commit or is committing such an offence, or consciously disregards information that clearly indicates that such an offence is about to be committed or is being committed by the person;

    • (c) the offence relates to activities for which the superior has effective authority and control; and

    • (d) the superior subsequently

      • (i) fails to take, as soon as practicable, all necessary and reasonable measures within their power to prevent or repress the commission of the offence, or the further commission of offences under section 4 or 6, or

      • (ii) fails to take, as soon as practicable, all necessary and reasonable measures within their power to submit the matter to the competent authorities for investigation and prosecution.

  • Marginal note:Conspiracy, attempt, etc.

    (2.1) Every person who conspires or attempts to commit, is an accessory after the fact in relation to, or counsels in relation to, an offence referred to in subsection (1) or (2) is guilty of an indictable offence.

  • Marginal note:Punishment

    (3) Every person who commits an offence under subsection (1), (2) or (2.1) is liable to imprisonment for life.

  • Marginal note:Definitions

    (4) The definitions in this subsection apply in this section.

    military commander includes a person effectively acting as a military commander and a person who commands police with a degree of authority and control comparable to a military commander. (chef militaire)

    superior means a person in authority, other than a military commander. (supérieur)

    It is submitted that the Actus Reus and mens rea of the impugned act against male and female genders is meted out based on the facts as seen in the deliberate, intentional, premeditated acts of the public authority. 

    US LAW.


    110th Congress                                                   Report
                            HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES
     1st Session                                                    110-468
                      GENOCIDE ACCOUNTABILITY ACT OF 2007
    December 4, 2007.--Committed to the Committee of the Whole House on the 
                  State of the Union and ordered to be printed
        Mr. Conyers, from the Committee on the Judiciary, submitted the 
                                  R E P O R T
                            [To accompany H.R. 2489]
          [Including cost estimate of the Congressional Budget Office]
      The Committee on the Judiciary, to whom was referred the bill 
    (H.R. 2489) to amend section 1091 of title 18, United States 
    Code, to allow the prosecution of genocide in appropriate 
    circumstances, having considered the same, reports favorably 
    thereon without amendment and recommends that the bill do pass.
    Purpose and Summary..............................................     1
    Background and Need for the Legislation..........................     2
    Hearings.........................................................     3
    Committee Consideration..........................................     3
    Committee Votes..................................................     3
    Committee Oversight Findings.....................................     4
    New Budget Authority and Tax Expenditures........................     4
    Congressional Budget Office Cost Estimate........................     4
    Performance Goals and Objectives.................................     5
    Constitutional Authority Statement...............................     5
    Advisory on Earmarks.............................................     5
    Section-by-Section Analysis......................................     5
    Changes in Existing Law Made by the Bill, as Reported............     6
                              Purpose and Summary
        H.R. 2489, the ``Genocide Accountability Act of 2007,'' 
    strengthens the ability of the United States to prosecute 
    perpetrators of genocide by amending title 18 of the United 
    States Code to establish Federal criminal jurisdiction over the 
    crime of genocide, wherever the crime is committed. The Act 
    would close a procedural loophole in current law that does not 
    permit the United States Department of Justice to prosecute 
    non-Americans in United States courts for genocide committed 
                    Background and Need for the Legislation
        In 1948, the United Nations General Assembly adopted the 
    ``Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of 
    Genocide.''\1\ As its title suggests, the treaty imposes two 
    core obligations on participating states. First, state parties 
    must undertake efforts to prevent genocide. Second, state 
    parties must commit to punish genocide as well as certain 
    related acts, such as attempting to commit genocide.\2\ While 
    the Genocide Convention requires state parties to do all they 
    can to prevent genocide within their own borders, the states' 
    duty to prevent genocide does not stop at their own borders. 
    Wherever genocide occurs, it engages other nations' 
    responsibility to act. Simply put, the Genocide Convention 
    charges State parties to take effective action to prevent 
    genocide or, when prevention has failed, to bring its murderous 
    violence to a swift and certain end.\3\
        \1\International Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the 
    Crime of Genocide, Dec. 9, 1948, 78 U.N.T.S. 277, 280 [hereinafter 
    Genocide Convention].
        \2\See id. at art. I.
        \3\See id. at art. VIII; see also Genocide and the Rule of Law: 
    Hearing Before the Subcomm. on Crime, Terrorism, and Homeland Security 
    of the H. Comm. on the Judiciary, 110th Cong. (2007) (testimony of 
    Diane Orentlicher).
        The United Nations' passage of the Convention Against 
    Torture in 1984 and the Convention on Enforced Disappearances 
    in 2006 created new requirements for nations, in addition to 
    those outlined in the Genocide Convention.\4\ The new 
    obligations ask that member nations exercise jurisdiction over 
    any individuals suspected of committing acts of genocide, in 
    cases where the crime is committed: ``(1) in their territory; 
    (2) by one of their nationals; (3) against one of their 
    nationals; or (4) outside their territory when the alleged 
    perpetrator is in their territory and he or she is not 
    extradited for trial to another State or transferred to an 
    international tribunal.'' In response to the new conditions, 
    several nations subsequently altered their genocide laws to 
    reflect the Convention changes. As revised, their laws more 
    effectively permit prosecution of many alleged perpetrators of 
    genocide who previously used those nations as safe havens.
        \4\See Torture Convention Implementation, 18 U.S.C. Sec. Sec. 2340-
    2340B; International Convention for the Protection of All Persons from 
    Enforced Disappearance 2006, GA Res. 61/177, Dec. 20, 2006, A/RES/61/
    177; 14 IHRR 582 (2007).
        The United States was the first Nation to sign the Genocide 
    Convention in 1948. While the crime of genocide has been 
    recognized as part of international law by the United States 
    for nearly sixty years, it was not until 1987 that the 
    ``Proxmire Act'' was enacted to bring our Nation's law into 
    conformity with the Genocide Convention.\5\ When read together 
    with other provisions of the Federal criminal code concerning 
    conspiracy and complicity, the Proxmire Act addresses the 
    explicit obligations set forth in the Genocide Convention 
    concerning prosecution of genocide and related criminal acts in 
    United States courts. In addition, the Proxmire Act makes it a 
    Federal crime for a United States national to commit genocide 
        \5\Genocide Convention Implementation Act of 1987, 18 U.S.C. 
    Sec. Sec. 1091-1093.
        Because current U.S. law lacks an extraterritorial 
    jurisdiction clause for genocide, the Justice Department may 
    not indict an individual for genocide committed outside the 
    United States, even if the victim is an American citizen, 
    unless the perpetrator is a United States national. Instead, 
    the Department of Justice has to use other tools to pursue 
    perpetrators of genocide.\7\
        \7\The Justice Department can use its resources to deport or deny 
    entry to human rights violators, extradite war criminals to their home 
    countries (often through the Immigration and Nationality Act, but only 
    if the United States has an extradition treaty with the nation), and 
    prosecute individuals for offenses such as visa fraud, unlawful 
    procurement of naturalization, and making false statements.
        The use of extraterritorial jurisdiction provisions within 
    our criminal code is not uncommon. There are criminal law 
    provisions concerning torture,\8\ providing material support to 
    terrorists,\9\ prohibiting the financing of terrorism,\10\ and 
    a host of other crimes that apply to perpetrators found in the 
    United States, even if they are not United States nationals and 
    did not commit their crimes in the United States. This 
    legislation provides for similar extraterritorial jurisdiction 
    for crimes of genocide.
        \8\18 U.S.C. Sec. 2340A.
        \9\18 U.S.C. Sec. 2339B.
        On July 22, 2004, the House of Representatives passed H. 
    Con. Res. 467, which recognized genocide as then occurring in 
    the Darfur region of Sudan. As Congress considers this 
    legislation, the genocide in Darfur is an ongoing crime. This 
    legislation will strengthen the reach of U.S. laws to prosecute 
    any individuals found in our Nation who have taken part in such 
    acts of genocide, in Darfur or anywhere else.
        The Subcommittee on Crime, Terrorism, and Homeland Security 
    held 1 day of hearings on H.R. 2489 on October 23, 2007. 
    Testimony was received from Eli Rosenbaum, Director, Office of 
    Special Investigations, Criminal Division, United States 
    Department of Justice; Diane F. Orentlicher, Professor, 
    Washington College of Law, American University; Jerry Fowler, 
    Director, Committee on Conscience, United States Holocaust 
    Memorial Museum; and Gayle Smith, Senior Fellow, Center for 
    American Progress.
                            Committee Consideration
        On November 1, 2007, the Subcommittee on Crime, Terrorism, 
    and Homeland Security met in open session and ordered the bill, 
    H.R. 2489, favorably reported by voice vote, a quorum being 
    present. On November 7, 2007, the Committee met in open session 
    and ordered the bill, H.R. 2489, favorably reported by voice 
    vote, a quorum being present.
                                Committee Votes
        In compliance with clause 3(b) of rule XIII of the Rules of 
    the House of Representatives, the Committee advises that there 
    were no recorded votes during the Committee's consideration of 
    H.R. 2489.
                          Committee Oversight Findings
        In compliance with clause 3(c)(1) of rule XIII of the Rules 
    of the House of Representatives, the Committee advises that the 
    findings and recommendations of the Committee, based on 
    oversight activities under clause 2(b)(1) of rule X of the 
    Rules of the House of Representatives, are incorporated in the 
    descriptive portions of this report.
                   New Budget Authority and Tax Expenditures
        Clause 3(c)(2) of rule XIII of the Rules of the House of 
    Representatives is inapplicable because this legislation does 
    not provide new budgetary authority or increased tax 
                   Congressional Budget Office Cost Estimate
        In compliance with clause 3(c)(3) of rule XIII of the Rules 
    of the House of Representatives, the Committee sets forth, with 
    respect to the bill, H.R. 2489, the following estimate and 
    comparison prepared by the Director of the Congressional Budget 
    Office under section 402 of the Congressional Budget Act of 
                                         U.S. Congress,
                                   Congressional Budget Office,
                                      Washington, DC, November 9, 2007.
    Hon. John Conyers, Jr., Chairman,
    Committee on the Judiciary,
    House of Representatives, Washington, DC.
        Dear Mr. Chairman: The Congressional Budget Office has 
    prepared the enclosed cost estimate for H.R. 2489, the 
    ``Genocide Accountability Act of 2007.''
        If you wish further details on this estimate, we will be 
    pleased to provide them. The CBO staff contact is Mark 
    Grabowicz, who can be reached at 226-2860.
                                               Peter R. Orszag,
            Honorable Lamar S. Smith.
            Ranking Member
    H.R. 2489--Genocide Accountability Act of 2007.
        CBO estimates that implementing H.R. 2489 would have no 
    significant cost to the federal government. Enacting the bill 
    could affect direct spending and revenues, but CBO estimates 
    that any such effects would not be significant.
        H.R. 2489 contains no intergovernmental or private-sector 
    mandates as defined in the Unfunded Mandates Reform Act and 
    would not affect the budgets of State, local, or tribal 
        H.R. 2489 would broaden the coverage of current laws 
    against genocide. The bill would establish federal jurisdiction 
    over those crimes wherever they occur (existing law covers 
    incidents within the United States). As a result, under the 
    bill the government would be able to pursue cases that it 
    otherwise would not be able to prosecute. We expect that H.R. 
    2489 would apply to a relatively small number of offenders, 
    however, so any increase in costs for law enforcement, court 
    proceedings, or prison operations would not be significant. Any 
    such costs would be subject to the availability of appropriated 
        Because those prosecuted and convicted under H.R. 2489 
    could be subject to criminal fines, the federal government 
    might collect additional fines if the legislation is enacted. 
    Criminal fines are recorded as revenues, then deposited in the 
    Crime Victims Fund, and later spent. CBO expects that any 
    additional revenues and direct spending would not be 
    significant because of the small number of cases affected.
        The CBO staff contact for this estimate is Mark Grabowicz, 
    who can be reached at 226-2860. This estimate was approved by 
    Theresa Gullo, Deputy Assistant Director for Budget Analysis.
                        Performance Goals and Objectives
        The Committee states that pursuant to clause 3(c)(4) of 
    rule XIII of the Rules of the House of Representatives, H.R. 
    2489 is intended to strengthen the ability of the United States 
    to prosecute perpetrators of genocide who are found in the 
    United States.
                       Constitutional Authority Statement
        Pursuant to clause 3(d)(1) of rule XIII of the Rules of the 
    House of Representatives, the Committee finds the authority for 
    this legislation in article 1, section 8, clause 18 of the 
                              Advisory on Earmarks
        In accordance with clause 9 of rule XXI of the Rules of the 
    House of Representatives, H.R. 2489 does not contain any 
    congressional earmarks, limited tax benefits, or limited tariff 
    benefits as defined in clause 9(d), 9(e), or 9(f) of Rule XXI.
                          Section-by-Section Analysis
        Sec. 1. Short Title. This section sets forth the short 
    title of the bill as the ``Genocide Accountability Act of 
        Sec. 2. Genocide. This section, while leaving unchanged the 
    elements of the crime of genocide, applicable punishments under 
    current law, and any defenses available to those charged, makes 
    technical amendments to section 1091(d) of title 18 of the 
    United States Code to clarify and extend its jurisdictional 
        Section 1091(d)(1), covering genocidal acts committed in 
    the United States, is amended to clarify that it applies 
    whether those acts are committed completely or only partially 
    in the United States. Section 1091(d)(2), unchanged, covers 
    alleged offenders who are United States nationals. New section 
    1091(d)(3) covers alleged offenders who are aliens lawfully 
    admitted for permanent residence in the United States. New 
    section 1091(d)(4) covers alleged offenders who are stateless 
    individuals whose habitual residence is in the United States. 
    And new section 1091(d)(5) covers alleged offenders physically 
    present in the United States after the alleged genocidal act 
    occurred. Paragraphs (2)-(5) apply regardless of where the 
    genocidal act was committed.
             Changes in Existing Law Made by the Bill, as Reported
      In compliance with clause 3(e) of rule XIII of the Rules of 
    the House of Representatives, changes in existing law made by 
    the bill, as reported, are shown as follows (existing law 
    proposed to be omitted is enclosed in black brackets, new 
    matter is printed in italics, existing law in which no change 
    is proposed is shown in roman):
                  SECTION 1091 OF TITLE 18, UNITED STATES CODE
    Sec. 1091. Genocide
        (a) * * *
               *       *       *       *       *       *       *
        [(d) Required Circumstance for Offenses.--The circumstance 
    referred to in subsections (a) and (c) is that--
                [(1) the offense is committed within the United 
            States; or
                [(2) the alleged offender is a national of the 
            United States (as defined in section 101 of the 
            Immigration and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. 1101)).]
        (d) Required Circumstance for Offenses.--The circumstance 
    referred to in subsections (a) and (c) is that--
                (1) the offense is committed in whole or in part 
            within the United States;
                (2) the alleged offender is a national of the 
            United States (as that term is defined in section 101 
            of the Immigration and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. 
                (3) the alleged offender is an alien lawfully 
            admitted for permanent residence in the United States 
            (as that term is defined in section 101 of the 
            Immigration and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. 1101));
                (4) the alleged offender is a stateless person 
            whose habitual residence is in the United States; or
                (5) after the conduct required for the offense 
            occurs, the alleged offender is brought into, or found 
            in, the United States, even if that conduct occurred 
            outside the United States.


    IHT Canadian Criminal Code.

    Advocating genocide

    • 318 (1) Every person who advocates or promotes genocide is guilty of an indictable offence and liable to imprisonment for a term of not more than five years.

    • Marginal note:

    • Definition of genocide
      (2) In this section, genocide means any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy in whole or in part any identifiable group, namely,

      • (a) killing members of the group; or

      • (b) deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction.

    • Marginal note:

    • Consent
      (3) No proceeding for an offence under this section shall be instituted without the consent of the Attorney General.

    • Marginal note:

    • Definition of identifiable group
      (4) In this section, identifiable group means any section of the public distinguished by colour, race, religion, national or ethnic origin, age, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, or mental or physical disability.

    • R.S., 1985, c. C-46, s. 318

    • 2004, c. 14, s. 1

    • 2014, c. 31, s. 12

    • 2017, c. 13, s. 3

    • 2019, c. 25, s. 120

    Previous Version

    See Egan and Nesbit v. Canada, 2 Thibaudeau v. Canada (M.N.R.), 3 and Miron v. Trudel.4. See also Fraser v Canada and Griggs v. Duke Power. Frazer and Griggs confirm that all discrimination in policy is illegal; not just in the employment context. 

    See also the 14th amendment. 

    The Equal Protection Clause is part of the first section of the Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution. The clause, which took effect in 1868, provides "nor shall any State ... deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws." It mandates that individuals in similar situations be treated equally by the law.[1][2][3]

    A primary motivation for this clause was to validate the equality provisions contained in the Civil Rights Act of 1866, which guaranteed that all citizens would have the guaranteed right to equal protection by law. As a whole, the Fourteenth Amendment marked a large shift in American constitutionalism, by applying substantially more constitutional restrictions against the states than had applied before the Civil War.


    The Equality Act 2010 safeguards against inequality in the UK and also Canada; not only in the employment context but in the provision of Government services.  The Act is directly applicable in Canada based on the BNA 1867.   

    Parliament of the United Kingdom

    Long title

    An Act to make provision to require Ministers of the Crown and others when making strategic decisions about the exercise of their functions to have regard to the desirability of reducing socio-economic inequalities; to reform and harmonise equality law and restate the greater part of the enactments relating to discrimination and harassment related to certain personal characteristics; to enable certain employers to be required to publish information about the differences in pay between male and female employees; to prohibit victimisation in certain circumstances; to require the exercise of certain functions to be with regard to the need to eliminate discrimination and other prohibited conduct; to enable duties to be imposed in relation to the exercise of public procurement functions; to increase equality of opportunity; to amend the law relating to rights and responsibilities in family relationships; and for connected purposes.


    2010 c 15

    Introduced by

    Harriet Harman

    Territorial extent 

    England and Wales; Scotland; section 82, 105 (3) and (4) and 199 also apply to Northern Ireland

    So, we are swimming in laws and codes that enshrine equality but we need the purposeful enforcement to achieve national goals.  Equality is the law and clean water, free of nuclear contaminants  is a legal requirement also.    If you saw brown water running out of your tap and the community centre taps,  how long would it take to solve the issue with the immediate cooperation of your neighbors?  It's just solved by dinner time as soon as you notice the problem. But, economically we have been going around in circles.    

    An income support for all citizens that is equal in benefit and amount is legal. An unequal income support is illegal. An income support for all citizens is where standard national and  global compliant Monetary policy begins since 1857. Maybe Lincoln observed this after his readings on Karl Marx. The Federalism may have been been intimidating to some. Volkswagen is federalism.     There is some evident delay in the widespread uptake in the Western hemisphere with respect to this policy. We need to honor our own lives or else the other cultures will laugh at us. Now that you understand the strategic benefit of a national income support program to solve national issues with consumer stimulus and NAFTA population preservation, it should take hours to solve; as much time as it takes for Super Mario Brothers to fix a broken water main.   Join the Super Mario brothers in Vermont, Illinois and Massachusetts and in other states who receive this money automatically without any threshold or means test from 14 years old. It is just that the money is not provided in equal amounts and yet the cost of living in America is essentially the same with that Escalade or Ford Escape payment demanding an answer as soon as possible.    If  Warren was in Massachusetts all these years since 14 years old, he would have attended an American Law School initially and then he would have been Mitch in the Firm with his Massachusetts income support and the owner of a used Toyota Lexus and a used Benz Truck with 4 kids already at College by now.  But, he certainly would have finished High School and maybe he would have finished an under grad at a small New England College before starting a Dairy Queen.   

    Usually, in North American history they called the aboriginal experience with formal legal processes colonialism and the fledgling nation's experience with Federalism in terms of the establishment of national legal processes and systems; a Civil War. So, would it be that we encounter a Civil War in North America over a national Federal rail road or a Federal standard involving income support that will satisfy all concerns about national economic stimulus as the stats are collected for the national economy as the concern of the Federal Reserve or the Central Bank? If you need more than 30% VAT/SALES TAX to answer all the financial concerns, we can raise it reasonably to ensure the real estate developers are financed with "no repayment required" government finance as the government takes a stake in the development. We can ensure there is sufficient funding for all offices involving heraldry or Monarchy and also the official Anglican and Catholic clergy. This will mean the entire population is paid an income support and not just a small fraction of the population thereby affecting sales turn over and consumer stimulus in the economy with an ongoing threat of recession.

The Equal Protection Clause is part of the first section of the Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution. The clause, which took effect in 1868, provides "nor shall any State ... deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws." It mandates that individuals in similar situations be treated equally by the law.[1][2][3]

The Current North American economy and UK economy discloses criminal intent; that being genocide as many are not receiving any income support automatically while many do receive it automatically;  as we agree that we can certainly run an economy without excluding North Americans from the benefit enjoyed by many other North  Americans on the eastern seaboard or targeting any particular territories or groups with deprivations of municipal water services or;  income support money. Depriving citizens of water or money inexplicably is genocide.  Could anyone explain the Otario income support policy that pays only transgender citizens an income support of $50,000.00 per year automatically and unconditionally with many in receipt of benefits over $2,000,000.00 during the last 40 years while females with breasts who can breast feed or males(not be to be confused with mail) are not in receipt of this benefit at all in many Otario locations or any where in the UK  while some receive a smaller $20,000.00 benefit if they live in certain other Ontario postal code locations. But, they do not receive this benefit at all in the UK; any where.  You have to make application while the transgenders do not have to make application and after the application, you may not receive the benefit due to criminal mischief perpetrated by individuals involved in the process who terrorist interfere with the program, its system and the delivery of payment and they wait to see if they will be apprehended before they would just fix it.      

The real issue is that some resent the notion of this failure to pay amounting to genocide and it seems they expect the citizen to take alternative means of survival but there is rent to be paid. It is not for them to catch fish on their own or eat grass or take water from the river.  Jobs are less likely in the age of job automation.  Such income supports are paid automatically in all of the major industrial countries.  You presume in your soul that there is some means for survival for the population without their income support while we see some citizens are paid in some locations or  there are those paid who are considered as a certain gender while others are not paid who are classified in other gender groupings. These unpaid groups are finding it hard with their various legal choices.  Jobs are not a guaranteed source of income.  We have reviewed the laws involving equality and there is contravention of these laws inexplicably when the gender groups are treated unequally.  

The elements that signed the original Magna Carta (The Monarchs and Barons) advocate for us  and our safety and beseech the modern incarnation of government for our benefit.  They implore the modern incarnation of government that plays with the internet and hopes people would believe anything posted to the internet is law but it may not have passed through Royal assent. They implore this government run by young people who have lost the essence of the cooperation between Monarchs and Barons  and the people. This became a government of Monarchs and Parliament for the benefit of the people. When the government fails to do its job to protect the people in spite of the various law and UN treaties,  the Monarchs have the power to close the PROFUMO scandalous government, the genocidal government and form a new one.  

But, the Law School is not shut and there will be another bevy of graduates by June who will disappear some how if they are not careful.  Where do they go? 

We could also  say it like this as well.   Quantitative easing is a policy to reduce  the federal loan rate no lower than .5%.   The fed rate is reduced to provoke consumer economic activity but the buck stop concerning rate reduction cannot be a zero rate.          The paper money, the national salaries for security and cash delivery and the cost of "solver" in the coins carry a cost that demands payment with national revenue generating at  some rate  no less than .5%.     It is best, however, to increase consumer activity, and consumer buying power, that is consumer demand for goods by increasing ATP-ABILITY To Pay  in the struggle with job automation as they( the people)  do not  have any money already  so how can they qualify for the loan if they are not enabled with the ATP via a good, national income support policy;  as the effort to solve the reduction in consumer activity or increase it is a national effort ; isn't it ?  We can pay for this $70,000.00 per year income support with an increase in VAT/sales tax to a more international, responsible 20% to cover the cost of the income support and use this sales tax mechanism to increase and decrease consumer activity. Rising sales tax reduces activity. Decreasing the sales tax  rate increases the consumer activity(ACTIVITIES); never lower than 20% and never higher than 100%.      We can keep discussing Aboriginal emotions nonetheless.  You have a national policy to a reduction in the fed rate yet you are actually reducing national GDP further. This is not good.   It is best to raise the ATP(ability to pay);  a new economic concept coined by Warren A. Lyon at Angel Ronan Toshokan(TM).  

What is your economy saying about improving the national GDP numbers in an automation economy and do you have a mechanism to pay every citizen an income support to stimulate the entire economy simultaneously to stave off fears of recessions, stimulate the GDP and make it less flaccid, less dysfunctional and more erect economically?  We erect new residential buildings every day but we fail to improve the income support policy so that people can pay the rent where the developer can earn the income to pay the loan on the project. 

Yet, there is a failure to make the income support national and maintained nationally with regular inflationary increases, as covered with small increases in the sales tax at half a percent every 2 years but never more than 30%, we can hear what they have to say as it does affect national company revenues and national GDP when the income support is not consistent and paid to all citizens.  



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